The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 09, 1904, Image 1

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A Janesville Wisconsin Beet Sugar Company Seeks
a Location Here
And is Very Favorably Impressed With Our Soil Climate Location
and Conditions Generally
Henry Cordes representing Theodore Hapke of Janesville
Wisconsin spent Monday and Tuesday of this week in McCook and
vicinity looking over the ground and the attractions of this city for
the location of a beet sugar factory Mr Cordes investigated the
situation here quite carefully driving over the country in this vicinity
and consulting with farmers and business men concerning the propo
sition The capitalists Mr Cordes represents propose to build a
factory of 6oo tons per day capacity This would handle the pro
duct of 5000 acres of land The company requires the donation of
a site for the factory for its warehouses yards trackage etc perhaps
forty acres and a guarantee of the planting of 5000 acres to sugar
beets annually for a period of five years Mr Cordes holds out
quite fair inducements to the farmers in the line of price treatment
conditions payments etc and created a favorable impression upon
those who met and conversed with him on the subject
After covering some territory west of here on business connected
with the beet sugar industry Mr Cordes will return to Wisconsin
and report to his employers and a favorable report may be reason
ably expected and McCook may expect to have a beet sugar factory
located here iivtime to handle next years crop if she can meet the
conditions above stated a free location and 5000 acres of beets
for five years
McCook now seems tobe reasonably certain of having a definite
proposition to consider Let our businessmen and beet farmers grasp
the situation energetically and intelligently
Killed a Section Man
Second section of No3 Saturday morn
ing killed a section hand at Barr Colo
rado The section foreman sent his men
out on the hand car after first section of
No 3 passed evidently not noticing
ihat another section was following En
gineer Schencic had brought the speed
of the train down to about 25 miles an
hour on account of the dense fog pre
vailing or the number of deaths would
have been greater As it was the en
gine struck the hand car hurling it onto
one of the men killing him The in
quest was held at Brighton Colorado
Monday Conductor Mose Carmoney go
ing up to attend the same
Is Getting on Nicely Now
Justin A Wilcox who was painfully
injured by falling down the rear stairway
in the Spearman building lastMonday
night is now improving and in much
less pain He mistook the stairway for
that leading upstairs into the AOUW
hall over McConnells drugstore and
in the darkness fell down the entire way
cutting his scalp and injuring his hand
badly He has been in great pain until
Thursday evening but is now coming on
nicely and will doubtless be about in a
few days He had a close call for a
serious injury
Death of Aged Larry Roach
After an illness of a few weeks Law
rence Roach passed away at his home in
the rear of the city hall Sunday morning
about eight oclock Deceased was
about 70 years of age his exact age being
unknown to him or his aged wife who
survives him Rev J J Loughran con
ducted a high requiem mass in the
Catholic church Tuesday morning at
ten oclock at the conclusion of which
the remains of the deceased were interred
in Calvary cemetery of St Patricks
An Auditorium For a Site
The Tribune is informed that there
are two citizens in McCook who will
put 10000 into an auditorium or opera
house if the people of McCook will
donate them a site with 75 feet frontage
on Main avenue This seems to be too
good news for credence but we have it
on very good authority and will give the
names in due time Now let the people
of this city see that they have the site
An opera house to jcost 810000 is abso
lutely assured
The Ladies Aid of the Baptist church
will serve a regular supper and oysters
on New Years eve in the Maccabee hall
Found Thanksgiving Day a scarf
in the city park Finder can have same
by identifying and paying for this notice
The right bright dressy fuTs are
found at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
from 8100 to 81000
A beautiful line of Christmas handker
chiefs now showing at The Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
For the latest books and attractive
book bargains go to Cone Bros -
Best apron check ginghams 5c yd at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Choicest perfumes and toilet articles
at Cono Bros
Everything in drugs McConnell
A Rather Frosty Affair
The special concert in the Baptist
church Saturday night was a rather
frosty affair for all parties concerned
In the first place the young men com
posing the Euphonium Male Quartette
are hardly up to snuff musically speak
ing They fell far short of expectations
Hence the concert was not a success
artistically considered The weather
was not propitious and other matters
interfered with the attendance Hence
the financial aspect of the concert was
not such as to remind those promoting
the same of Cassie Chadwicks exploits
in the east
Engineer Jack Henderson Injured
San Bernardino Cal Dec 7 On the
Salt Lake railroad in the desert 100
miles north of Dagget a train of water
tank cars broke loose at the top of a
heavy grade rushed down the hill at a
tremendous speed for about ten miles
and crashed into a construction train
Brakeman John Bryant of the water train
was killed and Jack Henderson and Fire
man Miller of the construction train
were painfully injured Several others
were hurt
The New Time Card
Attention of readers of The Tribune is
called to the new time card which ap
pears elsewhere in this issue Note the
fact that No 13 and 14 do the local work
west of McCook in place of No 12 which
now stops at McCook Nos 13 and 14
now make regular stops at Culbertson
Trenton Stratton Max Benkelman
Haigler Laird Wray No 14 makes reg
ular stops at Eckley Yuma and Otis
but No 13 does not
For Sale Cheap
OnejRacycle Bicycle with adjustable
handle bar 26 inch frame G it J clinch
er tires front tire slightly worn rear
tire new gear 76 A snap for some one
Just like new A regular 85000 whpel
81600 takes it Reason for selling go
ing out with Aringtons Comedians
Tony A Steltzer
Box 134 McCook Nebraska
Suitable Gifts
And gifts that suit Just the same
at Suttons jewelry and music store
For instance no more appropriate or
acceptable gift holidays than a piece
of fine china Sutton has a particularly
handsome and large line now
Small Base Burner For Sale
Cheap forcash Dr Pratt Dentist
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Some very attractive bargains in pic
tures are found at Cone Bros
Cone Bros aro still running
special sale of leather goods
The very newest in belts bags ties and
collars at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Tourist coats and jackets for ladies
and misses 400 to S1750 at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
The electric light company is taking
up the steam pipes on Main avenue
above where they are furnishing heating
A number of our Russian friends who
recently returned from the Colorado
sugar beet fields aro investing in city
real estate over on McDowell street
of last week
first visit to
Nebraska and he was more than well
pleased with this part of tho west He
went from here to Brush Colorado to
see his brother Tiff before returning east
Miss Carrie Budlong of our public
schools while a guest of Mr and Mrs
G J Thomas Thanksgiving vacation
in Harvard was the object of a surprise
by the members of the Harvard chapter
of the P E O at the Thomas home
It was an eventful gathering accentuat
ed by all the bright particulars which
make tho chapter famous Miss Bud-
long brought home with her a beautiful
spoon the gift of tho Harvard chapter
Christmas Offerings
The most appropriate articles for
Christmas presents seem to bo
books pictures perfumes and nov
elties If the splendid trade Cone
Bros aro having in these lines is
anything of an indication they are
showing the best of everything in
such goods and cordially invito you
to call and examine them before
making Christmas purchases The
prices they aro making on all Holi
day Goods are particularly attract
Verlie Berry is home on a visit
Mrs F E Brigner was up from Ox
ford Sunday
E P Day of Lebanon was a city visi
tor Monday on business
Mrs A C Ebert arrived home Sun
day from Clarinda Iowa
Mrs George Martin spent Sunday
with her parents in Hastings
Mrs George II Thomas entertained
tho Awl Os Tuesday night
Samuel Graham was over from the
Beaver slope Tuesday on business
Mrs E M Snyder made a short visit
in Indianola fore part of this week
Miss Mary Mugan went up to Den
ver first of the week on a short visit
Mrs C W Tyler and daughter vis
ited in Denver fore part of this week
u Ls uuckworth 01 indianola was a
business pilgrim to the county capital
Tuesday afternoon
Deputy State Supt McBrien state
supt elect was in tho city Tuesday
night on business of that department
T J Lamb left Saturday night for
tho east in response to a telegram an
nouncing the serious illness of one of his
Mrs S E Gerver who has been ill
for some time at the home of her daugh
ter Mrs Ed Jeffers of East McCook is
Miss Minnie Belle Widows and Mr
Grant Eugene Laflin were married Sat
urday evening at the brides home 612
South Sixteenth street Lincoln Star
Miss Amanda Nelson left Sunday
for McCook Neb where she will teach
a church school the remainder of the
winter Collegeview cor Lincoln Star
Mrs Margaret Oyster and daughter
Marguerite departed Wednesday night
for Sacramento California on a visit of a
month or two to her daughter Mrs
Rufus Carlton
Mrs Margaret West and Mrs Flora
Snee teachers in the Hayes Center pub
lic schools afe in the city part of the
weekon a visit Mrs West was a teacher
in the city schools last year
Mr Veech of the Chicago Salvage
Co who has been conducting the Mor
gan administrators sale was called to his
home in Chicago Saturday night by a
telegram announcing that his mother
was dying
Miss Mattie Broyles happily enter
tained a company of young friends Tues
day evening at the home of Mrs WH
A rmstrong Flinch and cards were items
of entertainment with refreshments as
an enjoyable feature
George H Thummel clerk of the
United States circuit coart was out
from Omaha Wednesday acting as
special master in chancery in the special
masters sale of lots 7 8 9 block 15
McCook the Commercial House prop
erty advertised for that date
Mr and Mrs Clarence Nettleton
of Colorado Springs Colorado spent a
few days in the city close of this week
visiting relatives and friends in the old
home They were homeward bound
from a trip to the worlds fair and resum
ed their journey on Tuesday
C F Babcock enjoyed a visit from
J M Hammond is reported quite ill
Mrs Elza Ward is visiting relatives
and friends in Iloldrege
J R McCarl went to Kansas last
night on a tender mission
WORussell has sold his farm out in
Perry precinct to Ed Osbaugh
Mrs N Collings who has been sick
for the past year is improving rapidly
Mrs L M Copeland of Mindon is a
guest of her daughter MrsJGSchobel
Mrs G H Mershon of Wilcox is a
guest of her daughter Mrs Floyd Berry
Mrs Max Anton returned Tuesday
from a few days visit with friends in
W E Crowell was down from Cul
bertson Wednesday afternoon on busi
ness bent
Mr and
j parents of a
Mrs Gilbebt Cooper are
fine baby boy born last
Thomas Bardsley of Wauneta was a
guest of Il n Berry Wednesday night
on his way to Illinois on a visit
Miss K V OConnell who has been
visiting Mrs J V OConnell has re
turned to her home in Philadelphia
F N Merwin Congressman Norris
private secretary departed on 2 Thurs
day morning from this place for Wash
Miss Rache Berry is in Minneapolis
nursing her brother Charles Berry who
is ill in that city with an attack of ty
phoid fever
Dr W W Yard has been added to
the list of inspectors operating in this
part of Nebraska in connection with tho
animal industry department of the U
S Tho other inspectors are Dr W F
Jones and Dr C A Johnston They
work both in Western Nebraska and
pastern Colorado making McCook their
Did Not Like His Accommodations
Ed Lathrop the young man being held
in the county jail for burglarizing the
store of Grimes Crawmer in Bartley
recently became dissatisfied with his
quarters and its accommodations las
week Thursday and on the evening of
that self same day walked boldly forth
into the liberty and freedom of the wide
wide world and up to this day and date
his whereabouts is a matter of merest
conjecture There seems to be but one
certain thing about Red Willow countys
jail it wont hold a fool even longer
than he wants to remain Its a certain
uncertainty or an uncertain certainty
just as it strikes you In addition to
that its a ripsnorting cod
Very pretty dressing sacques at
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Co so a state daily gives it out is a line
from Omaha to McCook along the line
of the Q
Tho Bank of Bartley has doubled its
capital stock increasing the same from
85000 to 10000 The stockholders are
Dr J E Hathorn E E Smith and
W V Viekrey
Regular services were resumed in the
Congregational church last Sunday
All the services of the church and Sun
day school were held Usual services
both morning and evening uext Sunday
Mens warm winter suits
to 81350 Boys from
Mens overcoats 8500
Have you seen those woven baskets
and Indian novelties at Cone Bros
Childrens to worsted
ready - - wear
dresses in pretty plaid mixtures and
serges at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Mens and womens absolutely pure
wool underwear for 8100 a piece at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
W T Coleman handles chafing dishes
baking and serving dishes five oclock
teas and silverware See his stock while
the assortment is complete s
Among the extensions contemplated
his brother W W Babcock of j by the Lincoln Independent Telephone
burg New York cl ose
This was Mr Babcocks
8600 8750
Mens ulsters 85 00 Young mens over
coats 8450 at Tho Thompson Dry Goods
January 1st Frank Real will become
the owner of an elevator at Kenesaw
which will make the number under his
management then total four namely
McCook Perry and Kenesaw Nobraska
and Traer Kansas
Silverware solid and plated flat
and hollow large stock superb
variety anything you want for a
holiday gift at Suttons To fit any
pocket book To suit all tastes
W H Ferguson the Lincoln Elevator Man is Im
proving His HcCook Plant
The Storage Capacity of the New Building will be Thirty Thousand
Bushels of Grain25 HP Gasoline Engine lor Power
WH Ferguson has now in course of construction a new cleaning
and storage house which will when completed be a very considerable
addition to his elevator plant at this point The new building is 32
X32 feet on its foundation and will be 50 feet to the top of the
corner posts and perhaps 25 or 30 feet more to the top of the build
ing There will be 170 tons of Colorado red stone in the founda
tion which is a massive affair to carry the heavy load of building
and grain It will be used for both cleaning and storage purposes
aim me capacity win De 30000 ousnels ol grain
The building under construction is located in relation to the
present elevator plant to allow for additions on both west and east
as such additions may become necessary with the increase of grain
The power for the new building will be provided by a 2 5 -horse
power gasoline engine which will cost in the neighborhood of a
thousand dollars The building finished and with all its machinery
installed will represent an investment of perhaps 1500000
Police Judges Busy Week
This has been Police Judge Berrys
busy week having an even dozen cases in
court for adjudication
Frank Hayward donated S3 for can
vassing in the city without license
A half dozen sporting women replen
ished the school fund to the total of
twelve plunks for fracturing the citys
code of morals
Guy Carpenter of Traer Kansas put
up 550 for being over stimulated with
McCook liquid air
James Jones is now a resident of the
county jail while boarding out a fine of
1563 for disorderly conduct and resist
ing an officer He and Oflicer Fitzgerald
nixed things pretty lively but Fitzs club
won out
Charles Carson was in a similar affair
but paid 555 for his trouble
Rose Dawson and Martha Harris of
incubator row could not agree and
Mrs Dawson paid 775 for the educa
tion of the youth of the city for her lack
of harmony and pugilistic exhibition on
Mrs Harris
Six Russian youths John George
Conrad and Henry Krieger John
renbruch and Peter Karn manifested
their lack of respect for Jim Hill by
smashing 41 small lights out of James
bunk cars down in the Q yard recent
ly and it cost their parents 527 apiece
for their exercise and sport The case
was settled Monday
A False Fire Alarm
A small fire on the vacant lot west of
the Woodman temple building Monday
afternoon caused an alarm of fire to bo
sounded It seems the smoke from the
fire ran up the eaves spouting and pene
trated under the roof of the building
creating the impression that thereof was
on fire The renters in that block had a
severe scare and considerable interest was
caused over the city but there was ab
solutely no damage The fire depart
ment responded to tho repeated fire calls
from engines light house and city hall
New A O U W Officers Elect
The election of officers of McCook
lodge No 61 Monday night resulted as
Master Workman L P Forsman
Past Master Workman John Hunt
Recorder C B Gray
Receiver C B Sawyer
Financier C J Ryan
Overseer Henry Moors
Guide Fred Schlegel
Trustee J E Kelley
Inside Watch Wm Stimmell
Outside Watch George Stulken
A large line of all sizes and prices at
McMillens drug store
Wall Paper Remnants
Special remnant sale at McMillens
drug store
Rooms For Rent
at the Smith boarding house
The new contracts for tho 1905 planting
of sugar beets are expected to arrive any
time now
Some young men of the city are ar
ranging to securo a reading room in the
The Great Majestic range is still in the
Royal Hungarian Orchestra
Opera House Dec 29
Citizens Lecture Course
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Good Butter
McConnell for drugs
Oil heaters at Colemans
The holiday trade is now well on
See those chafing dishes at WT Cole
McMillens Couh Cure will stop your
See the holiday goods on display at
W T Colemans
Without charge All goods bought at
Suttons engrai ed free
Some special services in -St Patricks
church last week and this
All goods bought at Suttons en
grayed free of charge
Presents that are useful as well as or
namental at W T Colemans
Girls long coats and jackets 150 to
750 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Best table oil cloth for 15c yd at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos Fancies and
Christmas holiday goods at W T
Colemans If you are from Missouri
come in
Childrens velvet and corduroy coats
in very attractive styles at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
Tho new Methodist church is now en
closed and the inside work will proceed
as rapidly as possible
1 9r
The Tribune wouldnt be surprised
to see Johnnie Morrissey building that
auditorium himself already
A very handsome line of individual
dress patterns from 500 to S1150 at
the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Something over 300 dress skirts for
ladies and misses 175 to 750 at Tho
Thompson Dry Goods Cos Alterations
without extra charge
Souvenir spoons in solid silver
with engraved and enameled howls
attractive assortment Suttons
Jewelry and Music Store
A surprise party was tendered Mrs
John Humphreys of East McCook Tues
day evening by her neighbors and
friends in celebration of her birthday
A princely gift a piano See Sutton
about it He has in stock a fine display
of popular makes Any of them will
make a superb holiday gift Terms to
suit Prices reasonable
It is estimated that quite a consider
able portion of the wheat crop of Red
Willow county is still in the hands of
the farmers who are perhaps holding
for the dollar a bushel price
Izzer bed comforts acknowledge no
equal Made of 14 yds cloth 6 Izzer
batts well tacked and hemmed they
are the best bedding made 185 to
275 Made and sold by The Thompson
Drv Goods Co
Our holiday offerings embrace
endless variety in jewelry No
matter how deep your pocket book
or how modest your desires we can
fill the bill If it be a gold watch
a diamond ring or a simple charm
or novelty its all the same