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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1904)
v J k I m i m L 3 1 y i y A I i t ft tY I Cl p lJI m V TWENTY THIRD YEAR Rural Free Delivery An item in our budget of expenses which cannot bo overlooked by the voters is the money spent for rural free -delivery Tlio importance of this to the n farmer can hardly be estimated nnd it nay safely bo said that the larger the amount of the appropriation for this purpose the greator will bo the gain not to the farmer alone but to the city man The farmers hard times have hitherto iieen largely due to the fact that the smaller farmers wore obliged to compote with the big ranch owners and not in frequently could not sell their produce in the nearest city as cheaply as the city dweller could obtain it from wholesale dealers ordering thoir produce by the car Joad from a distance while tho ranch owner has been obliged to take ristcs great enougti to maite up ior ins occasional largo profits Now however the smaller farmers are applying scien tific methods to their work and en deavoring to regain their lost markots and in order to do this they must be able to keep in constant touch with tho cities They cannot do this so long as they are liable to a delay of from three hours to twenty four in getting thoir mail To send each day to the postollico means great loss of time yet most of them do it rather than risk the lo3s of orders or tho inconvenience which arises from delay in receiving letters Rural free delivery means tho simplifying of this whole problem to tho convenience of every body West Nebraska Appointments Iloldrego district W E Ilardaway presiding elder Alma E Smith Arap ahoe L W Chandler Atlanta and Loomis R II Chrysler Axtell P N Hagor Bartley F E Kirby Beaver City W II D Hornaday Beukelman K E Crippen Bloomington II II Meeker Box- Elder J A Kerr Cam bridge J W Taylor Culbertson M S Satchell Danburyand Lebanon J L Murr Franklin and Macon AAKing Haigler to be supplied llolbrook M L Gardner Holdrege A P Beal Huntley and Hildreth G E II Gould Indian ola E B Crippen McCook M B Car man Max Harry Shepherd Minden C C Wilson Norman and Lowell G B MayfMd Orleans and Stamford B F Eberhart Oxford J L Mayo Pleasant Prairie J E Tirrill Republican City W J Crago Riverton T W Owen Trenton and Stratton Joseph Burnett Upland and Campbell C A Norlin Wilcox and Ragan B Howe Wilson ville and Hendley C II Uhader Advertised Letters The following letters wpre advertised by tho McCook postoflice Oct 5 1901 Bahf Mrs Jcunio Mooro Miss Belle Bosvell C Myric G E Bakr Charles Perilling Etl Katies Mrs Clara Pierce Harry Campbell C Puckutt Mrs Laura Davis F L Shoemaker Miss Annie FortejVW H Snyder Mrs Mayinio Ford Miss Eva Thompson Miss Susie Gftlbnutli S Thatcher Maud V 12 Hotish Mrs Lena White George L Hart Mrs Minnie 2 Weber Will Jamison J A Watties B Hill Sinclair Wilson L G Lumpkin Elmer Work George C Mooro Miss Edna Whittaker Mrs Yio L Moore Clarence R When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kijimell Postmaster The Boiler Blew Up A few days since tho boiler that sup plies the steam and hot water for Frank Stiiliuans dipping outfit blew up and landed out in the pasture about a 1000 feet distance It was a new boiler They were preparing to dip a lot of sheep Thegroial son of Erin who was engineer ing tho boiler was knocked over by the explosion but not injured severely The ubuse doesnt know whether the monkey wrench went with the boiler or net It wa3 fortunate in results as the children had been playing in the immediate vicinity about that time The engineer was within a few inches of the boiler when the accident happened The Delinquent Tax list Perhaps no more eloquent testimony can be offered as to the encouraging financial condition of the people of Red Willow county than to draw attention to the meager delinquent tax sale adver tisement in this weeks issue of The Tribune It is doubtless the smallest list that has been published in the history of the county Grant Precinct Caucus Tho Republicans of Grant precinct will hold their caucus on Monday Octo ber 10th for the purpose of nominating candidates for tho several precinct officers H I PETERSONjCommitteman Cattle at Private Sale Seven yearling heifers all sired by reg istered Shorthorn One heifer coming two years old and about fourteen good milch cows Benjamin Bros Banksville Neb Underwear buy it atDeGroffs Fur scarfs from 8100 to 350 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Boys and girls union suits from 25c to 90c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Young mens black melton overcoats at 450 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Verv good outing flannels for 6c Bet ter grades at 7 and 10c at The Thomp son Dry Goods Cos McConnells No 13 is the remedy you need in the home for all minor injuries pains and aches 25c Knipple will have a carload of Uew York Greening apples for sale tirst of next week Mens wind proof blanket lined coats for 100 5125 150 to 300 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos oi MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Perky Stone roturned close of last week from LeClaire Iowa Robert Sutton has been quito ill this week with an attack of appendicitis but is improving A C Marsh of East McCook has been seriously ill tho past week but is better at this writing W L Zint aud family arrived homo Tuesday on No 1 from a visit in the east of a number of weeks Miss Bessie Beam arrived home Sun day night from hor visit of a few weeks in Canyon City Colorado Mr and Mrs W T Coleman do parted Sunday forSeattle Washington on a visit of two weeks to Mr and Mrs S M Cochran II P Sutton is looking just as ant as ho can and exhibiting an angelic disposition with a beaut of a boil on his face this week A L Williams arrived Wednesday from Maryville Mo and will bo the guest of his brother-in-law II G Phelps for two or three weeks Mrs Martin Yager departed Wed nesday morning for the east on import ant business connected with the mis fortuuo of her brother Robert Gunn has gone to Chicago to remain until first of the year to finish his course in dentistry Dr Earl Vahuo is in charge of his oflice until his return Mrs F C Kortii who has been down from Denver for the past three weeks guest of her pareuts Mr and Mrs Henry llesterworth left on No 1 Tuesday for her homo in Denver G G Berry deputy county clerk left last evening on a two weeks vaca tion He will visit tho old home in Illi nois and will spend some time in St Louis seeing tho fair Mr and Mrs II H Tartsch arrived home Monday night fromPlattsmouth where they were summoned close of last week by tho precarious state of F J Morgans health which has been declin ing rapidly lately Elder G II Smith of the Seventh Day Adventist denomination expects shortly to resume his work in the minis try up in Alberta N W T Canada and is offering his house on north Mc Dowell street ac a bargain in order to sell it before his departure Mr and Mrs Barney IIofer de parted eastward on No G Monday night They will go to Omaha on business thence to his old home in Illinois taking in the St Louis exposition on the way home which includes a short stop in St Joseph on business They will be absent about two weeks George D Burgess is in charge of the postoflice lobby mean while assisted by Lester Mitchell Frank II Spearman came in from Chicago Wednesday on No 1 remaining here on business connected with his in terests and to greet his man McCook admirers until Friday noon when he continued on his journey to Denver He will also go to Cheyenne and on west over the U P gathering incident local color material in general for some lit erary work to appear in the Century in due time The Spearmans will spend the winter in California journeying there in December CULBERTSON Prof Moulton of York was in town Thursday Miss Minnie Miller is the new clerk in Shumakers Miss Lena Zastrou is clerking in M M Brers hardware store August Hagge was a business visitor at this place Tuesday Mrs Bert Risley of Grand Island is here visiting her many friends M O Reynolds went down to Omaha Wednesday night to take in the Miss Ethel Fellows expects to leave the latter part of the week for Ashland Nebr Miss Emma Gaarder resigned her po sition as clerk for D L Shumaker Wednesday Miss Louise McNeice and sister-in-law Mrs John McNeice left for Kansas City Mo Monday evening for a short visit A number of the young folks enjoyed j themselves at a party atFerriers Satur 1 day evening and one at Baldwin s Tues day evening Miss Alice Warren commenced a 6-months-term of school in the Barth district Monday and Miss Georgia Buzzell in district 75 RURAL KEE DELIVERY ROUTE NO 1 Mr and Mrs Will Neumann arrived from Lincoln Tuesday and are making the homefolks a visit Robert Beatly of Franklin is visiting his cousins Joseph and Nelson Downs arriving on Tuesday of this week William Byfield went up to Roggen Colorado last Saturday to see a bunch of S00 blackface sheep with the idea of buying them if satisfactory iSiS Heads Need Not Ache McConnells Headache Capsules do cure headache They cure sick or nnrvnns headache Thev are w effective also for the aching or 11 si - njrnn 1 tnt mmilo 4 Visv n ri IH13U UUUUIL1UU liUiiL uioina mc au- vent of grippe or colds If they fail to do as represented we will refund the money 25c T W MrPnxvrrr Driiorcriof SSi Plenty of good yard wide unbleached muslin at 5c yd at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Note change in card of E J Mitchell auctioneer this week Commissioners Proceedings McCook Not Occobor -1 1801 The board of county commissioners mot in res ular session Pretent J II Buunott D A Waterman and Samuel Premor county commis sioners C E Eldred county attorney and EJ Wilcox county clerk Tho minutes of tho previous mooting were road and approved On motion C E Mathows was appointed jus tico of the poaco for East Valley precinct to fill vacancy In tho matter of road No 531 petitioned for by T J Rugffles and others tho board on mo tion postponed final action until noxt meeting Annual settlements of tho following overseers of highways wore examined nnd on motion ap proved and clerk was instructed to draw certif icates on road districts in paymont thereof as follows W S Fitch district No 9 certificate No m oo M L Scarrow district No 12 certificate NoU5 2000 Tho following claims wero audited and al lowed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw warrants on tho county general fund in payment thereof as follows Flora B Quick salary 3rd quarter aud of- fiico expense 200 56 CE Eldred tame 2r no E J Wilcox same 10 33 R W Dovoo oilico expense 3 50 BenG Gobsardtiamo kS 01 KBCampbell prof borvices per contract G 00 A II Miller quarantining nnd fumigat ing house of A E French 10 00 McCook Republican stationery and print ing 19 25 Frank Howe niison work on old court house 10 73 A J Markwad blacksmithing 4 50 Rod McDonald same 3 10 McCook Water Works water tax 1th qr 15 00 McCook Electric Light Co lights Sept 1 25 J S LeHew appraising road No ISM 4 00 Charles Weintz same 4 00 Vance McManigal same 4 CO J S Sims juror inquest body of Henry Schneider 100 HW Parker same 1 00 S Simonson same 100 C Wise same 1 00 O B Woods same 100 S R Messnor same 1 00 Mitchell Young constablo samo 3 73 Ed Stilgobouer witness samo 1 CO J nRicesame 1 A Charles A Gentry samo 100 C W Rogers same ICO James A Robinson same 1 00 J W Nutt samo 1 00 T E McDonald same 1 00 O E Robinson same 100 Herman Schneider samo 100 Mrs Henry Schneider same 1 0 E G Caino Co coal for paupers S 50 Burnett Lumber Co samo 6 90 Samo 4 13 WC Bullard samo S 00 Albert Guy mdso for paupers 31 50 J A Wilcox same 38 90 Audrew Phillips salary as janitor Aug 23 00 Andrew Phillips September salary 23 00 H Winans board and care A Engles 17 50 Mrs L M Tuttlo nursing Boll MTuttlo 10 00 F D Burgess plumbing and repairs 4S 01 C A Gentry repairing plows etc 6 50 L W McCounoB glass 1 83 W C Bullard lumber and plaster 17 10 J II Bennett commissioner servico and mileage 23 30 Samuel Premer same 28 70 D A Waterman same 31 30 Aud ou the county bridge fund levy of 1901 as follow E G Caino Co lumber S125 70 Hupp Slutts samo 192 37 W C Bullard same 23 00 Barnctt Lumber Co same 100 25 Same 13 10 W P Elmerstone 32 00 MJ Miles bridge work S 50 Henry J Hall same 10 00 K E Hall same 19 00 J V Logan same IS CO John Eckstedt samo 1 00 RPodoltki same IS 00 A WDutcher same 6 10 C H Angoll same 5 25 C F Waterman same 12 00 J A Redtfeldt same 7 CO Nicholas Fossensame 3 00 J H Huntwork same 3 00 Fred Huntwork same 0 00 II A Schimpf same 5 00 Fred Burt same 15 00 Aud on tho county road fund levy of 1901 as follows Joseph Behnko road work 0 00 Alva Simmerman same 1 50 Charles Simmerman same 73 John Steltzer same 1 50 Antone Sieltzer samo 1 50 Georgo W Dillon same 0 00 George Younger same 9 00 Fred Traphagen same 1 50 M L Scarrow samo 12 CO Hari Myers samo 15 00 Steve Fitzgibbon same 1 50 On motion board adjourned to meet Novem ber 10 1901 J H Bennett Chairman Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk Barn and Sixteen Horses Burned Tuesday night between 9 and 12 oclock W S Hamiltons barn and con tents were utterly destroyed by fire Cause of fire unknown Fourteen horses aud two mules 500 bushels of oats and barley 25 tons of hay eight sets of double harness were burned The barn was a new one 36x40 feet in size A good cow stable adjoining was also de stroyed The loss will exceed 2000 Iusurance S700 This is a severe blow a heavy loss to Mr Hamilton who has the genuine sympathy of all No harder working farmers than W S Hamilton and sons live in Nebraka The farm is is in North Perry precinct about four miles northwest of McCook Republican City Caucus Caucus for nominating precinct officers will be held in the city hall Friday even ing October 14th at eight oclock Signed by committeemen A Barnett C BGray Lon Cone CG Coglizer Knipple will have a carload of New York Greening apples for sale first of next week Mens absolutely all wool underwear for S100 at The Thompson Drv Goods Cos Best apron cheek gingham all colors 5c yd at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Boys knee pant suits 400 to 85c each at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos The Hoosier and Champion drills are the leaders p3l w fLmsrKm Jtlc00li u K mas w u JWf fr w w - mkmt t pimizfm CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Advent Sabbath school at 2 p m preaching at 3 Prayer meeting every Tuesday evening Elder G II Smith Pastor Christian Bible school 10 Preach ing at 11a m and 8 p m Y P SC E at 7 p m every Lords Day All are in vited G T Burt Pastor Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening servico at 8 oclock Sundav school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Lodghran Pastor Methodist Sunday School at 10 Preaching at 1100 and 800 Epworth League at 700 Class meeting at 12 led by the pastor Prayer meeting Thurs day evening at 730 Services in South McCook next Sunday M B Carman Pastor Congregational On account of ab sence from the city of tho pastor there will not bo any preaching services morn ing or evening for tho next two Sundays Tho other usual services of the church Sunday school Chiristian Endeavor and prayer meeting will be held as usual G A Conrad Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer and sermon at48 Tho third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector First Baptist Church Sermons at 11 a m and 745 p m Bible school at 945 am Junior society at 3 p m BY P U at 745 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8 p m Morning theme The Mission of Life Even ing theme The Battle of Wills A B Carson Pastor The return of Rev Carman to this pastorate is a deserved compliment to him and a very satisfactory arrangement to his parishioners Rev G A Conrad of the Congrega tional church departed this morning for Lincoln to attend tho state meeting of Congregationalists From there he will proceed to Des Moines Iowa where the national council of the church will be held Ho will briefly visit the home folks in Iowa while in the state No preaching services will be held in the church during the two weeks ho will be absent INDIAN0LA Cecil Matthews of Bartley was in town Monday Mrs N H Hawkins is in Omaha vis iting f iends Jay Holland has come home for a short visit with his parents Roy Mann went to Superior Wednes day morning to be gone awhile Floyd Welburn stopped oF between trains and visited with the folks Friday last Miss Etta Crippen attended the an nual convention at Holdrege last Thurs day Arch Hatcher left Monday evening for St Louis where he will take in the sights Telegraph Operator L Simmons is here again after an absence of three or four weeks The band boys gave a concert at the opera hall Saturday eveniug It was well attended Doctor Neal left Tuesday niht for Boise City Idaho where he will practice his profession James Carmichael left last Saturday morning for the Hot Springs for the benefit of his health Mrs Spohn went to Culbertson Mon day night Mr Spohn will folow with their household goods Rev Crippen went down to Holdrege Tuesday morning to attend the yearly conference at that place Thero was no preaching at the Metho dist church Sunday on account of the minister being awaj at conference Mr Miller and family have arrived and will occupy the section house lately vacated by Pete Spohn now of Culburt son The greatest ball game of the season was played last Saturday afternoon be tween Lebanon and Frontier Lebanon won J W Dolan returned Tuesday from his trip to Iowa where he had the pleas ure of attending a reunion of his old reg imeut Mr and Mrs N J Uerling are enjoy ing a visit from their two cousins May and Maggie Uerling of Pittsburg Penn sylvania The infant child of John Fias died Wednesday morning The little one had been ailing a long time aud its death was not unexpected Bennie Thomas of Lebanon was an Indianola visitor Monday He was among the number that witnessed the ball game Monday afternoon While playing ball with some other lads of his own size little Joe Suter fell and broke his leg Dr Mackechnie re duced the fracture and the little fellow is getting along all right Frontier county and Lebanon crossed bats on the diamond Monday of this week resulting in a score of 4 to 0 in favor of Lebanon The battery for Fron tier was Teel and Powers for Lebanon Pendergraf andllorton Six big red handkerchiefs for 25c at The ThoniDSon Dry Goods Cos Very thick warm wool mixed cloth for boys pants for 25c yard at The Thompson Drj Goods Cos WPP0mmGimi McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING OCTOBER 7 1904 urt htfit RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Night Chief Simmons is taking in the fair Engino No 34G is undergoing slight repairs J II Wesner is a new number of the lolegraph force A freight oxtra east and one west yesterday afternoon Clarence Stokes was Hurley Dyes substitute this week Conductor J W Lino has boen off duty part of the week sick J J Laughlin has gone to Denver to spend a two weeks vacation Switchman M G Stephenson is visit ing Oborlin relatives this week Brakeman G G Magnuson is with the homefolks in Holdrege for a short visit Conductor Herman Hegenbergor and family are visiting relatives in Pacific Junction Iowa Conductor G W Bunting had Con ductor W II Brownes car during the latters brief layoff Hurley Dye and Dare Kenyon have been taking in tho festivi ties this week Omaha Waycar 14231 is about ready for tho road and will soon go up to Supt Mc Farland on the Sterling division Conductor Frank Kendlen and Brake- man J R Vanllorn are in Denver this week as witnesses for the company in a lawsuit The No 362 is in tho machineshop for crownsheet and bolts repairs The 27 has been sent to Ilavelock for a new crownsheet No I came in a double header yester day tho regular P2 failing to steam The 1751 and 17 brought her in about 130 minutes late Engineers Jack Moore aud Ellis Ford have both been unfortunate with their crownsheets recently The 2529 a P2 has just beon given three new drivingboxes All the 3700 class grey hounds will bo l cnumbered into the 2500 class General Foreman Fuller is now located in his new oflice quarters and is getting everything in shipshape He has very convenient and comfortable oflices Conductor F M Washburn has Con ductor Kendlens run Conductor R M Douglass has Conductor Linescar Con ductor L M Best has Conductor Wash burns crew Conductor W II Browne laid oil Wednesday on account of an accident to a member of the family A littlo girl swallowed a pin and a minor operation was necessary to remove it Dispatcher Jesse Chambers of Denver succeeds Dispatcher Ralph Cutler in the McCook oflice He and his wife have gone to housekeeping in tho Forbes dwelling north Marshall street The carpentershop section of round house has been provided with reguhition smokestacks and sills and will be used for roundhouse purposes Quarters for tho carpentershop unannounced Agent Allen late of Wauneta went up to Benkelman yesterday on No 1 and was checked in as agent at that place with the assistance of Auditor C A Barnard of this place and the express auditor The Lincoln Evening News announces that coming spring the Burlington will add one third more floor space to its Ilavelock shops increase its working force 150 to 200 men etc And maybe the brass foundry will be moved there from Plattsmouth A Boys Wild Ride For Life With family around expecting him to die and a son riding for life 18 milesto get Dr Kings New Discovery for con sumption coughs and colds W II Brown of Leesville Ind endured deaths agonies from asthma but this wonderful medicine cave iustant relief and soon cured him He writes I now sleep soundly every night Like mar velous curesof consumption pneumonia bronchitis coughs colds and grip prove its matchless merit for all throat and lung troubles Guaranteed byLWMc Oonnell druggist Price 50c and 1 Trial bottles free Just Received a large assortment of Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges consisting of steel ranges steel cooks cast ranges cast cooks heating stoves for coal wood or cobs Wo respectfully solicit a careful inspection of quality and prices before buying Polk Bros McCook Neb School Supplies School tablets slates pencils pencil boxes note books ink and all school supplies at McMillens drug store Paint Now While there are no flie gnats or dust and use the Sherwin Williams paint Sold bv McConnell druggist Ladiesand mises dress skirts in large variety from 175 to 6900 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos The Riverside Oak is the stove to buy See them and get prices before buying Coleman Ladies fieeced ribbed union suits from 35c to 250 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Now is the time to buy a heater get an Estate Oak which is sure to please Dress goods none better anywhere than vou will find at DeGroff s See W T Coleman for cut glass and silverware Everything in drugs McConnell p 9 McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friilny morniufrl wheat Oats Ryo Harloy Hous r Ttu Good Huttor 35 rr u - NUMBER 19 i7ii m Farm and city loans at CFLehns real estate office postoffice building MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs Buy blankets at DcGroffs Coleman tho hardware man Tho curfew sounds at eight oclock now Good sound Calicoes at 4c5c and Ge at The Thomp son Dry Goods Cos Ready mado sheets 50c each at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Do you need any kitchen utensils Coleman has just what you want Third cutting alfalfa hay for Hale Phone G235 Mrs S E Christian No tresnassinL or himtirwr Miiri land controlled by S D Bolles Before buying your pencil tablets you should see McMillens big 5 cent tablet Mens warm winter suits 500 to 1350 at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos The Triiil nk makes a specialty of oflice stationery and type- vriter supplies Cut your fuel bill half in two by using a celebrated Coles Hot Blast heator IjOVS 3 nipnn siiitu t 51 V 41 rn i 5 00 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos We have boen expecting you to come in and look at those boys school suits at DeGrolTs A complete lino of the latest designs in tho Argentine and nickel ware at Colemans TlIK TltflllTNK hn n tilnor V- - w rain- getic boy or girl who wants to learn the piniLiug uusuiess Cheap rates to the big livestock shows at Kansas City and Chicago Ask the agent for particulars When in want of cut nss call at Colemans He has the assortment nnrl will sell at the right price Dont lose time in curing coughs Get McConnells Balsbm at once It cures quickly surely harmlessly 25c When using paint get tho Lincoln pure mixed paint Fully guaranteed A McMillen Druggist Parties are notified not to trespass or hunt on my farm under penalty of tho law 10 7 J A Brinton For Sale 10 thoroughbred Plymouth Rock chickens 160 feet wire netting and chicken house cheap F J Zajicek Mens velvet collared melton overcoats 500 and heavy wide collared ulsters 500 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos The Ladies Aid Society of tho M E church will give an experience social at tho parsonaye Friday evening October 14 Childrens winter underwear in four grades aud all sizes from 93c each down to 5c each at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos See Diar ond before buying your fall and winter clothing and gents furnish ings als overcoats get his very low prices Knipple will have a carload of New York Greening apples for sale first of next week The car of wire at the reduced price is almost gone If you need any woven wire place your order at once and get it at the right price The right price is 12oc and has been right along error in advertising to the contrary notwithstanding The Izzers we mean The Thompson Dry Goods Co The October term district court for Red Willow county will open in McCook next Monday the 10th It will be a jury term of considerable importance with a list of 56 causes on the docket Ladies jackets at 350 to 135020 styles Misses and childrens 150 to 75020 styles The very latest styles from the best makers We please your taste your pocket book and your friends The Thompson Dry Goods Co Water Tax Notice Fourth quarters water tax becomes delinquent October 15th Ten per cent penalty will be added to all accounts not paid by the evening of the 19th Oflice open from S a m to 8 p m October 17 IS and 19 J E Kelley Supt For Sale at Your Own Price All of block 7 12 lots All of block S 6 lots Sterns addition to McCook Write me your best offer Emma Brow er 758 Maple avenue Los Angeles Cal Gerver Precinct Primary The Republican primary for Gerver precinct will be held in the Dodge school house Monday evening October 10th 1904 F S Lofton Committeeman The Stranskey ware is the ware that wares Best table oil cloth 15c yd The Thompson Dry G ods Co If you bought bed comforts at mid night on a cold winter night youd buy them wide and long Dont forget that in the day time Ours are large soft and warm 185 to 275 at The Thomp son Dry Goods Cos rv