Uf i u -Am T Beautiful Pictures Pictures are one of the best gifts and we give you an opportunity to pick from an exceptionally fine assortment Our line of pastels is particularly strong prices ranging from SI 50 to 1800 Some very fine ones at 500 6 00 and S700 Etchings at S3 4 S850 each Colored Photographs from 50c to 10 50 Medallions from 25c to 350 Novelty and Den pictures from 25c up We know wo can please you in this line and our prices aro extremely low Books for Everybody The one piesent that comes nearest to being un iversally desired Books get to be better presents all the time because while the art of book making and illustrating becomes more perfect the cost grows less You can buy several choice books now for what ono used to cost and in our stock you can find books suitable for every age class and condition Besides the New Novels and the Standard Vorks we have a nice line of Gift Books bound in leather hand decorated dainty little gift books suitable for all ages and particularly desirable for sending long distances Juvenile Books in great variety Superb Toilet Goods Few lines afford a wider choice than this Handsome brushes of every description in all the newest mountings antique ivory French staghorn ebony foxwood etc and a good one at almost any price you want to pay A good serviceable all bristle hair brush 50c a fine one for 100 the best ones 200 8250 or 300 Military brushes 100 a set and up Comb and brush sots clothes brushes tooth brushes nail brushes and full toilet sets Doll Exposition We do not believe you have ever seen a larger number of dolls together than we are showing this year certainly you never have in this locality It will be folly to buy dolls elsewhere you cannot match either the assortment or the prices Out of town orders will ceive our special attention re iiimi 1 t1 - 23 Choice Candies You will want confectionery and it is fitting that you have something extra good We have Balduffs Chocolates and Bon Bons in packages of all sizes flanicure Sets Something to consider if you have a young lady to please Many kinds to pick from nMiit - a ball of lead in his back caused by the accidental discharge of a revolver and he naturally geis his nerves unstrung easily now Two years ago the writer at tended the county fair and was shocked at the slang used by the waiters in the boarding tent call ing each other tin horns etc and exclaiming Oh Ill be teetotally cow kicked Fred Wiggins re minded us of this last Saturday when he told us about dehorning cattle last week with Ed Red man and Fred got cow kicked and he rolled over and kicked Ed etc They got off with a few scratches a pair of sore shins and ribs They are sawing off horns again this week NORTH OF LEBANON Charles Hickman threshed cane seed at home last week and then pulled over and threshed Wm Troesters barley Charles Hickman has a new hand feed for his threshing machine This enables him to feed cane fodder through to more advantage than formerly Wm Troester started the fash ion by building two new board gates on hinges They worked so easy that his brother who was there from Ash Creek went right home and made some like them Business rneeting at the Lu theran church after preaching Sunday The people here desire to keep the pastor another year if possible Jacob Harschs little girl was sprinkled They named her Lydia Flora 5sXSsXsSXsX2 Stamp Photos Tho big kind 25c per dozen next Tuesday at the Lebanon Art Studio s J J J SSXSSSX I MSTnraiJnJiwwHai Latest Celluloid Novelties Extra large stock this year and prices lower than ever There are few gifts more generally popular than theso Our stock includes Manicure Sets Collar and Cuff Boxes Toilet Cases Work Boxes Shaving Sets Handkerchief Boxes Glove BoxesNecktie BoxesPhoto Boxes etc Dainty Japanese Goods The war in the East has created re newed interest in the dainty wares im ported from Japan and we have an un usually good stock of them Prices are very low for such beautiful goods Fancy flirrors Pocket hand stand sconce in stag metal and hard woods All the newer things Prices that will please you Superb Art Calendars This seasons output of lithographed and novelty calendars is simply magnifi cent Have a large variety at moderate prices 25 cents to 100 Staghorn Goods A large line of these goods and the prices aro cheaper than ever before Made into brushes mirrors and other useful articles Leather Goods includes Pocket Books Ladies Bags Card Cases Bill Books Music Rolls etc linimcili iimfinS j L Sargent is putting up a 200 barrel tank for Ben Smiley Wm Mackeys brother and father from Michigan are visiting him Mrs Billings has rented two of the rooms in her house to Henry Hellison Mrs Naden was called to Indi ana on account of the illness of her mother Thos Musgrave has a butcher shop on wheels supplying the denizens with beef Mr Laidig is going to have T L Sargent put him up a fine windmill for irrigating purposes Clifford Naden former assistant cashier of the Danbury bank is partner with his uncle in Denver in a machine shop Wallace Billings and wife left for Wabash Ohio Tuesday night where Mrs Billings was called on account of sickness Messrs Morgan and Nutt ship ped a load of hogs to Kansas City Sunday night Sam Messner 2 car loads Tuesday night and J L Sims 1 car load of hogs from Dan bury and 1 car load of hogs from Lebanon to St Joe houg How to strike a satisfactory average between our desire to give and our ability to pay is a problem that worries nearly everyone at Christmas time However we believe that our stock offers an easy solution of the problem In other words it affords the kind of gifts you want to give at the price you want to pay We give below a mere hint of the lines which comprise our holiday stock but each line rep resents scores of items all worthy of giving You cannot see all of these beautiful things at one visit so come as soon as possible and come as often as you can Beautiful Ebony Goods Will bo as popular as ever this year and deservedly so We have both plain and silver mounted The line includes Brushes Toilet Articlts Mirrors Mani cure Toilet and Traveling Sets and many odd pieces We have put attractive prices on them Old Austrian Court Boxes Made of the finest woods highly pol ished lined with silk and satin Makes a useful and lasting present Have them in toilet cases smokers manicures and many other ways Perfumes We have the late specialties We have fine goods in bulk and in bottles A package of perfume is often one of the most suitable gifts where some small token is required The size of the pack age does not matter so much so long as the quality is right Wo have perfumes in all sorts of fancy packages The new Pump Atomizers and Atomizer Sets Beautiful China Cant describe the beauties of our china stock No one need look farther who has a gift to buy for a lady In addition to our line of finely decorated imported china we have a large assort ment of Hand painted Ware Bibles and Testaments We have a large line of teachers ref erence and childrens Bibles large print with maps tables etc limp covers good papers from fifty cents to 600 Burnt Leather Goods Some nice things in Table Covers Mats Calendars Chatelaine Bags etc Some Other Suggestions Toilet Sets 50 cents to 1000 Manicure sets 75 cents to 800 Collar and cuff boxes 50 cents to 300 Handkerchief aud glove boxes 35 cents to 500 Photo boxes 25 cents to 2 00 Fountain pens 100 to 5 00 Smokers sets 25 cents to 300 Military brushes and sets 150 to 000 Traveling sets 85 cents to 600 Candle sticks 25 cents to 1000 Jewel boxes 25 cents to S500 Albums 50 cents to 4 00 Writing sets 60 cents to 250 Desk sets 25 cents to 250 Ink wells 25 cents to 200 Music rolls 100 to 2 00 Chafing dishes 425 to 750 Five oclock teas 250 to 600 Edison Phonographs and Records DANBURY Inlo Zonrnr ic ificifinnr ralnf htqp I in this place Miss Dow from the east is visit ing Joe Dolphs Born to Joseph Junker and wife a baby boy December 5 Mary Greenway visited at home on Saturday and Sunday Nellie Boyer is working for Howard Rubys in Lebanon Leonard Evers who is on the sick list is now convalescent The RN A lodge gave a sur prise on Mrs Bull at the home of Mrs W A DeMav Nov oth She received basket a fine silver cake Ed Clark the Lebanon grain buyer was at Danbury Tuesday and contracted for two car loads of corn He reports another case of scarlet fever in Lebanon G B Morgan sold 1 5 acres of land adjoining the town site on the east to Wm Mackey for 120000 The latter intends building a residence and barn Rev Mason reports the dedi cation of the Prairie chapel a grand success on last Sunday Although the day was unpleasant there were 300 present The officiating parties succeeded in raising 85100 which cleared the indebtedness Disastrous Wrecks Carelessness is responsible for many a railway wreck and the same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lung troubles But since tho advent of Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption coughs and colds even the worst cases can be cured and hope less resignation is no longer necessary Mrs Loie Cragg of Dorchester Mass is ono of many whose life was saved by Dr Kings New Discovery This great rem edy is guaranteed for all throat and lung diseases by L W McConnell Drug gist Price 50c and 100 Trial bottles free Pirating Foleys Honey And Tar Foley Co Chicago originated Hon ey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy I and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foleys Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for tho gen uitio Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar and refuso any substitute offered as no other preparation will give the same sat isfaction It is mildly laxative It con tains no opiates and is safest for chil dren and delicate persons For salo by A McMillen The Triuune and Inter Ocean 105 Ml fl 1 11llVtd V JJL Artistic Kelva Ware The newest artistic ware on tho market and one that has become immediately popular It is being shown this year for the first time in Now York and Chicago Tho women simply rave over it Wo have a nice lino of it but as people like to givo these new things the stock is apt to sell out early and we will not be able to got more until after the holidays Smokers Articles You make sure of cigars he will like by getting them of us In boxes of 12 25 50 and 100 at 50c 100 200 3X0 425 per box Smokers sets from 25c to 150 Pipo sets from S100 to S250 Cigar cases from 25c to 100 Pipo racks from 50c to 300 Cigar jars from 25c to 400 Tobacco jars from 25c to 250 Ash receivers fiom 10c to 100 And various other articles BricaBrac More variety in this lino this year than ever Ornamental and novel articles suitable for either lady or gentleman Vases A suitable present for a lady Our assortment is complete with a wide range of prices Have Plenty of Games Every game that goes into the home helps to make home more attractive for tho children and often for their elders Wo have attractive games between 5 cents and 1 Card games board games chess checkers crib bage board and many instructive and entertaining games Our line of childrens games is particularly fine ABC and spelling boards tho latter a most desir able gift for little folks Articles securely packed for outoftown shipment I L W ricConne Druggist McCook LEBANON Roy Lutz is in Iowa for a 1 5 days visit John Adams is working in the livery barn Redfeldt brothers are feeding a car of cattle Joe Cisar was in from Missouri Ridge Saturday Mrs A Guy is recovering from lier recent illness John Hoobler is building a large hay barn this week Mel McCartys have another boy they might call it No 4 Isaac Horton has finished crib bing his corn yield 2000 bushels Ira Rogers has gone to Red Willow to work for Everet Moore Roy Clark is in school again alter a months absence husking corn A Guy was a Beaver City busi ness caller between trains Nov 2 1 st Emmet Horton finished husk ing corn last week yield 3000 Jbushels F W Pelton will paint the liv ery barn and photograph gallery his week Hattie Sovern was up from Wilsonville Tuesday to get her photo struck Charles and Rosa spent Thanksgiving Day with their bro- utr ax xveu vvmow L E Wier drove to Indianola Sunday and brought home both of the school teachers Mrs Isaac Koons vjsited in Wil sonville last week She reports her brother able to attend school PBGarrett is building a stone basement He will finish the sec ond story after next years crop The barn will be 32 x 40 feet George Newland and family and John McClung and wife drove over to Indianola Thanksgiving day to eat turkey MrsDore goes to Louring La in a few days to spend the winter with a daughter there Walter McTaggart recently sold Percy McMann the southest quar ter of section 16 Tyrone precinct Mrs A C Bartholomew fell down stairs and hurt her knee November 28 and is unable to work yet but is fast recovering Sherman district school has been closed for a short time on account of scarlet fever and the teacher Mabel Nichols is at home in Oxford Ruby Bodwell are building a dam in the creek east of town to provide ice The larger boys are helping so as to provide a skating place Hiram Ralsten of Lowville N Y is here visiting his brother George After visiting here awhile he will return by the way of Indian Territory John Meyers will build an ad dition to John Castellos shop and work with him next summer blacksmithing and woodworking After next year Mr Meyers will move into Lebanon Marion Overstake and M C Stevens exchanged dwellings last week Stevens will go to the farm and Overstake will live in the Stevens town property until his own house is vacant George Cartwright has sold his town property to Marion Over stake for 800 Mr Cartwright is building an addition to his farm house and expects to move out about January 1st Pearl expects to jump clods next summer with his father Mrs j jtx rorter received me sad news of the death of her father George Jones at- his home in Iowa last Monday The re mains will be shipped here this week for burial We hope to furnish particulars and obituary next week Your correspondent was a neighbor to Mr Jones for over ten years and knew him o be an estimable man and a good neighbor At the turkey shoot last week Charles Burgess was the first to shoot he had a new shotgun and when he came up the second time to shoot the gun exploded in his hands blowing a hole through the gun barrel and the end off of the stock No harm done anybody Strange to relate he got the blue rock but was too nervous to win a turkey afterward Charlie has Seed Corn Special Train LWWakeley general passeneer aeenfc for the Burlington lines west of was in the city yesterday arranging the details for the seed corn special which is to put in the week of December 11 21 on the Burlington lines in the Nebraska corn belt Mr Wakeley said This train is arranged for by the Bur lington and the agricultural department of the university of Nebraska and is given to the agricultural interests of the state as a complimentary It is for the benefit of the farmers The train will make from sixty five to seventy five stops during the week and in no instance will t these stops exceed thirty minutes Tho irain will arrive at places scheduled on time It is desired toget as many farm ers in this train as possible during this 1 week During the thirty minute lectures the farmers will be seated in a largo audi ence car seating eighty people The presence of farmers is especially desired ana tnis special is proposed to assist the farmers in turn to assist the state The lecture part of the program will be in charge of Prof T L Lyon of the university He will have with him rep- resentatives from the scientific depart- ments of the Iowa Illinois and Missouri j universities The lectures will deal with subjects of great interest to farmers and they should be able to get much cood from them It will be a busy week for those in charge of tho train and thoo giving the lectures and by this sort of missionary work the state should be bene fited Lincoln Journal Sent to Insane Asylum J C L Wiseley has been sent to the insane asylum for treatment Mr Wise ley is a well known socialist and has been prominent in tho work of that partv for several years His mania developed in an attempt to prove socialistic problems oy tne uioie Uf late he has been de voting most of his time to reading the Bibloand talkingaboutthissubject His mental trouble has been noticed for some time Lincoln Journal Dec 3 Mr Wiseley will be remembered as hav ing recently published a newspaper in Culbertson His peculiarities were patent to all who knew him Johx Schlegel has bought the old Boatman homestead over on tho Drift wood and will move onto the sarao in tho spring j To Cur a CoM is is Bay s Tj I Take Laxative BrmO Qsiimme TaMefe J VJ on every I 1 Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months ThS Signature HPaff bOX 25c9 1 c 2v b i rf V c It 1 --