The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 26, 1905, Image 5

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Meeting of Board of Equalization
Notice is hereby givon thnt the board
of county commissioners of Red Willow
county will sit s a board of equaliza
tion of assessment June 13th 14th and
15th on which dates ths assessments
will bo cqaulizod and ndjusted
E J Wilcox County Clerk
Theres no flour like the home flour
after all is tho joyful story of the
pleased house wifo when Doans 91 is in
evidence in the family baking
MV 9
New tans
and other
light weights for
Spring and
Summer have
arrived and are
being inspected
by our customers
We ourselves are
m uch pleased with
the new line and
are enj oy i n g fch e
it is giving others
Brand new styles
that have never
before een shown
250 to 600
The Model
CliasAStevens Bros Ready made
Garments and Furnishing Goods
Three doors east of DeGroff s store
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Wheat go
OaU 35
Rye 55
Barloy ao
Hogs 4 75
Eggs ja
Good Butter 15
I will pay the highest market price
Inquire at Diamonds
Turlington Bulletin
Attractive Summer Tours Take
Your Choice
Join tho increasing throng of Ameri
cans who are commencing to realize tho
common sense in getting some pleasure
out of life
To Denver Colorado Springs
Rocky Mountains and Salt Lake
Very low excursion rates daily from June
1st still lower the first week in July
long return limits
To CaliforniaPortland Exposition
and Puget Sound Cities Frequent
low excursion rates from May 1st less
than half rates all summerlimits Make
that long deferred tour of California
Portland and Puget Sound this summer
To Eastern Resorts Commencing
June lstdaily Summer Tourist Rates to
Chicago Wisconsin Minnesota the
Lake Region Canada and the New Eng
land Coast you will find some kind of a
summer rate available for your visit
back east Watch for the additional
special rates for big eastern conventions
Consult with tho nearest Burlington
ticket agent 5 5 5ts
L W Wakeley Gonl Pass Agent
Geo S Scott Omaha Nebraska
Agent McCook Neb
Big Bridge Is Rebuilt
Bridgeport Neb May 21 Special
Telegram The Burlingtons Platte
river bridge just north of here that
was destroyed by fire several days ago
and which seriously impeded traffic to
Denver and the southwest will be
opened again tomorrow morning The
accomplishing of this result so soon is
not only a great convenience to the
traveling public but a remarkable
bridge building feat as well for in less
than three days 610 feet of this bridge
was practically rebuilt with no material
on the spot to begin with
Reduced Rates
toKansasCity St Louis Savannah Ga
Ft Worth Texas Bristol Tenn Mil
waukee Toronto Indianapolis Balti
more Buffalo and numerous other points
east west north and south will be on
sale in the near future Call on agent
for particulars
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Bnsy Modiolne for Busy People
Brings Golden Eealth and Eenewed Vigor
A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live
and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure
Blood Bad Breath Sluggish Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab -let
form 35 cents a box Genuine made by
Hollister Drug Company Madison Wis
sls is MM
Press This In Your Memory
If you wish to make and save money on
us a trial for the highest grade of goods
we ask the lowest prices People have
frequently asked how is it you folks
have got on so well Only one answer
and a problem easily solved We buy our
goods in the right place and our prices are
right If you wish to get on and have an
account in the bank you must buy your
Clothing Shoes and Gents Furnishings
Clothing and Shoe Store
For the Newest and Swellest Line of
Neckwear Shirt Waist Sets in Silver and
all kinds of Pearl Belts Etc
a New Line added at
Diamonds Clothing Store
Our Hens Underwear from 25c to 125
for Silk A new variety to select
from all sizes 30 to 48
M 5SS25 S52S
Time Card
McCook Neb
main line east depaet
No 6 Central Time 1130pm
2 620 am
12 850 am
14 955pm
No 5 arrives from east at 8 p in
main line west depaet
No 1 Mountain Timo 1220pm
3 11 PM
13 925AM
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 540 p M
No 175 departs 045 AM
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
scats free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage chocked to any point in tho United
States or Canada
For information timo tables maps and tick
ets call on or write George Scott Agent Mc
Cook Nebraska or J Francis Gonoral Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Herman Hegenbergor returned to the
train service this week
Brakeman S M Cook is off duty on
account of tho serious illness of Mrs
Brakeman II C Houcnin returned
yesterday from a short visit in Red
Brakeman and Mrs C E Ryan are
visiting relatives and friends in Lyons
Herman Hegenberger has returned to
work after an absence of four months
in business
Conductor William Hegenberger re
turned nrst of the week from Excelsior
Springs Mo
Brakeman and Mrs George Martin
are in Hastings where her aged father
is seriously ill
A E White of Denver succeeds as
stenographer to Dispatcher Mills J E
Berge who has gone to Holdrege
Conductor John Morris departed last
Saturday for Illinois being summoned
there by the illness of his aged parents
Dispatcher J S Chambers was out
over tho lines he dispatches over mid
week noting conditions effecting his
Dispatcher J F Forbes will return
to Pittsburg Kansas some time next
week and the family will follow a few
days later
Engineer L S Viersen has been trans
ferred from Oberlin Kansas to McCook
and he and his family are now at head
Conductor H R Childress went down
to Orleans Tuesday On his return his
mother will accompany him and will
make her home here
Conductor S E Callen arrived home
Sunday from his Portland Oregon trip
and went out on the Republican City
Oberlin run on Monday
C T Watson is in Lafayette Indiana
visiting his mother He will return
early next week F H Strout is act
ing car distributer meanwhile
Conductor Eph Benjamin is on the
pool run between McCook and Hast
ings and Conductor L A Hurlburt
has the local run between same points
Telegraph Messenger Brewer had a
narrower escape from death then he ever
hopes to have again Wednesday The
switch engine destroyed his bicycle but
missed him by a very brief interval
About 300 feet of the Burlington
bridge over the North Platte at Bridge
port on the Alliance Denver line was
burned last Thursday night Being but
a short distance from a wagon bridge
passengers and mail were transferred
without material delay
Council Doings
The council was in regular session
Monday evening and transacted the
following business
Following bills were allowed
W A Gold salary Apr 15 to May 15
cemetery fund 4000
C G Coglizer taking down election
bootbs general fund 500
Barnett Lumber Co stone crossings
general fund 54C0
McCook ET Co light fund 8940
The concessions for booths on July 4
and 5000 were voted the Commercial
Club to aid in defraying the expenses of
a celobration
Cone Bros were granted a druggists
Report of police judge for April was
referred to the city attorney
Treasurers report received and re
ferred to finance committee Also esti
mates for the current year
City treasurers bond was received and
Petition of James McAdams for a
sidewalk along lots 1 and 12 1st add
was allowed
Bids for building sidewalks were re
ceived and opened and the bid of the
Barnett Lumber Co being the lowest
and best bid the contract was awarded
Situations Wanted
Teachers are writing inquiries in to
McCook to learn if there will be oppor
tunities again this summer to defray a
part of their expenses while attending
the junior normal school by doing house
work Those who have work of any
kind that will fall in this class are re
quested to notify G H Thomas Such
a list will be kept on file as well as the
names and addresses of those seeking
employment The plan will be of ad
vantage to all concerned
350 Takes Them All
A Crown piano with Angelus piano
playing attachment and about 30 tolls
of music 8350 buys them Angelus is
also an organ All in first class condi
tion Can be saen overPades furnitnre
store - George Beck
One That Stranded VI k Xennclu Hall
a Mile Inland
Sea quakes are mighty disturbances
of the waters of the ocean their cause
or causes being Identlcul with the
causes of earthquakes In Major C
E Duttous book Earthquakes the
author has some Interesting facts re
garding the ocean variety of quake
From the entries In the logs of many
ships be concludes that In rare cases
the power of the sea quake shocks may
be great enough to render standing on
deck as dillicult as it sometimes la
on laud It may even be great enough
to cause the fear that the vessel Is be
ing shaken to pieces Gigantic waves
in the ocean are of course a frequent
accompaniment of the sea quake On
the west coast of South America
where these waves are frequent they
sometimes follow a quake having Its
center below the sea level that Is also
felt on land But more often they
come without warning The most
memorable sea quake of this locality
occurred Aug 3 1SGS
Major Dutton describes It as fol
lows The coast of South America
was shaken all the way from Guay
aquil in Ecuador to Vakllvia In Chile
the highest Intensity being manifest
ed In the neighborhood of Arlca The
force of the quake In this town was
very great throwing down most of the
structures and producing land slips A
few minutes later precisely how
many minutes Is not known the sea
was observed to retire slowly from
the shore so that ships anchored In
seven fathoms of water were left high
and dry
A few minutes later still It was
seen returning in a great wall or
bore which caught up the ships In
the roadstead and swept them Inland
as If they were mere chips of wood
Among them was the United States
steamer Waterlee one of the improvis
ed war vessels of the blockading fleet
In the civil war which was carried In
land nearly half a mile and left with
little injury on shore by the recession
of the wave
The power of kindness It wins when
nil coercive measures fail
The dignity of simplicity When the
frills are off the man is on
The wisdom of economy The man
who saves makes more than he saves
The pleasure of working The only
really unhappy rich or poor are the
The influence of example Practice
does more than precept in showing the
The worth of character In the last
analysis the only real value is a clear
The success of perseverance Keep
ing everlastingly at it brings the
hoped for result
The value of time Lost capital may
be restored by diligent use of experi
ence Time lost is lost forever
The obligation of duty Your concern
should not so much be what you get as
what you do for what you get New
York Commercial
Temperament and Food
For bilious persons a chart of life
published by Trofessor Boyd Laynard
gives emphatic warning of dangerous
rocks in the shape of sausages pork
turtle and other commodities Eels
must not be eaten by brain workers
chilly persons should cultivate a taste
for sardines while irritable people are
warned away from ginger and the
melancholy man must not touch bacon
Whitebait it is suggested is inadvis
able for persons who are of an amor
ous nature asparagus Is forbidden to
those who suffer from excitement and
languid persons are told to be careful
when they indulge In peas potatoes
arrowroot and macaroni Duck for
some mysterious reason is described as
unsuitable for the bashful the Irate
the pale the drowsy and the Inebriate
St James Gazette
Only One Wiit to Save Him
While the religion of some men is
intellectual said a well known New
York clergyman the religion of many
Is a thing of emotions
Back in my boyhood days I remem
ber a man in the country who used to
go to camp meeting After singing a
few inspiring hymns he would become
to outward appearances the happiest
and most pious man In the camp But
his emotion would always die out and
his religion wouldnt tide him over to
the next meeting
A cynical neighbor of this man
once remarked that the only way to
save his soul was to get him happy and
pious in one of the meetings and then
kill him New York Press
Too Mnch Name
A Maryland congressman tells of a
baptism in a village In the black belt
of that state What is the name ask
ed the minister of the childs father
John James George Washington Fltz
Hugh Lee Blaine Harrison Smith an
swered the father The old minister
jotted down the names and then walk
ing to the baptismal font a crockery
wash basin said to the janitor Mose
get some more water There aint half
enough to baptize this child if we have
to take in all his names
Tryiner to Be Charitable
Mr Bligginb means well but he
doesnt stop to think
Perhaps answered Miss Cayenne
he feels that time is too valuable to
be trifled away In hopeless undertak
ings Washington Star
The Making of It
If theyre both deaf and dumb 1
dont see how they could make love
No I should say it was the best
kind all handmade you know
Philadelphia Ledger
Km ie
Rainy Days
That is why you should
look over our stock of
in Proof
and the newj lot ofgUHBRELLAS which we
have just received We have the
50c to 500
We have some good SILKS suit
aTlefor theHpopuar Shirt Waist
Suits Also black TAFFETA SILKS the wear
guaranteed kind at 75C 100 and 55o
The latter two are 36 inches wide
DeGroff Co I
V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier
W BWOLFE Vice President
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000
ss directors
Acquire the Habit
of saving We furnish a handsomely finished Perpetual Cal
endar Bank which costs you nothing Try
1 WljjLg2 jM cr1
J fa rst Nat 1 Bank ojj
Saving all
Never spend one and you will
be surprised how your money ac
count will grow
Call and get one of these banks
The First National Bank
The flcCook Tribune
Only One Dollar the year