The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 21, 1905, Image 4

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Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co J
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
The Iowa Homestead 100
Largo weekly agricultural paper
The Homemaker Magazine 50
Monthly family periodical full
of good tilings
The Farm Gazette r 50
Monthly agricultural magazine
most boautiful farm publication
iu the world
The Lincoln Journal 100
Nebraskas leading weokly pub
lished at the stntoh capital
The McCook Tribune 1 00
The newsiest county weekly pa
per published m Southwestern
Total 400
The Entire Five Papers Only 125
Good to Neb FakmehsOnly
THEDanbury News is now the pro
perty of J L Sims who became its edi
tor and proprietor this week
The result of the Chicago city elec
tion has quite effectually spiked the
Quaker guns of the opposition and
municipal ownership of public utilities
may be expected to have its day not
only in Chicago but throughout the
land This movement by the people
and for the people should flourish i This
is one of the ways that corporate power
and trust domination may be properly
stayed and the benefits accrue to the
There are no better or brighter women
in the world than the farmers wives and
daughters of Red Willow county Their
fame as housekeepers and as exponents
of good cookery is more than state wide
and they are especially quick to welcome
new ideas from any source A large ele
ment in the progress of many of our farm
homes is the Home Department of The
Iowa Homestead of Des Moines Iowa
which abounds in recipes household
hints points in dressmaking suggestions
about beautifying the farm home and
grounds and editorial chats with sub
scribers on timely topics These admir
able features and the weekly Sunday
school lessons in which many farmers
wives are deeply interested make The
Homestead a truly ideal paper for the
farmers wife and daughter In increas
ing the circulation of farm journals of
this character in our county The Tri
bune feels that it is rendering a real ser
vice to the farming public If you would
like to subscribe for The Homestead or
see a sample copy of it we shall be pleas
ed to attend to the matter for you
Miss Laura Neumann is home from
College view
The Joseph Dudek bridge is being re
floored this week with planks
Elmer Rogers returned homeMonday
from school at Hastings having finished
a business course there
The basket social in East McCook will
be held at the home of Mrs J M Ham
ilton and the date has been changed to
May 5th
Rev Harry Shepherd was down from
Max Sunday to visit the family in East
McCook and preached in the school
house Sunday evening He also spoke
after Sunday school in the afternoon
Henry Hoffman Jr of the Ask Creek
neighborhood is getting materials on the
ground for a fine new dwelling house
The dimensions are given as 18x32 with
an addition 26x18 Residence is to be
two stories high equipped with furnace
and other modern improvements
Henry Goedtels baby had the narrow
est escape from death last Saturday in
falling into the water trough The
little one is about two years old When
discovered in the water the child was
apparently dead The Jrantic mother
and hired girl made vigorous efforts to
revive the little one but apparently
without success The mother then went
to the field to call Mr Goedtel When
the parents returned to the home the
hired girl had partially succeeded in re
storing the child to life Later a phy
sician arrived and the recovery was
made complete
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last Thursday evening
C L Brown to G Pollreis gwd to nw
qr3M 30 650 00
Lt A Sheldon to P H McMahon wd
to nw qr 15-2-26 1900 00
F M Washburn to J E Kelley wd to
lot S blk 13 1st McCook 1000 00
I N McDougal to Fay Kelley wd
to lots 12 3 blk 7 1st South McCook 750 00
JBoff to G Amen wd to pt 29-3-29 GO 00
J Hoff to II Amen wd to pt 29-3-29 CO 00
Lincoln Land Co to G Beck wd to
lot 10 blk 2S McCook 650 00
United States to J W Canaga pat to
swqr 294 28
United States to S Ball pat to so qr
S04 28
G E Waldo to H H Miller wd to nw
qr 14-1-29 900 00
H Brening to C Lenhart wd to ptsw
600 00
J G Adams to M Colling swd to ne
qr 1-2-28 100
J W Ohlson to E E Smith wd to e
hf nw qr lots 1 2 blk 19-3-26 2500 00
United States to L Swing pat e hf se
qr 19 and e hf ne qr 30-4-28
United States to J W Ohlson pat to
ehfnwqr lots 12 19-3-26
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoflice April 13 1905
Conley Miss Lelia Edwards Eugene
Hall Mr J Leanck Katie
Mcacham Mr Chas Mapes Mrs Mary
Pierson Mr E H Pierson Wm F
Rinck M S Zieglor Mr Edwin A
Wilson Mrs Mae F
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kijimeli Postmaster
For Sale or Trade
A complete photographers outfit
Will sell or trade at a bargain Address
lock box 522 McCook Nebraska
A strength tonic that brings rich red
blood Makes you strong healthy and
active Thats what Hollisters Rocky
Mountain Tea will do 35 cents Tea or
Tablets L W McConnell Druggist
1 J0B
ood Health
to the
Children especially are fond of dainties
and the housekeeper must look carefully
to their food
As good cake can be made only with
good eggs so also a cake that is health
ful as well as dainty must be raised with
a pure and perfect baking powder
Royal Baking Powder is indispensable
in the preparation of the highest quality
of food It imparts that peculiar light
ness sweetness and flavor noticed in the
finest cake biscuit doughnuts crusts etc
and what is more important renders the
food wholesome and agreeable to young
and old
Advertised Letters
n i iiuipwii
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership formerly existing between Don
L Thompson and Joshua Rowland un
der the firm name of Thompson Row
land has this day been dissolved by
mutual consent All claims against
said firm will be paid by Don L Thomp
son and all claims due said firm will be
collected by the same
Dated at McCook this 27th day of
March 1905 Joshua Rowland
Don L Thompson
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take laxative bromo quinine tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature is on
each box 25c
The Alaska refrigerator at Waites
In white and colored Dress Goods
Wool Linen and Silk Suitings
Silk and Kid Gloves
Dress Skirts Silk and Mercerized Petticoats
Belts Fans Parasols and
Waist Sets
Fancy Lace and Plain Hose
Hens Dress Shirts and Neckties
Hens Ladies and Childrens Shoes
Phone 16
I3 m K
IABO Corsets have acquired the
most renouned reputation for their
They are unexcelled for their individu
ality the gracefulness which they give to the
figure their perfect fit and the dependable
manner in which they are constructed
On account of these features and many
others they received the Grand Prize
highest award at the St Louis Worlds
We have a complete line of these cor
sets in straight front dip hip and tapering
waist models We can fit every figure
Estravngnncc of the Mnn Who line
a Mountain oi Debts
With Balzncs rising fame rises the
mountain of his debts writes a critic
These starting from his two disas
trous years of printing and publishing
In Paris accumulated until at the top
of his literary renown he had to hide
from his creditors in a garret under the
name of his landlady or his washer
woman In 1837 Balzac at that dar
the best known and the most debated
novelist in France owed 1G2000 francs
about 32500- Then he must needs buy
a cane which was the talk of Paris
some gold buttons for a new coat a
divine opera glass and a dressing
gown beyond words and give a dinner
to the dandies of the opera respecting
which Rossini said that lie had not
seen more magnificence when he dined
at royal tables
Balzac three times a millionaire
would still have buried himself in debt
for the mental exaltation of his crea
tive hours was reproduced when he
broke loose from the galley bench He
lavished in anticipation the wealth he
had dreamed would be his This gone
he borrowed anew or devised another
of those schemes that Avere to enrich
him beyond the possibilities of litera
ture His schemes were essentially a
part of Balzac the sovereign uncon
querable visionary
He would transport oaks from Po
land to France nothing like oaks from
Poland to make your fortune three
times over Behold him again gravely
working out his plan to make a corner
in all the arts and putting up the Apol
lo Belvedere for competition among the
nations to act as auctioneer to Eu
ropethe child man as his devoted
sister Mme Surville uspVlo call him
The CuHtoni nt One Time Extended
to Lincolns Inn London
When one looks in bookshop windows
nowadays and contemplates the be
wildering abundance of volumes of all
kinds of literature offered at the low
price of 150 or less he finds it diffi
cult to realize that time was when
a Bible cost as much as 10000 in our
present money No wonder it was kept
chained in churches The Black Books
of Lincolns Inn London show that this
practice of chaining obtained there
There is an entry during the reign of
King James I that decent stooles be
provided and that moveable desks be
also made and chains for the book
and a few years later the inn payments
include 20 shillings for twenty dozen
of chains and rings for the library and
there is a fresh order made that all
considerable bookes be chayued
It appears that none of the existing
books in the library retain their chains
or any part of them but a considerable
number about forty still have riveted
to the binding the ring or hasp by
which the chain was attached and
many more show the mark left by
rings now removed
The moveable desk and the de
cent stoole were essential appurte
nances of a chained library of any size
Even the zeal of a mediaeval student
was not equal to holding a chained
folio In the accounts of the Middle
Temple chayns for the bokes of the
librarie is a constantly recurring item
and a reader in Grays Inn in bequeath
ing his library gives 40 shillings to the
intent that he the trustee maie by
chaynes fasten so many of them in the
librarie at Grays Inn as he shall thinko
Mrs Gummidse
We have her with us always Her
nose droops her mouth turns down at
the corners her complexion is generally
sallow her eyes lusterless and when
small tribulation or great calamity hap
pens to the family she feels it more
than the others Wonderful is Dick
ens delineation of Mrs Gunimidge
whom little Davy found such treasure
trove for his interested observation
who when the chimney smoked or the
potatoes failed wept silently because
forsooth I feels it more than others
She is the girl at school who forever is
having her feelings hurt Very sensi
tive say her friends very self con
scious sniff her critics Philadelphia
Purls Court Trials
The demand for seats at a Paris
court trial is utilized by the poor to
turn an honest franc The courtrooms
usually admit of but forty visitors
other than the regular court officers It
is common for a crowd to collect in
front of the court many hours before
the door is open and wait patiently in
line Just before the trial begins when
the doors are open these men who
have perhaps been standing all night
in the rain are glad to sell their places
for a few francs
Iler Conclusion
Ive got my opinion of a woman
that cant cook growled William De
Kikkur glaring at his better half I
suppose that if our cook would get
married Id starve to death
You neednt worry about that Wil
liam said Mrs De K gently Our
cook has been married once and I dont
consider It at all likely that she would
care to
But her irate spouse had slammed the
door behind him Cleveland Leader
Honrslnns Waists
Doctor said a fashionable belle
what do you think of tight lacing
The doctor solemnly replied Mad
am all I can say is that the more a
womans waist is shaped like an hour
glass the sooner will her sands of life
run out
The head of a theological school once
said Ive seen so many fools succeed
and so many geniuses come to nothing
that I have ceased to prophesy
Christian Register
Mrs Wycoff is on the sick list
Sims Newman had two cars of cattle
on tho Kansas City market Tuesday
Mrs Shoroy and Mrs Agor of Wilson
ville are visiting relatives of this place
Jake Pearson and wife of Gorman
town Neb are visiting friends of this
Miss Maudo Enoof McCook is visiting
friends and relatives of this place this
Miss Mary Greenway who was teach
ing school in Kansas is homo for the
Quito a number of young folks of Leb
anon attended the Endeavor meeting at
theCongregational church Sunday night
William Henton shipped six car loads
of cattle Gene Dolph four cars of sheep
and J L Sims thrco cars of hogs to St
Joe Sunday night
The young people of this place had a
basket supper at the town hall Friday
night Twenty one dollars were cleared
and it went for tho benefit of the Con
gregational church
A C Furman has sold tho Danbury
News plant house and two lots to J L
Sims for S2000 Furman expects to
dispose of his barber outfit and to locate
in Colorado Springs Sorry to lose tho
estimable family
If a Cow gave
mankind would have to
invent milk Milk Is Na
tures emulsion butter
put in shape for diges
tion Cod liver oil is ex
tremely nourishing but
it has to be emulsified
before we can digest it
Scotts Emulsion
combines the best oil
with the valuable hypo
phosphites so that it is
easy to digest and does
far more good than the
oil alone could That
makes Scotts Emulsion
the most strengthening
nourishing food- medi
cine in the world
Send for free sample
409-4-15 Pearl Street New York
50c and SlOO All druggists
Fan tarm
Now is the time to insure
your stock and buildings
against lightning torna
does and fire
Write or phone me and I
will call and fix vou out
Phone J13S McCook Neb
ChasAStevens Bros Ready made
Garments and Furnishing Goods
Three doors east of DeGroffs store
L Mmin
Coal Wood
Building Material
of all Kinds
Screen Doors and
Phone Number One
Graining Paperhanging
and Finishing Alabastine Work
All Work Guaranteed
AWW is
wtf 1 i
A Sound Argument
The one that blows without any
thing to blow about wastes time and
energy The excellence of our goods
andjdelivery service warrant us for
blowing Always the best always
the greatest variety always the
highest quality
Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats
Mke Walsh
and EGGS
iiiiii i inmiMiiiMi mm
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block Vv est of Citizens Bank
IVlnC frr B MaKoorlrn
iiivvuuiv i ul aaiva
Rocky nsountaih Tea Nuggets
A Busy Modioino for Busy People
Eringa Golden Health and Benewed Vigor
A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live
and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure
Blood Bad Breath Sluggish Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea ia tab
let form 31 cnts a box Genuine made by
Hollistek Bitco Company Madison Wis
I will hold my first monthly combination auction
List articles desired sold at once I will store
furniture until sale day free Reasonable
charges for selling
Lot No 1 Sells for cash and consists of the following articles Three bed
steads 1 iron bedstead 1 folding bed 2 dressers with large mirrors 3 com
modes 8 foot extension dining room table 4 rocking chairs kitchen table re
frigerator 2 small tables lamps all kinds and sizes childs desk and revolv
ing chair 2 toilet sets ball bearing lawn mower wheel barrow garden tools
new ice cream freezer kitchen utensils wringer wash tubs and boiler new
6 foot extension step ladder dishes and numerous other articles
-Lot No 2 Terms cash Sewing machine 8 day clock book case
Lot No 3 Terms cash Six dining room chairs good as now 2 stands one
marble top bureau refrigerator a good one gasoline stove 3 burners oven a
good stove new washing machine bed springs 2 oil cans
Lot i Terms cash Two seated surry good condition with pole and thills
et single harness
Sale will be held at usual plac on Dennison street near Wilcoxs store
Commences at 1 oclock sharp Other lots are promised If vou have any
thing to sell let us know 3
a w berry cierk E J MITCHELL Auctioneer
i H
Consign Your Live Stock To
we aiso nave our own houses at
Read our market letter In this paper Write us for any special Informally HiMrf
i -