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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1904)
M I Jl iW K L iS f fit I ft r b V I 5rh - VAv4ir V V A If enffioaa M ji ij I wsS5 1 4 1 1 w J WM Christmas Slippers says Tommy always feel better look nicer--than at any other time This Xmas slippers are in greater variety styles and leathers to please young and old For a present buy slippers The kind for father mother sister and brother Slippers high or low style Juliets of Felt and Kid Sandals plain and beaded Patent leather pumps and dancing shoes Men 50c to 2 Women 50c to 150 Children 25c to 1 MODEL SHOE STORE E A PETTY Proprietor McCOOK NEBRASKA 1 f - 1 FIRST ANNUAL BALL AND BANQUET McCook Lodge No 599 Brotherhood of Locomo tive Firemen Will Give Their Initial Social Function at MENARDS OPERA HOUSE DECEMBER 20 1904 flusic will be Furnished by the K of P Orchestra Banquet at the Palmer House The Tkibune in its last issue announced a ball and banquet by the locomo tive engineers when it intended to announce the first annual ball and banquet of McCook Lodge No 599 Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen It hastens to cor rect the error this week Tuesday evening December 20th 1901 is the date the boys have decided upon for their first annual and Menard opera house will bo the place Tickets for the ball admitting gentleman and lady are 100 The banquet will be spread at the New Palmer House at 75 cents per plate The K of P or chestra will make tripping the light fantastic irresistible This will be the initial social function of the firemen of lodge 599 and they propose to make it a hummer Fireman W S Bixler was in Lincoln Sunday on business Brakeman Ira Converse -has gone to Hendley to spend a vacation of thirty days Felix E Kennedy the boiler man is at McCook division headquarters this week v Brakeman Henry Henckel and Switch man L B Lepley have resigned from the service Nos 13 and 14 will do the work of Nos 5 and 12 between McCook and Wray after Sunday The Burlington it is stated will soon plane in commission 1000 new freight cars of 40 tons capacity WE DeWitt has purchased the S M Cochran residence on Marshall street formerly the property of Dr B BDavis Conductor F A Stark and family of Oxford have gone to Geneva on a visit and Conductor Lunberry has his car meanwhile Acting Supt English and Train master Kenyon have been out on the west end all week on several matters of importance December 1st E W Fitt became as sistant motive power superintendent going from the office of chief draftsman to the new position Conductors Solliday and Bonnot went up to Denver on the Hatch scalper case Tuesday The case was dismissed the company losing out entirely Alex McLean who has been visiting on the Pacific coast down in Texas and other localities is in the city this week on a visit to the boys at headquarters Sol Smith an engineer of the old Bur lington days here was in the city a day or two this week looking after his busi ness interests in this part of the country To expedite matters regular crews have been placed on local freights be tween McCook and Hastings Conduc tors T E McCarl H A Beale and A G Bump have the runs at present Under the new time card which will so into effect on next Sunday Nos 5 and 12 will be taken off west of here or between McCook and Wray No 12 will leave McCook ten minutes earlier than at present and No 1 will arrive here 26 minutes later than at present or at 115 These are about the only changes of any moment on this division H B Ware who recently resigned as chief dispatcher at Wymore became a resident of Lincoln December 1st hav i n g recently bought Colonel Frank Eagers residence in that city for S7500 He proposes to engage in business in Lincoln Mrs Ware it will be recalled not long since inherited a nice bunch of money about 50000 it is stated The largest locomotive in the world is to be placed on the Con nellsville division of the Baltimore Ohio The Mallett typo of engine built expressly for the Baltimore Ohio exhibit at the worlds fair will be sent to this division as soon as the exposition closes When in work ing order it weighs 223000 pounds and the weight of the tender filled with coal and water is 143000 pounds Arrange ments were made to have Christian Smith the man who ran the first loco motive over the Connellsville division take out the engine on its first trip or at least start on its westward journey but he died last week at the age of 92 BURLINGTON MAKES FAST TIME Creston la Nov 24 Special A record breaking run was made by Bur lington fast mail No 15 Monday even ing From Burlington to Creston a distance of 188 miles it required just 200 minutes This included the time necessary for five stops and seven slow downs The train left Burlington late and was late into Creston Between Creston and the Union Pacific transfer it made up twenty nine minutes al though it suffered a ten minuto delay and was compelled to slow down four times on account of receiving orders The average of the actual running time was over a mile a minute for the entire distance which is one of the fastest rec ords the road has ever made Time Card p McCook Neb m HH MAIN LINE EAST DEPART No 6 Central Time 1130 pm 2 620 am 12 850 AM 14 955 pm No 5 arrives from oast at 8 p m MAIN LINE A EST DEPART No 1 Mountain Time 115 am 3 11V5pM 13 925 am imperial line No 176 arrives Mountain Time 5 40 p m No 175 departs 645 am Sleeping dining and reclining clmir cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets call on or -ft rite George Scott Agent Mc Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska Conductor B L McCarl and crew ure doing construction work at Brush Colo rado where the company is adding more yard trackage W E Dauchy formerly of our city and roadmaster on the McCook division has been offered a position by the Pan ama canal commission ifardmaster Peter Carty has gone up to Sheridan Wyoming and other points to be absent thirty days E L Hawkins is yardmaster meanwhile The 651 having been converted into a lignite hay burner took a train out west yesterday She threw too much fire and was sent back from Trenton Finer wire screens will be provided her to overcome the trouble General Agent John F Vallery of the Burlington system has announced the appointment of E P ODonnell of Omaha as depot passenger agent at Den ver Mr ODonnell has been assistant depot passenger agent at Omaha for sev eral years and goes to Mr Vallery highly recommended Mr ODonnell took up his new duties on Decembor 1 Joseph A Milner who has been acting as depot passenger agent will be de tailed for special duties in the city ticket office Mr Milner is the oldest Burling ton employe in Colorado He went to Denver as passenger agent before the road was completed and has been in the service ever since Fast freight 76 had an extraordinary experience Sunday morning early at Trenton 52 cars passing over a rail out of which a piece of rail about three feet long had been broken The supposition is that the rail was broken and that the engine one of big fellows of the 4D class No 3316 finished the work throwing the piece of rail clear over onto the pass ing track Fifty two cars followed the engine safely over the break The train had 1895 tons o freight aboard Engi neer Woods was following with a light engine which was stopped by the section with its pilots nose over the hole En gineer Gates was driving the No 3316 Conductor Callen was in charge of the train The first of the past week the Burling ton inaugurated piece work schedules in engine handling at the Lincoln round house Those who handle the engines are paid by the amount of work done and the piece work schedules are effect ve after the enginemen leave the engine at the clinker pit The work done on the engine until after it is turned over to the enginemen again on the round house switch is all paid for by the piece For the five days the system was in effect the past week many of the men in creased their pay rate It is said that in some cases tffe rate of pay was in creased forty per cent whie in many cases the increase reached twenty per cent The work in the machine shop is all done by the hour and it is not an nounced that the piece work system will be introduced here Thia may follow later but no notice of it has been given Lincoln Journal The Real Thing It is important when you invest your money in cut glass that you get the real thing Thats the kind that you will find at Suttons Jew elry and Music Store He has the largest stock the finest assortment the best values and only the real article The prices are strictly right W T Coleman handles chafing dishes baking and serving dishes five oclock teas and silverware See his stock while the assortment is complete MWft JWHifrMB ASM - iV ZZITLIl r gkg - i - j m J W BH 1 - JV lFir K 9 r Theres a murmur in the morning Theres a buzzing in the breeze All the doors are pushed wido open By the littlo busy bees They are rustling hustling bustling It soon sounds much like a roar As you come around the corner Near the busy smart red store All the goods aro put in order By theso little beos so bright With their nimble littlo foot stops And their wings so soft and light Theyre soon ready for the callers To supply the needy throng Other bees from out Iho county Who may early como along Bringing in their stores of honey And their loads of fruits and foods To the honest littlo Hee Hive In exchange for first class goods Sweaters shirts all styles and prices Hats and caps to lit your head Gloves and mittens for your cold hands Shoes with a soft and easy troad Oh such dreams of china and queonsvvare Come in singly sets or pairs Make the heart of the housewife happy And she soon forgets her cares Handkerchiefs of all descriptions Sizes large and sizes small Books and tojs dolls belts and ribbons Cigars and mitts to play babo ball Pocket books to keep your money Neckwear combs and brushes too All are there in great profusion Waiting just a call from you Groceries too all kinds and prices Fresh and good and up-to-date Little beelets are delivering Hurrying lest they be too late Granite- tinware cutlery in plenty All the busy housewife needs irou will find it at the corner All such calls the Bee Hive heeds Lots of Christmas goods youll find here Santa Claus comes on the run Hurrying up to get his portion Of nuts and candies by the ton Theres no end to the little fixings Theres enough to fill up a book If you dont believe what I tell you Just come and take a look The bees will be happy to see you Theyll make your call pleasant and bright Not act as if they were tired And anxiously wait for night F M COLSON Prop n TiTiTi i j Dull 1904 December 1896 a small notion store opened in McCook Its stock consisted of Stationery Toys Notions Candy Cigars etc amounting to nearly 15000 By the attractive prices this little store soon became a Bee Hive and so it was named as nearly everyone was able to find just what he want ed at 5 and 10 cents Encouraged by such liberal patronage its owner made great ventures adding first a line of Gloves and Mittens which were sold at popular prices Later Tin and Graniteware the next year Queensware Then Gents Furnishings and Underwear of all kinds Then came our greatest of all and most success ful lines Shoes maintaining through all the lines low prices and best quality until at last there seem ed to be a connecting link which must be added or our customers could not be satisfied Groceries were added as our last department and within thirty days sixty five regular customers were installed for something good to eat So eight years of constant untiring efforts to furnish the people with honest goods at right prices have made the little Bee Hive of 1 S96 one of the lead ing mercantile establishments of Red Willow County For Christmas Owing to the very crowded condition of our store customers and goods we shall be obliged to omit some items usually carried in our holiday line but shall be able to show our trade a most complete line of desirable gifts for Christmas which we will list with prices next week To Our Customers We fully appreciate the fact that our success has been due to the very liberal patronage from the people of McCook and vicinity for which we thank you and assure as in the past you will find us ready and anxious to correct mistakes and make our guar antee good at all times MB MM W