The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 18, 1904, Image 1

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Yi Tfffrnwn J iwfn
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nob November 10 1904
Tho board of county commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment Present JHBennettDA
Waterman and Samuel Promor county commis
sioners C E Eld rod county attorney and EJ
Wilcox county clerk
The minutes of tho previous meeting wore
Tend and approved
On motion contract was entered into with tho
State Journal Co for fitting tho county clerks
vault with stool furnishings
On motion the treasurer was instructed to re
fund to F M Pennington tho sum of 744 tho
amount of tax illegally assessed to him in 190
nd paid by him under protest
The pctitiou of J F Mnhonoy and others nsk
ingfor tho location of a public road was road
and considered Tho board finds that all tho re
quirements of tho law lmvo been fully complied
with and the public good requires it On mo
tion the petition was granted and road estab
lished us follows Commencing at tho southeast
comer of section sixteen 1G township two 2
range twenty six 2C and terminating at the
northeast corner of section four 4 township
two 2 range twenty six 2G and clerk was in
structed to notify overseer of highways to open
said road
Damages by reabou of tho location of said
oad were allowed as follows W B Murphy
claimed S7J00 allowed 2000 L A Sheldon
claimed 2000 allowed 1000
On motion the petition of W S Fitch guar
dian of Edward L Nottletou insane asking for
permission to sell real estnte was granted
Annual bettlements of the following overseers
of highways were examined and on motion
clerk was instructed to draw certificates on road
-districts as follows
X W Fough overseer dist No 23 certf
No 346 30 00
Solomon Promer same dist No 2 certf
NoJJIT 30 00
I N Horton same dist No 18 certf No
i A Richards district 32 certificate No
349 27 00
-Don L Thompson district 14 certificate
No 350 25 00
Kudolph Podolski district 15 certificate
No351 30 00
C G Wilhelm district 16 certificate No
3o2 4 Uli
V Logan district 34 certificate No 353 25 00
E Oxley district 36 certificate No 354 28 00
H E Woods district 41 certificate No 355 30 00
The following claims were audited and nllow
od and on motion clerk was instructed to draw
warrants on tho county general fund levy of
1901 inpayment thereof as follows
J B Cumming appraising road No 3S2 4 15
H E Waugh same 3 90
C F Waterman same 3 90
S B Messner appraising road No 3S3 4 20
WT Hontonsame 4 00
ilitchell Young same 3 80
X J Uerling mdse for paupers 42 35
AGuysame 32 50
J A Wilcox same 49 62
C L DoGroff Co same 9 25
Thompson Dry Goods Co same 3 50
II C Whitmore meat for pauper Octo
ber 1203 to October 1904 12 05
Harnett Lumber Co coal for pauper 4 25
32 G Caine Co same 8 50
David Eckbard bouse rent 9 00
-T H Ludwick Son window shades 6 75
Hcmingtou T V Co supplies 3 25
T M Kiminell printing delinquent tax
list and supplies 112 75
XiOnCone fc Bro supplies 3 35
Hammond Stephens Co supplies 27 85
Ben G Gossard car of coal and office ex
pense 107 48
W Devoe expense and court term fees 33 50
F P Eno balance salary as county asses
sor 300 00
Andrew Phillips salary as janitor 25 00
Frank Howe work on old court house 7 25
A C Crabtree posting election and serv
ing road notices 26 70
A C Crabtree summoning jurors 44 00
W H Campbell carpenter work 4 00
2tod McDonald repairs 9 00
-John Castillo same 60
R LLear same 7 10
C A Gentry same 4 00
George W Dillon caro of Mrs Tuttle 10 00
Danbury Hall Assn use of building for
r election 5 00
T M Campbell same 5 00
J B Colling same lights aud booths 6 00
EE Smithsame 1 00
School district No 9 same claimed 350 3 00
School district 20 same 3 00
School district No 23 same 3 00
School district No 31 same 3 00
School district No 33 same 3 00
School district No 33 same 3 00
School district No 42 same 3 00
School district No 51 same 2 00
School dist No 58 same claimed 350 3 00
School district No S2 same 2 00
Mitchell Young making booths 1 00
Alex Strain same 1 00
G W Cramer putting up and taking
down booths 2 00
John Beiter judgo of election and mile
age Alliance precinct 7 30
Frank Promer judge of election same 3 00
Henry McKean same 3 00
H Huntwork clork same 3 00
Perry Ginther same 3 00
B W Green judge of election and mile
age Beaver precinct 8 50
Mitchell Young judge of election same 4 00
Alex Strain same 4 00
Chauncy Messner clork same 4 00
Hy Ketering same 4 00
H N Colling judgo of election and mile
age Bondville precinct 6 30
Joe Carter judge of election same 3 00
Jacob Korb same 3 00
Charles Dutcher clerk same 3 00
GusSchlitz same 3 CO
William B Soxson clerk of election and
mileage Box Elder precinct 5 93
James Modrell clork eamo 3 00
Charles Foye judge same 3 00
T B Doyle same 3 00
George H Harrison samo 3 00
HBWales judge of election and mile
age Coleman precinct 5 83
H B Comer judgo of election same 3 00
J B Smith same 3 00
Ed Osbaugh clerk same 3 00
Robert Moore same 3 00
-Jesse Smith judgo of election and mile
age Danbury 6 70
J C Lafferty judgo of election same 3 00
Alvin Woods same 3 00
Frank Gockloy clerk same 3 00
Anderson Graham samo 3 00
George Plumleigh judge of election and
mileage Driftwood precinct 5 70
I H Wasson judgo of olection samo 3 00
32 C Goehring same 3 00
C T Eller clerk same 3 00
J W Randall same 3 00
H J Hall judge of olection and mileage
East Valley precinct 8 10
S W Clark judge of olection samo 4 00
7 W Hoppe eamo 4 00
XT GEthorton clorksarao 4 00
S B Grissoll samo 4 00
S O Hoagland clork of election and
miloaco Fritsch precinct 6 50
Emmet McCool clerk of election samo 3 00
Andy Barber judgo same 3 00
Joe McKeover same 3 90
Win Bergin same 3 00
Concluded on Pago Four
WT i
Mrs H C Brown visited Holdrege
relutives first of tho weolc
Mrs Cyrus Stayner departed for her
home in Edgar yesterday
Mrs O R Amick was up from Oxford
on a short visit close of Inst week
Mrs M E Pktty of Allegan Mich
is a guest of her son A E of the Model
shoe store
Mrs Pence and son of McCoolc were
visiting in town this last week Cam
bridge Clarion
Miss Genevieve Feeny will leave
next week for Denver to visit relatives
until aftPr the holidays
W L Zint went up to Denver on a
short visit Sunday He and Mrs Zint
returned home on Tuesday
Mr and Mrs Earl Snyder have gone
to keeping house in tho north side of
Mrs Matella Gordons house
Mrs Calhoun from McCook came
down Thursday to close the sale of her
town property Cambridge Clarion
Mrs M G Stephenson was down
from Denver fore part of the week guest
of Mrs I L Rodstrom and other friends
Mr and Mrs J P Dye have return
ed from Curtis and are making their
homo here now His health is still very
WiLLrAM McMillen an inspector for
the interior department has been in
specting the local land office since last
C II Meeker has automobile No 2
It is a Franklin runabout and is giv
ing Charley his moneys worth of tinker
ing etc
Dr and Mrs A C Harlan arrived
home close of last week from Lincoln
where they spent a few weeks for her
Miss Vergie Ludwick has been ab
sent since last week visiting Lewis in
Nebraska City and the Trowbridges in
Mrs W S Morlan has been spend
ing the week in Alliance visiting her
sister Mrs Sage wife of the Burlington
agent there
Mr and Mrs H F McGlaughlin of
Malmo Nebraska were in the city Tues
day evening on their way up to Hayes
county on a visit
Mrs S B Williams of Bellevue Ohio
came over from Beaver City last week
and visited Congressman and Mrs G W
Norris for several days
Mrs Bishop of Franklin and her
daughter Mrs C W Benedict of Tren
ton have been in the city this week
guests of Mrs C E Eldred and other
McCook friends
Grandpa Jackson is very near deaths
door suffering with cancer of the tongue
The family is in destitute circumstances
and sadly in need of help two doors west
of the Palmer house
RoyRolfe has found it necessary on
account of his health to retire from the
management of the Alma Record and
has sold his lease on that paper and i3
now at home temporarily
James I Lee is improving his ice plant
by putting in a dam etc
A son was born to Mr and Mrs John
Humphreys of East McCook first of the
Rev August Mueller will move to
northern Iowa some time next week
where he will have another charge
Arthur Randel went down to Indian
ola last week and has taken charge of
the engine in the mill at that place
The line has been marked out and tho
poles have been delivered for the tele
phone line from Danbury to McCook as
far toward McCook from Danbury as F
M Kennedys It is said that the line
will connect with the Nebraska Tele
phone Cos line at II H Pickens farm
southeast of the city
This name on a stove or range is an
absolute guarantee that only the best
materials and most skilled workn n are
used in its construction that it will op
erate perfectly and with the smallest
quantity of fuel We have them in all
sizes aud kinds and at prices you can
not duplicate elsewhere
Polk Bros
Pure Candies
Wo try to suit all tastes and all persons
BaldufFs Pure Candies in all size pack-
The Great Majestic range is still in the
Plenty of dark prints at 5c at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Holy communion atStAlbans church
Sunday Nov 20th at 730 p m
Have you Lought your heating stove
yet See Ludwicks line Cut prices
balanco of season
25 individual suit patterns of dress
goods at 81150 750 500 each at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
The only paper in Red Willow county
to give an abstract of the official vote
last week was The McCook Tribune
For Abused Hands
Those who are obliged to do
rough work in all kinds of weather
husking corn for instance need
something more healing than ordi
nary cheap lotion
Berrys Hand Healer
is what is necessary It heals deep
chaps and softens the surface pre
venting further chapping
L W McConnell Druggist
Tribune one year
Ocean one year
One year for
This offer open only a few weeks
and may be taken advantage of
by old subscribers who will pay
one year in advance as well as
new ones
Grand Master Jaskalek Here
Grand Master Jaskalek of the A O
U W was with tho brethren Monday
evening in a very important business
meeting with social trimmings At 730
the grand master delivered an address
setting fprth some matters of grave im
port to tho order
Tho matter of reserve fund was
touched upon It is one of the facts
that the order must settle in tho near
future and ought to have determined
long ago
The attitude of the grand lodgo of Ne
braska with the supreme lodge was dis
cussed At present the Workmen of
Nebraska are paying into the supreme
lodge about 30000 annually to benefit
lodges in states where the assessments
are much more numerous Under the
new law about four times this amount or
about S120000 is demanded by the su
preme lodge for this purpose from the
Nebraska jurisdiction The probabili
ties are that the Nebraska grand lodge
will not stand for this
As Nebraska Workmen are evidently
opposed to tho graded assessment idea
they have something to think about be
tween now and next May when this
matter with the supreme lodge will come
up for settlement
A social session followed the business
Thanksgiving Day Services
The churches of the city will unite in
a Thanksgiving service Thrnksgiving
Day November 21 The service will bo
held in the Baptist church at 1040 am
The order of service will bo as follows
Organ Voluntary
Prayer Rev Carjnan
Scripture Rov Carson
Presidents Proclamation H J Theobold
Sermon Rov Burt
Bendediction Rev Conrad
It is desired that those who wish to
make offerings of groceries clothing
fuel etc etc bring theiroffering to the
church and a competent committee from
the different churches will distribute to
tho needy The Pastors
For Sale or Trade
For McCook property or land near
McCook 480 acres of land 2J4 miles
from railroad station in south part of
Lincoln county Nebraska Good frame
house Large barn and sheds and other
buildings One section fenced and lots
of range Fine lay out for cattle Ill
health cause for selling Would also
dispose of 85 head of cattle 100 tons of
hay etc or mightleave some on place on
shares to responsible party Price 1
25000 one half down balance well se
cured Write R J Harper
Beaver Citv Neb
We have a choice lot of chrysanthe
mums some are already in full bloom
they are beauties Dont wait until the
assortment is broken Also have some
nice ferns and palms Cut flowers and
designs our specialty Our best custo
mers are those who have tried other
places they know where they get the
best for the least money Phone 91
McCook Greenhouse
A large line of all sizes and prices at
McMillens drug store
A thousand croppies were received
from the state Sunday morning by James
S Doyle of the Willow and he has plac
ed them in the pond he recently built on
his ranch up on the Willow creek
Do you want to save coal this winter
Buy some of that rubber strip at Cole
mans and put it around your doors and
wiudows Both economy and comfort
Those Bissoll carpet sweepers at Cole
mans are the vory best They are
savers of labor and carpets
Special prices on heating stoves at
J n Ludwick Sons One of tho best
assortments in the city
The Fortnightly club dance of last
Friday overling in opera house was un
usually well attended
Mens and boys heavy winter leggins
with clasp or lace for 59c at The Thomp
son Drv Good3 Cos
A prize with every ham Seven pound
California hams for 84 cents at B M
meat market
The Dorcas society will meet with
Mrs L R Ilileman next Friday No
vember 25
Plenty of good muslin 5c yd at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Skates for boyB and girls at W T
Everything in drugs McConnell
juwMm wuwi
Social Affairs on Large Scale
Mrs Albert Barnett was tho clevor
hostess close of last week at two de
lightful samples of tho social arc as
practiced by the ladies of McCook
Both were Kensingtons and the list of
guests at both functions was long The
Barnett home was liberally and beauti
fully decorated for the affairs Large
bouquets of chrysanthemums were in evi
dence throughout the residence Tho
dining room was in red with bride and
meteor roses smilax ferns etc as floral
decorative features
At Fridays Kensington Mrs Albert
McMillen and Mrs W B Mills assisted
the hostess in receiving tho guests
Mrs C W Britt sang a solo Mrs
Louis Suess accompanying her Mrs W
B Mills assisted in entertaining the
guests with several piano numbers
A three course luncheon was served
Mrs Walter Stokes and Mrs R M
Douglass serving in the dining room
Mrs J E Kelley served the coffee
Mrs Alexander Campbell and Mrs J
F Kenyon assisted Mrs Barnett in re
ceiving tho numerous guests at Satur
days affair
Mrs H P Sutton and Mrs A L
Knowland presided in the dining room
and Mrs Adele Phelan served at the
coffee table A three course luncheon
was spread
Tho functions were both on an elabo
rate plan and their details were all car
ried out to tho conspicuous delight of
A Successful Fair Held
Tho Dorcas society of the Congrega
tional church held a successful fair in
the Menard opera house Thursday and
night realizing handsomely from their
hard work Dinner and supper were
served fancy work sold in the evening a
short program rendered to which the
admission was but ten cents The en
tertainment was produced by young
folks and was greatly enjoyed and ap
preciated The ladies appreciate fully
the patronage so liberally extended and
are very grateful to the public
Didnt Like the Receipt Demanded
Tax Adjuster Pollard of the C B
Q was here this week and offered to
pay the Q tax to County Treasurer
Gossard on the basis of a 20 per cent in
crease over the amount paid last year
Treasurer Gossard was not averse to re
ceipting Pollard for the amount paid to
apply on the taxes until tho matter is
passed on by the supreme court but not
being satisfied with tho wording of tho
receipt required by tho adjuster the
matter fell through for the present
rJIad an Enjoyable Fraternal Time
The members of the Modern Wood
men of the World entertained their wives
and ladies of the Royal Neighbors last
Thursday evening in a most enjoyable
manner A supper was spread in the
lodge room over McConnells drug store
there was a music program and a fine so
cial season in the bargain There was a
large attendance and the ladies are vocal
in their praise of the style in which the
gentlemen of the order entertained them
The Citizens Bank Buys Them
The Citizens Bank has purchased the
lot building together with the furniture
and bank fixtures contained in the build
ing now occupied by them from Mr V
Franklin The purchase includes the
completion of the two story building
now in course of construction in the
rear of the bank building proper This
will give the bank one of the most val
uable and best paying properties in the
The Book You Want
It is here In books as in everything
else we try to keep what people want
If for any reason we do not have the par
ticular book wanted we will get it for
you at once McConnell Druggist
A Course of Lectures
Thomas Williams editor of the
Christadelphian Advocate Chicago
has been delivering a course of lectures
in tho court room this week
Watch the B M meat market for a
special sale on lard
Self basting roasters
Nothing equals them
at Colemans
Watch for date of special cut glass
sale at W T Colemans
Best quality table oil cloth 15c yd at
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Boys all leather mittens 10c pair at
The ThoniDSon Dry Goods Cos
Mens warm winter suits 5 00 to
1350 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Closingout ladies ready trimmed hats
one third off at The Thompson Dry Goods
The largest assortment of cut
water glasses
Prices right at
A prize with every ham Seven pound
California hams for 81 cents at B M
meat market
Ladies and misses long tourist coats
8750 to S1750 jackets 8100 to 81350
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Beautiful hand painted oil color pil
low tops with back for 50c Cords to
match 25c to GOo Tho Thompson Dry
Goods Co
The Devils Auction Tuesday
night drew a large audience to the opera
house Considering the many draw
backs the impossibility of using their
special scenery and effects etc tho
results were all that could havo been ex
Considerable of the brick and stone
for tho sidewalks aid crossings for tho
recently ordered sidewalk west from
Main to Melvin street along the north
side of Dodge street are now on tho
ground and ready to bo laid The com
pletion of this walk will be a great con
venience to the wests siders
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last Thursday evening
W II Rjer to F G Stilgebouer wd to
lotsl 2 a 4 5 and 6 in block 6 Esthor
John Stevens to J E Ludwick wd to w
hf nwqr 28 and ohfneqr 294 29
26 00
1 00
Addie Smith to E S Moore qcd to part
nw qr nw qr 230 00
H E Moore to E S Moore qcd to
ERMoore to ESMoore qcd to same
CPMooro to ES Moore qcd to same
E M Moore guardian toE S Moore
qcd tq samo
Four From the Red Cloud Chief
Engineer Traver who has been
Connells druggist
Wall Paper Remnants
Special remnant
drug store
12 00
12 00
12 00
20 00
James John guardian to E S Moore
qcd to same 40 00
E S Moore to J Randol wd to same 1000 00
P N Boyd to J Malleck wd to so qr
31-3-27 1200 00
United States to A Dutcher pat to so
qr 31-3-27
G C Marriott to J H Short wd to s
hf 18-4-29 2000 00
J H Short to J Short wd to s hf soqr
and e hf w hf so qr 184 29 MX 00
WWSmith to A V Minor qcd nw qr 2-
2 2R GOO 00
V Franklin to Citizens Bank wd to lot
12 in block 21 McCook 12000 00
M G Shnckelton to F A Strockpy wd
to lots 10 11 and 12 in block 37 Indian-
United States to S S Gordon pat to o
hf nw qr and o hf sw qr 20-4-27
E P Cleveland to R Jones wd to o hf
nw qr and o hf sw qr 204 27
II E Clark to N J Anderson qcd to
lots 1 2 3 4 5 and 6 in block 29 Iu
diauola f
1550 00
1 00
F G Stilgebouor to N A Baker qcd
to lot 7 in block G Esthor Park 15 00
E T Bronon to W D Spencer wd to
2400 00
E B Rollings to A Jensen wd to w hf
nw qr and so qr sw qr and sw qr so qr
and s hf nw qr 25-4-28 1600 00
L R Corbin to W A Barber wd to s
bf swqrllandehf nsvqr 144 23 1200 00
E R and E F Pettegrew to O Bar-
ber wd to no qr 21-4-28 1000 00
United States to S S Brown pat lots
2 and 3 and sw qr no qr and se qr nw
charge of the switch engine for several
months has been transferred to McCook
aud will soon remove his family to that
Master Mechanic Georgo Ilollister has
been transferred to McCook
Ross Sellers Sam Howard and Will
Zackery are among the latest to bo laid
off by tho C B Q West There are
now but four men employed at the round
house two on tho day shift and two at
It is rumored that Engineer Charles
Milligan will be transferred to Wymore
and that his run will be extended from
that city to Oxford
A Runaway Bicycle
Terminated with an ugly cut on the
leg of J B Orner Franklin Grove 111
It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding
to doctors and remedies for four years
Then Bucklen s Arnica Salve cured
Its just as good for burns scalds skin
eruptions and piles 25c at L W Mc
sale at McMillens
Hand made Stove Pipe
that fits 10c per joint Polk Bros
Erwin Hopt an enterprising young
farmer near McCook is starting a Tam
worth herd of swine Mr Hopt has been
taking the agricultural course at the
state university and from his observation
there he believes this breed will be a
success in the Republican valley on ac
count of their love of alfalfa With tho
exception of tho ones at tho stato uni
versity farm Mr Hopt has the only herd
in the stale and his experiment will be
watched with great interest Holdrege
The closest fellow that has come to our
notice recently is tho young man in
Cambridge who is looking for a steady
without arms in order that he might
save the expense of buying her an en
gagement ring
St Albans Guild will hold a Christ
mas bazaar in McConnells hall Decem
ber 17th afternoon and evening The
public is invited to come and see the
Christmas novelties
Lest you forget we mention our largo
I assortment of lidies and misses skirts
at S175 to 6900 Alterations without
extra charge Tho Thompson Drv Goods
Heating stoves from 8100 up Big
cut in prices from now on during tho rest
of the season Ludwick
Mens union suits ladies misses and
childrens ditto for 25c to 8250 at Tho
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Best apron check ginghams only 5c at
Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Elegant silk waists 550 to SG75 at
I Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Watch for date of spfcial
sale at W T Colomaus
cut glass
See that line of kitchen novelties just
received at Colemans
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Tho result of the national election
and the mild weather almost make
you forgot that Thanksgiving is al
most here But if you will step
into W T Colemans store and see
the stock of Roasters and Carvers
ho has on hand you will realize
that Thanksgiving is near and your
seasonable needs
Soldiers of the Mikado Fast
Closing in on Russians
The Result in Great Doubt
By Aid ok Stereoiticon Views
Exact Conditions will ue
McCook Nebraska Nov 18
Special It is reliably stated that
Frank R Roberson one of the
most widely travelled lecturers in
the world will relato his experi
ences in the Russian Japanese war
at Menards opera houso in Me
Cook Saturday evening Nov 19
at 810 oclock Mr Roberson
will illustrate his remarks by over
200 beautiful stereopticon views
thrown on tho screen by a skilled
assistant It is bound to bo a
great event because Russia is
fighting for her standing as an ori
ental powor while Japan is battl
ing for her very existence as an in
dependent nation
This number is tho first in the
Citizens entertainment course in
McCook this winter Reserved
seats to hear Roberson may be se
cured at McConnells The price
is 50 cents
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn j7
Wheat f o
Oats j
Rje 60
noy - 2
Hogs 4 23
Egg 25
Good Buttor 20
McConnell for drugs
Oil heaters at Colemans
McMillens Couh Cure will stop your
Watch the B M
special sale on lard
meat market for a
Watch for date of special cut glass
sale at W T Colemans
Fascinators that fascinate are at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Boys 2- and 3 piece suits 85c to 8500
at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
The Rochester
ware for sale bv
nickel plated copper
Polk Bros
The Tribune wants a correspondent
at Red Willow Write us for particulars
The Tribune makes a specialty of
office stationery and type vriter supplies
A prize with every ham Seven pound
California hams for 81 cents at B M
meat market
Those very snug and warm beaver top
flannel lined shoes for women are at Tho
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
The State Bank of Bartley increased
its capital stock from S7500 to 310000 No
vember 7th The surplus is 82500
A Favor The publisher will esteem
it a favor at any time to receive items
of local news from residents of McCook
or Red Willow county
W T Coleman handles chafing dishes
baking and serving dishes five oclock
teas and silverware See his stock while
the assortment is complete
lzzer bed comforts simply beat the
world 11yds cloth G lzzer batts 8185
to 8250 Made and sold exclusively by
Tho Thompson Dry Goods Co
If you want a largo type bible stop in
and see McMillens large assortment
Also the latest books in fiction as well
the most popular standard books
For Sale Registered Poland China
and Duroo Jersey boars Thrifty fel
lows at low prices D C Benedict
Culbertson Neb
Fur scarfs from 3100 to 81000 in
coney sable marten squirrel beaver
chinchilla and Isabella fox Bright
dressy and right The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
The only thorn in the average McCook
boyssidenow is thefearthathis mother
will fill the Thanksgiving turkey with a
health food instead of oysters or some
other good old fashioned stufiin
To those who want to buy their
Christmas goods early we will be glad to
show you anything you may care to
see in this lino before we make any
display McConnell Druggist
The high school boys went down to
Arapahoe Saturday last and were given
several pointers in football by the high
school lads of that burg The score was
JM to 1 in Arapahoes favor Arapahoe
now claims to bo tho champion of tho
Republican Valley
Dr Warrick tho eye ear nose and
throat specialist of Hastings will be at
tho Commercial hotel Saturday Dec
J3rd to meet patients Eyes tested and
glasses properly fitted All work guaran
teed Regular visits made Consulta
tion free
Worlds Fair Visitors Unsurpassed
accommodations and location La Tona
Inn 300S Lucas ave St Louis Mo 50c
75c 100 a day Meals 25c and 35c
Union depot 18th street car north to
Washington avenue There transfer any
car west Get off cor Lucas and Garri
son avenues opposite here Direct
route to Fair 10 234t3