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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1904)
Fie Official Paper of Redwillow County By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Southwestern Nebraska is said to have an active candidate for the position of deputy state superintendent of public instruction Certain parts of Kentucky have been devoid of rain since July 3rd and it is seriously stated that they are praying for rain in those localities Contem plate a Kentucky gentlemen praying for water The old Stockville Faber one of the oldest publications in this part of the state has been merged into the Stock ville Republican of which A Glenn Wil liams is publisher Editor Bayston of the Faber will devote himself to other work According to Governor Cummins of Iowa the two absorbing questions now agitating the eastern people are freight rates and government control of the same through the inter state commerce com mission which is to be clothed with power to make and enforce rates and a read justment of the tariff My stock and assortment of fine and fancy china ware for the holi days cant fail to delight you and the prices are very reasonable quality and artistic workmanship considered Hand painted Haviland and other leading wares in most attractive variety The latest novelties new shapes and designs Come and see SUTTON Mothers Be Careful of the health of your children Look out for coughs colds croup and whoop ing cough Stop them in time One Minute Oough Cure is the best remedy Harmless aDd pleasant Sold by L W McConnell The Tribune wants a correspondent at Red Willow Write us for particulars Disastrous Wrecks Carelessness is responsible for many a railway wreck and the same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Tnroat and Liung troubles Uut since the advent of Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption coughs and colds even the worst cases can be cured and hope less resignation is no longer necessary Mrs Loie Cragg of Dorchester Mass is one of many whose life was saved by Dr Kings New Discovery This great rem edy is guaranteed for all throat and lung diseases by L W McConnell Drug gist Price 50c and 8100 Trial bottles free The Tribune makes a specialty of office stationery and type writer supplies If you havnt time to prepare Hollis ters Rocky Mountain Tea it is now made in tablet form also Get a package already to use Makes you well keeps you well 33 cents For sale by L W McConnell above picture of the ntLhj and fish is the trade mark of Scotts Emulsion and is the svnonvm for V ft strength and purity It is sold in almost all the civilized coun tries of the globe If the cod fish became extinct it would be a world wide calam ity because the oil that comes from its liver surpasses all other fats in nourishing and life giving properties Thirty years ago the proprietors of Scotts Emul sion found a way of preparing cod liver oil so that everyone can take it and get the full value of the oil without the objectionable taste Scotts Emulsion is the best thing in the world for weak backward children thin delicate people and fill conditions of wasting and lost strength Send for free sample SCOTT 8s BOWNE Chemists 40941S FKAXI 8XBBEX 2T2W TOBK S0e and 100 All druggists The Difference in Cost between a good and a poor baking powder would not amount for a familys supply to one dollar a year The poor powder would cause doctors bills many times this D PRICES oam Baking Powder is the most economical in the end be cause it goes further in leavening and insures perfect wholesome food When ordering of the grocer always call for Dr Prices Cream Baking Pow der by name for good health and good food It makes the finest cake pud dings flapjacks biscuits and bread Price Baking Powder Co Chicago CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Congregational Sunday school 1 0 a m Y P S C E at 7 p m Prayer and conference meeting on Wednesday evening George A Conrad Pastor Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m TTfrtV r r tewirynn n 4- Q rsr CnnHnrr NOTE There are many imitation baking powders which are sold from five cents to twenty five cents a pound They should be carefully avoided as they are made from alum and are unhealthful A Guaranteed Cure for Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if pazo oinment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in 6 to 14 days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 50c in stamps and it will be for- ciiUH ocln0 o ou uiuon ounuuv - - n school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock am Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer and sermon atn 8 The third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 7 30 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector Methodist Sunday School at 10 Sermon at 11 Class meeting at 12 The Adventists will have the evening hour to which all are invited Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 730 M B Carman Pastor Christian Bible school 10 Preach ing at 11 a m and 8 p m every Lords Day Y P S CE at 7 p m Evening subject A Journey into Sin Even ing subject The Ark All are invited G T Burt Pastor Adventist Sabbath Saturday preaching at 11 a m by Elder D Net tleton of Lincoln Subject Home Re ligion Evening at 8 oclock by Elder T A Robinson Subject The Mys tery of Godliness Sunday at 8 p m m preaching by Elder D A Nettleton Subject Under Which Flag First Baptist Church Preaching at 11 a m and 745 p m Sunday school at 945 am Junior society at 3 p m BY P U at 645 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 745 p m Sermon themes Morning Beyond the Desert Evening Gods Way of Shining on The World A B Carson Pastor Not A Sick Day Since I was taken severely sick with kidney trouble I tried all sorts of medicines none of which relieved me One day I saw an ad of your Electric Bitters and determined to try that After taking a few doses I felt relieved and soon there after was entirely cured and have not seen a sick day since Neighbors of mine have been cured of rheumatism neu ralgia liver and kidney troubles and general debility This is what B F Bass of Fremont N C writes Only 50c at L W McConnells Druggist Sensible Cholly Charming widow Isnt she They say she is to marry again Algy I wouldnt want to be a widows sec ond husband Cholly -Well Id rather be a widows second husband than her first donchcr know Expensive They say her wedding beggared de scription Oh more than that Indeed Yes It beggared her father Doesnt Respect Old Age Its shamefal when youth fails to show proper respect for old age but juBt the contrary in the case of Dr Kings New Life Pills They cut off maladies no matter how severe and irrespective of old age dyspepsia jaundice fever con stipation all yield to this porfect pill 25c at L W McConnells drug store i naiuBu puat jjttiu ujr taiuiucuiLiUKu St Louis Mo jCjpunui oq oj j tu3 OAtni i os jTap pauoaj j pajuBAv iioa Pius nox Anaa us appa sih II aoj LiaqAiAjaAa paqooi oaj uq jujs avou m bj trjjua uo ojoqAi joraooji jk A Runaway Bicycle Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J B Orner Franklin Grove 111 It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding to doctors and remedies for four years Then Bucklen s Arnica Salve cured f Its just as good for burns scalds skin eruptions and piles 25c at L W Mc Connells drugeist fArrryj One dose of Ayers Cherry Pectoral at bedtime prevents night coughs of children No croup No bronchitis A Cherry Pectoral doctors medicine for all affections of the throat bron chial tubes and lungs Sold for over 60 years I have used Ayers Cherry Pectoral In my family for eiplit vears There is utitliluir ejuil to it for coughs and colds espwiillv for chil dren Alns W i liuviiUK Shelby Ala 25cSOcS100 All druggists for I I I I J C AVER CO Lou ell Mass GKBVHV0GnZBBnEl ITIlffTHrirMTiftHI gTniTlW M Night Coughs Keep the bowols op n with one of Ayers Pillc n hrrltimP Ust one HOLLISTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medloine for Busy People Bringa Golden Health and Benewed Vigor A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure Blood Bad Breath Sluggish Bowels Headache and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab let form a cents a box Genuine made by Holuster Druo Company Madison Wis GQLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE McCook Poultry Co Buyers and Shippers of Poultry and Eggs For the next 7 days we will pay cash For Hens Springs Turkey Hens 5c lb 6c lb lie lb HOLLY DECORATIONS Hovr to Trim the Houae With Greens For Clirlstnins These are the most time honored and the most handsome of all Christ mas decorations says the Chicago Tribune The doorway into the din ing room may be transformed with a long rope of evergreens and some holly berries The rope may be draped about the door and perhaps carried over the framework of a window and brought down to the edge of a mantel piece The other end will perhaps be looped back and brought over a brass sconce then fastened with a bunch of holly tied with a streaming scarlet rib bon From another doorway also draped with hemlock rope suspend a Christ mas bell of holly with mistletoe for a clapper which will involve many en tertaining complications during the festal day Avcoarse fish net tacked along the side of a stairway and stuck with branches of holly and laurel branches of laurel and cedar becomes charming Wreaths of laurel and holly tied with scarlet ribbons are beautiful in the windows one on the front door just be low the knocker when there is a knocker is delightful A row of little pine trees breast high along each side of a wide wall is one womans effective Christmas treatment of her house Anywhere and everywhere belong the rope of hemlock and holly bunches which are as appropriate to a 1 by 4 flat as to a twenty roomed mansion A Nuremburg Christmas tree is a distinct beauty on a Christmas draw ing room or at a childrens Christmas table It is made of stiff green wire covered with green and comes in a wooden pot and measures three feet or less It is a blaze of cheerful glory when lighted and can be folded and packed away and rise again for many successive Christmases H9W to Make Imitation Snow Decorate your Christmas tree with imitation snow It looks beautiful It is best done out of doors or in a cold room Fasten the tree to stand and if done in a room spread paper thickly around the tree to avoid a muss Now boil half a gallon of water and dissolve therein four or live pounds of alum Sprinkle the hot liquid with a sprinkling can or otherwise finely all over the tree Wait awhile heat the liquid again and sprinkle once more While the needles are still wet with alum water sift flour or starch or chalk over the whole The tree needles will then look as if burdened with snow How Yule Dollies Are Made These are old Christmas sweets for cnnaren cream togetner one nalr cup of butter one cup of sugar add grad ually two well beaten eggs one table spoonful of rich cream or milk one teaspoonful of vanilla and three cups of Hour with which has been sifted two teaspoonfuls of baking powder Stand for an hour in a very cold place Have ready a tin cutter in the shape of a doll about five inches long Take a portion of the dough out on the board at one time roll out one half inch thick and cut into dolls Brush each over with milk and dredge light ly with powdered sugar Use cur rants for eyes and bake in greased pans in a moderate oven When cold decorate the skirt of each doll with ruffles of frosting Wrap separately In sheets of waxed paper In pack ing place the doll in a long shallow box pack firmly with tissue paper I and before closing the box add a sprig of holly tying the box with red ribbon How to Malce Yule Cakes Rub to a light white cream two cups and a half of butter and three cups of sugar Add ten eggs two at a time beating five minutes between each ad dition Sift four cups of flour three times over with a teaspoonful of bak ing powder and add to the sugar but ter and eggs When well mixed add four cupfuls of currants washed and dried half a cup of shredded citron a teaspoonful each of nutmeg and cloves and a gill of brandy Mix and pour in to a paper lined tin also well protect ed with paper outside and bake two and a half hours in a moderate oven How to Roast a Duclc Perhaps you are to have roast duck for Christmas instead of the regulation turkey dinner In that case omit sage from the filling if you are wise using simply a forcemeat of breadcrumbs seasoned with salt pepper onion juice and minced parsley Fill the bird after rinsing and wiping it well inside and out Do not moisten the filling and pack It rather closely Dredge the bird with salted flour pour a cupful of boiling water over it and roast in a fairly brisk oven allowing about fif teen minutes to the pound Baste with the gravy and when nearly done with butter Then dredge some flour over the duck and put It in to brown Serve with currant jelly if you will How to Serve Grapefruit One of the popular fruits for the Christmas holidays as well as for al most any other occasion Js the grape fruit If possible get one that is grown In Florida see that the skin is smooth and the fruit heavy and solid and also that the size is large Cut it in half scoop out a good part of the juice and fill up the vacancy with champagne If you have it or if not use sherry brandy fruit salads brandied cherries or cordial and there is something that will revive the spirits of anybody not on the verge of the grave How to Make a Holiday Densert Dian Cut orange peels into six then pare down toward stem end so as to form petals like lily Then spread out the orange sections and place on a dish filled with nuts bananas and grapes Phone 16 1 fc Just to Keep in Line with the bargain feeling about town we will Give the t Ladies a Chance for Two Weeks December E3rd toubuy Any Cloak in My di the following reductions Any 1800 Cloak for Any 1500 Cloak for Any 1250 Cloak for Any 1000 Cloak for Any 750 oro8 Cloak Any 5 or 55o Cloak J A4AfiT H 1498 1198 998 798 648 398 JljSggRemember these prices are on ladies and misses cloaks only Our childrens coats are now going at unreasonably low prices and our enormous sales on ladies and missesgarments have convinced us that our prices have been strictly right or a little below Xmas TimeLBuying is Here and this opportunity isj now given you of obtaining a new up-to-date cloak at After Xmas Prices Dont forget that this being my first season in the cloak business there can be no last years garments or older stuck on to you JOHN jMcCOOKNEBRASKA Mcflillens Holiday Message We feel that we have a message of import ance to every household in the fact that WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT in a well se- lected stocklof desirable and appropriate Gifts As to price we are sure we can please you It will afford us pleasure to show you our goods and you need notfeel under obli gations to purchase Few of the Goods We Have in Stock Dolls all sizes and prices Doll Buggies Go Carts etc Toys in variety substantial and durable Bibles large assortment Lin en Books Gift Books Standard Books Latest Novels and Booklets A large line of Hand Painted Austrian and Mikado China a large variety of Imported and Domestic Vases Mantle Ornaments Stationery Novelties in Abundance Parlor Lamps Gold Plate Finish with improved burners Albums Toilet Cases and Sets Collar and Cuff Boxes Traveling Cases Manicure Sets Glove and Handkerchief Sets Shaving Sets Purses Peggy of Paris Oxford and Skirt Bags Perfumes in fancy boxes Atomizers Games Pictures etc Yours for Business A McMillen DRUGGIST J Vr i L -1 f i t wa r