The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 17, 1905, Image 4

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WU f3 1ST tf
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Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription a Year in Advance
II G Leavitt and tho Farmers canal
project in Western Nebraska seem des
tined to lose out und Uncle Sam to win
The mayoralty question is beginning
imitate the local politicians already
And so it ought The people of the city
can well afford to take a hand in this
matter also
If tho people of the United States
could have the opportunity there would
boa notable house cleaning in the United
States senate Every new developement
of irregularities among the members of
the American house of lords is added
proof of the necessity of the case Some
recent cases of dereliction are quite as
humiliating to our nationol pride and
honor as personally pathetic Graft is a
creature of hideous mein but United
States senators appear to embrace it un
One of tho features of the discussion
of the postoflice appropriation bill in its
recent appearance beforo the house of
representatives was the part taken by
Congressman Norris of tho Fifth Ne
braska district who opposed the special
facilities part of the appropriation
which seems to be in the nature of a
railroad graft Matching himself with
some of the best forensic steel in the
house Congressman Norris said in part
Mr Norris Mr Chairman I presume it is
cenorally understood and after the discussion
last year was generally understood that there
was no particular reason for this appropriation
that we had boon giving subsidies to this rail
road company and to tho ouo mentioned in tiie
next paragraph for several years without any
body knowing exactly why
Now for tho reasons which I think are well
understood by us all and which were fully dis
cussed at that time it seems to me that the par
agraph ought to be stricken out There is no
reason that I know of why this railroad men
tioned in this paragraph and the one mentioned
in the next paragraph should receive this large
sum of money even though at one time there
might have been some reason for it I under
stand that a great many of those who represent
districts through which these lines run feel an
interest in maintaining this service and that
there is really nothing more than the combina
tion between those iuterestedin tho matter that
keeps it in tho bill Mr Chairmau it seems to
me that tome of tho gentlemen who are opposed
to this motion are not basing their arguments
upon substantial grounds There has been quite
a controversy as to whethor this is a subsidy or
something else Mr Chairman as I look at it
it is absolutely immaterial what you call it
We all know what it is
I presume that those who have conscientious
scruples against voting for subsidies could vote
in favor or tins appiopriation ana una solace in
thoir hearts by calling it a subvention or
something of that kind If this railroad com
pany which is tho beneficiary of this contem
plated appropriation is an eleemosynary insti
tution you might call this philanthropy If it
is bankrupt why call it charity or a donation
If it is a religious corporation call it a contri
bution to missionary work But whatever you
call it tho fact remains just the same that there
is at least in my judgment no good substantial
reason why this payment should be made
The rose we are told would smell just as sweet
by nny other name and icdoes not make any
difference what you call this appropriation It
ought to be taken out of this bill Mr Chair
man I move to amend the paragraph by striking
out in line 14 page 18 the words Kansas City
Mo to Newton Kas and insert in lieu thereof
the words Orleans Neb tfcSt FrancisKas
1 want to appeal now to the membership of
this house and say that inasmuch as favoritism
to certain locaities was the only argument that
has been made in favor of the continuation of
this appropriation for this item jou ought to
let the people of some other locality get a peep
into this pork barrel Whenever you have a
good thing of that kiud you ought to be fair and
pass it around
Mr Cromer Mr Chairman I would ask if
there are any papers published iti Omaha that
could be distributed down through that valley
Mr Norris There are papers published in
Omaha the best in the world except in my own
district They are distributed all through that
valley but they dont get up there until they
are stale worn out and weary and wrinkled with
ago If we had 25000 more money we could get
them up there two weeks sooner Laughter
Down here through the southern states you only
got them there twenty four hours sooner by
means of this subsidy Whv if you want to
rT I
ge experienced farmer
has learned that some
grains require far differ
ent soil than others
some crops need diifer
enthandiing than others
He knows that a great
deal depends upon right
planting at the right
time and that the soil
must be kept enriched
No use of complaining
in summer about amis
take made in the spring
Decide before the seed
is planted
ee best time to reme
dy wasting conditions in
the human body is be
fore the evil is too deep
rooted At the first evi
dence of loss of flesh
Scotts Emulsion
should be taken imme
diately There is noth
ing that will repair
wasted tissue more
quickly or replace lost
flesh more abundantly
than Scotts Emulsion
It nourishes and builds
up the body when ordi
nary foods absolutely
We totO send you Simple free
Be sure that this
picture in the form
of a label is on the
wrapper o every
bottle of Emulsion
you buy
409 Pearl Street
50c and 1
all druggists
Baking Powder
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard A
Pure Cream of Tartar Pow
der Superior to every other
known Makes finest cake
and pastry light flaky bis
cuit delicious griddle cakes
palatable and wholesome
Price Baking
Powder Co
Mrs S S Graham is on the sick list this
Lew Sargent was called to Traer on business
last week
Rea Oman of McCook is going to move into
the Fair house
Webster Dowler is going to Little Rock Ar
Kansas next week
Mr and Mrs Pete Lehn wont to Lebanon
Monday on business
Mrs S S Graham has bought the ASEverist
place Consideration 00
A baby boy was born at the homo of Mr and
Mrs Harvey Criesman February 9th
Henry Pedon is going to have a sale the 22nd
of February and is going to Oklahoma
Mrs G B Morgan and son Donald have re
turned from their visit at Red Oak Iowa
John and Henry Wintjen have returned from
Wisconsin and report their brother much better
Tho town hall was crowded to its utmost ca
pacity Tuesday night to hear the Jubilee
Quite a number of young folks attended the
valentine party at the homo of Henry Naden
Friday night
Mr and Mrs Frank VanVleet have returned
home from their visit in Chicago Bloomington
and Dresden Illinois
Erett Wintjen of Dresden Kansas is here
visiting He reports crops fino around Dresden
and land sells at 3000 per quarter
Jas Everist is going to buy a piece of land in
Southern Missouri near the home of his son
Oscar and make that his future home
S W Stilgebouer Jr had a smashing up
this week Ho started down to tho elevator
and tho horse got scared and turned tho buggy
around and broke the shaft
All efforts have failed to find a better
remedy for coughs colds and lung
troubles than Foleys Honey and Tar
It stops the cough heals the lungs and
prevents serious results from a cold J
N PatersonNashuaIowa writes Last
winter I had a bad cold on my lungsand
tried at least half a dozen advertised
cough medicines and had treatment
from two physicans without getting any
benefit A friend recommended Foleys
Honey and Tar and two thirds of a
bottle cured me I consider it the great
est cough and lung medicine in the
world Sold by A McMillen
Note Avoidbakingpowdersmadefrom
alum They look like pure powders
and may raise the cake but alum
is a poison and no one can eat food
mixed with it without injury to health
scatter money in the way of subsidies to increase
tho mail facilities of our people hero is tho
golden opportunity Give it to some one who
has not beforo had a piece of this government
pie Let it be passed around Let us be har
monious and divide up this subsidy Take jour
hands out of Uncle Sams pockets Let some
one else milk this cow before she goes dry If
you want to be fair now is your opportunity If
jou want to be generous do it quick before you
change your mind Ease up your conscience
and give somebody nls o a chance Repent now
before it is everlastingly too late and dividb up
with your brother
W Z Taylor was a pilgrim to tho county cap
ital Tuesday
Mrs Joe Lechlitner was in town between
trains Tuesday fc
Jacob Wiggins and son C E were in McCook
the first of the week
Presiding Elder C C Wilson held quarterly
meeting here Saturday
Mail service has been very irregular this
week due to severe storms in the east
Rev M S Satcholl is conducting revival
meetings at theM E church this week
Rev B F Eisenmann of German M E church
filled the pulpit at tho Methodist church Sun- I
aay evening
Mrs B M Williams of Red OakIllinoiscame
in Sunday morning to visit parents and many
old time friends
Robert Knowles arrived home from Chickaska
I T where he has been for the past three years
We are glad to welcome him back
The members of the Seventh grade drove out
to the home of Mr Roop two miles east of town
to prepare for the coming spelling contest
A conplo of our j oungsters strolled down to
the river Tuesday evening to enjoy some flue
skating but yes tho ice was good wasnt it7
Mr and Mrs J B Kay now of Hastingsform
erly of this place are the proud parents of a
ten pound boy which arrived February 9 1905
H M Green was called to Palisade Saturday
by the illness of his tjaughtor Mrs S II Blum
who was reported very ill but at this wtiting is
much better
Saturday was one of the worst days we have
had for some time Jerry Bahn accompanied
Mr Green to Palisade and had the misfortune
to freeze his fingers They are giving Jerrj a
good deal of trouble
Mrs Thrasher died at the home of her daught
er Mrs A C Troutman five miles west of town
at one oclock Monday morning The remains
were shipped to her old home at Mascot Nob
Monday evening The deceased was an earnest
and consistent Christian and has only gone to
claim her reward She was loved and respected
by all who knew her The bereaved have the
sincere sympathy of this community
It makes no difference how many medi
cines have failed to cure you if you are
troubled with headache constipation
kidney or liver troubles Hollisters
Eocky Mountain Tea will make you
well L WMcConnell
Gliem Sundayed with home
Mr and Mrs Wm Relph were at Cedar Bluffs
Mr and Mrs Joe Relph were visiting relatives
in the north part of tho precinct Monday
Dave Goodenbergor and Frank Creagerhavo
been shelling corn at Cedar Bluffs and vicinity
the past week
T J Relph who lives just west of Cedar Bluffs
had live mules and a three-year-old colt killed
by the cars last Tuesday night
Joe Dodge has been laid up for about two
weeks with the grip and a carbuncle which re
quired the services of Dr DeMay of Danbury
On account of the severe weather we have had
no Sunday school for some time but will have
regularsessions in tho future weather permit
Tho trouble in this district between teacher
and pupilb terminated in a general rowMonday
and was referred to the district board Wo are
informed the teacher Miss Nowellhas resigned
Theodore Faubin was a Bartley visitor Tues
Miss Delia Stuart went to Benkelman on bus
iness Monday evening
The Degree of Honor initiated seven new
members Tuesday evening
W W Clark gave a fine lecture at tho Chris
tian church Wednesday night
Cecil Mathews little daughter Bernice burnt
her hand very badly Tuesday evening
Joe Ohlcons sale which took place Wednes
daj after being twice postponed on account of
bad weather was well attended by tho citizens
of Bartley
There will bo a party at the Widow Burtons
north of town Saturday and all those fortunate
enough to possess au invitation are anticipat
ing one of those rare good times which always
accompany a party there
Seed For Distribution
The Tribune is the receipt of an as
sortment of seeds from Senator Dietrich
and the same will be distributed free to
readers of this paper as long as they last
and concluding from past experience
they wont last long
The distracting headaches from which
so many women suffer make life a daily
purgatory If men suffered with head
ache as women do business would b
almost at a standstill Does not the fact
that women only suffer from these severe
headaches suggest that there must be a
womanly cause for them
When the womanly organism is dis
eased headache backache nervousness
and sleeplessness are consequences which
are sure to follow
500 Reward for Women
Who Cannot be Cured
Backed up by over a third of a century
of remarkable and uniform cures a record
such as no other remedy for the diseases
and weaknesses peculiar to women ever
attained the proprietors and makers of Dr
Pierces Favorite Prescription now feel
fully warranted in offering- to pay 500 in
legal money of the United States for any
case of Leucorrhea Female Weakness Pro
lapsus or Falling of Womb which they
cannot cure All they ask is a fair and
reasonable trial of their means of cure
Worlds Dispensary Medical Asso
ciation Proprietors Buffalo N Y
I took two bottles of vour Favorite Prescrip
tion and two of the Golden Medical Discovery
and am feeling well writes Mrs Dan Mc
Kenzie of Lorway Mines Cane Breton Co
Nova Scotia I had uterine trouble pain in
the side and headache After taking vour medi
cines I got well You may publish this or use
it in any way you think best as I cannot speak
too highly of Dr Pierce aud his medicines
Free Dr Pierces Common Sense
Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of
stamps to pay expense of mailing only
Send 21 one cent stamps for the book in
paper covers or 31 stamps for the cloth
bound volume Address Dr R V Pierce
Buffalo N Y
Mrs Frank Teel is quite sick with the grip
Several of our citizens are grappling with tho
Marion Powell made a flying visit to Indian
olu last week
1 Louis Elmer took a small drove of horses to
McCook Sunday
Wm M Nuttof Danbury was an Iudianola
visitor Wednesday
E Moore is to have a sale at his farm on the
Willow February 23d
George Woods of Omaha was in the city this
week visiting old friends
Mr Hedges shipped a car of cattlo from this
place Wednesday morning
I Mr Clark is buying up another carload of
I horsos and will ship them oast
I Tho M W A treated themselves to nn oyster
supper at tho close of lodge Monday night
Tho dnnce given at the hall Friday night was
sparsely attonded on account of tho storm
Father Pholan of the Catholic church at this
place is quite poorly from tho effects of grip
Rev Conrad attended the Sunday School
convention at Indianola Tuesday of last week
I Earl Calhoun and wife of McCook wore visit-
insr relatives in Indianola Saturday and Sun
J dav
James McClung Sr camo over from Lebanon
the foro part of the week and vibited with rela
- Mrs Henry Colling camo down Inst week for
a few days visit with her daughter Mrs Will
Georgo Morgan drove over from Danbury last
Sunday to meet his wife who has beon away on
a visit
Wilmor Hardesty had the misfortuno to fall
on the slippery sidewalk and break his arm last
Mr Parkor is again installed as night opera
tor here his predecessor has been transferred
to Oxford
Henry Ough accompanied by threo of his
children went to Hastings this week to visit
his daughters
Elmer Ervin of Koarnoy Nebraska camo in
on No 2 Tuesday morning and will visit with
friends south of town for awhile
John McClung and wife returned to thoir
homo in Lebanon last Sunday after a few days
visit with relativos north of town
Mr Hedges sufferod an almost complete de
moralization of his buggy by tho stampede of a
fractious horso that was hitched to it
Miss Kate Kivlign has returned from Bloom
ington whither she was called by telegram to
attend the funeral of her brother-in-law
Mrs F M Kimmell Emma Perrj Lettio
Kuipple Ruth Campbell and Edith Waito at
attended the Sunday School convention at this
place last week
Miss Miller and Theresa Brahler went to Red
Willow Sunday afternoon to visit tho Misses
Holm They returned to Indianola on No 12
Tuesday morning
A petition is being circulated that will give us
a free delivery route going southeast twenty six
miles and another route by J Carter going
southwest Th petitions are being well signed
Willis Gossard nn old time Indianola man is
in town visiting friends Ho came down from
McCook Wednesday morning where he had
been for some time past the guest of his son
Deputy Grand Master Miller A O TJ W of
Wahoo Neb held a special meeting here on
tho tenth Tho master gave them a good talk
There were quite a number out to hear him
despito the cold weather
The meetings with Evangelist Clifton in
charge have been transferred from the M E
to tho Congregational church and will continue
for awhile A good many have been deterred
from attending these meetings on account of
the stormy weather
Messrs Puckett and McNeil had a lively ad
venture with a skunk in the precincts of their
store last Monday evening His skunkship was
acting in the role of au uninvited guest und as
such they requested him to leave He refused
to go so they gave him the right-of-way Moral
It is sometimes better to endure an evil than o
try to check it
Pirating- Foleys Honey And Tar
Foley Co Chicago originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foleys Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered for
the genuine Ask for Foleys Honey
and Tar and refuse any substitute offer
ed as no other preparation will give tho
same satisfaction It is mildly laxative
It contains no opiates and is safest for
children and delicate persons Sold by
A McMillen
This is good sleighing for Nebraska
Alvin Rowland has been visiting with his
brother G II the past week
Rumor has it that Mrs Roshong will move
back on her place in the spring
Mrs J W Andrews has been troubled a great
deal of late with rheumatism
W S Fitch is preparing to build an addition
to the dwelling house on the east quarter
Cap Evans is marketing alfalfa this week
Quite a demand for that article this cold
This weather looks favorable to tho farmer
who is fortunate enough to have in an acerage
of fall wheat
This weather is plaving havoc with the school
atteudanca Last Monday morning the ther
mometer registered 2S with an attendance of five
Henry Richardson who has been farmiug the
ColCorwin place for the last few years is going
to Cedar Bluffs Kansas in the spring to engage
in the hardware business
Our sugar beet man from Wisconsin and the
American Sugar Beet Co have faded so far as
southwestern Nebraska is concerned but we
still have with us the old reliable Maxon
Mrs Baker and Mrs Rogers have the sympa
thy of the community in tho loss of their father
Mr Matthews who died of paralysis at the home
of his daughter Mrs Ed Sageser February 10th
A Menace to Health
Kidney trouble is an insidious danger
and many people are victims of a serious
malady before the symptons are recogniz
ed Foleys Kidney Cure corrects ir
regularities and strengthens and builds
up the kidneys and it should be taken
at the first indication of kidney trouble
as it is impossible to have good health if
the kidneys are deranged Sold by AMc
A W Campbell spent Monday evening with
Paul S tone
The quarterly meeting at Garden Praire was
postponed on account of the stormy weather
J A and Glenn ModrellJ S Dovle and Bert
Hockmau attended theShultz sale Tuesday
Rev J A Kerr and A W Campbell spent
Tuesday evening with A T Crane and family
The storms have passed for a time and the
sun has put in its appearance The mail car
riers aro able now with some difiiculty to make
their trips
Mrs D B Doyle and Miss Gertie returned
from Oxford last Wednesday Mrs Doyles
sister Mrs Cady and daughter Miss Belle re
turned with them
Theres a pretty girl in an Alpine hat
A sweeter girl with a sailor brim
But the handsomest girl youll ever see
Is tho sensible girl who uses Rocky
Mountain Tea L W McConnell
Mrs Jacob Ilarsch is spending a few days at
Joseph Downs on a visit
W P Broomfleld is visiting in Northern
for a week or two
Tho Ah Creek school wasclosed forepart of
tho week on account of lack of fuel
WN Rogers windmill is crippled by a broken
casting and pumping by hand is the order of the
day at Shadelaud
Mrs William Stadler is visiting her parents
Mr and Mrs Joeph Downs while Mr Stadler
is getting located at Mindeu
iinw 1 Mi 1 n - r r i rT uzmi
I To Cum a
m n o zm
Tcke LaxaBY
a f
seven Million dozes soc rast 1 e-
tivTv KV
v va
7 f
M i
Doctors first prescribed
Ayers Cherry Pectoral over
60 years ago They use it
today more than ever They
rely upon it for colds coughs
bronchitis consumption
They will tell you how it
heals inflamed lungs
I hart a very bail cough for throe yoars
Then I tried Ayers Cherry Pectoral Mysore
1 wigs were soon healed and my cough dropyed
WIus Teael 5ITDE Guthrie Centre la
2Se50cti -I AVKitoo
111 triiffiitc r Lnwiil Slim
Old Coughs
One Ayers Pill at bedtime insures
a natural action next morning
Price 25c Large Size 5c
It should be borne in mind that
every cold weakens the lungs low
ers the vitality and prepares the
system for the more serious dis
eases among which are the two
greatest destroyers of human life
pneumonia and consumption
Cough Remedy
has won its great popularity by its
prompt cures of this most common
ailment It aids expectoration re
lieves the lungs and opens the
secretions effecting a speedy and
permanent cure It counteracts
any tendency toward pneumonia
Safe Always reliable Ladle ask Druggist rot
Ciold metallic boxes sealed with blue
Take 110 other ItcfiiMe danjrerouu ull
lalmntaml imitations Buvol vour UniggiM
or send lc in stamps for Particular Teli
luoniaU and Keller for InUIcK jit Utter
by return Jail 10000 Testimonials bold by
all Druggists
2100 aadUon Nnuare IHMA PA
Mention this oaoer
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medioino for Baay People
Brings Golden Health and Eenewed Vigor
A sneciflc for Constipation Indigestion Live
and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure
Blood Bad Breath Sluprcish Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab -let
form 35 cents a box Genuine made by
Hollister Dituo Company Madison Wis
To the Board of Directors McCook Cooperative
Building and Savings Association
The undersigned committee appointed to ex
amine the books of this Association be leave to
report that
We have examined the accounts and records
of the secretary of said Association and found
them to be correct
We have examined and compared the vouchers
of the treat urer with his report and such re
port with the records of the secretary and found
them to be correct
Treasurers balance on hand Jany 20
1904 was 18
He reed from the secretary during the
year 28591 75
Total 28591 93
Treasurer paid out during the year on
secretarys vouchers 26941 95
Balance on hand Jany 20 1905 1647 98
Total 28591 93
Amount of cash in hands of secretary
Jany201905 159 88
We oxamlued the securities held by the Associ
ation aud found all loans 82 aggregating 62
52500 properly secured by real estate mortgages
except stock loans which aro secured by assign
ed certificates of stock said real estate loans
being further secured by insurance policies on
the buildings located on the mortgaged property
in approved companies loss if any being made
payable to this Association and also by assigned
stock certificates
Above report covers the yenr ending January
20 1905 Respectfully submitted
S B McLean
McCook Neb February 13th 1905
Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals
will bo received by the county commissioners of
Red Willow county Nebraska at the oflico of
the county clerk up to noon March Itli 1905 for
such mpdical services of physicians as may he
required by the poor of Red Willow county pro
posals to embrace tho following districts of said
county viz
The first district comprises the six eastern
precincts of tho first commissioner district
The second district comprises all of the precincts
of second commissioner district The third dis
trict comprises the eight westorn precincts of
Red Willow county
The county commisioners reserve the right to
reject any and all bids
E J Wilcox County Clerk
McCook Nebraska February 6 1905
In county court within and for Red Willow
county Nebraska February 4 1905
In the matter of the estate of Phebo Pope
To the creditors of said estate You are here- 1
by notified that I will sit at the county court
room in McCook in said county on the Sth day
of August 1905 at tho hour of nineoclocka m
to examine all claims against Miid estate with
a view to their adjustment anil allowance
The time limited for the presentation of claims
against said etato is six months from
tho 4th day of February A D 19115 anil the
time limited for payment of debts is one year
from said 4th day of February 1905
Witness my hand and the seal or said county
court this 4th day of February 19115
shal Frank Moore Countv Judge
By Boyle tfc Eldred Attorneys 2-10-Us
Vr LjF
i9ZJi t XilZfV
Cures Grip
in Two Days
ft every
box 25c
a Gnnd investment
15 acres adjacent to city of McCook house
lion boaso well Log
frame stable granary
All In cultiva
pens etc 2500 pench
tion G00 cash Wrlto for complete land
Phone 12
McuooK neo
A Sound Argument
The one that blows without any
thing to blow about wastes time and
energy The excellence of our goods
and delivery service warrant us for
blowing Always the best always
the greatest variety always the
highest quality
Phone 14 Fresh andSalt Meats
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Agent for Halliday Waupun bclipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker
Phillips Building
The Butcher
wants your
The best of
everything is
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bunk
McCook - Nebraska
Poultry Co
Buyers and Shippers of
Poultry and Eggs
For the next 7 days
wo will pay cash
For Hens tc lb
Springs 7c lb
Turkey Hens lie lb
1 1 11 u STfVJ
I u n