The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 30, 1904, Image 3

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    Approach of the Dawn
When you get Into a tight place
and everything goes against you until
It seems that you cannot hold on a
minute longer never give up then for
that is just the place and the time
that the tide will turn Harriet
Beecher Stowe
Washington ts Popular Name
There are more counties in the
United States named for Washington
than for any other man The capital
a state and two cities exceeding 20K0
in population also hear his name
Dont you know that Defiance Starch
besides being absolutely superior to
any other it put up 16 ounces In pack
ages and sells at same price as 12
ounce packages of other kinds
Many a train of thought carries no
It Cnres Colds Congas Sore ThTOKt Croup
Influenza Whooping Cmith Bronchitis find
Asthma A certain cure for Consumption in first
stacesanda sure relief in advanced stages Use
at once You will see the excellent effect after
taking the llrst dose Sold bv dealers every
where Large bottles 25 cents and 50 cents
V anyone offered you a jood
dollar for an imperfect cm
would you take it
f anyone offered you one good
dollar for 75 cents of bad money
would you tcke it
We offer you 10 ounces of the
very best starch made for 10c
No other brand is so good yet
all others cost 10c for 12 ounces
Ours is a business preposition
and cheapest
We guarantee il satisfactory
Ask your grocer
vOmaho Neb
ucerM Thompsons Eyo Water
W N U Omaha
No 53 1904
t imi hi i tttin inmiiiiTHiiimMx mini i mwmunnimmni mi mil um tin ftfif
AYfegefable Preparalionfor As
similating rhcFoodandBeguIa
ling the Stoinachs artdBoweis of
nessanditesrcontains neither
OpiumMorphine norIincral
lOT HARC otic
Jbstpe aroidJ SiMUELRTCHER
Pumpkin Seal
Clattird Soger
Mmtoytwt Flare-
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa
Tion Sour StomachDiarrhoca
Worms Convulsions Feverish
ness and Loss OF SiEP
Facsimile Signature of
LAAbl l urt Uf WMAftH
3S2 6322i
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper
SYRUP cures coughs and colds
Not Wholly Beneficent
Experiments with the theory that
music may be used as a medicine
show that appreciable changes of
pulse and blood pressure follow the in
fluence of an automatic piano Wo
have noticed it ourselves It had not
however occurred to us that the effect
was sedative or curative Philadel
phia North American
When a high salaried office finds it
necessary to seek the man you may
expect to sea thieves trying to break
into jail Chicago News
Many Children Are Sickly
Mother Gray s Sweet Powders for Children
used by MothcrGruy a nurse iu Childrens
Home Now York cure Feverishness Head
ache Stomach Troubles Teething Dis
orders Break up Colds and Destroy Worms
At all Druggists 2Tic Sample mailed FREE
Address Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y
How to Quiet a Horse
When a witness in an English court
remarked that it was necessary to sit
on a horses head when he was down
to keep him quiet the judge repiied
Nothing of the kind Peopre dont
seem to understand tnat the only
thing necessary to keep a horse from
Licking when he is down is to got
hold f Ms ear and keep his nose up
in the air I have seen a lady keep a
horse quiet in that way without soiling
her gloves
UNDOMA Hair Tonic will lend tt
your hair that soft fluffy appearance
appreciated by people of good taste
and refinement
Ask Your Barber
Send us your name for free treat
Scott a Rjpid Writer
Scott is said to have written JWav
erlej in less than six weeks He
wrote very raiily seldom revised
and as a consequence his novels were
full of blunders errors and anachron
S3G00 per M Lewis Single Binder
straight oc cisrnr costs more than other
brands but this price gives the dealer a
fair profit and the smoker a better cigar
Lewis Factory Peoria 111
Books Always in Plenty
There is no truer word than that of
Solomon There is no end of making
books The night of a great library
verifies it there is no end indeed
it were pity there should be Bishop
Hundreds of dealers say the extra
quantity and superior quality of De
fiance Starch is fast taking place oi
all other brands Others say they can
not sell any other starch
The latost museum freak is a pig
with two legs Outside a museum it
isnt necessary to have four legs to
he a hos
Dealers say that as soon as a cus
tomer tries Defiance Starch it is im
possible to sell them any other cole
water starch It can be used cold o
A little sympathy that gets into our
feet is worth a whole lot of sorrow
that never soaks deeper than our feel
Mr Windows Sootlilnpr Svrnp
For children teethinR so tens the puree reduce Ir
Oamuiatou alia a pain cures wind colli UScs uotUe
A little sorrow may teach more
than many sermons
Dr David Kcnnpilys Faiorite Kcmcdv
iiret in wife of a terrible disease With ileafUel
tetufj toituiarelousetIitai 3 JbeetAlbanvX Y
The empty head needs a haughty
tTZva m inuinCTnKnginniPni7hnomibTinnrrTa a
llUMtit i tiw uui lit i dwmtt t IIMM m ana uuui4tti mitmh imu X i w
Por Infants and Children
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
1 Bears the
I Siematiira M II
til M M Ulr
I of KAj
I ft Jfv In
uJ Use
jv For Over
4 ThlvU VOQI O
-V KTHvaUa U If M CT
Ucst Couch Sjtud Tastes Good Vfc
sola hr
in time arupplsts r fg
Men In High Places Said to Be In
WASHINGTON The Post says
Senator Mitchell and Representative
Binger Ilarmann of Oregon left Wash
ington last night for Portland to ap
pear before the federal grand jury and
face charges which they have been
advised implicated them in Oregon
land frauds
Both Senator Mitchell and Mr Har
mann declare in most positive terms
that thej are absolutely innocent and
have nothing to fear from returning
to Oregon Both assert with equal
positlveness that the time has come
when this outrageom persecution
must stop They will insist upon their
right to go before the grand jury and
make answer to all charges that may
be made against them confident that
they will be able to establish their
innocence They expect to have a
hearing on Saturday
When asked last night why he had
decided to return to Portland at this
time after declining to go as a wit
ness when summoned by subpoenas a
week ago Senator Mitchell said
I was advised yesterday by tele
grams from Portland that it was re
ported there that Puter Watson and
others of the gang had made confes
sions implicating me and that there
would be an effort made to indict me
and Hermann before the jury which
meets tomorrow A week ago when
I was called as a witness I had no
intimation that it was claimed that I
was implicated in any way and I did
not feel it my duty to go and sacrifice
public business but the moment I was
advised that I was beinsj attacked
personally I concluded I was justified
in sacrificing public business and
everything elre to go and defend my
character against assaults that I know
to be without any foundation what
Senator Mitchell sent this telegram
yesterday to District Attorney Hall
and Assistant Attorney General
I will be in Portland next Satur
day I demand thorough investigation
before grand jury of all charges if
any against me I also demand right
to appear as witness before grand
Representative Hermann before
leaving made this statement
Information having been received
that there was a nrobabilitv that an
attempt would be made to involve
Senator Mitchell and myself in the
grand jury investigation as to land
frauds in Oregon I believe it to be
my duty to proceed to Portland and
there ask the privilege of meeting any
charges which may be preferred
Botn Senator Mitchell and Mr Her
mann say continues the Post that i e
movement against them has been di
reced by Secretary Hitchcock and at
tribute it to his personal hostility to
ward tiem
Two Members of Execufve Board of
National Association Discharged
WASHINGTON Postmaster Gener
al Wynne on Wednesday removed two
more rural carriers for alleged efforts
to influence legislation the employes
being H E Nivin of Berthold Colo
and J W Whitehead of Medina O
Nivin is chairman of the executive
board of the National Rural Carriers
association Whitehead also is a mem
ber of the executive hoard and is sec
retary of the Ohio state organization
the carriers The executive board
held a meeting in St Louis as the re
sult of whose instructions President
Cunningham of the association is said
to have called on the members of the
national committee of both the re
publican and democratic parties to as
certain what support they would give
to the interest of the carriers The
plans for this organization carried on
before the November election by
President Cunningham and Secretary
Tumoer both of whom were recently
ed as the result of an investiga
tion of their work were it is charged
by the postal authorities approve
and endorsed by Nivin and White
Hope United States Will Not Aban
don arbitratirn
ST PETERSBURG Considerable
surprise is manifested at the foreign
office regarding the reports from Eng
lish sources representing the Wash
ington government as disposed to
abandon the Russian American arbi
tration treaty because of the char
acter of the modifications proposed by
Russia Emperor Nicholas is sincerely
anxious to conclude a treaty with the
United States It is pointed out that
the modifications proposed are direct
ly modeled on the arbitration treaties
provided for by The Hague conven
tion slightly amplifying the Anglo
French model which practically con
fines arbitration to the interpretation
of treaties and juridical nuestions
Russia has already negotiated similar
treaties with Belgium and Sweden
and Norway and desires to make
others with the larger European
Steel Trust Prices
NEW YORK The leading steel
manufacturers were in session in Jer
sey City and reaffirmed the present
price of 21 per ton on steel billets
It is bePeved however that an ad
vance of 2 per ton will be made In
his product soon after tho new year
Following tho meeting of the billet
manufacturers members of the
structural steel combination met in
this city and according to the best
information reaffirmed the present
pi ice for their nroducts It is known
that conditions faor higher prices
Ancient Ann Reflects
A man thinks it awfully stupid for
a woman to lose her pocketbook but
he forgets how often she has to help
him find his collar button and remem
ber for him just where he put his hat
Baltimore American
Deeds Not to Be Recalled
No man sees all the meaning of his
deeds before he commits them but
once committed it seems as though
they had become part of the history of
the universe and the consequences
are inexorable R J Campbell
Cut Aldermanic Speech Short
Long speeches by Liverpool Eng
land aldermen are not encouraged
The lord mayor of London has been
provided with a sandglass and nc
member of tho council may speal
more than ten minutes
Storekeepers report that the extra
quantity together with the supeiior
quality of Defiance Starch makes it
next to impossible to sell any other
Sleepless Creatures
There are several species of fish
reptiles and insects which never sleep
during the whole of their existence
Among fish it is positively known
that pike salmon and goldfish never
sleep at all also that there are sev
eral others in the fish family that
never sleep more than a few minutes
a month There are dozens of species
of flies which never indulge in slum
ber and from three to five species of
serpents which also never sleep
Longevity in Warm Climates
Statistics show that more people
live to be 100 years old in warm cli
mates than in northern countries We
know that here in Mexico there are
many centenarians for in towns no
forty miles from the capital are no
a few men and women beyond the 10
year line Germany reports 77S cen
tenarians France 213 Er gland MG am
Spain 401 and the population of Spai
is relatively small Mexican Herald
Tale Laallo Broinu Quinine Tablets All dms
Ktu rotund the ramcy If It fails to eiue Z Vi
Uroes signature Is ou each bo Ko
A Sunday Custom
In some cf the small English vil
lages the custom still prevails of ring
ing the church bell for five minutes
at 8 oclcck Sunday morning if there
is to be a sermon preached at the 11
oclock service If no bell rings the
prudent housewife understands that
the service will be shorter and she
arranges her dinner hour according
Cornstarch to Remove Grease
Cornstarch will remove grease most
effectually Pub a little fresh dry
cornstarch into the soiled place and it
will begin at once the prccess of ab
sorbing the grease Brush the first
used off carefully from the garment
and proceed in the same way with
more until the disfigurement has en
tirely disappeared
Knew Where the Ball Struck
They were on a golf course not far
from Glasgow A splendid stroke
Caddie did you follow that ball said
the player who had just driven Naw
sir replied the caddie but I think
that gentleman wi the red coat can
tell you where it struck I see him
feeling his head
A Detached Eslfry
The village church of East Bergholt
Suffolk is probably the only one ir
England which possesses an entirely
distinct building for the belfry Tlu
bells are hung in a shed many yard
away from the church and are work
ed from above instead of from be
George Elicts Middlemarch
George Eliot is said to have writ
ten Middlemarch in four months
Some doubt is thrown upon this state
ment by the fact that she commonly
worked slowly writing with great care
and deliberation and making few
erasures after the work was done
Dates from Twelfth Century
The grotesque knocker on the sanc
tuary door of Durham cathedral
which bears a rather distant resem
blance to a lion is said to be of the
twelfth century
What Shocking Taste
I met Mabel this morning
walking with her brown collie
She was wearing a blue frock
fancy wearing a blue frock with
brown dog Stra Stories
Burdens may
saves the ship
The Sunday suit never made the
Monday saint
be the ballast that
The more helpful the deed the more
holy the day
Worry is the worst wolf that comes
to our doors
A frozen
stiff back
heart does not make a
Modesty is a great ornament but
sometimes it is more ornamental
than useful
A good reputation is like good
health it is not fully appreciated un
til it is lost
Canned charity may feed the
hungry but it cannot fill the heart
The great thing is not so much to
fill the pews as to fill the people
Love leaps over the lines of liking
A battleshp in the hand Is wortifc
two ultimatums in the bush
Insomnia is seldom caused by the
things a man doesnt say
The favorite pastime of a lynching
party Is looping the loop
Lots of people pray for tho poor-
and let It go at that
Its a wise industrial
knows its own par
stock that
wi jclr 1 iiPtesmr Jay
my ss iv smk
YxffHMkif V Ji - r - iv f - iiiriVrm
mmW r - x--v- wsPI
3r - s ywBS
Far r vSm
Br Miss Rose Hennessv well known nsM
a poetess and elocutionist of Lexington
Ky tells how she was cured of uterine
inflammation and ovaritis by the use of
Lydia E Pmkhams Vegetable Compound
PlKnAM T lv cen so blessedly helped through the nsO
t -EA
of lyiiia li Pinkliuns Ye etaole Compound that I feel it but just to
acknowledge it hoping that it may help some other woman suffering as I did
For years I enjoyed the best of health and thought that I would always
i i1i I1attended parties and receptions thinly clad and would be suddenly
chilled but I did not think of the results I caught a bad cold eighteen
months ago while menstruating and this caused inllammation of the womb
and congested ovaries I suffered excruciating pains and kept getting worc
M y attention was called to your Vegetable Compound and the wonderful
cures it had performed and I made up mv mind to trv it for two months i nd
see what it would do for me Within one month I felt mueh better and
at the close of the second I was entirely well
a u I1Jave advised a number of my lady friends to use it and all exprosa
themselves satisfied with the results as I was Miss Rosn Noiu
Hkvessy 410 S Broadway Lexington Ky
The experience and testimony of some of tlie most notrd
women of America go to prove beyond Ji question that Lydia 12
Fiiikliains cgetable Compound will correct all Mich trouble and
at once by removing the cutic and restoring the organs to a
normal and healthy condition
m Bear Mks Pi vKimr About two joars ao I consnltcl a pity
sieian about my he iltli which had become so wretched tlmt I was no
conger able to be a out I had severe backache hearing clown pains-
pains across the abdomen was very nervous and irritable and thU
trouble grew worse each month The physician prescribed for rue but
I soon discovered that he was unable to help me and I then decided to
try Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and soon found that
it was doing me good My appetite was returning the pains disappear
ing and the general benefits were well marked
m You cannot icalize how pleased I was and after taking the medi
cine for only three months I found that l was completely cured of my
trouble and have been well and hearty ever since and no more fear tho
monthly period as it now passes without pain to me Yours very truly
Miss Pearl Ackeks 327 North Summer St Nashville Tenn
When a medicine has been successful in restoring to health
more than a million women you cannot well sav without trying ii
1 do not Veliev jt m PI me If you are ill do not hesitate
to geo T- a bottle -- of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and
on the
Free Homestead Lands
Western Canada
Carry trie bannerfor
yields of wheat and
other grains for
100000 FARMERS
receive 155000000 as a result of their Wheat Crop
The returns from Oats Barley and other pralns at
well as cattle and hore add considerably to this I
Secure a Frre Homestead at once or purchase
from some ri IUlile dealer while lands are selling at
present low prices
Apply for Information to Superintendent of
pratlon Ottawa Canada or to authorized Canadian
Ol eminent Aient W V Ilennett fcul New York
Life Building Omaha Nebraska
Please say where you saw this advertisement I
enred to stay cured Eminent
judnes ministers congressmen
and tho medical press declare
ruj cures permanent I euro
alter others laii WMTK TO
AddxessDr IV Tow us 1 i J du L cVs
We Buy Raw Furs of All Kinds
from nil partn of the onntr lllutiest pm es
paid We tUe j ou prompt returns Wrte 1 nrvu ir
S B Sefren 510 510 W Locust St Dcs Moines la
Color rroteoondsbrioliter and aster colors than an othv dvc One I0r 5 ckaoe velars s
UK sexier or newiu senu yun pmuai iuc pCKase uph inriree tiCOKiet Iiok to U t
wriLeiurs jfiniciiam at Lynn 3Iass for special advice Her ad
vice is free and helpful Write to day Delay may be fatal
FORFEIT f we cannot forthwith produce the nricinnllctters an 1 denatures oj
SEinOn 9 uOVe Stauiuouials wbuli will prove their attentate
WwU loriiia 1C 1iukliaiu 3Zed Co Lynn Ma
MM Island Route
Double Daily Service
with new Acetylene Gas
lighted Pullman Chair cars
seats free on nisht trains and
Pullman hteh back scat Coaches
on day trains between Kansas
City and St Joseph Mo Hia
watha Seneca Marytvillp Kan
Fairbury Fairfield Hastings
and Grand Island Xeb
Connections made at Kansas
City for all points Fast South
and AVe t
At Grand Island direct con
nections re made v ith Union
Panne fat trains- for Califor
nia and the Pacific North e t
s a adsit
General Passenger Agent
Ct Jose h Mo
Te Old McnK Cure
PalllS and Ach2S
of the human family relieves
and cures promptly
Price 25c nncl 50c
Jy vr IP
h rctton equally well end is guaranteed to one perfect retoti
-0 hx Colors JtliltCO I uiouctie Uinuuri