McCook Tribune F M KIMMELL Publisher MCOOK NEBRASKA Brief Telegrams Ellas Powell colored was hanged at Texarkana Ark for the murder of J G Gardner a white farmer Ave years ago A blooded Kentucky horse from West Tennessee arrived at Frederick O T for the use of the president during his hunt The Erie Railway comDany filed with the secretary of Hew York a certificate of increase of capital stock from 177000000 to 197000000 f George E Roberts states that the question of rate legislation has ab sorbed tariff revision after return from investigation of sentiment in New York The new cruiser Rusbeck the first turbine propelled vessel of the Ger man navy ran her trial trip from Kiel to Swinemunde 180 sea miles at 23 Jtnots an hour A man apparently about 70 years of age supposed to be Charles IL Simpson of Lincoln HI committed suicide at St Louis by jumping into the river At St Joseph Mo Cassius Brown colored was convicted of the mur der of Mrs Nancy Gay November 23 last Brown bound and gaged Mrs Gay and cut her throat Preparations are being made for the meeting of the Southern Industrial parliament which will assemble in Washington D C on May 23 and continue until the 2Gth Emil Klaessig the American editor of the Contentinental Telegraphen campaigne otherwise known as the Wolff bureau died of pneumonia at his honifj in Brooklyn N Y The disbursements for pensions by the United States treasury for the fis cal year ended June 30 1904 were 14209281 S75 making a grand total since 1S00 of 312203381875 Spotted fever has been raging for several month sin epidemic form in Sicily Much alarm exists among the people especially the laboring popula tion and many have fled from the dis trict Nine Servians who were captured after a fight with Turkish troops in Uskub province were taken to Kum unove sixteen miles from the town of Uskub where the inhabitants lynched them An effort is being made by Attorney General Ware Ellis of Ohio in the common pleas court to force the Mu tual Home Fire Insurance company of Cleveland into the hands of a re ceiver It is announced according to a St Petersburg dispatch to a news agency that the committtee of ministers has been notified of an imperial decree granting an extensive amnesty to re ligious offenders At a boarding house n Oklahoma City O T M L Sherley Holdenville I T shot and killed his wife and then then committed suicide Domes tic difficulties is assigned as the cause of the tragedy Secretary Hitchcock designated Wil liam H Code of Los Angeles Cal as chief of Indian irrigation He will have supervision of irrigation con struction work on Indian reservations throughout the west Engineer Warde of the Chicago Northwestern railroad has broken a record on the Eastern Iowa divsion of that road by driving his engine from Clinton to Boone a distance of 202 miles in 189 minutes Harvard university has invited Prof Wilhelm Ostwald of the University of Leipzig to serve as lecturer in the first half of the coming academic year under the arrangement for an exchange of professors The secretary of the interior has ordered the withdrawal from entry of 506000 acres of land in the San Fran cisco and Susanville Cal land dis tricts on account of the Sacramento valley irrigaticm project A series of remarkable experiments have been concluded by an eminent English physicist who has demon strated by an ingenious method of his own that he is able to dispel smoke fumes and fog by electricity The tapeworm is the natural en emy of the germ of consumption and the latter cannot exist when the other Is present says Consul Canada at Vera Cruz Mex in a report just re ceived at the state department At Honolulu the legislature has passed a bill establishing county gov ernment for the Hawaiian islands The bill divides the islands into five counties the leper settlement of Mol okai being made one of them In New York it developed that the grand jury has been investigating an accusation made against a prominent politician and attorney David Roths child the former president of the Fed eral bank who is serving a term of nine years in Sing Sing The United States supreme court handed down its opinion in the North ern Securities case in which decsion was made some weeks ago refusing the protest of the Harriman interests against proposed pro rata distribution of stock A report from Superintendent Car rol of the government boarding school on the Mescalero Indian reservation in New Mexico to the commissioner of Indian affairs indicates that an epidemic of meningitis has penetrated o that point FORM OF MERGER WHAT INCREASE OF U P CAPI TALIZATION MEANS COMBINE WITH OTHER ROADS The New York Central and North western in the Deal Effect of the Announcement on Roads Common Stock NEW YORK The intention to in crease the preferred stock of Union Pacific by 100000000 was not known to the Wall street public until Wed nesday and was a general surprise This incident formed the central point of interest in the days stock market Union Pacific has been the subject of gossip and surmise for many months during the course of its re markable rise but none of the nu merous conjectures regarding it pointed to the measure announced Wednesday This fact in itself caused a doubt that a large part of the re ports which have circulated regard ing this stock were ill informed The effect on the common slock was un favorable as was not unnatural in view of the prior privilege of the pre ferred stock now to be doubled in amount to dividends to the extent of 4 per cent The common stock was of fered heavily both for domestic and foreign account It was vigorously sup ported however all day Brokers be fore the opening were making offers to take all the stock that anyone would sell and the same brokers were diligent buyers up to the level of last night The support was then relaxed again but renewed at any periods of acute weakness Officials of the company declined to add anything to the official circular as to the specific purposes for which the proceeds of the stocks are to be used or as to the proposed time for issuing it Assertions were freely made however among the speculators in the stock that the project had to do with the proposed combination of Union Pacific with New York Central and Chicago Northwestern It was pointed out that President Harriman in maintaining the wisdom of seeking financing capital requirements through the issue of stock rather than through the creation of fixed interest bearing obligationss had interjected into the official circular the remark especially such as arise in connec tion with the acquisition of stocks of other companies This was adduced to indicate that a merger project was in view but Wall street had formed the opinion that the supposed merger was to be accomplished by the ex change of bonds of a holding company for existing securities which would not involve a great outlay of cash The prospect of a 10000000 block of new stock therefore came as a shock to sentiment and emphasized the ef fect of the huge volume of issues which is being added to constantly from many sources A SOCIALIST DEMONSTRATION Carry Inscription Death to the Czar the Assassin ST PETERSBURG The workmen of the village of Smolensk made a demonstration the occasion being the burial of an employe of the Pahl fac tory who was killed by a policeman a few days ago Six thousand persons assembled early in the morning in a heavy snow storm and awaited the funeral processon There were red flags everywhere and a wreath depos ited by socialists on the coffin was in scribed Died an Innocent Victim in the Struggle for Victory After the interment revolutionary proclamations were scattered among the people and a procession was formed headed by a socialist earning a banner inscribed Death to the Czar the Assassin At this juncture a large force of military and police interfered dispers ed the mob and seized the wreaths and banners The workmen did not attempt serious opposition and none was seriously injured EPIDEMIC STILL SPREADING Anti Toxin of No Value in Cases of Spinal Meningities NEW YORK Experiments carried out at the Gouverneur hospital in this city have resulted in the decision by the medical staff that there is no hope of establishing a cure lor cerebro spinal meningitis by the use of diph theria anti toxin Alter trials from January 20 to date it was found that a death rate of the same percentage prevailed as last 3 ear when the anti toxin was not used Meantime the epidemic continues its spread through all the territory with in 250 miles There were eighteen deaths Wednesday in Greater New York Between Saturday noon and the same hour Wednesday there were forty seven deaths in Manhattan against forty six in the four days of the previous week The newspapers at Lima print Chiles reply to the Peruvian protest regarding Tacna and Arica The reply declares that Chile is resolved with out wounding Peru to acquire defin itely dominion and sovereignty over Tacna and Arica The British government has not re ceived from Count Wolff Metternich the German ambassador or any other source a memorandum regarding Mor occo similar to that handed to Sec retary Taft by Baron von Speck Sternburg the German ambassador to the United States THE COMMISSION Mr Shonts at Head of the Organiza tion WASHINGTON The president has carried out his plans for the reorganiza tion of the isthmian canal commission as to the personnel and business methods generally on the lines of the legjslation he suggested to con gress at the last session which failed in the crush of business in the closing hours On Monday within half an hour after the presidents departure from Washington Secretary Taft di rectly in charge of canal matters made public the personnel of the new commission and the division of duties among them Only one member of the old commission was reappointed Mr Benjamin M Harrod Otherwise the commission is new from top to bottom for there is a top and bottom and considerable difference between the functions and pay of the commis sioners Finding he was obliged le gally to appoint seven commissioners the president did so but he carried out his own plan by making three of them practically the commission The other four though bearing the title of commissioners not only receive a much lower compensation but are as signed much smaller fields of activity The president also has carried out his scheme of dividing up the work of canal building among the commis sioners so that nominally acting a3 a body on stated occasions each indi vidual member would operate in a special field The head of the com mission is a trained railway man chosen for his administrative abilities in the financial and purchasing field the new governor of the zone is a lawyer who also has had to do with state affairs the engineer commis sioner already is known for his abili ties in the ex ecution of the practical work of canal cutting The other members of the commisson are plac ed to comply with the law as to the number of the commission but are men of high ability as hydraulic engi neers Secretary Taft told them that they were expected to show results and that is said to be the keynote for the presidents action The personnel of the new commis sion is as follows Theodore P Shonts charman Sharles E Magoon governor of the canal zone John F Wallace chief engineer Rear Admir al M T Endicott U S N Brigadier General Peter C Haines U S A re tired Colonel Oswald M Ernst corps engineers U S A Benjamin M Har rod BRADY IS ASKED TO RESIGN Governor of Alaska Must Quit Mining Company or His Office WASHINGTON A conditional re quest has been made upon Hon John G Brady governor of Alaska for his resignation This suggestion was fol lowed by Secretary Hitchcock under the direction of the president and not withstanding it was dispatched about a month since no response has yet been received The request grows out of the fact that Governor Brady is identified with a mining company which is extensive ly engaged in advertising its affairs This fact was brought to the attention of the secretary several weeks since and lie immediately took the matter up with the president He agreed that the case was on a par with the charges made against the Dawes com mission a year ago and the secretary immediately wrote to the governor calling his attention to the require ments of the department in matters of this character and telling him he must either vacate his position in the company or resign his office SENATOR BURTON AT ST LOUIS Will Be Retried in May But Will Not Discuss Matter ST LOUIS Mo United States Senator Burton of Kansas arrived here but declined to dscuss the pur pose of his visit or the report that he had come to see District Attorney Dyer relative to his retrial which comes up in the May term of the Uni ted States district court The United States supreme court reversed and remanded the case ot Senator Burton in which he was found guilty of having received fees from the Rialto Grain and Securities company of St Louis for alleged work with the postoflice department in be half of the company Meninnitis in Michigan LANSING Mich S H Schuman of the siate board of health has re ceived a report of an outbreak of spotted fever or cerebro meningitis is Star township Antrim county There have been eight cases in the township with seven deaths Roast of Meat Kills Cook ST LOUIS Mo Paul Kaleeva a hotel cook died at a hospital from the effects of being struck on the head witli a roast of meat in a quarrel with Nicholas Papenjick another cook Cautious Young Ministers NEWARK X 1 Young ministers were cautond by Bishop Joseph E Berry of Bffalo at the Newark con ference Tf the Methodist Episcopal church to talk sparingly of women and to make their pastoral calls in the evening when the wife was sur rounded by her husband and children The bishop declared that the after noon call on women of the congre gation when the women were likely to be alone should be frowned on and avoided as much as nossible FLEET MOVEMEN ONLY PORTION OF RUSSIAN NAVAL FORCES SEEN SOME OF THE SHIPS ARE ABSENT Only Two Battleships and Lighter Cruisero Are With Squadron Whereabouts of the Others Are Not Known at Least Not Divulged SINGAPORE Fifty one ships of Vice Admiral Rojestvenskys second Pacific squadron passed here Sunday The most important fighting vessels of the squadron including the battle ships Kniax Souvaroff Alexander II Borodino and Orel with their comple ment of cruisers and torpedo boat destroyers did not arrive and their whereabouts is totally unknown The vessels which passed Singapore were the following Battleships Sissoi Veliky and Oleg Cruisers Admiral Nakhimoff Dmitri Douskoi Aurora Izumrud Jemtchug Almaz Russ Anadyr Furst Bismarck Kaiserin Maria Theresa Kaiserin Au gust Victoria Kaiser Friedrisch Rion and seven torpedo boat destroyers all sailing under the naval flag Under the commercial flag were the volun teer steamers Voronez Kief Yaroslav Tamboff Vladimir and Orel the Rus sian Navigation companys steamers Jupiter Meteor and Mercury the fast Asiatic companys steamers Korea and Kaitai the North Baltic companys steamer Kninz Gorkshoff one hospital ship and sixlen colliers A French steamer arrived here Sun day with a sailor belonging to the Ad miral Nakhimoff who fell overboard and was picked up in the straits of Malacca after having been twelve hours in the water TOKIO The following report has been received from the Manchurian army headquarters On April 5 at 2 oclock in the after noon one battalion of the enemys in fantry and six companies of cavalry came and attacked Tsulushu twenty miles north of Changtu They were repulsed On the following day twenty four companies of the enemys cavalry with several guns renewed the attack They were again repulsed The main force of the assailants retreated to ward Pamiencheng A portion stopped near Choroyo three miles north of Tsulushu Our casualties were ten No officers were included The enemys loss judging from the corpses left behind and from the num ber of carts carrying wounded and killed were over sixty TENTING AT CAMP ROOSEVELT President Says He Feels at Home in the Wilderness FREDERICK Okla President Roosevelt and party left Frederick shortly before 7 oclock Saturday evening and arrived at the camp eighteen miles southwest of town a little after dark The camps is nes tled in timber fringing the bank of Deep Creek in a picturesque spot and when the president arrived at G15 oclock Sunday morning and first beheld the vast panorama of vir gin soil without a sign of civilization except the camp he said he felt at home Major J E Mutchert of Sherman with C B McHugh and J R Aber nathy of this place located the camp last Monday riding out to the big pas ture which begins four miles east of here A number of wolves were seen in this 480000 acre reservation as they passed through The camp con sists of about twenty tents belonging to the presidential party and is call ed Camp Roosevelt One large tent is occupied as a mess hall a number of tents being used for sleeping apartments about four cots being placed in each tent About a stone -3 throw from these tents is Camp Qua nah Parker occupied by this noted chief of the Comanches three of his squaws and other Indians These In dians traveled over forty miles to get to see the president A detail of twenty troops was sent from Fort Sill to keep tresspassers from this part of the reservation Their camp is about 100 yards irom that of Camp Roosevelt The peiple here how ever appreciate the fact that the president is here for an outing and are remaining away from the pasture Steamship Lines to Mexico MEXICO CITY Consderable prog ress has been made toward the inau guration of a steamship line between Mexican gulf ports and Canada and it is probable that steamers of the new line will begin trips in May The question has arisen as to whether steamers shall call at Cuban ports as first intended and afterwards changed The government objects to making stops at Cuban ports but it is hoped to secure its consent to this The regular service of the Mexico Texas City Steamship begins May 1 Case of Lieutenant Osborn WASHINGTON The war depart ment has received the court martial proceedings and findings in the case of First Lieutenant Albert C Osborn Tkenty sixth infantry who was charg ed with duplication of pay accounts absence without leave and embezzle ment The case was tried in the De partment of Texas and Osborn was sentenced to dismissal He was a resident of New lork and served as an enlisted man in the regular army from 1894 to 1899 when he was com missioned as second lieutenant WANT LAND ALLOTTED What is Demanded by the Standing Rock Indians FORT YATES N D In a great council called by Major McLaughlin the Indians of the Standing Rock agency decided almost unanimously that they were ready to have their lands allotted Each head of a fam ily will have C40 acres and all ovep 18 years 320 acres In addition they will get a span of good American mares two cows a wagon and har ness a plow harrow some other tools and 50 in cash All under 18 will get 160 acres After the allotments have been made there will be a big surplus of land The Indians are bitterly oppos ed to selling this and it is doubtful if it will ever be sold with their con sent Each head of a family will be worth 1000 in addition to his G40 acres when Uncle Sam relinquishes his guardianship and turns these Indians over to the states of North and South Dakota as full fledged citizens Between 1000 and 1200 voters will be equally divided between the two states The question of leasing their lands was also placed before the Indians by Major McLaughln but they decided against it LUMBER KINGS UNDER FIRE Federal Grand Jury Orders Secretary to Produce Books PORTLAND Ore Charles W Eberlin land agent of the Southern Pacific company was the principal witness Thursday before the federal grand jury which is investigating land frauds in tins state It is report ed that Eberlins testimony may prove an important factor in estab lishing a conspiracy to secure large areas of timber lands in the south ern part of Oregon This testimony it is learned on good authority cor roborated by the records of the Southern Pacific company estab lishes the fact that simultaneously with the securing of a large amount of railroad land which comprised the odd numbered sections large tracts of government land which comprised the even numbered sections of the same district were located upon The government it is learned will attempt to prove that this simultan eous acquiring of the even and odd sections was more than a coincidence MADE A MISTAKE IN THE BID Not Allowed to Amend It Nor to Take Down His Check WASHINGTON Suit was insti tuted by G B Spearin of Bayonne N J to compel Admiral Endicott chief of the bureau of yards and docks of the navy department to deliver to him a certified check for 25000 for can cellation The check was deposited by Mr Spearin with Admiral Endicott along with a bid for the construction of a dry dock at the New York navy yard for which Mr Spearin was the lowest bidder Subsequently Mr Spearin dis covered he had made a mistake in the addition of certain details of one item to the amount of 100000 Ad miral Endicott Mr Spearin says de clines to have his bid amended by the addition of 5100000 taking the posi tion that he would accept the bid as originally made In case his amended bid was not accepted he asked that he be given back his check Admiral Endicott it is averred refused to ac cept the amended bid or to return the check RIGOROUS ANTI TRUST LAW Measure Providing Fines and Penal ties Passes Illinois House SPRINGFIELD 111 The McKin ley anti trust bill passed the Illinois house of representatives by a vote of 112 yeas to 9 nays and now gees to the senate The bill which was arefully drawn under direction of Attorney General Stead makes very explicit definition of what consti tutes a truit includes insurance companies in the organizations sub ject to the trust definition and pro vides heavy lines and imprisonment tor violation For the corporations the fines range from 5300 to 5L000 for the first offense to 15000 lor the fourth offense For the individual members presidents managers etc of com panies in trust a fine of from 500 to 1000 and a jail sentence not to ex ceed a year is provided Elected Mayor of Chicago CHICAGO III A political tornado on Tuesday overwhelmed one of the most ruggedly uniipie leaders in the country incidentally the republican party met defeat in a memorable ef fort to capuire the mayoralty of Chi cago Judge Dunne dem being chos en As a direct result the city is offi cally committed to the policy of the quickest possible cessation of private franchises for public utilities Mu nicipal ownership is especially threat ening street car lines valued high in the millions The Banker Not Guilty Denver Colo By order of District Judge Frank T Johnson the jury in the case of E M Johnson former president of the defunct Fidelity Sav ings association charged with embez zlement returned a verdict of not guilty While lamenting the fact that thousands of poor persons had been made penniless by the failure of the Fidelity Judge Johnson said that the worst that had been proven was mis management wnich was not on trial and could not therefore be considered JAPS WILL WANT INDEMNITY MUST COME OR WAR KILL NOT STOP WHAT BARON SUGEMATSU SAYS Japanaese Government Has Formu lated No Terms Because Might Be Accused of Skinning Bear Before it Was Shot LONDON Baron Suyematsu for merly Japanese minister of tho inter ior has written an interesting and sig nificant article for tho Outlook under the heading War and Indemnity the Japanese Claim The whole trend of the article Is Intended to show that Japan will carry on the war until Russia consents to pay Indem nity Tho baron says - A canon of tho Japanese bushldo is one should not unsheath the sword unless one is to totally overcome or has secured equitable satisfaction for ones cause This is our Ideal in In ternational intercourse Tho sword of Japan is drawn and the aim for which it was unsheathed has scarcely beent attained We want a peace which will secure tranquility in the far east for at least a generation or two The world should know that in the present war Japan staked her very existence whereas with the enemy it was a mere war of caprice Why then in case of defeat should not Russia be made responsible in equitable ac cordance with the nature of the affair I believe therefore that in caso otf the adversary asking for peace the satisfaction which she will have to make to Japan should include making good the material loss of Japan in other words indemnity Baron Suyematsu says further Japan has not formulated definite terms of peace because she might be accused of skinning the bear before it is shot We have however outlined our idea The article argues out the right eousness of Japans position in de manding indemnity as a basic condi tion and controverts the Idea which lie says he finds prevalent outside olf Japan that Japan is willing to make peace at any price Some say the baron continues that for humanitys sake an armistice should be concluded with a view to negotiating peace It is all very well to talk of humanitv but no injustice must be perpetrated in the name off humanity If a proposition arising out of the question of humanity givesr more advantage to one than another of the contending parties it cannot be justice Baron Suyematsu treats sarcastical ly the special plea that Russia should be allowed to save her face and compares Japan to a dwarf fighting a giant and says The public at large seems to have guaged the relative value of Russia and Japan They are glad that the large bubble which had been causing a nightmare to so many people for so long a time has been pricked They have seen that it was no use to sup press Japans aspiration by the com bined force of western powers Yec there seems floating in the air some sort of compassion for our adversary This I deem an inconsistency arising out of some psychological instability EARTHQUAKE KILLS MANY Nearly Five Hundred Indian Soldiers Entombed by Collapse of Barracks CALCUTTA It now appears that 400 of the Seventh Gurkhas were killed at the Dharmsala cantonment by the collapse of a stone barrack building in consequence of the recent earthquake In addition twenty mem bers of the First battalion and fifty members of the Second battalion of the First Gurkhas were killed while it is roughly calculated that from 20 to SO per cent of the native popula tion of the surrounding villages were killed In addition to the Europeans al ready reported killed at Dharmsala seven children of Europeans are said to have perished LAHORE India Four hundred and seventy men of Gurkha regiments were buried alive as a result ot the earthquake at the Hill station of Dharmsala according to the latest information from that place The re port adds that it is impossible to res cue the entombed men The greatest difficulty is exper ienced in procuring news from Dharm sala The telegraph staff at the sta tion there was practically wiped out and temporary office has been opened thirteen miles from the town but the facilities are most scanty The Kan gra valley is believed to have been devastated and it is reported that the town of Kancra was reduced to ruins with great loss of life No confirma tion or the report is obtainable as the telegraph station at Kangra is wreck ed Purpose of Watering Erie Stock NEW YORK It was ascertained that the increase in the common stock of the Erie railrord company from 113000000 to Si000000 recently announced was made to prepare for a conversion of its outstanding 10000 000 of convertible bonds which have been convertible since April 1 This amount is necessary to care for the bonds since they are convertible into stock at 50 a share This calls for twenty shares of stock for each 1000 bond and the stock is now sellng at 46 i c V H rj t r