The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 16, 1904, Image 2

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The Leading- News Farm
and Home Paper of the West
Improved and strengthened by the addition
of many new features Enlarged farm de
partment forestry and floriculture care of
the horse Boys and Giris page Interna
tional Sunday School Lesson Home Health
Club Mme Michauds health and beauty
hints new household ideas practical cook
ery latest styles for all ages- best fiction
full crop and market reports
The Inter Ocean is the only western paper
receiving in addition to the Associated Press
reports the entire telegraph service of the
Central News and special cable of the New
York World besides daily reports from over
two thousand special correspondents
Agricultural Education Important
Agricultural education is a work vital
ly related to the prosperity of Nebraska
Anything which will cause our farmers
to become acquainted with the best meth
ods of selecting seed for the various
crops with those practices in planting
and cultivation which have been found
best adapted to the conditions in our
state is certainly to be sought after by
our young farmers
r J
lim Down
HIS is a common expres
sion ve hear on every
side Un less there is
some organitrouble the6 con
dition can doubtless be remedied
Your doctor wthe best adviser
Do not dose yourself with all
Kinds of advertised remedies
get his opinion More than likely
you need a concentrated fat food
to enrich your blood and tone
up the systeln
Scotts Emulsion
of Cod Liver Qil
h just such a food in its best form
It will build up the weakened
and wasted body when all
other foods fail to nourish If
you are run down or emaciated
give it a trial it cannot hurt
you It is essentially the best
possible nourishment for delicate
children and pale anaemic girls
We will send you a sample free
Be sure that this picture
in the form of a label is on
the wrapper of every bottle
of Emulsion you buy
scon BOWNE
409 Pearl Street New York
50c and SI All Druggists
All This for Only 5c Extra
The McCook Tribune 100
The Weekly Inter Ocean 100
Both for One Year 105
This offer open only a fewi weeks and maybe taken
advantage of by old subscribers who will pay one year
row in advance as well as new ones Better see us now jTOM
If all the persons engaged in feeding
cattle were to becomo familiar with the
principles of feeding the application of
which made the production of Challen
ger and Challenger II possible our live
stock industry would find its wealth
doubled in a few years Should a scien
tific knowledge of soil -composition soil
structure and soil treatment become the
universal possession of Nebraska farm
ers the productiveness of our farms
would increase from year to year
The only way to bring these things to
pass is for our farmers to insist on as
careful training for their sons as is in
sisted on those who are to be ministers
doctors and lawyers
The University of Nebraska is offering
instruction Avhieh if taken advantage of
will cause Nebraska to take a place of the
first order in the production of grain and
live stock We are glad to see this Avork
being done It only remains for our
farmers to avail themselves of the advan
tages offered
A Guaranteed Cure for Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
pazo oinment fails to cure any case no
matter of how long standing in 6 to li
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it Avill be for
warded post paid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
JVhy Hibernate
Winter tourist rates to California the
Gulf country Florida and South and
Land seekers ra tes approximately
half rates December 20th and January
3 and 17 to Oklahoma Texas and South
Low one way settlers rates December
20th to Southeast poiuts beyond the
Ohio river
Christmas and Noyr Year greatly re
duced holiday rates for short and long
journeys in territory between the Rock
ies and Chicago Peoria and St Louis
Live stock convention Denver One
fare plus S2C0 for the round trip Janu
ary 7 to 9 1905
Ask the agent for further information
or Avrite to L W Wakeley General
Passenger Agent Omaha Neb
A Runaway Bicycle
Terminated with an ugly cut on the
leg of J B Orner Franklin Groro 111
It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding
to doctors and remedies for four years
Then Bucklons Arnica Salvo cured
Its just as good for burns scalds skin
eruptions and piles 25c at L W Mc
Connells druggist
The Tribune makes a specialty of
offico stationery and type- writer supplies
Vn UMf1
ft niui V sl fyRWTiK fe iew Year W
Sia rS ZTirnHC solutions have I voiced to hcep
KLSH 4K3 the coming year
fterJ Come sit beside me maUlen fair
5 S2 llTT Bllfflliisll rCTTfcTTkHTTSnn and straightway you shall bear
CK3 6 i frl ill II -1111 C SrCSHS 1 H S3P ve PcdScd mTSlf to choose one girl from
fificS li lJ 1 J ylJU t JA -1 ilJL JU U A I JLS cElS Hnd lovc hr vlth an honc9t ove forever and
fc2 f
S53 AND THE JS iilllillfe
Fjj ITTT1TBT7T 17 TTfUTlTl fl fITl h HI Wt -
ffcrt5S - l Tirm I lillll I H T cjsS WFS
am M A JML
fc in M iiJ xssi Li i
with all my might and main
Cntil Ive Nvon her everything that hon-
esty can gain
Ill fill her life with all thats good till life it
self Is done
Hnd hilc -we train our minds and hearts well
not neglect the fun j
OVJ tell me -wont you maiden fair
what you have vewed to do
for Xvc laid bare my inmost soul to
no one but to you
Ive made no pledges she replied in so de-
mure a tone I
But if you dont object Ill try to help you
heep your own
Wallace Dunbar Vincent in Leslies Magazine
Nothing to Keep Him Happy
Wish you a happy neAA year says
the visitor riding up to the home of
the Kentucky mountaineer
Thanks fo yo kind wishes suh
but hit looks almighty bad fo me this
comin yeah
Now Im sorry to hear that What
seems to be the trouble
Well suh long last spring me an
Lije Bingo happened to have a fallin
out ovah a couple o hawgs so avo done
had a time all sence then shootin at
each otheh fum time to time
Oh I shouldnt be cast down over
that Even if you have a feud it can
be ended Theres no reason Avhy
Thats jest it podneh thats jest it
Lije fell offen the side o the mounuiin
yestiddy an now Ive got no feud at
all Judge
Jieiv Years Calls
The custom of visiting and sending
presents and cards on New Years day
is recorded almost as far back as his
tory goes The practice of using visit
ing cards can be traced back for thou
sands of years by the Chinese Their
New Years AIsiting cards are curiosi
ties Each one sets forth not only the
name but all the titles of its owner
and as all Chinamen who have any
social position at all have about a
dozen it makes the list quite appalling
These cards are made of silk or else of
fine paper backed with silk and are so
large that they have to be rolled up to
be carried conveniently They are in
deed so valuable that they are return
ed to their owners
A Polish Kissing Bee
In Poland Noav Years eve Is observ
ed In a dance called St Sylvesters
ball The dancing proceeds decorously
until the clock strikes 12 Exactly at
that moment the men fall to kissing
their oavii and their neighbors part
ners each taking particular pains to
thus salute the one he loves best be
fore the one Aith whom she chances
to be dancing can perform that duty
Those not in the mood for dancing
gather in another room or remain at
home to entertain one another Avith
stories about the departing year
New Tears Dot In Russia
At every country house in Russia
there are a feast and a procession in
honor of New Years day Horses sheep
cows and hogs are dressed with gar
lands and led to the landlords house
The idea is that the animals shall be
taken into the dining room but when
the landlord has a handsomely furnish
ed apartment and does not care to
have it ruined he sets aside some other
room and allows the mob to take pos
session of it
An Old Engrllsh Custom
The old country Englishman never
falls to unbar his door at 12 oclock
New Years eve to let the old year out
and the iicaa year in
Nerv Years Violets
I sighed to give you flowers bright
Though Aanlshed sweet the summers
The violets heard my longings deep
Oh Avny down neath tho turf and snow
They wore not duo till April fair
Yet In Decembers wilderness
They felt tho Avarmth of friendships
And robed themselves In royal dress
Donahoea Magazine
How the GermanCclebriite the Con
version of CoiiMtiintinc
The evening of Dee 31 is known in
Germany as Sylvester evening In Eu
ropean calendars excepting that of
England the days of the year have
names and Dec 31 bears the name of
Sylvester who was bishop of Koine in
the time of the Emperor Constantino
and was obliged to hide himself in the
mountains to escape persecution Then
it happened that Constantino was smit
ten with leprosj for which horrible
disease the physicians couldrjproposo
no other remedy than a bath in the
blood of young children For this pur
pose 3000 children were gathered bul
Constantino moved to pity by the
despair of the mothers refused to avail
himself of such a sacrifice In the
night he Avas advised in a dream to re
call Sylvester and to accept the Chris
tian religion which he did
This evening is everywhere in Ger
many a time of great rejoicing Par
ties and balls are given and friends
gather to spend the last hours of the
old year in merriment games anil
dancing and most Important of all axi
guries and divinations Though these
tricks are as old as the hills they nev
er lose their charm Hot lead is pour
ed into cold water contained in a basin
and in solidifying it forms itself into
all kinds of shapes and figures in which
many meanings can be read by the
Empty walnut shells in each of which
burns a tiny wax taper are put to
gether in a basin of Avater to sAvim in
opposite directions If they meet tAvo
loAing hearts Avill be united in that
year but if they separate the love af
fair of those represented by the shells
will come to naught Young girls
throw slippers over their heads If the
points of the slippers face the door the
owners will be married that year if
the slippers miss the wished for direc
tion the girls have to remain at home
Sealed cards on which words of good
omen of good advice or wishes have
been written are passed around read
aloud and considered as indications of
the future New York Tribune
In Jnpnn It Is n Rellprloun Rite and
a Serious Mutter
To a devout Japanese breakfast on
New Years day is a religious rite rath
er than a vulgar satisfaction of the ap
petite No ordinary dishes are con
sumed at this meal The tea must be
made with Avater drawn from the AA ell
when the first ray of sun strikes it a
potpourri of materials specified by law
forms the staple dish while at the fin
ish a measure of special sake from a
red lacquer cup must be drained by
whosoever desires happiness during
thegCOining year
In the room is placed an elysian
stand or red lacquer tray covered
AAith evergreen leaves and bearing a
rice dumpling a lobster oranges per
simmons chestnuts dried sardines and
herring roc All these dishes have a
special signification The names of
some are homonymous with Avords of
happy omen the others have an alle
gorical meaning The lobsters curved
back and long chnvs typify life pro
longed till the frame is bent and the
beard is long the sardines Avhieh al
ways swim in pairs express conjugal
bliss the herring is symbolical of a
fruitful progeny
These dishes are not intended for
consumption although in most cases
the appetite Is fairly keen The ortho
dox Japanese not only sees the old
year out he rises at 4 to welcome the
ueAVComer and performs many ceremo
nies before he breaks his fast London
An Improved Diary
This explained the bookseller Is
our latest patent diary We think it is
the cleverest thing in that line ever de
The shopper turns the leaves idly
But I cant see Avhere it is different
from any other she observes
No Well if you aa M look at all
the dates after Jan 23 you will see
that in each space has been printed
Got up ate breakfast lunch and din
ner and AAcnt to bed That insures a
complete diary for the year Judge
New Years In France
New Years in France is a greater
day for exchanging gifts than Christ
mas The custom of Noav Years calls
once so popular in this country but
noAV fallen almost into disuse is still
supreme in Paris Great family din
ners in which the orange llgures most
prominently add to the gnyety of the
day So croAvded are the pavements
on the boulevards that pedestrians
sometimes have to take the middle of
the street
New Yenrs Day In Canada
With tho French Canadian Noav
Years day or le jour de lan as he
calls it is very much like Avhat Thanks
giAing day is to his Noav England
brother It is par excellence the feast
of the home essentially a domestic
A Sonjy For the New Year
A song for the new year Its hopes and its
And never a song that Is saddened by
A song that shall ring and shall sing to
the years
A song of a brighter tomorrow
A song for the new year forgetting tho
Whoso story In sunshine and shadow
was told
A song of the joys that loves dear arms
shall hold
A song of a brighter tomorrow
A Eong of a green Avorld and bluest of
A song of a sun that In splendor shall
Tho joys In lovos heart and the lights
In loves eyes
And tho world sees a brighter tomor
Atlanta Constitution
- i
id ay Message
We feel that we have a message of import
ance to every household in the fact that WE
HAVE WHAT YOU WANT in a well se
lected stock of desirable and appropriate
Gifts As to price we are sure we can please
you It will afford us pleasure to show you
our goods and you need not feel under obli
gations to purchase
A Few of the Goods We
ave in Stock
Dolls all sizes and prices Doll Buggies
Go Carts etc Toys in variety substantial
and durable Bibles large assortment Lin
en Books Gift Books Standard Books
Latest Novels and Booklets
A large line of Hand Painted Austrian and
Mikado China a large variety of Imported
and Domestic Vases Mantle Ornaments
Stationery Novelties in Abundance Parlor
Lamps Gold Plate Finish with improved
burners Albums Toilet Cases and Sets
Collar and Cuff Boxes Traveling Cases
Manicure Sets Glove and Handkerchief Sets
Shaving Sets Purses Peggy of Paris
Oxford and Skirt Bags Perfumes in fancy
boxes Atomizers Games Pictures etc
Yours for Business
Of Interest to Mothers
Thousands of little ones die every year
of croup Most of them could have been
saved by a few doses of Foleys Honey
and Tar and every family with children
should keep it in the house It contains
no opiates and is safe and sure Mrs
George II Picket San Francisco Cal
writes My baby had a dangerous at
tack of croup and we thought she would
choke to death but one dose of Foleys
Honey and Tar relieved her at once after
other remedies had failed We are never
a minute without it in the house Sold
by A McMillen
Holiday Rates
One fare plus 50 cents to all points on
the Burlington west of the Missouri
river Low rates to other points Tick
ets on sale Dec 24 25 2G 31 and Jan
uary 1 and 2 Final limit January 4
The Tribune AA ants a correspondent
at Red Willow Write us for particulars
Catherine Reynolds and tho Southeast Quar
ter Section Twenty three Township Three
North RaiiRO Twenty six West 5th P M de
fondants will take notice that on the 9th day of
December 1904 Otto Hopt plaintiff herein filed
his petition in tho district court of Red Willow
county Nebraska against said defendants the
object and prayer of which are to foreclose a
ortaiu tax deed executed on the 18th day of
March 1902 to the plaintiff in pursuance of a
t xsaleof said proierty made on the 23rd day
of FobruarylM9 to The Western Land Company
for tho sum of U7 for taxes for the jears
1MG and 1897 and under which sale there were
paid the taxes for the year 1S9S amountinK to the
sum of 15f2 the taxes for the year 1S99 amount
ing to tho sum of 1090 and the taxes for tho
year 1900 amounting to tho sum of 126r Also
to foreclose a certain tax sale certificate issued
by the county treasurer of said county on said
premises for the taxes for the year 1901 on No
vember 5th 1902 to this plaintiff for the sum of
1270 and under which there has been paid the
taxes for tho year 1902 amounting to tho sum of
995 that thoro is now due the plaintiff from
said defendants for taxes on said premises
underpaid tax deed and tax sales including sub
sequent taxes and tho sum of 100 paid for pub
lishing notice of tho expiration of the timo of
redemption tho sum of 14771 with interest
thereon from the 9th day of December 1904 at
the rate of ten percent per annumand attorneys
foes equal to ten per cent of tho amount
of the decree and costs of suit and plaintiff
prays for a decree that defendants be re
quired to pay tho same or that said premises
may be sold to satisfy tho amount found duo
with interest
You aro required tonnswer said petition on or
boforo Monday tho25rd day of January 1905
Dated this 9th day of December 190J
Otto HoiT Plaintiff
By Boyle it Kldred his attorneys
Stato of Nebraska Red Willow county ss
At a county court hold in the county court
room in and forsaid county December7thAD
1901 Present S L Green county judge
In the matter of tho estato of Amos Dresser
On reading nnd filing tho potition of William
Byfleld praying that administration of said
estate may Imj granted to him as administrator
Ordered that December 21th 1901 at nino
oclock n in is assigned for hearing said peti
tion when all persons interested in aid inattor
may appear at a county court to bo held in and
for said county and show cause why tho prayer
of petitioner should not bo granted and that
notice of tho pendency of said petition nnd tho
hearing thereof bo given to all persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in Tun McCook Tkuiunk a weekly
nowspapor printed in said county for throe suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of hearing
skal S L Gkeun County Judgo
12-9-its A truo copy
Boyle Eldred Attorneys
Bocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medicine for Busy People
Brings Golden Health and Eenewed Vigor
A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live
and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure
Blood Bad Breath Sluggish Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab -let
form 35 cents a box Genuine made by
Hollister Drug Company Madison Wis
Notice is hereby given that the County
of Red Willow county Nebraska
will receive sealed bids for tho furnishing of the
following supplies to said county during the
j ear 1905 to wit
1 treasurers cash book
Record to be full bound extra ends bands
and fronts and to bo made of Byron Weston
36 lb medium linen ledger paper
Legal blanks full sheet per hundred
Legal blanks Vi sheet per hundred
Legal blanks sheet per hundred
Legal blanks s heet per hundred
Speucerian Glucinum or Tadella iens per
Vanadium pens per gross
Perfection pencils or equal round rubber tips
per gross
A W Fa her pencils ier gross
24 assessors files
21 sets of poll books ier book
Si ballot bags for votes cast per dozen
23 sets envelopes for poll books per dozen
Election pencils per dozen
1 dozen Magic City letter files
1 great gross rubber bands No 11
1 gross rubber bands i inch
3 packages senate legal pads
7000 triplicate tax receipts
S5 name tabs
Parties receiving contract to furnish good and
siiflicient bonds for the faithful performance of
the same
All bids to bo filed with the county clerk on or
before the ilst day of December 1904
Dated this 29th day of November 1901
12-9-1 ta E J Wilcox County Clerk
In County Court within and for Red Willow
county Nebraska In tho matter of tho estate
of Angoline Johnson deceased
To tho creditors of said estate
You are hereby notified that I will sit at tho
county court room in McCook in said county
on tbo 13tli day of March 1905 at the hour of
one oclock p in to receive and examine all
claims against said estate with a view to their
adjustmentand allowance Tho time limited for
the presentation of claims against said estate is
six months from tho 10th day of September A D
1901 and tho time limited for payment of debts
is ono year from said 10th day of September
Witness my hand and the seal of said county
court this 10th day September 1904
Jskal s J Green
14ts County Judgo
r t
Bojloifc Eldred Attorneys
By virtue of an order of sale issued from tho
District Court of Red WillowCounty Nebraska
under a decree m an action whorein Clarence E
Pierce is plaintiff and Catharine C Egger ot al
are defendants to me directed and delivered I
shall offer at public sale and sell to tho highest
bidder for cash at tho east door of tho court
home in McCook Red Willow County Ne
braska ran the 9th day of January 1905 at tho
hour of 1 o clock p in the following described
real estate to wit The southeast quarter seV
of section twentw flve 25 township two 2
north of mnRO twenty six f M west of tho 0th
PtV Sn1 lllow Clty Nebraska
Dated tins 9th day of December 1901
wH A CCrautree Sheriff
J 1 Fults Attorney
Notice is hereby given that by virtuo of an
oxecutjon issued by the Clerk of tho District
Court in and for Red Willow County Nebraska
n favor of Martha E Harris and against Char
les t Harris and to mo directed I will at tho
hour or 2 o clock p m on tho 21th day or De
cember 1901 at tho east frontdoorof the county
court house- in McCook Red Willow County
Nebraska offer for salo at public vendue thd
following goods nnd chattels to wit Onechest
nut sorrel mare with star in forehead weight
about 1100 pounds and about years old Taken
on said execution as tho property of Charles F
1V1this 5th da of Decombcr 1901
A C CRAnTREn Shoriff
By R M Osburn Deputy
A 71