The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 02, 1904, Image 3
i4 V v Wj r j i J 5 ft f i L ki - V SECRETS At te Fries of Buftforiiag Woman on her vncy to semi invalidism caused by pregnancy suffers much pain Ignorance prompts her to suffer alone in silence ana remain in the dark as to the true cause motherhood Mothers Friend takes the doctors place and she has no cause for an inter view She is her own doctor and her modesty is protected Daily application tr the breast and abdomen throughout pregnancy will enable her to undergo the period of gestation in a cheerful mood end rest undisturbed Mothers Friend is a liniment for external use only It would indeed be shameful if the sacrifice of modesty were necessary to the success ful issue of healthy children All women about to become mothers need send only to a drug store and for ioo secure the prize childbirth remedy Healthy babie9 are the result of useing Mothers Friend Our book Ilotherhood mailed free THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA QA i Modern Dentistry HERBERT J PRATT DDS Office over McConnelis drug store MCCOOK NEBRASKA Ojffice Phone 160 Res Phone 131 Registered Graduate Dentist Formerly located in At lanta Georgia All opera tions pertaining to modern dentistry performed accord ing to the latest scientific methods used in the large cities Half its Hwltifii American Jr CAMERA With Double Plate Holder m IWnK tVhHbT 160 Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met Send for illustrated catalogue telling a 1 1 about our 27 styles and sizes Free A Pleasant Pill No pill as pleasant and positive np De Witts Little Early Risers Do Witts Little Early Risers are so mild and effec tive that children delicate ladies and weak people enjoy their cleansing effect while strong people say they arc the best liver pill sold Sold by L W McCon nell ONLY FIVE CENTS EXTRA The McCook Tribune one year 8100 And- BOTH- The Weekly Inter Ocean one year 8100 One year for 8105 This offer open only a few weeks and may be taken advantage of by old subscribers who will pay one year in advance as well as new ones SIDEWALK RESOLUTION Be it resolved by the mayor and council of the City of McCook Redwillow county Nebraska that sidewalks bo within 30 days from the pub lication of this resolution rebuilt and laid to the established grade adjoining the following described premises towit Z T71 Lots 2 3 4 and 5 in block 18 Lots 1 2 3 and 4 in block 6 Lots 3 and 4 in block 3 Lot 7 in block 10 Lot 4 in block 14 Lot 15 in block 29 and subdivisions Lots 7 8 9 10 11 and 12 in block 19 all in Original McLook Lotl block 16 Lot 6 in block 22 both In First Addition Lot 5 in block 12 Second addition Said walks to be rebuilt with either flagstone vitrified or hard paving brick concrete or con crete slabs Flagstone to be 3 inches thick laid on a solid foundation well tamped where filling has been done well embedded in sand and laid to an even smooth surface For vitrified or hard paving brick excavate 5 inches tamp well and fill up to an even surface add three inches sand lay brick to a smooth and even surface lay brick diagonally across surface tamp well when laid and cover with dry sand For concrete excavate not less than 4 inches One part cement to 4 parts of sand and 3 parts crushed stone Surfaced 1 part cement to 3 of sand 1 inch thick For concrete slabs excavate 3 inches Tamp well to a even surface All walks to be of a uniform width of 5 feet laid at the established grado 4 inches from the lot line with half inch fall to the street The committee on streets and alleys co-operating with the city engineer will have super vision of the foregoing improvements in accord ance with the provisions of ordinance No 113 of said city as amended Passed and approved November 21 1904 C J Ryan Acting Mayor Attest C I Hall City Clerk Published in The McCook TRiBUNEDecember 2 1904 I Photography for the AMATEUR f at Former Cost The famous Poco9 BucKEye and American Cameras Genuinely good in every detail Film or Plates as you choose Absolutely new models AMERICAN CAMERA MFG CO 946 St Paul St Rochester N Y r FOR GOOD KODAKS AND Camera Supplies -GO TO- I 4x5POCO 1 iBHnmBBgBBMniBflBanH TJ CONE BROS Druggists PACKING GIFTS Hovr Chrlntmaa PreHcnta May Be Wrapped Up Attractively Even the most long wished for or the most charming gift is robbed of some of the joyous Christmas spirit If it is gent carelessly wrapped or Is done up tfke an ordinary everyday parcel and even the most simple gift receives an added grace if it is put up attractively and Is accompanied by a bright pleas ant greeting The Christmas gifts may be given a festal appearance at a very small out lay of time and money by wrapping them In scarlet or white paper and ty ing them with scarlet ribbon fastening n sprig of holly in the bows says a writer in What to Do The effect will be so cheery and Christmas like that manila paper and twine will never be thought of again Little boxes such as Jewelers boxes wrap up In white paper candy or simi lar shaped boxes in two papers the in ner one white the outer one scarlet Gather the ends tip on top clip into points and frill out Wrap books in scarlet paper pin cushions or other fancy work in white bundles in scar let or white and scarlet tying at the ends with ribbon Umbrellas and canes wind with strips of white und scarlet paper transforming them into time honored candy canes In doing up china sets for the bureau or desk or oatmeal or wrap the pieces In scarlet paper gath er up on top and tie Then clip into polnsettla blooms Wrap the tray or plate in green paper and tie the blos soms on with ribbon Cards the size of a visiting card may be bought as cheap as a penny apiece More ex pensive cards may of course be pur chased If ones purse holds out A very pretty card has a border of holly In colors with a blank space to write or letter the Christmas wish upon This may be the usual greeting or a quotation Any of the following lines are pleasant wishes to send with a gift Yule loss of love burn In the heart With rosy -warmth and cheer And Care well may she come at most Like Christmas once a year A happy Christmas to you May It bring you all fair things With the sweetest remembrance That about its coming clings Sunbeams bless thy Christmas day Gladness with thee dwell for aye A better gift you may have but not with better heart Our true intent Is all for your delight Hovr to Illuminate the Tree The illumination of the tree is an Important problem for by the indis creet use of candles many a joyous Christmas has been turned into one of mourning Tiny Japanese lanterns are much safer than unshielded candles and they give a prettier effect The small square lanterns with colored mica sides are also safe for they have a sponge in the bottom that may be sat urated with kerosene When the wick is lighted it burns brightly and lasts longer than ordinary wax candles How to Malce a Novel Pincushion Men are often glad of a nincushlon to bang up in their rooms provided only that is it not too feminine in appear ance A very novel pincushion can be made of a pipe case which should be new and fresh looking and which it is often possible to obtain for nothing from a brother or a friend Make a cushion exactly to fit the hollow which held the pipe or a little larger as it must be well pushed Into the case the hollow being covered beforehand with glue The cushion should be stuffed with sawdust or anything soft and cov ered with some pretty velveteen or silk the color being carefully chosen to match or contrast with the case A pale brown or fawn color looks well as a rule Of course the pipe case will be double being open and one side can if desired be left as it is or util ized as a cushion for needles A rib bon bow of color to match must be added at the top to hang it up by Hovr to Prepare Turkey Salad For the supper table Christmas night chicken or turkey salad in a cranberry mold is delicious Make the cranberry jelly and mold in a ring Turn out very carefully just before serving and fill the center with the salad Turkey salad by the way is as good as if not better than chicken salad when mixed with plenty of cel ery and a few walnut meats How to Slake Imitation Snowballs A Christmas tree decoration that is easily and inexpensively made at home is snowballs A coil of fine picture wire a box of diamond powder and a bundle of cotton batting not sheet wadding are the materials needed The wire is cut in various short lengths a wad of the cotton thrust upon It patted into shape to look like a ball and the powder dusted over it from a perforated toilet powder box The other end of the wire is bent over to form a fastening and the ball is ready for the tree It is effective to have the balls vary in size from that of a small apple to a large orange How to RonNt Innib With CheHtnuts Season the meat with salt aud pepper and roast Dish on a hot plate gar nish with parsley pimolas and French chestnuts boiled until tender Shell and blanch the nuts and brown in the gravy from the lamb This is a very decorative dish for one so plain as roast lamb How to Serve the Christninn Padding Turn the last pudding out on a heat ed platter and in the top stick a sprig of holly Dip one half dozen lumps of sugar in alcohol and place round the base of the pudding Touch a lighted match to each lump carry quickly to the table and place before the hostess fygfcitfJCfttifcJteScaBftt A2amftm Christmas Time Is now at hand again and you will be looking around for suitable gifts We want to remind you that there is nothing that can be of as much real benefit to the whole home as a piece of Furniture We want you to look over our stock knowing you can be interested Suitable Presents for Ladies Dressers Chiffonieres Center Stands Tabourettes Dressing Tables Buffets Music Cabinets Rugs Writing Desks Sideboards Kitchen Cabinets Presents to Please the Men Rockers Chiffonieres Desks Smoking Tables Dressers Book Racks A Goat Story A well known suburbanite who bad been greatly troubled by the depreda tions of a neighbors goat was driven to desperation one day when he learn ed that the animal had consumed a favorite red llannel golf coat of his De termined on the goats destruction he employed an unscrupulous small boy who lived in the neighborhood to se cure him to the railroad track just be fore the daily express was due Some days afterward a friend inquired with Interest if the goat had been effectually disposed of Not on your life was the disgust ed answer that goat has a charmed life He coughed up that red golf coat of mine and flagged the train Har pers Weekly To Cure a Cold In One Day Take laxative iikomo quinine tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on each box 25c i 5 jHLudwick Son Complete House Furnishers Dont Drown j Wear an Eelskla A -colored man in a South street fish market was skinning eels recently and as be removed the skins with a pair of pinchers he carefully placed them to one side What do you do with them asked an inquisitive bystand er I send them to my brother down at Atlantic City was the reply He sells them to colored people on the beach for 5 cents apiece You know an eelskin is a sure preventive against cramps If you wrap one around your ankle before you go in bathing you need have no fear of drowning Maybe white people dont believe in this but colored folks do and my brother can sell more eelskins during the bathing hour than he can supply Philadel phia Record An Old Basle Owl After seventy five years of captivity a female eagle owl has just died in an aviary in England Brought from Nor way in 1829 this bird within the last thirty years has reared no less than ninety -young Although the eagle owl is reputed to live to a great age there appear to be but few recorded Instances where the age could be definitely ascer tained A golden eagle which died at Vienna in 1719 was known to have been captured 104 years previously and a falcon of what species is not re corded is said to have attained an age of 102 years A white headed vulture taken in 1706 died in the zoological gar dens at Vienna in 1824 thus living 118 years in captivity The Increase of Dineane In New York Dr Biggs finds that during twenty years there has been a great increase in the acute respiratory diseases cancer and diseases of the cir culatory apparatus and the kidneys The increase in cancer amounts to about 15 per cent and the increase in the acute respiratory diseases amounts to about 15 per cent while the increase in the diseases of the circulatory ap paratus and kidneys combined equals about 40 per cent The profoundly Im portant question still remains unsolved as to the causes of these increases and then of the methods of obviating them A Done of Ills Own Medicine Gus Danguisse a resident of Port land Ore was brought before Justice Hoyne of the municipal court charged ttith ill treating his wife The evi dence showed that he had choked the woman brutally The court directed Officer Goetz an immensely powerful man to choke the prisoner In order that he might have practical knowl edge of how his wife suffered The of ficer obeyed with a will holding the wife beater until the brutal fellow be came limp Then Justice Hoyne sen tenced him to thirty days In Jail RICH WOMAN BAFFLED Entertainment Dcvlncd For Her Friends Enjoyed by the Servants An Englishwoman socially intrench ed behind great and new riches once engaged a well known entertainer to give an entertainment at her country bouse She left instructions that when the entertainer arrived he was to dine with the servants The butler who knew better apologized but the enter tainer was not a man easily discon certed He dined well and after dinner arose and addressed the assembled company In the servants hall Well now my good friends said he if we are all finished and if you are all agreeable I shall be pleased to present to you a little show The servants cheered The piano was dispensed with and he amused them for half an hour without it At 10 oclock a message was sent to him Would Mr kindly come up into the drawing room He went The company in the drawing room were waiting seated We are quite ready Mr re marked the hostess Ready for what he inquired pleas antly For your entertainment But Ive given it already he ex plained and my engagement was for one performance only Given it Where When An hour ago downstairs But this is nonsense she ex claimed It seemed to me somewhat extraor dinary he assented but it has been my privilege to dine with the company that I am asked to entertain I took it you had arranged a little treat for the servants Chicago Chronicle MRS L F GRIGG AGENT FOE ChasAStevens Bros Ready made Garments and Furnishing Goods Three doors east of DeGroffs store L H LINDEMANN Real Estate and Insurance Office over McMillans drug store H P SUTTON McCOOK S McCOOK NEBRASKA JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free DR A P WEJLLES Physician and Surgeon Office Residence 524 Main Aveane Office and Residenco phone 53 Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTEACTEB McCook Nebraska SAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Oflico in Postotlice building C H Boyle C E Eldred Co Atty BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at Lay Long Distance Phone 41 Room 1 and 7 second floor Iostollico Building McCook Neb GHiEHESTERS ENGLISH PEKTOOYAL PILLS rd 1 y Ti u safe Always reliable ladleaaslc Druggist for IlIICIIKSTKK S EXULISIf In lied and old metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon Take no oilier Ileruae danceroua oubittl ttitionoand Imitation Uuy of your Druggist or send le in stamps for Particular Teati monialH and Heller Tor Iidlea in Utter by return Mall 10000 Testimonials bold br all Druggists CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO 2100 21adlaon Square PIIIJLA XA Mention taJt papan