The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 09, 1905, Image 1

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Let Us Help You
Wo want to assist you in the
choice of your wall decorations
furniture polish enamels stains
and other house cleaning necessi
If you need a painter or paper
hanger let us know wo save you
the trouble of finding him
Remember we aro headquarters
for wall paper in all grades and
that our prices aro the most at
tractive ever offered you for such
goods We know wo can please
you and also savo you money on
your wall papor purchases
See our windows for some of the
things you need in spring house
cleaning campaign and romember
that wo carry only the best of
everything in such goods and at
the same time you savo money
when you give us your orders
Conk Bros Druggists
Leased Old Race Track
A number of thoso of McCook who
ro interested in fine and fast horses
have leased the ground embraced in
the old race trick east of the city and
It is hoped to be able to get the grounds
and trackjn shape to have somo races
in connection with the Fourth of July
celebration Arrangements are now be
ing made to provide purses for a few
racing events which will add materially
to the attendance and amusement of the
day The idea is being encouraged by
the Fourth of July committee of the
McCook Commercial club and will
doubtless receive substantial assistance
in making up the purses
Ready To Use
For Little Jobs
There are dozens of places around every
home which could bo made more sightly
by the use of a little paint or enamel
We have a ready mixed paint in handy
little cans for every job of the kind
Enamels Varnishes Stains Floor
Paints Family Paints All of them
jready to use and yon can do as good a
job as a professional
McConnell druggist
Wright Thomas
AE Wright stenographer for Chief
Dispatcher W B Mills and Miss Lulu
3Iay Williams of Iowa City Iowa were
married by Rev M B Carson in the
Methodist parsonage Sunday June
4th 1905 at 5 oclock They went to
Denver on 3 same night on brief hon
eymoon returning home on Tuesday
They aro living in the J E Kelley cot
Congregational Church Meeting
There will be a meeting of the mem
bers of the Congregational church in
the church nest Monday evening to
consider the matter of calling a pastor
Every member is urged to be present
Remember the dance to be held in the
McCook skating rink on Tuesday even
ing June 20 1905 by the K of P or
chestra Tickets admitting lady and
gentleman 100 All spectators 25 cents
6 9 2ts
Game of Base Ball
Lovers of the national game will have
an opportunity to do somo rooting
Thursday of next week when the Tren
ton base ball club will be here to play a
local aggregation
Doans 91
is the Cream of all thats good The
sensitive touch of the most experienced
miller can produce no better flour
Its in The Citizens Bank building
the new Stokes grocery The stock
is new and fresh and clean You will
receive courteous attention in the store
and prompt delivery of your purchases
Try him
McCook has an enviable reputation
as the foremost city of enterprise in the
western country Doans 91 patent has
been one of McCooks best advertise
No need to half sole your own shoes
when Stulken Bauer only charge 50
cents a pair First door south of De
Dr E O Vahue has rented rooms
over The Bee Hive and will oper dental
offices therein July first
For Sale A three month s old full
blood Shorthorn bull calf Inquire at
the water works
Water coolers at W T Colemans
Place one in your store and see if wont
help your trade
Just received a new lot of white waist
patterns with embroidery panels 75c at
The freshest newest and cleanest in
groceries fruits and meats at Stokes
new grocery
Extra sizes in gauze underwear at
Ladies pongee coats for 8375 at
Mrs C A Stone joined her husband
in Haigler this week
Mrs J Fred Brewer has gone to Ra
ton N M where Fred located somo
weeks since
Miss Eva Meyers is a guest of her
sister Mrs T A Wilburn and a Junior
Normal student
Mrs C A McConnell arrived from
LovelandColo last week and is a guest
of her son L W McConnell again
Dr and Mrs H J Pratt took No G
Monday night for New York where
they will take a Cunarder for London
England They will return hero early
in August
Miss Katharine daughter of Dr and
Mrs T B Stutzman of Davenport Neb
arrived in the city end of last week and
is a student at Junior Normal and a
guest of her uncle C II Boyle for the
mid summ r
Percy Bell was severely injured in
the face Wednesday in exploding some
powder in a receptacle of some sort It
was loaded Mr Bell carries his face
in a sling and is under the doctors care
with painful injuries
H P Sutton is preparing the way
for a new residence to adorn his sitely
corner on Main and Dakota streets
Tho old residence is now -being moved
north some fifty feet or more and in
due time a new modern and enlarged
home will replace it
Mrs E E Ma gee and baby Bruce
arrived from Fairmont Saturday on
No 1 and will remain tho guests of her
sister Mrs F M Kimmell during the
heated season Mr Magee is a Junior
Normal instructor at Holdrege this
year and becomes supt of schools at
Ashland in the fail
Mrs C B Rowell departed Thurs
day evening for Max Nebraska where
she will visit her son Elmer a while
She will be gone most of the summer
and will be a guest of her daughter Mrs
U J Warren in Fort Morgan and her
son John F Rowell in Eldora Colorado
before returning home
Mrs and Miss Sara arrived
from Los Angeles Calif last Friday
evening spending the day here on busi
ness and in greeting friends they left
on the night train that date for eastern
part of the state They will visit in
Omaha Lincoln Brown ville and other
points They expect to go to Europe
in August on a visit and will there
after return to the Pacific coast to live
Both are in good health and spirits and
have enjoyed their California life
The new state law prohibits the giving
of any trading stamps so turn in your
blue stamps and secure a premium at
J H Grannis store before they are all
gone j
Our Paints
The Lincoln absolutely pure are giv
ing entire satisfaction and sold on a
guarantee If you want the best
mixed Paint or Lead and oil var
nishes and stains we would like to
figure with you
McMillen Druggist
Notice Teachers and Prospective Teachers
The first and second weeks of the Mc
Cook Junior Normal school June 5 to
17 inclusive will be the institute weeks
for Red Willow county One week is
the limit on compulsory attendance at
institute so I am designating the sec
ond week as the one for compulsory at
tendance Let me urge you though to
be present the first week also to get
your work planned yourself comfortably
located and all preliminary arrangements
made so that the second or institute
week may be given wholly to school
work Excuse from institute attendance
will be granted only after previous con
sultation with the superintendent and
then only for good and sufficient reasons
This is the annual business meeting of
the teachers and it is for the best inter
ests of the schools and of all concerned
that each teacher be present So come
and let us make this the best institute
yet held in this county
Flora B Quick CoSupt
Cool lawn dressing sacques 44 cents at
Boys India Panama harvest hats 10c
at Thompsons
Seo that road wagon at Colemans for
3350 its a peach
Everything in wash fabrics 4c to
60c at Thompsons
Ice cream social at the Dodge school
house June 15 1905 for benefit of the
All shoe repairing promptly and neatly
done Bring in your work -
The Bee Hive
W Meyers an old time shoe maker
from Lincoln has accepted a position
at The Bee Hive
Big in thoughtbig in experience big
in his ability to instruct
and entertain
Still retains his hold on the American
people and remains one of the most
popular lecture attractions in the
country He is always in great de
mand but through an early invita
tion of a friend he stops off here be
tween trains to deliver ono of his
most pleasing lectures on his way to
the Boulder Colorado Chautauqua
where he spends two days The
fame of this man as an original
speaker evangelist and man has
caused such wide spread talk and
criticism and his good deeds and
charities aro recorded by so many
men and women that he stands in a
unique place of his own There is
only one Sam Jones and bo will be
This lecture will be given in the
commodious and comfortable audi
torium of tho new ME church under
the auspices of the E L and Y P
of the L A Tickets will bo on sale
after June 12th at LWMcConnells
drug store or by members of the so-
Successful Firemens Dance
The dance held in the opera house
Tuesday evening by tho city volunteer
firemen was an enjoyable success in
every detail The attendance was all
the hall would comfortably accommo
date and the crowd was congenial and
The K of P orchestra of seven pieces
provided the music which was of their
best vintage
An item of refreshment was the big
punch bowl presided over by Dollie Pen
nell and Ethel Morrissey And there
was comfort in the operation of the two
electric fans used
The fire laddies cleared about forty
dollars besides having a big time and
showing their numerous guests the
same article
Chief Scott and the boys are to be
congratulated upon the outcome or tnis
social venture
350 Takes Them All
A Crown piano with Angelus piano-
playing attachment and about 30 tolls
of music S350 buys them Angelus is
also an organ All in first class condi
tion Can be seen over Pades furnitnre
store George Beck
Fractured an Arm
A younger daughter of J W Mat
thews fell down the stairway leadingto
a barn loft last week and sustained a
fractured arm
First in the hearts of all good bread
lovers is Doans 01 patent You need
the flour to keep well fed Doan needs
your trade to knead your bread
The mills of the Gods grind slowly
but never grind finer flour than Doans
mills produce
Stulken dont care where you buy
your shoes He half soles them for
Ladies extra size belts 323136 inches
at Thompsons
Pink tape corset girdles 50 cents at
We Have
Have a good one at any price and in
any style that you want No use
trying to tell you how comfortable
they are but we do claim for them
that they are the best and strongest
hammocks made They are built
more for service than show but you
will be wholly pleased with their
appearance as well as the low prices
we have put on them
McConnell druggist
Of the thirty bishops of the Methodist
church there is none greater than
Bishop Berry He will lecture in the
Methodist church here about July 3rd
Our living friends are not our only
advertisers Competitive importations
resort to devious methods to decry the
merits of Doans 91 patent
Its your move See J H Grannis
adv in another part of this paper for
Best carpet warp on spools 19c at
Furnished rooms for rent over Lud
wicks store
Best shirring prints itc a yard at
Mens helmet hats20c at Thompsons
The McCook junior normal school be
gan its third summer session under very
favorable auspices Monday morning at
the East ward building The first day
was devoted to enrolling organizing
and assignment of work so that on
Tuesday the classes were running in
regular order The total enrollment to
day aggregates 106 which is three more
than were in the school the first week
ljjstyoar whilo in 1903 it was but 97
This steady but sure increase is indica
tive of the growth of the junior normal
school idea
Of tho instructor corps Mr C II Mil
ler of Lincoln and Miss Eva OSulli
van of South Omaha are already well
known to McCook people Besides hav
ing charge of the music Mr Miller
teaches two grammar classes one class
in composition and one in arithmetic
Miss OSullivan conducts the instruction
in botany physics physical geography
and political geography Supt C M
Barr of Neligh will prove an active co
worker in the school He teaches agri
culture U S history reading and lit
erature Supt II F Hooper is from
Clarks and he will interest the teachers
in algebra geometry arithmetic and
civics Miss Nellie M Schlee of Lin
coln has charge of the model rural
school which is probably tho most
unique as well as tho most helpful fea
ture of the junior normal Supt Thom
as has charge of the pedagogy and school
management classes
Miss Flora B Quick superintendent
of Red Willow county is a regular at
Next week will be the regular week
for institute for all Red Willow county
The chapel hour comes at 1120 in the
forenoon now instead of at 10 ocock as
in former years
Supt Jas OConnell who will take
charge of five classes in the normal after
the first of July was a visitor Monday
A fine additional entertainment will
be given by Dean Henry L Southwick
a reading from Richlieu June 21 under
normal auspices
Cooke is the first entertainer in the
course and comes Juno 16 One in
structor has heard him twelve times and
says he is superb in fact the best of the
Joint Memorial Day
The Modern Woodmen Royal Neigh
bors Workmen and Degree of Honor
will jointly observe Memorial Day Sun
day in the Methodist church Commit
tees from the orders will meet at their
halls at 930 in the morning and march
from there to the cemeteries to decorate
the graves of departed members and
families of members The orders will
meet at their halls and go to the Meth
odist church at 2 45 in the afternoon to
participate in the regular program of the
day at three oclock
Five Dollars Reward
for information to recover feather bed
stolen from Diamonds
A few years ago all machinery was
made from wood and today any piece of
farm machinery that is not made of steel
is out of date The latest is the steel
wagon In a few years there will be
nothing but steel wagons W TCole
man has them now You should call
and see them
Baby bonnets and caps in lawn in
embroidery in silk trimmed with lace
with ruching with embroidery also
crocheted silk ones prices 20c to 1 at
Stokes new grocery in The Citizens
Bank building is now open and ready
for business Everything in groceries
fruits and meats new and fresh Call
and see
Solomon said There is nothing new
under the sun but Solomon never saw
Sam Jones You can both see and hear
him July 21st at the M E church
You surely will want one of those
Quick Meal gasoline stoves or a refrig
erator or an ice cream freezer at Cole
mans before the big celebration
Brakeman J E Rider and mother are
visiting in Chicago forten days- Floyd
Roberson is flagging in his stead
W E Ochsner and August Brink
man are new prakeman this week
The famous electric light specials
Monday morning reached the McCook
division over an hour late The first
section reached Denver five minutes
ahead of time and the second section
on the dot Conductor Washburn and
crew had first section Conductor Cal
len had second section to McCook and
Conductor Miller took it on to Denver
Linen lawn shirt waist suits at Thomp
Attempted Murder and Attempted Suicide
Tho Horn of nows of greatest moment
and interest occurring in Red Willow
county this week is tho attempted
murder of Martha Colling by Clarence
Gill and his subsequent attempted sui
The Colling farm was tho scene of tho
incident and Monday afternoon late tho
date Tho Charlie Colling farm it will
bo remembered is locatod about two
miles south of Indianola
Insane jealousy is tho motive prompt
ing tho deeds Martha Colling was
shot in both wrists one of tho balls bo
ing subsequently removed but tlioother
was not traced at once Neither is re
garded as serious Gill shot himself
in tho head above the right ear produc
ing only a scalp wound tho flattened
ball being easily removed from under
the scalp
Aftor the shooting Gill forced the
girl to get into the buggy and they
started for the homo of his parents at
Kanona Kansas about 35 miles south
east of Indianola to which place ollicors
traced them the same night and where
Gill was at once placed under arrest
At Kanona both received soire surgi
cal attendance
Tuesday the girl and young man
were both brought to Indianola where
on being arraigned for a preliminary
hearing Gill waived tho examination
and ho was sent to tho county jail in
McCook to appear before tho next term
of district court charged with crimes of
assault with intent to murder and with
assault with intent to wound Ho was
placed in tho county jail Tuesday
Gill is about 26 years of age and
Martha Colling is about 16 years old
Gill has been a hired man on tho Coll
ing farm this season and is it is slated
much in love with the girl Insane jeal
ousy of the girl is said to have been tho
prompting to the dastardly deed Miss
Colling is the daughter of Mrs Mary
Colling widow of Charles Colling Mrs
Colling was in McCook receiving medi
cal attention at the time of tho deed
and was driven to her home the same
Childrens Day Program
The children of the Congregational
Sunday School will observe Childrens
Day next Sunday evening when an
appropriate programme will be given in
the church to which the public is cordi
ally invited
Rooms For Rent
Five rooms over W W McMillens
shop Inquire of S D McClain
Sweet Potato and Tomato
Plants at Rishels 3 blocks north of
brick school house
Mens suits 8350 to 813 50 at Thomp
Best table oil cloth 15 cents a yard at
Our Mr Meyers will get your shoes
repaired promptly at The Bee Hive
Stulken dont care where you buy
your shoes But he half soles them
for 50c
Ladies brilliantine and Panama
skirts in black and colors 350 to 83 at
Special on Wall Paper
We have some desirable patterns
in better grade papers at special
prices Lome in and see then
A McMillen Druggist
We have now in our employe a first
class shoemaker who will attend to all
your shoes needing repair
The Bee Hive
Out-of-town products are not in com
petition when quality and excellence are
considered as factors in flour Theres
none so good as Doans 91
The finest gas engine and alfalfa grind
er that has ever been placed on the
market at W T Colemans Call and
see it
The new Stokes grocery is now open
for business The freshest of every
thing in groceries fruits and meats
Give him a trial
We take pride in getting your shoe
repairing done promptly and at reason
able prices The Bee Hive
Remember that all shoes bought at
The Bee Hive will be sewed and nailed
free by our Mr Meyers
Shoes repaired and work guaranteed
at the old stand The Bee Hive
American A 2 bushel seamless grain
bags 16c at Thompsons
Boys balbriggan union suits 50c at
Thompson s
Japanese long kimonos 8135 at Thomp
830 oclock
Unwiflo it is to bonst my friend if crim do-
font lias found you
Unnecessary is tho boast if Ind success
lins crowned you
Edmund Vance Cooko in Lippincotts
Nevertheless people demand tho
opinions of papers so horo aro a few
MrCooko is poetauthor and im
porsonator His impersonations nro
fine Each individual stood out and
became an interesting character
Chattanooga Times
His program abounds with vivid
flashes of wit and sparks of merri
ment Now and again ho touches a
strain of tendorest sentiment Theru
is in him something of Riloy some
thing of Field nor is there lacking
the keenness of Twainyot unlike any
any of thoniho is tho original Cooko
cordial and genial poet ontortainor
and philosopher Ueloit WisjFreo
Cooko is the first number iu tho
McCook Junior Normal School En
tertainment Courso Ho will givo a
happy evening with poetry philos
opy and humor and is guaranteed to
Reserved seats on sale at McCon
nells Tuesday Juno 13 at noon 50
a Recital by
Dean of Emerson School of Oratory
Boston Mass
830 oclock p in
Auspices McCook Junior Normal
Pakt i Honor of this Woods W II If
Alphabetical Romance
Lament of the Camel Himself
Part ii ThoCardinal Kiun Bulver Ljt
tons romatic and poetic drama
Act i The Lovers
Act ii The Monk and the Spy
Act in The Lions Skin and tho Fox
Act iv The Cure of Rome
Act v There at My Feet
At present time Dean of Emerson
College of Oratory Boston Henry
Lawrence Southwick for several seas
ons has been a prominent and brill
iant figure upon thelyceum platform
His work possesses the attractiveness
and force that win tho public finish
and artistic beauty which command
the praise of scholars and thinkers
His personality will instantly cam
mand tho interest of any audience
He is a man to be remembered among
a thousand
MrSouthwick held me spellbound
Mrs Mar A- Livermore
Mr had an immensely
laughter provoking way of reciting
humorous selections BostonfMassj
Immensely pleasing San Diego
Calj Union
I have had a wide experience and
have heard most of the lecturers and
entertainers who have been promi
nently before the public during the
last thirty five years and I have
never listened to a more attractive
lecturer than Mr Southwick James
L Hughes Supt of Public Instruc
tion Toronto Ontario
Fine literary discernment and rare
eloquence of expression Toronto
Ont Mail
A fine voice Madison i Wis Dem
Stokes the grocer
McConnell for drugs
Umbrellas 50c to 5 at Thompsons
Everything in drugs McConnell
Boys suits 85c to 85 at Thompsons
Ladies wrappers 50c to 8150 at
Girls gauze union suits 25c 30c 35c
at Thompsons
A second hand surrey for sale cheap
at W T Colemans
Best apron check ginghams at 5 cents
a yard at Thompsons
The best and handsomest in neck and
sash ribbons at Thompsons
Rooms for rent over the market
D C Marsh
8950 a ton is the price for that extra
fine bright baled hay just shipped in by
Wanted Good girl for general house
work Good wages Mrs R B Archi
Ideal white and colored waists in
lawn in silk 75c to 8075 at Thompsons
exclusive agents
Its your move now Ill move latter
See Honest Johns adv in another part
of this paper for particulars
Why not get one of those oak water
three gallon kegs to carrv water to the
field in Take a look at those at W