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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1905)
it t J ft r - ic f S if TWENTY THIRD YEAR tie Spring House Cleaning Now is the time for the spring house cleaning and wo call your attention to our being headquart ers for wall paper paint enamols varnish stains and furniture pol ish Our lino of wall decorations is perhaps the best that has ever been shown in McCook and wo are offering all the latest up to date patterns and colorings at prices so attractive to the buyer that wo know you will be pleased if you see and price the line We want to show you the best goods and the best values in houseclean ing necessities you have ever seen and are sure of your custom if you will investigate If you want n painter paper hanger or a glass set let us know we look after all these little details for you Re member the Heath Milligan paints and other specialties are the best on earth Cone Bros Druggists At The Christian Church No better revival meetings have been tield in this town than are being held at the Christian church State Evange list Whiston is a most inspiring speaker short witty and earnest The meetings begin at 8 and close promptly at 9 They will continue throughout next week The new hymn books the question box and the solos add variety to the services Subject to be discussed are as follows The Short Koad Throne of Grace Three Things to Do Two Covenants and others Communicated It Pays To Paint There is nothing that adds to the value of a house like good paint there is nothing that makes home more home like than good paint We sell the Paint because we know it is good It is not a low priced paint but is cheap because it is so good goes so far wears so well Try it and youll have no other McCoNNELLdruggist Surprised a Neighbor Last Friday evening about twenty five Royal Neighbors and Modern Wood men with well filled baskets marched out to Neighbor Henry Walkers home surprising her most happily They were thrice welcome however Music and cards and refreshments passed the time till the wee sma hours Incubator For Sale 1 have on hand one more incubator than I need and offer the machine at a great bargain Machine guaranteed and as good as new If you want an in cubator now is your time to get one at half the price of a new one Ben Gossard Mortgage Record For April Real estate filings 2600467 re leases 1405270 City and town fil ings 4 16330 releases 49315 Chat tel filings2460540 releases S3S47194 FL00RLAC A Floor Finish Imitates natural woods Easy to use Splendid for borders around rugs Ask for color card McConnell druggist Rev J J Loughran of St Patricks church took ten members of his choir up to Trenton Sunday last to assist him in the Easter services at that place Rev Loughran proposes to give the people of his Trenton parish the oppor tunity to hear his choir once a month regularly in the future if possible the first Sunday in each month Ideal white and colored cotton and silk waists are incomparably superior to all others in style and fitting qualities We fit many customers who have failed elsewhere Beautiful styles at 8125 150 and 175 The Thompson Dry Goods Co The McCook Quick star route made its initial trip Monday morning R J Branscom contractor and carrier The McCook Hayes Center star route of which Mr Branscom is also contractor is carried by Ernest Lytle Mrs C O Hale and children have gone to Craig Nebraska to join Mr Hale who is located at that place in the hardware business c The county commissioners have let the contract for the new bridge over the Republican at Perry Ladies misses and childrens gauze union suits 25 cents to 65 cents at Thompsons Elite petticoats the universal fit tersare sold by The Thompson Dry Goods 5o in Buy yoorToller skates at W T Cole mans He has a fine stock Ladies wrappers for 50 cents 90 cents 125 and 150 at Thompsons The paint that wears and gives satis faction at Colemans Largest line of Thompsons ladies neckwear at Remember it is this night MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Miss Jessie Russell is home now W R Starr was in Indianola Satur day on legal business E J Mitchell and familv denarted Sunday night for Sedalia Mo Miss Mary Powers was with the homo folks in Trenton Sunday Dr W D Mackechnie of Indianola was a business visitor Friday last W C Bullard was out from Omaha on business closing days of last week D E Whisler and son of Danbury had business in the city Saturday last F N Mebwin of the Beaver City Tri bune had business in the city Monday Mrs F F Neubauer of The Tribune force was ill first of the week a few days Dr and Mrs Harmon Bross were in the city Sunday guests of their son Perry S E Solomon the Culbertson land agent had business in the city Wednes day morning C A Ready the Hayes Center lawyer-publisher-politician was in the city Monday night Don Walters of East McCook is much improved and Arlie Walters is now enjoying the measels W A Woodson of Lincoln was a guest of J L close of last week going east on 2 Sunday morning Ed Bohanan thejvell known Lincoln insurance man was in the city between trains last Friday evening George Heffelbower was a guest of his brother W E of the high school teacher force close of last week Mrs Paulina Phillippi who has been very ill for some time is now im proving slowly and able to be out and about a little Mrs George C Hill is here from Cripple Creek Colo with her husband and is visiting McCook and Indianola friends and relatives Mrs C F Lhen and son were pas sengers Sunday morning for Orleans and Red Cloud on a visit of a week or two to relatives and friends J H Bayston and family of Stock- ville were in the city Saturday night on their way to Denver where they ex pect to locate and make their home Mrs Sylvester Cordeal worthy matron of Eureka chapter 86 attended the grand lodge meeting of the O E S in Lincoln opening days of the week Miss VanDepoel will occupy one of the store rooms in the Citizen bank block on West Dennison street The other will be occupied by a grocery store Carl Wilkins came down from Hope Hayes county last Friday evening and is now ready to fill any engagements he may receive in the line of house cleaning Mr and Mrs A Campbell departed on 12 Wednesday morning for Chicago where Mr Campbell goes to consult with the physician who has his case in charge George Kent of Truro Nova Scotia who has been here for several weeks since the death of his son Walter departed on 2 Wednesday morning for his Do minion home Don Walters of East McCook has been having a serious time with an cess on his lungs and is still very ill Arlie Walters of the same family has also been ailing a severe cold etc Mr and Mrs J W Fullerton of Lincoln were guests of Mr and Mrs W G Dutton of the South Side and Dr J D Hare of the city recently They were in this section of the state with a view of making some investments in real estate They went east by way Red Cloud and Orleans expecting to look over that vicinity Miss Medora Santee entertained a company of a dozen or more young lady friends last Friday evening at the home Mrs J E Morrissey in honor of Miss Ella Johnston of Oxford in a clever and enjoyable manner Progressive high five was the chief item of social amusement and diversion Miss Nellie Smith winning the honors Mr and Mrs Will Weber departed for Pawnee City Nebraska Monday night for a short visit with relatives oil their way to Atoka Indian Territory where Mr Weber will engage with a partner in the publication of a news paper the old established Indian Citi zen of the Choctaw nation Both made many friends in the city during their residence here and with them go the best wishes of all Musicrecitations readings tonight - Are You Interested in Wall Paper Have our complete Btock of wall paper in and judging from our al ready large sales think we can please you Call and see our line at honest prices McMillen Druggist - swsrsMosrs - - iMwyw S iyJl SiiM THE VALUE OF A CAN OF PAINT is determined by the number of square feet it covers by its ease of application by the weartft gives not by the price A low cost per gallon means a high cost per job The Sherwin Williams Paints are the most economical to use be cause you dont have to buy so many gallons to cover a given surface it doesnt take so much labor to apply and because they give best appear anco and best wear Ask for color card McConnell druggist Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last Thursday evening Hauxwoll to R Hauxwell wd to n bf no qr and sw qr ne qr and nw qr so qr 25-4-29 100000 Lincoln Lard Co to L Jennings wd to 1 1 b7 Central add United States to D M George pat s h f n w qr 27-3-26 E E Smith to Ira Sheets nd to lots 2 3and 4 in D Esther park Q WWinslow to Ira Shoots wd 1 1 in DEsther park S I Sonnichsen to F H Emerick wd nwqrsw qr 15-3-27 P Foxen to W Deero wd sw qr sw qr in 25 and o bf sw qr and nw qr se qr 26-4-30 G E Waldo to P Foxen wd to sw qr sw qr in 25 and o bf sw qr and nw qr se qr in 264 30 United States to J George pat to nw United State to S I Sonnichsen pat nwqr so qr 15-3-27 Roao Likens to J Trumblo wd to n bf soqrandnhf swqr 10-3-26 300000 E S Hill to W H Walker wd to pt no qr nwqr 29-3-29 22500 E H Pearson to Ann D Olcott wd to Its 3 and 4 blk 8 McCook 130000 H Deveny to C F Babcock wd to pt se qrswqr 21-3-29 United States to J W Wolf pat s hf nwqr 26-4-27 United States to J W Wolf pat n bf swqr in 76 and s hi no qr 27-4-29 3000 75C0 3000 16000 80000 70000 50000 First Regular Monthly Session At the regular monthly session of the McCook Commercial club Tuesday evening preliminary action was taken in the matter of entertaining the Lincoln Commercial club excursionists who will arrive in McCook Wednesday evening May 17th on a business junket At tention was also drawn to the fact that the Omaha Commercial club excursion ists will be here from 6 to 9 oclock Fri day May 26th on a similar mission The entertainment committee has the mat ter in band The Fourth of July celebration also re ceived some discussion and action in a preliminary way A committee was appointed to investi gate the matter of securing ground for a park race track etc a suitable location for general celebrations Its Mighty Seldom you see such attractive wall paper as we are showing this season When it comes to the choosing of paper for your home youll find that an easy matter Weve such an immense variety to choose from and the prices are as tempting as the papers McConnell druggist Make Comparisons with the quality and price of our cutglass and silverware with that offered else where We can please you if you only give us an opportunity W T Coleman Dwelling for Sale My three room dwelling house in West McCook Four lots all in bearing fruit Everything fenced House well finished Barn 16x36 chicken house 16x26 Paul Miller American Stock Growers Association Denver Colo May 9tb to 13th round trip rate of 1140 Tickets on sale April 7th to 9th Enquire at ticket office Wanted Cattle to Pasture Can accommodate about 100 head Section 19 Driftwood precinct O N Rector For Sale Trade or Rent Tho S R Smith abstract books of Red Willow county Nebraska J E Barngrover Creston Iowa At the grand lodge meeting of the Ne braska Modern Woodmen of America held in Columbus this week J M Smith of McCook lodge was elected one of the delegates to the head camp Con gratulate The Dorcas society will hold an Ex perience Social next Thursday even ing at Mrs J E Kelleys home Pro gram and refreshments Admission ten cents This week has been marked by numer ous showers and the way crops are growing something marvelous Mens hats in fifteen styles at S150 atrl Thompsons A fine stock of roller skates at W T Colemans P E O May Festival tonight j Will Meet In McCook The Southwestern Nebraska Log Roll ing association of the Modern Woodmen of America will hold their 1905 meeting in McCook having accepted the offer of the McCook Commercial club to take one day during the fall street fair and stock show for that purpose They have elected to have Thursday Barney Hofer was chosen president of the association for 1905 E S Howell secretary C B Sawyer treasurer It was also decided to hereafter elect the officers at the fall log rolling instead of in the spring This action of the association to join in with the street fair and stock show is doubt less a wise one and will be helpful to both affairs How About Your Furnace Come and have a heart to heart talk with Odell Colemans furnace man He is chuck full of hot air and wants to warm your home this coming winter with part of it Did you got good results from your furnace the past season If hot come let us talk to you about it We can fix it We do the work and do it right We have been doing the hot air racket for fifteen years andguarantee all work Having had 28 years experience in the tin shop I feel confident that I can please you Estimates furnished in dll work and satisfaction guaranteed S F Odell at W T Colemans Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoflhte May 4 1905 Bason Miss Ethel disking Mr Henry Fordo Frank Granger Mrs Mattio Hartman Mr G Kiester Mr Micbaol Shipman Mr J B Taylor Mr Herb Tilton Mr Carl Burnett Mr L B Decker Mr Joo Gaumor Miss Cleo Howard Mrs Bessie 3 Johnson Emma Sabin Mrs M E Taylor Mr Bert Thompson Mrs Hattio Wilson Tom T Yeager Mr Bob When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster Special Council Meeting The members of the city council held a short special meeting last Friday night About the only item of interest was the withdrawl by M UClyde of his remon strance against the issuance of a license to L R Clyde and the granting of such license by the council A number of bills were also allowed Lost Strayed or Stolen My Lewellen setter bitch dog white body with dapples black head long ears and redish around the mouth Had collar and name plate on when last seen Reward for the return or information as where she can be found D H Polk McCook Neb Tonight May Festival M Echurch Hose and hose fittings at W T Cole mans Mens genuine colt skin shoes 6250 at Thompsons The Fortnightly club held a regular last night in the opera house Boys knee pant suits So cents S125 8150 2 S3 and SI atThompsons Knipple has just received a carload of nice bright baled hay which he is sell ing at S950 a ton This week M U his saloon fixtures father A C Clyde Clyde disposed of and effects to his The weather is just getting fine and life will be a pleasure if you will get one of those nice surreys buggies or driv ing wagons at W T Colemans The McCook Commercial clubs new furniture is now in the club rooms It is very tasteful harmonious and com fortable making their quarters very at tractive and yet business like in appear ance American Beauty corsets girdles and corset waists are guaranteed satisfactory to the wearer after four weeks actual wear or money refunded All styles sizes and prices from 35 cents to 100 The Thompson Dry Goods Co sole agents A strong sentiment is developing fav orable for a public amusement park and driving park for McCook They come high but quite a number of citizens persist in insisting that they must have them No business like proposition has yet been formulated but the near future ma develop something practical And then gentlemen be prepared to dive down into your trousers deeply for the coin American Beauty tape girdles 50 at Thompsons rib ttit e McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING MAY 5 I90S cts - Our Paints The Lincoln absolutely pure are giv ing entire satisfaction and sold on a guarantee If you want the best mixed Paint or Lead and oil var nishes and stains we would like to figure with you ALcMillen Druggist - Y0U MAY LOOK A LONG TIME before you find another wall paper stock whoro you can bo so easily suited as in ours There are several reasons for this Weve got the stock weve got the variety and the right prices Very likely weve sold you paper before If not wo should liko to If we have we should like to sell you moro Will you let us show you McConnell druggist McCook Junior Normal School The third summer session of the McCook junior normal school will begin a ten weeks term Monday Juno 5 The state superintendent will soon make an nouncement of a strong faculty which will be increased by one instructor over last year There will bo a model full graded rural school in charge of a capa ble instructor instead of a model kin dergarten as heretofore he entertainment course will bo strong and unusually attractive It will include J Edmund Vance Cooke of Cleveland Ohio an entertainer after the style of James Whitcomb Riley Frank R Roberson the world traveler who nas several times delighted McCook audiences and who is at present in Russia securing material for a new lec ture the inimitable Slayton Jubilee Singers and Rev Robert Mclntyre of Los Angeles California who is prola bly the greatest word painter on tho American platform today In past years tho citizens of McCook have been asked to contribute a bonus for the support of the school This need not be dono this summer The state will assume the burden of its ex pense But instead the business men and citizens generally are urged to pur chase season tickets of admission to these excellent entertainments The charge to them will be the same as to the visiting teachers namely 150 each ticket being good for the four en tertainments to be given through the summer This course ought to be self supporting the people of McCook can derive as much value and pleasure from the numbers as the teachers and they should therefore help defray the cost by the liberal purchase of season admission tickets The past two summers the McCook junior normal school has been well to the front among the five that the state has supported and last summer it stood first It behooves us to maintain that rank this year The presence of the junior normal school is recognized to be a good thing for the community Lot us give it royal support There will be the usual demand for board and room for the visiting teachers throughout the summer months and a systematic effort will be made at once to learn of available places If you can keep one or two or more teachers report that fact Dewey Case is Dismissed Norton Kan May 3 The celebrat ed case of Chauncey Deveya millionaire ranchman and Clyde Wilson and A J McBride cowboys employed by Dewey who were charged with killiner two members of the Berry family neighbor ing ranchmen in northwestern -Kansas has been ended in tho district court here when the judge dismissed the de fendants without trial The prosecu tion had failed upon seyeral occasions to begin the trial although the defendants were ready The three defendants were all acquit ted a year ago after a sensational trial for the alleged murder of another mem ber of the Berry family Chauncey Dewey is the son of the late C P Dewey a pioneer Kansas manand at the time of the killing of the Berrys managed his fathers ranch Lincoln Journal of May 4th Blrdsell Goes to Alliance Deadwood S D April 30 J C Birdsell who for the past five years has been assistant division superintend ent on the Burlington left yesterday for Alliance Neb where he succeeds J R Phelan as division superintendent While acting in his official capacity in Deadwood he has made an en iable name for himelf in railroad circles lie began his railroad life as driver on the grade and his steady promotion is a source of gratification to his friends Lincoln Journal Ladies and Childrens Shampoo Parlor Will do shampooing face massage neck and shoulder massage Scalp treat ments given by an experienced work man Two blocks east of Bee Hive Hours 8 a m to 8 p m Prices reason able Mrs Flora Dukes Mr and Mrs Hauxwell of McCook left yesterday for New York city from where they will sail on Saturday for Liverpool leaving on the steamer Cam pania Wednesdays Lincoln Journal 4 Ss r fi S NUMBER 49 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnoll for drugs Tonight Dont miss it Everything in drugs McConnoll May Festival tonight ME church Most complete assortment of belts at Thompsons For furniture the latest out go to Pade Son Cubanos clear Havana cigars 5c at McConnells White wash bolts colored wash been granted a pension of 1275 month bolts at Thompsons McConnells Sarsaparilla makes pure blood 100 per bottle New arrival of portieres and couch covers at Pade Sons Ladies shoes 125 150 200 300 and 350 at Thompsons Refrigerators of hard wood and char coal filled nt W T Colemans Beautiful erepo kimonos for 225 S300 and 3 25 at Thompsons Tho latest good morning Have you beon at tho skating rink Gingham aprons of best quality ging ham for 20 cents at Thompsons Mens suits 350 500 650 800 1000 and 1350 at Thompsons Rooms for rent over the market D C Marsh For Sale A fresh cow Inquire at C E Emersons 5 2ts The watering trough on West Denni son street has been repaired this week Sewing machines all standard makes at the lowest market prices at Pade Sons Israel A Sheridan of Indianola has per 950 a ton is tho price for that extra fine bright baled hay just shipped in by Knipple Ferris waists for ladies misses and children from 50 cents to 100 at Thompsons The Clyde saloon case has beon settled and Lovell R Clyde is now doincr busi ness at the old stand Rainfall Wednesday was over a half inch The temperature fall Thursday was something fierce A quiet gentle pony for sale Just suitable for children here in town In quire at W T Colemans The proceedings of this weeks session of the board of county commissioners appear elsewhere in this issue The McCook Commercial club rooms have been handsomely and tastefully papered and painted this week Rygs and carpets have advanced in the market Our large stock goes at old prices Pade Son The McCook high school baseball club made it interesting for the Culbertson high school boys to the tune of 12 to 8 last Saturday Carpet cleaning house cleaning lawn mowing and all kinds of work a special ty Call or write Finchs Boarding House Tho heat of summor will soon be hero and one of the most important things is a good saf6 reliable gasoline stove Re member tho Quick Meal leads and gives entire satisfastiou Chappys 1905 vintage trousers are evidently tho exquisite design and archi tecture of an artist who got inspiration from a vision of umbrella lingerie through a concave monocle Cards are out announcing approach ing wedding of Mis3 Clara Gaarder of Culbertson and Mr W M Spickelmire of Hayes county Culbertson and next Wednesday evening are other details With such a variety of kinds of mater ials in her sidewalks McCook looks a little ring legged but they are a vast improvement over the old wooden ones Uniformity would have added much more however Ladies gauze knee pants 25 cents at Thompsons McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning Corn 5 40 Wheat 72 Oats Rye 53 Barley 3 Hogs 4 5 Eggs 15 Good Butter 20 Childrens shoes 60 cents to 150 Thompsons at WOOL WANTED I will pay the highest market price Inquire at Diamonds Best apron check ginghams 5 cents at Thompsons I