The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 12, 1905, Image 1

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AMlWiiv ti uNUMnxpfa
Let Us Help You
We want to assist you in the
cboico of your wall decorations
furniture polish enamels stains
and other house cleaning necessi
If you need a painter or paper
hanger let us know wo save you
the trouble of finding him
Remember we are headquarters
for wall paper in all grades and
that our prices are the most at
tractive ever offered you for sueh
goods We know wo can please
you and also save you money on
your wall paper purchases
See our windows for some of the
things you need in spring house
cleaning campaign and remember
that we carry only the best of
everything in such goods and at
the same time you save money
when you give us your orders
Cone linos Druggists
A Sneak Day Picnic
As a result of the sneak day picnic
indulged in by many of the 8th 12th
grades of the McCook high school Wed
nesday the offending pupils were sent
home for the rest of the week upon
their appearance in school Thursday
morning Just what additional may
be required of those who have so griev
ously broken the laws of the state and
school has not yet been divulged The
punishment if it fits the crime will dis
courage future acts of that sort
Those participating in the sneak
day picnic have been deprived of the
right to play in the high school club
lience that organization will go into re
treat for this season Alas those pretty
Fourth of July Committees
following committees have been ap
pointed Finance G E Thompson
-chairman J HBennett William Lewis
W T Coleman W AMiddleton E S
Howell Transportation G S Scott
chairman Advertising P M Kim
mell chairman Speakers and music
A Barnett chairman Amusements
and program S O Beach chairman
Grounds and privileges Barney Hofer
chairman Barbecue Harry Barbazett
chairman The chairmen of these com
mittees are all requested to be at a meet
ing in he club rooms next Thursday
evening May 18th at 815 sharp to de
termine plans
Death From Accidental Polsoning
Dudley the little son of Mr and Mrs
Dan Doyle son of William Doyle of our
city took some poison last Friday in
iiis childish ignorance dying a short
time thereafter The funeral services
were held at the farm north of the city
Saturday by Eev M B Carman of this
city and the remains were brought to
McCook and buried in Riverview ceme
tery Saturday afternoon The young
parents are in the greatest distress as a
result of the sad tragedy Dudley was
their oldest child born December 21
1902 They have tenderest sympathy of
many friends and relatives in this sorrow
Incubator For Sale
I have on hand one more incubator
than I need and offer the machine at a
great bargain Machine guaranteed
and as good as new If you want an in
cubator now is your time to get one at
half the price of a new one
Ben Gossakd
Saving- On Latest Buggies
We have just bought a job lot of fine
new surreys phaetons carts driving
wagons and stanhopes direct from the
manufacturer Wo have bargains in all
the above vehicles
W T Coleman
Dwelling for Sale
My three room dwelling house in West
McCook Four lots all in bearing
fruit Everything fenced House well
finished Barn 16x36 chicken house
16x26 Paul Miller
We Repair To Wear
Let us do your tin work We can
please you
W T Coleman
For Sale or Trade
A complete photographers outfit
Will sell or trade at a bargain Address
lock box 522 McCook Nebraska
American Beauty corsets and girdles
in coutil in gauze extended hip at
tached hose supporters all colors sizes
and prices 35c to SI at Thompsons ex
clusive agents
Ainsworth Monks and D W Colson
have contracted with Coglizer Bush
for concrete walks along the west front
of their residence properties on Marshall
Wait for the Fourth of July Its
coming and McCook will celebrate
We sell nothing but good shoes at
The Bee Hive
Boys suits 85c 125 2 3 SI and 5
at Thompsons
Trfuifr check eimrham aprons for 20c at
Mrs Peter Carty came over from
Lebanon first of the week
Miss Ferne Solomon was down from
Culbertson Tuesday and Wednesday
Mrs V F Rofinot of Chicago is in
the city guest of relatives the Menards
William IIammel is entertaining Dr
E B Cummings of Bronson Kansas
Mus T G Rees of Arapahoe was a
guest of McCook friends first of the
W E Hart received word Wednes
day of the serious illness of his aged
Mrs R E Giddings of Beatrice is a
guest of Dispatcher and Mrs Albert
MrsAW Hunt of Wilsonville is hero
with a little child who is receiving medi
cal treatment
Mrs Mary E Jones and daughter
Miss Edna S Jones have gone to Spra
gue Nebraska
Mrs Adele Phelan is extensively
improving and remodeling her residence
on Marshall street
A W Hunt came over from Wilson
ville Tuesday night on a short visit to
the wife and baby
Mrs Anna Sayers went to Kansas
City Thursday last to be absent with
friends a week or two
Mrs C P Rinker and children of
Council Bluffs Iowa are guests of her
parents Mr and Mrs Jos Menard
Claude J Kem son of the ex-congressman
is in the city and this part of
the state taking census information
Mrs J G Stokes departed on No 2
Tuesday mornisg for her old home in
Hamburg Iowa on a visit of a week or
Mrs W Li Thayer who has been
visiting the homefolks for a few weeks
departed Thursday for Norwood Ohio
a suburb of Cincinnati
Mrs A Campbell arrived home Wed
nesday on 1 from Chicago Mr Camp
bell will remain there a while and re
ceive treatment in a hospital
iYLR and MR3 U tl esarrelt are re
modeling apd improving their dwelling
in the northwest part of the city for
merly the Murphy residence
C F Lehn joined the family first of
the week in a visit down at Orleans and
other points in that neighborhood
They returned home yesterday
W H Ferguson of Lincoln the great
elevator man who is heavily interested
in McCook and Red Willow county was
in the city Tuesday on business
J H Bennett knocked the persimon
the second ballot He will make one of
the strongest men on the finance com
mittee of the A O TJ W of Nebraska
Barney Hofer has succeeded John
nie Morrissey as Horatio at the bridge
and proposes to have a new and seemly
opera house for McCook within a
twelve month
L W Cox manager for Barnett at
Scotts Bluff was a guest of Mr Barnett
close of last and first of the present
week Mr Cox has been ailing and is
laying off to recuperate
Mrs Sylvester Cordeal arrived
home Monday night on No 3 from at
tending the O E S convention in Lin
coin and visiting her daughter Mrs
James Whiteford in Omaha
J G Stokes resigned his position
with the company as mail carrier etc
Tuesday morning and is now devoting
himself to the task of preparing to open
a grocery store in the Citizens Bank
building June 1st
Mrs Mary C Kleint daughter of
Mrs C H Barrett who recently grad
uated from the medical department of
Creighton college is now in the city and
a guest of her mother expecting to re
main here this summer
Miss Elsie Dukes was happily sur
prised at her home Tuesday evening of
this week by her young friends in num
bers A four course supper and a de
lightful social evening were among the
Mrs W
Awl Os
There were about forty
S Perry entertained the
Tuesday evening in honor
of her daughter Mrs W L Thayer of
Norwood Ohio a member of the club
who departed Thursday for her eastern
home after a visit of a few weeks here
guest of her parents
Our Paints
The Lincoln absolutely pure are giv
ing entire satisfaction and sold on a
guarantee If you want the best
mixed Paint or Lead and oil var
nishes and stains we would like to
figure with you
McMillen Druggist
Mens boys and childrens hats at
The Bee Hive
FtirgBgr i
Uniformly Excellent Program
A crowded house greeted the May
Festival program last Friday evening
in the Methodist church despite the
rain and mud and none went away dis
appointed a whit In total it was one
of the most agreeable and enjoyable pro
grams given in McCook in many moons
The choruses given by an organiza
tion of about thirty voices from among
McCooks best vocal talent directed by
Miss Budlong were well rounded and
the volume was full and harmonious
Their work was pleasing and creditable
and a treat not often enjoyed in this
The efforts of the orchestra of nine in
struments were welcomed by many evi
dences of appreciation It seemed like
old times to hoar the boys
The vocal solos were given by such old
favorites as Mrs C W Britt Mrs A P
Bonnot Miss Elsie Campbell and Mr
C W Britt Their voices always have
attentive ears and appreciative hearts
among McCook audiences
The piano numbers were by such tal
ent as Miss Edna Barr Mrs W B Mills
and Mrs W L Thayer and were up to
the high standard usually maintained by
those performers
The trio and quartette work were
among the most pleasing features of a
program without weakness
F A Pennclls euphonium solo was a
favorite as usual tiis occasional ap
pearances are ever welcome
Mr Roswell Cutler gave evidence of a
promising performer on the violin in his
Perhaps no number of the evening re
ceived more genuine marks of approval
than did the instrumental trio by Mes
srs Gaarde Sutton and Miss Barr
And finally the two readings by Miss
Abbott and Miss Storer were notably
well received Miss Abbott gave an un
expectedly enjoyable symposium of
contrasts and Miss Storer gave a gener
ous dose of James Lane Allens charm
ing love story Kentucky Cardinal
in a delightful manner
The May Festival was given under the
auspices of the McCook chapter X P E
O The ladies tire to be congratulated
unon the financial achievement and the
members on the program upon the ar
tistic success attained And we are not
sure but that the people of McCook are
to be felicitated more than either upon
the fact that this city can present from
among its own people an entertainment
of such merit
3he formal program was as follows
Marph Entry of the Gladiators Fucik
Chorus Song of the Sea Veazie
Euphonium solo F A Pennell
Vocal solo Hybrias Cratan C W Britt
Piano solo Miss Edna Barr
Ladies quartette Carmena Wilson
Mrs Thomas Miss Stangland
Miss Budlong Miss Daigh
Beading Miss Eeflie Abbott
Yiolin solo Roswell Cutler
Vocal solo For All Eternity
Mrs A P Bonnot
Violin obligata by B J Sutton
Mrs Thomas
Trio Memory Miss Ida McCarl
S B McLean
Amorita Czibulkka Orchestra
Chorus Dance Soug Holcome
Vocal solo In the Shade of the Old Apple
Tree Miss Elsie Campbell
Piano duet II Trovatore
Reading from Ken
I MrsW B Mills
xy Cardinal Allen
Miss Storer
Miss Hannah Stangland
Trio The Tempest Miss Carrie Budlong
Miss Winnie Daigh
J A Gaardo
Instrumental trio Miss Edna Barr
B J Sutton
Vocal solo A Song of Thanksgiving
son Mrs C W Britt
Orchestra Moonlight Serenade Moret
The participants were SopranosMes
dames Bonnot Suess Thomas Misses
Stangland Storer Powers Rowell
Akers Abbott altos Mrs James Mis
ses Daigh McCarl Jones Santee Gorby
and Colvin tenors Messrs Lindemann
McLean Clapp Cutler and James bas
sos Messrs Dungan Britt Heber Fow
ler McCarl and Stangland Orchestra
B J Sutton F M Dickey F A Pen
nell J E Ludwick J A Gaarde G S
Scott J E Wilcox A P Ely J G
Box Social
The young people of the Baptist
church will give a box social next
Tuesday evening and furnish an enter
taining program Place to be announced
Elite mercerized black petticoats
the kind with habit back and graduated
hook fastening 8150 to 53 at Thomp
The M W A will observe their Deco
ration Day or Memorial exercises on the
first Sunday in June
Newest belts gloves ties laces and
trimmings at Thompsons
See that road wagon at Colemans for
3850 its a peach
We sell nothing but good shoes at
The Bee Hive t
All leather
gloves for men 15c -at
Free Instruction in Music
Miss Edna Barr will on each Monday
Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon of
each week hold a free class in music
to children from six to ten years of age
The number of children will not exceed
twenty and they must have had no in
struction exceeding a term The in
struction will qonsist of the rudiments
of music note reading etc This work
will be put in the hands of Miss Barrs
advanced pupils and will be superintend
ed by her great care being given to the
work and due attention paid each pupil
Those wishing to register their children
will please call at the studio at Mrs N
E Fahnestocks residence
Continue Till May 17th
The meetings at the Christian church
will continue until May 17th The at
tendance has been good and State Evan
gelist Whiston has shown himself able
to please and instruct Ho will speak
and sing each night at 8 oclock and at
both services on Sunday The meet
ings last but one hour and hence the
evangelist is anxious to have all on time
Subjects as follows Friday Fools
Saturday What Must I Do Sun
day 11 a m The Tenses of the Chris
tian Life 8 p m Open Windows
Monday Excuses Tuesday
Passing Harvest Wednesday
Throne of Grace
High School Alumni Officers
The high school alumni association
held its annual meeting last Thursday
nightfor the purpose of electing officers
with the following result President
J E Ludwick Secretary Miss Bessie
Bosworth Treasurer Charles W Kel
ley Members of the executive commit
tee Mrs W B Mills and Miss Laura
McMillen It was voted to tender the
class of 1905 a reception and banquet on
the evening of Monday May 29
Acting Chief Engineer
Chief Engineer John F Wallace of
the Panama canal during his absence
from the isthmus has appointed W E
Dauchy formerly of this city but now
division engineer of the Culebra division
of the canal to be acting chief engineer
The circular making the announcement
is dated March 28th and a copy of the
same was just recently received by a
friend in this city
Some Damage on the South Side
The rain and hail of Tuesday caused
considerable damage on the south side
and on in a southeasterly direction
Fruit and crops were more or less injur
ed by the hail Farther south toward
Danbury and over in Kansas the storm
developed into a small cyclone and in
places heavy damage wasoccasionedbut
no injury to limb or loss of life
Examined a Class of Six
Postmaster Kimmell held a civil ser
vice examination for rural free delivery
carriers in the city hall last Saturday
morning There were six members in
the class Robert C Orr Frank W
Hoobler William C Staples and Wil
liam C Huntzinger of Lebanon and
Clarke Hedges and Joseph F Rollins of
The S W Family Paint
is made particularly for the little things
about the house Wears well Dries
with a gloss Easily applied Can be
scrubbed Put up in small cans Sold
by McConnell druggist
Carpenters nail aprons 25c at Thomp
A good second hand surrey for sale
cheap at W T Colemans
The newest styles in Japanese crepe
kimonas at 225 S275 S3 6325 at
Thompsons One price plain figures
cash only
AC Ebertis having cement blocks
laid along the south side of his residence
property much to its improvement
Coglizer Bush are doing the work
For Sale A nice front door for a
residence with screen door to match
Also window frame and two sashes
with glass Will sell very reasonable
Call at this office for further particulars
Rural free delivery routes 2 and 3
have been authorized out of Indianola
They will be carried by the same car
rier who will on alternate days go over
the routes which cover the territory
southeast and southwest of Indianola
W S Morlan commenced work yes
terday on the 50 foot addition to his
business building on Main street This
will be only one story high but will give
J HGrannis a store room 130 feet deep
and consequently one of the best in the
Wall Prer
In price colorings and variety we
think you can be suited in our line of
wall paper The very latest in
crowns stripes and oriental designs
Let us show you
A McMillen Druggist
Nebraska totaiB inHl0i
ical Society
Our stock of wall papers affords you
the widest possible choice in matorial
pattern and price Veloutines in
grains embossed golds stripes
florals Japanese grass cloths crowns
tiles and etc All new all artistic
and all superior papers for the money
Wall moulding and beads natural
wood finish and tints to match the
paper McConnell druggist
Commencement Exercises
In two weeks the public schools will
finish their years work and close for the
summer vacation Preparations are
rapidly being completed for the annual
graduating exercises in which thero
will be the usual general interest by the
citizens and patrons
The members of the graduating class
have chosen Rev E R Earle to preach
tho baccalaureate sermon This will
occur on Sunday night May 21st and
as the custom is it will be a union ser
The class day exercises will be hold
Thursday evening May 25th at 830
oclock A varied program of essays
orations recitations debate and music
will be rendered by members of the
class Admission will be by free tickets
issued by the graduates
Commencement day is Friday May
26 The class address will be delivered
by Dr D F Fox of Chicago for ten
years past the success1 ul and accom
plished pastor of the California Avenue
Congregational church in that city He
will take for his subject A Neglected
On Monday night May 29th the
Alumni Association will tender the an
nual reception and banquet to tho grad
McCook Junior Normal Faculty
The state superintendent Mr J L
McBrien in arranging for the third
summer session of the junior normal
schools has announced the following as
the faculty for the school at McCook
Principal George HThomas McCook
C M Barr Neligh C H Miller Lin
coin Miss Eva OSullivan South
Omaha Miss Nellie M Schlee Lincoln
and James OConnell county superin
tendent of Hitchcock county Trenton
Friends of Mr Miller and Miss OSulli
van will be especially glad of their re
turn here this summer Miss Schlee
will have charge of the model school
and Mr OConnell will serve during the
last half of the session only One addi
tional instructor is afforded over the
assignment a year ago
High School Athletes Will Contest
The annual contest of the Southwes
tern Nebraska High School Athletic as
sociation will be held in Arapahoe to
morrow afternoon May 13th The high
schools of Holdrege Cambridee Arapa
hoe Alma Beaver City Oxford and Mc
Cook will have teams in the several con
tests There will be a 100 yard dash
standing broad jumprunning high jump
50 yard dash standing high jump 120
yard hurdle race lase ball throw 200
yard relay race four men potato race
running broad jump and tug of war
A fine cup will go to the winners as a
McCook high school will not be repre
sented in the contest for painful reasons
to state
Awl 0sian Anniversary
Tuesday evenings gathering of tho
Awl Os proved of uncommon inter
est being the sixth anniversary of the
club The attendance was unusually
large over thirty members and a few
invited friends being present Among
those present were a number of the old
members of the club and a few from
outside the city
The refreshments served were on an
uncommonly elaborate scale
The S W Aluminum Paint
applied to steam or water pipes boilers
stoves ranges picture frames picture
moulding or any medal or smooth wood
surface gives a finish as bright as silver
Very decorative lias a large covering
capacity and wears well In I4 pt t
pt 1 quart cans
McConnell druggist
Let Us Fill It
Yonr paint order Hammer Paint
wears longest looks best and is as cheap
as any good paint For sale by
W T Coleman
Third bond paying social in the Meth
odist church Tuedday evening May 10
Literary and musical program and ice
cream and cake served in the basement
during the evening Everybody invited
Admission 15 cents
Mens suits 8350 85 8G50 8S 810
1350 at Thompsons
We sell nothing but good shoes at
The Bee Hive
Best apron
check ginghams 5c at I
McConnoll for drugs
Silvorwaro at W T Colemans
Everything in drugs McConnell
Get your straw hat at The Bee Hive
Sugar boot seed at W T Colemans
Those three-for-one hats at The Bee
Sugar boot cultivators at W T Colo
Fifteen styles
mens hats 150 at
For furniture the latest out
Pado Son
-go to
Mens genuine colt skin shoos 250 at
We sell nothing but good shoes at
The Bee Hive
Ladies and misses gauzo kneo pants
at Thompsons
Tho Quick Meal gasoline is tho very
best stove made
See those lawn and porch swings nt
W T Colemans
Now arrival of portieres and couch
covers at Pado Sons
Extra sizes in ladies gauze vests and
pants nt Thompsons
Floor Lac makes old floors look like
new Sold by McConnoll
Tho best hardwood refrigerator on the
market at W T Colemans
Rooms for ront over the markot
D C Marsh
Timbole irons potato scoops and all
kitchen utensils at W T Colemans
Foi Sale A fresh cow
C E Emersons
Inquire at
5 2ts
Ladies gauze union suits with long
sleeves and ankle length at Thompsons
Let the wind take your old hat We
have an all new line at The Bee Hive
Gauze union ruitsfor boys girls men
and women 25c to 81 00 at Thompsons
Cut glass in the latest patterns qual
ity best and price right at W T Cole
Leave your order for a fish globe
We carry them in stock at The Bee
Sewing machines all standard makes
at the lowest market prices at Pade
Some uf the most handsome driving
wagons as well as Stanhopes at W T
950 a ton is tho price for that extra
fine bright baled hay just shipped in by
Wanted Good girl for general house
work Good wages Mrs R B Archi
We have beautiful presents for a grad
uation remembrance Let us show you
W T Coleman
Knipple has just received a carload of
nice bright baled hay which he is sell
ing at 8950 a ton
White bed spreads in fringed in
hemmed in cut corners in square all
grades at Thompsons
The very finest of surreys at W T
Colemans and just the thing for pleas
ure at this time of year
Argentine ware is the latest If you
havent any try a piece and be con
vinced at W T Colemans
Pearl trimming slides crochet cover
ed ditto small pearl trinyning buckles
cut steel ditto at Thompons
Rugs and carpets hf e advanced in
the market Our large stock goes at
old prices Pade Son
C R Liggett John Morris and F S
Wilcox have added to the beauty of
their residence properties by having
Coglizer Bush lay concrete walks on
the east front of entire block 23
For the next ten days I will give great
bargains on buggies and driving wagons
My buggy room was never so full of
bargains as at tho present time
W T Coleman
This week Dr II M Ireland moved
his office into the postofiice building
the rooms recently vacated by Mr and
Mrs Perry Bross His former quarters
are now occupied by C O Brown ton
sorial artist
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn i 40
Wheat 72
Oats c
Ryo TO
xj h n 8 j - j
Eggs 13
Good Butter 13
I will pay the highest market price
I Inquire at Diamonds