The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 09, 1904, Image 3

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1 f
W tr
A Society Leader and Club Woman oT
Kansas City Write to Thank
Doans Kidney PUs for Quick
Miss TVclIIo DaviR ctf HSlG Michigan
Ave Kr nsao Oty Mo society leader
a fS3lMtejBR ft
and dub wo an
vritos M -can-not
say too much
In prcJse ol
Doans Kidney
Pills for they ef
fected a complete
euro sin a -very
short time when
il was suffering
tfrom ikiflney troubles brought on by a
cold il had Bevere palns in the back
and sick headaches and felt miserable
nil over Jl few boxes of Doans Kid
Tiey Pills -made we a well woman
without an ache -or pain and I feel
compelled to recommend this irollablo
A TRIATi FREE Address Foster
Milburn Co Buffaio 2J Y For sale
ly all dealers JJrice cts
Women fiercely deny theim putation
of drcsisng for mans admiration
Ever 7 housekeeper should know
that X they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for -laundry use they
will save not only time sbecauso It
mever sticks to the iron but because
each package -contains lGoz -one full
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches are put tup in ipaclt
ages and the price lis the same 10
cents TDhen again because Defiance
Starch is iree from all injurious chem
icals Jljyour grocer tries to sell you -a
12 oz package it iiB because ho Jias
a stock -on hand which the wishes to
dispose o before he jjuts in Defiance
Hie knows that Defiance Starch iias
iprinted m -every package 1n Jarge Met
iers and figures 16 ozs Demand
Defiance and save much time and
imoney and the annoyance -of the iron
u ticking Defiance never sticks
ip bmbbeesessb bm azaniii ii iiMianaBaii
for Girls
and Boys
Who can make the most
words out of the
59 Eo jjo
for the Winners
Ask Your Grocer
for Particulars
Accord brady co
Woman Mountain Climber
By far the most expert woman
mountaineer Jn the world Is Mrs Fau
ry Bullock Workman In the Hima
layas -she haa clliabed to an altitude of
225G8 leet On ibo came occasion
1 er husband Inroko the worlds record
for men by -311 feet by climbing 23
293 feet up -a mountain 24479 feet
high Airs Workman is of medium
height and there is nothing in her ap
pearance to suggest the strength she
iias displayed in some of her wonder
ml feats
Early Rising
To be forced to get up early says
an English jphyslcian grinds the
soul curdles the llood swells the
spleen destroys all good intentions
and -disturbs all day the mental activ
ities Criminals are always recruited
Xroni the early rising class
Blue Light for Inflammation
The effect of blue light in redac
ing inflammation diminishing pain
-promoting absorption of morbid se
cretions and curing diseases of the
skin has been shown by several re
icent researches
Many TJKIIdren Are sickly
Mother Grays Sweet Powders for Children
used by Mother Grqy anurse inChildrens
I f eothiugDisordorsandDestroyWorms At
nil Druggists 25c Sample maied FREE
Address Alien S 01msted Ai dioy jx x
Automobile Fishing Boats
IFishermen on the Lake of Neucbatel
-are using automobile boats They are
driven by a benzine motor -and light
ed -by electricity They are flat-bottomed
glide noiselessly -over the
water do not frighten the ilsh and are
a grca success
Lam sure Pisos Cure for Consumption
my lifcthree years ago Mits Tnos Robbiks
MaplcStreet Norwich N Y Feb 17 1000
Silk From Wood Pulp
Silk -is -now manufactured from
wood -pulp and the only difference
between natural silk and the artifi
cial -silk -so produced is that the latter
exceeds the former in luster and
takes tthe -dye more readily affording
jnore ipexmanent colors
When Your Grocer Says
he does Jaot have Defiance Starch you
may be sure be is afraid to keep it un
til his -stock of 12 oz packages are
sold Defiance Starch is not onlyt bet
tor thnn anv other Cold Water Starcb
but contains 16 oz to the package and
sells for eame money as 12 oz Dra nus
Men have a horror of telling a wife
of financial failures
Important to Mothers
Eaannlno carefully every bottle or CASTOHTA
a safe and eure remedy ox infants and children
and see that it
Bears the
Signature of
la Use Tor Over SO Years
Tie KJl Yoa Have Always Bought
To be loved is to receive the great
est of all compliments Mme Necker
Lewis Sinple Binder straight 5c cigar
No other brand of cigars is so popular with
the smoker He has learned to rely upon
its uniform high quality Lewis Factory
Peoria 111
When a fellow boasts that he cant
be bought its a sign that he hasnt
been offered enough
Positive Comparative Superlative
t have used one of your Fish Brand
Slicker3 for five years and now want
a new one also one for a friend 1
would not be without one for twice
the cost They are Just as far ahead
of a common coat as a common one
is ahead of nothing
Be sure you dont get one of the com
mon kind this is the rtJlFI
mark of excellence y KO
Makers of Wet Weather Clothing and Hats
W N U Omaha
Great Reduction in Rates via
No 371904
Home visitors excursions sold every Tuesday in September and October
11th Half fare plus 200 for the round trip to all points in Indiana
points in Ohio and Kentucky
SS50 St Louis and return sold Tuesdays and Thursdays also September
3rd 4th and 11th
S13S0 St Louis and return sold daily
3125 Baltimore and return sold September 9th and 10th
2715 Buffalo Niagara Falls or Toronto and return sold daily u
2150 Detroit and return sold daily
2000 Chicago and return one way via St Louis sold daily 1V
Long limit and stop over allowed t St Louis on ALL tickets
Schedule of oir Fast trains
Head down
745 a ml630 p
800 a ml545 p
m Lv
m Lv
735 p m700 a m
750 p m715 a m
These trains run
Bead up
Omaha Arr 900 p mS20 a m
Council Bluffs Arr S45 p m800 a m
Worlds Fair Station Lv 915 a m745 p m
St Louis Lv 900 a m730 p m
daily Compare this time with other lines
The Wabash lands all passenger at and checks baggage to its own
station at main entrance of Worlds fair grounds Think what this means
quick time extra car fare saved an i a delightful trip and you are not all
tired out before entering the Exposition grounds
All Agents can route you via th - Wabash R R For beautiful Worlds
Fair folder and all information address
G A P D Wab R R Omaha Neb
The Droof of the shell is its shnntinp Be-
cause they shoot so well Winchester Factory
Loaded Leader and Repeater Smoke
less Powder Shotgun Shells have won almost
every important prize shot for in years
Good shots shoot them because they give bet
ter results shoot stronger and more uniformly
and are more reliable than any other make
Forgetting the SalL
It Js a very easy matter to forget
to salt the cows as every person that
has had the care of dairy cows knows
Many a farmer realizes the need of
the animals for salt and intends to
Sive them salt at regular intervals
Frequently he docs not awake to the
Xact that the cows are not getting
enough salt till he notices a flat fresh
taste in the milk and he at once con
nects this with the absence of salt
This latness is supposed to be the
only detriment to the non salting of
the cows But tests made at different
times show that the volume of the
milk is decreased by this withholding
of the mineral that every animal
craves At the Mississippi Experi
ment station the experiment was
tried of keeping cows without salt
for a number of weeks Three cows
were deprived of salt for four weeks
The first two weeks the millc was
mot weighed as it was likely that the
cows would not at first notice the loss
of the salt by decreasing their milk
During the two last weeks of the
period however the milk was
weighed and was found o be 454
pounds for the period The salt was
given to them again and the mill
weighed for the ensuing two weeks
when it was found to amount to 5G4
pounds This was a gain of 110
pounds of milk due to the salting
Doubtless the best way to give the
salt is to place large lumps of rock
salt where the animals can lick them
At leisure There will then be 00 dan
der of the animals eating too much
at any one time or of poultry getting
at It and eating enough to lull them
The love of all animals for salt is
shown by the habit they have of fre
quenting places where salt is to be
found In the early history of the
country when hunting was a busi
ness as much as any other the hunt
ers used to lie in wait in the places
where salt streams flowed from the
mountains and left crystal deposits
on the rocks for the hunters knew
that such places were frequented by
animals from far and near for the
pnrpose of licking the salty rocks
The processes of digestion require
salts to assist them They can be
carried on without salt but always
at a disadvantage
Tricks in Selling Creamerc
Ageute of creamers of various
kinds make a good living by going
through the country and selling the
creamers at high prices Now some
of the creamers are probably all right
as far as they go but most of them
are not worth the high prices that
are paid for them The agents also
go as far as possible in building up a
case for the things they are selling
Reports from Canada say that three
agents of these creamers have been
arrested and sentenced to jail terms
on account of having made fraudu
lent statements in the sale of the
creamers The statements were of
course made to insure sales The
farmers in witnessing at the trial tes
tified that the agents declared that
the creamers Vould keep auything
cool without the use of ice Eutter
would be hard even in the hottest
day of summer The creamers were
said to be packed with asbestos
which the agents represented as per
fectly impervious to heat The
agents also declared that commission
men would pay a higher price for
butter from such creamers than that
made in the ordinary way The farm
ers had signed what they supposed
to be trial orders but which later
turned out to be negotiable notes
The cost of each of these wonderful
creamers was in excess of 50 Isnt
it a little remarkable that seme farm
ers are so suspicious of each other
that they will not meet each other in
any form of co operation and yet will
place such confidence in smooth
tongued strangers that they will pay
out their money on almost any kind
of representation
Butter Production This Year
Butter production this season is
running along about the same as last
year certainly not ahead The West
is making a little more butter due
to the good conditions of the pas
tures but the Eastern states are
making a little less The surplus In
the West does not more than offset
the deficiency in the East As butter
moves readily from one great center
to another there is no reason why
prices this year should drop below
those of last year The conditions
during the present month will tell
greatly on the production of butter
If the month remains normal as to
rainfall the production will be as
great as last year Up to the present
time the season has been a normal
one In some parts of Illinois and
Wisconsin it has been several degrees
cooler than ordinarily and this has
been in favor of the increased pro
duction of milk and consequently of
butter Prices show a tendency to be
steady and are now likely to remain
so gradually rising during the next
six weeks
Experiments at the Wisconsin sta
tion showed that constantly changing
milkers increased very slightly the
amount of milk yielded but that the
difference was not great enough to be
come an object worth attention
Pasteurization of skimmilk has
greatly increased during recent years
as this results in keeping the milk
sweet for a longer period than it
would otherwise
Keeping Nervous System Healthy
As the nervous system exercises
great power on all the functions of
the body it ought to be kept in a
healthy condition by regular mental
work and Judicious occupations The
fear often expressed that steady men
tal work is likely to wear out the
brain too soon is unfounded The wear
ing theory is wrong as well for mcn
tal as physical work both of which
may be continued in old age
To the housewife who has not yet
become acquainted with the new things
of everyday use In the market and
avIio Is reasonably satisfied with the
old we would suggest that a trial of
Defiance Cold Water Starch be made
ut once Not alone because It is guar
anteed by the manufacturers to be su
perior to any other brand but because j
each 10c package contains ii ozs
while all the other kinds contain but
32 ozs It Is safe to say that the lady
who once uses Defiance Starch will use
no other Quality and quantity must
Churches on Bridges
The custom of building churches on
bridges was common a hundred years
and more ago Several of these quaint
old buildings are still left in Europe
The Chapel of Our Lady still stands
on the bridge which spans the Don at
Rotterdam The little chapel was
built in the fifteenth century and was
restored about a hundred years ago
For several years however it has
been used as a tobacco sIiod
Home at the Worlds Fair
DC Kolp cx CUlef Clerk of Iowa House of
Representatives is manager Hotel Alta Vista
near Agricultural entrance and is prepared to
entertain truests with rooms at 4100 and cots 50
cents Electric lights toilet and bath rooms
cafe Market street cars direct from Union
Station Highestmxi coolest point around St
Louis Official maps of Fair and other informa
lioc sentou application Make reservations now
Education of Indian Girls
In India only about 3 per cent of
the girls attend public schools but
the government of India in its educa
tional resolution states that in trying
to promote the education of girls a
far greater proportional impulse is
imparted to the educational and moral
tone of the people than by the edu
cation of the men
- Tnflamntory KtieiiiiintUm tmt T am
T7elluo thank t Dr Imvli KenimlVK tatoriteKcni
dj its juj best friend inrrelt IintiiiL Trui S Y
Much Tea Drunk in Japan
Tea drinking is a constant J
linn fnr -a Tihnffm In fiverv tent anri 1
in every house the tea kettle is al
ways on the fire The laws of hos
pitality bind all to present tea to
their guests and every Tibetan car 1
ries with her a wooden bowl of
Himalayan maple by way of a tea
To Control Runaway Horses
An Austrian has invented safety
reins for runaway horses by means
of which two small rollers can bo
made to press the horses windpipe
when desired The animal must stop
at once for want of breath
God can make more out of a weak j
man than he can out of a wabbly
Sirs We1ow8 Soothlus Syrnp
For children teethlnsr B3f tens the ptim reduces In- I
flAmniutioualijsiiiiQ cures wlndcoliu 5c u bottle -
A short man always likes to stand
on bis dignity
The Murine KyeKriiiiiij Co Cbicw send Home
hje Book tree Wine tnem uuout jour ee
Cheer instead of complaint is the
mark o the saint
God will not till your heart because
you empty your head
Put your rin
ger on our
trade mark Tell your
dealer you want the best
starch your money can buy
Insist on having the best
It is i6 ounces for 10 cents
No premiums but one
pound of the very best
starch made We put all
our Imoney Jn the starch
It needs no cooking
It isabsolutely pure
Itgives satisfaction or
money back
Omaha Neb
mttmm Wmm
Jy Fibroid Tumors Cured ip
A distressing case of Fibroid Tumor
which baffled the skill of Boston doctors
Mrs Hayes of Boston Mass in
the following letter tells how she was
cured after everything else failed by
Lydia K Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
Mrs Hayes First Letter Appealing1 to Mrs Plnkham for Help
Dear Mrs Pixkham I have been jander Boston doctors treat
ment for a lon time without any relief They tell me I have a fibroid
tumor I cannot sit down without great pain and the soreness extends
up my spine I have bearing down pains both baek and front My ab
domen is swollen and I have had flowing spells for three years My ap
petite is not good I cannot walk or be on my feet for any length of timo
The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor given in your little book ac
curately describe my case so I write to you for advice Signed Mrs
E F Hayes 252 Dudley St Roxbury Boston Mass
Note the result of Mrs Pinkhams advice al
though she advised Mrs Hayes of Boston to take
her medicine which she knew would help her
her letter contained a mass of additional instruc
tions as to treatment ail of which helped to bring
about the happy result
Dear Mrs Pinkiiam Sometime ago I wrote to you describ
ing my symptoms and asked your advice You replied and I followed
all your directions carefully and to day I am a well woman
The use of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound entirely
expelled the tumor and strengthened my whole system 1 can walk
miles now
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound is worth five dol
lars a drop I advise all women who are afflicted with tumors Or
female trouble of any kind to give it a faithful trial Signed Mrs
E F Hayes 252 Dudley St Roxbury Boston Mass
Mountains of goldcould not purchase such testimony or tako
to receWe by return
mall poatpaie tne
Urcest handtoineit
most complete tndby
far the lowest priced
general rnirch ndlio
catalogue over pub
Ilshetl Kever before
sold for less than 80 cents
the place of the health and happiness which IiVdia E Piukhamo
Vegetable Compound brought to Mrs Hayes -
Such testimony should be accepted by all women as convincing
evidence that Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound stands
without a peer as a remedy for all the distressing ills of women all
ovarian troubles tumors inilammations ulceration falling and dis 1
placements of the womb backache irregular suppressed or painful
menstruation Surely the volume and character of the testimonial let
ters we are daily printing in the newspapers can leave no room for doubt
Mrs Hayes at her above address will gladly ansver any letters
which sick women may write for fuller information about her illness
Her gratitude to Mrs Pinkham and Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable
Compound is so genuine and heartfelt that she thinks no trouble is too
gieat for her to take in return for her health and happiness
Truly is it said that it is Lydia E Pinkhams VegetaTjle Com
pound that is curing so many women and no other medicine dont for
get this when some druggist wants to sell you something else
FORFEIT if we cannot forthwith produce tho original letters and Bijpaturea e3
above teouraonials wLicu will prove their aholute genuineness
Xtfdia E Xiukhnm ledlcino Cof Iyin Jlaro
iraKjrtfeiia5SiSv75n PORT
i bbTVA u
3X09 ar
Worth CsallySOOO
UcwFHEK to unv
onefortbeasklnir CuttUInad nutordeend to cs or on a portal cnnl
SxS 2 pigee ever 1 00000 chelations over I OCOO Illustrations Our
new and marvclously low price making policy fall explained 33 vans
merehandlso departments fully roprewnted much larger than ever
btrore prlcea much lower than ever before Mew and lower prices oa
ftvtfrvtHlnffirrlprl and pcIA In fholarffeit AtarA In hn urarltf ITtfcp
VTHIS BOOK WILL BE SEHTj oUotliercataloguealoollverjEmaU 2UeiallothfrpTieloikvcr7lsa
- Tfl MVAmww FD7F ki asnnsnesi Prsn aB3MCa esWk ojTn JihmIncr3seflttofc
raaSSMBJKESn virKMlSS trcam orlf you everdo buy cayUitog from ustlicn aomethn in thl
rz Die ousiresa
iiinnifca inn wn iqnd
t plained
In a ie page section of the big book f hfspart of the bis boob
is luuna not uvng ins mcac uocraa snercver ncira c
se mn wm pmesSSs
money brsendlncto us f orgocda How you can make nancx by
gettlngotherstosendtous Ablgchsncefordealers Money
making made easy for everyone The erandeat oiler cf the
ae An opportunity that Is jouro ometto tint btloagt tojoo
merchandise In ttneunt far greater than all other mall order
houses combined and wo have factories snd warehouses for
Immediate ehlpmeqtSuJhHcrth fcctand WesLwecanshlp
you goods much quicker thaifEEy otter bouse If you tend
your order to us no matter where you live you will get your
goods in just a few days usually less tbanene half the time
It takes to get goods from other houses and on a great many
goods you orderfrom us joa will bate leu thincne hilf then eight
eharses yea wooM bate to pay If too orderodf ram anjono elet far If
Toorordereontatesroods we caa hlD from on of onr factories or ware-
boaiesaear jos we will ship froathevareh9ase atirt it joa briarlni the roods to Tea la a dxi or two at a yen Jo frslchl rate
- - - - -
S9 IiB a ASiVlll nAIGP expiainswnr as compsroo wunony omer
ift Hi BS4 ISJIiThK IlBIBF houewe can make price oo much tower
lfiJS Ems JM IHiUUUb shin co trueh Quicker frelf ht charMia an
much lower quality so much higher why we can give evcr7 customer a big money making opportunity
tnd the Wgbookwlll goto youby return niall postpaid rrteinoarnewoTfinarneiTi30Df j sljFPllPPir
tnnltynrrrbforo known all will jo to jonfreobj return sail postpaid Doat boy anything uiywbr call yen gvtearnew
Ita 11 Catalogue Tsll journtichbors Dot to buy anythlneat home or eltewhere oolll tbry write forooxJto lit Catalogs
nnHT RilV A fATAI flrMfC Dont Fend anyone 510 oris certs for a catalogue wbea yon can Set
IHJli 1 BUI A UHlHLiUUUCs our BIG Mel 14 Book lornothlns Free for the asking Worth 100
times as much to you as all other general merchandise catalogues printed Write for It today Do It now II you
send for this FREE Big No 1 1 4 Catalogue hand our old catalogue If you have one To Some Friend and In your
letter or on the postal card give us the name of the party to whom you handed our old catalogue Addrees
Wo sell and ship moro goods then an other mall
order houses In the United States combined
Other mall order bouses are mero side shows
compared with ours If everyone cnl7 Unewhor
much greater values weglve on all kinds of mer
chandise than anyother houaeno other mall or
der nousa would erer again get ena a tlnglo ordsr
that owns or controls a vast number cf facto
rles located north south eaat and west situ
ated so that we can ship many goods from our
factory or warehouse nearest you maklnff
nulclc delivery and very low freight charges
Southern factories and warehouses for south
ern people Northern factories and ware
houses for northern people etc
In sheets of PURE ANILINE BLUE No bottles Nopaddles Notvaste Gives the samo
amount of blueing -water each -wash-day Ask your grocer for it or bend 10c for a book of 25 lcavas
The Handy Blueing isok Go9 37 E Lake Si Ohicago 3II3
Putnam Fadeless Dyes are cleanly as they neither stain the hands nor spot the kettle One 10c package colors ekhcr silkjvool or cotton
Sv irdj and is guaranteed to give perfect results Putnam Fadeless Dyes are for sale all good druHt everywhere or mailed
afreet at 10c a package Write to day for free booklet How to Bleach Dye or Mix Colors MONROE DRUG CO UnlonvllI Mo
HOMESTEADS vcartjworean
Montana Bend GOc for map and Information tt
3 P KSLLEY Seal Estate Agency Billing Koat
SSThrnnpsons Eye Walw
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper
CURES catarrh of the stomach
Beat Cough fiyrup Tastea Good- Use
In Ubs Sola by drunrlsta