The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 20, 1905, Image 1

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4 li
The Iowa Homestead 100
Largo weekly agricultural paper
Tho Homemaker Magazine 50
Monthly family periodical full
of Rood things
The Farm Gazette 50
Monthly agricultural magazine
most beautiful farm publication
in tho world
The Lincoln Journal 100
Nebraskas loading weekly pub
lished at tho states capital
Thk McCooic Tribune 100
Tho newsiest county weokly pa
per published iu Southwestern
Total 400
The Entire Five Papers Only 125 i
General Sweeneys Lecture
General Sweeneys lecture in the opera
house Monday evening under auspices
of the citizens entertainment course
drew a fair house and amused it vastly
Not that there was lack of instruction
It was meaty It was patriotic Man
was glorified infinitely above his work
There was philosophy and wit Some
menaces to our national life were noted
-and good advice offered Some of our
foibles because the target of his wit and
there was much merriment threat Trib
utes were paid the little red school
house the serviceable homethe saving
church in fact to all institutions which
minister to the imperial man This was
the keynote of The Golden Ago
highest service to man highest service
by man The general gave utterance to
00 sentiments of love or admiration for a
loafer rich or poor The lecture would
have been more valuable only with more
of meat and less of mirth However
none of the fun lacked prompt and full
appreciation But McCook audiences
have on occasion shown marked proof of
appreciative of the eloquent appeal to
the intelligence and heart and we need
this inspiration and uplift occasionally
No Thought of Accommodation
Corporate ideas of accommodation
seem to fade away with the advent of
the trust idea and the exit of competi
tion The latest screw applied locally
is by the Adams Express Co in taking
off its delivery service You can now
pply at the depot foryour express pack
ages Will the people stand for it Well
see The probabilities are they cant
help themselves or the order would
oever have been promulgated by the
company They generally have the
public hog tied and in the ditch before
they begin such outrageous actions
Death of Mother Lawson
A card from Alhambra California
announces Entered into rest at Al
hambra California January 11th 1903
Fanny Preston Lawson in her eightieth
year Interment at San Gabriel ceme
tery Departed will be remembered as
the mother of WillF Lawson formerly
cashier of The First National Bank of
our city now cashier of The Bank of Al
hambra California and many hearts
will go out to the bereaved family in
their sorrow
Oysters On Time
Our oysters are the kind that get here
on time Theyre not so old that their
flavor is affected in any way Theyre
just like coming from their home the
same day you eat them They cost no
more than tho stale ones D CMaksh
Notice To Subscribers
Notices are now being prepared and
will be mailed to all subscribers of Thk
Tribune who are in arrears one year or
longer We hope to have a prompt and
generous response to these notices
Reduction on Lamps and Vases
McMillen druggist is making special
prices for ten days on lamps and vases
Many a batch of high grade patent
flour has been ruined by a draught of
cold air striking it Buy one of those
bread pans and bread risers at W T
Colemans and you will save its cost in
a few months
Ladies fleece lined union suits as low
as 23c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
clearing sale 8175 grade reduced to
Twenty five cents invested in Pratts
Egg Producer will bring big returns in
the way of eggs especially during the
cold weather McConnell Druggist
Get one of those Blizzard Fronts at W
T Colemans Put it on your top buggy
and keep out the storm and cold
Mens very heavy long warm ulstors
199 at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos
clearing sale
Mens warmoutingflannel nightgowns
39c at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos
clearing sale
Ladies nice black fur scarf 69c atThe
Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale
Mrs J E Yates is a guest of S N
Altol J Zint has been down from
Denver the past week or two
Mrs Frank Becksted of Hamburg
Iowa is a guest of Mrs C R Liggett
J C Predmore has been ill abed but
is able to be about again at this writ
Miss Bes3ie Crites of Hastings is a
guest of Miss Bessie Bosworth this
E F Stephens of Crete was a guoat
of his brother J II early days of the
Mrs M C Hoffman is entertaining
her daughter Mrs Newton Snith of
Salt Lake City
Mr and Mrs Conrad Hoffman do
parted Monday for their home in Yellow
Medicine Minn
Miss Ida Bloom of Denver is visiting
the family of Engineer W C Schenck
for a few weeks
Mrs C L Scudder of Denver has
been a guest of Dispatcher and Mrs W
F Pate this week
O W DeWald of the Trenton Re
gister had business of moment in the
valleys metropolis Monday
Mrs Newton Smith arrived Satur
day night from Salt Lake City Utah
and is the guest of McCook friends
Mrs L A Cushing grandmother of
DrSCBeach died in Chicago January
loth Tho doctors mother is in feeble
J S McBrayer and family returned
close of last week from Denver where
they have been spending a few weeks on
business and pleasure
Mr and Mrs W M Rice of Haigler
were in the city part of the week on
business They were guests of their
sister Mrs G W Hartman
Mrs S H Neville on her way home
from visiting friends west visited Mrs
George Hartman and her nephews John
and Charlie Rice this week
C K Coleman came down from Ar
vada Colorado Saturday night and is
a guest of his brother W T this week
Ho has sold his hardware interests in
Earl Murray has sold his barbershop
fixtures and business to Herman Hegen
berger who is now in charge Mr
Okerson remains in the shop with Mr
flegenberger Mr Murray will go on
the road for barbers supply house
Dr William Shumacher of Denver
has been here part of this week in the
service of tho governments animal in
dustry department with which Drs
Jones and Johnston are also connected
making this city their headquarters
Arthur Prongers recent visit home
from the Kearney Military School was a
source of pleasure and satisfaction to the
family and friends Arthur wore the at
tractive uniform of the school and his
manner and bearing and change and im
provement generally were very gratifying
Deputy Grand Worthy Matron Mrs
McNeer was a guest of Mr and Mrs J
A Wilcox Tuesday evening Wednes
day morning she went down to Bartley
on business with the chapter at that
point returning here Wednesday even
ing for a special meeting of Eureka
chapter She has deputized J A Wil
cox of our city to institute a new chap
ter at Cambridge January 21th
Worth Noting
Very indefinite are the statements I
made in many advertisements of clearing
sales Very specific full and detailed
are the announcements by The Thomp
son Dry Goods Co of their End-of-Sea-son
Sale Every reduction is specified on
the bills The prompt response of the
buying public shows the confidence
placed in tho word and worth of this
long established house They invito
your participation
Our 375 heavy wool blankets now
289 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
clearing sale
Warm flannelette dressing saques 46c
at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clear
ing sale
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
For the teeth
For the hair
For the hands
For the nails
For the bath
For the clothes
For the hat
For the shoes
and various other kinds of
brushes A largo variety of styles
and prices
McConnell Druggist
- csxi
An Expensive Dance
A social dance was held at the farm
home of E D Thomas in the west end
of the county near Perry last Satur
day night Two young men of Culbert
son Bert Warnick and Casper Hogan
by name were employed to furnish the
music After being given their suppers
and paid for their services when they
went to leave for homo they stole several
articles from tno house and guests in
cluding buggy whips horse blankets etc
Some of tho articles were missed directly
or soon after their departure and Tho
mas Plummor and Wilson Glover and
Virgil Williams pursued them and re
covered some of tho property The
young men told them that they had
thrown the other things out They let
the young men go and returned to look
up the other articles and found their
statement about throwing out articles
to be false Monday Mr Glover got
out a warrant for their arrest and a
search warrant as well and with Chief of
Police Gray of McCook went to Culbert
son on Tuesday One horse blanket was
found in Warnicks manure pile When
the young men found they were caught
they offered to make good the losses
They were let off with 12 95 costs The
spoons and overshoes were not recover
ed Communicated
Gardner Niles Passes Away
Gardner Niles died in South McCook
Wednesday morning at two oclock at
the home of his daughter Mrs M L
Knott after an illness of about ten days
with grip Deceased was born in New
York State and was in his 62nd year
Services were held at the Knott home
Thursday afternoon at two oclock Rev
A B Carson of the Baptist church con-
ducting them after which the remains
were interred in the Riverview cemetery
The wife had preceded him to the spirit
land years since but six children sur
vive Mrs Lewis Casten Mrs M L
Knott and Mrs J Fred Brewer of our
city Gus and George Niles of Kearney
Nebraska and Lester Niles of Iowa all
of whom were present at the funeral but
Another Good Man Gone Wrong-
He neglected to take Foleys Kidney
Cure at the first signs of Kidney trouble
hoping it would wear away and he was
soon a victim of Bcights disease There
is danger in delay but if Foleys Kidney
Cure is taken at once the symptoms will
disappear the kidneys are strengthened
and you are soon sound and well A R
Bass of Morgantown Ind had to get up
ten or twelve times in the night and had
a severe backache and pains in the kid-
jieys and was cured by Foleys Kidney
Cure Sold at A McMillens
Funeral of Dr Thomas
The remains of Dr Archibald J Thom
as of Stratton Nebraska wore buried
from the Congregational church of our
city last Friday afternoon at two oclock
The services were in charge of McCook
lodge No 12 K of P Rev G A Con
rad of the Congregational church
preached the sermon The widow and
three sons with their wives accompanied
the body The services were touching
Burial in Riverview cemetery of this city
followed the services in the church
Death Releaves Her
Mr and Mrs W W McMillen have
much tender sympathy of this commun
ity in the death of their invalid daugh
ter Bertha Thursday evening about 7
oclock A severe attack of grip led to
lung complications and resulted in death
Funeral services will be held at the resi
dence Saturday afternoon interment to
be made in Longview cemetery De
ceased has been a helpless invalid since
early childhood her condition resulting
from severe illness
Aged Citizen Summoned
Grandpa Trudnowski father of Mrs
John Schmidt and A Trudnowski died
at the home of his daughter Thursday
morning 8 oclock in South McCook
aged 81 years Funeral services will be
held in St Patricks Catholic church
Saturday morning at ten oclock and
burial will follow iu Calvary cemetery
Where Is McCooks Jerome
The Tribune has it on reliable au
thority that considerable gambling is in
progress in the city on tho quiet One
railroad man with family is credited with
losing his entire check this week And
his family needs tho money
Mens suits as low as 299 at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale
Ladies heavy golf skirts for 139 at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing
Mens heavy 175 wool sweaters now
129 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
clearing sale
Ladies lined beaver top shoes for 99c
a pair atThe Thompson Dry Goods Cos
clearing sale
Cora Garvey Gladys Fuller and Alice
Bennett assisted in the music program
last Friday morning in the high school
The members of tho Twelfth grade at
tended the lecture by General Sweeney
at the opori house Monday night in a
The January meeting of the county
teachers reading circle was held last
Saturday afternoon at the East ward
building On account of tho cold
weather the attendance was restricted to
the members of the city corps The in
terest was heightened by tho attendance
of Miss Flora B Quick county superin
Examinations are being conducted in
tho public schools this week in prepa
ration or the mid year promotions
which occur next Monday On Thurs
day and Friday afternoons in grades
above the second no school sessions
were held to permit the teachers to cor
rect the papers and to make up the
childrens records
Gen Z T Sweeney the lecturer
talked to the pupils of the high school
assembly Monday afternoon He was
formerly Consul General of the United
States to Turkey and he told many in
teresting things about his residence in
Constantinople and the land of the sul
tan Seldom has a speaker received such
hearty applause as Mr Sweeney did at
the close of his forty minute address
Professor T M Hodgman of the Uni
versity of Nebraska successor of Mr
J W Crabtree as state inspector of high
schools came out from Lincoln to pay
tho high school a hurried visit Monday
morning Ho addressed the pupils at
the assembly on the advantages to be
derived from liberal education and left
during the forenoon for Oxford and
Aiapahoo He found things in such
satisfactory shape that he said he
deemed a closer inspection unnecessary
The Southwest Nebraska District
Teachers Association which held its
last meeting in McCook one year ago
will meet here again this year the dates
being Friday March 31 and Saturday
April 1 A large number of teachers
from this part of the state will attend
and prominent educators will be brought
here in consequence of this convention
of school maams One of the pleasing
features which can be announced at this
time will be a dramatic reading by Mr
Montaville Flowers who so delightfully
entertained a McCook audience last
summer during the normal schools ses
sion by a rendition of Ben Hur This
will occur on the evening of April 1
Already requests have been made that he
give The Merchant of Venice
McCook Case Reversed
In the case of the McCook Irrigation
and Water Power company against
Charles G Crews the original judgment
of the supreme court is reversed and the
decree of the district court granting a
perpetual injunction was affirmed A
controversy arose between the water com
pany and the upper riparian owners who
wished to divert and use the waters of
the river for their own use The com
pany sought to restrain the riparian
owners by injunction and this the su
preme court sustains The company de
clares the court has a vested right in the
water and is superior to the riparian
rights of the land owners further up tho
stream Lincoln Journal
Fell and Fractured His Hip
Dr S L Green county judge had
the misfortune to fall Tuesday evening
while nearing his home and fractured
his left hip bone Everything possible
is being done to minister to his comfort
by the Masonic brethren and friends
but tho doctors ago and the severity of
the injury make his condition quite ser
ious They have a community sympa
thy and hope for tho doctors recovery
A New Tailoring1 Firm
This week L O Mehus disposed of
his profitable tailoring business to
Messrs Lineburg Nelander two prac
tical tailors of many years experience iu
the city of Omaha The Tribune hopes
these gentlemen will receive a full share
of the business of this city and section
of Nebraska
Meat smoked with a brush is as good
if not better than if done in the old
fashioned way There is also great sav
ing in time and labor as well as shrink-
McOonnells Concentrated Smoke
cent bottles
Childrens lleece lined underwear as
low as 5c each at Tho Thompson Dry
Goods Cos clearing sale
Mens heavy lleece lined underwear
35c at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos
clearing sale
Mens warm wool sox 15c a pair at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing
Outing flnnnols at 1c a yard at The j
Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearingsale I
Judging Course Slate University
Tho Judging Course begins January 21
and continues to January 28 inclusive
It is intended for men who own farms
and can not get away for a longer period
This course is given up wholly to tho
judging of farm animals and seed corn
and to discussion of these subjects
When breeders and farmers get together
and discuss the comparative merits of dif
ferent animals under the instruction of
a competent judge they will certainly
got a great deal of benefit from it A
specially fine collection of breeding cat
tle and feoding steers will be availablo
and special attention will be given to
tho judgingpf young bulls of a class that
can bo used by farmers for tho produc
tion of steers
Lectures on horses will bo given and
heavy horses will be judged by practical
The judging of swine will be given due
attention with good specimens at hand
of various breeds
In corn judging course the young man
learns what constitutes a good ear of
corn and how to select seed corn If tho
best selected seed could be planted in
every Nebraska cornfield next Hpring it
would increase the yield on our 7000000
acres at least 35000000 bushels in a
single season A student finds on ex
amination that two ears of corn appar
ently the same size may be selected
from a bin and one ear will bo found to
contain practically twice as much corn
as the other He is able to detect corn
that is running out By a little study
the student learns how to select vigor
ous kernels which have a strong germin
ating power and will give a- good stand
of corn
Just now it is very important in Ne
braska that the farmer know how to get
more out of his corn crop than he can
get through the elevator A study of
feeding teaches the student what mix
tures or combinations of food will pay
the largest profit He learns that corn
rations require from twenty to twenty
eight per cent more food for a given gain
than rightly balanced rations He also
learns that there is a very great differ
ence in the value of animals dependent
on their type and breeding He learns
how to judge accurately the quality of
feedingsteers and breeding cattle and is
much better prepared to mako a success
of the live stock business after his course
in the school
Simple Funeral Ceremonies
Simple funeral ceremonies were held
over the remains of Mrs A W Utter at
the home of her son D W Colson last
Saturday afternoon conducted by-Rector
E R Earle of St Albans Episcopal
church Many friends and neighbors
from the city and country paid a last
tribute of respect to her memory by
their presence at the ceremonies A
floral lyre in red white and pink roses
was the simple beautiful decoration on
the casket
Elizabeth Ellen Utter was a na
tive of Canada born in Stukeley Prov
ince Quebec March 8th 1839 Her
marriage with Albert W Utter her sec
ond marriage was celebrated in May 1st
1871 and a happy married life of almost
31 years ensued Deceased was the
mother of five children three by her
first marriage and two by her second
marriage three of them surviving her
Charles Colson Daniel Colson and
Archie Utter Mr and Mrs Utter came
to Red Willow county in April 1880
settling on the northeast quarter of sec
tion 15 in this precinct In the fall of
1SS2 she meet with an accidents us
taining a fractured hip and they were
obliged to move back to Lincoln In
the summer of 1S91 they returned to Mc
Cook remaining here until her death
Thursday afternoonJanuary 15th 1905
We are mindful of the many kindly acts
and sentiments of friends and neighbors
and are most truly grateful for them
helping to bear as they have much of
our sorrow and bereavement
A W Utter and family
Childrens fleece lined sleeping gar
ments 39c and outing flannel ditto for
19c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
clearing sale
A bouncing 12 pound daughter arrived
at tho home of Mr and Mrs Will Sim
mons Friday of last week
Sausage grinders are seasonable
i 125 to 350 at Colemans
Everything in drugs McConnell
dLrthttif f
at the spocial sale now running at
Cono Bros Tho attractive prices
they are making on Books seem to
bo a popular feature and- many
people are replenishing their book
cases at very little expense
Tho many other thiugs included
in this Bargain Sale are going at
prices which anyone can afford
and are tho best prices ever offer
ed to McCook people on such
Such things as Leather Goods
Glassware China Lamps Pic
tures and Fancy Goods are being
sold at prices which you cannot
resist if you once see them No
one should miss taking advantage
of this opportunity
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn t
Wheat ij
ots M
Kio m
Barley j
UW 4 h
Good Butter -0
McConnell for drugs
House For Rent C F Lehn
Wherever selfishness is supreme there
is graft in excelsis
One furnished room for rent
of Mrs S S Garvey
Use McMillens Cream
chapped hands and face
skin soft and white
For Rent A room over the market
xpply to D C Marsh
Fob Rent A
Apply to Mrs W
seven room
J Kra uter
Knit yarn fascinators for 17c in The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale
Ladies all wool hose for 17c a pair at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing
A steam heated room
light for rent Apply
clothing store
with electric
at Diamonds
Lotion for
Will mako
Wire cloches brushes wire horso
brushes wire stove brushes wire barn
brushes at Colemans
Boys good 150 knee pant suits re
duced to 119 at Tho Thompson Dry
Goods Cos clearing sale
Mens and womens absolutely all
wool underwear for 79c each at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale
Window cleaners window brushes as
well as all kinds of paint brushes kalso
mine stove floor and all other kinds of
brushes at W T Colemans
McConnells Fragrant Lotion will keep
your hands in good condition if used reg
ularly Fine for the face after shaving
25 cents McConnell Druggist
The Womans Missionary Society of
the Congregational church will meet at
the home of Mrs J J Curran on Wed
nesday afternoon January 25th at three
Since our invoice has been completed
we have discovered we are overstocked
in some lines which wo will reduce at
once at irresistible prices It is need
less to add that if you are looking for
bargans in his line see Coleman
If you should want anything in silver
spoons knives forks cold meat after
dinner coffees ice cream or other spoons
or ought in hollow ware or cut glass
you will remember that no one meets W
T Colemans prices in these goods since
the holidavs Call and be convinced
Much is now being said about breeding
hogs of the bacon type in the corn belt
An interesting article on this question
appears in The Homestead of the 19th
inst from the pen of J J Ferguson
superintendent of the stock food depart
ment of Swift Co Mr Ferguson ha3
grown bacon hogs in Canada followed
the packing business for several years
and was a judge of bacon type hogs at
the Worlds Fair at St Louis hence his
opinion that owing to the scarcity of
feeds which produce lean meat after all
the lard hog is most profitable for the
corn belt farmer is interesting and en
titled to consideration Mr Ferguson
states his reasons clearly and every farm
er in this section should read and study
what he says not omitinjr his advice
that a Yorkshire and Tamworth cross
Bovs heavv cordurov knee nants39c at on the average corn tieit nog is uesiraoie
TheThompson Dry Goods Cos clearing The Homestead contains so many such
salBt I articles that we wish every farmer in
Mens 200 corduroy pants now 119
at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clear
ing sale
Childrens fur setts for 119 at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale
Red ulow countv was a subscriber-
We take subscriptions for this valuable
farm journal at the office of The Mc
Cook Tribune
Boys blanket lined school coats for
19c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
clearing sale
Childrens jackets as low as 113 at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing
J sale