Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1905)
u f r r - a TWENTY FOURTH YEAR lielp your trade Let Us Help You Wo want to assist you in the choice of your wall decorations furniture polish enamels stains and other house cleaning necessi ties If you need a painter or paper hnnger let us know wo save you the trouble of finding him Remember we are headquarters for wall paper in all grades and that our prices are the most at tractive oyer offered you for such goods We know we can please you and also save you money on your wall paper purchases See our windows for some of the things you need in spring house cleaning campaign and remember that we carry only the best of everything in such goods and at the same time you save money when you give us your orders Conk Bros Druggists Omaha and South Omaha Boosters The visit of the Omaha Commercial club and South Omaha Stock associa tion last Friday morning was a stirring ancidenc Their special train arrived Siere early in the morning and the iparty was soon afterwards divided part rgoing to the Palmer and part to the Commercial hotel where special ar Tangements had been perfected to break fast them After breakfast the boosters dispers ed over the town visiting the business lmen in their place of business and view ing the residence portion of the city The visitors were lavishly supplied vith literature badges bittons and isouvonirs galore which they scattered with a prodigal hand Latter the visitors met the members of the McCook Commercial club in the flatters club rooms where there was an exchange of courtesies and hot air Mes ssrsBarnett Carman and others speaking a word of welcome etc for McCook Mes srs Hose water Hitchcock and others re sponding for Omaha and adding abusi raess word as well The company numbered nearly 200 embracing the First Regiment Band N N G of Wisner which added to the entertainment by several quite excellent numbers They were a jolly lot of boosters with an eye to business Paint Is To a Building -what clothing is to the body It is just as important You should take as much care in selecting the paint to clothe your building as you do in selecting the ma terial to clothe your person Paint pre serves and gives beauty to the building In painting the labor costs more than the material There will be a large waste if the right paint is not used The Sherwin Williams Paint is made for painting buildings with It is not a flow priced paint but it is cheap because the best McConnell Druggist aaMaMmtxiiJwjtwALjmiBJWa Disperson of the Pedagogue The out-of-town teachers have all -gone to their respective homes or where they will spend the summer vacation Miss Gertrude Storer to Nelson Tues day Miss Louise Rist to Pisgah Iowa Sunday night Miss Medora Santee to Colorado Springs Wednesday Miss Winnie Daigh to Harrah Okla Miss Myrtle Jones to Brownville Miss Effie Abbott to Peru Miss Carrie Budlong Thursday to Detroit where she will tspend the summer with a sister Supt and Mrs G H Thomas went down to iHarvard Wednesday on a brief visit with his parents Closed His Pastorate Rev G A Conrad closed hispartorate of the Congregational church last Sun day evening Unfortunately the storm kept many away from the service Rev Conrad and family will remain here duringthe present summer at least be iing interested and engaged in sugar beet culture on the South Side The Congregational brethren are making ar rangements to fill the pulpit vacancy Its in The Citizens Bank building the new Stokes grocery The stock as new and fresh and clean You will Teceive courteous attention in the store and prompt delivery of your purchases Try him The mill can never grind- unless the man behind knows his business The proof of the flour is in the baking Doans 91 takes the crimson badge for excellence The Royal Neighbors of America Camp 862 will meet Tuesday June 6th and will meet every first and third Tuesday evenings at eight oclock here after Water coolers at W T Colemans Place one in your store and see if wont The freshest newest and cleanest in groceries fruits and meats at Stokes aew grocery 5k iWwt MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Allie Keys joined the family in Wil souville Tuesday A Campbell returned on No 1 Sun day from Chicago Mrs W D Burnett is visiting Red Cloud relatives this week LI EL Berry delivered the Memorial sermon at Max Sunday James Powexl was down from Dundy county Saturday on business J Fred Zell is down from Denver a guest of A Campbell this week Mrs C A Barnard and sister Rach el Gregg are in the east on a visit Harold Sutton has joined the irri gation surveyors at Minatare Nebraska S R Smith of Indianola was up on matters of business Saturday evening Mrs L S Sage of Alliauco is a guest of her sister Mrs W S Morlan this week Mr and Mrs J N Noe of Indianola were gueets of Mr and Mrs J II Gro vert Sunday Miss Minnie Rowell entertained the members of the Awl Os club Wed nesday evening Mrs J E Kelley has been taking treatment in a Lincoln sanatorium since close of last week Miss Stella Fuller returned Wed nesday night from a visit in Havelock and Lincoln of a few days Mrs G II Woods mother of Mrs W M Stoner will return to her homo in Weeping Water tomorrow Miss Edna M Barr returned early in - the week from a two weeks visit with Holdrege relatives and friends W S Mills has moved to Beverly in Hitchcock county and will work for the Standard Beet Sugar Co this season J M Bainie late of the Republican force returned to Lincoln Monday night resigning his position in the local office Mrs Ed Caffrey who has been up from Stamford Nebraska guest of Mr and Mrs Frank Real left for home Thursday morning together with the children Rev Dwight H Platt of Smith Cen ter Kansas who will occupy the Con gregational pulpit nest Sunday morn ing and evening will arrive in the city this evening - Our Paints The Lincoln absolutely pure are giv ing entire satisfaction and sold on a guarantee If you want tho best mixed Paint or Lead and oil var nishes and stains we would like to figure with you McMillen Druggist - A Rare Treat A rare treat is in store for the people of this community who love the best in literature and art On Wednesday June 21 Henry L Southwick of Boston dean of the Emerson college of oratory will be in McCook the guest of friends and will present an interpretation of the Cardinal King from Bulwer Lyttons ro mantic drama Richlieu Mr South- wick nas been for many years a promi nent and brilliant figure upon the lyceum platform and is one of a few really great men who has won distinction as a read er In this connection it may be added that he is the activo manager of the Emerson school of oratory the foremost school of expression in America the president of which is William J Rolfe the eminent Shakespearian scholar All McCook should rejoice at this opportun ity to see a man whose personality will instantly command the attention of any audience and to hear a recital of the very finest worth Largest line of shirt waists at Thomp sons White bed spreads from 75c to 275 at Thompsons Shoes half soled for 35 cents by Stulken Bauer See that road wagon at Colemans for 3850 its a peach Furniture sold on easy payments Wilsons Second Hand Store at Rooms to Rent Over The Bee Hive Inquire at the store Lost Tuesday two college pins Finder kindly return to Miss Alpha Christian All shoe repairing promptly and neatly done Bring in your work The Bee Hive W Meyers an old time shoe maker from Lincoln has accepted a position at The Bee Hive The new state law prohibits thegiving of any trading stamps so turn in your blue stamps and secure a premium at J H Grannis store before they are all gone American Beauty corsets and girdles in all styles and grades 35c to 100 guaranteed Money back after four weeks actual wear if dissatisfied Th Thompson D G Co exclusive agents I S Jllc00li SXS5XS5X5X COMMENCEMENT WEEK Details of the Closing Exercises of the Ho Cook High School INTERESTING MERITORIOUS EXERCISES Eleventh Grade ReceptionAlumni Reception and Banquetand the Minor Details of the Strenuous Week Last week from baccalaureate to commencement the McCook public schools had the center of the stage were the clear and perfect focus of public vision Each and every function of the week drew a larger hearing than the new Methodist church could seat and very general and quite complete satisfaction is expressed at the result in particular and in toto Commencing with the baccalaureate sermon vhich was fully noted in last weeks issue following with the class day exercises which are treated more in detail this week this article deals with the climax commencement and the lesser social affairs of the closing days of the weekgiving full prominence to the class day and commencement exercises SX2 COMMENCEMENT The formal programs of the week were rounded off Friday evening with the commencement exercises in tho Method i t church There was the usual over- flowing audience and keenness of in terest The program opened with a piano solo by Mrs W B Mills who gave a very acceptable rendering of Smythes La Tarrent de la Montague Rev A B Carson followed with an eloquent feeling invocation In a modest and brief salutatory Miss Ada May McAninch introduced the speaker of the evening Dr D F Fox of Chicago Dr Fox spoke to the subject The Neglected Cavalier and it is within the facts to say that no commencement speaker who has appeared before the people of McCook in years agone has ex celled or outclassed him in any particu lar It was a superb and masterful ad dress one to add inches to the chest expansion of every American citizen who hears it The -euphonium numbers which fol lowed in the writers humble opinion were the finest in point of interpretation and execution that Mr F A Pennell has ever rendered Tho first selection was a Song to the Evening Star from Wagners Tannhauser The second The Rosary a song by E Nevin The valedictory fell in sound and well choseutfwords from the lips of Richard Oscar Green whose standing in the class of 05 is altogether enviably excel lent Secretary C W Barnes of the board of education in a few earnest words pre sented the members of the class with the tangible evidence of their having completed the prescribed course of the McCook high school Pinsutis Good Night Beloved by Mrs G H Thomas Miss Ida McCarl Mr S B McLean and Mr J R Mc Carl and thebrief benediction by Rev G A Conrad concluded the exercises which deserve a high position among the commencements of the McCook high school alumni reception and banquet There was a large representation of the alumni at the annual reception and banquet Monday evening May 29th in the high school building about sixty being present to enjoy the function The assembly room in the east ward brick building was appropriately furnished for the reception and the recitation room immediately south provided ample quarters for the banquet which was served by the Ladies Aid society of the Methodist church with due regard to form and article as the appended menu will disclose MENU Strawberries Escalloped Chicken Potato CHps Salad Pickles Jellv Rolls Pineapple Ice Cake Coffee That there was ample flow of soul as the toasts attest and the hour of dispersion two a m testifies to the joyousness of the affair en toto which concluded a strenuous week of varied school functions TOASTS The Occasion We Celebrate J E Ludwick 97 The infants Charles R Rice 05 An Alumnus in Politics JR McCarl 97 The Friendship of Friends Miss Hannah Stangland 91 Forces that Win John L Rice 02 Auld Lang Syne G H Thomas Toastmaster CLASS DAY Miss Lillie E McClain in her essay on Silent Influences made clear that the world gets its great impulses from the still small voices the spiritual forces not in brass band style Miss Ruby J Fitzgeralds recitation of the Ride of Collings Graves left little to be desired The picture was in herently stirring expression clear and action appropriate Success in Life was the subject of a very earnest and thoughtful oration by Miss Ada M McAninch giving a high ideal of success and a noble plan of achievement Gossip was the topic of a very snap py and lively spirited essay from tho pen of Miss Lillie M Campbell The subject was cleverly handled and much appreciated Mis3 Lona J Phelps recitation of a Scene From KenilworthbySir Walter Scott had an artistic touch and finish quite unexpected and charming Miss Lillie M Campbell and Miss Emma M Perry gave a very enjoyable piano duet in Sponholtzs Scherzo Drilliante Miss Ada A Hammond read the class poems one of them being reproduced in connection with this article Miss Bertha M Cartys essay showed the best way to Get Ready for the Place Above You was to do the thing in hand to the best of ones ability Duty well performed opens the door of opportunity Charles R Rice in his class history rraVft O us a gentle breeze from Erin Charles is but a brave bit of the old sod but the measure of a full bloomed Irishman in blarney and wit and the quaint manner in which he hit off the members of the class of 05 was keenly appreciated and amusing The debate Resolved that a college training increases ones chance of mak ing life a well rounded success while the overplus of the program from a time standpoint was one of the strongest and most entertaining features of the evening The participants were Af firmative Richard O Green Winifred E Browne Charles E Rice negative Edna Waite Eward W Hanson Emma M Perry The class songs were an appreciated innovation The numbers given were Oer the Waters Rowley Sum mer Now Hath Come Among TJs Wilson and Anchored As culture in vocal music seems to be quite the exclusive province of the public schools this feature may well be further am plified The orchestral numbers were especial ly pleasing and meritorious There were fourteen members in the organiza tion The splendid program embraced the following superb selections Excerpts from the musical comedy The De fender Tobani Gavotte Rain Drops Saumell Selections from the opera Norma Bellini Japanese in termezzo Poppies Moret H P Sutton was director and the personnel and instrumentation were as follows B J Sutton violin Henry Best violin A G Goth violin Roswell Cutler violo G S Scott saxaphone E J Wilcox double bass J A Gaardeclari net C B Clark cornet A P Ely cornet S C Beach French horn J E Ludwick French horn F A Pennell trombone F M Dickey drums and traps J G Schobel piano MOTTO FLOWER COLORS The class motto is Pro Bono Publi co The flower White Rose Colors Light blue and gold VLUALiLUUbU U t DHUiilAL rAUEJ ggjjg utrtbttiff Mccook red willow county Nebraska friday evening june 2 1905 350 Takes Them Ay A Crown piano with Angelus piano playing attachment and about HO tolls of music 350 buys them Angelus is also an organ All in first class condi tion Can be S3en over Pndes furnitnro store George Beck Another New Firm This week E P Hubor becamo the owner of the Odell grocery store and is now in possession of the same at the old stand Wanted Horses to Pasture Good grass and plenty of water Ap ply at Tribune office Rooms For Rent Five rooms over W W McMillen s shop Inquire of S D McClain A few years ago all machinery was made from wood and today any piece of farm machinery that is not made of steel is out of date Tho latest is the steel wagon In a few years there will bo nothing but steel wagons W T Cole man has them now You should call and see them The question with you should be that the product of foreign mills is no cheaper and never as good as Doans 91 patent The kind to buy should be no matter of speculation We have now in our employe a first class shoemaker who will attend to all your shoes needing repair The Bee Hive Gauze underwear of all kinds for all people including extra sizes including union suits and separate garments 5 to 10 cexts at Thompsons Well bred a gentleman Well bread thats another kind but means the best there is Thats made from Doans 91 patent The finest gas engine and alfalfa grind er that has ever been placed on the market at W T Colemans Call and see it The new Stokes grocery is now open for business The freshest of every thing in groceries fruits and meats Give him a trial We take pride in getting your shoo repairing done promptly and at reison able prices The Bee Hive Largo line baby bonnets in mulls em broideries washable silk and crocheted silk 20c to 90c at Thompsons Remember that all shoes bought at The Bee Hive will be sewed and nailed free by our Mr Meyers No need to half sole your own shoes when Stulken Bauer only charge 50 cents a pair Ladies brilliantino skirts at 350 5 6 8 in brown black and blue at Thompsons Shoes repaired and work guaranteed at the old stand The Bee Hive Our Mr Meyers will get your shoes repaired promptly at The Bee Hive Stulken fits any old foot south of DeQroffs First door Ombree shirring ribbons for trimming at Thompsons Stulken fits any old foot south of DeGroffs 15 styles mens Thompsons First door fur hats at 150 at Paper Now If your rooms need papering why not paper them now Our stock is very complete in all lines and the rush being over you can have it done at once Many pleasing designs in the cheaper papers and a large line of novelties to select from McConnell Druggist Ladies wrappers Thompsons Furniture To Rent Hand Store 50c to S150 at Wilsons Second- Mens all leather gloves 15c a pair at Thompsons Mens suits 5 650 S 10 13 50 at Thompsons Boys suits 85c 125 2 250 350 5 at Thompsons Shoes half soled Stulken Bauer for 35 cents by Photos are ten cents per dozen at the new gallery over Knipples store Pretty lawn dressing sacques 41c at Thompsons Ladies washable covert skirts 150 at Thompsons Sewing Machines To Rent Second Hand Store Wilsons No need to half sole your own shoes when Stulken Bauer only charge 50 cents a pair Lost Pair of spectacles in case let tered McGordon Bancroft Iowa Re ward Leave at Tribune office Largest line of wash fabrics ever dis played by us plenty of reds pinks linens blacks yellows greens blues and fancies6c to 65c a yard at - v mccook junior normal entertainment course Juno 10th J Edmund Vance Cookk tho humorous poet-philosopher in readings from his own writ ings Mr Cooko has been a star performer nt chautauquas and upon lecture platforms for tho past ton years his engagomerts taking him from tho Atlantic to tho Pacific Something of Riley something of Field nor is there lacking tho keen ness of Twain yet unliko any of them ho is the original Cooko poet entertainer philosopher Juno 29 Frank R Roijkrson tho world -renowned traveler is now in Russia gaining now information for his great lecture on Russia and Japan Ho wiL bo better prepared than ever to give a clear statement of tho vital issues at stako in tho pres ent war between these two nations Tho prospect that tho battle will bo fought to tho bitter end profoundly affecting tho history of tho oast and of tho world at large makes this lec ture of great interest July 12 The Slayton Jubilee Singers who have played more re turn dates than any other musical or ganization in the country are recog nized as tho ono and only colored at traction They give a varied pro gram including oldtimo jubilees as well as up-to-date numbers During tho coming season thoy will Lo stronger and better than thoy have ever been August 4 Robert McIntyre the great word painter of tho west and tho finest popular speaker on this continent will deliver his unrivaled lecture on This is a popular lecture on tho fol lies of tho day full of sunshine elo quence humor pathos and magnetic appeal It will cast out devils wher ever delivered and is sure to please Season Tickets 6150 for the four numbers now on sale MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Stokes the grocer McConnoIl for drugs v V Everything in drugs McConnell Ferris corset waists at Thompsons Ladies pongee coats 375 at Thomp sons Best table oil cloth 15 cents a yard at Thompsons For furniture the latest out go to Pade Son 100 styles of appliques and bands at Thompsons A second hand surrey for sale cheap at W T Colemans Best apron check ginghams at 0 cents a yard at Thompsons New arrival of portieres and couch covers at Pade Sons American A 2 bushel seamless gram bags 16c at Thompsons Very stylish and handsome pongee coats for 375 at Thompsons Rooms for rent over the market D C Marsh Sewing machines all standard makes at the lowest market prices at Pade A Sons 950 a ton is the price for that extra fine bright baled hay just shipped in by Knipple Wanted Good girl for general house work Good wages Mrs R B Archi bald A shoe repair shop has been opened in the late Brown barber shop on lower Main avenue by Stulken Bauer Farm trucks at 2700 at W T Cole mans Just the thing for your hay rack to haul grain hay and manure Rug3 and carpets have advanced in the market Our large stock goes at old prices Pade Son Why not get one of those oak water three gallon kegs to carry water to the field in Take a look at those at W T Colemans You surely will want one of those Quick Meal gasoline stoves or a refrig erator or an ice cream freezer at Cole man s before the bi celebration Stokes new grocery in The Citizens Bank building is now open and ready for business Everything in groceries fruits and meats new and fresh Call and see Coglizer Bush are laying that fine improvement cement sidewalks along west side of block 3 for L R Hile man O M Knipple and V Franklin It will make a handsome and uniform block f NUMBER 1