The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 04, 1904, Image 1

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1 V
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Burled Agent Sells at Holdrege
Holdrege Neb Oct 23 The funeral
of P M Sells the B M agent killed
at Nebraska City Junction occurred
here today Mr Sells began bis career
as a railroadman at this place beginning
at the bottom lie served in various
capacities the two times he was located
at this point being here about two years
altogether He was regarded as a bright
promising young man and his tragic
death was appalling to his friends here
especially to the railroad boys with
whom be was a great favorite The
funeral today was largely attended and
the floral offerings were beautiful The
burial services were under the auspices
of the Masonic order Mrs Sells par
ents reside in this place and Mrs Sells
has practically grown up here
The heartfelt sympathy of the city is
with the sorrow stricken wife
Francis M Sells agent at Nebraska
City Junction was found lying dead
beside the track near the station Tues
day afternoon Near his body lay that
of a tramp shot in the right eye the
agent having received a bullet in his
right temple Both were dead when
found The bodies lay feet to feet and
were a hundred yards north of the depot
By the side of Sells lay his revolver with
two of the cartridges therein exploded
but no gun was found on or about the
other man
The dead tramp in company with two
others had been hanging about the de
pot and the three saw the agent cash a
check for 9000 and it is thought that
the three attacked him for the purpose
of robbery and that he killed one and
was then killed by one of the other two
who afterwards made their escape One
of the tramps was found by a searching
posse and claimed that Sells shot one of
them and then killed himself
Francis Sells was a former Bartley boy
his parents residing here for a number
of years He was a steady industrious
young man and had many warm friends
here He leaves a young wife and in
fant child to mourn his uutimely death
Their first child was buried here about
two years ago Inter Ocean
Deaths Sudden Summons
Mrs Conrad Lebsack wife of the
section foreman at this place passed
away last Friday afternoon after a
brief illness She was suddenly stricken
with heart disease about five oclock
and died within the hour Deceased was
33 years of age Leaves a husband and
seven young children
Funeral services were conducted in
the German Congregational church
Sunday afternoon at two oclock Rev
Henkelmann being assisted by a reverend
gentleman from Culbertson Brief ser
vices were held at the home the section
house and at the grave in Riverview
cemetery where the interment was had
Expensive Experience
Reports reach us of damage being
done to mail boxes on the rural free de
livery route No 1 south of this city
Persons guilty of such offenses must be
utterly ignorant of the serious nature of
the crime they are committing or abso
lutely regardless of consequences of their
foolhardy acts The first one convicted
of the crime will serve as an example for
all time The Tribune again warns all
atjainst committing this offense Im
prisonment or a heavy fine o r both
await the one convicted
We have a choice lot of chrysanthe
mums some are already in full bloom
they are beauties Dont wait until the
assortment is broken Also have some
nice ferns and palms Cut flowers and
designs our specialty Our best custo
mers are those who have tried other
places they know where they get the
best for the least money Phone 91
McCook Greenhouse
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice Oct 31 1904
Uradon Earl
Brown It L
Uuttner Rov Henri
Fisher J K
Gaumer Cloo
Lyon A J
McDonald Wm
May Sherman
Phelps W R
Travers Win
Johnson v
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
A Runaway Bicycle
Terminated with an ugly cut on the
leg of J B Orner Franklin Grove 111
It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding
to doctors and remedies for four years
Then Bucklen s Arnica Salve cured
lts just as good for burns scalds
eruptions and piles 25c at L W
Uonneirs aruggisi
Preserve Your Health
Its priceless Not with patent med
icines but by buying and using an
Estate Oak heater They keep an even
heat so there is no catching cold Any
of your neighbors will recommend them
From Goheen farm 4 head
branded H O T on left side
of cattle
reward for information
J E Kelley
11-4-2 Next door to P O
A Genuine Snap
Stove pipe for ten cents a joint at
The good right styles in ladies
misses and childrens coats jackets and
capes at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
See those drop top sewing machines at
W T Colemans for 81800 You will
wonder how it could be done
Boys from 14 to 20 can get nice dressy
overcoats for 450 at The Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
McMillen has a few wall paper rema
nents one and two room patterns very
Heavy wool mixed pants cloth 25c at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Nice smooth stove pipe at W T Cole
mans at ten cents a joint
Mb and Mies A B Woods boy is a
Clifford C Biown has gono to Lin
Oliver Jeffries of Hayes Center has
movud to McCook
Mrs James A Ritchie is visiting in
Denver this week
Mr and Mrs J G Schoijel spent
Sunday in Hastings
Mrs William Heoenbkrger was in
Hastings Saturday
Mrs J W Line was a brief visitor in
Hastings this week
Miss Grace Cain is visiting her sister
Mrs J R Van Horn
Mrs C J Stratton is visiting rela
tives in Hayes Center
H W Keyes was up from Indianola
Wednesday on legal business
Mrs A G Beere of Del Norte Colo
is a guest of Mrs ft P Allen
Mrs George Martin is spending the
week with her parents in Hastings
Mrs W C Brown has been visiting
Mrs Hush Brown since last week
Mrs C F Allen is spending the
week with her parents in Indianola
L S Watson has moved up onto the
Sanborn ranch near Wray Colorado
H EWoods of Danbury had busiuess
in the countys capital city Wednesday
C H Meeker was in Denver Fort
Morgan and other Colorado points this
W J Tabor departed yesterday for
Morris Illinois to spend the winter
Mrs P Conover of Red Cloud has
been the guest of Mrs Roy Zint since
last week
Mrs Sam PrcKARD and children re
turned home Sunday from her trip to
Keokuk Iowa
Mr and Mrs J A Wilcox arrived
home Sunday from their sight seeing
trip to St Louis
J S McBrayer is at home after quite
a long absence iu the west on a stock
purchasing trip
Mrs D E Moore of Salt Lake City
Utah is in the city guest of her sister
Mr J H Stephens
John Russell of Joliet Illinois ar
rived in the city Wednesday and is the
guest of his brother W O
Deputy Treasurer Beardslee has
sold his opera house building in Indianola
to George Short for 4000
Mrs J E Kelley has just returned
from a visit of a week or ten days at the
old home in Kirwin Kansas
Mrs C B Clark went up to Denver
this week Wednesday and is spending a
few days with friends and relatives there
Lloyd Jennings was down from the
ranch near Akron Colorado to see the
Arapahoe McCook football game Satur
Miss Olive Rittenhouse and Miss
Nellie Smith returned Sunday from
their sojourn in St Louis taking in the
M O McClures visit was to John
Roxby at Arapahoe recently instead of
in Omaha as stated in last weeks Tri
E B Austin postmaster at Stevens
Frontier county was down Saturday
and Sunday to meet a daughter who was
to arrive from the east
Mr and Mrs J E Nelms returned
home Sunday from spending a few
weeks visiting his old home in Illinois
and seeing the sights at the exposition
Dr and Mrs A C Harlan are in
Lincoln where Mrs Harlan is in a sani
tarium for her health If Mrs Harlan i
feels improved they may remain a 1 1
Mrs William Zint and his sister
Mrs Bason went up to Denver Tuesday
to visit a brother of Mrs Basons there
with whom the latter will sjend the
Ellsworth Oyster was a guest of his
sister-in-law Mrs Margaret Oyster first
of the week on his way west from visiting
the old honiefolks in Ohio and seeing the
fair in St Louis
Mr and MrsEE Maxon were calied
to Grand Island last Saturday by the
sudden death of Mrs Maxon s father
who fell dead on the streets of that city
with an attack of heart disease
Frank S Vahue is here on a visit
arriving last Saturday night and expect
ing to remain a week or two visiting the
folks and on business He is on the
road again for a wholesale shoe house
Heals With Heat
The prompt application of a hot
water bottle will cure many ail
ments quicker than internal medi
cines and is a natural way of
curing This modern appliance is
apt to be needed at any hour and
one cant afford to be without All
bottles guaranteed
L W McConnell Druggist
Counterfeiting The Genuine
Foley Co Chicago originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung rem
edy and on account of the great merit
and popularity of Foleya Honey and Tar
many imitations are offered for tbe gen
uine Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar
and refuse any substitute offered as no
other preparation will give the same sat
isfaction It is mildly laxative It con
tains no opiates and is safest for children
and delicate person3 For sale by A Mc
The Awl Os Halloween
One of the happiest social functions
that has occurred in McCook was the
Halloween party given by the members
of tbe Awl Os club on Monday night
On this occasion the members of this
organization which is so justly celebrat
ed for the high standard of its entertain
ments excelled all former efforts
The Lawson home which was secured
for the festivities was beautifully and
appropriately decorated The floors were
strewn with rugs and the walls were
hung with flags and bunting while
autumn leaves corn pump
kins and apples were effectively em
ployed for purposes of embellishment
One room contained the trappings we
are accustomed to associate with gath
erings of those supernatural beings who
walk the earth at this season of the year
casket skull clanking chain and all
Another room was artistically arranged
as a gypsy camp A tent filled ono cor
ner A camp fire blazed before it A
fortune teller spread her cards upon a
fallen tree trunk and foretold the futures
of all who dared to ask The entire
house was habited by ghosts and witches
who after the manner of their kind said
no word but conversed by signs and
More than seventy guests and mem
bers partook of the supper which was
served at midnight under the auspices
of the ladies of the Episcopal Guild The
tables were adorned with ferns candles
and ribbons while is a concession to
the eight a huge made
from a pumpkin occupied the center of
each The viands were seasonable and
the service faultless
The hostesses presided with even more
of grace and charm than usually char
acterizes their entertainments No de
tail that would have added to the even
ings enjoyment was omitted The af
fair will long renirtin a pleasant memory
to all who participated
Advent Sabbath school at 2 p m
preaching at 3 Prayer meeting every
Tuesday evening
Elder G H Smith Pastor
Christian Bible school 10 Preach
ing at 11 a m and 8 p m Y P SC E
at 7 p m every Lords Day Special in
vitation to all G T Burt Pastor
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Methodist Sunday School at 10
Preaching at 1100 and 8 00 Epworth
League at 715 Class meeting at 12
Praver meeting on Thursday night at
730 Junior League at 300 All wel
come M B Carman Pastor
Congregational Sunday school 1 0
a m Y P S C E at 7 p m Prayer
and conference meeting on Wednesday
evening Morning subject The Words
and the Works of God Evening topic
God is Ready to Do for Us
George A Conrad Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock am
Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer
and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in
the month Holy Communion at 730 a
m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
First Baptist Church Preaching at
11 a m and 745 p m Sunday school at
945 am Junior society at 3 p m BY
P U at 645 p m Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening 745 pm Sermon
themes Morning The Heroic in
Christianity E ening Asleep in the
Desert All invited
A B Carson Pastor
Resolutions of Respect
On the death ot Brother J V OCon
nellby McCook lodge NoGl A O U W
Whereas it has pleased the Grand
Master Above to remove from our midst
Brother J V OConnell
Be it resolved that wo deeply mourn
his loss and will ever cherish his memory
And to his bereaved wife and children
we tender our sincere sympathy in this
sad hour of affliction
Resolved that in token of respect to
our deceased brother our charter be
draped in mourning for thirty days and
that a copy be spread at larjje on the
records of this lodge That a copy be
sent his family and to the Nebraska
Workman Signed by the committee
C B Sawyer C J Ryan and C K
Opera House
Lewis Poore will present a grand
revival ofT S Arthurs temperance gem
Ten Nights in a L5ar Room A new
big grand revival that excels any ever
aitompiea Deiore ii special scenery
elaborately constructed and painted by
the best scenic artists in America solo
band and orchestra Free street parade
at noon every day The Revelers Quar
tette in a repertoire of choice songs and
choruses An ideal production of this
universally admirfiri tfimnftrancfl Hrnmn
- x v
flnrlntrl hv rirnqa florrrv nnVilin onrl
the Christian people of all creeds and
sexes A life lesson for the young
Opera house one night Nov Sth
An Extra Hazardous Occupation
DeWitt Nob Oct 28 Two shots
were fired at the night man at the B
M depot last night By that time
ho had gotten his own gun in play but
the unknown miscreant had made his
escapto without receiving any injury or
doing any further harm than breaking
the window glass One of the bullets
struck close to the agent the other
barely grazing his arm It is supposed
that robbery was the motive
A prize with every ham Seven pound
California hams for 84 cents at B M
meat market
The best quality of apron check ging
hams for 5c yd at The Thompson Dry
Goods Cos
Nice smooth stove pipe at W T Cole-
i J
I man a at iuu cents a joint
Resignation week
Engineer Sanborn was in town Wed
Brakeman Neal Beeler is on the hos
pital list
C E Ryan has gone to Denver on a
short visit
C H Magnuson is taking a short Iny
off in Holdrege
T Morrissey and J A Clark are new
firemen this week
Conductor R M Douglass is on the
14218 vice Bunting
Conductor G W Brooks has moved
from Oberlin to Oxford
E H Pearson is spending a few days
of this week in Holdrege
Brakeman H Henckol has been re
employed by the company
Rea Oman is confined to bed with a
severe attack of rheumatism
Genial Danny OBrien is the new
stenographer in the store house
E Furrow of the night boiler gang has
been transferred to the day gang
Fireman and Mrs William Deere were
visitors in Denver first of the week
D G Wentz of the boiler gang re
signed from the service first of this week
W A Smith and F Londberg are new
machinists in the round house this week
A Trudnowski of the round house
force has been transferred to the boiler
Conductor P F McKenna had busi
ness in Oxford between trains this
Trainmaster T A Wilburn has rent
ed the CB Sawyer residence on Marshall
D L McKillip and E Fitzgibbons of
round house force resigned first of this
Fireman W S Bixler was in Lincoln
between trains Thursdays on Bof LF
Brakeman and Mrs M S Parks went
down to Red Cloud Sunday on a visit
to relatives
H Garber of Wards force retired
from the service first of the week on
his own motion
Brakeman P A Spickard is relieving
Brakeman A N Clampettout of Oxford
on the branches
Emerson Hanson was called to Bar
dolph Illinois first of the week by ill
ness of his parents
A Moers O Sarratt H J Hopper
E Enyeart all of the night force re
signed first of the week
J n Ploehn representing the Betten
dorf Axle Co of Davenport Iowa was
in the city part of the week
Trainmaster Kenyon has been in Den
ver most of the week looking after
company affairs on the west end
J F Utter who has been off duty a
few days on account of sickness in his
family returned to work midweek
Acting Supt English went in to
Omaha Monday night on No G on busi
ness returning home on 1 Wednesday
Tom Burge is back from Prentice
Wisconsin tospend the winter here Tom
iiKes that part of Wisconsin nowever
The company has taken off second No
3 Oxford to Denver and will hereafter
run the train only when traffic demands
it imperatively
Fireman and Mrs Zajicek were called
down to Lincoln Saturday by the ill
ness of his mother They returned home
Monday night
Brakeman Mark Sheldon was up from
Republican City Monday visiting his
parents here briefly between trains
He was with Conductor Art Lyman on
an extra
A new roof and other repairs are being
made to the companys big ice house
partially destroyed several months since
by fire in the west end of the com
panys yard at this place
E J Burge has gone to St Louis on a
visit and Ralph Cutler has his position
meanwhile Hurley Dyo has Cutlers
place and Clarence Stokes is in Hurleys
position in the trainmasters office
Burlington superintendents and mas
ter mechanics were in session in Omaha
first of the week Among those present
were Acting Supt English Supt Mc
Farland Asst Supt Frank Harris and
Master Mechanic Archibald
Tuesday McC Wayson and Bill Jones
pretty nearly had a horse race McC
claimed that Bill substituted horses on
him between the wager and the time for
the race and after a strenuous blast of
hot air tho race was declared off
This name on a stove or range is an
absolute guarantee that only the best
materials and most skilled workmen are
used in its construction that it will op
erate perfectly and with the smallest
quantity of fuel Wo have them in all
sizes and kinds and at prices you can
not duplicate elsewhere
Polk Bros
A Genuine Snap
Stove pipe for ten conts a joint at
Hand made Stove Pipe
that fits 10c per joint Polk Bros
Mens melton overcoats and ulsters at
8500 to 8750 at The Thompson Dry
Goods Cos
Steel cook stoves at bargains at W T
Colemans Over stocked and will sell
Mens warm winter suits 8500 to
81350 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clorks office
since last Thursday evening
M E Hornor to CW Graves wd to lot 4
in block West McCook 15 00
J C Predtnoro to Ethel Allon wd lot 2
block 12McCook 575 00
CW Squires to Fred Cyracks wd to sw
qr29 M 3500 00
William Sundon to CW Rodgers wd
to lots 6 and 7 in block 7 Danbury 1200 00
Cliarlotto Reid to Affa C Seeley wd to
80 qr 11-3-29
M J McKinnio to Otto Hupt wd to no
l 00
500 00
AC Crabtroo to Equitublo Land Co sd
to 8 w q r 25 3 28-
Heirs of John Archibald to J C Pred
inore wd to lot 2 in block 12 McCook 550 00
United States to C L Nottletou pat to
s hf so qr and lot 8 iu 25 and lot 5 in 23-3-30
United States to Eliza Nottloton pat to
8 hf sw qr and lots 6 and 7 in 28-3-30
L E Hyatt to W S Fitch wd to s hf
sw qr and lots 6 and 7 in 28-3-30 1500 00
W S Fitch to C II Mocker wd to s hf 1
sw qr and lots 6 and 7 in 28-3-30 1500 00
A C Crabtreo to C H Boyle sd to s hf
nwqrand n hf 700 00
United States to J O Miller pat to no
qr 33-4-27
Lyman Jennings to G W Jones wd to
lots IS 19 20 in block 51 Bartloy 37 50
A C Latham to F A Tigard swd to w
hf nw qr and w hf sw qr 31-2-28 500 00
A F Brown to J and W Wall wd to no
500 00
Boyle Eldred to W G Dutton wd to
shf nwqrand w hf sw qr 13-2-30 1100 00
H Wotmoro to W W Smith wd to nw
ar 2-2-26
S R Harpending ot al to Boylo Eld
red qcd to s hf nw qr and w hf sw qr
S R Harpendiug to ASnnd J LIIar
pending qcd to same
1000 00
1 00
1 00
A C Crabtreo to S R Harpendiug sd
tosamo 575 00
To the Voters of Red Willow Co
I wish to deny a malicious report to
the effect that in the eventof my election
as commissioner 1 have agreed to erect
at an enormous expense to the county a
steel bridge south of McCook on the sec
tion line between the two old bridges
and abandon them Very respectfully
J H Bennett
A Bargain
10 acres of land in McCook Level
fine alfalfa ground 2 acres in alfalfa
young fruit 4 room house 3 wells hog
yard barn chicken yard Price 900
8400 cash or will take heavy work team
and young stock time or payments on
balance See E B Odell for particulars
Rex Tobacco Habit Cure
A safe pleasant absolute cure Cheaper
than tobacco Little desire for tobacco
after third day Cures in a month Full
treatment by mail 8150
Rex Cuue Co DesMoines Iowa
For Sale
Four head of O I C male pigs weight
136 to 150 pounds each P B R cock
erel ringlets 100 each
J H Warfield McCook Neb
Rural Free Delivery Route No 1 21 4t
Who Needs Wall Paper
Over 6500 rolls of paper wo are offering
at a great reduction in price 20 per
cent to 50 per cent off from now until
Nov 15th McConnell Druggist
A Genuine Snap
Stove pipe for ten cents a joint at
Organ For Sale
Inquire of Mrs S S Garvey
This new pavement campaign is doubt
less as annoying and disagreeable to the
public as it is hard on
But we will all appre
ciate it the more when it is all over
A public sale is announced by Luther
C Ruby at his farm 14 miles north of
McCook and 3 miles south of Quick
postoffice Thursdav Nov 17th See
I have a few rolls of the best hog
fence mide for sale at the lowest price
ever made in woven wire
W T Coleman
Izzor bed comforts are home made
coutain 14 yds of goods and six 12 oz
Izzer batts 81S5 to 8275 The Thomp
son Dry Goods Co exclusively
Dr lleadrick of Omaha will visit Mc
Cook Nov f at Palmer House Con
sultation and examination free Practice
limited to chronic diseases
The Arapahoe high school eleven
scalped our high school braves last Sat
urday on the home grounds to the tune
of 11 to 6
Farm trucks are one of the necessaries
on a farm See the different kinds at
W T Colemans
There are no batts but
and we are their prophot
son Drv Goods Co
the Izzers
A prize with every ham Seven pound
California hams for 84 cents at B M
meat market
Union suits for men women and child
ion 25c to 82 50 each at The Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
This has been an exceptionally favor
able fall for building and improvement
Smnll bnseburner for sale cheap for
cash Inquire of Dr Pratt dentist
Tho very latest in collars and belts at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Nice smooth stove pipe at W T Colo
mans at ten cents a joint
Watch the B M
special sale on lard
meat market for a
Everything in drugs McConnell
McCook Market Quotations
com -
Watch thoB M
special sale on lard
OR 140
Eggs lZ
Good Buttor aJ
McConnell for drugs
If you want bargains in coal hods seo
W T Coleman
Nice smooth stove pipe at W T Colo
mans at ton cents a joint
meat market for a
McMillons Cough Cure will stop that
annoying cough Try it
Nice smooth stove pipe at W T Colo
mans at ten cents a joint
Lost A largo yellow collio dog Re
ward for his return C B Clakk
Tho Rochester nickel plated copper
ware for sale by Polk Bkos
Thk Tkihune wants a eorresnondnnr
at Red Willow Write us for particulars
The Tribune makes a specialty of
oflico stationery and typo writer supplies
Buy wall paper now and save from 20
per cent to 50 per cent McConnell
A prize with every ham Seven pound
California hams for 81 conts at B M
meat market
The best quality of tablo oil cloth in
fancies and white for 15c yd at tho
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
The weather is fine so is the stock
of heaters at W T Colemans If you
are from Missouri wo will show you
Fair by tho Congregational church
November 17th in Menard hall Din
ner supper booth and entertainment
Whon using paint get the Lincoln
pure mixed paint Fully guaranteed
A McMillen Druggist
Reward for the return of my brown
and white pointer femalo bird dog
Name on collar W A Cassell
Remember the date for Congregational
fair November 17th Menard hall
Booths entertainment dinner and sup
Born To Mr and Mrs Herbert
Ploussard Tuesday Novembor 1st a
nine pound son Mother and son doing
A Favor The publisher will esteem
it a favor at any time to receive items
of local news from residents of McCook
or Red Willow county
Deafness treated at your own home
with new instruments tho Vibiatone
See Dr Headrick at Palmer House Mc
Cook on Saturday Nov 5
Our stock of bed blankets is large and
the right and good kinds are in it large
enough thick enough cheap enough
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Those 818 00 Drop Top Sewing Ma
chines at Colemans are giving wonder
ful success Call the very first time
you are down town and see them
Now is a good time to do outside paint
ing no dust or flies Use Lincoln Ab
solutely Pure Paint fully guaranteed
A McMillen Druggist
Some people are saying a great deal
about paint but W T Coleman is sel
ling paint right along just because the
people know he has the best kind at the
right price
McConnolls Sarsaparilla is a reliable
remedy for all blood disorders and skin
eruptions Recommended for rheuma
tism and kindred diseases caused by
bad blood McConnell Druggist
More than 300 dross
skirts from the best makers can bo seen
on our tables for women and girls at
from 175 up to 8750 Alterations
without extra charge Tho Thompson
Dry Goods Co
Monday President Roosevelt icsued
his proclamation setting aside Thursday
November 2Jth to be observed as a day
of festival and thanksgiving by all the
people of the United States at home and
abroad And we have much for which
to be thankful
For Sale Stock of general merchan
dise Will invoice between 2500 and
83000 Will sell for 81700 cash if taken
at once Good town 1500 inhabitants
Right on territory line Address O P
C II Seneca Mo
Worlds Fair Visitors Unsurpassed
accommodations and location La Tona
Inn 3008 Lucas ave St Louis Mo 50c
75c 8100 a day Meals 25c and 35c
Union depot 18th street car north to
Washington avenue There transfer any
car west Get off cor Lucas and Garri
son avenues opposite here Direct
route to Fair 10-23- Its
Its a shame that such a fine lot of
sidewalks should be allowed to be laid
on such diverse grades on Main avenue
as is the case with thoso splendid stone
concrete and brick walks recently laid
and just being laid Every citizen
whose store buliding happened to be out
of grade seems to assume he has the lib
erty of making hid own grade The
result is a succession of abnormal Roman
noses and docs hind legs that would
not be allowed in Hogans alley If the
city has authority to make a grade it has
authority to compel citizens to lay to
that grade And it ought to do it
A Genuine Snap
Stove pipe for ten cents a joint at
McConnells Balsam cures coughs