The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 07, 1905, Image 8

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w4MMJ mum wwniwBBtwmntanMBaaBnBXB
For cur glass you can not do better in
quality nor prLo than to buy of ui
Your doctor will tell you that
thin pale weak nervous chil
dren become strong and well
by taking Ayers Sarsaparilla
Small doses for a few days
The change is very prompt
and very marked Ask your
doctor why it is He has our
formula and will explain
When 13 ve iM old fur innnr liinnttm no
one thought I could 51 v incittseof thin Moid
Hut in a few weiks Ayir Sirimrilli rcmi
pleielv restored me t iltli
MltS E JIIHKMINTKi VillfLlllil I
PICO a bottle
All lrtnclr
Zgf rr -
CO -
1 v AVKI li
The Butcher
wants your
The best of
everything is
Phone 12
iii 1 Jiimi
It should be borne in mind that
every cold weakens the lungs low
ers the vitality and prepares the
system for the more serious dis
eases among which are the two
greatest destroyers of human life
pneumonia and consumption
Cough Remedy
has won its great popularity by its
prompt cures of this most common
ailment It aids expectoration re
lieves the lungs and opens the
secretions effecting a speedy and
permanent cure It counteracts
any tendency toward pneumonia
New Wall Paper
Send for samples stating the
styles of patterns wanted and
the number of double rolls
We make a specialty of Fine
Decorations We will save
you money Phone F168
Hastings Neb
Safe Al wars reliable Indies ask Druggist fot
Gold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Take no other Reftme dangerous anbatf
tationsand Imitations Buy of your Druggist
or send 4c in stamp for Particulars Teat
imoniala and Belief Tor Indies inletter
by return nail 10000 Testimonials Sold by
all Druggists
2200 aiadieon Square PUIZA PA
JUsaUoa tfcte ppw
Another fine min visited this section
Friday and Saturday
Mies Ilnnnan of the Lebanon schools
visited in I iidianola Sunday
S R Smith was called to McCook
Mondny night on legal business
Mrs D T Weltv of Cambridge was in
Indianola on business a few days ago
Wm Plouard shipped n couple of race
horses to St Louis Tuesday evening
L B Korn and A Reynolds wont to
McCook on legal busineHS last Friday
Mrs F Brown of the grammar room
entertained her mother n few days last
A niW tl rAdliinc outfit was put ofF
here this week It belongs to Al Hen
Mr and Mrs Cosgro of the Cosgro
hotel are visiting in Kansas City and
Rev Crippen has returned from Lin
coln where he went on ministerial busi
ness last week
Conrad Miller of the steel gang at
Minden visited with his family at home
Saturday night and Sunday
W H Smith wife and daughter at
tended the April 1st wedding at Mc
Cook last Saturday evening
A large delegation from Indianola
went up to McCook to hear Motavile
Flowers lecture Saturday night
Mr and Mrs McKnight of Bartley
attended the Smith Coffey wedding at
McCook Saturday evening April 1st
School closed last Friday in order to
give the teachers an opportunity to at
tend the teachers meeting at McCook
Miss Mary Moore came over from
Lebanon Saturday and went up to Mc
Cook in the evening to hear the lecture
Mrs Harry Letts sister who lives in
the eastern part of the state arrived here
Saturday night and was at her sidters
bedside when she died
Mr Hendersons team took fright at
his new threshing machine and ran
away smashing Tim Haleys yard fence
No other damage was done
Some cool weather accompanied by a
freeze with a light sprinkle of snow has
been our portion this week as a little
reminder of the great blizzard exper
ienced in Colorado Saturday and Sun
Mrs Harry Letts died Wednesday
noon after an illness of about three
weeks She leaves a husband and two
small children one a babe only three
weeks old Her body will be taken east
for burial
Best light ground prints 4J4 cents at
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take laxative brojio quinine tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature is on j
each box 2oc
Philip Gliem is home from Lincoln
Jacob Smiths baby is very sick
Miss Russell is sick with the pleurisy
Dr Ole Robinson is fencing in his
Born to Jake Wishon and wife a baby
April 3rd
J L Sargent went to Bartley on busi
ness Tuesday
Mrs Mose Young returned home from
McCook Monday
The carpenters have E B Stilge
bouers house enclosed
The Dorcas society had a social Tues
day night at the town hall
Mr Stones partner of Wilsonville is
expecting to move to Danbury
Mr Hulbert and wife of Wilsonville
are visiting friends and relatives of this
M Kimes who had been visiting M
Doud and family returned home on
Sunday night
Mrs Phillips and Alvin and Fern Dow
of Indianola visited J L Sargent and
family last week
Wm Mackey went among some wild
horses Saturday and one kicked him
and broke his arm
B B Smiley shipped three car loads
of sheep to St Joe Sam Messner three
of cattle and J L Sims one of hogs to
Kansas City Sunday night
Best table oil cloths including white
15c yard up at Thompsons
C KDutcher and family visited at
John Dutchers Sunday
The carpenters and plasterers have
finished Adam Fritzs house
The partylastB riday evening at Geo
Wheelers was a success and all report a
good time
Harve Blakely of Devizes Kans is
here visiting his grandmother Mary
Jim Miller passed through this neigh
borhood on his way to Lebanon after
his cattle he has been wintering there
this week
All in this neighborhood are pleased
at the approval of rural route inspector
The new route will be established as
soon as possible
Feel tired no appetite cannot sleep
work or eat Thats spriug tiredness
and will disappear at once if you take
Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea this
month 35 cents Tea or Tablets L
W McConnell Druggist
The Meat
In the cocoanut is
like the kernel in
the hull of the grain
ofwheat The
hull is removed
before crushing Cal
ifornia Wheatose
Flaked wheat food for breakfast
All good grocers
The new meat market is doing a good
MissEtta Burton was a McCook visit
or last Friday
Miss Mae and Elsie Bush were on the
sick list last week
Gordon Athey is erecting a nice cupola
on the M E church
F G Stilgebouers youngest son was
sick a few days last week
A J Crnwmor is fixing up things in
nice condition around his residence
Mr and Mrs McKnight were visitors
in McCook Saturday and Sunday
Mr Whites team toolt a spin around
town Tuesday doing vHry little damage
Mr and Mrs S B Rowe visited Sun-
daywith Mr and Mrs Clyde Clements
v Mr Sargent of Daubury was in our
city Tuesday with a view of locating
Fletcher and Faubin aro spreading
paint on the house on the Dr Brown
J A Malinburg came up from Omaha
to attend the funeral of his father-in-law
Mr Peysar
Mr and Mrs Chet Dow of Indianola
visited with F G Stilgebouer and fam
ily here last Sunday
The Bartley high school was closed
last Friday to allow the teachers to at
tend the teachers meeting at McCook
The only chance to locate in Bartley
now is to build or buy property There
are no business houses nor residences to
Mr and Mrs Frank Hodgkin gave a
pleasant party last Saturday evenlngon
the 21st birthday anniversary of their
son Rae
Dr Mackechnie was called down from
Indianola Sunday to see Mr J M
Epperley who has been complaining for
several days
A Mr Durbin from Ohio hits bought
the Harry Pain property and moved into
it Monday His family will be here in
a few days We welcome them
Elder Wilson closed his series of meet
ings here Sunday night and left Mon
day evening for Trenton where he was
called to officiate in a marriage cere
I W Stevens and wife took the train
for Creston Iowa Monday They will
visit in Iowa and Illinois for a few
months and then go west and take in
the sights at the Lewis and Clark expo
We were shown a sample of this years
growth of alfalfa April 4th grown on
the farm of I A Lyman near Bartley
that measured over sixteen inches Red
Willow county is all right for growing
Andrew Peysar who recently came
here from Omaha diedSunday morning
aged 69 years His remains were laid
away in the Bartley cemetery Monday
afternoon Elder Wilson made a short
funeral address at the grave Mr Peysar
leaves a daughter Mrs J A Malinburg
who recently located near Bartley a
son in Omaha and a wife to mourn his
death The sympathy of this commun
ity is extended to the bereaved family
The Indianola Reporter last week
pictured an undesirable condition in In
dianola which has lasted for twenty
years The town is in a bad way
financially The cemetery money has
been used to pay officers salaries and
the cemetery grown up in weeds and
otherwise neglected and many other
things have gone wrong All this the
editor attributes to the salooi question
which annually disturbs tfi citizens
Bartley has no saloon and the towns
financially well fixed the cemetery is
neatly kept up and the people are pros
perous and are working together har
moniously for the general good of all
Bartley is a pleasant town in which to
make a home and all good people who
desire to locate with us will be cordially
Shields Johnson On Sunday even
ing April 2nd at the home of the brides
sister Mrs T M Campbell George A
Shields and Eliza O Johnson were unit
ed in marriage by Rev J A Kerr in the
presence of a number of near relatives
and friends of the contracting parties
After the ceremonies the guests were
seated to a bounteous supper The
bride was dressed in light blue silk sub
limed trimmed in cream silk and lace
which was both handsome and becom
ing The groom was dressed in black
They were the recipients of many beau
tiful presents Mr and Mrs Shields
have the best wishes of a host of friends
Kansas City April 6 1S05
Receipts of cattle thus far this week
are 21800 compared with 25000 Inst
week and 21900 last year Mondays
market was strong to 10c higher for kill
ing cattle others steady to strong Tues
days trade was active and steady to
strong The supply of beef steers today
was light and with an exceptionally
brisk inquiry salesmen susceeded in ad
vencing values anywhere from 10 to 25
cents A new top for the year was
made at 86 40 Two lots brought 8620
one bunch 8615 and one drove 8600
Cows and heifers were in light supply
and 10c to 15c higher 27 heifers weigh
ing 724 pounds brought 8545 which is
the highest of the year One lot of steers
and heifers mixed 1103 pounds sold at
S555 Taken as a whole all kinds of
killing cattle are now the highest of the
year and anywhere from 50c to 100 per
cwt higher than six weeks ago Stock
ors and feeders were strong to 10c higher
today for anything desirable others
steady Bulls were firm stock cows and
heifers firm veals steady The following
table gives quotations now ruling
Extra prime cornfed steers 5 50 to 6
Good 5 00 to
Ordinary 4 75 to
Choice cornfed heifers 4 75 to
Good 4 25 to
Medium 3 50 to
Choice cornfed cows 3 73 to
Good 3 25 to
Medium 2 75 to
Canners 1 50 to
Choice stags 4 00 to
Choice fed bulls 3 25 to
Good 3 00 to
Bologna bulls 2 00 to
Veal calves 5 00 to
Good to choice nritive or western
stockers 4 23 to
Fair 3 75 to
Common 3 25 to
Good to choico heavy native feeders 4 50 to
Fair 3 75 to
Good to choico heavy branded
horned feeders 3 75 to
Fair 3 5C to
Common 3 00 to
Good to choico stock heifers 3 00 to
Fair 2 50 to
Good to choice stock calvessteers 4 50 to
Fair 3 75 to
Good to choice stock calvesheifers 3 25 to
Fair 2 75 to
a 75
3 25
2 25
4 83
3 50
2 75
4 80
4 25
3 75
5 00
4 50
4 50
3 75
3 50
3 25
5 00
4 50
3 75
3 25
Receipts of hogs the first three days
of this week were 25300 against 25800
last week and 24700 last year Mondays
market was 5c lower Tuesdays trade
was strong to 6c higher and today most
sales showed 10c advance although the
close was weaker Bulk of sales were
from S525 to S54214 top S547J this
making values the highest of the year
Sheep receipts so far this week are 14
400 against 19200 last week and 12500
last year Mondays trade was steady
Tuesday was steady for sheep with
lambs steady to 10c lower and today
trading was rather quiet but with steady
rates generally quoted We quote
Choice lambs 8725 to S735 choice year
lings S650 to 8660 choice wethers8575
to 8600 choice ewes 85 50 to 8560
Hints Suggestions Devices and Con
densed Letters from Correspondents is
the comprehensive title of a most valu
able department of The Iowa Homestead
of Des Moines Iowa Each week in
this part of that excellent farm paper a
skilled editor himself a practical farmer
of many years experience collects the
practical results of American inventive
ness on the farm How to make gates
how to make them stay open and shut
and swing free how to utilize parts of
old machines vehicles etc in making
new ones for other purposes forms of
troughs fed boxes etc devices for
handling bees methods of utilizing all
kinds of odd materials etc are a few
of the hundreds of topics covered of
which there appears to be no end Thou
sands of The Homesteads subscribers
have declared that this department was
alone worth many times the price of the
paper We have no doubt that if every
farmer in Red Willow county were a reg
ular reader of these timelyHints Sug
gestions Devices etc it would result
in saving thousands of dollars to our
county not to mention the benefits to
our agricultural and live stock interests
We take subscriptions for The Home
stead at this office
C S Blairs 82000 residence is near
ing completion
Easter day exercises are being arrang
ed for Mrs Mahoney has charge of
the program
i nvis
another old settler he 6f
has bought a lUUu - rnpefty aiming
Mr and Mrs J C Mot and Mr
and Mrs Mahoney drove ovir to Bart
ley last Friday
We learn that Nova Rabern Las rented
the Lena Schmid farm and wl move
there this week
W P Meadville has sold his 30 acre
farm to a Mr Sheldon f or 00 per
acre so we are told Mr M will move
to Wilsonville
Collars and pads as wel as harness at
W T Colemans
For Sale or Trade
A complete photographers outfit
Will sell or trade at a bargain Address
lock box 522 McCook Nebraska
A strength tonic that brings rich red
blood Makes you strong healthy nnd
active Thats what Uollisters Rocky
Mountain Tea will do 35 cents Tea or
Tablets L W McConnell Druggist
Notico is horoby Riven thnt the county com
mibsionors of Rod Willow county Nobraska
will rocoivo sealed bids for furnishing all necex
snny materials and the construction of a wood
en bridge across thu Ropublicnn river on soction
lino between sections twutyoight 2S nnd
twenty nino 29 township three3 range thirty
CJ0 west 6th P AL according to plans and
specifications on filo in county clerks office
said bids to bo endorsed Bids for material and
construction of Perry bridge Said bids to be
filed with the county clerk on or before twelve
oclock noon May 2 A D 1903 Commissioners
resorvo the right to reject any nnd all bids
Dated this Jtli day of April A D 1105
E J Wilcox County Clerk
McCook Nebraska April 7 1903
Notico is hereby given that Putrick Walsh
has filed in the city clerks ollico his bond aud
petition for a license to sell malt spirituous
and vinous liquors in tho building at No 220
Main avonue in tho Second wurd of the city of
McCook from May 1 1905 to April 30 1906
4-7-its Patuick Waihu Applicant
McCook Nobraska April 7th 1905
Notico is horoby given that L W McConuell
has hied in tho city clerk s othce his bond nnd
petition for a druggists permit to soil malt
spirituous and vinous liquors in the building on
lot 7 block 21 in tho Second ward of tho city of
McCook from Ma 1 1905 to April 30 1906
LW McConnell Applicant
McCook Nebraska March 31 1905
Notico is hbreby given that Level R Cljdohas
uled in tlieiCty clerks ollico lus bond nnd peti
tion for a license to sell malt spirirnous and
vinous liquors in the building on lot 9 block 21
in th Second ward of tho city of McCook for
oneyenr from May 1 1905 to April4S0 1900
Lovel R Clyde Applicant
McCook Nobrabka March 31 1905
Notico is hereby given that M U Cljde has
filed in tho city clerks ollico his bond and ioti
tion for a license to sell malt spirituous and
vinous liquors iii tho building on lot 9 block 21
in tho Second ward original city of McCook
from May 1 1905 to April 30 1906
M U Clyde Applicant
McCook Neb March 31 1905
Notico is horoby given that A McMillon has
filed in the city clerks oflico his bond andpeti
tiou for a druggists pormitto sell malt spiritu
ous aud vinous liquors in the building on lot 21
block 22 in tho First ward in tho city of Mc
Cook Red Willow countv Nebraska during tho
year ending May 1st 1906
A McMillen Applicant
To H A Talcott and to all whom it may con
cern Tho commissioner appointed to locate a
road commencing at tho north east corner of
the northwest quarter of section thirty five
35 township three 3 rnngo twenty seven 27
in Indianola precinct Red Willow county Ne
braska running thenco west on section line to a
point four 4 rods west of tho north east corn
er of the northeastquarterof section thirty four
34 township three i3 range twonty sovon 27
thence north about ten 10 rods thenco in a
southwesterly direction along canon bank un
til it intersects the section line thence west on
section lino to school creek thence in a south
westerly direction about fifteen 15 rods until
it intert ects road No 295 has reported in favor
of the location thereof and all objections there
to or claims for damages must be filed in tho
county clerks oflico on or before noon of the
22nd day of Maj 1903 or said road will bo es
tablished without relerence thereto
E J Wilcox County Clerk
McCook Nebraska March 23 1905
Notice is hereby given that Hecdrick La
throp a firm composed of E W Hendrick and
Walter Lathrop have filed in tho city clerks
office their bond and petition for a licenso to
soil malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the
Doyle building on lot 9 block 22 m the First
ward of tho city of McCook from May 1 1905 to
April 30 1906 Hendeick Latheop
McCook Nebraska March 21 1903
Notice is hereby given that William Lewis
has filed in the city clerks oflice hib bond nnd
petition for a licenso to sell malt spirituous
and vinous liquors in the building at No 103
Main avenue in tho First ward of tho city of
McCook from Mav 1 1905 to April 3G 1906
William Lewis Applicant
McCook Nebraska March 24 1903
Notice is hereby given that Louis Fleischman
has filed in the city clerks oflice his bond and
petition for a license to sell malt spirituous
and vinous liquors in the building at No 113
Main Avenue in tho First ward of tho city of
McCook from May 1 1905 to April 30 1906
Locis Fleischman Applicant
In tho district court of Red Willow county
State of Nebraska In the matter of tho ap
plication of Mabel M Kimmoll administra
trix of the estate of Anna Cuniguuda Flohr
for licenso to sell real estate
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
order of the Honorable R C Orr judge of the
district court of Red Willow county Nebraska
made on tho 25th day of February 1905 for tho
salo of tho real estate hereinafter described
there will be sold at public vendue to tho high
est bidder for cash at tho east front door of the
court house in the city of McCook in said coun
ty on tho Sth day of April 1903 at the hour of
ten oclock a m the following described real
estate to wit Lots number thirty six and
thirty seven in block number two in South
WcCook Red Willow county Nebraska Said
sale will remain open one hour
Dated this 16th day of March 1905
Mabel M Kimmell
Administratrix of the estate of Anna Cunigun
da Flohr
Boyle Eldred attorneys for administratrix
Be it resolved by the mayor and council of
the city of McCook Red Willow county Ne
braska that the sidewalks be within thirty
days after tho publication of this resolution re
built and laid to the established grade adjoin
ing tho following described premises to wit
Lot 6 block 10 lots 6 and 7 block 11 lots 2 3
and 4 block 21 lots 7 to 12 block 19 lot 7 block
26 lots 3 and 4 block 1 lots 1 2 and G block 13
lots 4 5 aud 6 block 25 lots 1 to 12 block 17
lots 1 to 12 block 5 lot3 1 to 10 block 5 original
McCook lot 1 U 12 block 23 lot 12 block
lots 1 to C block 31 lots 3 to 6 block 10 2nd
addition lots 1 and 2 block S lots 1 to 6 block
7 is all in the city of McCook The
I nal to bo used shall bo either flag stone
Htrified or hard burned paving brick or con
crete Flagstone must be three inches thick
prepare the foundation by grading and filling
to an even surface tamped well aad solid and
imbed stone in sand to an even surface Brick
must be hard burned ana even excavate a
inches fill in and tamp well until the ground is
even and solid add threo inches of sand and
lay brick to a smooth and oven surface herring
bone fashion covered thick with sand same to
be swept in Concrete must be mado of one
part cement four parts of sand to three of
crushed stone The foundation must be
I vated or filled in and tamped uniform and solid
to within fivo inches of grade lay four inches of
I concrete and cover surface with concrete com
posed one part cement and threo parts sand one
men tmcK
Said walks shall be of a uniform width of
fivo feet and laid four inches from the lot line
Said walks shall bo rebuilt under the supervis
ion of the committee on streets and alleys in
conjunction with the city engineer in accord
ance with the provisions of ordinance No 113 as
amended passed and approved the 27th day of
February 1905
Passed and approved this 1st day of April
Attest C I Hall C J Rtan
Clerk Acting Mayor
To Cure a Cold m 0n
Tate Laxative Broras QspHiimeTsets
boxes sold in post 12 month
Jven Million
cy J
Dr Herbert J Prat
Reoistebkd Gkaduatk
Oflico over McConnells Drug Store
Telophonos Office MX residonco 131
Formor locution Atlanta Georgia
ChasAStevens Bros Ready made
Garments and Furnishing Goods
Three doors oast of DoG rolls store
Real Estate Insurance
Phono 50
Oflico over
McMillens drug store
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13
Consultation free
J F Hart M D
Office hours 9 to 12 a m 2 to 5 nnd 7 to 9 p m
Phonos Ollico 15 residence 45
and Surgeon
Oflico Residence 524 Main Aveuue Ollico and
Residence phono 53 Calls answered night or
McCook Nebraska
CSsoAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Water Works Oflico in Postoflico building
C H Boyle C E Eldeed Co Atty
Attorneys at Law
Long Distanco Phono 44
Rooms 1 and 7 second floor
Postoflico Building
McCook Neb
DENTIST phone 112
Qflico over Grannis store McCook Neb
Piumber and
i Steam Fitter
7 Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe
H joods rumps an Boiler Tri
Agent for Halliday Waupun kclipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker
Phillips Building
To Prevent Hog Cholera
From appearing on your farm
Be prudent this year and pre
vent a repetition of the losses
of previous years
Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee
Cures Grfn
t j t K
JOT tog cholera and it was all
ami Vr ifl11 hP I had tbree sickones
and they all got well and done fine I also
used it for chicken lice and mitos and it is ail
cholera11 IhUt ltl3the onlr Medicine for hoj
cholera I think
Gotlieb Jeeke
T Harrington Neb Dec 111902
trfrtMT8r La Uldf Kal 1 am well pleased
Sr - Aa re Jf aVd m hs last
1v1us Keep is m stock all tho
nlra1iU thetIbst ling I ever had on the
S5ff0rie vrythDS ifc intended for It is
good for
cholera lico on stock insecta
of all kinds it will destroy all kinds
F W Woman-
luSrsasesis8 Nationai -
in Two Days
GTK auomp
- - vjr
dox 25c
f J