The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 03, 1905, Image 5
ft a il v JU LM w V tt f 1 f S f ffn i Cold skating- weather says Tommy but Petty lias j ust the Tig lit shoes for this very weather Warm and substantial and stylish too The best shoe dressers buy shoes of Petty because they know he handles the styles that are always Kigjit I A E PETTY Prop Cambridge Flour I now have the exclusive agency in McCook of this celebrated flour Every sack is guaranteed I also have the McCook flour and feed of all kinds Your patronage will be ap preciated Phone 186 J E NELHS Second door east of DeGroff s CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mhss 8 am Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Locohkan Pastor Christian The members of the church have given thoir pastor a vacation in order that ho may engage in evange listic work Until his return there will be Bible school at 10 a m social service at 11 a m No service in the evening G T Burt Pastor Congregational Sunday school at 10 Sermon at 11 Y P S C E at 7 Sermon at 8 Prayer and conference meeting Wednesday evening at 8 Morn ing subject Jesus My Lord Even ing subject The Battle is the Lords George A Conrad Pastor First Baptist Church Preaching at 11 a m and 745 p m Sunday school at 945 am Junior society at 3 p m BY P U at 645 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 745 p in Morning theme Spiritual Dynamics Even ing theme The Weakness of Christ All invited A B Carson Pastor Methodist Sunday School at 10 Preaching at 11 at in and 8 p m Class Htl2 oclock Epworth Leatrue at 700 Junior League at 3 Prayer meeting Thursdayeveningat800 Special music at Sunday services All welcome Ded ication anfl Jubilee Day March 5th M B Carman Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church tis follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector Omaha Men Plan Alaskan Railway G W Iloldrege general manager of the Burlington who i3 one of the in corporators of the Trans Alaskan Kail way company which has a bill before congress asking for aid in the construc tion of the railroad and telegraph line from Valdez to Eagle City Alaska re cently said that a survey had been made for the line two years agoand that every thing now depended upon the action f congress takes on the bill The 1 porators have asked congress to guaran tee interest on the bonds of the road The line is 400 miles in length and will open a vast territory rich m mineral products Nearly all of the incorpora tors of the Alaska road are Omaha men A Menace to Health Kidney trouble is an insidious danger and many people are victims of a serious malady before thesymptonsare recogniz 1 ed Poleys ludney Jure corrects ir regularities and strengthens and builds up the kidneys and it should be taken at the first indication of kidney trouble as it is impossible to have good health if the kidneys are deranged Sold byAMc Millen stop your Lung Irritation relieve youp Sore Throat and drive out your Chronic Cold with the only cer tain and strictly scientific Cure for Coughs and Colds Jfai Almost in Despair Our little daughter was given up by two physician with consumption of the throat and we were almost in despair when our druggist recommended Dr Kings New Discovery After taking four bottles she was perfectly cured and has had no throat trouble since GEO A EYLER Cumberland Md Price 50c and ioo TRIAL BOTTLES FREE f AD0LPH N LINEBURG RECOMMENDED CUARAHTEED AND SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS NELS O NELANDER Mil Nelander ierehaiit Tailors Successors to L O AIEHUS Having worked in Omaha for the best tailoring es tablishments for many years good work will be our aim and specialty in this city At the Old Stand McCook Nebraska SMS 1111 Time Card McCook Neb main line east depart No 5 Contral Timo 9 ll ft 1130 p M 620 a m 12 850 am 14 955 pm No 5 arrives from oast at 8 p in MAIN LINK WEST DEPAUT No 1 Tinio 1220 p m 3 115pm 13 92 am imperial line No 176 arrives Mountain Time 5 40 P m No 175dopart8 645am Stooping dining and reclining cliair cars seats froo ou tliroimh trains Tickets sold and baggago checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information timo tables maps and tick ets call on or writ Georgo Scott Agent Mr Cook Nobraska or J Francis General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraskn KA1LKOAI NEWS ITEMS Mark S Parks has been in Denvc this week consulting a specialist J Fred Zell was down from Denver early in the week guest of Supt Camp bell Mr and Mrs M M Fisk have been in Wray Colorado this week on busi ness They have a fine new daughter at the home of Brakeman and Mrs C R Lig gett The J A Ritchie residence has been purchased by W M Stoner roadmasters clerk Conductor L A Hurl hurt went down to Red Cloud on business Tuesday re turning home Wednesday Conductor L C Wolff is off duty with an obstinate cold His brother John de parted Tuesday for the west Walter Cox late yardmaster at Red Cloud has returned to the train service f aud will run out of Red Cloud Conductor F M Washburn who has been off duty ill for about two weeks has this week returned to work A son was born to Dispatcher and Mrs LeRoy Kleven Sunday morning All inetrested persons are doing nicely Acting Supt English andRoadmaster Wilburn went down to Red Cloud on 2 Thursday morningin special car No 10 Engineer Harry M Dixon formerly of McCook is now working on the Frisco System and running out of Fort Scott Kansas J G Stokes mail carrier was off duty few days close of last and first of this week with a slight illness returning to work Monday night Sick list G F Kinghorn C W Mar tin aud C W Tyler the latter with a sore eje caused by a cinder and catching cold in the injured optic The agent at Red Cloud is now yard master as well at a salary of 115 00 per month The commission feature has been elimated at that station Miss Ida Bloom who has been the guest of Engineer and Mrs W C Schenck for past three weeks left on Tuesday morning for her home in Den ver Agent Aaron Conover of Red Cloud who recently resigned from the com panys service there will go to Salt Lake City where he has a half interest in a foundry Fireman and Mrs F J Zajicek came up from Lincoln last Friday night but returned to Lincoln again Saturday night on 6 His mother is very low and her recovery is not expected Mr and Mrs George McBride of Mc Cook visited with us Wednesday leav ing Wednesday for Chanute Kansas where they expect to make their home Mr McBride having accepted a position with the Santa Fe R R at that point Cambridge Clarion Frank B Chapin mail clerk on the McCook Imperial run left for Holdrege Sunday night and took his new run out on No 98 Monday morning for Nebraska City His successor on the Imperial run Clayton C Moffet arrived in the city on No 1 Sunday and made his initial run on Monday morning Mrs W J Krauter and the children departed last Saturday on 13 for their now home in Akron Colorado where Mr Krauter is foreman of the round house The Krauter home has been rented by George B Berry and will be occupied by him Miss Rach and Mrs Charlie Berry and family Engineer W C Schenck was surpris ed last Sunday evening by a company of neighbors and friends on the occa sion of his birthday A lunch was serv ed and a pleasant social occasion enjoy ed Grandmas slipper was introduced to neighbor Schenck with such enthusi asm that he since has found it more com fortable to eat off the mantel The Rockefeller Harriman syndicate has acquired 51 per cent of the stock of the New York Central railroad which gives them control of the Vanderbilt lines The Northwestern railroad is also said to be controlled by the same syndicate whose lines now span the continent and gives it control of the greatest system of railroads on the globe Extra Agent Stever is hero temporar ily in charge of the Burlington station relieving AgentTomblin the latter being absent on a two weeks vacation having left Friday for Oneida Illinois where he will join his wife the latter having preceeded him east by a fow days To gether they will visit relatives enroute homo atLincoln and Arapahoe Wilson villo Review Ladies- 125 best made flannelette wrappers for 99c at The Thompson Dry tirely Goods Cos Clearing Sale DANGER IN POISON IVY Uavr to Know the Plant Simple Hemedien If Affected by It If one knows how the Rhus toxico dendron that Is the scientific uame for poisonous Ivy looks said a man of the woods he can avoid it with ease It Is sometimes a low shrub about a foot high and It Is also a graceful vine with stout hairy stems This vine sends out horizontal branch es The bush and the vine do not look alike but both have coarse toothed oval poluted leaves These are alwayp three In a group and the plant also bears small greenish white berries Poison oat otherwise Rhus radicaus and poison sumac or Rhus viuenta are other plants to be avoided by vis itors to the woods The sumac has groups of four leaflets oval pointed in form arranged on a tapering stem It differs from the real sumac in so far that Its leaflets incline upward In the autumn the foliage is a brilliant scarlet The little berries look like grayish white grapes A good antidote for ivy poisoning In Its first stages Is a solution of ordinary baking soda A bottle containing a pint of water and a heaping teaspoou ful of baking soda Is carried by many persons who take walks in the woods for while some people may handle the poison vines without danger others are poisoned if they pass within twelve feet of them New York Tribune She Pitied IIIh Dintrcss An artist who was making a sketch ing tour through a picturesque region of Connecticut chanced one day on a barn so alluring to his eye that he sat down ou a stone wall and went to work at once He soon became conscious that lie had two interested spectators in the persons of the farmer and his wife Who had come to the door of the house to watch him The artist by and by discovered that he had lost or mislaid his rubber eras er and as he wished to correct a slight error in the sketch he went up to the door and asked the farmers wife if he might have a small piece of dry bread This as every artist knows makes a good eraser The farmers wife looked at him with an expression of pity not unmixed with surprise Dry bread she repeated Well I guess you wont have to put up with anydry bread from me young man You come right into the kitchen with me and Ill give you a thick slice of bread with butter on it Now dont say a word she contin ued raising her hand to ward off his expostulation I dont care how you came to this state nor anything about It All 1 know is youre hungry and thats enough for me You shall have a good dinner The Ordeal of Boiling OU In Ceylon the system of witch find ing is both unique and terrible Some oil from newly gathered king cocoanuts is manufactured by one of the friends of the complainant This is poured into a primitive stone vessel and heated to the boiling point Each of the suspect ed witches is then brought upon the scene and is then and there compelled to dip three fingers of the right hand into the seething caldron each having a right under her ideas of justice to throw the oil remaining upon her fin gers into the face of the complainant who stands near by While this ordeal Is being undergone a single exclamation of pain on the part of the suspected person Is constructed to be an admission of guilt If no such exclamation is made the innocence of the accused is supposed to be estab lished It is said that every tenth per son on the island of Ceylon has maimed fingers as a result of having met the ordeal of boiling oil STrixaminKT Sailor Fusliion It was a redheaded boy from across the tracks on his good behavior at the swimming hole above the dam that I first saw swim hand over hand or sailor fashion as we called it right ly or wrongly I know not I can hear now the crisp staccato little smack his hand gave the water as he reached for ward It has ever since been my envy and despair It is so knowing so sporty I class it with being able to wear a pink barred shirt front with a dia mond cluster pin in it with being gen uinely fond of horse racing with being a first class poker player with being delighted with the company of actors what wouldnt I give if I could be like that My life has been a sad one but I might find some comfort in it yet if I could only get that natty little spat on the water when I lunge forward swim ming overhand McClures Go to the Special Cone Bros Bargain Sale at S175 part wool blankets for 8119 pair at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clear ing Sale Theres a pretty girl in an Alpine hat A sweeter girl with a sailor brim But the handsomest girl youll ever se Is the sensible girl who uses Rocky Mountain Tea L V McConneli LaGrippe and Pneumonia Pneumonia often follows La Grippe but never follows the use of Foleys Honey and Tar It cun s 1 a g r i p p e coughs and prevents pneumonia and consumption Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute of fered Mr G Vacher of 157 Osgood St Chicago writes My wife had a severe case of la grippe three years ago and it left her with a terrible cough She tried a bottle of Foleys Honey and Tar and it gave immediate relief A 50 cent bottle cured her cough en- Refuse substitutes Sold by A McMillen r Ayerk Pills I 1uUlUJl i i Vegetable liver pills That is wnat tney are l hey cure constipation biliousness sicK neadache loSXSft Want your moustache or beard RJIfilf IMRUAMQ flV a beautiful brown or rich black Use fJM1i H Ifl U U imx era or dbuooists oan p out ca irisiuu ea Is usually our most severe winter month One of those would still do you lots of goodand the price is now so small that you would hardly notice it o vc Us a Call Phone 22 Co OOOOOiCOOOOOX v FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier W B WOLFE Vice President -THE GITI V FRANKLIN ZENS BANK OF MeCOOK NEB Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000 DIRECTORS W B WOLFE 4Z A C EBERT Acquire the Habit of saving We furnish a handsomely finished Perpetual Cal endar Bank which costs you nothing Try Inn 1 3 coin o First NatM Bank o Saving all Your Nickels and Pennies Never spend one and you will be surprised how your money ac count will grow Call and today set one of these banks The First National Bank riccook i1