The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 28, 1904, Image 1

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How The Boys Did It
The McCook boys enmo in on No 2
Saturday morning and were taken to
Che homes of our team They spont the
remainder of the morning in seeing the
town and looking over tho foot ball
Tho teams camo to tho grounds
promptly a t 2 30 where they were
greeted by a good crowd
Both teams were well matched The
game started with McCooks kick off
Holdrege securing the ball and making a
3rig run towards their goal Then came
the lino work of our boys in which they
succeeded in pushing the McCook boys
within McCooks live yard line and by
some mishap lost the juall
Our boys held McCook pretty close to
goml and finally got tho ball which re
sulted in a line smash by Paul Nelson
who went through the line and made a
touch down
Next camo tho Holdrege kick off
which ended in a touch down for
but instead of McCooks being
nsnlucky at kicking goal it scored mak
ing our boys one behind
Thus the first half ended with a score
of 5 to 6 in favor of McCook
The second half was a play for life
Xt had been necessary for McCook to put
in substitutes Both sides were hitting
tho lines hard when McCook by one of
Sier trick plays scored again
Our boys were playing hard in the last
half and were gaining on their goal when
the whistle blew and all attempts wore
n vain the game being stopped with a
core of 11 to 5
It vras a hard game and it was only by
the good interference and team work
that the McCook boys won Holdrege
iCooncil Considers Some Matters
The city fathers were in regular ses
sion Monday evening with a full board
A resolution was passed ordering tho
construction of a sidewalk along the
north side of Dodge street from Marshall
street east to Melvin street
The members of the council expressed
satisfaction at the fact that the legal
Apartment had commenced appeal pro
ceedings in the case of James McAdams
vs The City of McCook damage which
was determined adversely to the city in
last term of district court
The matter of the removal of the body
of Luther Nettleton from Longview to
Riverview cemetery was discussed and
left to cemetery committee The body
was removed some time ago May last
without full authority it is alleged The
city may go into court to determiue the
The following claims against the city
were examined allowed and same or
dered paid by warrants on proper funds
jMcCodklHsan Trust Co rent S 7500
Tj P Moore laying crosswalks 880
1222 Holers eight loads stone 350
TfaomasClapp laying stone 464
Burnett Lumber Co stone 1S715
Jcba Ekstcdt salary 6330
Degree of Honor Resolutions
Whereas it has pleased the Supreme
Protector to suddenly call from this life
our brother James V OConnell there
fore be it
Resolved that in the death of Brother
OConnell this lodge has lost a respected
member his family a generous and loved
father and husband and McCook a good
citizen And
Resolved that we commend the be
reaved family to the tender care of Our
Father which art in heaven that a
copy of these resolutions be spread on
our records and that a copy be given to
tlie family of our deceased brother and to
the city papers for publication Signed
by sae committee Mrs A L Knowland
Mrs H Bennett and Mrs Maurice
Reconsidered Their Former Action
At their meeting on Monday night of
this week the members of the local
A O U W reconsidered their action of
Monday night of last week relative to
cooperating with P C Kellogg in build
ing a lodge hall and their former action
was rescinded- There seems to be con
siderable opposition to the lodges en
gaging in such a project and it was
thought best under the circumstances to
drop the matter entirely harmony being
n essential element in successfully car
Tying out such an enterprise
For Sale
Four head of O I C male pigs weight
133 to 150 pounds each P B R cock
erel ringlets S100 each
j H Warfield McCook Neb
Roral Free Delivery Route No 1 21 4t
A Genuine Snap
Stare pipe for ten cents a joint at
Organ For Sale
Inquire of Mrs S S Garvey
Every home should have a reliable
Toniedy for the relief of pain always on
hand McConnells No 13 is such a
remedy and for either internal or ex
ternal use 25c bottles
McConnell Druggist
There are a few styles of that woven
wire fence left a t V T Colemans
People all over Red Willow county have
been and are taking advantage of the low
price Are you in it
Fair by the Congregational church
November 17th in Menard hall Din
ner supper booth and entertainment
A prae with every ham Seven pound
California hams for 81 cents at B M
meat market
All the pretty worsted patterns in
flaEnellettes at The Thompson Dry
Goods Cos
Watch the B M meat market for a
special sale on lard
Nice smooth stove pipe at W T Cole
mans at ten cents a joint
Everything in drugs McConnell
J A Wicox has been doing the
pike this week
Mus Van O English was a brief city
visitor Wednesday
Mbs A G Bump visited in Hastings
a couple of days this week
Mbs Fbank Kendlen made a flying
visit in Hastings Thursday
Mbs Floyd M Bebkv is visiting her
parents in Wilcox this week
E S Byfield of the Danbury News
spent Sunday with tho homefolks
Mbs C A Baldwin and the baby ar
rived from Omaha close of last week
Nobman and Bbuce Campbell re
turned last Friday night from St Louis
S E Vandebvobt of Indianola had
business in the county capital Saturday
Miss Mabel Kendall is with her
grandparents Mr and Mrs Darius Ken
Mbs J W Line and Mrs Georgo
Martin wero Denver visitors first of the
Mbs F W Hawkswobth is up from
Lincoln guest of her mother Mrs M A
Misses ODonnell and Miss Feeny
visited Sunday in tho ODonnell homo
Mbs Fbed Bbeweb is up from Red
Cloud this week on a visit to relatives
and friends
Mbs C E Ryan went up to Denver
Wednesday night to bo gone a few weeks
visiting relatives
M O McClube returned home on 5
Sunday night from attending Masonic
grand lodge in Omaha
Mns IT H Kingsbuby arrived home
this week from -visiting Chicago rela
tives for several weeks
Mbs L M Lofton of Havana Illi
nois is the guest of her sons Frank and
Charlie over in Gerver precinct
Miss Olive Rittenhouse left Sunday
morning for St Louis where she has
been spending the week seeing the fair
Mbs Nancy Fahnestock arrived
homerirst of the weekfrom a long sojurn
in Illinois duriLg the summer and fall
Mbs Fbed Plasmyebe departed this
morning forLeRoy Kansas where they
will make their home during this winter
G B Bebby deputy county clerk ar
rived home Monday night from his
vacation in Illinois and at the St Louis
Misses Lobetta and Flobence Cava
naugh of Holdrege attended the funeral
of J V OConnell Thursday of last
Mbs J F Reynolds is back from her
sojourn in Boulder Colorado She is
a guest of her daughter Mrs George E
Mb and Mbs FiSHEBof Trumbull are
guests of her brother CTEller of Drift
wood precinct arriving in the city last
Sunday night
Mbs C B Sawyeb camo up from
University Place Saturday night last
and is visiting her husband and friends
here this week
Mbs Gebtbude Mobgan is up from
Plattsmouth looking after business af
fairs here She is the guest of Mr and
Mrs H H Tartsch
Mbs Josephine A Colbeb arrived
from San Francisco Calif close of last
week and is visiting her parents Mr and
Mrs Joseph Menard
Mbs L W Stayneb and Mrs H C
Kiser departed Sunday night on 6 for
Des Moines Iowa to be away a few
weeks visiting relatives
J C Mitchell late with C A Leach
departed on Wednesday night for Glen
wood Iowa where he has a position in
a jewelry and music store
Miss Mollie Ryan returned Monday
night from spending a few months in
North Dakota looking well and much
pleased with that country
William Reedeb of Lincoln on his
way home from the Templar conclave in
San Francisco this summer is spending
part of the week in the city
Me McCallum of Wauneta was the
guest of h i s daughter Mrs Barney
Hofer early in the week returning home
on 175 Wednesday morning
Geobge Campbell came down from
Colorado close of last week and has
been visiting the family this week He
has been working for the Moffat line
Mb and Mbs J B Mesebve arrived
in the city Tuuesdav on No 1 from
Fairmont Neb where they have been
visiting their daughter Mrs E E Magee
Beet Sugar Co Ames Neb C II
Meeker und a practical irrigationist from
California went over tho Culbertsoo
ditch Monday on a trip of inspection
Misses Angie Quick and EnaGamsby
drove up from Indianola Saturday
Miss Flora Quick county superinten
dent returned home with them in the
W C Bulger arrived from El Paso
Texas Tuesday and has been visiting
hero a few days before goingon to Iowa
where Mrs Bulger is now visiting rela
tives after which they will return to
Mbs F E Smith was operated upon
in our city last weelc by Dr W E
Stewart of Stratton and Dr Fuqua of
Benkelman Operation was performed
at tho home of her parents Mr and Mrs
Adam Wall and she is reported as com
ing on satisfactorily
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
beon made in the county clerks office
since last Thursday evening
United States to J L Matson patent to
no S
W E White et ux to J C Lafferty wd
part ne qr no qrM 23 100 00
C A Baker to E E Smith qcd to lots 8
9 and 10 Esthor Park 20 00
I H Andrews ot ux to G W Probasco
wd s hf so qr 84 27 12 00
Lincoln Land Co to J II Moore wd to
lots 10 and 11 in McCook 300 00
II L Lambort et ux to A F Lambert
wd to sw qr 304 27 1000 00
F Farclay to G N Boyle wd to lots 4 5
in block 13 First add to McCook 1500 00
H C Flower et nx to B A Jones wd to
o hf no qr 30-3-27 730 00
S T Ridsoley et ux to J W Dolau wd
noqr274 23 160000
Severely Injured in Accident
S S Garvey local manager for the
Furguson elevator was severely injured
Tuesday afternoon while loading corn
into Prod Wagners farm wagon The
switch engine in passing frightened the
horses and they started to run away
Mr Garvey was thrown out of the wagon
onto his head in the runway of the ele
vator sustaining ugly wounds on the
head and internal injuries to chest and
stomach Ho is confined to bed and
still feeling very sore It is thought his
injuries will not be serious
Francis M Sells Killed
Francis M Sells the Burlington agent
at Nebraska City Junction Iowa was
killed by tramps on Tuesday of this
week robbery being the motive One of
the tramps was killed by Mr Sells bo
fore he died Deceased is a brother-in-law
of Mrs E A Bocock of our city who
went down to Holdrege yesterday to
attend the burial there today Mr Bo
cock went down this morning The de
ceased was at one time agent at Edgar
Return of The Favorites
The famous Aringtons comedians
at opera house four nights and Saturday
matinee commencing Wednesday No
vember 2 Opening play is the greatest
of all comedy dramas ever written in i
acts The Stain of Guilt or The Mid
dleman New scenery and specialties
Seats on sale at usual place Monday
morning Prices 25c 3oc 50c
This name on a stove or range is an
absolute guarantee that only the best
materials and most skilled workmen are
used in its construction that it will op
erate perfectly and with the smallest
quantity of fuel We have them in all
sizes and kinds and at prices you can
not duplicate elsewhere
Polk Bbos
A Card of Thanks
We feel deeply grateful to all the
neighbors and friends and especially to
Dr E M Easterday and Dr H M
Ireland for their assistance and sympa
thy in our recent bereavement
Mbs J V OConnell and Family
Miss Kate V OConnell
Congressman Norris
j will speak in the opera house Indianola
j Wednesday evening November 2nd He
will close his campaign at home Mon
day evening November 7th Menard op
era house
A Genuine Snap
Stove pipe for ten cents a joint at
Hand made Stove Pipe
that fits 10c per joint Polk Bbos
I The proper aud desirable things in
j cloaks jackets aud wraps are to be found
j for ladies misses and children at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
The clerk of the district court sent
out notices of appointment of judges and
clerks of pleetion this week hv
Mb and Mbs Will Randel of Red tered mail as required by law
Willow returned home last Friday on No
13 from spending a week or two in St Izzer baits and Izzer comforts forever
Louis seeing the great exposition And
they were greatly delighted
Pbesident Leavitt of the Standard
Beauty Goods
When you want domestic or im
ported toilet preparations remem
ber that we give especial attention to
this line We are quite sure to
have what you want but if we do
net we will get it for you We in
tend that every need of this char
acter shall be supplied
McConnell Druggist
Nice smooth stove pipe at W T Cole 1
mans at ten cents a joint
A telegram Monday from Livingston
Montana announced the birth of a
daughter to Mr and Mrs A B Wood
and all parties to the happy event as
doing nicely
prime and unequaled Pricel2ic The
Thompson Dry Goods Co soleagents
A fine nine pound boy baby was born
to Mr and Mrs Ernest Osborn Tuesday
morning Mother and son doing well
Largest assortment of soft coal heaters
to be seen in the city for years at W T
A prize with every bam Seven pound
California hams for 81 cents at B M
meat market
Regular Episcopal services on next
Sunday evening at 8 oclock by Rector
Another east and west sidewalk has
been ordered by the city authorities It
is need
12 styles mens soft hats fur stock
at 150 at The Thompson Dry Goods
Nice smooth stove pipe at W T Cole
mans at ten cents a joint
So the People May Know
Inasmuch as tho new revenue law has
been the subject of much discussion in
regard to taxes wo have had the follow
ing comparative statement taken from
the county treasurers books showing
the 1903 and 190 1 taxes covering tho
same tracts of land
These names were taken at random
from the books and in every instance it
will be found that only the bottom land
is higher in 1901
In some cases an unusually heavy levy
for school purposes has kept the tax up
The schedules of personal tax being
not yet completed it is impossible to
publish these at this time
Tho Railway Companys tax in this
county is increased 70 per cent
Name 1903
alliance precinct
M Finnogan 12 52
TGinther 21 62
Edward Foley 7 89
PatrickCallan 12 03
O S VanDoron 32 05
beaver precinct
Ben Reevos 6 87
W T Honton bottom land 33 88
Win Hiersokorn 7 71
Thomas Boyd 9 78
JMThomas 24 98
AdolaideStreu 9 81
WP Burns 13 10
H M Schamel 8 73
Fred Wasnor 19 40
Jacob Korb 10 90
Jacob BotzV 9 70
Edw Osbaugh 7 70
Henry Carothors 8 10
Georpo Howell 7 44
W M Bozell 8 37
John Heinlein 7 52
Henry Glover 4 79
C W Watkins bottom land 11 66
E I Flitcraft 7 43
H P Sutton 10 40
EJ Hadley 24 76
John Beck 7 76
GFBurt 8 85
Henry Conrad 9 23
Jacob Harsch 9 70
CAJohnson 9 97
E JHorton 15 So
EP Day 26 21
JAPorter 12 84
Walter Devoe 10 92
WCCooper 7 91
D L Thompson 16 60
Charles Wilholm 8 30
JE Dodge 8 30
CMLofton 8 72
9 32
17 49
6 25
8 71
25 42
6 24
35 84
6 24
8 64
20 16
8 57
12 09
6 99
19 40
9 87
10 93
5 07
6 24
5 71
6 77
4 59
4 73
15 76
13 59
11 42
21 56
8 20
8 23
6 03
6 20
9 20
9 36
22 96
10 66
5 63
7 76
6 75
3 88
Thoroughbred Poland China Hogs
Sows and pigs and May shoats
b miles east of McCook W J Cox
A Genuine Snap
Stove pipe for ten cents a joint at
Opera House Tonight
Judge Franklin W Collins of Ne
braska was introduced by Chairman
John Clafflin as having done more effec
tive work in Nebraska in the cause of
sound money than any other man His
address was principally on national
issues and was eloquent and able being
greeted from time to time with prolonged
applause New York Tribune on meet
ing in Carnegie hall Now York city
Supt Campbell returned home close
ef last week
T Z Wallace is a new laborer in the
round house this week
Adolph Garber is a new helper in the
round house this week
Watch the B M meat market for a
special sale on lard
Compound 2701 is in for slight repairs
She is one of the famous P3 engines the
machinists friend
They have placed an 8000 gallon tank
on tho 3316 a Dl And other engines of
that type will be similarly equipped
The carpenter shop has been moved
from the first section of the round house
to the last one The next time it goes
south well it will have to go into some
other building
One of the small buildings used by the
paint department will be moved to Pineo
Colorado and used for a station
Another of the small buildings used by
the painters will bo held in readiness for
use at any point where an emergency
may require a station building tempor
Friday Evening November 4
Piano Solo Sonato Opus 7 Edvard Grohr
Etnoll Mi Mincres E Minor
Miss Edna Barr
Vocal Solo Selected
Mr B S Cntler
Euphonium Solo Selected
Mr F A Pennell
Qunrtotte Arion Waltz Sonff VoroI
Mrs G H Thomas Miss Ida McCarl
Mr S B McCIain Mr J R McCarl
ReadinR Selected
Miss Medora Santco
Piano Solo Impromptu Opus 90 Schubert
Miss Ruth Wieho
Vocal Solo Selected
Mrs G H Thomas
Violin Solo Intermesso from Cavaliern
co Mascaini
Mr R S Cutler
Vocal Solo Selected
Mr F M Kimmoll
Clarinot Solo Louisa Di Montfort Borgson
Mr J N Ganrdo
Mandolin and Guitar Duet
Messrs Fowler and Woodworth
Report to board of education for the
month ending October 7 1901 for all
grades McCook schools
Numborof boys enrolled 373
Number of girls enrolled 432
Transferred 4
Withdrawn but not re entered 52
Presi nt membership
Averaso daily attendance by boys 326
Averago daily attendance by girls 393
Averago number belonging
Per cent of attendance on enrollment
Per cent of attendance on number
Not absent during month
Half days absent
Cases of tardiness
Number of persons tardy
Visits by board
Visits by superintendent
Visits byothor 22
Half days teacher was absent 2
The football boys will play the Arap
ahoe high school eleven in our city to
Rachael Gregg a sister of Mrs C
Barnard entered the Ninth grade
Monday of this week
George Campbell while down from
Colorado on a visit to the home folks
visited the school this week
The city teachers met with Miss
Stangland Monday evening They
read and discussed Washington Irvings
Bracebridge Hall
The music program of last Friday
morning consisted of an instrumental
selection by Miss Cora Garby a reading
by Miss Storer and a song by Miss Alice
The effects of narcotics judging from
the number of pupils who indulge in to
bacco should be taught in all the high
school grades where many of the pupils
seem to be entirely unmindful and fear
less of the effects of tobacco It is
rather incongruous and remarkable to
see lads even below the high school
grades going to and returning from
school smoking the nastiest and foulest
pipes imaginable Perhaps the teaching
might be made more practical at any
rate an effort might be made to prohibit
smoking to and from school in the in
terest of a good example to the small
Just as we think we have a dead cinch J failure to lew on distress warrants and
on Tom Wilburn and family for j make properreturn thereof Under the
nent residents in comes the boss and says j mling it was stated at his office several
move Tom This time he will go to Mc- treasurers throughout the state who have
Cook where he will be more centrally lo
cated for the responsibilities that the
company has heaped on his shoulders
Tom is a first class man and what is
better the railroad bosses know it
Some day we hope to see him superinten
dent a position that he could hold to the
satisfaction of the company Red Cloud
people will be sorry to learn that he and
his estimable family have to move again
Red Cloud Advertiser
A good story is told at the expense
of Superinteudent Calvert One of the
rules posted for the benefit of the chair
car porters was that smoking on duty
or in the cars was prohibited One night
Mr Calvert walked through a chair car
in a train at Oxford It had been va
cated for the time being by the passen
gers and but one person was in the car
That was the porter a new colored man
from the Missouri lines He was enjoy
ing a smoke Mr Calvert tapped him
on the shoulder gently and asked him if
he did not know that it was against the
rules of the company for porters to smoke
in their cars The belligerency of the col
ored man was in evidence at once He
said I guess it is none of your business
so long as the officials of the road do not
catch me at it It is said that Mr Cal
vert smiled and went on Lincoln Jour
failed to make the proper recurns on dis
tress warrants will he affected It is be
lived that several suits for the recovery
of amounts lostwill be instituted by the
losing counties against the delinquent
Dr Headrick of Omaha will visit Mc
Cook Nov 5 at Palmer House Con
sultation and examination free Practice
limited to chronic diseases
We stretch powder and put on all kid
gloves thus insuring you a perfect fit
and a perfect glove The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
See those drop top sewing machines at
W T Colemans for 1800 You will
wonder how it could be done
McMillen has a few wall paper rema
nents one and two room patterns very
Steel cook stoves at bargains at W T
Colemans Over stocked and will sell
Nice smooth stove pipe at W
mans at ten cents a joint
cough 25c
Initial Fornightly last night
Balsam will stop that
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday mornimj
Good Butler
Tho Rochester
ware for sale by
Stock hogs wanted See Lamb
Get a 40 pound Water Melon
loc and 15c Each
to eat and for the seeds to plant from
tho largest molons grown all good var
ieties Saturday and Monday only
Pii EHs Commission Co
McConnell for drugs
If you want bargains in coal hods soo
W T Coleman
Watch tho B M
special sale on lard
meat markot for a
McMillens Cough Cure will stop
annoying cougn Try it
Nice smooth stove pipo at VV T Colo
maus at ten cents a joint
Stock hogs wanted See Lamb
The Tribune wants a correspondent
at Red Willow Writo us for particulars
Two rooms for rent for light house
keeping Call or phono Ludwicks
Baseburner stove for sale cheap
cash Inquire of Dr Pratt dontist
nickel plated coppor
Polk Bros
For sale Two brood mares and a set
of double harness Inquire at this office
The Tribune makes a specialty of
oflico stationery and type writer supplies
They are offering four cents a bushel
for corn buskers down in Phelps county
Closing out ladies ready trimmed hats
at one third off The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
A prize with evory ham Seven pound
California hams for 81 cents at B M
meat market
McConnells Fragrant Lotions cures
chapped faces and hands and makes soft
smooth skin 23c
When usimr naint tret tho Lincoln
pure mixed paint Fully guaranteed
A McMillkn Druggist
Remember tho date for Congregational
fair November 17th Menard hall
Booths entertainment dinner and sup
Deafness treated at your own home
with new instruments the Vibiatone
See Dr Headrick at Palmer House Mc
Cook on Saturday Nov 5
Now is a good time to do outside paint
ing no dust or flies Use Lincoln Ab
solutely Pure Paint fully guaranteed
A McMillfn Druggist
Tho womans missionary meeting of
tho Congregational church will be held
with Mr3 Rose Clark Wednesday after
noon November 2nd at three oclock
300 styles of ladies and misses dress
skirts from 175 lo S750 Alterations
boys who may be led to the false without charge Skirts to your measure
ination tnat smoKing is some way con
nected with greatness of the sophomore
About Blacks
A customer can see the following kinds
of black dress goods on our counters
black broadcloths black zibelines black
Sicilians black brilliantines satin soliels
nuns veiling black cheviots black Ve
netians French serges black glorias
black meridian cloth black henriettas
black tricots black bengalines black
armures black cashmeres pebble chevi
ots black pierolas black voiles besides
numerous novelty weaves of this seasons
introduction All these are blacks in
worsted fabrics to say nothing of the
black silks and cotton dress goods
Prices from 20c up to 165 per yard
Your trade solicited The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
A Genuine Snap
Stove pipe for ten cents a joint at
Attorney General Prout has rendered
an opiniou to the effect that county
treasurers are liable for the amount of
loss to another countv through their
from any dress goods in stock Tho
Thompson Dry Goods Co
For Sale Stock of general merchan
dise Will invoice between 62500 and
83000 Will sell for 1700 cash if taken
at once Good town 1500 inhabitants
Right on territory line Address O P
C II Seneca Mo
That Nebraskans have faith in Ne
braska real estate is evidenced by tho
fact that many of the real estate trans
fers in Red Willow county now more than
ever have a local Nebraskan at the pur
chasing end of the deal
The non advertising merchant who
takes such business as comes to him un
solicited and profits in part in the trade
of his more progressive advertising fellow-merchant
is no menace to the grow
ing success of the mail order merchants
McConnells Sarsaparilla purifies and
enriches tho blood and gives you strength
and vitality Medicated in all skin
diseases and is a reliable remedy for
rheumatism and other ailments due to
disorders of the blood 1 00
McConnell Druggist
Worlds Fair Visitors Unsurpassed
accommodations and location La Tona
Inn 3008 Lucas ave St Louis Mo 50c
75c 100 a day Meals 25c and 35c
Union depot 18th street car north to
Washington avenue There transfer any
car west Get off cor Lucas and Garri
son avenues opposite here Direct
route to Fair 10 23 4ts
Once upon a time an eminent French
lady was moved to remark that The
more she knew of men the more highly
she regarded dogs And one who ever
has the misfortune to be placed in a po
sition to overhear some of the vile pro
fanity and disgusting vulgarity not un
common with men and even youths on
our streets betimes is compelled to admit
that the lady aforesaid had large room
for her judgment It is one of the most
inexcusable vices to which men become
The service in the Methodist church
last Sunday morning for the old folks
attracted a large congregation The
service was enjoyed by the special guests
of the unique occasion and certainly
was not without interest and instruction
to the younger members of the congre
gation Rev A J Clifton preached an
appropriate serm n and Miss Gertrude
Storer sang a solo There were present
29 persons between 50 and GO years of
age 12 between GO and 70 4 between 70
and 80 and one S5 years of age William