The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 10, 1905, Image 2

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Rev Bross of Lincoln was here
Miss Rosa Smith is home from
Leonard Rogers is under the
doctors care
Mrs Bates
doctors care
J G Evers is
rafter real estate
The S M
ftiere for a week
is still under the
in Iowa seeing
Concert Co is
Two children of Joe Deckers
are on the sicklist
Mrs George is here engaged in
the millinery business
Born to Mr and Mrs Chauncy
a girl March 3rd
LMr French and family have
moved into the Eno house
Miss Jones spent last Sunday
-at her home near McCook
William Mustgraves is back
from Rawlings Wyoming
Mrs Pew of Hebron Neb is
here visiting friends and relatives
A baby boy was born to Mr
and Mrs Henry Davidson March
Mr French is building an ad
dition on to his hardware store
34 x 70
Sam Logan formerly of this
place has become blind and is in j
Mrs Morgan and Mrs Evers
went to McCook Sunday to the
V F Everist of St Joseph is
here in the interest of the live
stock firm of Davis Co
The musical entertainment was
poorly attended Saturday night
and considered very poor
Mr and MrsWA Stone have
returned from Omaha where they
went to purchase their spring
Letha Weaver who has been
suffering with St Vitus dance
for the past three months was in
town last week
Miss Nellie Boyer who has
been working for Fred Wiggins
on the Sappa is now working in
Howard Rubys restaurant
J E Dolph shipped 2 carloads
of sheep B B Smiley shipped 3
carloads of hogs and 2 carloads
of sheep and J L Sims 2 car
loads of hogs Sunday night all
Jto -Kansas City
Farmer boys and girls should
iPredinore Sons ad on another
and get that prize
Snow and rain Tuesday
Ida Downs spent Sunday with
the home folks
Joe Downs is hauling wheat to
Undianola this week
Willie Duborko has gone to
work on the Byfield ranch
Nelson and Charlie Downs
went to Indianola Wednesday
Frank Duborko was seen on
Uhe streets of Stringtown Tues
Fred and Lillie Groves of Os
born and Maude Heinlein of Mc
rCook visited at Nelson Downs
The young folks of the neigh
borhood enjoyed a good time at
the home of Rev Ramelow and
family February 2Sth it being
the 18th birthday of their oldest
Mr Jake Unger and Mrs H
-Snyder were united in marriage
Tuesday at the Bondville Luth
rern church Rev Ramelow offi
ciating After the services at the
church the friends of the couple
returned to the home of the bride
and partook of a bounteous spread
Another car of American and Elwood
woven wire fence at W T Colemans
Proposed New Star Route
The government is advertising for bids
to carry the mail six times a week be
tween McCook and Quick by way of
Centerpoint a proposed new mail route
or rather an extension of the present
-Quick-Box Elder route to McCook The
distance is 2150 miles and return The
contract will run from April 1st 1905 to
June 30th 190G Open for receipt of
bids to March Utb 1005 Mail will leave
McCook at 630 a m arriving at Quick
at 1230 p m leaving Quick at 130 p m
and arriving at McCook at 730 p m
For blank applications for bids and
bonds or additional information see
Postmaster Kimmell of McCook
Chris Jensen is sowing oats
Evert Moore has moved to Leb
Dick Hatcher is plowing for
Joe Carmichael is sowing spring
Tom Ruggles is owner of a fine
Bob Thomas has finished the
Hoagland house
Lafe Miller will build a new
barn this spring
John Helm has brought a large
jack from Missouri
Winter wheat and rye are look
ing fine in this locality
A party is reported at Mr
Millers last Tuesday night
The Hatchers were surprised
by a host of friends one night last
week A good time is reported
The Sixty Six club were enter
tained by Mr and Mrs Elmer
Thursday night of last week A
three course luncheon with coffee
was served The Sheridans will
entertain them next Thursday
Mr and Mrs McNeal enter
tained a host of friends Tuesday
Those invited were John Broom
field and wife George Burt and
wife Alf Clark and wife Arthur
and Mrs Lee E A and Mrs
Sexson Mr and Mrs Windhurst
and Mary The McNeals are
elegant entertainers and Mrs Mc
Neal and Sadie are expert cooks
Everybody enjoyed the social treat
as well as the excellent dinner so
kindly prepared for them
Mrs Charles
friends in Kansas last week
Charles Dutcher and family
spent Sunday at John Dutchers
The young folks have organized
a reading circle and will meet at
Otto Webbers Friday evening
Joe Burton who has been work
ing for E S Dutcher has quit
and gone to the Platte to take
Harve Blakely returned to his
home in Kansas after a two weeks
visit with his grandmother Mary
Will Beauhler has moved
the old Bodish place A man
from Weeping Water has moved
onto the McCord place
Fred Beauhler has moved north
of the river and MrJvIcCracken
has bought the place where he
lived and moved on last week
Womens Kidneys
Women are more often afflicted with
kidney disorders than men but attribute
the symptoms to diseases peculiar to
their sex while in reality the kidneys
are deranged Nervousness headache
puffy or dark circles under the eyes
pain in the back are signs of kidney
trouble that must not be ignored or a
serious malady will result Foleys Kid
ney Cure has restored the health of
thousands of weak nervous broken
down women It stops irregularities and
strengthens the urinary organs It puri
fies the blood and benefits the whole
system Sold by A McMillen
In the six day bicycle races the pace
tells terribly at the end Man after
man falls out exhausted The victor
wabbles wearily over the line In the
business race its the same Man after
man drops out exhausted The success
ful man is often a dyspeptic unable to
enjoy success When the stomach is
diseased there is not enough nutrition
assimilated to sustain the body and re
pair the daily waste of tissues The
result is weakness tending to collapse
Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery
cures diseases of the stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutrition It
enables the perfect assimilation of food
by which the body is built up with
sound healthy flesh
I have taken one bottle of Doctor Pierces
Golden Medical Discovery for indigestion and
Tver complaint writes Mr C M Wilson of
Yadkin College Davidson Co N C Have
had no bad spells since I commenced taking
your medicine in fact have not felt like the
same man Before I took the Golden Medical
Discovery I could not eat an j thing without
awful distress but now I can eat anything I
wish without having unpleasant feelings Iat
summer our baby was teething and was so poor
he was almost a skeleton We gave him your
Golden Medical Disovery and now he is as
healthy and well as any child I will speak a
good word for your medicine whenever I have
an opportunity
Dr Pierces Pellets cure sick headache
Roy Mann went to McCook
Tuesday night
Adam Grass was in town Sat
urday and Sunday
E J Mitchell was on our
streets a few days ago
C S Quick entertained his
nephew from Iowa last week
C H Russell is at home for a
few weeks visit with his family
Quite a number of the Bartley
people attended the show here
Friday night
Mr Lawritson of McCook is in
Indianola this week the guest of
his son Mark
Glenn the little son of Charles
King living south of town is quite
sick with fever
Marion Powell was in town a
few days last week looking after
his many interests
Floyd Wei born of Denver
stopped off between trains to see
the folks this week
The great medicine show has
come and gone and the people
are wiser and poorer
John Mallecks infant child
died last week and was buried
from the Catholic church
Miss Mamie Mann is
again a
resident of Indianola having
closed her term of school
Harry Whitmore went to St
Joe with three carloads of hogs
returning Sunday morning
Frank Burbridge is making ar
rangements to move to Superior
where he will pursue his trade
Wm Mohenff and Miss Jennie
Uerling were married at the Cath
olic church Wednesday morning
Bessie Twogood won the prize
awarded the most popular young
lady The prize was a silver tea
Rev E B Crippen went down
to Lincoln last week to attend
the missionary convention of that
M E Ellingson the photog
rapher was in the city a few days
this week taking orders for pic
fhe War Fond Mother Jolce on
Her Son Went Afitray
Bishop Maxwell Is it not luqulr
id Mrs Spaulding cordially as her
guest came down to breakfast suit
case in hand I feel that I know you
through my son and I was so glad
when he arranged to have you stay
with us on your way through the city
But what does this luggage mean
Youre going to stay a day or so
No thank you Mrs Spaulding re
turned the bishop I must go right
on today
Oh that makes it doubly unfor
tunate that I had to be away last even-
ing I hope you found my message of
explanation The friend I was called
to was very ill and I felt sure you
would understand but the fact thit
Mr Spaulding was out of town too
made me regret going especially I
do hope my maid took care of you
comfortably and that you rested well
I thought you must have been weary
when I came In at 10 and found you
bad retired
The bishop replied politely but there
was an odd constraint in his manner
which lasted until he had bowed him
self out of the house after breakfast
What can be the matter puzzed
Mrs Spaulding as she watched the
distinguished gentleman stalking down
the street Dick was so anxious he
should like us
Then a sickening thought struck her
and she daited up the stairs
It had been Mrs Spauldings custom
during the boyhood of her only son to
correct his failings by posting about
the house little placards which gently
pleaded with him on the error of his
ways A week or two earlier when
Dick was coming hoiae for a college
vacation she had unearthed some of
these old s ns and just for a joke had
pinned them up in his room like old
times They had been taken down
later but she remembered now that
after beini summoned to the sick
friend the morning before she had jd
her new and not brilliant maid to
Dicks door and had said I want
this room swept and arranged for Bjh
op Maxwell exactly as wo did it tor
Mr Dick last week Do you under
Wth wirgs on her feet Mrs Spauld
ing flew to the room the bishop had oc
cupied but at the threshold she paused
and gasped
On one of the pillows was a staring
notice to tnis effect Please put your
bed airimr in the morning Over the
mirror Please dont spatter the glass
On the window curtain Please dont
throw your shoes on the floor noisily
Everywhere on pictures and wall
Please dont leave your coat on a
chair Hang it up Tlease dont
leave you toothbrush in the bath
room Please turn off the hot water
There were at least fifteen of these
Rev T E Wilson has returned Placards the Please underlined three
rti fnm finino ill nnr1i littr r
to the brethren every
Dan Dolan of Frontier county
has been adjudged insane and
taken by the sheriff of that county
to the asylum
Jake Kerns and two little boys
of Harvard Neb were the guests
of W H Smith and family
Thursday and Friday
Wm Carmichael and L Hay
den are doing the carpenter work
on a new house for M Hobbs on
his farm northeast of town
Mamie Mann came home Sat
urday evening from Bartley where
she had been for the past few
days visiting her sister Mrs H
Clark and Ireland the two
horse buyers are in our midst on
the lookout for fine horses and
mules They are trying for a
John Boyer came over from
Danbury Saturday and took No
5 for Colorado where he will take
charge of a ranch and engage in
the farming business
John Dolans home was the
scene of a festive occasion Friday
night A goodly number of young
people met and tripped the light
fantastic All had a merry time
Andy Lord has added to his
worldly possessions by the pur
chase of a small farm of about
twenty five acres lying south of
the railroad track formerly owned
by Doctor Mastin
What might have been a dis
astrous fire but for the timely in
terference of the town people oc
curred at the cattle yards early
Sunday morning As it was
slight damage was done The
fire was set by a passing train
Two Weary Willies were gently
assisted from the train here Sat
urday morning and left to view
the beauties of the surrounding
valley They hailed from Lan
sing Mich and say they are go
ing to Denver One of them ex
pressed himself as being disgusted
with their slow mode of traveling
and thought if he were back home
again he would sigh no more to
be a rover
r TTT S 1 1 Ml 1 I LUU1
irom wray oioana win preacn j uor
w WlltVL Ul
rors the lareest of nil wns this on
Sunday the inside of the door If you take a
j bath please wash out the tub Its
graceful not to Youths Companion
The American Accent
There is no such thing as the Amer
ica accent except in a few words such
as advertisement wherein America is
superior as to pronunciation and prac
Nor does the American born man
talk through his nose The real dif
ference that we all notice is a differ
ence in the general pitch of voice The
American voice is pitched in a slightly
higher key than the English and here
you may find the reason why the
American assimilates French so easily
Tut roughly the case is this The
Frenchman talks from his palate the
American from the top of his throat
the Englishman from his chest and the
German from his diaphragm London
First of the Lazy Men
During the civil war a captain of a
company which had sixty men in its
ranks none of whom was as r ATgetic
as the officer thought he should be
hit upon a plan which he believed
would cure the mens habits of lazi
ness One morning after roll call the
captain addressing his command said
I have a nice easy job for the lazi
est man in the company Will the
laziest man step to the front
Instantly fifty nine men each took a
step forward
Why didnt you step to the front
inquired the commander of the one
man who did not come
I was too lazy replied the soldier
Philadelphia Ledger
Shopping Troubles
Tomorrow is my wifes birthday
and I want to buy a present that will
tickle her
We have a nice line of feather
No no I mean something that
would make a hit with her
Anything in hammers
You misunderstand I want some
thing striking that
Ah you wish a clock
Thats all Cleveland Plain Deal
When to Find Tliem
Bllmkins No sir 1 tell you most
friends are uncertain I want friends
who will be friends In need Hodges
Take a fools advice old man and look
for them before you need them
Brookl3 n Life
Designs Upon Him
Gladys He tells me you have de
signs upon him Ethel Did the wretch
say that Gladys Yes He said your
mage was engraved upon his heart
It often happens that the man who
florp flin i iTnn line nsfVitr f V
iuc iiyvi una 11UILI1U JCLL LVL 1113
reditors Puck
Baking Powder
Saves Health
The use of Royal Bdfeig Powder is
essential to the healthfulness of the
family food
Yeast ferments the food
Alum baking powders are injurious
Royal Baking Powder saves health
Eliza Johnson is suffering from
an attack of grippe
A W Campbell and Roy
Richey spent Sunday with Mr
and Mrs A T Wilson
We are pleased to learn that
Ida Modrell is greatly improved
in health after her long illness
A few of the neighbors enjoyed
a very pleasant time Monday
evening at the home of Mr and
Mrs F G Lytle
Rev J A Kerr J K Gordon
and Mr and Mrs John White at
tended servc s at the new M E
church in McCook last Sunday
A W Campbell returned last
Saturday from his trip in the east
ern part of the state His grand
son Roy Ritchey of Beatrice re
turned with him and visited rela
tives in this vicinity and near
Osburn until Wednesday when
he left for San Francisco Calif
Everything sold at a good figure
at E B Osbaughs sale
Levi Blair has sold 80 acres of
his land to B F Wilson
Mrs Ella Shepherd and daugh
ter Edith were visitors at the home
of Mrs B F Wilson Friday of
last week
Miss Nellie Lincoln has return
ed to her home at Orafino Fron
tier county after teaching a
successful term of school for five
monthsin this neighborhood
Have you noticed that great
combination The Tribune offers
Think of it Five papers for
125 a year And they aie
all good not a worthless one
among them
Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs
Several years since my lungs were so
badly affected that I had many hemor
rhages writes A M Ake of Wood
Ind I took treatment with several
physicians without any benefit I then
started to take Foleys Honey and Tar
and my lungs are now as sound as a bul
let I recommend it in advanced stages
of lung trouble Foleys Honey and
Tar stops -the cough and heals the lungs
and prevents serious results from a cold
Refuse substitutes Sold by A Mc
Preparing for the Next State Fair
At the February meeting of the board
of managers the revision of the premium
list was completed and appointments
made for superintendents of the various
departments of the fair Hon J L
McBrien state superintendent of public
instruction and deputy E C Bishop ap
peared before the board and presented
suggestions in regard to an educational
exhibit and 8500 was appropriated for
premiums and expenses connected with
such an exhibit for the state fair
The purchase of ten turnstiles for use
on the fair grounds was authorized
The proposition of the Hereford Breed
ers association and the Aberdeen Angus
association to pay 500 each as special
premiums at the state fair was accepted
Barn No 1 was assigned to Frank
lams of St Paul for an exhibit of draft
The following appointments of super
intendents were made
General superintendent William Fos
ter Saltillo
Chief of police J J Tracy Loup
Superintendent agriculturo hall W
W Cole Neligh
Superintondentof gates E M Searle
jr Ogallala
Superintendent of mercantile hall F
Kinyon Lincoln
Superintendent of amphitheater J
W Hawes Minden
Superintendent fish exhibit and build
ing WJ OBrien South Bend
Lindscape gardener JHHadkinson
Class superintendents Horses W A
Apperson Tecumseh cattle Elijah
Filley Reynolds swine L W Leonard
Pawnee City assistant E J Russell
Blair sheep R M Wolcott Palmer
poultry C M Lewellen Beaver City
farm products L Morse Benkelman
textile Mrs C F Ladd Lincoln assist
ant Miss Belle Keyser Omaha fine
arts Mrs F M Hall Lincoln dairy
A L Haecker Lincoln bread and cake
Mrs J C Kier Lincoln educational
E C Bishop Lincoln bees and honey
E Whitcomb Friend machinery J
Roberts Fremont county collective ex
hibits W W Cole Neligh special
premiums Charles Mann Chadron
agricultural instruction E A Burnett
The secretary was instructed to solicit
bids for printing the premium list
The next meeting of the board will be
at Lincoln at 730 p m March 9th
It will bring rich red blood firm flesh
and muscle Thats what Hollisters
Rocky Mountain Tea will do Taken
this month keeps you well all summer
35 cents Tea or Tablets
Statistics prove that the chances of your dying of
Throat or Lung Troubles are 9 to 1
Waste no time but cure your Disease with
te only strictly scientific Lung Specific in existence
Positively guaranteed to help or money refunded
Saved the Preacher
Rev 0 D Moore of Harpersville N Y writes I
had a fearful cough for months which nothing would
relieve until I took Dr Kings New Discovery for
Consumption It cured my cough and saved my life
Prices 50c and 1 00
Trial Bottles Free