The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 02, 1904, Image 6

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in every home open 365 days in the year to receive deposits
The Perpetual Calendar attached to the face of the bank
I jy1 Nyjs
makes it very attractive and useful
We Loan You
the Bank
We Keep the Key
Bring your Savings to us once a
month and we will give you a bank
free of charge
For particulars apply at
The First National Bank riccook
L M Howard is now a citizen
of our little town He lives in
the house he purchased from
Wm A Dolan
Hazel Phillips returned t o
school at Franklin Monday morn
ing after a few days visit with
the home folks
Mrs Leonard Smith has re
turned from Seward whither she
was called by the death of her
Miss May Moore who is teach
ing in Lebanon came home last
week and spent Thanksgiving
with her parents
There was a Thanksgiving
dance at George Shorts opera
house Thursday night It was
quite well attended
Miss Anna McDonald came
home from the east Wednesday
evening to be present at the
wedding of her sister
Mrs David Rittenhouse of
Cedar Bluffs came over Friday
morning and visited with Indian
ola friends until Monday after
Miss Clara Smith and Miss
Minnie Wicks drove down from
McCook Sunday afternoon and
visited the family of W H
Professor Fletcher and Miss
Hannan of the Lebanon schools
accompanied by the Rev Muif of
Danbury were visitors in our burg
last Sunday
Some of the young friends of
Verne Short thought about Mon
day being his thirteenth birthday
and treated him accordingly A
nice supper was served and the
little people had a good time
Three gentlemen Messrs Wat
son Thompson and Stangland
started from McCook for a little
stroll last Sunday afternoon and
landed in Indianola in good time
but pretty dusty from their long
walk They took No 5 back
The young people of Indianola
treated Miss Sarah Jensen to a
surprise party Friday evening
at her home four miles north of
town They played games ate
supper and voted the evening a
very pleasant one
Mrs Henry Ough of this city
died last Sunday morning and
was buried from the Christian
church on Tuesday Sermon by
Rev Burt of McCook A large
concourse of friends followed the
deceased to her last resting place
She leaves a husband and seven
children to mourn her loss
Rev Mason has returned home
James Wingate left Sunday
Mrs Sim Billings is back to
Quite a number of land seekers
are out from the east
Miss Jones visited her parents
in McCook last week
Mr Fletcher spent Thanksgiv
ing at his hpme in Beaver City
W A Minniear is going to
make a visit to the Pacific coast
J L Sims shipped two car
loads of hogs to Kansas City this
Ed Redman was up from
Lebanon Wednesday on a busi
ness trip
Will McGuire and wife return
ed from their visit to the St
Louis exposition Monday
Willie Minniear has concluded
to forfeit 100 and let Mr Fur
man keep the News plant
Dr Campbell of Lebanon was
up on professional business Wed
nesday He reports the scarlet
fever under control
Mrs Sargent nee Kincaid has
come back with her son-in-law
Mr Gotchall from Sheridan coun
ty Kansas on a visit
A new organ was taken out for
the new U B church on the
Sappa Tuesday which is to be
dedicated next Sunday A large
crowd is expected
Hansons sister is visiting
mM4liritfti r
Friday and Saturday December 2 and 3 We cordially invite you to come and bring
your friends to see our display whether you care to buy or not You will be just as
welcome We have the most complete line of cut glass baking dishes chafing dishes
five oclock teas timbole irons souvenir spoons berry forks oyster forks fruit knives
etc ever exhibited in the city Remember there is nothing more appreciated than
a useful presentand that is the kind we keep
F G Stilgebouers children are
on the sick list
Eugene Dutcher is building
Mrs Gammills residence
Miss Laura Glandon visited the
Bartley school last Friday
Smith Cockran are having a
new floor laid in their store
Frank Hodgkins made a busi
ness trip to McCook this week
Charlie Ginther and wife will
move into their new home this
Miss Daley the dentist was
up from Cambridge Wednesday
Ben Wilson a brother-in-law
of Will Lyman is here from Col
orado on a visit
Mr and Mrs Perry Ginther are
rejoicing over the advent of a fine
little girl in their home
The boys fired several cannon
salutes over the marriage of Otis
Harrer and Leila Ritchie
Presiding Elder Hardaway was
here last Sunday holdiner quart
erly meeting in the M E church
G W Jones has received his
furnace and fixtures and will soon
have his house heated with hot
Mrs Simonds of Cambridge
Mrs Sipe and Agent Hanson of
Bartley were initiated into the
O E S Wednesday evening
Miss Katie Dietsch came over
from her school on the Beaver and
spent Thanksgiving at home and
also attended the funeral of her
brother-in-law Dane Fletcher
Art Stevens carrier of Rural
Route No 1 out of Bartlev has a
fine mail wagon made exDresslv
for the business It is painted
red while and blue and is con
venient in ever way
Elder C P Evans of Arapahoe
came up to Bartley Tuesday eve
ning of last week and solemnized
the marriage of Mr Charles Gin
ther and Miss Mae Bell returning
to Arapahoe on 12 Friday
Elder Roberts of Hendley with
his wife and little daughter visit
The Sale Opened Thursday
jqM i
Christmas is now at hand and you will certainly need a present or two In order
to have room for our Holiday Goods we are going to give a reduced price on all our
Cut Glass
County and Neighborhood News
Continued from Page Two
I M Smith of McCook was in
town Monday
Flora Hoag visited in McCook
first of the week
Miss Laura Owen returned to
Lincoln Frfday morning
Mrs A Reynolds is confined to
her home with the grippe
E J Mitchell of McCook was
on our streets Tuesday
S R Smith was a business
sojourner in Lincoln last week
Mr Lemasters of Bartley was
an Indianola visitor last Monday
Miss Grace Smith returned to
her home in McCook Sunday
George Mick and family of Mc
Cook visited Sunday at C H
Roy Mann and George Hend
erson have gon to Palisade to
gather corn
Mamie Mann went to her school
Saturday night She will teach
south of McCook
John Rollins returned to Den
ver Sunday night where he is
working in the stamp mills
Rev Owens of Riverton deliv
ered the Thanksgiving sermon at
the Congregational church
Mrs Wm Rawlings of Lincoln
came in on No 5 Saturday night
to visit friends In Indianola
Mr Ough and family of Benk
elman attended the funeral of
their sister-in-law at this place
George Hill and wife went up
to McCook Friday night for a
short visit with Mr and Mrs
Mrs E B Crippens two
brothers from Lincoln are in the
city the guests of Rev Crippen
and family
Miss Annie Smith is giving her
school a vacation in order to give
thejbig boys a chance to gather
their corn
Mrs E B Crippen is a little
better at this time and hopes of
a speedy recovery for her are
ed in Bartley and vicinity a few
days this week The elder preach
ed in the Christian church
day morning to a large audience
Continued on Page Eight
In the district court of Red Willow county
stato of Nebraska
In tho matter of the application of W S Fitch
guardian of Edward L Nettleton insane for
license to sell real estate
On reading and tiling the petition duly veri
ned of S Fitch guardian of the person and
estate of Edward L Nettleton insane for li
cense to sell the following described real estate
to wit The south half of the southeast quar
ter and lot eight in section twenty nine and lot
five in section twenty eight all in township
three north in range thirty west of the 6th P
AI for the purpose of reinvesting the proceeds
of the sale in interest bearing securities or some
productive property and it appearing from
said petition that said real estate is unimproved
and that but little income can be obtained
therefrom and that it would bo for tho best in
terests of all persons interested in said estato
that the same be sold and the proceeds thereof
invested in interest
bearing securities or some
It is therefore ordered that the nest of kin of
said Edward L Nettleton insane and all per
sons interested in said estate appear before me
at Chambers at my office iii the court hone in
the city pf McCook Red Willow county Nebras
ka on tho 30th day of December 1904 at nine
o clock a m to show cause if any there be
why license should not be granted to the said W
S Fitch guardian to sell said real estate for
the purposes above set forth
And it is fnrfchnr nrrlnroH flinf nfMA r j1
order and said hearing be given by publishing a
w ucfuucu eacn weeK tor turee suc
cessive weeks in The McCook Tribune
Dated this 11th day of November 1901
wSf RC Ore Judge
Boyle Eldred Attorneys
Docket 194 No TJ In the circuit court of the
United states for tho district of Nebraska
James N Clarke receiver Nebraska Loan and
r complainant vs Walter E Corwin
et al defendants In chancory
- Foreclosure of Mortgage
lubhc notice is hereby
given that in
ance and by virtue of a decree entered in the
above cause on the 18th day of February 1902
Sefrf H Tmmel special master in chanl
Si0 day at tlefroSt
i u u luw county court honse
building in the city of Red Willow
county state and district of Nebraska sell at
pnbhc auction for cash the following described
properiy to wit Lots seven 7 eight 8 and
brska J McCook R fow county Ne
c -
rjt3xf Special Master in Chancery
John M t
Ragan Solicitor for Complainant
Easy Pill
tasy to take and easy to act is
mai iamous little pill DeWitts
i mia tarty Risers This is due to
the fact that they tonic the liver In
stead of purging it
They never gripe
nor sicken not even the most delicate
lady and yet they are so certain In
results that no one who uses them is
disappointed They cure torpid liver
constipation biliousness jaundice
headache malaria and ward off pneu
monia and fevers
C DcWITT A rn -
- vniAUO
Dont Forget thi Name
Early Risers
For Sale by L W McConnell