The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 19, 1905, Image 4

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    ffe JgtiSoofc ffom
Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Strictly Personal
The Tkibune is prepared to
sliow you n superb lino of snmples
of 1900 calendars and wo will
do tho printing right hero No
need to send away for them Our
line can suit tho most fastidious
tasto and tho fullest purse or tho
simplest desiro and most modest
Tiik Tribune has in stock a full
line of Cnsh Register stationery
Cash Received on Account
Paid Out Charge slips etc
Buy your supplies at home and
save annoyance of ordering from
eastern cities
The Tkiuune koops in stock
notes receipts single and in du
plicate one or three to tho page
legal blanks of all kinds typo-
writer papers etc 5
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evenipg service nt 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock am
Morning prayer at 11 a m and evening
prayer and sermon at 3 The third Sun
day in the month Holy Communion at
730 a m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Preaching at 11 a m Junior League
at 0 Epworth League at 7 Prayer
meeting Wednesday at eight I will
preach and administer Lords Supper at
South McCook next Sunday at 3 p m
Morning subject In Remembrance
M B Carman Pastor
Ideal white and colored lawn and
silk waists at Thompsons
Apple Scab and Cedar Rust
The Nebraska Agricultural Experi
ment Station has just issued Bulletin
No S8 which deals with the control of
apple scap and cedar rust The bullet
in tells how these diseases of the apple
work gives the results of experiments in
spraying to control them and directions
for the preparation and use of the neces
sary spraying mixtures The bulletin
is sent free to residents of Nebraska
upon request addressed to tho Agricul
tural Experiment Station Lincoln Neb
Not being able to secure enough mem
bers hero to organize locally quite a
number of Catholic men of tho city will
go to Lincoln Saturday night to join
tho Lincoln order of Catholic Knights
of Columbus Sunday
i Wiccfi4faia
Screen Boor Paint
Head j for Use You Cas Apply It
put r xs
12 pint pint quart 1 2 gsllon
and gsllon cans
CONE BROS Druggist
wisezaxxpmx putMxmj wrr
The seasons first cold
may Te slight may yield
to early treatment but the
next cold will hang on
longer it will be more
troublesome too U n -necessary
to take chances
on that second one Scotts
Emulsion is a preventive
as well as a cure Take
hen colds abound and
youll have no cold Take i t
when the cold is contracted
and it checks inflamma
tion heals the membranes
of the throat and lungs
and drives the cold out
Send for free sample
SCOTT B0WNE Chemists
409 415 Pearl Street Sew York
50c and 100 AH druggists
Born This week to Mrs Ed Voiles
a lino daughter
Ollio IlaneonTs assistant operator at
tho B M station hero
Mrs Olmstead moved into her fine
new residence this week
Tho outside work on Mr Theobalds
now house is about completed
Two icches of rain last Saturday put
a damper on business that day
Dan McKillip is replanting a large
field of corn on account of tho hard rain
last Saturday
Several of our young folks attended
tho play at Indianola last weok and
pronounce it all right
Mrs Dr Meyers arrived from Hend
ley this week She is organizing a class
in painting
Eugene Dutcher and Gordon Athoy
aro doing some fine work on tho Theo
bald residence
Mnch good and little damago was
done by the rain Saturday last week
and Thursday this week
Elder Wilson pastor of the Christian
church here attended district conven
tion at Edison this week
Mr Trainer appointed street com
missioner and marshal this weok is
tho right man in the right place
Mesdames Lee and Nelson of Indian
ola attended services at tho Christian
ohurch in Bartley Sunday evening
Mrs Jennie Catlett and Mrs A F
McCord attended the district couven
tion at Edison as delegates from the
Christian church
G W Jones will begin the erection of
a stone business building 25 x 100 feet
next week on Commercial avenue just
north of the bank building
The Black Heifer drama postponed
Saturday evening was played Wednes
day to a packed audience Everybody
was pleased and say it was the best play
over olTered in Bartley
Mrs Ike Rathbon of Delta Colorado
passed through Bartley Wednesday on
her way to visit her mother in Michigan
Mrs Rathbon was for many years a
resident of this county and had a host
of friends
Goat 1351 is ready for service after an
The auditor was looking through tho
storehouse business this week
vChief Dispatcher Mills was in Lincoln
on business Wednesday
Mr Barstow tho oil and freight car
inspector was at headquarters this
Gus Budig is engineer of the new steel
wrecker in addition to being air king
and chief of electricity
Postmaster Kimmell wants to see a
number of persons who aro desirous of
taking an examination for carrier of a
proposed rural free delivery route out
of McCook Report to him promptly
and secure application blanks
Standards of excellence are the fruits
of experience McCook Plouk has
been the oxe standard of excellence in
WttternNebraska of all milling product
Hotv Under Some Conditions It 51ny
Not Iiill the Victim
It may seem absurd to claim that
there are cases where he bite of a rat
tlesnake is not fatal yet such have
happened and to understand these it is
necessary only to understand the man
ner in which this reptile strikes
Tho spectacle of a rattlesnake at bay
is one a beholder never forgets The
great long body lies coiled in a tense
spiral the very embodiment of wick
edness Poised in air the white bellied
fore body is bent into a horizontal S
rigid as an iron bar Raised from the
middle of the spiral is the tail quiver
ing like a twanged banjo string and
emitting a rattle like steam escaping
from the pet cock of a radiator or like
the sound of a mowing machine in a
distant hayfield Awe inspiring th
dread flat triangular head eyes gleam
ing black and cold as icy steel is ready
to strike As tho grewsome mouth
opens wide and pink the long thin poi
son fangs arise from a horizontal posi
tion an5 staiid upright like a pair of
slender curved needle pointed shad
bones ready for business Liko a flash
far too quick for tho eye to follow the
snake strikes sending home its fangs
an inch or twTo and in that same frac
tion of an instant he has squirted a
blespoonful or canary yellow viscous
fluid into the wound and lies coiled
ready for a second attack
In this incomprehensibly swift attack
lies the answer why sometimes the bite
of a rattler is not fatal for so won
derfullyswift is the attack that a bite
may be imperfect leaving only a pair
of tiny needle punctures with just
enough venom to make a victim seri
ously ill
Another reason why a rattlesnakes
bite Is not always fatal is that tempo
rarily the reptile may be without ven
om The snake may havo exhausted its
poison on a previous enenry in which
case it would have to wait several days
before the deadly fluid has reaccumu
Iated or again the vipers fangs may
have suffered accident They may have
been broken off and require time for
new growth In any case certain it is
that a rattlesnakes poison applied in
the proper way will do its work and
then only tlie most expert and prompt
assistance wll save a victim A W
Rolker in Pearsons Magazine
An Onncc of ttad Cheer In Worth a
Pound of Melancholy
It has been said that it Is better to
be born lucky than rich said Dr
George P Butler but It is in fact bet
ter to be born tough than either lucky
or rich After forty eat less and elimi
nate more Drink more pure water rcd
keep the peristaltic wave of prosperity
constantly moving down the alimenta
ry canal Many people suffer from too
much business and not enough health
When such is the case they had better
cut out business and society for a time
and come down to mush and milk and
first principles Dont he foolish Eat
less and play more Indulge in less fret
and fume and more fruit and fun
There are people too indolent to bo
healthy literally too lazy to live Work
your brains and keep in touch with
people Do something for others and
forget yourselves There Is nothing so
inane and detrimental to mind and
health as the conversation of people on
their aches and pains and troubles
The froth of whipped eggs Is a tonic
compared to it All our appetites are
conditional Enjoyment depends upon
the scarcity A worker In any field
whose age Is near either the shady or
sunny side of fifty should consider him
self in his prime good for another half
century of temperate judicious work
Let grandma wear bright ribbons and
gaudy gowns if the colors become her
and let grandpa be as dudlsh as he
pleases with flashy neckties and cheer
ful garb Both will be younger for it
and besides it is in hormony with na
ture Gray hair Is honorable that
which is dyed is an abomination be
fore the Lord Cultivate thankfulness
and cheerfulness An ounce of good
cheer Is worth a pound of melancholy
Medical News
The FhlloKophy of San olio Pnnzo and
the Fame of Cervantes
The enormous number of proverbial
sayings in Quixote had much to do
with the success of the book especially
in England and France at a time when
the apothegm and maxim were a favor
ite literary form and quite apart from
the inexhaustible fund of humorous ac
tion contained in the work Sanchos
sententious dicta made the noval as a
collection of proverbs alone worth pres
As in the case of so many of Shake
speares apothegms hundreds of Sancho
Panzas saying have become so much a
part of our common speech as to sound
almost trite when we stumble across
them on the printed page Diligence
Is the mother of success seems obvious
enough but the man who first enshrin
ed it in speech was a genius lie
whom God helps is better off than the
man wno sets up early Is a bit of
ijlisiaJccn Identity
Senator Proctor of Vermont accom
panied by Mrs Proctor and a party of
some fourteen persons was once mak
ing a tour of tho west A stop was
made at Salt Lake City and the party
started out for a walk about the city
Senator Proctor and his wife headed
the procession and the ladies of the
pa fy brought up the rear going in
pairs That very same day another
party of easterners was making the
rounds of Salt Lake City and when
they encountered the Proctor party in
the main street they stood aside to let
them pass Well well exclaimed
one of tho second party Theres a
sight Look at that old Mormon and
his wives Out for a constitutional I
suppose I wonder ho added if he
has any more
Fellow Worms
Before Longfellow bought the house
in Cambridge so associated with his
memory it was owned and occupied by
old Mrs Craigie Mrs Craigie was a
woman of many eccentricities Moncure
D Conway says in his book of Rem
Some one once tried to persuade her
to have her trees tarred to protect them
from caterpillars which also invaded
her neighbors trees She refused to be
so cruel to the caterpillars They are
our fellow worms she said
Bachelor Logic
Old Mr Batchelor thinks he has
proved that there is no such thing as
a good husband
Hows that
He says that if a mans got sense
enough to Be a good husband he has
too nrach sense to get married
Cleveland Leadej -
Every household ought to havo an
encyclopedia observed the professor
I think so too responded Miss Flat
terby brightly They are so handy
to press crumpled ribbons and flowers
and letters and things Louisville
Courier Journal
Appreciated His HnngeT
Canvasser You know how uncertain
life is Business Man Thats so I
might kill a life insurance agent any
time and bo
York Tress
executed for it 2Cew
Make not thy friends too cheap to
thee nor thyself to thy friends Fuller
The Thing In a Nutshell
In a nutshell the 210000 miles of rail
road in the United States stocked and
bonded at an average of 63000 per
mile and capitalized on tho aggregate
for 13250000000 or thereabouts con
tains 1500000000 of water computing
the average valvo of American railroads
at 10p00per mile On this vast over
capitalization the Americnn people are
compelled to pay at least i per cent
or 180000000 a year in tho shape of
freight and passenger tolls
How is tho water to bo rung out
That is one ofjjthe problems which tho
future alone can solve Periodically or
at least once every twenty years tho
water wrings itself out but it is pump
ed in again almostby tho same process
by which it was originally injected and
the process will keep on repeating itself
for generations growing more dangerous
to our financial system as tho years go
by unless tho nation and tho states shall
assume and exercise supervisory power
over railroad capitalization OmahaBee
The Holbrook Observer is the latest
candidate for public support down in
Furnas county E Ii Cline is the pub
Thomas W Lawson of Boston who
is after the Standard Oil Co with a
big stick with the permission of the
groat commonpeople of tho Unitpd
States announces that his June article
in Everybodys Magazine will deal
with the first great Crime of Amalgam
ated in a double chapter of 21000
words He promises to give in his vig
orous style what he calls a brick-and-mortar
detail of this act by which the
American people were robbed of 36000
000 through the agency of the biggest
national bank in America the National
City StandardOil Bank of New
York City The Tribune has small
doubt about the size of the demand for
the magazine of that issue
Apropos of the unfortunate and regret
table public school affair of last week The
Tribune wants to paraphrase a well
known old saw by saying Be sure you
know what you are talking about and
then talk as little as possible In fact
unless you can talk with distinct sane
ness you had better not talk at all It
will be better for you and infinitely bet
ter for the public schools of the city
Many a lord of creation who might
shine delivering liver to bears has a
call to preach or to ornament the
editorial tripod Its the other fellows
call however Hence the multiplied
qases of malpractice on the human soul
worldly experience that comes home and the newspaper blacksmithsgalore
even now to many a doubter as to
whether we get our deserts while
Cromwells Trust God and keep your
powder dry was anticipated by San
chos Pray to God but hammer
away Another shrewd piece of ob
servation from tho same source might
save many a tradesman from loss to
this day Ho who does not mean to
pay does not haggle about price and
the homely scrap of philosophy in
which Sancho warns the world against
stretching out the leg farther than the
sheet that covers it is as necessary and
pertinent now as it ever was London
1 k H 9
St Louis Mo May 17 Gov Folk
of Missouri addressing tho general Bap
tist convention last night said
Lawbreaking has becomo alarmingly
common It is one of tho groatest dan
gers that confronts free government for
when all laws are ignored thero can bo
no such thing as free government
Many men obey the laws they liko
but think they biivon politicalliberty to
disobey tho laws that aro obnoxious to
Tho trust magnate looks with abhor
rence on tho pickpocket who violates
the larceny statute but considors it en
tirely right to break the laws against
combinations and monopolies Tho bood
ler detests tho lawbreaking of tho trusts
but considers tho law against bribery as
an infringement on his personal liborty
The dram shop keeper regards tho law
against murder as good but tho law
against operating his dram shop on Sun
day is in his opinion puritanical and
tyrannical If each citizen wero allowed
to determine for himself which laws he
considered bad tho result would bo an
anarchy wo would have no laws at all
The only safe rulo is that if tho law is
on the statute books it must bo obeyed
Notley Yarger plastored Johu Breit
lings house Wednesday
Louis Bower and Nellie Plumloigh
wero united in marriage Monday
J P Notley is building a new brick
sidewalk making a nice improvement
over the old
Amos Rogers arrived from Sterling
Colorado Wednesday morning with a
fine bunch of thorough bred Iferefords
East McCook lifo is more than usual
ly strenuous to tho jounger members of
the community on account of preva
lence of measles
Shorthorn Sale at Republican City
Remember the Heath Shorthorn salo
of thirty hjad consisting of 19 bulls
ranging in age from one to two years old
and we also put in one of our herd bulls
Golden Victor Jr and the females aro
mostly two-year-olds and sired by our
old Cruickshank bull Aberdeen Lad and
the heifers that are old enough are in
calf to Golden Victor Jr or Lancaster
Royal a pure Cruickshank bull sired by
Imported Prince Odincand their dames
are bred in the purple
Come to the salo at tho ranch two
miles south of Republican City Neb
on Wednesday May 31st Sale begins
at 1 p m Every thing is free except
the cattle and they will go at your price
rain or shine Send for a catalogue as
they are ready for distribution
k fy -- JW jL2h Aw
Ill HUM I Mil I III mill
ijjCTrwg -
For a short time I will put on sale m entire
stock of Dress Skirts at the following re
8oo and 850 Skirts - - 650
650 Skirts
- - - 525
575 and 600 Skirts - - 500
S 50 Skirts - - - 475
475 and 500 Skirts - - 425
3 75 Skirts - - - 298
These are all new styles summer weights
and the very best values on the market at
the regular selling prices
And NOW at these reduction prices you
cannot afford to miss these extreme bargains
Ladies Fancy Collars and
I have just received a new assortment of all
the up-to-date collars and turn overs ranging
inprice from 10c to r Call and see them
Dont fonret to Pfmne i6 for te
Phone 16
r r o
- v
W C Bnllarfl
Coal Wood
Building Material
of all Kinds
Screen Doors and
Phone Number One
A Sound Argument
Tho ono that blows without any
thing to blow about wastes time and
onergy Tho excellence of our goods
andjdelivery service warrant us for
blowing Always tho best always
tho greatest variety always tho
highest quality
Phone 11 Fresh and Salt Meats
i Insurance
Now is the time to insure
your stock and buildings
against lightning torna
does and tire
Write or phone me and 1
v- ill call and fix vou out
Plione J135 McCook Neb
pii iiiniimwii if im i
Beginning with May 1st I i
V will hp in IrCnnk nnrl finpn
to all calls to do house clean-
ing Leave orders at Th
ti Tribune office or drop
card in the postofiice Ten 1
ti T rpTifi art r rrir
Water Proof Varnishing
- -
f v C
8r rtA
tt ru5
1 11 1 1
r i - awTPte
t T n avr m ir v l s
r S
toJc w ij
i trflllff M
p X
and EGGS
0M Rubber Copper aad Brass
iLfcest Market Price Paid inCasi
Block We9t of Cttr Bank
Take no if ii
Nebraska I
v -
v - usns
uvAca MnirT t kin
- - miwbh
Z CO aaion
Square 1ilIX XA
Mention tM DBer