The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 05, 1905, Image 2

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McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
Brief Telegrams I
The Hessian fly is busy in portions
of Nebraska
James R Curl secretary of state
of Texas is dead
Senator Morgan holds that congress
has right to regulate freight rates
A mob at Shreveport La broke
into the jail and shot a prisoner fat
The postoQlce department has is
sued a fraud order against the Home
Co operative company
The bodies of twelve Filipinos who
died during the St Louis exposition
were shipped to Manila
Chicago is face to face with grave
Industrial crisis 3100 teamsters are
now out and strike is spreading
Minister Loomis denies charges im
pugning his acts while representing
the United States in Venezuela
Russian naval authorities are com
ing to the belief that battle on the
seas will be deferred for some time
There has been a considerable de
crease in the number of deaths from
cerebro spinal meningitis throughout
Greater New York during the past
J D Cameron of Joplin Mo has
secured an option on a tract of land
comprising 250000 acres near Mexico
City for the colonizing of farmers
from Texas
Lord Kitchener threatens to resign
as commander-in-chief of the forces
in Indian xthless the viceroys council
assents to his plans for increased
miltary expenditure
It was reported in Wall street that
a plan had been formed to press the
receivership proceedings against the
Equitable Life Assurance society in
the federal courts
The 3900C0 acres of Kiowa Coman
che and Apache Indian lands now
leased for grazing purposes to cattle
men are to be leased on July 1 for
agricultural purposes
The Illinois house of representatives
passed a bill establishing a state sani
tarium for the treatment of persons
afflicted with tuberculosis and appro
priated 50000 for the purpose
The Echo de Paris requests the
French government to take measures
to prevent the entrjr into France of
cerebro spinal meningitis which is
causing heavy mortality in Germany
Andrew Carnegie announced a gift
of 10000000 to be devoted to the
needs of aged college professors
President Hill M Bell of Drake uni
Tersity is appointed as one of the
Minnie and Mary Crowe young
daughters of John Crowe who was
lulled at his home at Asher Okla
recently have been placed in the
county jail charged with the murder of
their father
Carr W Taylor attorney to the Kan
pas board of railroad commissioners
announces that he will start half a
dozen suits before the interstate com
merce commission in regard to the
Kansas freight rates
Adolph Pricken a former employe
of the Kensington Woolen company
of Philadelphia who is charged with
the embezzlement of 25000 from his
employers several months ago was
arrested at Chicago
The Illinois house of representatives
has concurred in the senate joint re
solution petitioning the national con
gress to appropriate 3000000 for the
erection of a Lincoln memorial monu
ment at Washington
Cities and towns throughout Indiana
are threatened with a puritanical ob
servance of the Sabbath in view of
Governor Hanlys determination to
have the law enforced or demand the
resignation of officials
A change is contemplated in the
near future of the American ministers
in Venezuela Panama Colombia and
Chile with the purpose of relieving
the tension which now exts at the
capitals of some of these countries
Frank Fuelle has been appointed
attorney general of Porto Rico vice
Stewart resigned He is from Texas
and has been in Porto Rico ever since
the American occupation and at one
time was assistant attorney general
Arthur Hamilton Lee lord of the
admiralty speaking at Gosport said
that the lessons of the Russo Japanese
war had necessitated changing the de
signs of the projected British war
ships and that new designs are nearly
At Los Angeles Cal the jury in
the United States district court has
brought in a verdict acquitting H T
Hays on the charge brought against
him in connection with the trouble of
the Orange Growers National bank
of which he was cashier
Andrew Carnegie accompanied by
his wife and daughter sailed for
Europe a few days ago
In the mine disaster that occurred
at Eleanor shaft near Dubois Pa
srelve were killed and one had both
legs and both arms broken He will
probably die
It is believed that the Russians
have cut all cables to prevent knowl
edge of their whereabouts becoming
known to the enemy
The Illinois senate has passed by a
vote of 32 to 9 a bill to legalize trans
actions on the board of trade and to
prohibit bucket shops
Deafness Ilisslnsr Sounds In Head Stomach
Disorder Palpitation of Heart and
Debility Overcomo nt JLast
Mr Newman certainly had a very
tough time with the grip and it is no
wonder that lie thinks that the remedy
that cured him cant bo beat Hia case
shows how profoundly grin poisons tho
system msd how obstinately it resists all
ordinary efforts to eradicate it
Few cases can bo worse than Mr New
m ans for ho had head heart and stom
ach troubles combined with great weak
ness Ho recently said
Tho attack of grip which I had eight
years ago left mo in a very bad fix I
became nearly deaf and myhead ached
continually and was filled with hissing
aud roaring sounds My heart fluttered
and had regular ruuuing away spells
My stomach was so sore that I could
hardly bear a touch on that part of my
body I had a great deal of pain in tho
region of my liver and tho doctor said
that organ was enlarged My kidneys
ached so at times that I could hardly
Didnt you givo np and go to bed
ho was asked
No I simply wouldnt My head
and my back ached dreadfully but I
obstinately dragged myself about kept
growing worse nnd finally ran down to
almost nothing
What did you do to get relief
First I tried a doctor but ho did me
no good Then I took all kinds of ad
vertised preparations but nothing proved
helpful nntill began to nso Dr Williams
Pink Pills As soon as I got them I
knew that I had at last hit the right
remedy for my case The very first bos
did more for me than anything else I
had ever taken They gave me relief
right away and in three months they
positively cured me I think I was
scarcely ever in better health in my life
than I am at present
Mr William A Newman is a well
known Camden county farmer living at
Sagrada Missouri His case was a se
vere test for any remedy but Dr Wil
liams Pink Pills met every requirement
Other remedies merely drive the poison
of the grip into hiding but Dr Williams
Pink Pills drive it out of tho system
They are sold by every druggistr
Lots of folks find it more to theii
liking to argue about Christianity
than to practice it
Indian Head N W T
Jan 20th 1904
Immigration Branch Department of
the Interior Ottawa Canada
Am sending you the return of two
fields of wheat grown on my home
farm yast year These returns are
perfectly accurate and not over-estimated
I summer fallow about one third of
my farm every year and afterward
take off two crops and summer fallow
again The summer fallow is ploughed
twice during the summer first shal
low afterwards deep and no weed al
lowed to grow The stubble is left
as long as possible when cutting the
first crop and is burned the following
spring drilled directly afterwards and
harrowed after drilling This gives
much better result than
Field No 1 Quarter section fal
lowed 1903 yield 37 bushels per acre
This wheat is netting at present time
8Sc per bushel
For 37 bushels per acre 325C
Per acre
Cost of summer-fallowing
in 1903 420
Seed wheat and seeding 150
Harvesting 65
Threshing owners ma
chine 2c per bush 74
Hauling to elevators at
2c per bush 74
Profit after allowing expenses
per acre 2493
Field No 2 Stubble field 80 acres
Have sold the wheat at 88c per bushel
yield per acre 25 bushels per
acre 2200
Cost Per acre
Seed wheat and seeding150
Cutting stacking 65
Threshing owners ma
chine 2c per bush 50
Hauling to elevator 2c
per bush 50
Profit after expense 1885
Profit from one plowing 4378
I am sending you the yield of these
two fields which are both in my home
farm I thought they might be inter
esting reading for you Had 19500
bushels of wheat on my different
farms and between 5000 and 6000 of
oats and barley
I remain
Yours very truly
Sgd Alfred Wilson
Agents of the Government of Cana
da will be pleased to furnish full in
formation as to rates
Racing in Abyssinia
The first racing meeting ever held
in Abyssinia came off at Adis Abeba
recently The chief event was won
by one of Emperor Meneliks horses
Every housekeeper should know
that if they will buy Definace Cold
Water Starch for laundry use they
will save not only time because it
never sticks to the iron but because
each package contains 16 oz one full
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up in -pound pack
ages and the price is the same 10
cents Then again because Defiance
Starch is free from all injurious chem
icals If your grocer tries to sell you
a 12 oz package it is because he has
a stock on hand which he wishes to
dispose of before he puts in Defiance
He knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every package in large let
ters and figures 16 ozs Demand De
fiance and save much time and money
and the annoyance of the iron stick
ing Defiance never sticks
Tragedy Occurs at Fort Douglas Near
Salt Lake City Utah Raibourn
Had Sent Resignation But it Had
Not Been Accepted
W A Raibourn Twenty ninth infan
try TJ S A committed suicide at
Fort Douglas early Sunday after mak
ing a murderous assault on Lieutenant
William H Point also of the Twenty
ninth infantry Point was shot twice
by his superior officer one bullet pene
trating his left thigh and another in
flicting a deep flesh wound in his right
leg After Lieutenant Point had fall
en Captain Raibourn turned his re
volver upon himself sending a bullet
Into his head about three inches be
hind his right ear He died almost in
Captain Raibourn had been drink
ing heavily and the tragedy was the
outgrowth of his arrest on Tuesday
last on a charge of drunkenness
On Tuesday of last week Captain
Raibourn was appointed officer of the
day at Fort Douglas but failed to re
port for duty and was absent in the
city twenty hours without leave Ho
was arrested the following day but
was given the privileges of the fort
under orders not to leave the grounds
On Saturday evening Captain Rai
bourn broke the parole and came to
the city Lieutenant Point who was
sent after him with an ambulance
found him in a Main street saloon and
he was returned to Fort Douglas un
der arrest He was ordered to remain
in his quarters
Lieutenant Points quarters are
about two doors from those which
Captain Raibourn occupied The lieu
tenant had just stepped out of doors
early Sunday when Captain Raibourn
appeared carrying a heavy 45 calibre
revolver His manner was threatening
and Point said Now captain dont
do anything foolish Raibourn made
no reply but immediately began shoot
ing When other officers and soldiers
ran out after hearing the shots Cap
tain Raibourn lay dead and Lieutenant
Point lay in front of his quarters He
is said to be resting well Raibourns
body was embalmed at the post hos
pital and Monday it will be shipped to
Oakland City lnd where his mother
and two sisters reside He has a
brother in Chicago
Captain Raibourn had sought to
avoid a court martial and had for
warded to Washington his resignation
from the army
It had not been accepted and it was
supposed that a trial by court martial
awaited him Worry over the prob
ability of a dishonorable discharge
from the army and dissipation are be
lieved to have unbalanced his mind
Captain Raibourn who was 35 years
old and unmarried enlisted in the
army as a private and had worked his
way up from the ranks Captain Rai
bourn and Lieutenant Point had
served together in the Philippines and
were firm friends
WASHINGTON Captain Raibourn
was a native of Indiana where he was
born in 1869 He served more than
three years in the ranks before being
appointed to the army as second lieu
tenant of the Fourth infantry on Octo
ber 31 1894 He has been with the
Twentyninth infantry since May 1901
Lieutenant Point the officer wounded
was a native of New Jersey where he
was born in 1876 and was appointed to
the army from Iowa He also rose
from the ranks having enlisted in the
First cavalry in August 1893 He was
an officer in the Fifty first Iowa regi
ment in the Spanish American war
Plans Perfected For a Decisive
SAIGON Cochin China Advices
just received from Kamranh bay say
that twenty Japanese warships passed
the bay between 8 and 9 oclock on
the evening of April 23
Two ships loaded with rice from
Saigon and bound for Japan have
been captured by ships belonging to
the Russian squadron
Russian officers are reported to have
declared that Admiral Rojestvensky is
determined to fight Admiral Togo and
will endeavor to vanquish the Japa
nese squadron or sink with it Admiral
Rojestvensky has given every detail of
the coming conflict his particular at
tention Togos flagship will be his ob
jective according to a special
More firing at sea was heard at
Kamranh bay Sunday morning The
reports were extremely faint
The statements that the crew of the
Russian protected cruiser Diana joined
Admiral Rojestvenskys squadron are
again pronounced absolutely unfound
ed On the contrary while the Diana
has been interned the most minute
precautions have been taken to pre
vent the slightest breach of neutrality
With the exception of Dr Storm who
was invalided to Russia one non com
missioned officer who died and two
sailors who were invalided the crew
remains the same The commander of
the Diana has been given his parole
and reports daily to the French com
mandant All the essential parts of
the Dianas machinery are on board
the French battleship Reboutable
The Sum of 10000000 to a Worthy
NEW YORK A gift of 10000000
by Andrew Carnegie to provide an
nuities for college professors who are
not able to continue in active service
was announced by Frank A Vander
lip vice president of the National City
bank of New York Professors in the
United States Canada and Newfound
land will share in the distribution of
the income of the fund United States
Steel corporation 5 per cent first
mortgage bonds for 10000000 have
been transferred to a board of
trustees and steps will be taken at
once to organize a corporation to re
ceive the donation Dr Pritchett
president of the Massachusetts Insti
tute of Technology and Mr Vanderlip
have been selected by Mr Carnegie
to obtain data on the subject to be
presented at the first meeting of the
board of trustees which will take
place on November 15
Mr Carnegies letter to the trustees
is dated April 10 and is as follows
I have reached the conclusion that
the least rewarded of all the profes
sions is that of the teacher in our
higher educational institutions New
York City generally and wisely pro
vides retiring pensions for teachers in
her public schools and also for a po
liceman Few indeed of our colleges
are able to do so The consequences
are grievous Able men hesitate to
adopt teaching as a career and many
old professors whose places should be
occupied by younger men cannot be
I have therefore transferred to
you and your successors as trustees
10000000 5 per cent first mortgage
bonds of the United States Steel cor
poration the revenue from which is
to provide retiring pensions for the
teachers of universities colleges and
technical schools in our own country
Canada and Newfoundland under such
conditions as you may adopt from
time to time Expert calculations show
that the revenue will be ample for
the purpose
Federal Court Res trains Strikers From
Interfering with Employers Teams
CHICAGO For the first time since
the strike of the American Railway
union in 1894 the government of the
United States has been made a party
to the labor troubles in this city The
government was brought into the
teamsters strike by the issuance of
an injunction by Judge C C Kholsaat
of the United States circuit court The
writ was asked on behalf of the Em
ployers Teaming company on the
grounds that the organization is in
corporated under the laws of West
Virginia and is therefore under the
protection of the federal court The
order commands that all defendants
refrain from any interference with
the business of the Employers Team
ing company and commands the strik
ers to refrain from picketing massing
on the streets with intent to inter
fere with the wagons of the complain
ant and from interfering in any man
ner with non union men in its employ
As soon as issued copies of the in
junction were printed in large cards
and two of these were attached to
every wagon of the Employers Team
ing company which went upon the
streets The injunction exerted a pa
cifying influence and there was less
rioting in the streets than Thursday
A thunderstorm which continued dur
ing the latter part of the afternoon
and through the evening also lent ma
terial assistance in keeping the
streets clear
E S Benson Appointed Auditor on the
WASHINGTON The executive
committee of the Panama Railway
company has derided to reduce the
rate charged for the transportation of
the employes of the isthmian canal
between New York and Colon from
25 to 20
Chairman Shonts has appointed E
S Benson general auditor of the isth
mian canal affairs and of the Panama
Ralroad company Mr Benson is a
native of Massachusetts and com
menced his railroad career on the Chi
cago Burlington Quincy in 1871
He was for ten years auditor of the
Oregon Railway and Navigation com
pany but more recently has been sta
tioned at Houston Texas as auditor
in general charge of the accounts of
the Southern Pacific lines in Texas
Body of Venerable Actor Laid to Rest
After Impressive Service
BUZZARDS BAY Mass Following
services that were impressive in their
simplicity and suggestive of the char
acter of the distinguished actor the
body of Joseph Jefferson was Sunday
laid away at the Bay View cemetery
in Sandwich within walking distance
of the cottages of many of his Cape
Cod friends
Mr Jeffersons five sons a score of
intimate friends and 100 or more vil
lagers gathered about the open grave
while the commitment service was
read then all withdrew with the ex
ception of Charles B Jefferson who
watched the casket as it was lowered
to its final resting place
At night a police officer remained at
the grave and this guard will be con
tinued for several days
Minister Gets Promotion
MEXICO CITY It is reported that
Senor Zenit Mexican minister to Aus
tria will be promoted to the Mexi
can ambassadorship at Washington
Stricken on the Train When En Route
from Boston on Way to Washing
ton He Passes Away Apparently
Without Pain
WASHINGTON General Fitzhugh
Lee U S A retired and one of Vir
ginias foremost sons died at the
Providence hospital here Friday night
from an attack of apoplexy which ho
suffered early in the morning on a
train while en route from Boston to
Washington After General Lee had
been removed to the hospital It was
evident to the physicians that his case
was a very serious one but they
hoped that his vitality and will power
would assist materially in -a partial
recovery at least from the attack His
condition remained fair considering
the severity of the attack during the
day but shortly after 9 oclock he be
gan to grow weaker his breathing be
came more rapid and his pulse lower
terminating in less than two hours in
death The end was peaceful and with-
out pain the general remaining con
scious until within five minutes of the
end Half an hour before death Gen
eral Lee recognized his brother Daniel
Lee who came into the room for a
In the room when he died were Dr
Montgomery one of tho physicians at
the hospital Mrs Dorsey a relative
and a nurse two of the attending
physicians Drs Edie and Kean hav
ing retired temporarily A pathetic
feature of the case is that although
General Lee was blessed with a fam
ily consisting of a wife and five chil
dren not one of them were with him
at the time of his death The general
was GS years of age
General Lee was conscious through
out the day and recognized those who
were about the sick room Necessar
ily these were very few persons and
included the atending physicians the
nurses and several relatives avIio came
to visit him While not suffering any
pain the general was rather uncom
fortable most of the time his breath
ing being difficult and his articula
tion when he attempted to speak be
ing heavy and thick The orders of
Lieutenant George Lee a son who was
about to sail for the Philippines has
been changed and he will come to
Washington and it is expected will be
accompanied by his sister the wife of
Lieutenant Brown who also is now on
the Pacific coast and whose orders
were issued directing him to sail with
his regiment for the Philippines
The end of General Lees Illness
was a shock to his numerous friends
in Washington This was evidenced
by the numerous inquiries made dur
ing the day and evening His heart
and soul has been in the work of the
Jamestown exposition and he labored
zealously to make it a success
Former Omaha Man to Discuss Rail
road Rate Regulation
was for a number of years head of
the traffic department of the Union
Pacific and looked upon as one of
the strongest railroad men in the
country will appear before the sen
ate committee on interstate commerce
next week at the personal instance of
Senator Millard
Mr Vining is at present residing in
Boston having retired from the rail
way service Senator Millard know
ing of the ability of Mr Vining as a
traffic man felt that the testimony
such a man might give will be of in
calculable benefit not only to the com
mittee but to the country at large
the senator began a systematic in
quiry as to Mr Vinings whereabouts
and finally located him in Boston
Chairman Elkins sent a request to the
former traffic manager of the Union
Pacific to appear before the commit
tee and the request was cordially ac
cepted Mr Vining is out of the rail
way business and it is thought that
his testimony will have great weight
with the committee
Receiver Takes Possession of Resi
MILWAUKEE Bitterness was add
ed to his already overflowing cup
when Frank G Bigelow the default
ing banker was obliged to leave his
palatial home on Astor street it hav
ing been taken possession of by the
Wisconsin Trust and Security com
pany as receiver for the Bigelow es
tate Mr Bigelow with his family tak
ing little save their personal effects
went to the home of his son Gordon
Bigelow 490 Marshall street where
they will make their home for the
time being
The supple mentary schedule of lia
bilities and assets to Mr Bigelows
petition in bankruptcy will probably
not be filed before a week or ten days
Chinaman Commits Suicide
Chinese merchant of this city com
mitted suicide Sunday by chpwing
gum opium having become despond
ent over heavy losses as a result of
betting on horse races Ott became
fascinated with race horse gambling
during the meeting at Elm Ridge a
year ago and since that time he had
dissipated his entire fortune of 5000
He lost 2000 all he had left last
week When found by a policeman
Ott was lying on a gaily colored
blanket of fine texture
Rev Jacob D Van Doren of 5
Sixth street Fond Du Lac Wis Pres
byterian clergyman says I had at
tacks of kidney
5a uers wnien kojjl mu j
the house for days at
a time unablo to do
anything What I
fered can hardly be
told Complications
set in tho particulars
of which I will bV
pleased to givo in a
personal interview--to -any
one who requires
information This I
can conscientiously
say Doans Kidney
Pills caused a general
improvement in my
health They brought great relief by
lessening the pain and correcting the
action of the kidney secretions
Doans Kidney Pills for sale by all
dealers Price 50 cents Foster-Mil-burn
Co Buffalo N Y
Liberty and Education
When Texas revolted from Mexico
Its declaration of independence con
tained the following It Mexico
has failed to establish any public sys
tem of education although possessed
of almost unlimited resources tho
public domain and although It is an
axiom in political science that un
less a people are educated and en
lightened it is idle to expect the con
tinuance of civil liberty or the capa
city for self government
First Uses of Perfumery
The use of perfumery among tho
nations of antiquity was in the na
ture of respect and delicate homage
It had sacred attributes and was a
confection after the art of tho
apothecary tempered together pure
and holy Later perfumery becamo
associated with luxurious indolence
and sensuous relaxations Its con
tinued use to the present time Is a
survival of the latest impulses
Primitive Corn Grinding Methods
In the old Babylonian days the
wheat and corn were crushed by hand
mills made from two circular flat
stones the upper stone moving en o
flat wooden pivot and turned with a
wooden handle
A Great Discovery
Clayton Tex May 1st Special
That a genuine cure for Diabetes
has been discovered is the opinion of
Mr J H Bailey of this place Speak
ing of the matter Mr Bailey says
I believe Dodds Kidney Pills is
the best remedy for Diabetes and the
only one that has ever been discover
ed that will cure Diabetes
1 have a genuine case of Diabetes
I have taken seven boxes of Dodds
Kidney Pills and am still taking them
They have helped me so much that I
am now up and able to work some I
believe that if I had conformed strict
ly to a Diabetes diet I would now have
been completely cured
Dodds Kidney Pills have cured hun
dreds of cases of Diabetes and never
once failed It is an old saying that
what will cure Diabetes will cure any
form of Kidney Disease and thats
just exactly what Dodds Kidney Pills
do They cure all kidney diseases
from Backache to Brights Disease
John Q Packhard a rich Californi
an is having a 75000 library build
ing erected for Marysville Cal be
cause he got his start in life therel
Protesting Against Rate Reduction
Atlanta Ga The recent proposi
tion of J Pope Brown Chairman of
the Georgia Railroad commission to
i educe the passenger rate in Georgia
from three to two cents per mile was
protested against by the Brotherhood
of Locomotive Engineers the Order
of Railway Conductors and unions of
the blacksmiths machinists and teleg
raphers boilermakers railway train
men carpenters and joiners clerks
and car men These organizations em
ployed an attorney especially to rep
resent them who urged that such a
reduction would work against the
prosperity of the state and lead to a
reduction in the number of railroad
employes as well as of their wags
The Travelers Protective Association
also protested that a reduction as
proposed would result in fewer trains
and poorer service
Frequent reference to a charitable
deed gives it the appearance of a
commonplace act
A powder It cures painful smarting nerv
ous feet and ingrowing nails Its the
greatest comfort discovery of the age
iUaKes new snoes easy a certain cure for
sweating feet Sold by all druggists 25c
Trial package FREE Address A S
Olmsted Le Roy N Y
To whatever extent any person Is
able to annoy you to that extent you
are his slave
KJ i
lIi7w4 X
dr BoUta
IiowiMm each ilfT I- J lcHe mores the