The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 26, 1905, Image 1

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Let Us Help You
We want to nsgist you in tho
choice of your wall decorations
furniture polish enamels stains
nnd other house cleaning necessi
If you need a painter or paper
hanger let us know wo save you
tho trouble of finding him
Remember wo are headquarters
for wall paper in all grades and
the most attractive
that our prices are
tractive ever offered you for such
goods We know wo can please
you and also save you money on
your wall paper purchases
See our windows for some of tho
things you need in spring house
cleaning campaign and remember
that we carry only the best of
everything in such goods and at
tho same time you save money
whnn vou eive us vour orders
Cone linos uruggisis
The Baccalaureate Sermon
The exorcises of commencement week
wero appropriately inaugurated last
Sunday eveniugin the Methodistchurch
with Rev E A Earles baccalaureate
sermon to the members of tho class of
405 McCook high school in the hearing
of an overflowing audience Tho servi
ces wore union in character embracing
tho several churches of the city and
were held at the regular hour eight
Rev Earle preached eloquently and
ably from the text Whist ye not that
I must be about My Fathers business
He laid down with emphasis the divine
and human law of labor and urged upon
the members of the class about to enter
lifes school the vital importance of mak
ing that labor of life a consecrated one
that they should succeed only by taking
God into the partnership and working
according to his holy and righteous
plans It was a worthf ul effort
The usual Qvening service of the Epis
copal church was followed for the most
part a large choir directed by Dr S C
Beach assisting in the music and re
sponses An inspiring anthem and a
solo by Mrs A P Bonnot were the
Special music numbers of the evening
The members of the class marched in
en body accompanied by the city super
intendent and members of tho high
school teacher corps
The service was withal one to enthuse
and stimulate
There was no effort made at decora
TVali Paper
Our assortment of wall papers puts at
your command the most attractive pat
terns of the most artistic wall paper de
signers Until you see these papers you
may think this overdrawn After you
see them we think you will admit that
it would be almost impossible to exag
gerate the beauty of pattern and har
mony of coloring exemplified in these
papers The lino is full of novelties and
we will be glad to suggest plans for dec
oration if you wish Let us show you
McConnell Druggist
Will Have Entertainment Course
The Tribune has pleasure in announc
ing that the citizens of McCook will
have the advantage of a series of enter
tainments this fall and winter some
what similar to that enjoyed last year
A local committee has been organized
for that purpose and attractions of the
highest class available will bo secured
Details will appear in due time
Do You Want to Try
3ostm aster Kimmell wants to see a
number of persons who are desirous of
taking an examination for carrier of a
proposed rural free delivery route out
of McCook Report to him promptly
and secure application blanks
Read This
Solomon saidThere was nothing new
under the sun but Solomon never
knew Sam Jones The great Georgian
lecturer and entertainer will be here
July 21
The mill can never grind unless
the man behind knows his business
The proof of the flour is in the baking
Doans 91 takes the crimson badge for
The Royal Neighbors of America
Camp 862 will meet Tuesday June 6th
and will meet every first and third
Tuesday evenings at eight oclock here
Baby bonnets and caps of silk of
lawn of crocheted silk in large variety
at Thompsons
Water coolers at W T Colemans
Place one in your store and see if wont
help your trade
Best quality apron check ginghams 5
cents yard at Thompsons
Large kitchen aprons of best gingham
20c each at Thompsons
Mits T H Bales is with her daugh
ter in Alliance
Mrs D BWirt is visiting herdaugh
ter Mrs W H Browne
L S Harper of the Carney Coal Co
Omaha was in the city Tuesday
E J Mitchell is conducting an auc
tioneering business in Sedalia Mo
Mrs L L Burnett of Lincoln is
a guest of Mrs H G Phelps thi3 week
C H Beaumont Madrid state bank
examiner was in tho city Friday last
Miss Edna M Barr is spending a few
weeks in Iloldrege with relatives and
Miss Lona Wilburn of Lincoln is a
guest of Trainmaster and Mrs T A
C O Brown the barber has gone to
Denver and is working in the Albany
hotel shop
Rev G L Henkelman is back from
his visit in Loveland Mrs Henkelman
is still in Lincoln
Mrs S E Solomon and Miss Feme
were down from Culhertson Wednesday
between local trains
Mrs G D LeHew has been enter
taining Mrs J M Isenhart of Norcatur
Kansas since close of last week
Mrs L W Stayner went down to
Kenesaw thisniorning to visit briefly
and will return home tomorrow night
Harrie Thomas of the Harward
Courier was the guest of his brother
Supt Thomas Sunday between trains
Miss Mabel Fleming has been visit
inc her aunt Mrs Peter Carty and other
Lebanon relatives for the past two weeks
Mrs V O English has been up from
Aurora Nebraska since closei of last
week guest of Supt English her hus
Miss Bessie Peterson who has been
in Chicagopast winter and spring tak
ing special studies returned home close
of last weok
Dr and Mrs E B Cumming and
Mr and Mrs C T Hammel departed
on 2 Tuesday morning for their home
in Bronson Kansas
Mrs P F Rufinot of Chicago who
has been a guest of the Menards for a
few weeks departed on 2 Wednesday
morning for her home
Mrs E M Bigelow returned early
in the week from Chicago where she
has been for a few weeks studying late
things in china painting
Miss Florence Reynolds of the Ax
tell Advertiser was a guest of her sister
Mrs G E Denton over Sunday going
home on 12 Monday morning
Miss Lena Schobel arrived in the
city Friday evening on 5 remaining the
guest of her brother J G until Sunday
when she continued her journey to Den
B H Stewart late of Kearney In
dustrial School Courier arrived in the
city Sunday night and assumed the
foremanship of The Tribune office
Monday morning
Harry Campbell arrived from Chi
cago last Thursday night and is spend
ing a few weeks at home recuperating
from his recent illness and to witness
the graduation of his sister Miss Lillie
of the class of 1905 this week
Mrs C P Rinker and two daughters
of Council Bluffs Iowa arrived in the
the city last Saturday from Kansas
City where they had been visiting her
sister Mrs Fred S Harris After a few
weeks here with her parents Mr and
Mrs Joseph Menard they will proceed
to Denver their new home
Dr H J Pratt we learn has just re
ceived a call to London England on a
snecial matter of business and will in
consequence be compelled to remain ab
sent from his office for several weeks
Both the Doctor and Mrs Pratt will
leave here on Tuesday June 6th and
hope to return by August 1st What
takes the Doctors fancy most is the
fact that all expenses are prepaid
While abroad the Doctor will take the
opportunity to attend clinics and lectures
at the London dental university
Our Paints
The Lincoln absolutely pure are giv
ing entire satisfaction and sold on a
guarantee If you want the best
mixed Paint or Lead and oil var
nishes and stains we would like to
figure with you
McMillen Druggist
Estrayed or Stolen
Pointer dog pup about five months
old Has long hair on ears color is
brown and white jHad on leathern
collar Reward for return
George Elbert
Ladies lace hose in tans and in black
at Thompson
See that road wagon at Colemans for
3850 its a peach
i T yfii
Wall Paper
In price colorings and variety we
think you can bo suited in our line of
wall paper The very latest in
crowns stripes and oriental designs
Lot us show you
A McMillen Druggist
Notice Teachers and Prospective Teachers
The first and second weeks of the Mc
Cook Junior Normal school June 5 to
17 inclusive will be the institute weeks
for Red Willow county One weok is
the limit on compulsory attendance at
institute so I am designating tho sec
ond week as the one for compulsory at
tendance Let me urge you though to
be present tho first week also to get
your work planned yourself comfortably
located and all preliminary arrangements
made so that the second or institute
week may be given wholly to school
work Excuse from institute attendance
will be granted only after previous con
sultation with the superintendent and
then only for good and sufficient reasons
This is the annual business meeting of
the teachers and it is for the best inter
ests of the schools and of all concerned
that each teacher be present So come I
and let us make this the best institute
yet held in this county
Flora B Quick Co Supt
Let Authorities Offer Reward
Last Saturday night some unknown
party or parties stripped the bark off of
a number of shade trees on C H Boy
les residence property utterly ruining
several fine trees This work of wanton
and cowardly destruction and mutila
tion is becoming too common and fre
quent The Tribune urges the city
authorities to curb this contemptible
tendency by offering a suitable cash re
ward for information leading to the ar
rest and punishment of those responsi
ble for these mean acts of vandalism
Nothing will more thoroughly discour
age such crimes against property and
the rights of citizens than a residence of
thirtv davs in the county jail and the
imposition of a suitable fine
A Surprise Dinner
Miss Mabel Wilcox Miss Coral White
Miss Ernini Rathbun and Miss Laura
McMillen composing the teacher corp3
in the frame building east ward perpe
trated a very enjoyable surprise Tues
day afternoon on the members of the
entire teacher corps At 530 the teach
ers were summoned to ateachers meet
ing in the laboratory where the enter
taining young ladies served a dinner to
their colleagues of the happiest details
The surprise was genuine and complete
and every particular engaging and felic
The S W Varnish Stain
stains the wood and varnishes it in one
operation It is made in the following
colors Cherry oak mahogany walnut
golden oak ebony and green It is pre
pared ready for tho brush and is easy
to apply We recommend it for furni
ture and any of the wood
work about the house
McConnell Druggist
To Young Men
Come in and get a buggy at W T
Colemans and be ready to bring your
best girl to the Fourth and see the best
celebration ever held in McCook
Bees For Sale
Several colonies of Italian bees for
sale Call or write Mrs William By
field one mile east of McCook
A few years ago all machinery was
made from wood and today any piece of
farm machinery that is not made of steel
is out of date The latest is the steel
wagon In a few years tnere will be
nothing but steel wagons W T Cole
man has tnem now xou snouia can
and see them
For Sale A nice front door for a
residence with screen door to match
Also window frame and two sashes
with glass Will sell very reasonable
Call at this office for further particulars
The question with you should
that the product of foreign mills
is no
cheaper and never as good as Doans 91
patent The kind to buy should be no
matter of speculation
Remember that all shoes bought at
The Bee Hive will be sewed and nailed
free by our Mr Meyers
Shoes repaired and
at the old stand
work guaranteed
The Bee Hive
Ladies shirt waist suits at
S165 250 350 at Thompsons
Plenty of solid pinks in wash goods at
12c 20c 25c 35c at Thompsons
Mrs J G Schobel and daughter went
up to Denver on No 1 today
Best light calicoes 4Jc yd at Thomp
RicnARD O Green
Winifred E Browne
Charles R Rice
Class Song
Japanese Intermezzo
Class Day Exercises
Though not the culmiation of com
mencement week class day is ever one
of the most interesting and engrossing
features bringing out in most protuin
enco tho individual members of tho
graduating class
Tho exercises last evening in the
Methodist church lacked not in interest
and merit with those of past years and
crowded that building to overflowing
The programme was lengthy and the
individual numbers strong time and
space this morning prohibiting our go
ing into detail as we are pleased to wore
it possible
The decorations wero tasteful and ap
propriate a large flag forming tho back
ground for the class whose motto on a
field of blue and done in gold Pro
Bono Publico was suspended over the
flag palms ferns potted and cut
flowers formed tho rest of the simple
but pretty effect tho labor of tho mem
bers of tho class of 06
The music by the orchestra of thir
teen instruments was especialy pleasing
under the direction of H P Sutton
Tho formal programme is given here
Excerpts from tho Musical Comedy Tho
Defender Tobani
Class Songs
Oer the Waters Kowioy
Summer Now Hath Come Among Us
Essay - Silent Influences
Lillie E McClain
Kocitation Rido of Collings GraTes
Ruby J Fitzgerald
Oration Success in Lifo
Ada M McAninch
Gavotte Rain Drops Saumoll
Essay Gossip
Lillie M Campbell
Recitation Sceno from Konilworth
Lona J Phelps
Reading of Class Poemg
Ada A Hammond
Essay Get Ready for the Place Above You
Bertha M Carty
Class History
Charles R Rice
Piano Duet Scherzo Brilliante Sponholtz
Lillie M Campbell and Emma M Perry
Selections from the opera Norma Bellini
Debate Resolved That a college training
increases ono3 chance of making
life a well rounded success
Edna Waite
Edward W Hanson
Emma M Perry
Poppies Moret
Their Golden Wedding
Wednesday evening May 24 1903
was a happy and memorable date for
Mr and Mrs C F Pade of our city
being fiftieth anniversary of their mar
riage in Fond du LacWisconsinMay 24
1855 The immediate neighbors helped
them in a little informal celebration of
the extraordinary event together with
Mr and Mrs F L Pade of Hastingsj
who were bride and groomsman on the
happy occasion a half century ago
The marriage ceremony was again per
formed Rev G L Henkelman officiat
ing and using the ring
Light refreshments were served after
wards and the rest of the evening was
spent in social ways
Mr and Mrs F L Pade returned to
Hastings on 12 Thursday morning
The Tribune expresses the heartiest
congratulations and well wishes of this
community to our highly esteemed citi
zens Mr and Mrs C F Pade Many
happy returns of the day
Handsome Japanese crepe kimonos at
S175 8225 275 and S325 at Thomp
The finest gas engine and alfalfa grind
er that has ever been placed on the
market at W T Colemans Call and
see it
Well bred a gentleman Well bread
thats another kind but means the best
there is Thats made from Doans
91 patent
We have now in our employe a first-
class shoemaker who will attend to all
your shoes needing repair
The Bee Hive
A dance will be given in the
McCook Skating Rink on next
Thursday evening June 1st
Music by K of P orchestra
Tickets 100 I spectators 25
cents ladies free A good
time Dromised
Rooms For Rent
Five rooms over W W McMillens
shop Inquire of S D McClain
Ladies brilliantine dress skirts 350
500 650 and S00 in blues blacks
and browns at Thompsons
Our Mr Meyers will get your shoes
repaired promptly at The Bee Hive
Umbrellas for ladies and men 50c to
500 at Thompsons
In order that all who desire may
cooperato with tho Grand Army of
the Republic and assist in tho Deco
ration Day sorvicos it is requested
that all business houses bo closed
from 1 to 4 oclock Tuesday aftor
noon May 30th 1903 It is also re
quested that there bo no games of
amusement which would conflict
with the state law on this occasion
II P Waitk Mayor
Died In Colorado
The aged father of our fellow towns
man L W McConnell D J McConnell
died in Loveland Colo Wednesday
night of last weok from heart trouble of
long standing Mr and Mrs McCon
nell recently arrived hero from Illinois
to make their homo Before settling
down here thoy decided to visit their
son Charles at Loveland but the alti
tude proved fatal to tho weakened heart
The remains were buried in Loveland
Friday Mrs McConnell will return
hero after a visit there of some length
Deceased was 84 years of age A wife
and four children survive him L W
C A and a daughter in California and
one in Kansas City
R L Okerson and John Keegan are
now proprietors of the old Murray barter-shop
Herman Hegenberger sell
ing out this week and resuming work
in the Burlington train service
All shoe repairing promptly and neatly
done Bring in your work
The Bee Hive
Read the advertisement of W F Wil
son dealer in second hand goods suc
cessor to Nick Colling
W Meyers an old time shoe maker
from Lincoln has accepted a position
at The Bee Hive
Childrens misses and ladies gauze
union suits 25c to G5c at Thompsons
Ferris corset waist for ladies misses
and children at Thompsons
Japanese cotton crepe for kimonos etc
15c yard at Thompsons
Beautiful matched sets of einproider
ies at Thompsons
Mrs Will Dungan is up from Hast
Cliff Browne came up from Lincoln
on 1 yesterday
Mrs W A DeMay was over from
Danbury yesterday
Mrs Martin Traver of Lincoln is a
guest of her son Frank
Mrs J C Marshall arrived on 1
yesterday from Lincoln
E J Kates is up from Lincoln for the
commencement exercises
Miss Lizzie Wilburn is visiting Red
Cloud friends and relatives
Mr and Mrs H L Kennedy have
moved up from Cambridge
Mrs W R Hammond of Eagle Grove
Iowa is a guest of Mrs J J Curran
Mrs George H Woods of Weeping
Water is a guest of Mrs W M Stoner
Mrs Claude Alexander of Beaver
Pa is a guest of her sister Mrs W H
Mr and Mrs Martin Kennedy of
the North Side are parents of a new boy
this week
Mr and Mrs B C Bowman enter
tained the stork yesterday and now
have three of a kind all daughters
Mrs C A Stone was the object of a
delightful farewell surprise last even
ing by her East McCook friends
Rev and Mrs G A Conrad were
objects of a surprise donation Wednes
day evening and quite generously re
membered notwithstanding the evening
was decidedly unpropitious as to the
J F Cordeal K of and S Mc
Cook lodge was handsomely surprised
and presented with a fineK of P charm
and fob Wednesday evening in recogni
tion of his unremitting services for the
Pythian order here
Mr and Mrs Peter Carty of
who have been visiting in Denver
for several days are here during the
graduating exercises of the city schools
their daughter Bertha being one of the
C E Lyle of Skidmore Missouri
who ha3 been working on The Tribune
since the third instant went up to Co
rona Colorado Saturday last on No 3
to take a position with the company in
the station service
A Campbell is expected homo from
Chicago Sunday Very favorable re
ports come home as to his improvement
and the way his old railroad colleagues
are calling upon him at the hospital is
most inspiriting and gratifying to him
and to his friends here
June lGth J Edmund Vance
Cooke tho humorous poet-philosopher
in readings from his own writ
ings Mr Cooko has beon a star
performer at chautauquas and upon
lecture platforms for tho past ton
years his ongngomerts taking him
from tho Atlantic to the Pacific
Something of Riley some tiling of
Field nor is thoro lacking the keen
ness of Twain yet unlike any of
them ho is tho original Cooke poet
entertainer philosophor
Juno 29 Frank R Rorerson tho
world renowned traveler is now in
Russia gaining now information for
his great lecturo on Russia nnd
Japan Ho wil bo hotter prepared
than ever to give a clear statement of
tho vital issues at stake in tho pres
ent war between these two nations
Tho prospect that tho battle will bo
fought to tho bitter end profoundly
affecting the history of tho east and
of tho world at large makes this lec
ture of great interest
July 12 The Slayton Jubilee
Singers who havo played more re
turn dates than any other musical or
ganization in the country aro recog
nized as tho one and only colored at
traction Thoy give a varied pro
gram including oldtimo jubilees as
well as up-to-date numbers During
tho coming soason they will to
stronger and better than thoy have
ever been
August 4 Robert McIntyre tho
great word painter of tho west and
tho finest popular spoaker on this
continent will deliver his unrivaled
lecture on
This is a popular lecture on tho fol
lies of the day full of sunshine elo
quence humor patho3 and magnetic
appeal It will cast out devils wher
ever delivered and is sure to please-
Season Tickets 150 for the four
numbers now on sale
McConnell for drugs
Everything in drugs McConnell
Best quality dress prints 5c yard at
For furniture the latest out go to
Pade Son
Mens all leather gloves 15c pair at
O C Mastin M D Eclectic Physi
cian phone 95
Gauze knee pants for ladies and girls
at Thompsons
Elite Mercerized petticoats 150 to
3 at Thompsons
A second hand surrey for sale cheap
at W T Colemans
American A two bushel seamless grain
bags lGoC at Thompsons
New arrival of portieres and couch
covers at Pade Sons
Best quality white or colored table oil
cloth 15c yard at Thompsons
Rooms for rent over the market
D C Marsh
Sewing machines all standard makes
at tho lowest market prices at Pade
Get a stack coner at W T Colemans
before haying and harvest You will
need it
6950 a ton is the price for that extra
fine bright baled hay just shipped in by
Wanted Good girl for general house
work Good wages Mrs R B Archi
Knipple has just received a carload of
nice bright baled hay which he is sell
ing at 950 a ton
Farm trucks at 2700 at W T Cole
mans Just the thing for your hay
rack to haul grain hay and manure
Several milch cows good ones for
sale Call or write me A D Johns
ton McCook Neb
Rugs and carpets have advanced in
the market Our large stock goes at
old prices Pade Son
Why not get one of those oak water
three gallon kegs to carry water to the
field in Take a look at those at W T
There will be a celebration of the Holy
Communion in St Albans Episcopal
church Sunday morning May 2Sth at
730 oclock
You surely will want one of those
Quick Meal gasoline stoves or a refrig
erator or an ice cream freezer at Cole
man s before the big celebration