The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 23, 1904, Image 4

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    Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Thoodore Roosovolt
Elinor J Rurkott Lincoln
John II Mickoy Osceola
E G JIcGilton Omaha
A Giilushu Red Cloud
E M Searle Jr Ocalalla
Potor Mortenson Ord
Norris Rrown Kearnoy
of runLio instruction
J L McBrion Goneva
G W Norris Hud Willow county
Albert Wilsoy Moorefleld
Philip Glicm Danbury
C K Eldred McCook
James Hatfield McCook
Tho liomo of Mr and Mrs G II Mer
shon in this city was tho scene of a
beautiful wedding festivity Wednesday
at high toon wherein their only daugh
ter Miss Lena was united in marriage
to Mr Floyd M Bony of McCoolc Eev
J W Taylor spohe tho words which
made them husband and wife in the
presence of only the immediate family of
the bride and Miss Mao Pulver of Kene
saw her life long friend
After the ceremony was performed
and congratulations wore offered an ele
gant three course dinner was partaken
of which was most heartily enjoyed by
all The bride was becomingly gowned
in a cream mousselino de soie trimmed
in silk lace while the groom wore the
conventional black
Tho happy young couple left on Wed
nesday evenings train for a short visit
with relatives in eastern Nebraska after
which they will return to McCook Neb
where they will be at home to their
many friends after October 15th the
groom being employed as a machinist in
the B M railway shops at that place
They have the congratulations and well
wishes of everyone in the community
Wilcox Banner
Healthy Mothers
Mothers should always keep in good
bodily health They owe it to their chil
dren Yet it is no unusual sight to see
a mother with babe in arms coughing
violently and exhibiting all the symptoms
of a consumptive tendenc And why
should this dangerous condition exist
dangerous alike to mother and child
when Dr Boschees German Syrup would
put a stop to it at once No mother
should be without this old and tried
remedy in the house for its timely use
will promptly cure any lung throat or
bronchial trouble in herself or her chil
dren The worst cough or cold can be
speedily cured by German Syrup so can
hoarseness and congestion of the bron
chial tubes It makes expectoration
easy and gives instant relief and refresh
ing rest to the cough racked consumpt
ive New trial bottles25c large size75c
At all druggists
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice Sept 19 1904
Austin Jasper N Dinsmore F M
Alexander T Z Frees R B
BlackpmithsUninPresFornor Mrs Emma J
Borran Minor Helms Mrs E P
Collett W S Lippard W U
Caulbin Rev Runcley Oliver A
Dawson E M
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
A Cold Settled in His Kidneys
A J Jennesse9201 Butler St Chicago
writes I am a switchman and am out
in all kinds of weather I took a cold
which settled in my kidneys and I was
in bad shape I tried several advertised
remedies with no benefit until I was
recommonded to try Foleys Kidney
Cure Two thirds of a bottle cured me
Sold by A McMillen
Impure blood always shows
somewhere If the skin then
boils pimples rashes If the
nerves then neuralgia nerv
ousness depression If the
stomach then dyspepsia
biliousness loss of appetite
Your doctor knows the
remedy used for 60 years
ISeturnltiR from tlie Cuban Trar I was a
perfect wreck 3Iv blood was bati and my
iiealtti was Rone lint a few bottles of Ayers
Sarsaparilla completely cured me
II C DouiiLuit Scranton Fa
SI 00 a bottle
All driifrclsts
fllll mmntm 1 II II CKZUCKSICZS3a39
Lowell biass
I Impure Mood
Aid tho Sareapariita by keeping the
foowels regular with Ayers Pills
Bm pimmm
Imparts that peculiar lightness
sweetness and flavor noticed in the
finest cake biscuit rolls crusts
etc which expert pastry cooks
declare is unobtainable by the use
of any other leavening agent
Made from Pare Grape Cream of Tartar
Advent Sabbath school at 2 p m
preaching at 3 Prayer meeting every
Tuesday evening
Eldek G II Smith Pastor
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 aJra Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Fikst Baptist Church Sermons at
11 a m and 745 p m Bible school at
945 am Junior society at 3 p m BY
P U at 715 p m Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening 8 p m
Methodist Sunday School at 10
Preaching at 1100 and 800 Epworth
League at 700 Class meeting at 12 led
by tho pastor Prayer meeting Thurs
day evening at 8
M B Carman Pastor
Con gregational Sunday school 1 0
a m Y P S C E at 7 p m Prayer
and conference meeting on Wednesday
evening Morning subject Learning to
Do Well Evening subject Getting
Ready Good music by choir or quar
tette George A Conrad Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m
Mornincr nraverat 11 and evening prayer
and sermon at S The third Sunday in
the month iloly Communion at 730 a
m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Christian Bible school 10 Preach
ing at 11 a m and 8 p m Morning sub
ject Professors and Possessors Eve
ning topic The Seven Dispensations
Y P S C E at 7 a m Good music
Special invitation to all Bible school in
East McCook at 3 preaching at 4
G T Burt Pastor
Emergency Medicines
It is a great convenience to have at
hand reliable remedies for use in cases
of accident and for slight injuries and
ailments A good liniment and one that
is fast becoming a favorite if not a house
hold necessity is Chamberlains Pain
Balm By applying it promptly to a cut
bruise or burn it allays the pain and
causes tho injury to heal in about one
third the time usually required and as
it is an antiseptic it prevents any danger
of blood poisoning When Pain Balm is
kept at hand a sprain may be treated be
fore inflammation sets in which insures
a quick recovery For sale by all drug
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks ofiice
since last Thursday evening
Luman R Wing to JW Dolan deed to
nwqr 7-2-26 450 00
Alonzo L Clark to JW Dolan vd to e
hf e hf 32-3-27 700 00
jP E Curlco to E E Smith wd to lot 11
in block 54 Hartley 35 00
R M Snavely to E E Smith qcd to lots
1 to 12 in C and 1 2 and 3 in E Esther
Park 40 00
Lincoln Land Co to H T Morris wd to
part se qr sw qr 17-1-26 115 00
Chas Duckworth to E C Ludwig wd
1000 00
J B Culbertson to Leroy Kleven wd to
lot 1 in block 24 First McCook 1700 00
Nick J TJerling to J J Junker Jr wd
to nwqr 7-2-27 1500 00
Charles H Boyle to Del O Pate wd to
S00 CO
J H Carr to George E Carr wd to w hf
neqr 21-3-26 SCO CO
Fearful Odds Against Him
Bedriddenalone and destitute Such
in orief was the condition of an old sol
dier by name of J J HavensVersailles
O For years he was troubled with
kidney disease and neither doctors nor
medicines gave him relief At length
he tried Electric Bitters It put him on
his feet in short order and now he testi
fies I am on the road to complete re
covery Best on earth for liver and
kidney troubles and all forms of stom
ach and bowel complaints Only 50c
Satisfaction guaranteed by L W Mc
Connell druggist
Populist Rally September 26th
Posters are up announcing a grand
rally in the opera house McCook Mon
day September 2Gth by the Populists
of Redwillow county There will be
speaking at 1 and at 730 oclock by
Hon George W Berge Fusion candi
date for governor lion R E Watske
Fusion candidate for secretary of state
and HonW II Thompson of Grand Is
Has Sold a Pile of Chamberlains Cough
I have sold Chamberlains Cough
Remedy for more than twenty years and
it has given entire satisfaction I have
sold a pile of it and can recommend it
highly Joseph McElhiney Linton
Iowa You will find this remedy a good
friend when troubled with a cough or
cold It always affords quick relief and
is pleasant to take For sale by all
Cupid Busy This Week
Rev M B Carman of tho Methodist
church officiated at tho wedding of four
young couples this week
Dinnel Huet Wednesday afternoon
September 21st at live oclock at tho
homo of the brides parents Mr and
Mrs J M Huet in South McCook Ar
thur Din noil and Iva Maud Huet were
happily wedded in the presence of rela
tives and near friends A wedding sup
per followed the ceremony
Simpson Ford At the home of tho
brides parents Mr and Mrs J M Ford
in South McCook Thursday morning
September 22nd at 11 oclock Clarence
F Simpson and Merle Ford were united
in marriage
Locker Baker Tuesday evening
September 20th at 7 oclock the Com
mercial hotel parlors were the scene of a
wedding in which James II Locker of
Palisade Nebraska and Hannah E Ba
ker of Newton Iowa were the high con
tracting parties They will make their
home in Palisade
Nelms Gherring At Quick Frontier
county Nebraska Tuesday afternoon
September 20th at 1 oclock Chester E
Nelms and Carrie Gherring entered the
sacred relationship of husband and wife
in the presence of many relatives and
friends of the young people An ele
gant weddii g feast followed the cere
mony NumerSus presents were received
by the estimable young people
Great Piano Sale
Closing out the Sioux City bankrupt
piano stock at prices below manufac
turers cost Used upright pianos Eng
lish make 86500 nale 88800 Hall
Sons 89200 Lyon Healy 10600 Kim
ball 811000 Arion 11800 Chickering
14500 Emerson S16800 Over 20 more
to select from 300 new upright pianos
latest style cases nearly all makes
11800 13200 14800 16500 17300
to 190 easily worth double 150 cabi
net grand upright pianos fancy or colon
ial styles in beautiful rare natural
wood mahogany walnut or oak cases
The worlds best standard makes
60000 pianos 43800 50000 pianos for
31500 40000 pianos for 26300 30000
pianos for 21000
Square pianos rebuilt good as new
Steinway Knabe Chickering Hallet
Davis Bradford Vose etc 2400
S3S00 4SOO to 6000 Used organs
guaranteed in perfect order 800 1200
1800 2200 to 3600 All makes
Terms to suit Bring this advertise
ment with you or write for bargain list
1313 Farnam street Omaha Neb
After Missouris Honors and Cup
W N Rodgers of McCook Neb made
a prize winning exhibit of Herefords at
the Kansas state fair The car in which
he took the fine animals to Topeka was
decked with blue ribbons which had just
been won at the Nebraska exhibition
In no way is the agricultural advance
ment of Nebraska better shown than in
the remarkable development of the live
stock industry A few years ago Mis
souris boasts in this regard were loud
and prolonged Nebraskas strides have
been of such length that Missouri is in
danger of losing the cup Lincoln Star
A specialty of office supplies
The Tribune
Absolutely free
from husk or fibre
2 lb packages
All high class grocers
A C Ong A M LL B Pres Omaha
Prof A J Lowry Princ
n 7
s iWfSZZ
Endorsed bv FirstNatl
Huiikand business men
SfO000 in ioll Top IXsks Bmk Fixtures and
iV IVpovriters Students can work for ooard
nd for free catalogue bound in alliifitor
ne t ever published bv a Business College
Head it and you will attend tho X 13 C
at the
Mrs Snow of Chicago is in town visit
ing friends
W II Wadsworth left on Monday for
his homo in Chickasha I Ti
Mrs Graco Smith went to McCook
Friday night to visit friends
Miss Wilson of Bartley is visiting in
Indianola the guest of Mrs Rankin
Miss Jennie Madison is spending tho
summer with her sister Mrs L B Korn
Tommy Adams came in on No 5 Sun
day eveningfora short visit with friends
Miss Maggie Andrews has returned to
her homo in the eastern part of tho state
Robert Barber and wife have gone to
tho eastern part of the state on a visit to
her sister
Walter Adams and family of Chicago
are here for a short stay among old ac
Ed Leo has bought a house in town
and will movo into it soon His boys
will run tho farm
American hog wire fenco at Colemans
at 20c a rod while tho present car lasts
Opportunity of a lie time
Joy Holland arrived homo from Den
ver on Sunday morning where he has
been for tho past ten days
Pete Spohn and wife are visiting in
Colorado A Russian is bossing the sec
tion during Petes alsence
Emil Hillers sold his stock of goods to
John Puckett who will in the future
have charge of the old stand
The lecture on Porto Rico at the
Methodist church Tuesday evening was
greeted by a fair sized audience
Mrs S Calkins and adopted daughter
started for California Wednesday night
where they will spend tho winter months
Miss Stonecypherof Omaha is staying
for a while in the city visiting with her
grandparents Mr and Mrs David Stone
William Stewart wife and two child
ren have gone to Illinois on a visit Rob
and Don will bach while their parents
aro away
R E Smith left on 2 Tuesday morn
ing for a visit with relatives and friends
in Oklahoma He expects to bo in St
Louis before his return
The Ash Creek boys and tho boys
from Coon Creek met in deadly conflict
on the diamond last Saturday the Ash
creek bo s being victors
Andy Goddard an old time resident of
Indianola but now of Maryville Ten
neesee is in town visiting friends after
an absence of many years
Indianola has a ghost sensation but
the people are getting pretty tired and
propose that his ghostship shall have a
rest It may be a long rest too if it
meets the persons who are laying for it
Jacob Hillers and family left Monday
night for California where they will
make their future home They go in
hopes that the change may b of benefit
to Mrs Hillers whose health is very
Negotiations were concluded a few
days since by which Dr Mastin takes
the place of Dr Neal at this place We
understand that Dr Neal will go to
Boyce Idaho to continue the practice of
his profession
A freight train was kept an unwilling
prisoner at Indianola Friday from early
morning until five oclock in the after
noon waiting for the bridge gang to re
place the bridge at Redwillow that
burned that morning The fire is sup
posed to have been started by sparks
from No 13 as she passed through in the
The Old Settlers Picnic held on the
Willow last week was fairly well at
tended and thoroughly enjoyed by all
A camp iirc was in order and old scenes
and reminiscenes were talked over by
the participants of olden times after
which a paper prepared by John Black
was listened to with interest The inner
man and woman were not forgotten on
this occasion and a good dinner was
spread of which all partook and prob
ably all voted inwardly that this was
the very best hour of the day
Nellie Fuller Denver My face was
full of pimples and black heads Jlollis
ters Rocky Mountain Tea has driven
them away People hardly know me
Im looking fine 35 cents Tea or tab
lets L W McConnell
Autumn The Great Excursion Period
To St Louis You will regret it for years if
you fail to see tho St Louis exposition Spec
ial low coach excursion rates made daily eacli
week from Sunday to Thursdayinclusive seven
days limit Slightly higher rates for tickets
good in sleeping cars with longer limits
Very low one way rates to the far west and Pa
cific coast For instance 20 to Salt Lake Hel
ena and Butte territory This low rate west
bound when added to yonr return rate east
bound makes a Tery low round trip rate
Homeseekers excursions tho first and third
Tuesdays of each month to northwest and south
Chicago and back Daily low rates either di
rect or via St Louis with stopovers at StLouis
Kansas City and Omaha
Homo visitors excursions Visit the old home
back east September 20 and 27 and October 11
half rates plus 2 to Indiana and to many points
in Ohio and Kentucky
Nebraska Day at the St LouL Exposition
Tuesday October 25 All good Xebraskans
should be there and help exploit the prosperity
of our grand commonwealth
Geo S Scott Ticket Agent
LW Wakeley G P A Omaha
T A Endsley is teaching the Pickens
school this fall and winter term
Mrs Margaret Newman is the guest
of her sister Mrs T A Endsley
Mr and Mrs G F Randel have been
visiting the St Louis exposition since
the close of last week
Dont neglect buying and putting up a
mail box if you live on route No 1
Have your mail all addressed to RFD
No 1
Westward the orb of glory takes its way
Wisconsin is the state you hear every
body say
Its made itself famous by one greatstride
Rocky Mountain Tea has made its
name world wide
LW McConnell
A motonnan in Chicago ran his car
onto the approach of an open bridge hut
stopped it with the fender actually over
hanging the gulf below He wouldnt
want to repeat the experiment because
the chances are that hed never again
have the same good fortune
Once in a
while some one
who has travel
ed to the very
edge of the
danger line of
stomach dis
ease stops just
in time to save
his health But
the majority of
people go across
the line and
glJ I r5ZJS
Jr iLLi on
slight symptoms of indigestion grow to
disease of the stomach involving the
other organs of digestion and nutrition
Indigestion and other forms of stom
ach trouble are perfectly and per
manently cured by the use of Dr Pierces
Golden Medical Discovery It strength
ens the whole body by enabling the per
fect digestion and assimilation of food
3000 FORFEIT will be paid by the
Worlds Dispensary Medical Association
Proprietors Buffalo N Y if they cannot
show the original signature of the indi
vidual volunteering- the testimonial below
and also of the writers of every testi
monial among the thousands which they
are constantly publishing thus proving
their genuineness
I have been suffering for about eight years
writes Mrs II Tierce of Millsprings Ky Have
had several doctors to treat me some for female
weakness and others for stomach trouble but
received no relief When I wrote you for advice
I was hardly able to work and you advised me
what to do I took nine bottles five of Golden
Medical Discovery four of Favorite Prescrip
tion also two vials of the Pellets Dr Pierces
medicines will do all that you elaim for them
Believe I would have been in my grave if I had
not taken them
Dr Pierces Medical Adviser is sent free
on receipt of stamps to pay expense of
mailing only Send 21 one cent stamps for
the book in paper covers or 31 stamps for
the cloth bound volume Address Dr R V
Pierce Buffalo N Y
like Walsh
ECDeYitt Co Chicago
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
JJldck VvOht of Gitizrns Hank
McCook Nebraska
f Wk
A Sound Argument
The one that blows without any
thing to blow about wastes time and
energy The excellence of our goods
and delivery service warrant us for
blowing Always the best always
the greatf st variety always the
highest quality
V i X rw SV -HIT A f JV HTT 4
UJiu iriAuini t
Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats
1st door west Palmer Hotel
Buyers and Shippers of
Poultry and Eggs
For the next 7 days
we will pay cash
For Hens 61c lb
Spring Chicks 8ic lb
DeWitt Is the rams to lock for when
you go to buy Witch Hazel Salve
DeWitts Witch Hazl Salve is the
original and only genul e In fact
DeWitfslsthe only Witch HsielSalva
that is made frcm tns unadulterated
Witch Hazel
All others are counterfeits base Imi
tations cheap and worthless even
dangerous DeWitts Witch KarelSaive
Is a specific for Files Blind Bleeding
Itching and Protruding Piles Also Cuts
Eurns Bruises Sprains Lacerations
Contusions Boils Carbuncles Eczema
Tetter Salt Rheum and ail other Skia
iiiniM i mi n i m
-- - - r - - y
For Sale by L W McConnell
Real Estate Improved
To own a home I offer a l room liouxw with
oak ami ninplo IIoom lino locution noiir mcIiikiI
woll kept lawn and trees nicely started Its a
ImrKiii Sou L II Lindemaun At
A line InrRo homo with both electric Inditi
and furnace- beautiful lawnahude true barn
near nchuol and potollice Ilwider it will li a
comfort to your t oul to own fetich a home Sf
L II Liiiileinatin A2
O110 of SK ncres anothor of 210 unros and still
another well impmwil of t all bottom and
near town See L II Lindemiinn
A capital investment for your money invested
in property that will ho worth from tliron to llvo
times its present value in six or eiht yearn
could bo put to no better use Do not ms this
bv if j on can spare 1UU per month for this tho
safest iuvetmunt Sfu L II Liudemauii Alt
For tho now and reat empire Iloutt county
Colorado now hoiiiK rapidly populated in ad
vance of the Moffat linn ProcnmLiimtioii in
this case will prove to bo tho thief of time Sio
L II Lindemanu A I
My lint from time to time and do not fail to
carefully consider the fact that tho time to buy
citv or farm property is when thorn is a general
feelimc of depression L II Liiidemann Heal
Resources aro hejond computation in dollar
They comprise koIiI silver coppt r lend coal
iron onyx marble buildinu stone timber iiro
clay mineral spring and for ajiricillturerand
stock raiMiiK ranks first in the statf To thin
may Do added s cenic features without eiual in
tlie -state See L II Lindemaun
A beautiful 1 room cottage 2 lots HOftfront
This may bo had now for2iM Seo Lindomau
IN Ifttllk
gv vtf ik y
kff At J
Or any kind of meat from our
shop by phone if you wish
or send the little folks and
you will get the sweet tooth
some kind
We pride ourselves on the
freshness and quality of our
goods and the promptness of
our delivery
If you are not now trading
with us we would be pleased
to have you give us a trial
We think you will be pleased
Phone 12
He i 1-
to it It
Wi hi itx 1-
t ii is
45 Hi df ffi
ffi c itf
ifi rfi xc tff
He Hi aS
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Hi tfi ift tir
tic Ji H Hi Hi
Hi t Hi Hi
Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi
Hi Hi Hi Hi
Hi H Hi Hi Hi
Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi
The business man knows
the value and convenience
of a Checking Account so
does the up-to-date profes
sional man likewise the pro
gressive farmer and too
the wide awake business
woman We shall be glad
to initiate people into the
details of keeping a checking
First National
jlp am
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rti I
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