BARTLEY Jnmes Sipo is painting his residence Wood is painting his resi dence Jolin Wolf whs nn Indianoln visitor Wednesday Mr Beelers baby is very sick with lung fever Ira Ritchios baby has been quite sick with pneumonia this week John Harvey took out paint Wednes day to beautify his property Art Stevens began his work as rural mail carrier Tuesday morning Miss Ruby Axtell is detained from school on account of the mumps J A Curlpo returned Monday even ing from u business trip to Lincoln Mrs Art Stevens was very sick a few days this week but is better now Fletcher Faubin are in the country painting James Ferrells new residence A very pleasant social and entertain ment was held at the M E church Holloween J H Bennett was a Bartley visitor Wednesday talking over the commis sioner prospect Jas Farrell and wife were over fiom their farm near Lebanon one day this week on a business visit Dr Ewing of Lincoln was in Bartley this week with a view to locating here He is negotiating with Dr J E Hath orn for the purchase of his office and good will Mrs Kite returned Friday night from Kansas where she has been visiting her son Will and family She will leave again Thursday evening for Illinois to visit another son Foster Stilgebouer and wife were in itiated into the O E S lodge here Wed nesday evening The order is in a flourishing condition and has received several new members of late Messrs C E Matthews GN Hnppe S R Grisel Percy Cailett and Elmer Qxley were Danbury visitors Friday night where Matthews discussed the po ditical plans of the present campaign The political outlook in this vicinity is that Roosevelt and Norris will secure nearly the entire vote Mickey will not carry the full party vote The rest of the state ticket will secure the whole vote of the party Matthews for repre sentative will secure more than his party vote J H Bennet will get nearly the entire vote of the eastern precincts A Card This is to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your money if Fo leys Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold It stops the cough and heals the lungs Prevents pneumonia and will cure incipient consumption Contains no opiates and is safest for children Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar and insist upon having it Stops the cough and heals the lungs For sale bv A Mc Millen Taint no us to sit down and whine When no fish get tangled in your line -Bate your hook with a bumble bee -And keep taking Rocky Mountain Tea LW McConnell INDIAN0LA Allen Bodwell was an Indianola visitor Monday I R Andrews was quite sick Sunday and Mouday William Minuitmr of Danbury was in town Monday WThonras spent Sunday with friends -in Missouri Ridge Frank Burbiidge visited in Danbury Saturday and Sunday asijyi3sS5j Dont forget the old man with the fish on his back For nearly thirty years he lias been traveling around the world and is still traveling bringing health and comfort wherever he goes To the consumptive he brings the strength and flesh he so much needs To all weak and sickly children he gives rich and Strensfthcnins food To thin and pale persons lie gives new firm flesh and Tich red blood Children who first saw the old man with the fish arc now rown up end have children of their own He stands for Scotts Emul sion of pure cod liver oil a delightful food and a natural tonic for children for old folks and for all who need flesh and strength SCOTT BOWNE Chemists 09-4-15 Pearl Street New York 50c and 100 all druggists ks mHm en ORDER CHOPS 11 Or any kind of meat from our shop by phone if you wish or send the little folks and you will get the sweet tooth some kind We pride ourselves on the freshness and quality of our goods and the promptness of our delivery If you are not now trading with us we would be pleased to have you give us a trial We think you will be pleased Phone 12 D Mi fi John Harrison is happy in the posses 1 sion of a brand new place Miss Minnie Millen of Culbertson vis ited with her folks here Sunday Lawrence Fisher of Missouri Ridge was an Indianola visitor Monday George Whittaker of McCook came down to Indianola Saturday on a visit to friends Martin Anderson received the sad news of his mothers death in California which occurred a few days ago Coon river played a game of baseball with Indianola last Saturday The score was 12 to i in favor of Indianola A party of tourists stopped in Indian ola a couple of days last week They j hailed from Ohio and were traveling in an automobile Mr Barber living a few miles north of town arrived home a few days ago He visited Cincinnati Ohio and the St Louis fair while gone Mr Cowden and wife of Missouri Ridge took No 5 at this place Wednes day night to go to Benkelman for a few days visit with friends j Wm Sandon came over from Danbury Wednesday evening and left on No 5 for Denver where he is employed The family followed a day later Harry Mauck and R D Southerland spoke at the opera house Friday even- ing to a small crowd xnis time their theme was the railroads and their poor service The young people of the Methodist church gave a necktie social in the Woodman hall Saturday evening The proceeds go towards paying the preach ers salary The kid nine of Indianola went over to Missouri Ridge last Sunday and met the Danbury juveniles in a game of ball Again were the little Indians triumph ant with a score of 15 to 8 in their favor I was troubled with constipation and stomach troubles lost flesh m com plexion was ruined Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea brought back my health and complexion Mary Allen St Louis 35 cents L W McConnell A Physician Healed Dr Geo Ewing a practicing physician of Smiths Grove Ky for over thirty years writes his personal experience with Foleys Kidney Cure For years I had been greatly bothered with kidney and bladder trouble and enlarged pros tate gland I used everything known to the profession without relief until I commenced to use Foleys Kidney Cure After taking three bottles I was entirely relieved and cured I prescribe it now daily in my practice and heartly recom mend its use to all physicans for such troubles I have prescribed it in hun dreds of cases with perfect success Sold by A McMillen BOX ELDER Still the fine weather continues Raymond Sexson is on the sick list Basil Doyle is now able to go to school Paul and Clarence Stone are husking corn for T M Campbell The Box Elder Sunday school is making arrangements for a library Rev J A Kerr is spending this week with his family near Brady Island J W Spaulding and wife and Mrs John White left last Tuesday for the east on a visit to relatives and old friends There will be Sunday school at the church next Sunday morning promptly at 10 oclock also preaching in the even ing at 8 oclock Mothers Praise It Mothers everywhere praise One Min uite Cough Cure for the sufferings it has relieved and the lives of their little ones it has saved A certain cure for coughs croup and whooping cough A L Spafford Postmaster of Chester Mich says Our little girl was unconscions from strangulation during a sudden and terrible attack of croup One Minute Cough Cure quickly relieved and cured her and I cannot praise it too highly One Minute Cough Cure relieves coughs makes breathing easy cuts out phlegm draws out inflammation and removes every cause of a cough and strain on lungs Sold by L W Mc Connell Air In ix Subway An English physician has made nn analysis of the air In the underground railway of London with astonishing re sults The amount of oxygen in the atmosphere was only 20G0 parts In vol ume while in the worst courts in Lon don It was never found lower than 2080 Pure air contains 2094 per cent of oxygen And with diminution of oxygen there was a proportionate increase In the car bonic acid gas The normal quantity is 037 In 100 parts but the expert found that in one of the Metropolitan railway tunnels the carbonic acid gas was 338 per cent This is excessively high when It Is taken Into considera tion that whenever the carbonic acid gas In the atmosphere exceeds 100 per cent the nir is much too polluted to b breathed with safety to ones health Canada New Head Change in the head of the govern ment of Canada is brought about quite simply When the term of one gov ernor general is about to expire the an nouncement Is cabled from London that his successor will be Lord So-and-so This time it is Earl Grey a brother-in-law of the present incumbent who will become governor general in the au tumn The campaign leading up to the change will be chiefly social involving farewell receptions to the retiring func tionary to be followed by receptions of welcome to the new one Earl Grey Is In Ills fifty thinl year He was ad ministrator in Khodesia for two years prior to the Boer war From South Africa to North America is a long way but the Britisli empire is an empire of magnificent distances Youths Com panion Canadas Wheat PonibiHties Canadas wheat crop this year prom ises to exceed that of 1903 by about 30000000 bushels This is a big in crease and witli no abatement likely in succeeding years it is easy to be seen what a formidable wheat produc ing and exporting competitor the great Canadian northwest has become and Is becoming It could now if need were feed the mother country all by itself leaving the United States out of the question though it is not likely to be drawn on to that exclusive extent But the territory stands for one of the greatest grain producing regions in the whole story of tint world old or new its edges hardly scratched yet and it will have its share in determining the course of empire and development as the years and centuries go on PhotosrraphH on Cotton A man in Maine has recently complet ed a process for photographing in in delible ink on cotton cloth The process is said to be exceedingly simple the sensitizing toning and sizing being done at the same time with one solu tion The sensitizing medium will keep for a long time unless exposed to the light When the sensitized cloth is ex posed to the light In a printing frame only a few seconds of sunlight are re quired to print the outlines of the im age which develops fully in a vigor ous print in clear water The color is a solid engraving black but by a sim ple toning process before the prints are dried can be changed to a warm brown black or sepia These colors are fast and will stand washing with soap Onr Grentest Landowner W C Greene the multimillionaire copper king has bought the noted San Rafael de la Zanja ranch in southeast ern Arizona paying 1200000 for Its j 800000 acres and the cattle upon them This purchase establishes him as the greatest landowner of the North Amer ican continent for hitherto by the pur chase of land grants he owned about 200000 acres eastward from his latest acquisition as well as fully 1000000 acres In the northern part of the Mexl state of Sonora Doesnt Respect Old Age Its shamafal when youth fails to show proper respect for old age but just the contrary in the case of Dr Kings New Life Pills They cut olr maladies no matter how severe and irrespective of old age dyspepsia jaundice fever con stipation all yield to this perfect pill 25c at L W McDonnells drug store A Heavy Load To lift that load off of the stomach take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure It digests what you eat Sour stomach belching gas on stomach and all disorders of the stomach that are curable are instantly relieved and permanently cured by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure S P Storrs a druggist at 297 Main Street New Britain Conn says Kodol Dys pepsia Cure is giving such universal satisfaction and is so surely becoming the positive relief and subsequent cure for this distressing ailment I feel that I am always sure to satisfy and gratify my customers by recomending it to them I write this to show how well the remedy is spoken of here Kodol Dyspepsia Uure was discovered after years of scientific experiments and will positively cure all stomach troubles Sold bL W McConnell F OR SALE Real Estate Improved ITS VERY EASY To own n homn I offor a 4 room house with oak and maple floors lino location near school well kept lawn and trees nicely started Its a bargain See L If Lindomaun Al A BEAUTIFUL HOME A lino largo homo with both oloctric lights and furnace beautiful Inwn shade trees barn near school and postofllco Reader it will bit a comfort to your soul to own buch a home See L H Lindemann A2 RANCHES One of 300 acres anothor of 240 acres and still another well improved of 385 nil bottom and near town See L II Lindemanns WATCH For the new and great empire Routt county Colorado now being rapidly populated in ad vance of the Moffat line Procrastination in this caso will provo to bo tho thief of time See L II Lindemann A4 LOOK AND READ My list from timo to timo and do not fail to carefully consider tho fact that the time to buy city or farm property is whon there is a general feeling of depression L H Liudomaun Real Estate Mystery Solved at Lat I lost my notebook one day said a novelist I searched the house over for it From room to room I went ex amining every corner and at the end of a two hours hunt I found the book By Jove I exclaimed I wonder why it is that one always finds a thing in the very last place one looks for It Maybe said a cousin of mine It is because after we find what we are hunting for we end our search His Only Worry I Graphter Ive got my hooks out for a swell political office big salary and all that Jenkins Do you think you can fill It Graphter Never thought of that Whats worrying me is wheth er Ill be able to get it Phlladelphla Ledger Conjnsal Amenltlen She I was a fool when I married you He Arent you a fool still She T i tt m - - av l um uuu jiu xuen you snouia bo thankful to me for reforming you London Tit Bits iE35aB3S3 miifciiifsrYf COLEMAN J W Corner has sold his farm Mrs Schilz has bought another quar ter of land Miss Emma Corner is visiting at the old home in Iowa H K Bixler has bought a farm a few miles east of McCook G H Simmerman has sown a hun dred acres on the Prentice farm to wheat Mr and Mrs Thomas Whitmer have gone to Iowa and may bo absent several weeks J W Cornor M II Cole E C Os baugh and G H Simmerman have nil been on the McCook nnrket recently with hogs Mrs William Coleman and daughter Edith have been flying around lately caring for a lot of cabbage and a barrel of apples Uncle Billy has evidently been up to one of his old tricks again The Tribunk and weekly Chicago In ter Ocean only 8103 Dont delay about subscribing V J mUIJJIMUIIU l VEGETABLE SICILIA SPECIAL LAND LIST 160 acres in 22-1-29 acres fenced 160 acres in 26-4-30 160 acres in 22-3-27 N flair Renewed Renews the hair makes it new again restores the freshness Just I what you need if your hair is faded or turning gray for it always restores the color Stops falling hair alsoK7dKo7teWtt I Price 900 30 acres in cultivation 40 Price 800 9 miles to McCook Price 1200 100 acres in cultivation well sod buildings 320 acres in 23 and 24-1-29 Price 800 Sod buildings 160 acres in cultivation well 240 acres fenced 80 acres in 12-3-29 Price 400 12 acres in cultivation 160 acres in 21-2-27 Price 800 20 acres in cultivation 160 acres in 29 and 30-2-29 Price 900 50 acres in cultivation 160 acres in 23-1-29 Price 1200 130 acres in cultivation 160 acres in 20-1-29 Price 1200 60 acres in cultivation 160 acres in 33-4-29 Price 1000 75 acres in cultivation 160 acres in 35-2-29 Price 800 25 acres in cultivation 160 acres in 6-1-29 Price 700 70 acres in cultivation 160 acres in 32-2-30 Price 8co 80 acres in cultivation 320 acres in 21 and 22-3-29 Price 4000 35 acres hog tight ience good 2 story frame house good barn and sheds 275 acres in cultivation 320 acres in 26-2-30 Price 1600 220 acres in cultivation fair buildings 160 acres in 31-1-29 Price 640 TPflW nere purchase price exceeds 500 one third cash JL JUiylTAvJo balance in one two or three annual payments at 7 per cent Sale subject to lease and prices changed without notice Red Willow county land is by many underestimated It is of much value as farming land Be wise and do not undervalue Wes tern Nebraska land Eighteen sections of land in range 7 Nebras ka was once advertised for sale at 100 an acre Furnas county land has doubled and trebled in value within the past three years All the above land should be sold by Christmas Consider the terms and with proper farming it will pay for itself Use the phone or wire if you deem it necessary - it often beats the mail if some other fellow is writing I have 40 farms in Frontier county for sale at 400 an acre up Send for list R J HARPER L0T Beaver City Neb Mention McCook Tribune in all communications respecting above land E3nBBKBZ3EHft8B9EEEro IIIMiWII H IMI I iMIl fll 1 I llll J f Ill lil iM a TFTh a Q C a 1 - B O Wg fllWSa fnh8B8V Ktr oi js AAaja jlv I A M A TEI JR I JL JBhJ V - J W zJ Jw 90 frs fciOi k u3 B utf lis Former Cost American Jr CAMERA With Double Plate Holder 160 Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met Send for illustrated catalogue telling all about our 27 styles and sizes Free The famous Poco and American Genuinely good in every detail Film or Plates as you choose Absolutely new models 4x5 POCO AMERICAN CAMERA MFG CO 946 St Paul St Rochester N Y I III M Colds It should be borne in mind that every cold weakens the lungs low ers the vitality and prepares the system for the more serious dis eases among which are the two greatest destroyers of human life pneumonia and consumption Chamberlains Cough Remedy has won its great popularity by its prompt cures of this most common ailment It aids expectoration re lieves the lungs and opens the secretions effecting a speedy and permanent cure It counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia Price 25c Large Size 50c Modern Dentistry HERBERT J PRATT DDS Office over McConnell s drug store McCOOK NEBRASKA Ofkick Phone 1C0 Res Phone 131 Registered Graduate Dentist Formerly located in At lanta Georgia All opera tions pertaining to modern dentistry performed accord ing to the latest scientific methods used in the large cities R R J GUNN DENTIST nE 2 Oflice over Grannis store McCook Neb MRS L F GRIGG AGENT FOE ChasAStevens Bros Ready made Garments and Furnishing Goods Three doors east of DeGrofls store H P SUTTON McCOOK C H Boyle V JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS Room1 1 and 7 second floor PostoIIice Building NEBRASKA DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free sasi - DR A P WEJLLE Physician and Surgeon Oflice Resident 521 Main Avenue Office and Residence phone 5a Calls answered niche or day McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED AESTBACTEB McCook Nebraska ARent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in Postoflice building C E ELDKKD Co Atty BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at Law Lons Distance Phone U McCook Neb F D BURGESS Plumber end Steam Filter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Hailiday VVaupun telipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA HOLLISTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets Busy nieaicma tor Busy People y Brings Golden Health and Benewed Vlwr A specific for Constipation Indigestion UTO Y and Kidney Troubles Pimnles FVypmn inimr Blood Bad Breath Sluptfsh Bowels Headadja and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea In ti 1 r let form 35 cents n box Genuine madeVj HotusTERDRua CojnuT Madison Wis GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE CHiCHESTERS ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS tew HHBaTBR CHEMIOAI 2100 CO MaUUoa Nquar PHI p I- M j f