The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 23, 1904, Image 3

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A Prominent Officer of the Order of
Rebeccas writes to Thank Doana
Kidpey Pills for It
Mrs C E Bnmgardnjer a local om
ser of the Rebeccas of Topeka Kans
Room 10 812 Kansas
Ave writes I used
Doans Kidney PillsK
fliirhic the nast irnw i
for kidney troublo
riTifl Wndrorl nflmonto J
1 was sufferinc from
pains In the back and
TipnrlnntiOK hnr fnnn
w wuu
after the use of oie
box of the remedy
that the troubles
gradually dlsannearedirtt
so that before I had
nnicHrtH o rMA i
package I was wellg
I therefore reartil
endorse your reme
dy Signed Mrs
C E Bumgardner
kmk I
5TI UytSflPvir I
A FREE TRIAL Address Foster
Mllburn Co Buffalo N Y For sale
by all dealers Price CO cts
Try to make two virtues look like
ten and they vill get so thin you
wont know them
Smokers find Lewis Single Binder
straight 5c cigar better quality than most
10c brands Lewis Factory Peoria 111
Some men lead double lives because
they are driven to it
MB ir
n A striklHg contrast
HR between icf4anceStarch
Wnd anytfierrandwiil
befound by comparison
Defiance Starch stiffens
whrtens fwauiif
at retting
it gives clothes bacft
their newness
It is absolutely pure
irt will not injure the
most delicate fabrics
For finethmgs ind all
things- usetbe best there
is Defiance -5 tare h
oentsKfor46 ounces
Other brands toentsfcw
Astrikins ontrast
Omaha Web
jltifcflgSitieSfcSrir HtfiWi rarti
W N U- Omaha
rtess anelBestContalrts Reifher
OpiunxMorpliine norCnexaL
Not jNarc otic
Sbxpecfttia SAKUELnrcnLR
Jonpha Seed
A perFeclTtemedy forConsBpa
VbrmsConvuisicms Feverish
ness andXss OF SLEEP
TacSlnuIc Signature of
No 391304
ling theStomadBBrtdBcns ets of
I v
Babies Carried In Boots
Gypsies carry their babies in old
shawls slung over their shoulders and
tied about tho waist North Ameri
can Indians carry their babies on tho
backs of squaws cradle and all But
the Eskimo women of Labrador carry
tholr babies in tbeir boots Theso
boots come up to the knee and aro
wido at the top -with a flap in front
In these tho little brown babies livo
and are happy
Cats With Knotted Tails
1 There ia a breed of cats in Malacca
which has this peculiarity At first
travelers are under the impression
that some cruel person has tied a
knot in pussys tail for fun but this
is not so The kittens are born -with
this peculiarity and it continues
throughout their life
It should be a compensating thought
to a man who dies and leaves insur
ance money that he is benefiting his
own sex for some other man will
come along and get it Atchison
Many Children Are Sickly
Mother Grays STreetPowders for Children
ased by Mother Gray a nurso in Childrens
Home New York enre Summer Complaint
FeTorishnessHcadacheStomach Troubles
Teething Disorders and Destroy Worms At
all Druggists 25c Sample maied FREE
Address Allen S Olmsted Le Roy N Y
In accord with the eternal fitness of
things a book of love poems should be
bound hi calf
Every housekeeper should know
that if they -will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry use they
will save not only time because it
never sticks to the iron but because
each package contains 16 oz one full
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up In -pound pack
ages and the price is the same 10
cents Then again because Defiance
Starch is free from all injurious chem
icals If your grocer tries to sell you
a 12 oz package it is because he has
a stock on hand which he wishes to
dispose of before he puts in Defiance
He knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every package in large let
ters and figures 1G ozs Demand
Defiance and save much time and
money and the annoyance of the iron
sticking Defiance never sticks
Man is the only animal that uses
handkerchief Womens handkerchief
are merely for show
Homo Visitors Excursion Tickets to
Indiana and Ohio
Via The Northwestern Line
will be sold at very low rates on four
Tuesdays Sept 13th 20th and 27th
and Oct 11th limited to return within
30 days from date of sale
For particulars as to territory to
Which excursion tickets may be sold
etc apply
City Offices 1401 1403 Farnam St
Omaha Neb
Very Low Rates to St Paul-Minneapolis
Via The Northwestern Line
Excursion tickets will be sold at
one fare plus 50 cents on Sept 28th
29th and 30th with favorable return
limits oa account of Gideons conven
City Offices 1401 1403 Farnam St
Omaha Neb
2 p jB bj km fl g H H f M I 8m
EH e3 ra r Nk i H 3i m f
h aiw Ki wmman
For Infants and Children
The Krntf You Have
Always Bought
Bears the J
Signature u
a Jry In
For Ove
Thirty Year
TKS crmauw somtcny new tork cry
In sheets of PURE AfttLtftE BLUE Ko bottles No paddles No waste Gives the same
imount of hlueine water each wash day Ask your grocer for it or send 10c for a book of 25 leaves
The Httid Btesfag Bosk Go 37 E Lk St Chicago III
ItlltlFii WHVHF All l A La
Bfwt Cocsh Brian TattM Good TJM
In time Sola by drnssleta
ion ctm tut
Thompsons Ey Wain
CURES catarrh cf the stomach
1 fftTW 7V
Deliver Cream Often
Reports from the centralized cream
gathering plants indicate that there is
a good deal of trouble about the se
curing of cream in good condition
The farmers in many places now have
hand separators and in others follow
the old practice of setting me milk
to get the cream They are too busy
in the summer time to drive to the
railroad depot oftener than they have
to and this means that in some cases
the cream is a week old before it is
forwarded The butter makers de
clare that it is next to impossible to
make good butter out of this crem or
when it is mixed with the other milk
as it usually is The problem is a
hard one and it cannot be solved by
any short method It is of course
advisable to have the farmers deliver
their cream as often as possible but a
farmer will hardly make a trip to1
town if that trip is going to cost him
more for loss in his harvests than the
profits of the cream will amount to
It is evident that we must depend on
a little improvement here and a little
improvement there With the proper
facilities and with sterilization of
cream on the farm it should be
brought into a condition where it can
be kept for a few days without Injury
to it If Mr Gurler can send milk
from Illinois to France and have it
arrive there sweet after 17 days cer
tainly our farmers can keep their
cream in such good condition that it
will be fit to make butter from a few
days after it is taken from the milk
We are not advocating few deliveries
of cream but know that there are
many of our farmers so situated that
they will not attempt to deliver cream
every day either in summer or win
Some Uses of Skimmiik
That skimmiik is a useful feed for
all kinds of farm animals is an estab
lished fact It pays better however
to feed it to the young animals than
to old ones though the latter use it
to fairly good advantage The young
ones have stomachs so well adapted
to using skimmiik that they can get
more out of it with less expenditure
of digestive energy than any others
A good many experiments have
been made with it from time to time
by the way of using it as a food for
mature farm animals Here and there
are men that have fed it to their
milch cows and in the absence of
other animals to consume it this is a
good use to make of it The value in
such a case depends on the market
price that can be obtained for it In
the case of using it for cow feed it
will be found necessary to keep it
sweet till so used
Colts and even mature horses have
been fed on skimmiik One man
claims that his horses came to like
milk and that less grain was con
sumed after the milk began to be fed
We can easily believe this The milk
contains a good amount of protein
and this of course goes to build up
ihe muscles and make protein from
grain less necessary
On all of our farms the use of skim
miik for chicken feeding is now
nized and little urging is necessary
to induce the careful poultry raiser
to feed the fowls all the milk they
will consume When they cannot
use enough of it on account of Its
watery nature it is very easy to make
cottage cheese for them out of the
Dehorning Calves
It is more humane to dehorn calves
by the use of caustic potash whea
the horns are just starting than it is
to use the saw on the horns after they
have developed Also the task is
easier at the earlier period The op-
oration with the caustic potash should
be made before the calf is nine days
old The better time is when the
calf is from two to five days old
The hair should be clipped away from
around the horns A stick of caustic
potash should be rolled in paper with
one end of the caustic bare This
should be slightly moistened and the
tips of the horns rubbed for about
fifteen seconds or until the potash
has made a slight impression on the
center of the horn The treatment
should be given two three or four
times according to the age of the
animal and the size of the horns
about five minutes being allowed to
elapse between applications If a
little blood appears in the center of
the horn it will then be necessary only
to give a slight rubbing with the pot
ash We advise all of our readers
that hve calves to adopt this method
rather than to wait till the animals
grow and have to use the more painful
method It is believed that the caus
tic potash method is nearly or quite
A New Milk Test
It is reported that a German scien
tist has invented a new milk test by
means of salts in solution which have
the power to dissolve the casein of
milk The compound of salts is mere
ly mixed with the milk in a tube and
the latter is placed in water which
is nearly at the boiling point The
tube used is marked with percent
ages and the butter fat fills the tube
in the same proportion as the fat per
centage in the milk If this simple
system proves to be an accurate one
the dairy world will be greatly bene
fitted The test itself will however
have to stand the test of furtner in
vestigation and experience
Willow ware Center
In ten years Maryland has Jumped
from fifth to third place in the willow
ware industry in the United States
ranking now next to New York and
Pennsylvania Baltimore is one of the
three willow ware centers which only
have shown any actual growth in tho
business In Maryland tho center of
the willow district lies in Howard
county In the neighborhood of Elk
ridge alone the output of willow ex
ceeds 50OO per annum while Anno
Arundel county contributes 2500
Defiance Starch
should be in every household none so
grood besides 4 oz more for 10 cents
than any other brand of cold water
Growth of European Population
Few persons have any idea of tho
extraordinary manner in which tho
population of Europe has increased
during the last century According
to statisticians this population has
more than doubled itself from 1S80
to 1900 To this increase the Latin
nations of the west and southwest
contributed the least and the greatest
growth was in the east where the
people have not yet become thorough
ly saturated with the ideas of mod
ern civilization
Plsos Cure is the best medicine v e ever used
for all affections of the throat and lungs VviL
0 Exbslsv Vanburcn Ind Feb 10 1900
Civilization and Railroads
Nothiag is more significant of the
sudden development of Japan than the
history of her railways The first rail
ways eighteen miles in length was
completed in 1S72 At the present
time there are 1344 miles of state and
8150 milej of private railways in op
eration and there are 852 miles under
conctruction For the most part they
pay well the larger yielding dividend
from 10 to 12 per cent
Mrs Windows Gootlilnar Syrup
For children teething sof ten3 the kohib rcducc3 in
aammaUou allays pain cured wind colli ac u buttle
Chinese Most Spoken Language
There are 382000000 Chinese speak
ing the rarae language making Chi
nese the most spoken language There
are many dialects however which
soem scarcely to belong to the same
tongue The inhabitants of Mongolia
and Tibet can barely understand the
dialect of the people in Pekin Other
widely spoken languages are as fol
lows in millions English 120 Ger
man 70 Russian CS Spanish 44
Portuguese 32
Dr David Kennedys Vivorito ICemciiy
pave me prompt anil complete relief f rura 1 piirt unI
liver diMungeiattat U T Trowbridge Iluxlei j l
Reading With a Purpose
Reading without purpose is saunter
ing not exercise More is got from
one book on which the thought set
tles for a definite end in knowledge
than from libraries skimmed ever by
a wandering eye A cottage flower
gives honey to the bee a kings gar
den none to the butterfly Lord Lyt
Te Murine ye Co Chk ipo pend Home
Eyo ok irec Write them i buiit juur eyes
Slovenly Russian Servants
The slovenliness of women servants
in Russia is a fact often commented
upon by Americans A maid when
waiting upon the table is often
dressed in a short print skirt and loose
blouse is shoeless and stockingless
and has a colored handkerchief tied
over her hair
All Up-to-Date Housekeepers
use Defiance Cold Water Starch be
cause it is better and 4 oz more of it
for sam money
Left Handed Compliment
In a case involving the manage
ont 1 an English insane asylum sev
eral former inmates were called a3
witnesses and the kings counsel who
callfid them remarked that they were
as sane as any one in the court The
judge on the bench showed no en
thusiasm at the announcement
When Bettors Should Quit
The London Sketch says a profes
sional betting man should go out of
business when 50 years old After that
age a man makes mistakes Between
50 and 65 he stands to lose 75 per
eent of what he accumulated before
Old Fashion Best
A Massachusetts man was fined the
other day for kicking a cat This
would make it appear that the old
bootjack is still the best weapon with
which to get even with a feline of
Why It Is the Best
isbecause made by an entirely differ
ent process Defiance Starch is un
like any other better and one third
more for 10 cents
A mans place in heaven may be
quite different from his pew down
have tried all kinds of waterproof
ckxhing and have never found anything
at any price to compare with your Fish
Brand for protecdon from all kinds of
The nunc nd address cf the
writer of this unsolicited letter
may be had upon application
A J TOWER CO The Sisncf the Fish
Boston USA 0WEKS
Toronto Canada ASHBRJ
Makers f Warranttd Wet Ytather Clothing
Miss Gannon Secy Detroit Amateur
Art Association tells young women what to
do to avoid pain and suffering caused by
female troubles
Dear Mrs PimnTASi I can conscientiously recommend yclia3
Pinlciuuns Vegetable Compound to those of my sisters suifering with
female weakness and the troubles which so often befall women I suf
fered for months with general weakness and felt so weary that I had
hard work to keep up I had shooting pains and was utterly miserable
In my distress I was advised to use ydia E Pinkhams Vegetable
Compound and it was a red letter day to me when I took the first dose
for at that time my restoration began In six weeks 1 was a changed
woman perfectly well in every respect I felt so elated and happy that
I want all women who suffer to get well as I did 3Iiss G ltla Gannon
350 Jones St Detroit Mich Secretary Amateur Art Association
It is clearly sliown in tills younjj ladys letter that ydia 17
Pinkhams Vegetable Compound will certainly cure the sufferingt
of women and when one considers that 3Iiss Gannons letter is
only one of the countless hundreds which wo are continually
publishing in the newspapers of this country the great virtue of Mrs Pink
hams medicine must be admitted by all and for the absolute cure of all kinds
of female ills no substitute can poesibly take its place Women should bear
this important fact in mind vhen they go into a driiif store and be sure not
to accept anything- that is claimed to be just as good as Lydia E Pink
hams Vegetable Compound for no other medicine for female ills has
made so many actual cures
How Another Sufferer Was Cured
Dear Mrs Pinkham I cannot praise your wonderful remedies
enough for they have done me more good than all the doctors I have
had For the lasc eight years and more I suffered with female troubles
was very weak could not do my housework also had nervous pros
tration Some days I would remain unconscious for a whole day and
night My neighbors thought I could never recover but thanks to
your medicine I now feel like a different woman
I feel very grateful to you and will recommend ydia E Pink
hams Vegetable Compound to all It has now been four years sinco
I had the last spell of nervous prostration I only weighed ninety
eight pounds at that time now I weigh one hundred and twenty three
I consider your Vegetable Compound the finest remedy made
Thanking you many times for the benefit I received from j our medicine
I remain Yours truly Mrs J II Farmer 2S09 Elliott Ave St Louis Mo
Remember Mrs Pinkhams advice is free and all sitilc women
are foolish if they do not ask for it She speaks from the widest
experience and has helped multitudes of women
FORFEIT If -we cannot forthwith jirodncc the original littis and signatnres of
above testimonials fich will provo their altsolute ccnuimnes
JLydJa E Iinklium I 1 Co J nn yintt
Great Reduction in Rates via
Home visitors excursions sold every Ttresday in September and October
11th Half fare plus 200 for the round trip to all points in Indiana
points in Ohio and Kentucky
5850 St Louis and return sold Tuesdays and Thursdays
1380 St Louis and return sold daily
2715 Buffalo Niagara Falls or Toronto and return sold daily
2150 Detroit and return sold dally
2000 Chicago and return one -way via St Louis sold daily
Long limit and stop over allowed at St Louis on ALL tickets
Schedule of our Fast trains
Read down
745 a m630 p m Lv
800 a mI645 p m Lv
735 p ml700 a m Arr
750 m715 a m Arr
These trains run daily
Council Bluffs
Worlds Fair Station
St Louis
Read up
Arr 909 p mS20 a m
Arr 845 p m800 a m
Lv 915 a m745 p m
Lv 900 a m730 p m
Compare this time with other lines
The Wabash lands all passengers at and checks baggase to its own
station at main entrance of Worlds fair grounds Think what this means
quick time extra car fare saved and a delightful trip and you are not all
tired out before entering the Exposition grounds
All Agents can route you via the Wabash R R For beautiful Worlds
Fair folder and all Information address
G A P Df Wab R R Omaha Neb
Putnam Fadeless are cleanly as they neither stain the hands nor spot the kettle One Me package colors either silk -wool or cotton
equally -welt and is s uaranteed to give perfect results Putnam Fadeless Dyes are for sale by all Rood drugyfsts everywhere or mailec
iiree at 16c a packets YTrite to day for free booklet Ho to Bleach Dye or Mix Colors MONROE DRUG CO- UnionviH Mi