The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 14, 1904, Image 5

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K -
fcrom indigestion aches and pains
Your system will bo free
If youll but take a timely drink
Of Rocky Mountain Tea
L W McConnell
Mike Walsii
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
McCook - Nebraska
I a in immiliiihmiiimh i
To Prevent Hog Cholera
From appearing on your farm
Bo prudent thte year and pre
vent a repetition of the losses
of previous years
Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee
dii jt biq wio
zrrrr t
1 vi
fl i
r sra
Dolmout S D Dec 17 1M2
I usqd L K fur Iiob cholera and it was all
right It cured my hos I hud tliroo sick onus
and tlicy all ot well and clono lino I alto
used it for chicken lico and mites and it is all
you claim for it 1 1 is t lit only Medicine for hog
cholera I think Qotliuu Jrkkb
Harrington Nub Dec 11 1902
I am using Liquid Koal and am well plcas ed
with it I am sure I saved my hogs with it last
year and am goiiiK to keep it in stock all the
time as it is tho bist thing I ovor had on the
place for everything it is intended for It is
good for chicken cholera lico on stock insects
of all kinds it will destroy all kinds
F V Woman
Manufactured by the National Medical Com
pany Sheldon Iowa
Mr Alexander T Brown
inventor of the Smith Premier
Typewriter is unquestionably
the foremost writing machine expert of the
world Besides he is a practical and successful
business man He built the first
Smith Premier
not only for handsome and speedy work but to endure under
the severest demands of actual business The Smith Premier
is free from the weaknesses of eccentric impractical con
struction and to day embodies the latest demonstrated
improvements of this typewriter expert Mr Brown as
Vice President of this Company will continue to devote his
entire time and inventive genius to maintain the Smith Premier
where it now stands as the
Worlds Best Typewriter
Send to day for our little book ex
plaining exactly why the Smith Premier
is best
The Smitli Premier
Typewrites Company
Corner 1 7tli and Farnam Sts
Or any kind of meat from our
shop by phone if you wish
or send the little folks and
you will get the sweet tooth
some kind
We pride ourselves on the
freshness and quality of our
goods and the promptness of
our delivery
If you are not now trading
with us we would be pleased
to have you give us a trial
We think you will be pleased
Phone 12
Can You Eat
J B Taylor n prominent merchant of
Chriesmnn Tex says I could not eat
because of a weak stomach I lost all
strength and ran down in weight All
that money could do was done but all
hope of recovery vanished Hearing of
some wonderful cures effected by Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure I concluded to try it
The first bottle benefitted me and after
taking four bottles 1 am fully restored to
my usual strength weight and health
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you
eat and cures Sold by L W McCon
The dose is one just one pill
at bedtime Sugar coated
mild certain They cure
vuuoLitiuuiif liOweUf MasB
Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAMS OYE
a beautiful brown or rich black Use nm crs or druggists ore p rll nashua n
t n g ii LmjMHHwwmuiiill
A E PETTY Proprietor
Ww Pt S673 if5 IF53 Fh P
Of a Pair of School Shoes
Our stock of School Shoes is the Largest
we have ever shown
Our Aim is to merit a reputation
for responsibility
McCook Nebraska
ye Man and tKe
i imiiMMWMUiniiiw kttowiii i wiiuiwmrwTwrinimiimi iuiiiii
R W Devoe and wife were over from
McCook ovor Sunday
F S Sovorns and Edna were up from
Wilsonville Saturday
A C Bartholomews were Missouri
Ridge visitors Sunday
Charles Nichols has plowed his alfalfa
under and will drill in rye
Ned Ferrel and wife drove to McCook
Sunday and home Monday
W M Ball and George Fitzinger took
pictures of tho ball players Saturday
George Abbott writes from Unadilla
that he likes that place to buy grain in
B A Johnson has rented the J P
Kinne farm and is drilling wheat into
the corn
J L Murr the M E- pastor for the
coming year arrived Saturday night
C E Thompson left first of tho week
for Billings Mont after a weeks visit
with his uncle Mr Welborn
Charles Cowden hauled a 4 horse load
of barley to Dan bury Saturday the
elevator at Lebanon being closed
A P Bod well has sold his 1G0 to
Henry Ketterring for 72G0 or S4500
per acre and will give possession 1st of
Tho friends of William Boyd surprised
him on the 5th the 4th being his 24th
birthday About 2o were there and
they enjoyed themselves
Mitchell Young and wife of Danbury
took in the ball game here Saturday A
largo crowd was intending to come but
were told there would bo no game
They missed the best game of the season
N S West returned Monday from an
extended visit to points along Lake Su
poriortheWorlds Fair and a four weeks
visit with his son Forrest who is now
located at Cave Springs Mo Danbury
Ora Bodwell has sold his dray line and
equipment and also his residence to
Wm Morgan Ora will go wherever his
father does they are not yet decided
The Bod wells were among the first sett
lers in this part of the county and were
here during the grasshopper years and
endured the Indian fire of 79 etc We
regret to see them sell
Dr Isaiah Bennett and a Miss Pierson
were married at St Louia September
29 They returned the 30th and are at
home now four miles west of Wilsonville
The doctor is one of tho oldest settlers
and has a wide acquaintance up and
down tho valley We are not acquaint
ed with Miss Pierson but understand
that she was a sweet Swede girl
J O Westermeier drove over from
McCook Saturday to canvas the town
for his county atlas Ho found the
business men too busy Saturduy to do
any business lie has been working
Frontier county and Decatur county
Kansas wishing to save exi ense of mov
ing their big outfit by having three
counties to work ou
Our ball boys went to Indianola last
Thursday to play a series of games with
Stockville for a purse of S100 and cham
pionship of the season Frontier county
against Lebanon PendergrafF of Hast
ings pitched for Lebanon and Teel of
the Iowa League for Stockville Thurs
days game resulted in our teams defeat
by a score of 7 to 0 Friday was a rainy
day and the game was postponed until
Saturday when our boys won in an even
game of 7 to 6 Monday the score was 4
to 0 in favor of Lebanon
F M Pennington noticed in the daily
papers of two weeks ago of a heavy cloud
burst at Trinidad Colorado and was
much worried until receiving a letter
from his son at that place Ira writes
that he was on his engine when the flood
came and that he stayed there until the
water went down over three hours
The round house was on an embank
ment three feet high and the water
washed the ground away and let the
building down the entire distance The
cloud burst occurred over the city water
works reservoir 40 acres in extent and
burst the dam
The Lebanon girls played the
flower nine of Kansas October 8
score was 44 to 12 in favor of the
flowers The Kansas eirls were
dressed in blue aprons and caps alike
will iioss coached them Their catcher
was Ola Vanfleet and Lizzie Moss
pitched the entire game Myra Pool
caught most of the game for Lebanon
several pitchers were tried It seemed
difficult for the girls to throw the ball
where they wanted it The Kansas girls
matched a game for 3 weeks from the
8th to be played with the women of
Lebanon The game will depend how
ever on the weather if it is too cold
they will not play The Kansas girls
represented someof the wealthiest
and mest influential families and the
parents were there in their double seated
surrreys to see the game
Fred Bool will build a new store soon
Rudolph Quardors baby is said to be
very sick
The Purdy boys have traded 3 hogs
for a horse
John Hoag and Peter Hickman visited
Sunday at Walter MPenningtons
The German Lutheran pastor preached
Sunday at Osborn north of McCook
Joseph Hoover and family wero out
from Bartley Sunday and called at
Walter Penningtons
Henry Cowden was thrown across the
water trough and his ribs cracked last
week Friday while watering the hogs
Adam Fritz has his stone house up
and the shingles on The finishing he
will do at odd times during the winter
Chas Vandevort and a daughter of
Sam Young were married a week or ten
days ago and were serenaded one night
last week
Little Martha Pennington was taken
sick Thursday of last week and during
the night had four convulsions She is
improving at present
Peter Hickman carries a watch that
his father gave him on his 21st birthday
that with the chain cost 123 Mr
Hickman thinks that as good a watch
could be bought now for 20
The new rural route is established and
now the string of boxes are up to catch
the mail Not all boxes though for
some use two sacks Peter Hickman
has so arranged his box on a swinging
era no that ho need not stop outside of
the yard to get the mail
Tom Saul was heard to remark that
thoy send men to Lincoln for a crime
but I would consider it -as much a pun
ishment to he sent tolled Willow coun
ty But immediately after shedding
his thresher after his second years
run nere ne commenced tonriu in wneat
with tho Bachler boys They will put
in 1000 acres Tom is paying 30c an
acre to get wneat uruieu in corn suwks
One of Many
If A Tisdale of Summerton S C
suffered for twenty jears with tho Piles
Specialists were employed and many
remedies used but relief and permanent
good was found in the use of De Witts
Witch Hazel Salvo This is onU one of
the many many cuies that have been
effected I y this wonderful remedy In
buying Witch Hnzell Salve it is only
necessnrv to see that you get tho genuino
DeWitts made by E C DoWitt Co
in Chicago and a cure is certain De-
Witts Witch Havell Salve cures all j
kinds of piles cuts burns bruises
eczema tetter ringworm skin diseases I
etc Sold by L W McConnell
Oscar Schmitz is visiting friends in
Beet work is the leading profession in
this neighborhood
L A Stephens of WrayCol is work
ing for John Burtless
Miss Geneva Fitch has begun her
school at Prospect Park
Mr and Mrs J W Andrews wero In
dianola visitois latter part of last week
The farmers of this vicinity arc losing
quite a number of cattle of the blackleg
School is progressing nicely in district
No 8 with a large enrollment Miss Edna
Cathcart in charge
Oscar Green was over from McCook a
while after school hoursFriday evening
watching the beet workers
W S Fitch has purchased the Eliza
Nettleton property thus adding 1G0 acres
to his real estate holdings hero
We understand that Dennis St Ger
man contemplates leaving in the near
future He has rented his homo place
for the coming year
The auto and a farm wagon collided
on the public highway out this way tho
other day with somewhat disastrous re
sults to the drivers Both vehicles escap
ed unscathed
Jack Frost has forgotten us Well we
dont feel slighted It has preserved our
potato vines a month longer than usual
We would have to go back a long ways
in the annals of Republican Valley his
tory to find the 13th of October without
The Original
Foley Co Chicago originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foleys Honey
and Tar many imitations are
offered for tho genuine Ask for Foleys
Honey and Tar and refuse any substi
tute offered as no other preparation will
give tho same satisfaction It is mildlv
laxative It contains no opiates and is
safest for children and delicate persons
Sold bv A McMillen
A Weeks is visiting his parents in
T C Kelley is back from his visit to
St Louis
There was a high wind Wednesday
causing all to hold their hats and lean
hard to the south
Gerda Anderson is sojourning
few days at BW Berjamins
J E Dodge is billed to thresh
Petersons barley crop Thursday
Wo L M
for a
A Peters and wife Ethel and Mary
Peters and Roy Alberts started Tuesday
for the St Louis fair
The Republicans of Grant precinct
held their caucus to nominate precinct
officers Monday night
Good for Children
The pleasant to take and harmless One
Minute Cough Cure gives instant relief
in all cases of Cough Croup and La
Grippe because it does not pass immedi
ately into tho stomach but takes effect
right at the seat of the trouble It
draws out the inflammation heals and
soothes and cures permanently by en
abling the lungs to contribute pure life
giving and life sustaining oxygen to tho
blood and tissues Sold by L W Mc
We had our first frost last Monday
Robert Larington has his new sod
house ready for the roof
Mr and Mrs N Boyce returned last
Wednesdcay from St Louis
A W Campbell took a load of fine
turnips to town Wednesday
Rev J A Kerr will preach at the
church next Sunday morning at 11
Mr and Mrs Austin Dixon who have
spent the past eight months on the coast
stopped off on their way home and are
visiting relatives and old acquaintaeces
Pill Pleasures
Tf vnn ovpr rnnlr DpWittsTjif tlR Earlv
Risers for biliousness or constipation you
know what pill pleasure is These
famous pills cleanse the liver and rid the
system of all bile without producing
nrmlHqsint effects Thev do not erine
sicken or weaken but pleasantly give
tone and strength to tno tissues ana
organs of the stomach liver and bowels
Sold by L W McConnell
A Love Letter
Would not interest you if youre look
ing for a guaranteed Salve for Sores
Burns or Piles Otto Dodd of Ponder
Mo writes I suffered with an ugly
sore for a year but a box of Bucklens
Arnica Salve cured me Its the best
Salve on earth 25c at L W McCon
nells Drug Store
Made in California
2 lb packages
- All high class gfocers
i y at h
nough for All
The G ood Kind To
m iSIBIpsSamsia
Just Received a Fresh Shipment
of the
Werner Made
They fit and wear well
We guarantee satisfaction whether you pay
2 3
200 3 00
500 or 600
the value is right Let us show you the
new materials
firm v TfrTTHfr w imi
Phone 22
inn 1 in it tit
MiinwiiginiiwiMTTiim 1 mil n min im mm m H
kj JJQ I
6 o
tf V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier
n a
X Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 X
a b a
r ni i rr n jn n carn r
s v rnnniiLin wrincrinLHMu h u cocni yi
ffh Lv p wnipp n u win nan e
TAjr Mm mm 1I4j fi mm S kk
j W
MX u ItTiii m
hyDonf You
Thats what we want to find out Weve been telling you
through this paper for a number of weeks that we want you to
order some goods of US and YOU havent done it Lots of
your neighbors have and they are pretty well satisfied but we
want you to try us We dont care whether you order a 100
pair of Mens Pants or a 300 or a 1500 Suit of Clothes its all
the same to us We want you to get a start with us Were
going to do business here in Omaha for a good many years to
come and we want to get you on the list Were sending Cloth
ing all over the country and where ever we get a foothold we
keep on gaining We know there are other stores that you can
buy of but there isnt a store on earth where you can buy better
goods or where you can do so well for your money Order
samples of our 1000 Suits for Men such as we show on page
2 of our Catalog If you havent our Catalog send for one its
as free as the air you breathe
I 15th and Farnam Streets OMAHA J