For cut glass you can not do better in 4jmlity nor pruo thun to buy of Cole man Hi You know the medicine that makes pure rich blood Ayers Sarsaparilla Your mother grandmother all vour folks used it They trusted Sarsaparilla it Their doctors trusted it Your doctor trusts it Then trust it yourself There is health and strength in it I suffered terribly from Indigestion nml tfiln blood I found no teller until t took Ajrcri Sarapirillu four bottle perma nently cured me Silts 1 It IlAllT 51 1 KIro N V Sl00 n bottle AlldriiceiMK R Ayers srwrarssne 1 f ifKl n iefi Blood rsrrrs z Pilc rtra ocflu They greatly aid the SarsapAi1 y a JIxIlJIlvJII The Butcher wants your trade The best of everything is his motto Phone 12 HcCook Poultry Co Buyers and Shippers of Poultry and Eggs For the next 7 days we vill pay cash For Hens 7c lb Springs 7c lb Turkey Hens lie lb I Colds ft should be borne in mnd that every cold weakens the lungs low ers the vitality and prepares the system for the more serious dis eases among which are the two greatest destroyers of human life pneumonia arid consumption Chamberlains Cough Remedy has -won its great popularity by its prompt cures of this most common ailment It aids expectoration re lieves the lungs and opens the secretions effecting a speedy and permanent cure It counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia s I V urn iiiiii ii iimii m CHICHESTERS ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS 3 ftP v tth ro Sfu If e Safe Always reliable Ladle ask Drunrfst foi CHICHESTERS EX6ISII In Bed and Ctold metaUtc boxes sealed with blue ribbon Take no oilier Refuse dangerous ubaU tutlonnand imitations Buv of your Druggist or send Jc In stamps for Particulars Testi monials and Belief Tor Ladles In letter by urn Mail 10000 Testimonials Sold by all Druggists OHIOHESTEB CHBMIOAIj CO 2100 JSadlson Square PHIItA PA 3IeUeB tU SAjrest BARTLEY Sewnrd Flannagan lias a sick child Mrs Gregory was a Bartley visitor Tuesday Mr Stalcup wus it business caller in our city Tuesday Drs Hathorn and Brown were in In diauoln Wednesday Finuegan Flint put a new roof on the meat market Tuesday The now bell for the M E church ar rived Wednesday morni g Mr Guoige Teeler who was quite sick recently is able to be up again M D Hobbs and H L Brown were in Bartley on buiuess this week Otto Webber is putting up the stone work for Mr Theobalds new house Perry Ginthcr is moving to his new home iioniieiibt uf Bartley this week Mrs Bayston from Stock villo was in town Wednesday visiting friends here A J Lohr put up a wind mill for Mr Ernest aiuth of Bartley last Saturday The freeze last Friday night killed some of the fruit and injured the barley and oats that were up G W Jones had a new wind mill put up on his property last week Finnegan Wheeler did the work Lyman Jennings has a business build ing to rent The only one in Bartley and that wont be vacant long The ladies visiting Mrs Cecil Math ews exclaim Oh my what a pretty baby it looks just like its papa Elder Wilson visited with Mrs A Utter and Mr and Mrs Leirloy Mon day and with Mr and Mrs Thos Eob ison and Mr and Mrs Charles Ginther Tuesday There will be a sunbonnet social in the M E church Saturday evening April 22 and dedicationof tho church May 7th Governor Mickey is expected to be here at that time Would have Teddy R hero too at that time but he cant come cause ho is too busy killing bar and bobcats LEBANON Mrs Cora C Bodwell is quite sick Eugene Miller was in Lebanon Tues day The Wm Mcadville sale came off last Tuesday George Warner and wife have a new baby girl Rev Murr wont to Orleans first of the week to attend a ministerial association meeting Harden Smiths new house is going up rapidly and Sam Jolly is also rushing his new house Mrs Clyde M Kerr and the children arrived Tuesday from Denver for a visit with friends and relatives Miss Ida Fosick and Mr Taylor were married April 19th at the residence of the brides parents on the Sappa A meeting of the cemetery association was to be held Saturday last at two oclock but only a few were there Tho Christian Endeavor went to Dan bury last Sunday evening and held a meeting with the Danbury society S W Slutts and wife returned Tues day from their southern trip They brought a young alligator with them Rev Murr announced Sunday that May 7th will be the third quarterly meeting at Lebanon before conference Mr and Mrs H C Rice were up from Wilsonviile Saturday night and Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs William R Pen nington At a meeting of old soldiers and citi zens April 15th they decided to observe Decoration day and appointed com mittees to look after arrangements They expect to have a sermon Mitchells Auction Saturday April 29 A wonderful spring tonic Drives out all winter impurities gives you strength health and happiness Thats what Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will do 35 cents Tea or Tablets L W Mc Connell Druggist CULBERTSON John McNiece has put down a well Mr Jacob Wiggins dehorned and branded cattle Wednesday Mr and Mrs Phillips of the Drift wood will move to town first of May A J Clifton papered for Jacob Betz Tuesday and Wednesday of this week Quite a number of Culbertson people are attending court in Trenton this week Effie Spickelmier of Highland traded with Culbertson merchants last Thurs day Mrs Jacob Betz of the Zion Hill country visited Culbertson friends dur ing the past week W E Crowell will open up a confec tionery and lunch room in the near fu ture in Culbertson Charles Miller left last Thursday for Oxford to take charge of the extra gang at that place The Methodists will hold a fair in the Eisenhart hall April 26th Dinner and supper will be served Mr and Mrs J H Brown departed on last Sunday for Julesburg Colorado We wish them success in their new home A gentleman from Campbell Neb bought a half section of land in this county recently by the help of R Knowles Remember the Majestic Range has no equal The Juice of an Orange is its only value you cant eat the rind Same with wheat the hull is not intended to be taken into the human system It is removed before the wheat is crushed for California Wheatose Flaked wheat food tor breakfast All good grocers INDIAN OLA Miss Flora Quick went to McCook Monday night Mr and Mrs Cosgro drove to McCook last Thursday Mrs F Brown visited in McCook close of last week C S Quick shipped a carload of cattle last Sunday night Another glorious rain visited this sec tion Wednesday night Miss Gaitha Noe went to McCook Monday evening on No 5 Esben Day of Lebanon is in town this week visiting friends and relatives Mrs Stalcup and little son of Hastings are in tho city the guests of relatives Miss Annie W Smith returned from her visit to Trenton Sunday morning Alight snow fell here Sunday night and was welcomed in the way of moist ure Mrs Maude Calhoun returned to her home in McCook tho latter part of last week Mrs E G Cuine and children are visit ing in Iowa They will make an extend ed visit Floyd Welborn was in town a few days last week and visited with the home folks Misses Katie and Annie Vering visited with Mrs Newton Smith south of town last Tuesday A Dr Mattison of Iowa wo under standj will locate in ludianola soon and practice dentistry Frank Thompson and the Kincaid brothers of Danbury made a business trip to ludianola Saturday Rev E B Crippen came down from Benkelman Monday morningand visited with relatives during the week We are to have another doctor in town to take the place of Dr Mastin late of this place now a resident of McCook Mrs A Reynolds expects to go to Illinois soon to spend the summer with her aged mother who is over ninety years old John Lowenstein and wife of KeokuK Iowa who have been visiting the latters parents at this place left for their home Sunday night RESmith has gone over to Dan bury to paint James Nutts new house He expects to be in Danbury for an in definite period Ike Nutt of Danbury wheeled through Indianola last Saturday enroute for Crete whither he goes to visit a sister who lives near there Christian Hartman has gone back to his home in Illinois after a short stay in Indianola and vicinity He has large interests in this part of the country News comes to us of the death of I S Hadley at his home in Iowa He was at one time a resident of Indianola He was insured in the Workman order for 2000 and in the Degree of Honor for 1000 Mrs Wheelock president of the W C T TJ delivered a fine lecture at the M E church Monday night to an ap preciative audience She is a scholarly woman and made a good impression on all her hearers A Factory Chapel For more than half a century the lace manufacturing firm of Messrs Thomas Adams Co Nottingham England have insisted on all their work people who number some hun dreds of both sexes attending a short service each morning prior to commenc ing their days -work The firm have a large chapel underneath their -warehouse with an excellent organ -while the choir composed of their own em ployees is one that -would do credit to many of our leading places of -worship A local clergyman attends each morn ing for the service -which usually lasts about half an hour and a sermon is preached three times a -week Dos Announces Crossings A blind man and a spaniel dog lead ing him with the aid of chain furnished a curious sight on Chestnut street the other day Pedestrians looked on in amazement and many followed the blind man and his friend to see if any thing curious would happen when they reached a street crossing Strange enough the dog barked when the curb stone was reached and in that way in formed the blind man that he should be careful and step down Philadelphia Press Chance For a Bargain Wife Henry dear Husband Well Wife I want to make a bargain with you If you will let me have 2 this afternoon I will let you do 3 worth of grumbling about my extravagance London Tit Bits linrr nrnnir imnurTfl m s KANSAS G3TY THE WEEKS TRADE REPORTED BY CLAY ROBINSON COMPANY LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS GrFICES AT CHICAGO KANSAS CITY OMAHA SIOUX CITY ST JOSEPH AND DENVER Kansas City April 19 1905 Receipts of cattle so far this week are 20600 against 24800 last week and 23 600 the corresponding week last year Surrounding markets have also been heavily supplied Prices Monday were mostly 10c lower and yesterday 10 to 15c lower Trade today for beef steers was slow in opening and bulk of sales were 10 to 15c lower This makes values now ruling 20 to 40c lower than a week ago Cows and heifers today dropped fully 10 cents nnd medium grades of these classes aro now around 50c lower than the high time Bulls remain unchang ed veals steady The drop in beeves affected stockers and feeders and while very best kinds aro but a trifle lowor than a week ago others have declined espec ially common light weights which are now 15 to 25c lower than the first of the week The following table givos quota tions now ruling Extra prime cornfed stoors o 00 to 6 CO Good 5 50 to fi 00 Ordinary 4 75 to 5 50 Ulioice conned heifers 5 00 to 5 75 Good 4 50 to 5 00 Milium 4 00 to 4 50 Choice corufed cows 4 50 to 5 00 Good 75 to 4 50 Medium 3 25 to 3 75 Canners 2 00 to 3 00 Choice stags 4 50 to 5 25 Choicofed bulls 4 00 to 4 50 Good 3 50 to 4 00 Bologna bulls 2 25 to 3 00 Veal calves 5 25 to G 25 Good to choice native or western stockers 4 25 to 4 SO Fair 3 75 to 4 25 Common 3 25 to 3 75 Good to choice heavy native feeders 4 50 to 5 00 Fair 3 75 to 4 50 Good to choice heavy branded horned feeders 4 00 to 4 75 Fair 3 50 to 4 00 Common 3 25 to 3 50 Good to choice stock heifers 3 00 to 3 25 Fair 2 50 to 3 00 Good to choice stock calvessteers 4 50 to 5 00 rair 3 75 to 4 50 Good to choice stock culveshoifers 3 25 to 3 75 Fair 2 75 to 3 25 Receipts of hogs so far this week are 25500 against 25100 last week and 28 100 last year Mondajs market was 5 to 10c lower Tuesdays trade active and 5c higher and todays market steady to 5c lower with bulk of sales from 8525 to 8540 top 8545 Receipts of sheep so far this week are 16000 compared with 18700 last week and 12500 last year Strength has pre dominated Mondays market being strong to 10c higher Tuesday strong and today active and steady We quote Choice lambs 8725 to 8740 choice year lings 8650 to 8660 choice wethers S575 to 8600 choice ewes 8550 to 8560 Clipped stock 75c under above figures Ask For It We have it if it should be handled in an up-to-date hardware store W T Coleman Feel tired no appetite cannot sleep work or eat Thats spring tiredness and will disappear at once if you take Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea this month 35 cents Tea or Tablets L W McConnell Druggist BANKSVILLE S T Williams was hauling hay Wed nesday Winifred Weeks has hit out for him self aiming to carve a future Frank Bell son of Elder Bell was at Banksville with J H Relph Sunday Mrs Roshong and her daughter Mrs Mitchell are visiting today Wednesday at A M Benjamins Thayer Rowland went to Herndon Kans last week where his father found him boarding at the hotel in Herndon Correction of last week stating that W H Benjamin was putting in barley should be credited to E W Benjamin as W H Benjamin has quit farming not being able to follow tho plow Monday morning the 17th the snow was about 250 inches deep and about all melted the next day and Wednesday evening the rain fall wasabout25 inches making the soil very moist which will start the grass and grain in fine shape A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in 6 tol4 days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 50c in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo BOX ELDER Mr and Mrs Harve Rhodes are tak ing care of a son Since the close of the Box Elder school Miss Daisy Doyle is attending school in McCook Miss Ella Johnston spent Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs W Y Johnston Rev Kerr left Monday evening to at tend the Ministerial association meeting at Orleans Mr and Mrs W A Stone and Mr and Mrs W F Satchell spent Tuesday even ing with Mr and Mrs G A Shields To Cur Laxative Bi A RATTLERS BITE How Under Some Condition It 3Tfnj Not Kill the Victim It may seem absurd to claim tiiat there are cases where he bite of a rat tlesnake Is not fatal yet such have happened nnd to understand these it is necessnry only to understand the man ner In which this reptile strikes The spectacle of a rattlesunke at bay Is one a beholder never forgets The great long body lies coiled in a tense spiral the very embodiment of wick edness Poised In air the white bellied fore body is bent into a horizontal S rigid as an iron bar Raised from the middle of the spiral Is the tail quiver ing like a twanged banjo string and emitting a rattle like steam escaping from the pet cock of a radiator or like the sound of a mowing machine In a distant bayfield Awe inspiring tho dread flat triangular head eyes gleam ing black and cold as ley steel is ready to strike As the grewsome mouth opens wide and pink the long thin poi son fangs arise from a horizontal posi tion and stand upright like a pair of slender curved needle pointed shad bones ready for business Like a flash far too quick for the eye to follow the snake strikes sending home its fangs an inch or two and in that same frac tion of an instant he has squirted a ta blespoonful of canary yellow viscous fluid into the wound and lies coiled ready for n second attack In this incomprehensibly swift attack i lies the answer why sometimes the bite of a rattler is not fatal for so won derfully swift Is the attack that a bite may be Imperfect leaving only a pair of tiny needle t punctures with just enough venom to make a victim seri ously 111 Another reason why a rattlesnakes bite is not always fatal is that tempo rarily the reptile may be without ven om The snake may have exhausted its poison on a previous enemy in which case it would have to wait several days before the deadly fluid has reaccumu lated or again the vipers fangs may have suffered accident They may have been broken off and require time for new growth In any case certain it is that a rattlesnakes poison applied in the proper way will do its work and then only the most expert and prompt assistance will save a victim A W Rolkcr In Pearsons Magazine APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Indianola Neb April If 1905 Notice is hereby Kiven that A Li Haley has filed in tho city clerks ollico his petition nnd application fur a liceuso to tell malt spirituous and viuous liquors in the building on lot 21 block 159 in tlio second ward original city of Indiuuola from May 1 1003 to April IV 1906 A L Halky Applicant- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tho county court of Red Willow county Ne braska In tho matter of tho estate of Richard M Wade deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims and demands against Richard AL w ude deceased that ihey are required to present their claims with vouchors to tho county judge of said county at his ollico in McCook on or before the ISOth day of October 1905 or the same will be forever barred All claims so filed will bo heard before said county judge on the 50th day of Oc tober 1905 at 10 oclock a m Witness my hand and the seal of said county court this 14th day of April 1901 Feank Mooke Seal County Judge APPLICATION FOR LICENSE McCook Nebraska April 7 IOOj Notice is hereby given that Patrick Walsh has filed in the city clerks office his bond and petition for a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building at No 220 Main avenue in the Second ward of tho city of McCook from May 1 1905 to April X 1906 Patbick Walsh Applicant APPLICATION FOR PERMIT McCook Nebraska April 7th 1903 Notice is hereby given that L W McConnell has filed in the city clerks oilice his bond and petition for druggist permit to sell malt spirituous nnd vinous liquors in tho building on lot 7 block 21 in the Second ward of the city of McCook from May 1 1005 to April 30 1906 L W McConnell Applicant APPLICATION FOR LICENSE McCook Nebraska March HI 1905 Notice is hereby given that Lovel R Cljdehas filed in the city clerks office his bond and peti tion for a license to sell malt spirituous and viuous liquors in tho building on lot 9 block 21 in the Second ward of tho city of McCook for one year from May 1 1903 to April 30 1906 Lovel R Clyde Applicant APPLICATION FOR LICENSE McCook Nebraska March 31 1905 Notice is hereby given that M U Cljde has filed in the city clerks office his bond and peti tion for a license to pell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building on lot 9 block 21 in the Second ward original city of McCook from May 1 1905 to April 30 1006 M TJ Clyde Applicant ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the county com missioners of Red Willow county Nebraska will receive sealed bids for furnishing all neces saay materials and the construction of a wood en bridge across the Republican river on section line between sections twenty eight 23 and twentj nino 29 township three3 range thirty 30 west Cth P M according to plans and specifications on file in county clerks office said bids to bo endorsed Bids for material and construction of Perry bridge Said bids to bo filed with the county clerk on or before twelve oclock noon May 2 A D 1903 Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids Dated this 6th day of April A D 1903 E J Wilcox County Clerk SCHOOL LAND AUCTION The following described lands in Red Willow county will be offered for lease atpublic auction at county treasurers office in McCook Nebras ka on Wednesday May 3rd 1903 at 3 oclock p m Terms of leasing and appraised value may be had on application to commissioner of public lands and buildiugp at Lincoln Nebras ka or to county treasurerTit McCook This land cannot bo redeemed after second issue of advertisement NE II M Eaton Com Pub Lands BIdgs APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Danbury Neb April 14 1903 Notice is hereby given that Dan Cashen has filed in tho village clerks office of the village of Danbury Nebraska his petition for a license to soil malt spirituous and vinous liquors in a building located on the main street of said vil lage of Danbury Nebraska for the municipal year ending May 1 1906 Dan Cashen Applicant APPLICATION FOR PERMIT- McCook Nebraska April 21 1905 Notice is hereby given that L Cone Bro have filed in tho city clerks office their bond and petition for a druggists permit to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors on lot 11 block 16 original town in the second ward of the city of McCook from May 1 1905 to April 30 1906 L Cone Beo Applicants EKEsraBSsasi ia Tablets Seven MDEon boxes sold in past 12 months Thlo Gfg2aST3 EBSSE5SS3 Dr Herbert J Pratt Reoistebed Graduate Dentist Ofllco over McConnells Drug Store MnnnriK NEB ToIephonoB OlHco ICO residence 131 former locution atiuniu uoorwiu L H LINDEMANN Real Estate Insurance Phono 50 Office over McCOOK McMillens drug storo NEBKASKA H P SUTTON MCCOOK JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA O C riastinMD Physician 8 Surgeon Office nnd residence ouo hnlf hlock north of postoflice Phone No 05 McCOOK NEB DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free J F Hart M D McCOOK NEBRASKA Ofllco hours 0 to 12 a in 2 to 5 nnd 7 to 9 p in Phonos Ollico Ijj residuueo 45 DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Office Residence V2I Main Avouuo Office and Residence phono 5X Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska C3kAgont of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in Postollico building C H Boyle C E Eldeed Co Atty BOYLE ELDRED Attokneys at Law Long Distance Phono 44 Rooms 1 and 7 second floor TUfrnnir wk Postoffice Building fllCLOOK fieo R J GUNN DENTIST phone n2 Office over Grannis store McCook Nob F D BURGESS Plumber and Steam Filter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun Lclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA WE GUARANTEE To Prevent Hog Cholera From appearing on your farm Be prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of the losses of previous years Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee rJiif M wp I IQ UID oal Cures Grin Ivl j TESTIMONIAL t w T jfor te cllolera and it was all t 1a U CUied mr hos J had the sick ones r all Kot T11 and don e I also nc MiOTrchlenricerad mitea and it is all f lt U a tLe oalj Medicine for hog cholera I think Gotlieb Jehke T - Harrington Neb Dec 1 J 1902 I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleased rio am su re J saved m hS3 with it last year and am going- to keep it in stock all the time as it is the best thingPI ever had on the ffore v1rythiit is tended for It is good for chicken cholera lice on stock insecta of all kinds it will destroy all kinds F W Wohax JAHES CAIN n2ainr8d by tho National Medical Com Sheldon om pany Iowa in Two Days Jrmr box 25c i e K S r a n