T IT McCook Tribune F M KIMMELL Publisher MCOOK i NEBRASKA News in Brief A colony of 5000 Italians Is to lo cate In Missouri Slight earthquake shdcks have been felt In portions of Panama There is much typhoid among Ger man troops In Southeast Africa Toial paid admissions to the Worlds fair 12804G16 The Steel Bolt association la New York has decided to advance the price of bolts 4 per ton Much of the influx of immigration at the present time is of an undesir able character King Charles and Queen Amelia arrived at Lisbon on their return from their visits to Great Britain and France A dispatch from Glasgow says the Canadian Pacific railroad has ordered three large high speed steamships from Fairchild Co The Nebraska hen is getting busy about three weeks ahead of time and as a result the price of eggs is de creasing from day to day George L Shoup former United States senator from Idaho died at his home in Boise in his sixty eighth year after an illness lasting several weeks Emperor Nicholas has purchased the entire private collection of estchaglns pictures which it was an nounced had been offered for sale at auction for 50000 The British steamer Tottenham has been chartered at San Francisco to railroad building material to Chemul po to be used in repairing the Harbin branch of the Siberian railroad President Roosevelt has accepted an invitation to attend the Lincoln day dinner to be given by the republican club of New York on February 12 The presdent will deliver an address The house of Hoo Hoo which was erected on the Worlds fair grounds at a cost of 25000 is being torn down preparatory to being sent to Cuba where it will be used as a casino Major E H Hardin who was court martialed on a charge of neglect in not having a sufficient guard at Malte prison from which thirty three native prisoners escaped was acquitted at Manila A physician at Rogers Ark is au thority for the statement that Miss Carrie Sawney residing three miles Bouthwest of the city has abstained from food for forty eight days with no ill effects At Pittsburg Pa Charles M Reed of Erie supposed to be a millionaire was declared to be a bankrupt by Jo seph Buffington in the United States district court Reeds liabilities are nearly 1000000 At a special meeting of the share holders of the Grand Trunk railroad it was agreed to guarantee the issue of 7500000 4 per cent gold bonds for the construction of the Lake Superior branch of the road Captain John J Pershing Fifteenth cavalry has been selected by the war department as military attache at To kio Japan to succeed Lieutenant Colonel Wood whose term of foreign duty has expired Prince Fushimi was entertained in New York at the university at a din ner given by General Stewart L Woodford formerly minister to Spain The dinner was private and there were no speeches Rev Frederick W Pitts of St Stephens Episcopal church Boston has received notice of his appoint ment as canon of Christ church cath edral St Louis He is undecided as to his acceptance The house committee on interstate and foreign commerce has authorized a favorable report on the Vreeland bill making it unlawful to stamp the words United States assay on gold or silver used in arts Belgiums national pavilion at the Worlds fair is the first of the foreign buildings upon which the work of de molition has begun This structure is partly of steel tne framework con sisting of tnat material The annal register of the United States naval academy for the year 1904 05 shows the number of midship men in the academy to be 823 the largest number in the institution at the end of a scholastic year Professor H K Wolfe principal of the Lincoln Neb high school has been offered and accepted the chair of philosophy and pedagogy at the University of Montana He will as sume his duties in February The Italian government has ordered the immediate execution of those re pairs upon St MarKs at Venice which are of an urgent character and that everything necessary be done to prevent any damage to the Basilica Gifts amounting to 437370 were announced by President Harper at the fifty third quarterly convocation of the University of Chicago John D Rockefeller gave 245000 for current expenses and 00000 for Improve ments to the heating plant The Harvard university catalogue for 1904 05 issued a few days ago shows Harvards registration this year exclusive of the summer school and Radcliffe college to be 4130 as compared with 4328 last year or a loss of 192 In the university THE BALTIC FLEET JAPANESE SQUADRON SAILS TO MEET THE SAME BRITISH MERCHANTMEN SEIZED One of Them Carried Russian Officers Who Escaped from Shanghai Steamer King Arthur Accused of Loading Supplies for Port Arthur LONDON The Dailys Mails cor respondent at Hong Kong says he has learned on trustworthy authority that a powerful Japanese squadron of battleships and armored cruisers Is proceeding south accompanied by fif teen colliers and transports to attack the Russian Baltic squadron According to the Shanghai corres pondent of the Daily Telegraph it is reported that a Japanese squadron of eight warships and fifteen transports Is going south to meet the Russian squadron TOKIO The Japanese protected cruiser Tsushima seized the British steamer Nigretia bound for Vladivo stok off Ulsan Corea yesterday An examination of the Nigretias cargo showed it had a large cargo of contra band of war on board It was sent to Sasebo for trial before the prize court It is reported that the Nigretia had on board officers and men of the Rus sian torpedo boat destroyers who had escaped from interment at Shanghai and were attempting to regain the Russian lines The Nigretia belongs to Allan Co of Leith Scotland The British steamer King Arthur was captured while attempting to leave Port Arthur yesterday by the Japanese guardship Asagiri It is un derstood that the King Arthur took supplies to Port Arthur It had on board Russian naval officers who were attempting to join the Russian second Pacific squadron The King Arthur was taken to Sasebo for trial All Japan is today ringing with praises of General Samelima as the hero of the assault of Keekwan moun tain fort It is conceded that his hero ism inspired his men and turned a threatened disaster into a splendid victory General Samejima is an old Samurai veteran of the war of the Re storation and the Satsuma rebellion He is gray haired and bent but is wiry and active He is an engineer and was formerly a garrison com mander He is Japans specialist in fortifications and was called to Port Arthur to superintend the siege works He was not assigned to an active command and it is supposed here that General Samejima replaced General Tsuchiya as division commander SHANGHAI There appears to be no doubt that the commander of the Russian torpedo boat destroyer Groz ovoi who has been interned here since his vessel arrived after the bat tle between the Russian and Japanese fleets off Port Arthur on August 10 took passage on the steamer Nigretia bound for Vladivostok The command er carried valuable charts and docu ments FAVORS YOUNG MEN President Said to Be Partial to Rising Generation WASHINGTON There is consider able gossip among newspaper men and other well informed persons in Wash ington over a well founded report that President Roosevelt may at the outstart of his new term of office give fuller play to his well known prefer ence for young men in office It is predicted that the ministers who re tire from the cabient will be replaced by younger men and that vacancies in other branches of government and particularly in the consular service will go to young able and vigorous men It can hardly be said that the preference for -young men is a hard and fast policy adopted by the ad ministration nor can it be said that the rule originated with President Roosevelt There seems to be other influences at work throughout the country in the making of popular sen timent favorable to the selection of young men for political office ALLOWED ANY ONE TO VOTE More Evidence of Fraud Brought Out at Denver Hearing DENVER Colo The supreme court heard testimony on the contempt charges against Isaac Goldman and Ed Sweeny for their part in the elec tion in Precinct three Ward 4 this city This precinct is the original Green county from which in 1903 726 votes were returned one more than the total registration and all but eight for the democratic ticket Dr Matt G Root supreme court watcher testified that Goldman and Sweeney who were election judges allowed many persons to vote who were not properly registered He said that a girl not over eighteen years old was permitted to vote after her vote had been challenged although the name which she gave was not in the registration book Continue War On Canteen COLUMBUS O The executive committee of the American Anti Saloon league met here and outlined plans for a legislative campaign It was determined to make a fight for the retention of anti canteen law suf ficient additional appropriation to complete army recreation halls for effective prohibitory legislation for Indian territory should it bo granted ftatchood and the passage of the Hepburn bill to prohibit the shipping of liauor Into the new territories BAKER WINS ON HIS APPEAL Attorney General OrdeFS His Rein statement on the New Mexico Bench WASHINGTON The following let ter was sent to Judge Ben Baker of New Mexico by Attorney General i Moody I I have been directed by the presi dent to inform you that he has re voked and annulled the order for your removal from the position of associate justice of the supreme court of New Mexico communicated to you by let ter of December 9 Judge Baker immediately after be ing advised of the presidents action tendered his resignation to take ef fect upon the appointment and qualification of his successor Charges were filed against him it is said by political enemies who wanted his of fice Both the president and attorney general it is claimed acted too hast ily in removing him Attorney Gen eral Moody did not at any time before the order of removal was made give the case his personal attention but acted upon the recommendation of one of his assistant attorneys whop it is claimed failed to make an im partial investigation acting largely upon the verbal statements of Asso ciate Judge McFee of New Mexico and Governor Otero who appeared in person and said the people demanded a change and would remain in a tur moil as long as Baker stayed there BRITT GETS THE DECISION Fight Goes the Full Limit of Twenty Rounds of Fierce Fighting SAN FRANCISCO At the twentieth round Jimmy Britt of San Francisco and Battling Nelson of Chicago fight ing like a pair of bulldogs the gong sounded the end of the contest and Referee Roche unhesitatingly placed his bond on the California boy as the winner of the contest In the closing round Britt was punching the Chicago boy all over the ring but his blows lacked the sufficient force to put a quietus on his opponent The fight was an exemplification of how much punishment a human being can endure and not succumb At sev eral stages of the fight Nelson was badly punished but always kept game ly coming up to the firing line and all through the twenty rounds he forced the fighting In one or two in stances he had the local boy in dis tress but Britts excellent generalship and the advice of his seconds saved him from going too close to the danger point Nelson is unquestionably a wonder in the pugilistic world Time after time taking blows heavy enough to put out an ordinary fighter he would come up apparently in his early form and bring the fighting to Britt Mechanics Pavilion was crowded to the roof the gate receipts being over 35000 CABINET HOLDS A MEETING Action on Foodstuffs and Other Mat ters of Interest WASHINGTON At the cabinet meeting Tuesday the action of the Agricultural department in standard izing some additional foodstuffs was approved on the recommendation of Secretary Wilson Secretary Taft said at the conclusion of the meeting that he had submitted to the nresident a report on his mission to Panama The report was confidential and he could not discuss it at this time He said also it had been decided that the Philippine scouts who constituted one of the features of the Philippine exhibit at the St Louis exposition and who are to appear at the inaugur ation of President Roosevelt on March 4 should go from Washington after the inauguration to New York where they will participate in the annual military tournament to be held there in March Soon after the tournament they will return to the Philippines by way of San Francisco Until they come to Washington to attend the in auguration they will remain in the barracks on the fair grounds in St Louis HAS HER SCALP TORN OFF Hair Caught by Revolving Shaft at Omaha OMAHA Neb Miss Lillian Sulli van aged 18 met with an extremely painful accident her entire scaj be ing torn from her head from a point just above the eyes clear around over the ears to the nape of neck So great was the young womans nerve that she didnt faint or collapse in the slightest degree While the surgeons were replacing the scalp she con versed with more composure than any one present Several men who rushed to her assistance when they saw the accident were overcome by the hor rible sight Miss Sullivan is employed in the dry fruit cleaning department of the McCord Brady company She was plac ing a box of packed fruit on a shelf above the work bench in her room when her hair was caught by a re volving shaft Upwards of sixty stitches were required to replace the scalp Information About Women DENVER Mrs Sarah Piatt Deck er president of the National Federa tion of Womens Clubs announced Wednesday that she had practically completed arrangements for the estab lishment of a bureau of information Information concerning the work of women in this country their clubs and all matters in which they are inter ested will be collected and dissemin ated Out lines for study also wil bo prepared It is probable that the head nuarrs will be at Porsmouh N H NEWS IN NEBRASKA STATE NOTES Tecumseh merchants report a good holiday trade Dodge county employes but eighteen male teachers The hotel Lathrop at Hardy was uurned io the ground There was a fire at the Normal college in Fremont but it did not in terrupt work Nebraska has realized from the in snection of kerosene and gasolIITe at lu cents per barrel the sum of 38 95440 according to the biennial re port of Oil Inspector Church which was filed with the governor At Holdrege John R Lucas who hot and killed Clyde Lester Decem ber G was bound over to the district court on a charge of murder in the first degree and wag remanded to jail without bail Charles Field hung himself at Crete He was a foreman of stonework on the new Burlington depot at that place He was found at supper time hanging from a rafter in the tool house No cause is known for the deed other than that he iad been drinking heavily The Farmers Elevator company of Straussville have the elevator under construction and have commenced to purchase and ship grain An exper ienced man has been placed in charge of the business and the farmers by co operation hope to circumvent the grain buyers trust if such an insti tution exists Judge Harrington in the district court at Long Pine has granted a de cree annulling the marriage of S Herbert Moore and Clara Taylor which occurred Long Pine several years ago The decree was petitioned for by Will H Taylor of Rosedale 111 who declared that his sister had bean insane since 1894 Mrs Moore is now an inmate of the Lincoln asy lum George E Haskell president of the Eeatrice Creamery company and for mer resident of Lincoln will return to Lincoln from California with his family about January 1 He has been in Colorado and California for several years on account of ill health but has so far recovered that his physicians pay he can return to this climate with safety The family has been for some time at Ocean Beach Cal Recently P C Alcorn of Crab Or chard suffered an injury to one of his eyes and it was believed the optic might be saved However inflamma tion set in in such a bad condition that the sight of the other eye was threatened and the surgeons deemed it adyisable to remove the injured eyeball to guard against the possibility of Mr Alcorns suffering total blind ness Mayor Hackett and some of the city rouncilmen ot Humboldt had an in teresting session with a stranger who appeared last weelc and made all pre parations to open up a bucket shop in a vacant office room of the city The authorities objected but the man went on with his arrangements until warned that he would be immediately arrested if he attempted to do busi ness when lie decided to drop tne matter P L Trover in jumping from freight No 46 at Callaway had a narrow es cape from a horrible death which he is liable to remember for some time to come Troyer has been up at Sheri dan for some time past and wanting to get back to his home at Callaway made arrangements with a party bringing some horses east to ride with him Thinking tlr tmin wi ot going to slop when it arrived there he made a jump for the plattorm which was covered with frost A few minutes later he was discovered by Frank Makvicka the night watchman lying insensible with his head nearly J touching the rails Sheriff Hall of Holt county is quite pleased with the capture of Bernard McGreevy the missing banker and says he had received a tip that he was in Arizona and was making ar rangements to go to Arizona when he received word of his capture Mr hall has worked diligently on the case from the beginning and had sent de scriptions of the missing banker to all officers in Arizona and several oKher states and territories The same line of talk concerning seed corn as was given at the state university seed corn special over the Burlington route in Tecumseh will be carried out at the coming session of the farmers institute The farm ers are awake to the fact that there is much in the proper selection of the grain its care in the cultivation of the ground and in changing crops Hon J L Young who has one of the best farms in Johnson county says that a few years ago under the same conditions that have prevailed for the past two or three jears he used to raise as hteh as severtyfive bushels of corn to the acre on land which is now yielding from thirty to thirty five The Nebraska fair commission will contribute the 100 necessaiy for bringing the mammoth statue of Ne braska from St Louis to Lincoln It has been decided to place thestatute in the rotunda of the state capitol building where it will be sheltered from the ravages of the elements It Is thought that with such protection the staff statue can be prererved in definitely A meeting will be held in Omaha by the state commission and rt that time a telegram will be sent to President Francis accepting the gift 1 IT AFFECTS NEBRASKA LANDS KInkaid Has Some Amendments to t e Laws WASIIINGJN Congressman KIn kaid of Nebraska Introduced an amendment on the opening day of con gress to amend the homestead laws affecting certain lands in the western and northwestern portions of Ne braska which would extend the time six months within which entrymen under the bill effective last June may occupy the land so entered This Is a trifling matter compared with other proposed amendments to the Kinkaid law which it will be remembered in creased the area of a homestead entry to G40 acres Prominent Nebraskans propose a law to amend the Kinkaid law provid ing for the sole use of grazing lands for grazing purposes This proposition is made in the hope of promoting the settlement or profitable occupancy of the vast area of grazing lands tribu tary to the Burlington Union Pacific and Norhwestern railroads in the state Charles F Manderson of Omaha general solicitor for the Burlington would have the department of the in terior survey these lands and put them into three classes namely first arable lands second irrigable lands third pastoral lands The latter class Mr Manderson would have put on sale at not less than 10 cents nor more than 25 cents an acre An other idea is to sell under the direction of the secretary of the in terior all lands not disposed of under the Kinkaid act Still another amend ment provides for buying the land out right at 10 cents or more an acre in the discretion of the secretary of the interior Mr Manderson has laid his idas before the members of the Nebraska delegation in congress and has re nuested them to join him in a confer ence to be held at Washington or at Omaha some time this month PAY FOR SCHOOL TEACHERS Districts Deal Liberally With Their Educators The various school districts of the state of Nebraska have dealt liberally with their school teachers during the last year and while the total amount of money spent in salaries for men teachers- is a decrease when compared with the amount spent last it does not follow that the individual salaries of men have decreased for the reason that the number of men teachers em ployed this year is less than the year before According to statistics compiled by Chief Clerk Harnly for use in the biennial report of Superintendent Fowler there was spent for salaries for male teachers this year was S572 72820 and for female teachers 2 53310S10 compared to G0S70879 spent in salaries for male teachers and 231340919 paid to female teachers last year Of this total amount Douglas county paid its male teachers in 1904 29S34S7 and its fe male teachers 3S971SS In 1904 there were employed in the state 13S9 men and S323 women teachers against 1490 men and 7S19 women teachers last year making a total for 1904 of 9711 against 9309 the in crease in teachers being occasioned by the increase in women teachers showing that woman is gradually tak ing the place of man in educational lines in Nebraska Fifteen Years in Court NEBRASKA CITY The estate of Robert Hawks deceased that was filed for probate in the county court about fifteen years ago has been set tled and closed The estate is one of the largest ever filed for probate in the county court and was the cause of many lawsuits Woman Attempts Suicide CHADRON Because of a quarrel with her husband Mrs William Rondo attempted to commit suicide here She shot herself with a revolver in the left breast the bullet lodging un der the right shoulder blade It is doubtful whether she will recover Premiums for Nebraska LINCOLN At the St Louis ex position Nebraska stood second in the list of states in the horticultural ex hibit and only was excelled by the state of Colorado In all deparments the state received more than 500 pre miums Rev Johnson Appointed LINCOLN Rev P C Johnson of Tecumseh will take up the duties of chaplain at the state penitentiary January 1 The announcement of the appointment was made by Governor Mickey who was formerly one of Rev Johnsons parishioners at Osceola Chaplain Walter K Williams an nounced his resignation to the gover nor just before election G L Shumway of Scotts Bluff coun ty proposes to erect an sr000 power plant on the North Platte river near the town of Gering The plant is in tended to have a capacity of 400 horse power Mr Shumway has filed an ap plication for water with the State Board of Irrigation in which he says the plant is to be used for milling manufacturing and other purposes It will be necessary to dig a ditch four miles long to conduct the water to the proposed site A company has been formed to complete the work of co iv 1 ruction Llahts on Brooklyn Bridge There are three lights on the Brook lyn bridge which are never seen by those who have occasion to use the bridge at night but those three lights mean much to the masters of sailing approach or exceed vessels whose masts ceed the 135 feet between the center of the span and the water One of k uofiv in the center of the epan and marks the highest point the of the center other two are at each side feet from the tow ter light about 10 ers and mark the danger limit Lord Roseberys Good Story In a recent English biography ap pears an anecdote told in the charac teristic English manner me writer remarks Lord Rosebery told a very good story for he is alwaysamuslngj about a gentleman who was traveling in the southern United States The visitor was being shaved by a negro barber and noticed the extreme blunt ness of the razor Yes sir said the barber it is vury blunt sar I was out last night wid the boys Newspaper Circulation A statistician has learned that the annual aggregation of the circulation of the papers of the world is estlmatea to be 1200000000u copies To grasp the idea of this magnitude we may state that it would cover no fewer than 10450 square miles of surface that it is printed on 781250 tons of paper and further that if the num ber 12000000000 represented in stead of copies seconds would take more than 333 years for them to elapse Found at Last Hensley Ark Dec 26th Special That a sure cure for Backache would be a priceless boon to the people and especially the women of America is admitted by all interested in medical matters and Mrs Sue Williams of tnis place is certain she has ound in Dodds Kidney Pills the long looked for cure I am 38 years old Mrs Williams says and I have suffered with the Backache very much for three or four years I have beon treated by good physicians and got no relief but thanks to God I have found a cure at last and it is Dodds Kidney Bills I have taken only one box and it hasgj done me more good than all the doc- tors in three or four years I want ail sufferers from Backache to know that they can get Dodds Kidney Pills and get well Backache is one of the first symp toms of Kidney Disease Guard against Brights Disease or Rheumatism by curing it with Dodds Kidney Pills Tc Train Servants Hamburg is to have a school for training servants It is not intended to compete wth exiting schools which provide training in domestic science for girls of well-to-do fami lies Every housekeeper should know that if they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only time because it never sticks to the iron but because each package contains 1G oz one full pound while all other Cold Water Starches are put up in -pound pack ages and the price is the same 10 cents Then again because Defiance Starch is free from all injurious chem icals If your grocer tries to sell you a 12 oz package it is because he has a stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of before he puts in Defiance He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large let ters and figures 1G ozs Demand Defiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the iron sticking Defiance never sticks Purity of the Mind You can no more filter your mind Into purity than you can compress it into calmness you must keep It pure if you have it pure and throw no stones into it if you would have it auiet Ruskin 100 Reward 100 The readers of this paper III be pleased to leara that there 1 at least one dreaded disease thatscleuc ha been able to cure la all Its stages and that Is Catarrh Halls Cutarrh Cure Is the only posltlva cure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh belnir a constitutional disease requires a constitu tional treatment Hal Catarrh Cure U taken lu ternally actlnp directly upon the blovd and mucout surfaces of the system thereby destroying tho foundation of the disease and Klvlnn the patient Ftrenpth by bulldlns up the conr tltutlon and agist ing naurc In doln Its work The proprietor have so much faith In Its curafc powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It faUs M cure Send for list of testimonial Address F J CHEXEf CO Toledo O Sold bv all DruKKlKUTSc Take Hills Family Pills for constipation Cupid is a sorry leader after lead ing people Into trouble he leaves them to fight it out themselves A Rare Cood Thing Am using ALLENS FOOT EASE and can truly say 1 would not have been without It so long had I known the relief it would give my aching feet I think it a rare good thing for anyone having sore or tired feet Mrs Holtwert Providence R I Sold by all Druggists Joe Ask to day Statesmen who also ran are nat urally slow to predict a bright future for their country A iUAKANTKii CUKE FOR TUVES Itililn Hllud lticedlns r Intrudln Pllei Your drulst will refund mmey If PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure you in 6 to 11 days 50c The quickest way to beat a woman in an argument is to listen and say nothing PNos Cure cannot be too highly i poUcn of aj a couch cure J V OllniEN 322 Third Ave Minneapolis Minn Jan G 11MJ0 It is a good deal easier to stir up a hornets nest than it is to find tlie right place to crawl into If you don t get the biggest and best Its your own fault Defiance Starcr is for sale everywhere and there is positively nothing to equal it in qual ity or quantity m i r j if 1 I U 51 I fr J I L