The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 03, 1905, Image 4
UU MXMMHJ rmIHimimm4tiwifimKmaiiti aiik pifotyt Official Paper of Redwillow County By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Tiik Nebraska Press Association will hold its annual meeting in Kearney this year The sessions will open on Tues day afternoon February 21st and close Wednesdy evening Occasionally there is an indication to tho people that there is a God in Israel The recant decision of the United States supreme court in the beef trust matter is encouraging and gives a more hopeful hue to the feeling that in due time perhaps some relief may be expected from the federal government in the line of transportation matters tariff etc Justice Holmes of the court of Inst resort summarizes tho bill ii the follow ing language It charges a combination of a domi nant proportion of tho dealers in fresh meat throughout the United States not to bid against each other in the live stock markets of tho different states to bid up prices for a few days in order to induce the cattlemen to send their stock to the stock yards to fix prices at which they will sell and to that end to restrict ship ments of meat when necessary to es tablish a uniform rule of credit to dealers and to keep a blacklist to make uniform and improper charges for cartage and finally to get less than lawful rates from the railroads to the exclusion of compet itors Speaking further upon the question of interference with interstate commerce Justice Ilolmes said that a charge was made of a combination of independent dealers to restrict the competition of the agents who purchase stock for them in the stock yards The purchasers and their slaughtering establishments are he said largely in different states from those of the stock yards and the sellers of the cattle peihaps it is not too much to assume largely in different states from either The intent of the combi nation is not merely to restrict competi tion among the parties but as we have said by force of the general allegation at the end of the bill to aid in an attempt to monopolize commerce among states He said When cattle are sent for sale from a place in one state with the expec tation tha they will end their transit after purchase in another and when in effect they do so with the only interrup tion necessary to find a purchaser at the stock yards and when this is a typical constantly recurring course -the current thus existing is a current of commerce among the states and the purchase of the cattle is a part and incident of such commerce Beautiful eyes and handsome face are eloquent commendations Bright eyes are windows to a womans heart Hollis ters Rocky Mountain Tea makes bright eyes 35 centsTea or Tablets L M Mc Connell The Tribune wants a correspondent at Red Willow Write us for particulars J or I in Ok Fat is pf great account to a baby that is why babies are fat If 3rour baby is scrawny Scotts Emulsion is what he wants The healthy baby stores as fat what it does not need immediately for bone and muscle Fat babies are happy they do not cry they are rich their fat is laid up for time of need They are happy because theyare comfortable The fat sur rounds their little nerves and cushions them When they are scrawny those nerves are hurt at every ungentle touch They delight in Scotts Emul sion It is as sweet as wholesome to them Send for free sample Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy Scott Sp Bowne Chemists 409415 Peart Street Vow York 50c and 100 All Druggists V V - w - Wfiat does the mean ywst household sMmrfc Breakfast Bett Light whole some Biscuit made with Dr PRICES 7 1 fv1MSfwRW in r l T vJJ lis H V Nv i a II If I ft a A rcr fci 11 FBpMffiMiw A Baking Powder o unwholesome food made witfit an alum Baking powder It is worth your white to inquireo Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since lastThursday evening Lombard Liq Co to H C Flower d to part of nw qr 263 27 and part of nw qr 231 30 100 F G Welton to J M Somervillo wd to lots 6 and 7 in block 19 and lot 3 no qr nwqr 30-3-30 4200 00 Lincoln Land Co to M Jennings wd to to lots 3 and 4 in block 7 Central add to Bartley 60 CO F F Dresser et al to William Byfield wd to lot 6 19-3-23 4500 Bertha Cyriacks to J C Ball wd to lot 9 in block 6 1st South McCook 25 00 W Waters et al to G W Dillon wd to lots 5 and 6 block 4 1st South McCook 800 CO J Waters to G W Dillon wd to same SCO 00 J H Relph to J O Miller wd to se qr 21-1-30 1200 00 GWDillon to Bridget Wilton wd to part of lot 7 32-3-29 800 00 Lincoln Land Co to H P Waite wd to lot 2 in block 27 McCook 500 00 F S Wilcox to H P Waite wd to part of lot 7 32-3-29 McCook COO 00 United States to J H Relph pat to se qr 24-1-30 Sadie Adkins to Susan Horton wd to lotsl2 and 3 in block 11 Lebanon GOO 00 F W Rogers to C H Scott wd to nw qr 10 00 W H Falingto C A Richards et al wd to o hf se qr 34 and w hf sw 31-3-26 800 00 United States to W Eifert pat to sw qr 27-1-26 J W Squires to EC Byers wd to s hf no qrand n hf se qr 17-2-29 2000 00 W S Hiatt to C A Gageby wd to s hf nw qrand n hf sw qr 1-1-30 750 00 Ives To Get a Promotion Advices from Chicago state that D O Ives general freight agent of the Bur lington lines west of the Missouri river has been appointed general freight agent of the lines east of the river Mr Ives has been with the Burlington for many years and freight officials have believed that he would go to Chicago to succeed George E Crosby who takes the position of freight traffic manager made vacant by the death of Thomas Miller Allen B Smith first assistant general freight agent of the Burlington at Omaha is regarded as the logical successor to Mr Ives should the latter go to Chicago 200 largepart wool blankets for S129 pair at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos ClearingSale Burlington Changes Aaron Conover station agent for the Burlington will take a two months va cation commencing today and his place will be taken by a conductor T E Mc Carl whose name we did not learn It is possible Mr Conover may not resume his duties here when his vacation is over Walt Cox yardmaster here it is under stood will be given a position as a brake man on the road Red Cloud Chief Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice Jan 30 1905 Holdn C M Lichte HenriHugo Liner Harvey M Moore Myron McDermitt H McGeo Elmer Misteird Albert Mitchell Arthur Roland T A Schawks Wm Ira Williams Clins M Watson Fred When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster BOX ELDER Tt e cold weather continues George Harrison and Robert Laring ton are cutting post for S Bolles The boys of this neighborhood are put ting in their time hunting rabbits J K Gordon is hauling the corn this wpek that he purchased of John White Mrs Paul Stone and daughter Mrs Georgo Harrison spent Tuesday with Mrs S Bolles Sr A W Campbell spent Tuesday night and part of Friday with his daughter Mrs 4jp Wilson MrsiAlbert Barnes who has been spending a part of the winter with Mr and Mrs John White left last Tuesday for her home in Minnesota Ladies 85 00 coats and jackets for 369 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Burlington Plans RoadIn Wyoming The Big Horn Railroad company of which G W Holdrege W P Durkee H D Allee G W Loomis and J E Kelby all Burlington officials at Omaha are the directors has filed articles of in corporation at Cheyenne Wyo with a cipitalization of S3000000 The new road which is to be a branch of the Burlington will extend through Big Horn and Fremont counties in Wyoming from Frannie or Garland nearJ Codv south as far as Thermopolis The road is preparing to handle the business which will result when the Shoshone reservation is opened for settlement The new line will open the richest por tion of the Big Horn basin and will be about 200 miles in length It makes no difference how many medi cines have failed to cure you if you are troubled with headache constipation kidney or liver troubles Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well L W McConnell For coughs colds bronchitis asthma weak throats weak lungs consumption take Ayer s Cherry Pectoral Cherry P e Always keep a bottle of it in the house We have been saying this for 60 years and so have the doctors I have ined Avers Cherry Pectoral in my family for 40 yeirs It i3 the lieu medicine in the world I know for all throat ami lung troubles Mrs J K oucnoss Waltliara Mass 25C 50c S100 C ATEU CO All drninrUts C Lowell 51 w for irziKtixaamoiTMjrs ma urn mm r Daily action of the bowels is neces sary Aid nature with Ayers Pills MISTAKES OFBIRDS Ther Are the Remit of Contact With Civilization Probably in a state of wild nature birds never make mistakes but whero they come In contact with our civiliza tion and are confronted by new condi tions they very naturally make mis takes For instance their cunning in nest building sometimes deserts them The art of the bird is to conceal its nest both as to position and as to ma terial but now and then it Is betrayed into weaving into its structure showy and bizarre bits of this or that which give its secret away and which seem to violate all the traditions of its kind I have the picture of a robins nest be fore me upon the outside of which are stuck a small muslin flower a leaf from a small calendar and a photo graph of a local celebrity A more Incongruous use of material in bird architecture It would be hard to find I have been told of another robins nest upon the outside of which the bird had fastened a wooden label from a near by flower bed marked Wake Robin Still another nest I have seea built upon a large showy foundation of the paperlike flowers of antennarla or ev erlasting The wood thrush frequently weaves a fragment of newspaper or a white rag into the foundation of its nest Evil communications corrupt good manners The newspaper and the rag bag unsettle the wits of the birds The phoebe bird is capable of this kind of mistake or indiscretion All the past generations of her tribe have built upon natural and therefore neutral sites usually under shelving and over hanging rocks and the art of adapting the nest to its surroundings blending it with them has been highly devel oped But phoebe now frequently builds under our sheds and porches where so far as concealment is con cerned a change of material say from moss to dry grass or shreds of bark would be an advantage to her But she departs not a mite from the family tra ditions she uses the same woody mosses which in some cases especially when the nest is placed upon unevenly sawed timber makes her secret an open one to all eyes John Burroughs lnCentury HIS CLEAR MEMORY The Witness Proved to the JJaTrye That He Could Remember A story is told of an eminent lawyer receiving a severe reprimand from a witness whom he was trying to brow beat It was an important issue and in order to save his cause from defeat It was necessary that the lawyer should Impeach the witness He endeavored to do It on the ground of age in the following manner How old are you asked the law yer Seventy two years replied the wit ness Your memory of course is not so brilliant and vivid as it was twenty years ago is it asked the lawyer I do not know but it is answered the witness State some circumstance which oc curred say twelve years ago said the lawyer and we shall be able to see how well you can remember I appeal to your honor said the witness if I am to be interrogated in this manner It is insolent You had better answer the ques tion replied the judge Yes sir state it said the lawyer Well sir if you compel me to do it I will About twelve years ago you studied in Judge s office did you not Yes answered the lawyer Well sir I remember your father coming into my office and saying to me Mr D my son is to be examined tomorrow and I wish you would lend me 15 to buy him a suit of clothes I remember also sir that from that day to this he has never paid me that sum That sir I remember as though it were yesterday Philadelphia Ledg er An Amplified Woman The car was entirely empty with the exception of one man said Miss Myra Kelly He was the reverse of the car As I entered he rose made me an unsteady but magnificent bow and said Madam pleashe be kind nough to asshept thish plashe There was nothing else for me to do so I thanked him and sat down And for twenty blocks that idiot hung from a strap swaying in the breeze with not a soul in the car but ourselves Occasionally I have been taken for other women but I never before had any one think that I was a earful Artificial Snoiv A curious instance of the formation of artificial snow was witnessed on one occasion in the town of Agen in France A fire broke out in a sawmill when the temperature was 10 de grees below freezing point The water thrown upon the fire was instantly vaporized and rising in the cold dry air was immediately condensed and fell as snow With bright starlight and a strong northwest wind blowing the whirling snow above and the raging fire below a brilliant spectacle was pre sented Would Show No Mercy Hogan calling on next door neigh bor I suppose yeve heard th illigant classical music thats bin imynatin frum me risidence for th pasht wake or so We got wan av thim mechanical pianny players on thrile Clancy fierce ly On thrile is it Glory be I only wisht I wor th judge Puck He who tells a lie is not sensible how great a task he undertakes for he must be forced to Invent twenty more to maintain that one Pope mSSm NURSERY IN TIBET In the Forest of ThlM ObMcitre Country Our first meeting with the Sifaus pre sented many ludicrous features We were plunging through the gloom of the forest when our ears were assailed with a concourse of yells which echoed through the supernatural silence with ghostly weirdness In this forbidding wilderness we had not looked for signs of human habitation so hastily arrang ing ourselves in position we prepared ourselves for what seemed an inevita ble hostile attack Long and anxiously we awaited the onslaught of our sup posed hidden assailants when again the peace disturbing sound echoed al most it seemed over our very heads Glancing upward the mystery was soon explained for in the lower branch es of the tree weXOiiId descry numerous small bundles each too large for an eyrie and too small for a windfall Both my Klangsl and Gharlkauese escort with their superstitious natures roused by these ghostlike sounds visi bly paled beneath their dusky skins and gazed furtively round in order to seek means of escape from this enchanted spot Even I was not little puzzled and nwed until peeringmore closely I be came aware of the fact that the dis turbing elements which had caused us so much concern arose from the fpet that we had unwittingly stumbled upon an aboriginal nursery and that the weird and ghostlike sounds emanated from several hungry and lusty lunged infants Then the solemn stillness was broken by our hearty laughter the Si fans and Gharlkauese as if to make amends for their credulous fears mak ing the woods ring with their forced guffaws The Sifan Tibetans as we subsequently learned place their chil dren In skin cradles and hang these from the trees in tho forests the first from a belief that they will be Instruct ed by the deities the second that their full existence may not be endangered by the abominable filth and squalor of the settled regions Several times in the day they are visited by their moth ers who provide them with food and remain with them during the night and in the forest home the child remains until it is two or three years old and has grown strong and healthy enough to stand the rigors of hardship and dis ease W C Jameson Reid in Colliers Weekly FRUITS AND FLOWERS High and gravelly soil Is the best for fruit trees Mildew Is the worst enemy of the gooseberry Pruning is the best rem edy Rosin and tallow in equal parts is an excellent covering for wounds in fruit and other trees To cultivate among trees use a whif fletree as short as the horse can walk with Turn the hooks in The weeds must be kept down around the small fruit trees and vines If the fruit is to mature and ripen rightly Look over the orchard occasionally to see that no suckers are growing from the roots of the trees to sap the strength from the main tree Plants in windows should be turned once or twice a week A fine form which is half the beauty of a plant cannot be attained without this Wood ashes not only help to keep borers from the roots of trees but the trees make a healthier and more vigor ous growth and bear much sounder fruit when they are used Sqnelchcd Feline amenities show themselves most forcibly at committee meetings There was one of these latter gathered together to discuss a charity bazaar The chairman smiled sweetly upon tlie artists wife and said Youll get your husband to let us have some little thing of his for the art table will you not Mrs Mahlstick Well you know husbands are not always easily managed my dear Ah but take him after one of your nice dinners and then put in a word for our worthy cause But remember we are not allowed to have anything which sells for over 2o Indeed And then Mrs Ms eye brows went up alarmingly Then perhaps hell induce one of his pupils to dash off something for you New York Times Paintiup Animals Eyes One of the most difficult things which the artists and taxidermists of the gov ernment studio have to do is the paint ing and preparation of glass eyes for the mammals birds and reptiles mounted at that institution for exhibi tion in the National museum These eyes are made of glass hol low within and from the rear so that the inner surface may be painted any color desired As no two animals eyes are alike and as the colors are often complicated and unusual it requires a great deal of skill study and practice before one is competent to undertake the work Life Saving Superstition The superstitious collier 9 often laughed to scorn but a miner in north Wales is just now thanking his lucky 6tars that he believes in omens He was boring under some coal and was startled by seeing a rat scuttling away He walked away from the spot and directly afterward a large fall of coal occurred just over the place where the man had been working London Stand ard Cuttinpr Mrs Talkyerblind can say some of the most cutting things Yes If sle could only keep her mouth closed for five minutes you could have her arrested for carrying con cealed weapons Life A Good investment 15 ncros adjacent to city of McCook honse framo stable sranary lion house well bog pons etc 2500 poach trees AUJn cultiva tion G00 cbbIi Writo for complete land list E J MITCHELL McCook Nob Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block West of Citizens Bank McCook - Nebraska 333 McCook Poultry Co Buyers and Shippers of Poultry and Eggs For the next 7 days wo will pay cash For Hens 7c lb Springs 7c lb Turkey Hens lie lb A Sound Argument The one that blows without any thing to blow about wastes time and energy The excellence of our goods and delivery service warrant us for blowing Always the best always the greatest variety always the highest quality DAVID MAGNER Phone 14 Fresh andSalt Meats Plum Stea tfSSM F D BURGESS 2 r and m Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun hclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA MARSH The Butcher wants your trade The best of everything is his motto sPhone 12 CI v V 1 t Li v i il Ur a n ii