The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 11, 1904, Image 4

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    The Electoral Vote
New York Nov 9 Returns late this
afternoon indicate the following vote for
Est- Plur
Colorado 15000
California 100000
Connecticut 38000
Delaware 4000
Idaho 23C00
Illinois 225000
Indiana 75000
Iowa 130000
Kansas 100000
Maine 35000
Massachusetts 86000
Michigan 150000
Minnesota 125000
Montana 10000
Missouri 10000
New Jersey 70000
Nebraska 40000
New Hampshire 20000
Nevada 2000
Now York 174000
North Dakota 29000
Ohio 200000
Oregon 40000
Pennsylvania 4S5000
Rhode Island 16000
South Dakota 40000
Utah 12000
Vermont 30000
West Virginia 30000
Washington 30000
Wisconsin 60000
Wyoming 5000
This gives Roosevelt a total
electoral votes
Alabama 75000
Arkansas 30000
Florida 20000
Georgia 5000
Kentucky 14000
Louisiana 35000
Mississippi 50000
North Carolina 50000
South Carolina 50000
Tennessee 20000
Texas 100000
Virginia 25000
Parkers total vote 133
Elec Vote
John H Bennett was the only Demo
crat elected to office north of the Mason
and Dixie line and it took lots of Re
publican votes to elect him
The probabilities are that if President
Roosevelt had cut out that Booker T
Washingti n incident he would have car
ried the rest of the solid south
Favored by Both Parties
Republicans and Democrats alike
praise Foleys Honey and Tar for coughs
colds and all throat and lung diseases
as no other remedy can compare with it
It is safe and sure P T Slater mer
chant 171 Main St Gloucester Mass
writes Foleys Honey and Tar cured
me of a very bad cough which I had for
three months though other remedies fail
ed to benefit me I can highly re
commend it for coughs and colds
Sold by A McMillen
A Genuine Snap
Stove pipe for ten cents a joint at
Taint no use to sit down and whine
When no fish get tangled in your line
Bate your hook with a bumble bee
And keep taking Rocky Mountain Tea
LW McConnell
A specialty of office supplies
The Tribune
A Runaway Bicycle
Terminated with an ugly cut on the
leg of J B Orner Franklin Grove 111
It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding
to doctors and remedies for four years
Then Bucklen s Arnica Salve cured
Its just as good for burns scalds skin
eruptions and piles 25c at Ij W Mc
Connells druggist
jj Give nature three helps and
a nearly every case of con
I sumption will recover Fresh
1 air most important of all
Nourishing food comes next
Then a medicine to control
the cough and heal the lungs
Ask any good doctor
I flnt nied Ayors Cherry Pectoral 13 year
ago I hare oen terrible canon of limit dis
eases cured by It I nin never without It
alb bet Q Hamilton Marietta Ohio
25c 50c F100
All rtrtiKKists
Tnwwll Mi3S
Health demands daily action of the
bowels Aid nature with Ayers Pills
Nebraska Congressmen All Republicans
Six congressmen were elected by the
republicans of Nebraska Tuesday
In tho First district Elmer J Burkett
was elected by a majority which was de
clared to be in exress of his figures of
two years ago 7317
In the Second district John L Ken
nedy republican was elected over Con
gressman Hitchcock democrat by an es
timated plurality of 1500
In tho Third district Congressman J
J McCarthy was re elected over P E
McKillip by a plurality of about 3000
This is an increase of about four hun
dred over his majority two years ago
In the Fourth district E E Hinshaw
was re elected by a plurality of about 4
Congressman G W Norris was re
elected in the Fifth district by a majority
of 4000
Congressman Moses P Kinkaid was
re elected in the Sixth district by a plur
ality of 2000
A Modern Fable
A locust who was stuck on his ability
as a musician was about to be devoured
by a hungry hen when it occurred to
him that he might be able to work the
biddy Wait a minute said the lo
cust If you will just let me have a
show I will entertain you with some
music Thereupon he turned himself
loose and commenced to saw on his
wings to beat the band The hen stood
it for a minute and then said For
goodness sake let up on that noise If I
didnt need you for a lunch I ought to
kill yon in the interest of harmony
and with that she deposited the locust
in her craw for future reference
Often the very things that we pride
ourselves in are the things that make
other people most weary Cribbed
November Low Raxes
To St Louis November offers tho last oppor
tunity for seeing tho St Louis Exposition the
most magnificent spectacle the world has over
produced See it now or never
Special low coach excursion rates daily each
week from Sunday to Thursday inclusive
Seven day limit Slightly higher rates for
tickets good in sleeping cars with longer limit
To Chicago Daily low round trip rates
either direct or via St Louis in either direction
with stopovers at St Louis Kansas City or
Live Stock Show One fare plus 200 for the
round trip to Chicago and return on November
26th 27th and 28th
Winter Tourist Rates Low round trip rates
to Galveston and San Antonio Texas New Or
leans La Mobile Ala Jacksonville and St
Augustine Fla and hundreds of other points
If you are figuring on a winter trip I can fur
nish you valuable information or writcJLi W
Wakely general passenger agent Omaha
Geokge S Scott Agent
Chicago Burlington Quincy R R
A Genuine Snap
Stove pipe for ten cents a joint at
Mothers Praise It
Mothers everywhere praise One Min
uite Cough Cure for the sufferings it has
relieved and tho lives of their little ones
it has saved A certain cure for coughs
croup and whooping cough A L
Spafford Postmaster of Chester Mich
says Our little girl was unconscions
from stranguation during a sudden and
terrible attack of croup One Minute
Cough Cure quickly relieved and cured
her and I cannot praise it too highly
One Minute Cough Cure relieves
coughs makes breathing easy cuts out
phlegmr draws out inflammation and
removes every cause of a cough and
strain on lungs Sold by L W Mc
St Louis Via Chicago
During October and November the
Burlington is quoting very low rates to
St Louis via Chicago
A Good Complexion
Sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks re
stored by using DeWitts Little Early
Risers so writes S P Moore of Nacog
doches Tex A certain cure for bilious
ness constipation etc Small pill
easy to take easy to act Sold by I W
mmtim jr ja TjwfcwBffaiacwggBeirtcijfca
There is a quality in Royal
Baking Powder which makes
the food more digestible and
wholesome This peculiarity
of Royal has been noted by
physicians and they accord
ingly endorse and recom
mend it
A Continual Strain
Many men and women are constantly
subjected to what they commonly term
a continual strain because of some
financial or family trouble It wears
and distresses them both mentally and
physically affecting their nerves badly
and bringing on kidney and liver
mentshvith the attendant evils of
stipation loss of appetite sleeplessness
low vitality and despondency They can
not as a rule get rid of this continu
al strain but they can remedy its health
destroying effects by taking frequent
doses of Greens August Flower Ittones
up the liver stimulates the kidneys in
sures healthy bodilv functions gives
vim and spirit to ones whole being and
eventually dispels the physical or men
tal distress caused by that continual
strain Trial bottle of August Flower
25c regular size 75 At all druggists
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postofiice Nov 7 1904
Brown Miss Madge
Beach Jennie
Dusenberry J W
Getle Mrs Henry
Himmol Mrs Rosa
McClure Mr Dennie
Palmer L A
Shaw Miss Edyth M
Brown N C
Corcorane John
Fisher Mrs Kate
Hamilton Mr W E
Jeffries Mrs Maggie
Matson L F
Sharp Miss Ethel
Stewart Miss Elsie
olker Mr Hubert
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
Thousands Cured
DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve has cured
thousands of cases of piles I bought
a box of DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve on
the recommendation of our druggist
so writes C H LaCroix of Zavalla Tex
and used it for a stubborn case of piles
It cured me promptly Sold by L W
7 vy AvX
Its Mother is Well
The baby is healthy because during the
period of gestation its mother used the
popular and purely vegetable liniment
Mothers Friend is a soothing softening
relaxing liniment a muscle maker invig
orator and freshener It puts new power
into the back and hips of a coming mother
It is applied externally only there is
no dosing and swallowing of nasty drugs
no inward treatment at all
The state of the mother during gestation
may influence the disposition and future
of the child that is one reason why moth
ers should watch their condition and
avoid pain Her health that of the child
and their lives depend on keeping free
from pain worry and melancholy Be of
good cheer strong of heart and peaceful
mind Mothers Friend can and will
make you so Bearing down pains morn
ing sickness sore breast and insomnia are
all relieved by this wonderful remedy
Of druggists at ioo per bottle
Send for our book riotherhood free
Docket 194 No U In tho circuit court of tho
United States for tho district of Xebrnskn
James N Clarke receiver Nebraska Loan and
Trust Co complainant vs Walter E Corwiti
et nl defendants In chancery
Foreclosure of Mortgage
Public notice is hereby Riven that in pursu
ance and by virtuo of a decreo entered in tho
above cause on tho 18th day of February 1902
I Goorso II Thummel special master in chan
cery of tho circuit court of tho United States for
tho district of Nebraska will on the 7th day of
December 1904 at tho hour of 9 oclock Central
time in tho forenoon of said day at tho front
door of tho Red Willow county court house
building in tho city of McCook Red Willow
county stato and district of Nebraska sell at
public auction for cash tho following described
properly to wit Lots seven 7 eight 8 and
nine 9 in block fifteen 15 in the oriRinal town
now City of McCook Red Willow county Ne
braska Gno H Tjidmmeii
Special Master in Chancery
John M Ragan Solicitor for Complainant
at the
Norris Majority 4000
Save for my daily range
Among tho pleasant Holds of Holy Writ
I might despair Tennyson
Advent Sabbath school at 2 p m
preaching at 3 Prayer meeting every
Tuesday evening
Eldek G H Smith Pastor
Christian Bible school 10 Preach
ing at 11 a m and 8 p m Y P SC E
at 7 p m every Lords Day Special in
vitation to all G T Burt Pastor
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Methodist Sunday School at 10
Preaching at 1100 and 8 00 Epworth
League at 715 Class meeting at 12
Praver meeting on Thursday night at
730 Junior League at 300 All wel
come M B Carman Pastor
Congregational Sunday school 1 0
a m Y P S C E at 7 p m Prayer
and conference meeting on Wednesday
evening Morning subject Deepening
Friendship with God Evening sub
ject What is Your Name
George A Conrad Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
mouth Sunday school at 10 oclock am
Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer
and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in
the month Holy Communion at 7 30 a
m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
First Baptist Church Preaching at
11 a m and 745 p m Sunday school at
94o am Junior society at 6 p m BY
P U at 645 p m Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening 745 p m Sermon
themes Morning The Souls Inspira
tion evening The Cross a Hope or
a Horror The pastor will sing Saved
by Grace at the evening service
A B Carson Pastor
Remember you can now
get The Tribune and the
Chicago Weekly Inter
Ocean for only 105
A Card
This is to certify that all druggists are
authorized to refund your money if Fo
ley s ioney ana lar fails lo cure your
cough or cold It stops the cough and
heals the lungs Prevents pneumonia
and will cure incipient consumption
Contains no opiates and is safest for
children Ask for Foleys Honey and
Tar and insist upon having it Stops
the cough and heals the lungs For sale
by A Mc Millen
Glen Stilgebouer is among the ailing
Mrs S T Playford is under the doc
tors care
Miss Daisy Dolph is clerking for G
B Morgan
The plasterers are at work on Chaun
cey Messners home
Mitchell Young is having an addition
built to his residence
John Balls clover huller is hulling
clover for Mayo Green
J L Sims shipped two cars of hogs to
Kansas City this week
Mrs Phillips of Jndianola returned
to her home on Tuesday
Mr and Mrs Alfred Ashton and chil
dren visited in Danbury Suuday with
Mr and Mrs J G Evers departed
Tuesday night for St Louis to see the
great fair
Mrs T E
Mr Cribben
day nijjht
McDonald and her father
left for St Louis Tues-
J II Wicks was down from
Tuesday night to hear tho
election news
Mrs Emma Bull has leased her farm
to Bert Everist and is going to move to
Boulder Colorado
Quito a number of people from this
place attended tho funeral of Mrs F W
Ilooblerat Lebanon Sunday
Mr and Mrs Elvin Woods and Mr
and Mrs J L Sargent returned home
Monday from the St Louis exposition
Dr O E Robinson received a letter
from Rev Mason who states that he has
not heard of or seen his lost brother in
St Louis
A C Furman has sold his newspaper
residence and barber shop to Will Min
niear who will take possession of tho
same on Fcbruaryjlst In the meantime
Will will go to Omaha and attend a school
for barbers The consideration was Sl
Mickeys Majority About 10000
nmcagafftf rfftrfrr frr1
i i
Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
-Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
A MttGi
f H
Omaha Daily news 150 to Jan l 1906
The publisher of the Omaha Daily
News will send their daily from now
until January 1 1906 for 8150 to all
who subscribe luring October If you
want the Sunday paper also add fifty
cents to your remittance Those who
are subscribers can renew under the
same conditions
Low Rates East
To certain points east of Chicago the
Burlington is offering greatly reduced
rates Ask the agent
I have no more
nervous headaches
and rest very well at
When a woman suffers from female
weakness and irregularity or other forms
of womanly disease the effect is cer
tain to be marked in her nervous sys
tem the general effect being as in Mrs
Woodins case nervous headaches rest
lessness at night and a run down condi
tion It is simply common sense then
which says if you cure the female weak
ness irregularity etc yoiivill cure the
nervousness sleeplessness and other con
sequences of womanly disease
Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription cures
the womanly diseases which undermine
the general health It establishes regu
larity dries enfeebling drains heals in
flammation and ulceration and cures
female weakness It cures headache
nervousness sleeplessness etc by cur
ing the womanly diseases which cause
these ailments
Sick women are invited to consult Dr
Pierce by letter free All correspond
ence strictly private Address Dr R V
Pierce Buffalo N Y
I feel more than grateful to you for the
benefit I have received from Dr Pierces Favor
ite Prescription and Golden Medical Discov
ery writes Mrs Ervie E Woodin of Millerton
Dutchess Co N Y care of Box No i For a
number of years I had been troubled with female
weakness nervous headache irregularity rest
lessness at night and in fact was all run down
but after taking three bottles of Favorite Pre
scription and one of Golden Medical Discov
ery feel that I am entirely cured I have no
more nervous headaches and rest very well at
night in fact feel like a different person
thanks to your kind advice and wonderful medi
cine I earnestly advise all who suffer from any
similar troubles to write to Dr Pierce at once
They will not regret it
Favorite Prescription has the testi
mony of thousands of women to its com
plete cure of womanly diseases Do not
accept an unknown and unproved sub
stitute in its place
Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets should be
used with Favorite Prescription when
ever a laxative is required
Nr b
Terms 1 per cent Small afternoon tales
within reasonable distance 5 Satisfac
tion guaranteed
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
McCook - Nebraska
I i 1 m
A Sound Argument
The one that blows without any
thing to blow about wastes time and
energy The excellence of our goods
and delivery service warrant us for
blowing Always the best always
the greatest variety always the
highest quality
Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats
Poultry Co
Buyers and Shippers of
Poultry and Eggs
For the next 7 days
we will pay cash
For Hens
Turkey Hens
EfelllS WISE
wi i jj nT qrocers
r 1
Wiggle Stick around in the water
8 i S S
Hi Hi Hi W
Hi Hi Hi tii He
He He He He Hi
a He lis Hi
W Hi He
Hi Hi Hi He Hi
Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi
Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi
Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi
Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi
Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi
Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi
He Hi Hi Hi Hi
Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi
Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi
Hi Hi Hi Hi He
Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi
a riernt to expect tnat
ankin business will
be treated as confidential
This we do and we also aim
to protect their interests in
every legitimate manner
First National
McCook Nebraska
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Are due to Indigestion Ninety nine of every
one hundred people who have heart troublo
can remember when it was simple indiges
tion It Is a scientific fact that all M
heart disease not organic are not only
traceable to but are the direct result of Indi
gestion All food taken into the stomach
which fails of perfect digestion ferments and
Bwells the stomach puffing it up against the
heart This interferes with the action of
the heart and In the course of time that
delicate but vital organ becomes diseased
Mr D Kaubla of Nevada O says I had stomach
W ft W stat0 ha heart troubl
with It I took Kodol Dyspepsia Curo for about four
months and it cured me
Kodol Digests What You Eat
and relieves the stomach of all nervous
strain and the heart of all pressure
Bottles only 100 Ska holdine 214 times tho trial
size which sells for 50c
Prepared fay E O DeWITTSt CO CHICAGO
For Sale by L W McConnell
To Prevent Hog Cholera
From appearing on your farm
Be prudent this year and pre
vent a repetition of the losses
of previous years
Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee
-- m WV
vyaKfiv v
fTfi A-
k fejmtf
tVA ra ysj
0il RINDS s
Dolmont S D Dec
rwiV t nVor V cholera and it was all
and they all pot well and done fine I also
used it for chicken lico and mites and it is all
SnlS1 fF fc U is the ODly Medicine for ho
cholera I think Gotlied Jeeke
TIarr5nKton Nob Dec 111902
I am usinirLiquiiI Koal and am well pleased
with it I am suro I saved my hogs with it laVt
year and am KoinK to keep it in stock all tlm
st tliinjr I ever had on the
Place for erary thine it is intended for It is
RomI for chicken cholera lico
on stock
Iust Cl
of nil kinds it will destroy all kinds
F w Woman
l rSSSSlio NatinRl Medici Co
SP3 ti
v A
171902 - fh