rv J F 3QaaKn5XXvis Beware of Counterfeits DeWitts is tho only genuine Witch Hazel Salvo writes J L Tucker of Centre Ala I have used it in my family for piles cuts and burns for years and can recommend it to be tho best salvo on tho market Every family should keep it as it is an invaluable household remedy and should always bo kept on hand for immediate use Mrs Samuel Gage of North Bush N Y says I had a fever sore on my ankle for twelve years that tho doctors could not cure All salves and blood remedies proved worthless I could not walk for over two years Finally I was persuaded to try DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve which has completely cured me It is a wonderful relief DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve cures without leaving a scar Sold by L W McConnell Low Rates East To certain points east of Chicago the Burlington is offering greatly reduced rates Ask the agent Prices 60c and 1 00 American Jr With Double Plate Holder Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met Send for illustrated catalogue telling all about our 27 styles and sizes Free Wm if ttH To Advertised Letters Tho following letters were advertised by tho McCook postofliee Dec 3 1904 DoiniiiKor W N Simpson Mrs Emmu Karp William Smith Mrs Emma Kimblo John SlmrtlufT Earnest Malono J M Trtiol William OConnoll Will Taylor Tliomns When calling for these letters please eay they were advertised F M Kimmkll Postmaster For Sale or Trade For McCook property or land near McCook 480 acres of land 2f miles from railroad station in south part of Lincoln county Nebraska Good frame house Large barn and sheds and other buildings One section fenced and lots of range Fine lay out for cattle Ill health cause for selling Would also dispose of 85 head of cattlo 100 tons of hay etc or might leave somo on place on shares to responsible party Price 1 25000 one half down balance well se cured Write R J Harper Beaver City Neb mmgmm Statistics ppove that the chances of youp dying of Throat or Lung Troubles are 9 to 1 Waste no time but cure your Disease with FOR CONSUMPTION GQUSHS MO 00L0S the only strictly scientific Lung Specific in existence Positively guaranteed to help or money refunded Saved tlie Preacher Rev 0 D Hoore of Harpersville N Y writes I had a fearful cough for months which nothing would relieve until I took Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption It cured my cough and saved my life Trial Bottles Free RECOMMENDED GUARANTEED AND SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS I Fhotograpli 3 at Hatf its F ffi HI Hti iff i -- R WlW IP a r ii it u k ormer Cost amoiss Foco9 S 7 tVS PfG ftaii Ji Ii j L9 ana kaiJL51vllB8LJLA CameraSo Genuinely good in every detail Film or Plates as you choose Absolutely new models 4 MS SS mMmkJMP 10 AMERICAN CAMERA MFG CO 946 St Paul St Rochester N Y Pi mii jMsvumxmrsirv If You Are Interested in Cameras or- Kodaks SEE CONE BROS Druggists -- CHURCH DECORATIONS Wow the XJext IDfTcctn Can Be Secured With ChriNtmnM GrcciiH Putins uud other potted plants are usually used in the Christmas decora tion of the church but u much liner effect can be secured by grouping these lit points away from the altar and dec orating that with vines or evergreens says a writer in the St Louis Globe Democrat If holly is procurable it can be massed about the altar and ar ranged along the chancel rail in a carelessly artistic way and be made much more effective than any potted plants as the latter always have a more or less formal air about them in spite of all efforts to avoid it If you have tall palms place them in the background If both holly and evergreens and flowering plants are used do not com bine them hot keep the flowers to one side The two do not harmonize One kills the other to make use of the term which artists use to express In harmonious combinations of colors In this case it is not so much a clash of color as it is of individuality Holly berries and leaves require nothing in the shape of flowers to bring out their beauty but show to the best advan tage by themselves or when used with evergreens In wreathing the chan cel rails fasten the sprays to a rope or cord with fine wire or string and do not attempt any regularity in size or shape of festoons when you come to put the wreathing in place Aim to produce an unstudied effect A charming effect is produced by sprinkling the leaves of holly or ever green with mucilage and sifting pow dered mica over This will glisten in the eveninglike frost If the supply of holly berries is limited crystallized grasses can be worked in effectively There are varieties of shrubs grow ing in swampy places which bear scar let fruit for the holly If holly leaves are not procurable go to the florist or some person having a private green house or conservatory and borrow an old plant of English ivy Throw the vines over the altar letting the ends of the branches trail on the floor at sides and front Among the dark green foliage which should be washed before using to bring out its glossy beauty fasten the ber ries gathered in the swamp and use grasses among them if you choose Some of the berries can be dipped In mucilage and dusted with mica and combined with the scarlet clusters The frosty white and glowing scarlet har monize well and contrast strongly and heighten the effect of each other The delicate mosses that are found in pine forests can be made effective In church decorations provided they are properly prepared Wound on cord or wire in such a way that the lengths are not too thick and heavy there is nothing more suitable for festoon ef fects How to Arranse the Christinas Menu It is possible to preserve all or most of the Christmas traditions without serving a prostrating menu Avoid having too many things to eat with the turkey or the roast pig Certain vege tables belong to each but there is no use In having them all Have only one heavy dessert plum pudding or mince pie with the ice cream Have a light salad course and a light soup leaving room for the substantials with out danger of indigestion How to Give a Novel Dance Some merry girls gave an entertain ment last Christmas which was unique The invitations were for a Christmas dance and all were asked to come in costumes representing fruits and veg etables The rooms were decorated as for a barn dance the mantels and cor ners banked with celery cranberries holly and bunches of yellow maize made from crape paper When the guests arrived the rooms looked like an animated kitchen garden says the Ladies Home Journal One girl was lovely in pale green cheesecloth abun dantly trimmed with celery leaves An other was a veritable Ceres in corn col or and masses of wheat and poppies The men wore enormous boutonnieres of celery tops carrots and parsley Their grotesque appearance seemed to inspire a certain humorous contagion to their spirits and the affair was uni versally conceded to have been a great success How to Mnlce Plnra Pudding Sauce A sauce without brandy is made as follows One tablespoonful of corn starch one tablespoonful of butter one pint of boiling water one egg one half cup of sugar Put cornstarch egg and sugar in a bowl and mix them well Pour over them the boiling water and stir over the fire until thick Add any flavoring Hoiv to Play Snnpdrnpron Snapdragon is a Christmas game handed down from time immemorial A broad shallow bowl has a quantity of raisins in the bottom and over these alcohol or brandy is poured and ignit ed The dish is then passed every body in turn trying to take a raisin from the flames It requires rapidity of movement and a certain amount of courage to perform tins feat the entire company meanwhile singing the an cient song Here he comes with flowing bowl Dont he mean to take his toll Snip Snap Dragon TaRe caio you do not take too much Be you greedy In your clutch Snip Snap Dragon How to Malic Mutton Tnllow For family use buy the fat nearest the kidneys cut it up in inch squares put it in the oven In a spider or baking tin and let It cook till the clear fat separates from the scraps Then strain It off into a dish to cool Beef tallow is made the same way and is a sure remedy for ingrowing nails Are You JH e SK23aPSHKaEi ter Ocean only 3103 Dont delay about subscribing 4 Hn ill ffifll tefcayi By It The iiiaoiaff Lottery Ah if only I -were beatitiftxl how Happy Zife would be Man- a forlorn maid has said this as sh looked into the mirror It is the one pos session in the lottery of human life -which woman would not refuse BRADFIELD5 Female etziator for young girls on the threshold of woman hood is invaluable When they become pale and languid the eyes dull aching head feet and hands cold appetite gone or abnormal obstructed periods and pain ful menses and their systems generally run down they need a tonic building up and their blood cleansed Bradfields Female Regulator forwomen is particularly valuable and useful owing to its tonic properties and as a regulator of the menstrual flows Painful obstruct ed and suppressed menstruation is perma nently relieved and all diseases peculiar to her genital organs are cured by it Regulator clears the complexion bright ens the eye sharpens the appetite re moves muddy and blotched conditions of the skin and cures sick headache at once Of druggists at roo per bottle Peifect Health for Women can be had free by sending us your address THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA GA uawie Looking And wondering what to get your friends for Holiday Presents Dont forget that the old adage A thing of beauty is a joy forever applies more to furniture than anything you can take into your home Let us show you through our stock Remember we have things in our store that are not high priced which make most acceptable presents Mere are a Few of the Novelties Not Expensive n lis fjEgggfftf F I Plate Racks Tabourettes Music Racks Medicine Cabinets Screens Jardinieres Lamps Center Tables Rugs Etc Other Good Pieces are riusic Cabinets Ladies Writing Desks Pedestals Rockers Sideboards Buffets Dressing Tables Etc K INDIAN0LA Three weeks until Christmas A light snow fell here Satur day the 3rd Mrs E Thompson has been on the sick list Annie Smith returned to her school north of town after a weeks absence Lewis Corbin was quite sick the fore part of the week but is able to be about again Mr and Mrs John Harrison returned from their wedding trip Thursday of last week Martin Anderson has moved his house one block north and will build a 14x34 addition to it Miss Nettie McCool was indis posed for a few days this week but is better now and able to re sume her work in the store The McCools are entertaining friends from Des Moines Iowa They are Mr and Mrs G Wal ton and they used to live here B Lehns new brick house that he is building in the west part of town is nearing completion and will be quite cosy when finished W H Smith Son have the interior of their store newly paper ed and it presents a very nice ap pearance R S Smith and Ernest Crabtree did the work Mrs Miller and her three child ren returned from their visit to Ft Morgan last week She re ports her mother who was bitten by a rattlesnake as much better Mrs William M Nutt of Danbury came over to Indianola and took the earl- train Tuesday morning for Crete where she goes to visit a daughter She expects to stay over the holidays Alice Thomas celebrated her fourteenth birthday Tuesday evening with a surprise party planned by her young friends She was the recipient of quite a number of pretty gifts To Cure a Cold in One Day Take laxative isromo quinine tablets All druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on each box 21c We want you to go through our store before you buy your presents whether you buy M Complete House Furnishers Doctors Could Not Help Her I had kidney trouble for years writes Mrs Raymond Conner of Sbelton Wash and the doctors could not help me I tried Foleys Kidney Cure and the very first dose gave me relief and I am cured I cannot say too much for Foleys Kidney Cure It makes the diseased kidneys sound so they will elim inate the poisons from the blood Un less they do this good health is impossi ble Sold by A McMillen Omaha Daily news i50 to Jan 1 1906 The publisher of the Omaha Daily News will send their daily from now until January 1 1906 for 150 to all who subscribe during October If you want the Sunday paper also add fifty cents to your remittance Those who are subscribers can renew under the same conditions Th Tribune and weekly Chicago In or not Son BTJgTS3RgEE5a I ft H MRS L F GRIGG AGENT FOR ChasAStevens Bros Ready made Garments and Furnishing Goods Threo floors east of DeGroffs store L H LINDEMANN Ucal Estate and Insurance Office over McMillans drug store II P SUTTON McCOOK McCOOK NEBRASKA JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office BIdg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Office Residence r24 Main Avoune Ollico and Residence phono 53 Calls answered night or McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTBACTE2 McCook Nebraska 33AKiiit of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Ollice in Po toHice building C II Hoti5 C E Eldued Co Attjr BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at Law Lontj Ditancf Phone 44 Room 1 and 7 oud floor iWCLOOn lie0 Hiildiwr CHICHESTERS ENGLISH a fcalsra a Kail a IftEa w iUb Tv S6e it t s Safe Always reliable Indios ask PruKKJst for CIIIiIIrlSTKirS KXilINi m lt l and oIl metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon Take no oIIht Kpfiifcc UnnserouM sulxll tulioiiHnnil imitation ISn ofvonrUrucBiit or send in Mamps for Iarirtilar Tentl uiniiialH anl Itpll r tor IaIU s in Utter by return tlail 10000 Testimonials Sold br all Druggists CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO i 2100 33adUon Square IMIILA PA ilonUoa thU o0r