The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 09, 1904, Image 2
i n i Vi V A The Estate S 6 ESWiaBWiWWPWPIHWBgWB THE SALE POSITIVELY OPENS County and Neighborhood News ITEMS FROM STRINGTOWN Willie Wall finished fencing their place Tuesday Willie Schlutsmeier will finish picking corn this week Fowler Wilcox was seen in this vicinity Tuesday hunting up cattle Ida and Mary Downs are help Mrs August Bahr clean house this week Henry Ebert left Tuesday evening on No 6 for Watertown Wisconsin RevPredoehl from Schoolcreek preached at Bondville church last Sunday afternoon Items of Interest Sent in by THE TRIBUNES Bright Pencil Pushers Otto Tilgner has finished pick ing his corn and has gone down to Arapahoe to pick corn Ed Fowler Max Long and Joe Mokko of McCook took din ner at Nelson Downs Sunday There has been a canvasser on the streets of Stringtown taking orders for some big firm in the east The dance at Gottlieb Ungers was not a great success on ac count of the snow storm Satur day night Mrs Shamel had a quilting last Thursday and quite a num ber were present All report a good time and plenty to eat WORLDS GREATEST SALE WILL BEGIN AT FRANK MORGAN McCOOK NEBRASKA On account of making final settlement for the estate of FRANK MORGAN McCook Nebraska the entire stock has been placed in the hands of the Chicago Salvage Co to be sold by them beginning Wednesday Nov 30 at 9 a m for ten days only Everybody should avail themselves of this op portunity A fine stock of tailor made Clothing Hats etc to be sold for less than the actual cost of the raw material If you value money dont miss it as we wish to reduco this gigantic stock in ten days so the administrator can make his final settlement of the estate The Chicago Salvage Co is the largest institution of its kind in the world operating 48 separate stores and large warehouses and auction sales rooms in Chicago Below we quote a few prices to show what ex traordinary bargains will be offered and this great sale begins Wednesday Nov 30 at 9 -a m at McCook Nebraska The opening will be a gala day Bring the children there will be music all day It will pay you to come 100 miles to visit this sale Wednesday Nov 30 at 9 a m at McCook Nebraska when this great administrators sale begins at Frank Morgans stand McCook Nebraska and positively closes in ten days The entire stock consists of over 20000 worth of fine Cloth ing Furnishing Goods etc This tremendous sale positively begins Wednesday Nov 30 at 9 a m and closes in ten days Wednesday Nov 30 at 9 a m AT McCOOK NEBRASKA EVERYTHING SOLD AS ADVERTISED Owing to the fact that the Estate of FRANK MORGAN at McCook Neb must he settled by December 20th the entire stock will be sold The public can rest assured of the same courteous treatment and be supplied with the Highest Grade Merchandise that the worlds most skillful wholesale tailors can produce The Chicago Salvage Co has been engaged to sell the entire stock I MA RK THE DATE AND MARK IT WELL WEDNESPfl V NOV 30 AT I 9 AT 9 A M LOOK FOR TH NOTICE LOOK FOR THE NAME OVER THE DOOR There was quite a heavy snow storm in Stringtown Friday and Saturday of last week but all signs of it now have disappeared A Seventh day Advent school has been started at the residence of Mr Newman and a teacher has been obtained from College view Fred Ebert the youngest son of Charles Ebert had quite an ac cident Sunday While out rabbit hunting he shot himself in his great toe He was taken immedi ately to McCook to receive med ical attention A Guaranteed Cure for Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if pazo oinment fails to euro any case no matter of how long standing in 0 to 14 days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 00c in stamps and it will be for warded post paid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo AS THIS SALE will last only ten days everything will go rapidly This is the first sale of its kind that has occurred in this state and it may never occur again and in order to prove to you what tremendous sacrifices must be made we mention a few of the extraordinary bargains that will be offered And bear in mind there are 10000 different articles we cannot mention here We advise you to come in and bring this with you so that there is no mistake that you get exactly the goods mentioned in this document Remember no postpone ment this great sale will close in ten days Just think of the following proposition and remember that all goods herein priced can be brought back at any time during the sale Prices reach the lowest limit in this great sale SENSATIONAL BARGAINS IN MENS BOYS and CHILDRENS A FINE SUIT OF MENS CLOTHES all to match 298 This suit is positively worth -1250 or your money refunded at any time during the sale MENS fine Dress Suits and fine all wool material in neat checks and plain material sold for 1350 Our price 398 MENS elegant business and dress suits cut in the very latest style hand padded shoulder and collar lined with 3 X serge double warped sold and actually worth 1850 Our Price 698 MENS fine suits in cheviots and Scotch Plaids 498 Wortli 1500 or your money refunded at any time during this sale if you are not satisfied MENS splendid suits in veiour finished cassimere all sizes 585 This is positively worth 1800 or your money back Silk and satin lined dress suits in plain checks and stripes 748 This suit is positively worth 2200 MENS extra fine dress suits in all the latest styles and shapes heavy silk and satin lined equal to the finest 4900 suit for 1248 Dont fail to ask to see this suit MENS fine dress pants 98c Wortli 350 or your money refunded MENS fine trousers for Sunday wear in worsteds and fancy stripes 239 Positively worth 5 G and 7 or money refunded About 250 Overcoats some satin lined and others silk 689 Positively worth 2200 to 2500 or money refunded at any time during the sale Mens finest Summer and Winter Underwear at less than cost of production Boys suits and overcoats worth 450 at Q3c 1000 pairs of boys knee prnts worth 100 at 12c 100 dozen Mens Negligee Shirts of the latest 1004 pattern worth 100 Price 29c 75 dozen Mens Shirts stiff bosom white and fancy patterns worth 75c Price igc CULBERTSON Charles Knowles was a McCook pilgrim Tuesday W H Smith and wife were in McCook Saturday Mrs C W Bronson of McCook visited friends in town Wednes day Hal Davenport left for his home in Los Angeles Calif Tuesday after an extended visit with rela tives here The bazaar given by the ladies of the Presbyterian church Sat urday was a thorough success They cleared 12800 Frank Gesselman departed with a load of hogs for Denver Mon day night and expects to be back in the course of a week H Cordes representing Theo dore Hapke one of the leading builders of beet sugar factories in SWWIS Aim BOYS IIOOSERS twe t SSSSSSSS2S2SSS35KSS3SSSSS And carry away the many bargains we still have on hand Remember the goods are ours and we need the money in order to close up the estate We still have about 500 BOYS SUITS that we will close Saturday at a SPECIAL SAL PRICE We also have a nice line of Smoking Jackets and Bath Robes that would make nice Xmas Presents Negligee Shirts worth 200 250 and 300 Price 49c Mens fleece lined Underwear worth 100 Price 29c Mens fine Lisle Hose worth 35c Price 3c Mens Handkerchiefs hemstitched fancy border worth 35c Price 3C Mens silk embroidered Suspenders worth 75c Price 6c Mens high grade linen Collars worth 25c Price Gc Mens all wool long comb Austrian fiber Sweaters in plain and fancy worth from 175 to 300 Price 49c 100 dozen Ties worth 00c Price gc Childrens Knee Pants worth 75c Price gc Best Work Shirts on Earth worth 75c Price 29c c M 1 k mmimm of bargains m MENS BOYS AND CHILDRENS OVERCOATS You can save at least two thirds the price you would have to pay the regular dealer SPLENDID OVERCOATS a IN MEDIUM HEAVY OR fin LIGHT WEIGHT The overcoat is of the finest material and positively worth 1000 We will allow you to take this coat home and keep it five days and if you do not think it worth 10 or no matter what the cause may be you may return the same and we hereby bind ourselves to refund the 298 Mens nice good durable Overcoats in black and brown for Sunday wear 585 positively worth 1500 Mens fine Overcoats in silk and satin linings olives tan and dark blue shades 093 worth 1S00 or your money refunded no matter what the cause may be Mens fini Royal Standard Kersey Overcoats in black blue and brown vorth 2000 our prige 708 The finest quality of custom tailor made Over coats and Imported Royal Standard Kerseys all shades and lined with plush silk or astrakhan 1201 positively worth 4000 or your money refunded at any time during this sale Mens good durable Pants good for Sunday wear positively and actually worth 300 Our price Q8c Mens Dress Pants in Plain and Stripes Pure Worsteds worth up to 7 Our price 237 noiw TSIE MM IS SET THE 0ATE YOB KNOW j Let Nothing Keep You Away AND CLOSES IN 10 PAYS E LARGE SSGDJ RAILROAD FARE PAID TO PURCHASERS OF S25 OR OVER the U S was m town Tuesday looking over this territory with a view to building a factory A meeting of farmers and business men was held to confer with Mr Cordes and much interest was manifested In the afternoon Mr Cordes was shown over the beet fields and irrigated territory about Culbertson and the gentleman ex pressed himself as highly pleased with the advantages Culbertson has to offer BOX ELDER Uncle Foye is on the sick list W Y Johnson has traded his mules for a span of fine mares George Younger is working on a barn for George Loomis this week Mrs Martha Johnson has been suffering with rheumatism and the past week been unable to use her right hand Su Charley and -Frank have finished shuckin IfT t noine ana nave gone Wilson corn at up into Frontier county to find work- Miss Azuba McDonald finished three months of school last Fri day and on account of her health she has decided not to contract for tne remainder of the year and Mrs S D Bolles charge of the school is now in A Pleasant Pill No pill as pleasant and positive as De Witts Little Early Risers De Witts Little Early Risers are so mild and effec tive that children delicate ladies and weak people enjoy their cleansing effect while strong people say they are the best liver pill sold Sold by L W McCon nell Removes the microbes which impover ish the blood and circulation Stops all trouble that interferes with nutrition Thats what Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will do 35 cents Tea or tablet form For sale by L V McConnell I A 1 - 4 1 V if 1 y Lt