The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 27, 1905, Image 5
v i fl h - njmm T ii nm T I inrmrwnri EPpWSrMaSjysffll EISEKSSa - M Tommy Eyelet ClraiicflSa Jan 14th to Feb 1st Theres just one only one reason for this Tommy Eyelet Clearance Sale and we leave it entirely with you as to whether or not it is an honpst reason or a rea son we need to be ashamed of ifo fire sale no bought out stock sale no combination stock jsale no fake sale We do our level best and are successful in keeping- our stock made up of nun only the most sub stantial most durable best made aod the very highest grade shoes but also see that it is up to the very latest styles always Now to do this we cant afford to keep shoes in stock over one season We have already bought our Spring Stock and must not only have room for it but must get rid of all Ladies Misses and Child rens Shoes and Warm Winter Goods in our place so that next season we will have nothing but the newest styles for our custo mers We absolutely will not sell old styRs We commence every season wich new shoes with new styles The shoes of this sale are as good as can be bought nothing whatever the matter with them they will be a trifle off stylo next year so must go now A E PETTY Prop ymBVW UBlirlCT3T a M fV LIBRARY KOTES Tho following aro the books received in the New Traveling Library FICTION Breadwinners Dr Burnhutn Tho Cavalier Cable ff Hound of tho BiiskorvilleS Doyle Burgomasters Wifo Ebnrs Circuit Ridor Zzufastim A Literary Courtship Fuller StroiiKest Master Prince In Connection With the DeWilloughby Claim Burnott Cloister and tho Henth Rende MISCELLANEOUS Waymarks for Teachers Arnold Cruisoof tho Cachalot r Bullen Self Culture Clarke Wild Animals in Captivity Cornish Tramping With Tramps tFlynt Story of tho Soldier Forsyth Legends of the Madonna- Jameson All the Russius Norman Life and Lottors of Robert Browning Orr How the Other Half Lives Riis Books for young people and children FICTION Every Day Heroine Denison TomClifrou Goss Blind Brother Greene Sleeping Beauty in the Wood - Lang Two Wyoming Girls Marshall Raising tho Pearl Otis Margaret Montfort Richards King of tho Golden River Ruskin Red Mustang Stoddard Dove in tho Eagles Nest Yongo MISCELLANEOUS Story of tho Birds mj Baskett Open Sesame vol HI Bellamy and Goodwin Four American Naval Heroes Beobo Century Book of American Revolution Brooks Chntty Readings in Elomontary Science bk Japan in History Folklore and Art Griflis Longmans Pictorial Geographical Reader Big Peoplo and Little People of Other Lands Shaw Tommy Anno and tho Three Hearts Wright AnolheV Good Man Gone Wrong He neglected to take Foleys Kidney Cure at the first signs of Kidney trouble hoping it would wear away and he was soon a victimof Brigbts disease There is danger in delay but if Foleys Kidney Cure is taken at once the symptoms wifl disappear tho kidneys are strengthened and you are soon sound and well A R Bass of Morgantown Ind had to get up ton or twelve times iu tho night and had a severe backache and pains in the kid neys and was cured by Foleys Kidney Cure Sold at A McJVIillens RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTE NO 1 Ernest Neumann put up his ice this week securing his supply at J I Lees platform Oscar Schmitz has rented the Mrs Su san Hileman place for this year at a nice cash rental Charlie Eoper was on Ash Creek Mon day and Tuesday returning home to Brush Creek Wednesday Mrs R D Rodgers was called up to North Platte clo3e of last week by the serious condition of her aged father Rudolph Podolski with the help of his neighbors filled his icehouse from Lees pond near McCook Thursday Joseph Dudek is about again after an illness of a few weeks Emma Johns ton also of the Dudek household has been ailing also but is better is more dangerous to your life than the drink cocaine or morphine habits for It soon ends in Consumption Pneumonia and Death Save yourself from these awful results of Coughs and Colds by taking Sitting hy My Wifes Bed writes F G Huntley of Oaklanden Ind I read about Dr Kings New Discovery She had got a frightful chronic cough which three doctors failed to relieve After taking two bottles she was perfectly cured and today she is well and strong Price 50c and 100 lose RECOMMENDED GUARANTEED AND GOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS - - AD0LPH N LINEBURG a- NELS O NELANDER j - Successors to L O MEHUS Having worked in Omaha for the best tailoring es tablishments for many years good work will be our aim and specialty in this city At the Old Stand McCook Nebraska Ml Time Card jMcCook Neb IIP MAIIT LINE EAST DEPAKT No 61 Central Time llr M 2 020 am 12 8Ma M 14 955 pm No 5 arrives fronreast at 8 p in MAIN LINE WEST DEPAET No J Mountain Time 1220 p M 11 atl f M lO J AM IMPERIAL LINE No 176 arrives Mountain Time 540 p m No nSdoparts 645 am Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars scats free on through trains Tickets Fold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tablos maps and tick ets call on or write George Scott Agent Mc Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Patsen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Switchman F M Fagan is numbered with the ailing this week Acting Supt English went up to Den ver Tuesday in special car No 10 Conductor J J Curran has been in disposed and off dutty part of the week Switchman E L Hawkins i in Alma called there by th9 illness of his parents W W Prall is in Hawkins place while P E Potter is flnggipg for Prall Brakeman CABaldwin arrived home close of last week from his trip to Oma ha Trainmasters Clerk Staynor and son Floyd were Edgar visitors Saturday and Sunday Mr and Mrs C H McBride returned Wednesday from their visit in TJiller this state Trainmaster Kendlen has been upon the west end Denver Lyons and other points all week Purchasing Agent Web Jossellyn was out from Omaha Tuesday on business of the supply department i Two small wrecks in the Oxford yard last Thursday evening caused by cars getting off the track but damage insig nificant Brakeman John Humphreys was down from Brush between trains Wednesday to visit the family Ho is running on the Brush Alliance run K B Covey returned to McCook Wed nesday He has been relieving Switch man R A Prigga at Holdrege who has returned to work in the yard there Conductor P F McKenna has a va cation of ten days Conductor L C Wolff wields his punch Conductor J F Utter is in charge of the 14218 vice Wolff Frank B Chapin the postal clerk on the McCook Imperial line has been pro moted to the Holdrege Nebraska City line with an increase of pay to 8900 per annum Passenger train No 2 Sunday morn ing was late on account of her locomo tive giving up the ghost on the road and a now engine was required to be sent out to bring in the train C F Heber Western Union local manager was in Denver and Brush first of the week on business of the improve ments being made to the service He put in a repeater at Brush Tuesday The company has just sent a new K5 engine No 803 from the shops at Have lock to Sheridan They are similar to the K4s but have a wider firebox This is tho first of this new class to be sent out on tho Sheridan division The wives of engineers members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers lo cated in Lincoln are about to form an auxiliary to division 98 of that organiza tion and enough have pledged them selves to secure a charter Conductor S E Callen has taken a layoff of a few weeks and has gone to Des Moines Iowa Conductor Art Lyman has his passenger run on the branch and Conduc tor Frank Quigley is on Lymans freight run on the same branch In Adams county district court in the case of Gustave Mann vs the CB Q R R Co plaintiff sued for S199Q00 as compensation for injuries sustained while traveling over the road one year ago The jury was out one hour and brought in a verdict awarding plaintiff 750 Manager Heber has been the object of several tender missives of sympathy and condolence this week from members of the office force and others Eros is again in the ascendent The goose hangs high Alls well on the Po tomac or words to that effect Charlie will recover Conductor T E McCarl went down to Eed Cloud last evening to assume charge today of the station at that place as agent In retiring from the train service Tom falls into one of the best stations on the McCook division upon which rare good fortune ho is to be congratulated Three new operating tables were in stalled in the telegraph office here yes terday They are of the latest and most uptodate pattern and tho prido of the whole force The old fixtures have been taken out Tho tables have stalls for 18 operators There aro 25 wires This more than doubles the capacity of the McCook telegraph office which is now superiorly equipped in every respect Trains 13 and 1 Saturday were both delayed by a freight wreck at Arapahoe The engine and two cars of No 48 ran off the track at that station in the morn ing and blockaded the main line for sev eral hours A wrecking train was sent down from here and the wreck picked up as rapidly as possible Acting Supt English being present and directing fnirs in addition to other officials from headquarters The damage was not ma terial THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Miss Anna Swanson substituted for Miss McMillen iu the fifth grade last Friday Classes for beginners will be formed in the preparatory grades east wpst and south in March Now classes wore begun this week in the high school in book keeping geom etry botany and literature Tho mid year promotions wote quickly effected Monday morning By noon tho work of tho new term was smoothly under way Miss Srorer Lillie Campbell and Em ma Perry were participants in the muBic progiam at tho high school assembly this morning Following the regular mid year exam inations last week the regular routine work of the second semester was taken up on Monday of this week On account of the changes incident to the beginning of a new semester the music instruction wa3 given by Miss Budlong Wednesday and Thursday af ternoons of this week instead of Mon day and Tuesday Some minor changes were made in the assignments of teachers at the begin ning of the new semester Miss Rist now has the seventh grade Miss Santee the sixth Miss Rathbun the fifth A and sixth B and Miss Jones the third A and fourth B at the city hall school The high school is more crowded than ever now that the classes have been ad vanced from the seventh grade to the eighth and from the eighth to the ninth It has been necessary to place desks in tho library to accommodate the overflow The total enrollment of the high school is 119 while the morning assembly which includes the eighth grade num bers 165 For Relief of Employes and Shippers Senator Wilsey of Frontier has started the anti railroad legislative ball to roll ing He has been visited by railroad men of McCook employed by the Bur lington and asked to offer bills for their relief and the relief of shippers It ap pears from the stories from McCook rail road men that the plan of holding freight cars until a full load is secured at a way station not only inconveniences shippers but compels train crews to remain on duty an unreasonably long time It is alleged that the freight trains on tho Burlington under the Hill management do not move ten miles an hour count ing stopsand tho train crews are obliged to be on duty almost twenty four hours Tho rules of railroads designate sixteen hours as the maximum for trainmon Senator Wilsey has introduced a bill making twelve consecutive hours the maximum Senator Wilsey told the del egation of railroad men that if they could not enforce the sixteen hour rule there was little show to reduce the maximum to twelve hours He said the trainmen were afraid to carry the matter into court for fecirof being discharged Senator Wilsey has gone further and yesterday introduced a bill requiring railroads to carry freight at a speed of ten miles an hour after loading the freight to be loaded within twenty four hours after being delivered at the depot This does not apply to live stock which is supposed to be loaded on short notice This bill is directed against the full car load lots insisted upon by the Burling ton Shippers complain that freight is held until a car load is obtained and the delay causes damage by reason of change in margins and failure to deliver on schedule time It recalls the story of the station agent who telegraphed to headquarters that a man had been killed at tho depot and asked what disposition j should be made of the body Hold for j a carloar came back the stero typed answer from headquarters Bowman of Nuckolls has introduced a bill imposing a fine or demurrage charge of 1 for each day a railroad fails to supply a car to a shipper after twenty- four hours notice has heen given that a car is desired Lincoln Journal Telephone For Railroad Use Stops are being taken by the Burling ton to elaborate upon the telephone sys tem now in use by the comrjany in the operation of its trains Improvements amounting to about 830000 are to be made A large amount of copper wire will also be strung between Denver and Omaha The Burlington has been ex perimenting with telephones for about two years and has found the system very satisfactory upon the branch lines where it has been used One of the Burlington mon said It is not tho intention to supplant tho tele graph with the telephone but we find there is a great deal of business that can be handled more expeditiously over the telephone than over the telegraph It also saves a groat deal of time and en ables us to go into detail where details are cumbersome and undesirable in using the telegraph wires It also saves a great amount of correspondence By nsiug the tfelephone we can accomplish more than in several letters and tele grams There are some things for which the telephone will not answer and on the other hand there aro a great many things for which it is better to use the tele phone Omaha Bee Do your drug trading with Cone Bros U 4axBnsuvsSAtatrtc2Kuurjt ymaajnaaeaBBannacBnM MKviMaamwmamiKMKamvnmcnsmKwiBm ftrrwmjirntumjrTxxramLUBiK w w JsLfJL 11 VEGETABLE SECILZAN air Remewr Dn A i ujy a ciicwb me nair mases it new again restores the freshness Just what you need if your hair is faded or turning gray for it always restores the color Stops falling hair also wttrofr r VV lUQit J1 U a j 1 i I We are selling Dress Goods and Silk Remnants Ladies Coats and Jackets Ladies Fur Scarfs and fluffs FLens and Boys Overcoats and all other Winter Goods re gardless of cost Here is 3our chance to make a great Saving if you have delayed purchasing some of the above items V FRAtiKLIN Phone 22 OF MeCOOK NEB Co FRANKLSN President A C EBERT Cashier W B WOLFE Vice President THE ul 1 xJu Lj L J ANK Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000 k DIRECTORS W B WOLFE A 0 EBERT oiooo Acquire the Habit of saving We furnish a handsomely finished Perpetual Cal endar Bank which costs you nothing Try BTeFirstNatMBankal Saving all Your Nickels and Pennies Never spend one and you will be surprised how your irione ac count will grow Call and get one of these banks toda The First National Bank riccook