The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 28, 1905, Image 1

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Spring House Cleaning
Now is the time for the spring
house cleaning and wo call your
attention to our being headquart
ers for wall paper paint enamels
varnish stains and furniture pol
ish Our line of wall decorations
is perhaps the best that has ever
been shown in McCook and wo are
offering all the latest up to date
patterns and colorings at prices
so attractive to the buyer that
wo know you will be pleased if
you see and price the line We
want to show you the best goods
and the best values in houseclean
ing necessities you have ever seen
and are sure of your custom if you
will investigate If you want a
painter paper hanger or a glass
set lot us know wo look after all
these little details for you Re
member the Heath Milligan
paints and other specialties are
the best on earth
Cone Bkos Druggists
Hot Air
Some people are chuck full of it they
advertise it for sale they tell you all you
have to do tho coming winter to keep
warm in your homes is to buy it bottle
it up during the summer and when
winter sets in you pull the cork and this
wonderful hot air will do the rest We
have nothing of this kind to sell or dish
out to our customers But on the other
hand we do have the best heating appa
ratus for creating warm air for the pur
pose of heating your homes made in the
United States Also the other ingred
ients so essential to the successful oper
ation of same namely The knowledge
ability and practical experience of in
stalling those heating apparatuses to
bring about best results in proof of
which we do not point you to any hot
thirty pleased and satisfied customers of
whom they are among the best people of
our city Now if you want a furnace
we are here today as we have been in
the past six years with more experience
letter qualified to select for you the
latest and up-to-date furnace and all the
modern appliances and conveniences so
essential in a modern heating plant
Call in and consult us We shall be
pleased to serve you an estimate will
cost you nothing We guarantee tho
quality durability and best results to
be obtained in all the furnaces we in
stall Prices upon application
Polk Bros
Dealers in FurnacesStoves and Tinware
Y O English Promoted
V O English has been promoted to
the superintendency of the McCook di
vision of the Burlington the title of
acting superintendent being dropped
Mr English has been stationed at Mc
Cook for several months as acting su
perintendent Mr Campbells health is
no better Mr English was stationed at
Aurora for several years as assistant
superintendent of the Lincoln division
He was in the train service for a number
of years and is known as a capable rail
road man He has many friends on the
Lincoln division who will be pleased to
know that he has been promoted Lin
coln Journal
It Pays
To Pain
There is nothing that adds to the
value of a house like good paint there
is nothing that makes home more home
like than good paint We sell the
Paint because we know it
is good It is not a low priced paint but
is cheap because it is so good goes so
far wears so well Try it and youll
have no other McCoNNELLdruggist
New Officers Elect
The members of Eureka chapter No
86 held their regular election of officers
last Friday evening resulting as follows
Mrs Sylvester Cordeal W M C B
Gray W P Mrs Fannie Green AM
Mrs J A Wilcox conductress Mrs
C B Gray A C C L Fahnestock
secretary Sylvester Cordeal treasurer
Incubator For Sale
I have on hand one more incubator
than I need and offer the machine at a
great bargain Machine guaranteed
and as good as new If you want an in
cubator now is your time to get one at
half the price of a new one
Ben Gossard
Five additional styles of mohair and
Panama dress skirts just received in
blacks blues and browns at Thompsons
Alterations free
See Knipple right away and secure
some of that baled hay just shipped in
Per ton 5900
Linen colored washable shirt waist
suits 5150 just received at Thompsons
Buy your roller skates at W T Cole
mans He has a fine stock
Elegant new kimonas just received at
Mitchells Auction SaturdayApril 29
The Alaska refrigerator at Waites
Mrs F M Berry has gone to Wilcox
on a visit
George Krieger has reentered the
boiler gang
Mrs C D Kennedy and two sons are
here from Enid O T
J M Banie of Lincoln is a new em
ploye in the Republican office
Supt Thomas of the city schools was
a business visitor to Lincoln Monday
E A Smith of Arapahoe is a new
member of W S Morlans office force
Mrs H P Griffin of Greely Center
this state is a guest of Mrs Will Turley
Miss Maude Eno has taken a clerk
ship in The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
E N Allen postmaster and merch
ant at Arapahoe was a business pilgrim
here Friday evening last
George Hill of Cripple Creek was in
the city midweek Also visiting In
dianola relatives while here
Miss May Pulver of Kenesaw was a
guest of Mrs F M Berry returning
home on 12 Wednesday morning
Mrs C E Cone returned home Wed
nesday on 13 from Kansas City where
sickness of her mother called her a few
weeks since
Celestine Kendlen was up from
Lincoln over Easter Sunday with her
parents She is attending school in the
state capital
Mrs Frank Westland and Miss Lil
lian Roman came up from Lincoln Fri
day last and have been guests of Mc
Cook friends
Mrs E M Bigelow left Tuesday
for Chicago to be absent a while study
ing late developments in the line of
china painting and decorating
Barton Hill came in from Blackfoot
Idaho last Saturday to be with rela
tives and friends here a few days He
returned west on Tuesday of this week
MrsTom McCarl remained the guest
of relatives here until Wednesday morn
ing when she left for Cambridge to
visit her parents briefly on the way home
to Red Cloud
Mr and Mrs F J Zajicek are en
tertaining his aunt and cousin Miss
Edna Bushee and Miss Julia Bushee
who arrived from Hartford New York
Thursday on No 1
Perry Stone came out from LeClaire
Iowa close of last week on a horse buy
ing expedition returning east this week
There seems to be a steady and active
demand at good prices for good heavy
Miss Alpha Christian who has been
in the south during the past winter re
turned home about a week since com
ing north as far as Memphis from New
Orleans by Mississippi river steamboat
She reports a delightful winter and trip
E J Mitchell and family will de
part Sunday night for Sedalia Mo
where they expect to make a long visit
to his mother and married sister A
visit to the Portland exposition will in
tervene before their return here in the
Mr and Mrs I C Clapp who have
been spending a few weeks with their
son H C and wife departed on the
early morning train Monday for their
home in Allegan Mich Mrs M E
Petty who has been spending the win
ter with her son A E and wife also re
turned to Allegan Mich on the same
Harmon Thompson and Miss Luella
were over from Bertrand close of last
and early days of this week Mr Thomp
son since early in the year has been in
Illinois and Tennessee spending some
time in Cleveland Tenn with Jacob
Artz his former partner here who is
now successfully conducting a nice hotel
business there
For City Scales
There is some agitation for the estab
lishment of city scales for the use of the
public at a small price per weigh and a
petition to that purpose may be laid be
fore the city council in the near future
and if presented will doubtless receive
favorable action at their hands
The paint that wears and gives satis
faction at Colemans
Very desirable boys long pants 5135
just received at Thompsons
Aptly named are the Ideal shirt
waists We fit you when others fail
Made on Broadway New York by real
creators of style they carry the day
whenever introduced 50c to 5400 Sold
only by The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Are You Interested In Wall Paper
Have our complete stock of wall
paper in and judging from our al
ready large sales think we can please
you Call and see our line at honest
prices McMillen Druggist
will give a
in the
M E Church Friday Eve May 5
830 oclock
The following program of excellent
music numbers will be rendered
Selection Orchestra
Chorus Thirty Voicos
Violin Solo Mr Roswoll Cutler
Song Ladies Quartette
Duet Clarionet and Violin
Mr J A Gaardo and Mr B J Sutton
Vocal Solo Miss Elsie Campbell
Reading Mis3 Effio Abbott
Piano Duet
Mesdames W B Mills and W Tliayor
Trio Miss Ida McCarl
Mrs G H Thomas and Mr S B McLean
Piano Solo Miss Edna Barr
Reading Miss Gertrude Storer
Selection Orchestra
Vocal Solo Mrs C W Britt
Euphonium Solo Mr F A Pennoll
Selection Ladies Trio
Vocal Solo Mr CW Britt
Vocal Solo Mrs A P Bonnot
Selection Orchestra
No reserved seats Tickets on sale
at McConnells and by members of
the P E O Sisterhood
The Insurance
is the only absolutely safe gasoline stove
on the market today It is the only
stove made with an automatic valve that
prevents accidents by the escape of gas
oline from opened valves as the auto
matic valve prevents a drop of gasoline
from ever getting through the pipes
leading from the tank itself There is
no smoke smell or soot to clog the burn
er It has a filter that separates all im
pure substances from the gasoline a
feature found in no other stove It will
be a boon to the house wife knowing
that she and her little ones are in no
danger from its use by accidents Chil
dren can play with it and open the
needle valves as well without the least
danger It has many other good quali
ties and features that we shall be pleased
to show you Call in and examine it
and see it work We also have a nice
line of other gasoline stoves with the
best prices in the city We have them
from S250 up We can please you in
price and quality We are sole agents
for the Insurance Polk Bros
Hardware Furnaces Stoves and Tin
ware McCook Neb
Almost Three Inches
The rainfall of Saturday night to
Tuesday morning resulted in a total pre
cipitation of 280 inches as measured at
the Burlington depot here The rain
came steadily and by easy stages hence
most of it remained with us soaking
away into the ground and doing im
mense good to the field and meadow
crops all of which are now in superb
promising condition The outlook for a
small grain crop is simply grand Pas
tures are well advanced and conditions
are now generally very roseate and en
Its Mighty Seldom
you see such attractive wall paper as we
are showing this season When it comes
to the choosing of paper for your home
youll find that an easy matter Weve
such an immense variety to choose from
and the prices are as tempting as the
papers McConnell druggist
Ladies and Childrens Shampoo Parlor
Will do shampooing face massage
neck and shoulder massage Scalp treat
ments given by an experienced work
man Two blocks east of Bee Hive
Hours 8 a m to 8 p m Prices reason
able Mrs Flora Dukes
High School Won
The McCook high school base ball
club won from Oxford high school team
last Saturday at Oxford The score
was 9 to 8 This is the first inter high
school game and the local club boys feel
quite elated over the result
Wanted Cattle to Pasture
Can accommodate about 100 head
Section 19 Driftwood precinct
O N Rector
Plain sewing Will go out or take
work home Bessie Otopolic
The social dancing party given by the
guild of Saint Albans Episcopal church
Wednesday evening in Menard hall
was patronized to a very profitable ex
tent and had the added distinction of
being socially successful The proceeds
amounting to 86000 are to be devoted to
their new church project
Knipple has just received a carload of
nice bright baled hay which he is sell
ing at 5900 a ton
The Siberia Refrigerator is the best
on the market It is made of hardwood
and is filled with charcoal
Boys suits 85c 5125 5200 S250
5350 5500 at Thompsons
Baby bonnets in large variety 15c to
8100 at Thompsons
Getting Down to Business
The session of the McCook Commer
cial club Tuesday evening was conclu
sive in several matters The club set
tied the question of having a Fourth of
July celebration took action favorable
to a street fair and stock exhibit in the
fall possibly some date in September
and lastly to cooperate with post and
circle in tho Decoration Day exercises
this year
These three important considerations
were discussed determined and referred
to appropriate committees and wijl have
due action in season
The Tribune might add in this con
nection that it is the purpose clearly
defined of the commercial club to make
a success of these three affairs as they
come in order
Tho action to assist the old soldiers
in their observance of Decoration
Day is perhaps an innovation but it
will be an appreciated one and will give
the day added interest and significance
we hope
The Fourth well McCook will show
Southwestern Nebraska a time worthy
the day and city
But the street fair and stock exhibi
tion will be the affair of the year and
nothing within reach will be overlooked
by McCook headed by the commercial
clubs organized energy and gray matter
Watch our smoke
Indlanola Organizes Too
lndianola has properly caught the in
fection and has organized a commercial
club to promote the best and substan
tial business interests that town and
vicinity At a meeting held on Thurs
day of last week the lndianola Com
mercial club was organized with the
following officers
President Harlow W Keyes First
Vice President N J Uerling Second
Vice President G W Short Secretary
James ERyan Treasurer W A Dolan
Trustees J C Puckett Fred Duck
worth and Frank B Hardesty
One of the first enterprises to be pro
moted is a public park good shot and
a committee is now working on the con
summation of that purpose
How About Your Furnace
Come and have a heart to heart talk
with Odell Colemans furnace man He
is chuck full of hot air and wants to
warm your home this coming winter with
part of it Did you get good results
from your furnace the past season If
not come let us talk to you about it We
can fix it We do the work and do it
right We have been doing the hot air
racket for fifteen years and guarantee all
work Having had 28 years1 experience
in the tin shop I feel confident that I
can please you Estimates furnished in
all work and satisfaction guaranteed
S F Odell at W T Colemans
At the Christian Church
Revival meetings will be held every
night until further notice These meet
ings will begin at 8 oclock sharp and
continue but one hour State Evange
list Whiston late of Boston Mass as
sisted by Mrs Whiston will conduct
these services Evangelist Whiston is a
striking preacher intense practical and
earnest If you want to hear the old
gospel in a new light come to the meet
ings Mr and Mrs Whiston sing each
night On Sunday the state evangelist
will speak and sing at 11 oclock All
are cordially invited
Rural Route No 2
Rural Route Inspector Houpt of the
postal service went over the proposed
new rural free delivery route Tuesday
with C H Harman as pilot The pro
posed route covers the territory west
and northwest of the city covering about
thirty miles of distance and it is hoped
that the proposition will be favorably
entertained by the department and ser
vice ordered in due time If successful
this will give McCook two rurals and
three stars
Lost Strayed or Stolen
My Lewellen setter bitch dog white
body with dapples black head long ears
and redish around the mouth Had
collar and name plate on when last seen
Reward for the return or information as
where she can bo found
D H Polk McCook Neb
Newest in belts and bags at Thomp
Hose and hose fittings at W T Cole
Jewel and Detroit gasoline stoves at
Best apron check ginghams 5c yard at
American A 2 bushel grain bags 16c
each at Thompsons
H P Waito Co have this week re
ceived another carload of barb wire
The weather is just getting fine and
life will be a pleasure if you will get one
of those nice surreys buggies or driv
ing wagons at W T Colemans
Easter Services
There were the usual servicos of the
day Communion at 730 in tho morn
ing Morning prayer by tho lay reader
at 11 oclock with a special anthom and
solo by Miss Nellie Lellew Evening
prayer and sermon appropriate to the
day by Rector Earle nt 8 oclock Tho
decorations wero Easter lilies carnations
etc The music was the same as at tho
morning service
Only the regular services wero hold
both morning and evening In the even
ing there was special music by tho choir
The sermon topics were appropriate to
the day at both services The church
was well filled at night Potted plants
and cut flowers were the decorations
In the evening the impressive rite of
baptism was performed Misses Sadie
Everist Ida Allen and Margaret Thomp
son being the candidates
Only the morning service was held on
account of tho rain which materially re
duced the attendance upon this service
The church was very prettily decorated
potted plants and cut flowers in profus
ion being utilized The word Easter
done in white occupied wall space just
over the organ and a simple cross in
white and clinging ferns were special
features The vocal and instrumental
music was on an elaborate scale two ex
cellent anthems and organ and violin
voluntary and offertory being special
The postponed Easter entertainment
by the children of the Sunday school
delighted a crowded house Thursday
evening with the following program in
which the cantata and little folks had
the center of tho stage
Voluntary Organ and Violin MrfcuUer
Song Sunday School
Invocation Rev Conrad
Recitation Helen Solliday
Song Primary Class
Recitation Martha Rodgors
Recitation Volma Sutton
Reading Bessie Bosworth
Anthom Choir
Recitation Miss Storer
Cantata Sunday School
Benediction Rov Conrad
St John Commandery No 16 was the
guest of the Holdrege Commandery
Easter Sunday fourteen members of tho
commandery going down to Holdrege on
the morning train and attending services
there in the opera house Sunday after
noon Rev McGiffin of the Presbyter
ian church preached an eloquent and
able sermon The Holdrege brethren
it will be remembered were guests of
St John Commandery last Easter
There were three celebrations of Mass
at St Patricks at 700 830 and 1030
inthe morning with large attendance
despite the ram and mud The 1030
service was a High Mass Roswigs
Mas3 was sung under direction of Mrs
A P Bonnot by the regular choir assist
ed by Mrs P F McKenna who sang
the Et in Carnatus Est and Et in
Spiritus The other solo parts were
taken as follows Domine fili by J
A Schmitz Benedictus by G D
Burgess Agnus Dei by Arthur Colfer
Gratias Agimus by Thomas OConnell
The altar and other portions of the
church wero beautifully decorated with
potted plants and cut flowers
Rev Loughran entertained the choir
of St Patricks at dinner at the Palmer
hotel Sunday
At the morning service the choir pro
vided two special anthems appropriate
to the great festival But tho Sunday
school had the entire evening service
and the littlo ones never fail to please
and entertain The program consisted
of recitations among them being The
Pilgrims by three little girls The
Awakening by Wayne Fogel and three
little ones from the primary department
Miss Storer recited Healing the Lep
ers from Ben Hur There was some
singing and altogether the program was
greatly enjoyed by an audience which
filled the main audience room wet and
mud to the contrary notwithstanding
The pulpit and platform was tastefully
decorated with plants and cut flowers
The special Easter services occupied
the morning hour and those who braved
the weather enjoyed a very interesting
and entertaining program by the chil
dren who were drilled for the occasion
by Miss Edna Jones and Miss Inez
Clark and acquitted themselves finely
This is the first program attempted by
the Sunday school for some time and
the result shows that the children re
sponded effectively to the drilling given
them The floral decorations under the
hand of the decorating committee made
a tasteful and pretty feature of the hour
Ferris waists for ladies misses and
children at Thompsons
Mitchells AuctionSaturday April 29
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Good Butter
Our Paints
The Lincoln absolutely pure are giv
ing entire satisfaction ana sold on a
guarantee If you want tho best
mixed Paint or Lead and oil var
nishes and stains wo would liko to
figure with you
McMillen Druggist
McConnell for drugs
Everything in drugs McConnoll
The Alaska refrigerator at Waites
Mitchells Auction Saturday April 29
Largest lino of pillow tops at Thomp
Splice your old hoso for a nickel by
getting repairs at W T Colemans
Cubanos clear Havana cigars 5c
at McConnells
Ladies wrappers 50c 90c 5125 5150
at Thompsons
Fifteen styles of mens fur hats at
5150 at Thompsons
McConnells Sarsaparilla makes pure
blood 5100 per bottle
Best table oil cloth white and colors
15 cents at Thompsons
Refrigerators of hard wood and char
coal filled at W T Colemans
Mens suits 5350 S500 5050 5800
51000 81350 at Thompsons
Tho Dolphin hoso is the best at tho
price II P Waite Co sell it
Three additional stylesElito petti
coats just received at Thompsons
Rooms for rent over the market
D C Marsh
Nine dollars a ton is the price for that
extra fine bright hay just shipped baled
in by Knipple
I will pay the highest market price
Inquire at Diamonds
A quiet gentle pony for sale Just
suitable for children here in town In
quire at W T Colemans
Strayed Dark brown pony mare
Roached mane Lump on left shoulder
Reward for recovery G W Godfrey
Lost A black plush robe picture of
dog on reverse side Finder will be suit
ably rewarded by returning same to this
Seed corn millet kaffir corn cane
sugar beet bromus inermis blue grass
white clover and full line of garden and
flower seeds at Waites
The LadiesAid society of the Method
ist church scored a quite satisfactory
success last Saturday evening in their
Easter supper held in the basement of
the church
The heat of summer will soon be hero
and one of the most important things is
a good safe reliable gasoline stove Re
member tho Quick Meal leads and gives
entire satisfastion
American Beauty Corsets and Girdles
are sold with this guaranty Money
back after four weeks actual wear if
dissatisfied All styles colors and
prices Tho Thompson D G Co sole
Perhaps you forgot it but last Satur
day April 22nd was Arbor Day not
withstanding there was no apparent
observance of the day in McCook It
is to be hoped the all important tree-
planting was not overlooked however
Thompsons carry the most complete
lines of allovere embroideries in sets
laces in sets appliques and bands
Soutache and Hercules braids washable
trimming braids gilt and silver braids
jet and steel trimmings and tubular
The high school boys have received
their suits and feel themselves to be
quite invincible now The suits are the
best University brand of pearl gray
color with red stockings caps and belts
The letters M H S are also done in
Though no official pronouncement has
yet been made The Tribune understands
that practically all of the present corp3
of teachers in our public schools have
been reemployed for next year It is ex
pected of course that there will be one
or two changes
In buying a refrigerator the qualities
sought are cleanliness perfect refrigera
tion low cost of operation and appear
ance The Alaska line gives the best
satisfaction in all these respects and
our prices on them are right
H P Waite Co