The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 26, 1905, Image 3

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Women of the Kaffir3
The Kaffirs believe that a woman Is
a necessary appendage to a house
hold the women care for their huts
and do all the housework while the
men watch the cattle They do not
always marry as young as they like
and yet the youngest and most at
tractive girls often go to the ugly old
men with plenty of money A man
is not worried because he cannot win
the favor of the girl he wants Her
likes and dislikes count for little
Bring Messages from Dead
There is a curious burial custom
among the Mordovinians who inhabit
the middle Volga provinces of Russia
and are professedly Christians They
believe that a deceased relative forty
days after interment returns to his
old home Failing his visible return
the next of kin personates him dress
ed In his clothes and professes to de
liver solemn messages from the other
Bide of the grave
How Carpenter Drives Nail
How many hammer strokes does a
carpenter use in driving a nail Per
haps not one carpenter in a thousand
or one layman in ten times that num
ber can tell or ever thinks of it The
truth of the matter is this The car
penter takes seven strokes in driving
a nail into ordinary wood and twelve
regular strokes and two finishing taps
in driving nails into hardwood
What Actuates a Woman
Tell the average woman that a max
imum of mutton means a minimum of
morals and she will probably laugh
at you and go on eating mutton if
she likes it But assure her that a
charming complexion will result from
vegetarianism and the butcher may
justifiably feel forebodings of coming
disaster Exchange
Thats All
He Well what have you there
She Two of your old letters my
dear He Umph Whats the first
one that 40 pager She One you
sent me when I had a slight cold be
fore we were married This half page
is the one you wrote last winter when
I was very ill with influenza Thats
i all dear
Much intellect is not an advantage
In courtship General topics interfere
with particular attentions A man to
be successfully in love should think
only of himself and his mistress
Rochefoucauld observes That lovers
are never tired of each others com
pany because they are always talking
of themselves Hazlitt
You have had crope roke and drug
and whats the matter with skunt A
young lady a few days ago visited
this part of the country who had
never seen turpentine worked before
and when she returned to her home
told them that the pine trees down
here were skunt up to the limbs
Charlotte Observer
Country for the Rich
It costs money to live in South
Africa A woman resident in Johan
nesburg pays 60 a month for her
cook and 35 a month to a Hindoo ser
vant In India she would have to pay
only 5 a month for the Hindoos ser
Fifty Years a Pensioner
James McCardle of Jamaica Plain
Mass one hundred years old has
since 1S52 been drawing a pension as
a British soldier at six pence a day
Back at Work Again
Buffalo N Y May 22nd Spe
cial Crippled by Kidney Disease till
he could not stand on his feet for the
hours required at his trade F R
McLean 90 East Ferry St this city
had to quit work entirely Now hes
back at work again and he does not
hesitate to give the credit to Dodds
Kidney Pills
Yes Mr McLean says I was too
bad I had to quit I could not stand
on my feet for the necessary hours
It was Kidgey Disease I had and a
friend advised me to try Dodds Kid
ney Pills I did so and after using
six boxes am completely cured and
am working as steadily as before I
was sick I recommend Dodds Pills
to any one afflicted with Kidney trou
There is no form of Kidney Disease
Dodds Kidney Pills will not cure
They always cure Brights Disease
the most most auvanced and deadly
stage of Kidney Disease
Largest Island
The largest island in the world is
New Guinea 306000 square miles
Great Britain is 83826 square miles
Insist on Getting It
Some grocers say they dont keep
Defiance Starch because they have a
stock in hand of 12 oz brands which
they know cannot be sold to a cus
tomer who has once used the 16 oz
pkg Defiance Starch for same money
Japanese Hello
The Japanese Hello at the tele
phone is Moshi moshi or Ano ne
with the accent on the nay
Those Who Have Tried It
will use no other Defiance Cold Water
Starch has no equal in Quantity or
Quality 16 oz for 10 cents Other
brands contain only 12 oz
Profit in Ostrich Farming
Ostrich farming in South Africa con
tinues a most profitable business
Superior quality and extra quantity
must win This is why Defiance Starch
is talcing the place of all others
Opportunity is rare and a wise man
will never let it go by him
ffi UM1
at Fwrnwrnsrs mulmdr
7iffia of 77e 2erenv of firenre 57 7e2eineif 7rpedyfiufoc
Copyright 1905 by Morris C Butler
CHAPTER II Continued
Yes a vast well organized society
composed of people in every profes
sional jvalk of life It will be your
business to discover this band and en
ter the organization as a member
And if I already know of the ex
istence of such an organization very
calmly asked Lang
Half the battle would be won
exclaimed the detective excitedly I
suspect Lang that you do know con
siderable about it thats why I ap
proach you in the matter You are
one who undoubtedly should know
something about it the crime you
were charged with together with the
fact that you had command of money
certainly placed you in the proper po
sition to know But I know you are
not a member of the society for I
have watched you too closely for that
What others may think I know that
you are an honest man
Thanks for that compliment
laughed Lang I am not a member
of course But as you say I should
know something about it and I do
While imprisoned in the Tombs a
man in the next cell to me made me
the offer that for ten thousand dollars
in cash he would guarantee me that
I could escape and be furnished with
protection against re capture He
hinted at being an agent of a power
ful society but I gave no heed to it at
the time because I relied on being
able to fix a juryman for less than
that sum if the worst came to the
worst with me
I wasnt mistaken in you ex
claimed the delighted detective rub
bing his hands together in his excite
ment You are the man for my
money and it will take money to see
this thing through I have a modest
fortune of about fifteen thousand the
result of my savings for the years I
have been on the force Half of this
sum I will put to your credit if you
Into the greatest danger If I am
lucky with one chance in a thou
sand in my favor I may become real
ly rich and famous I told Denver
that I did not care for life but I do
Life is dear to me I will live to win
the prize I will live to show the
world that even a man who has had
his neck in the hangmans noose can
make success out of life
The First Serious Set Back
With that high aim before him
Lang soon left the saloon and retired
early to bed sobered by his unexpect
ed offer and prosnects
All night long Denver had lain
awake mapping out the plan of action
that he wished Lang to follow and in
the morning the detective and Lang
met as by agreement at the office
of a detective agency
Lang said Denver as the youth
took a seat in the detectives room
You have slept on my proposition
are you still of the same opinion you
were last night
I have had no occasion as yet to
change my mind responded the
youth In fact I am firmer in my
resolve than ever You dont want to
back out yourself do you
I should say not And that being
your answer we will consider the
question settled for good and all To
start with I am going to make a new
man of you physically Your long
debauch has somewhat run down your
natural hearty constitution You must
be given the benefit of a course of
physical training which will enable
you to withstand hard usage and pri
vation if necessary a thorough ath
letic training in fact You must be
surrounded with all the protection
possible in this great undertaking and
as a healthy body makes a healthy
mind we must not fail for the lack
Bound for g ood and all
will enter my service for an indefinite
period of time This will compensate
you for your trouble and risk should
we fail in the main undertaking If
we succeed in locating the country
and getting away with its wealth we
will both be famous and rich How
does this strike you
It strikes me as a most magnifi
cent offer responded Louis heartily
You accept then asked Denver
I most certainly do
Thats settled then said the de
tective as calmly as if binding an
everyday bargain or horse trade as
he held out his hand Shake on it
Louis grasped the proffered hand and
shook it heartily and to them this
momentous bargain was bound for
good and all
Who was this man who accosted
you in jail asked the detective
Simeon Golden who was accused
of killing a pal of his and who was
awaiting requisition papers to take
him back to Illinois for trial replied
That clears up a mystery and
gives a motive for the killing said
Denver musing It was never clear
to the judge who tried the case what
the motive was that prompted the
killing To me now is perfectly
plain The murdered man knew of
the country possibly was about to
give away the secret and was si
lenced by Golden He got off easy
fifteen years in Joliet He has at
tempted to escape a dozen times
but failed So this is your man
Well well We will have to keep
this gentleman in view possibly as
sist him to escape from jail in order
to discover his confederates and thus
get in touch with the country
I need not further impress upon
you the need of secrecy said Den
ver rising to leave because I think
you know that already But as part
ing advice I mention it to you I have
said enough to night to morrow meet
me in my private room on Monroe
street and I will give you your first
installment of money for current ex
penses and map out a plan of cam
paign that I wish you to follow And
with a sort of satisfactory handshake
the detective and the youth parted
for the night
Let me think said Louis steady
ing himself against the doorway as he
watched the retreating form of Den
ver I have an offer thrown at me
i 11 i x
wmen viriuany amounts to selling my
self for a time and running myself
of either of these You shall be taught
the thieves code the art of gam
bling cardsharpery how to drink
and carouse without really dissipat
ing Of course this wont make an
ideal man of you in the sight of the
world but it is the training you need
in order to accomplish the ends we
have in view Until you have been
through your course of sprouts noth
ing will be done towards attempt
ing the liberation of Golden or the
following of any other clue we may
become in possession of
I dont need much schooling in
the fine arts you mention disap
pointedly explained the young nan
who was keyed up to the highest pitch
of hope and foolishly wished to jump
in and perform some wonderful feat
in the detective line which would
raise himself in the estimation of the
world and make him utterly worth
less to the case in hand
You are in a position to be
shunned by polite society and at
outs with the lower strata as well
mildly remonstrated Denver High
society is not to be your judge That
you have a taint on your character
and delude them is not enough you
must become a truly hard character
Should you become known as a de
tective or even an honest working
man you could never accomplish
what we have set out to do Neither
can you accomplish it without due
preparation Our paths must lie far
apart Without being known in the
matter at all I will supply you with
the funds necessary to live while you
prepare yourself for -the struggle
You will assume the character of a
sport and cultivate the association
of the flashiest and most suspicious
of the light fingered and tough gentry
Become one our success will depend
upon the truthfulness of your delinea
tion I trust my meaning is made
clear to you and that you sufficiently
realize that brains are needed in this
If success depends upon my follow
ing your instructions to the letter
nothing will be left undone replied
Lang who at last clearly perceived
what Denver had been aiming at that
success in the detective business
works by inverse ratio
Spoken like a man And I believe
you have the spirit and the nerve
to carry it through
Let us begin then What do you
suggest doing first
I should advise you to join an
athletic association answered Den
ver Learn to box to wrestle even
a few lessons in swords play and tar
get shooting wouldnt be amiss You
may never have occasion to use these
accomplishments but if you ever do
want them you will want them
I am now taking a course of box
ing replied Lang and can very
easily make it include lessons in
wrestling As you have suggested
arms I shall practice a few bouts
to become expert in the use of the
short- sword The shooting galleries
will give sufficient practice with the
gun and revolver
You will put yourself in training
at once The detective paused
abruptly springing to his feet
Lang and Denver had been sitting
very comfortably together upon a
leather lounge which occupied one
side of the office all of a sudden
Denver sprang up and in one bound
landed in the office chair and grab
bing up a pen from the desk before
which he now sat he began writing
Louis was for a moment at loss to
understand Denvers actions but had
the good sense not to ask for an ex
planation nor appear surprised It
was soon made apparently clear when
into the room very unceremoniously
stalked a personage whom Louis in
stantly recognized by intuition as a
Denver rose from his chair very de
liberately and while acknowledging
his visitors presence by a cordial
nod of his head spoke to Lang in a
businesslike tone in a voice rather
loud and evidently for the purpose of
being overheard by the newcommer
Mr Smith I may or may not see
you again very soon however if you
follow my instructions implicitly
handjig him a note at the same time
you cannot go astray and undoubt
edly will recover the property
Lang was somewhat hurriedly
bowed from the office not so quickly
as to look rude but before the visitor
had a chance to get a critical view of
I wonder who that man is quer
ied Lang to himself Some detective
evidently whom Denver does not
wish to see me
The same though crossed the in
truders mind He could add two and
two together about as well as any
body Smith thats kind of a
cheap name he said to himself
Evidently Denver doesnt want me to
know this fellow Just because he
dont want me to know him is just
the reason I should know him Thats
only another score I owe Jim Denver
and Ill begin the payment by watch
ing Mr Smith
This was the first serious set back
Lang was greatly disappointed in
being hustled so unceremoniously
from the detectives office but he par
tially understood the reason that the
visit was unexpected and undesirable
The slip of paper given him by Den
ver hardly enlightened him
Beware of Regan lead a double
life begin your training at once
With it was a check for fifty dollars
Since these are my instructions
said Lang and as I have nothing
else to go by I must begin my train
ing at once I dont understand what
object Denver has in view in making
an athlete out of me but as he pays
the bills I can but obey orders And
it was well that he did so
To be continued
A Precocious Sportsman
The Americans are great Sports
men said Sir Thomas Dewar in re
counting his impressions of America
From their earliest years they take
a consuming interest in all sorts of
contests and races
I remember one cold afternoon in
New York seeing a poor little ragged
lad with his nose glued against the
window of a toy shop I stopped be
side him and looked down But he
paid no heed to me His clear young
eyes were intent on the windows
bright and inviting contents
Without a word I slipped a penny
into his cold little hand He looked
at the penny and then he looked at
Well if this aint luck he said
Ive been wishin for a cent and
heres one dropped right in me fist
What did you want the cent for
my lad said I
The urchin answered
T wanted to get a night extry to
see wots won Ive got a dollar on
Swallow in the third race
Familiar With the Disease
Dr William Osier of Johns Hop
kins and Oxford tells this story An
old darky quack well known in a
certain section of the south was pass
ing the house of a planter whose wife
was reported to be dangerously ill
Stopping at the gate he called to one
of the hands
I say Rastus hows the missus
Well replied Rastus the doctah
done say dis mawnin dat she conva
Humph Dat aint nothin chile
said the old quack with an air of
superior wisdom Why Ive done
cured convalescence in twenty foah
The Tub Was Tee Full
While we were spending our sum
mer vacation at Point Allerton one of
our neighbors came to visit us bring
ing her youngest son Chester about
3 years old In the afternoon while
watching the surf soma one proposed
to go in bathing The little fellow
thought he would like to go also He
did not enjoy it as well as he thought
he would
Later in the afternoon his mother
said Chester I noticed you did not
enjoy your bath at home j ou like
to get in the tub
But mother he replied that tub
was too full Boston Herald
WMlioi MUX1
A Cheap Hay Barn
Protection could be easily and
cheaply provided against the destruc
tive and deteriorating effects of the
weather for hundreds of thousands of
tons of hay that are now stacked more
or less improperly about the buildings
and in the fields No matter how well
the hay may be stacked there is al
ways a loss of some material part o
it when opening up in spring for the
marked Much of it is ruined also
for feeding purposes as well as in
marketable value Hay exposed to
the action of the weather during the
winter season will lose more or less
of its nutrient value generally by a
change that lessens its digestibility
The accompanying illustration
shows the end section of a shed that
may be built of almost any timber that
is to be had around the ordinary farm
and at very little expense It may be
built now or any time before the hay
is harvested or If more convenient it
may be built over the hay after it is
stacked The roof is the only per
manent enclosure The sides are cov
ered with any material that will afford
protection from the rain and the snow
and the sun Some of the farmers in
the eastern states use oiled canvas on
the sides and ends held securely down
with poles or light timbers at the bot
tom Others in the east but more
especially In the south use evergreen
boughs and corn stalks more gener
ally the latter for closing the sides
The corn stalks are woven into long
mats with the ends cut even made
a I b a
much after the manner of making hot
bed mats of rye straw
The outside posts aa should be
from 9 to 12 feet long according to
the height of shed the farmer finds
most convenient for his use The
posts bb are from 12 feet up de
pending on the height of the outside
posts AA These are set at least
two feet in the ground with a good
flat stone at the bottom of the post
hole to keep the post from settling
A shed about 30 feet wide will be
found the most suitable for the gener
al farmer and the length may be ex
tended indefinitely or a number of sep
arate sheds may be built as it is de
sired The rafters ee should be of
2x6 inch stuff single The cross plate
or joist c should be very strong
and of any size available that can be
easily adjusted to place The braces
may be made of almost any light
stuff at hand that may usually be
picked up from the scrap pile The
posts may be set at from 6 to 10 feet
apart and the rafters from 3 to 4 feet
apart one over each post and one
resting on the plate between The
roof can be made of shingles although
the prepared roofing papers are cheap
er and answer the purpose equally as
well R M Winans in Farmers Re
Improvement of Farm Plants
There is no doubt that we can en
ormously increase the value of our
farm products by improving our farm
plants What has been done in the
past is merely a hint of what we can
do What has been accomplished has
been done by a rather irregular un
scientific forward movement Think
of the evolution of the carrot from a
little Insignificant root and likewise
the development of the parsnip As
a real good illustration of what can
be done observe the wild crab and
compare it with our beautiful apples
of many colors and flavors
The work that has been done along
the line mentioned has taken many
centuries but within my lifetime I
have seen a wonderful change in the
character of our farm plants I can
remember when the potato used to
bear seed balls numerously but now
the plant has been so far developed
away from its original self that It
hardly ever produces seed Walter
Bisby Ashland Co Ohio in Farmers
An Oat Experiment
In a test in England an un
manured plot produced oats at
the rate of 27 bushels and 1904
pounds of straw per acre The
application of 336 pounds of super
phosphate per acre brought up the
yield to 34 bushels of oats and 2350
pounds of straw When the same
amount of superphosphate and 112
pounds of nitrate of soda were added
the yield was 41 bushels of oats and
2688 pounds of straw When super
phosphate was applied and 224 pounds
of nitrate of soda in two dressings
the yield was 47 bushels of oats and
3136 pounds of straw In each case
the gain was double in value the cost
of the fertilizers used
Cattle Ticks in Cuba
A visitor to Cuba says cattle
ticks are very numerous there r w
and that it is useless to send northern
cattle to Cuba unless they have been
first immunized Cattle that have
bjen brought up in the South where
they haw been always exposed to the
tick ar Immunized and can be taken
to Cuba with safety
Mrs G W Fooks of Salisbury Md
wife of G W Fooks Sheriff of Wico
mico County
says I suf
fered with kid
noy complaint
for e 1 g h t
years It came
on mo gradu
ally I felt
tirod and
weak was
short of breath
and was trou
b 1 e d with
bloating after
eating and my limbs were badly
swollen One doctor told me it would
finally turn to Brights disease I was
laid up at one time for three weeks
I had not taken Doans Kidney Pills
moro than three days when the dis
tressing aching across my back disap
peared and I was soon entirely cured
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y
Umbrellas and self respect when
lost are seldom regained
Stati or Ohio City or Toledo I
Lucas County f
Frank J Ciiknky uiuke oath that ho Is Bcnlor
partner of the Arm of K J CilKVicr Co doing
bU8lnena In the City of Toledo County and Jte
aforesaid and that nald Arm w III pay the Hum of
OSK IIUXIMtKI WHIAKS for each and etery
case of Ca takkii that cannot bo cured by the ue of
Halls Catakiiii Cunt
Sworn to before mo and xulncrllied In lny pret
ence this 6th day of December A I 18SC
Halls Catarrh Cure li taken Internally and actt
directly on the blood and uiucouh nurface of tho
eyittem Send for teatlmuiiluli free
Sold by all DruggWt 3c
Tutfe Halls Family lllla for constipation
Hjgh price of eggs doesnt seem to
worry the one night barnstormer
C1TC permanently cured Kofltaornerrcnsneraafte
rllu flret days use of Dr Klines IrvutNei VB Restor
er Bend for FUKiS 8SOO trial bottle and treatise
DO B IL Kline Ltd 931 Arch Street Philadelphia ttk
A womans tongue is mightier than
a mans strong right arm
I do not believe PIsos Cure for Consumption
has an equal for coughs and coliN Jouy P
Botek Trinity Sprints Iud Feb 15 19001
Dont forget that the wisest owl oc
casionally hoots at the wrong time
Mm friiisIowB oothliifr ryrap
For children teething softens the Kfis reduces Ir
flammaUon allays pain cures wind colic 25c a bottle
Love is lifes rainbow gold
Djwpppsla Tormented 3I for Yen Dr
DaTld Kennedys lamrle Kfintilj iired me Mm C
BDougherty Millvlllu NJ Lueil oitrSO yearn 1100
Too many bills are apt to make a
nan feel bilious
Irregularities and Female Derange
ments Kesult Cured by Lydia E
PinKhams Vegetable Compound
Owing to our mode and manner of
living- and the nervous haste of every
woman to accomplish just so much
each day it is said that there is not
JArs Cheater Cury
one woman in twenty five but what
suffers with some derangement of the
female organism and this is the secret
of so many unhappy homes
No woman can be amiable light
hearted and happy a joy to her hus
band and children and perform the
duties incumbent upon her when she is
suffering with backache headache
nervousness sleeplessness bearing
down pains displacement of the womb
spinal weakness or ovarian troubles
Irritability and snnppy retorts take
the place of pleasantness and all sun
shine is driven out of the home and
lives are wrecked by womans great
enemy womb trouble
Read this letter
Dear Mrs Pinkham
I -was troubled for eight yeara with irregu
larities t hich broke down my health and
brought on extreme nervousness and despon
dency Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com
eound proved to be the only medicine which
elped me Day by day I improved in health
while taking it until I was entirely cured I
can attend to my social and household duties
and thoroughl v enjoy life once more as Lydia
E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound has made
me a -well woman v ithout an ache or a pain
Mrs Chester Curry 42 Saratoga Street
East Boston Mass
At the first indication of ill health
painful or irregular menstruation
pain in the side headache backache
bearing down pains nervousness or
the blues secure at once a bottle of
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com
pound and begin its use
itit p
My doctor says it acti rently on tho Btomach liver
n i ys antl IS a Pleasant laxative This drink is
made from hrhg and i prepared for use as easily a3
taa Itis called Lanes Tea or
All droistsorbxmil25ctsand50cte Buyitto
aaj JaneH Jnmilr tledirine more the
bowel each daj In nrdsr to be heMhr thiuia
aoes4rr Address O F Woodward J Rcj NT