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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1904)
fc A U f h x I1 l h h V K k 1 tv1 TWENTY THIRD YEAR Rural Free Delivery Ro l Charlie C Byflcld 1ms been appointed carriorfor tho now rural fred delivery routo out of McCook which commences operation on September 15th Thursday morning of next week This routo will bo tho first ono allowed by the govern ment out of this city and will accommo date about 500 patrons in a territory covoring over forty square miles Tho routo runs southwest of the city as far s W G Duttons farm thence east us fnr as E E Rogers thence north to Frank Preelovos corner thence east to H H Pickens farm thence southeast to FMKennedys cast to Ilari Meyers north to Mike- Eschs east to Joseph Downs north to Star school house thence directly west to McCook Tho route is 30 miles long Every day but Sunday Starts at 7 in tho forenoon and returns at three in tho afternoon Pays tho maximum salary 720 per an num the tbibune congratulates tho people of route No 1 substitute carrier riages etc Rnlph Raudel is Our Next Stale Senator Tho following sketch of tho lifo of the Republican nominee for state senator of the 29th district is appearing in print Albert Wilsoy our candidate for the state senate was born in Kendall county Illinois October 3 181G Ho served in the war of the rebellion Came to Ne braska in 1875 settling in York county Represented that county in tho legisla ture in 1881 and Hamilton county in 1887 Went to Frontier county in 1S90 Mr Wilsoy was educated in the common schools of Illinois was raised on a farm and has farmed all his lifo Has also been interested in buying grain and stock most of thoUime He has always voted tho republican ticket Is married and has four children Pate Lamson Merl S Pate and Miss Maude Lamson both of Orleans were married today Thursday Sept 2 1901 at the home of the brides parents Mr aud Mrs Pate will leave in the evening for Tren ton where he is principal of tho schools and Mrs Pate will also teach They were both well known being teachers in Harlan county for a number of years Tho Record unites with their many friends iu wishing them a long and pros perous journey through life Alma Record List of Jurors Following are the names of the persons just selected as jurors for the next term of the district court for this count J R Brown J J Barry G F Burt M J Clark Richard Burton S Cordeal Ed Droll Nelson Downs Charles Ebert Will Huntzinger John Hammell Frank Hill C O Hale Lewis Korn Platte Kinne I A Lyman James MalenJohn Puckett George Maisel Taylor Quigley W N Rogers William Short Peter Walters Joseph Walkington Sprightly Youth of 85 Summers McCook furnished a sprightly youth of 85 summers for tho reunion and while lie shows his age a trifle more than Chap lain Miller he seemed to onjoy himself more than any of the boys We refer to William Weygint who served for two years as a member of the Tenth New York Cavalry Cambridge Clarion Old Settlers Annual Picnic The annual picnic of the old settlers or old home day will be held on Brook sido farm near Red Willow September 15 1901 All invited W S Fitch Kate Thomas President Secretary Indianola Neb Sept 15 190 Cattle at Private Sale Ten yearling steers seven yearling heifers all sired by registered Short horn Two 2-year-old steers one heifer coming two years old and about four teen cows 8-19-3 Benjamin Bros Banksville Neb They Have Just Arrived Large stock and fine assortment of harnesses of all kinds single double for work purposes single drivers car- W T Coleman Old Iron Wanted I will pay above the market price for old iron if delivered to town before September 30th D Diamond Wheat 104 in Chicago And the price will be just as high next year This justifies you in buying ono of those drills at Colemans If you are going to do any painting this fall we would like to talk it over with you We sell the Sherwin-Williams paint and guarantee it to be right in every particular McConnell Druggist Get you one of those cheap steel wind mills at W T Colemans They are fine for the money A second hand Birdsell clover huller for sale cheap W T Coleman McConnell for drugs - mlwi a i ji S - J REV A B CARSON Wo are glad to announce that Rev A B Carson begins his work at tho First Baptist church Sunday September 11 Ho was pastor at Sheldon Iowa four years and at the Bethel church Denver five years The Sheldon Sun in speak ing of him says Mr Carson has much ability as a preacher and has always been listened to with interest both in his regular ministrations and on public occasions Preaching morning and evening All invited 1 Tells of the Changes The World Herald apparently speak ing with some authority yesterday printed the following Circulars which will be issued Sep tember 10 will bring to the Burlington headquarters at Omaha an importance in the operative management of the lines west of the Missouri river never be fore enjoyed here It involves an exten sive reorganization of the lines west of the Missouri river the rearrangement following the promotion of General Su perintendent Calvert to the position of chief engineer of the entire Burlington system and brings to Omaha new officials All of tho lines west of the river are to be divided into the Nebraska district will include the Lincoln Wymore and McCook divisions and its general su perintendent will be H C Byram the new appointee who comes from the Great Northern and his headquarters will be at Lincoln The Wyoming dis trict will include the Alliance Sheridan and newly created Holyoke divisions Its general superintendent will be G W Rhodes formerly assistant general su perintendent under Mr Calvert and his headquarters will be at Alliance thus taking away from Lincoln half its operat ing force and prestige To make mileage balance evenly be tween the two districts the five divisions have been increased to six by cutting from the old McCook division the area from Holdrege to Cheyenne calling it the Holyoke division and establishing its headquarters at Holyoko with D F McFarland present assistant superin tendent of the McCook division with his headquarters already at Holyoke as the new superintendent Thus each dis trict gets three divisions I S P Weeks the present chief en gineer is reappointed to the position of engineer with headquarters at Lin coln This is only a change iu title however so that Mr Calvert alone may hold the title of chief engineer on ihe Burlington and will not affect Mr Weeks authority Omaha headquarters will be given greater operative prestige from the fact that such officials as the superintendent of transportation the superintendent of motive power and machinery the super intendent of telegraph and other depart ments heretofore established at Lincoln and reporting direct to General Superin tendent Calvert will report to General Manager noldrege here thus requiring an increase in his office force The location of the principal shops at Haveiock near Lincoln and the lo cation of other important appurtenances of the road with reference to Lincoln as a geographical center will cause the re tention at Lincoln of all of the depart ments mentioned except that of super intendent of transportation That official is C L Eaton and he with his office force will at once move to headquarters in this city Alfalfa Hay for Sale 600 per ton Phone N235 J W Randal W School Hooks Hnnv Rnnbq ft Tablets fens Pencils Crayons Ink Etc L W McConnell Drnirmofc SXSXs2X55X - m plmiinsgsssa - f MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE C G Coglizeb has been in Omaha this week Miss Bikdie Carty is a Holdrege vis itor this week Miss Anna Heckman visited with friends in Culbcrtson last Sunday Mrs G II Maktin entertained a sis ter from Holdrege part of the week Mrs Geokoe Scott and children are visiting relatives in Beatrice this week Mb and Mbs J H Bennett have been visiting tho worlds fair this week C Y Swanson of Oxford is in the city guest of his daughter Mrs F J Zajicok S Seaman was up from Beatrice foro part of the week on personal business matters Mbs T E McCabl has been visiting tho homefolks near Cambridge part of tho week Albert Wilsey our next state sena tor was in tho city this morning on a brief visit Mbs Adele Phelan went up to Ly ons Colorado Sunday night to visit the Gages Mrs G E Hamilton sister of Mrs H L Prevost arrived in tho city Wed nesday on 13 Merl S Pate and Maude Lamson were united in marriage in Orleans September 1st F S Wilcox arrived home early in the week from an absence of a few weeks in Missouri Mrs C E Cone arrived home this morning on 13 from her Kansas City visit of a few weeks Miss Hattie Soverns of Wilsonville has been tho guest of her sister Mrs R W Devoe this week Ed Rodstrom went down on 2 Wed nesday morning to see the Holdrege street fair Sept 5 10 Ed J Brady has resigned his position in Denver and is assisting on the farm for tho fall and winter C E Cone went down to Holdrege Wednesday morning on 2 to take in part of the harvest festival Dr and Mrs H J Pratt arrived home Monday on 13 from their trip to the worlds fair in St Louis Mbs Dan Waite and daughter of Denver have been the guests of Mrs J F Kenyon part of the week Mrs C H Stennett went down to Holdrege close of last week as guest of her niece Miss Aline Kiplinger Mesdames A Campbell J F Kenyon and A L Knowland went down to Lin coln last night on a short visit O N Rector and family moved up from Oxford first of week and are now occupying his farm near the city Mrs LWStaynee was with the old settlers in Akron first of the week in their celebration of old settlers day Mbs H A Beale Elsie Campbell Ethel Morrissey Reid McKenna were among the Holdrege visitors yesterday A R Gbeene land office inspector completed his work here Wednesday and left for his home in PortlandOregon Mesdames Roy ZiNTand Hervey Con over were passengers on 2 Wednesday morningfor Red Cloudto visit relatives Albert McMillen will depart early next week for Pennsylvania on a visit to his aged parents in Somerset county Floyd and Fay Stayneb returned Saturday last from spending a number of weeks with the grand parents in Ed gar County Commissioner and Mrs Mathews of Lincoln county visited their daughters and families here last week Dr J D Hare who was called to Chicago by the illness of his daughter Hazel arrived home last Saturday night Miss Medoba Santee arrived in the city Thursday on 13 from Orleans where she had been during the summer vacation Mr and Mrs W E Heffelbower arrived in town Wednesday on 13 from Red Cloud where they spent the summer vacation Dr A P Welles arrived from Lin coln last Friday morningand is recover ing gradually from his recent illness and operation Mb and Mrs G E Thompson de parted close of past week for St Louis to see the fair and to be absent about two weeks Mrs Will M Stoner went down to Weeping Water Neb Tuesday nightto spend two or three weeks with the homefolks Mrs G H Albro of Alliance who has been the guest of her brother Brake- 1 man J j Hoffman for the past three weeks left for home last Friday H WWBell who has been the guest mans t - JucCoah of his daughter Mrs I D Mooro for several weeks departed Wednesday morning on 12 for his homo in Crete Mb and Mbs J EKellkv leftlatter part of week past for the worlds fair in St Louis whero thoy expect to spend a week or so Charlio accompanied them Chairman Allen of the Republican congressional committee was in tho city Sunday conferring with Congressman Norns about the campaign now about opening Mb and Mbs T R Stockton who havo been spending the summer with Mr and Mrs A C Ebert departed on 6 Tuesday night for their home in Chicago Mb and Mrs A L Anderson who have been here for several weeks for Mrs Andersons health wont up to Trenton where he has relatives close of last week John Reed brother of Mrs G D Lo Hew passed through tho city Monday for the east to attend a meeting of the Eaglesnow holding a national meeting in New England Mrs M S Jennings and Mrs J S McBrayer wont up to Denver on Wed nesday night to see Mr Jennings whoso injury is elsewhere noted in this issue They will remain a few days Mrs II II Kingsbuby and sister Miss Kate Rogers left Tuesday night for Peoria 111 where their parents re side on a visit Thoy will also visit relatives of Mr Kingsbury in Chicago Inspectob Mabtin of the rural free delivery service is working on tho route from Indianola to Danbury this week He spent Sunday in the city guest of J AWilcox and familyold Illinois friends A Mb and Mrs W T Coleman are viewing the glories of tho St Louis ex position leaving for there on 2 Wed nesday Mrs D C Marsh accompanied them and D C followed on 14 Wednes day night Miss Emma Burrows who has been the guest of her sister Mrs Herman Pade during the summer left on 2 Wed nesday morning for Fond du Lac Wis where she will resume school work Monday next M and Mrs W S Tomlinson took in part of the state fair and then went up to Omaha and spent Sunday visiting their son Guy who is in the Burlingtons general offices in the states metropolis Nina accompanied them Mb and Mbs A R Mehaffey who have been visiting in the city for a num ber of weeks guests of Dispatcher and Mrs T B Campbell left on No 2 Wed nesday morning for their home in Wilk insburg Penna near Pittsburg Mbs F S Sovebns was called to Mc Cook last Friday by the illness of her daughter Mrs R W Devoe Mr Sov erns went over Tuesday returning the next day Mrs Devoes illness is not alarming Wilsonville Review 2d Mb and Mbs John Stewart of White Cloud Michigan arrived in the citylast Thursday and are guests of Chief Dis patcher and Mrs W B Mills Mrs Stewart is a sister of the chief Mr and Mrs Mills and Mr and Mrs Stewart left Wednesday on No 1 for Colorado on a short outing in the Centennial state Mrs Mat Plews and three children who have been down from Wolhurst Colo visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Joseph Dudek of Redwillow precinct and her brother Joe at Wauneta de parted on 13 Tuesday morning for her home Her father accompanied her He will also visit a son at Rocky Ford Colo before his return Edna and Dan Eikenbebby arrived from Russiaville Ind Wednesday and are guests of their uncle Daniel Eiken berry of Flitcraf t and Eikenberry dairy men They are children of Warren Eikenberry formerly a resident of Mc Cook but who moved back to Indiana in 1S91 and is now employed as book keeper for an implement company Dr Prevost Leaves Unannounced Dr HL Prevost and family departed from the city Wednesday night on No 14 for Kansas leaving numerous cred itors unsatisfied The claims it is said will amount to a number of hundred dollars Besides local attorneys and col lecting agents are said to hold judg ments against the doctor- sent here from other places where he has lived and plied his profession As the news of the doc tors departure became current the number of creditors large and small in creased The doctor evidently practiced his profession too strenuously in pool and card rooms A few one and two room lots of wall paper very cheap McConnell Druggist Beforeibuyingyour pencil tablets you should see McMillens big 5 cent tablet Driving team for sale at W T Cole- - - f tifatttt McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 9 1904 Death of Mrs W H Campbell After a lingering and painful illness Mrs W II Campbell passed away nbout ten oclock Monday morning of this weok in this city Funeral services wore conducted by Rev Carman in tho Methodist church Wednesday afternoon aftor which tho remains wero laid away in Rivorviow cemetery of this city Many friends of tho deceased and of tho Weygint family attended the services in tho church and paid a last tribute to tho memory of tho departed Besides there wore numerous floral offerings Tho bereaved husband aged parents brothers and sisters of tho departed have the very tender sympathy of this community where many are familiar with tho touching and painful details of the illness of tho departed W B Weygint of Clearwater Neb was tho only absent member of tho family who could get hero in time for tho funeral The only absent sister Mrs Isaac Star buck lives in Salt Lako City The absent brother is a traveling man and could not bo reached at all Mrs Woy gint was the oldest child of Mr and Mrs William Weygint and this is tho first death in their family in nearly a half century Tho parents aro both octoge narians Mr Weygint being 85 years of age and one of tho first settlers of Red willow county Following wo append a brief obituary notice prepared by a friend of the de ceased obituaby Fbancis E Weygint was born in Cuyler Courtland county New York October 14th 1815 Was united in mar riage with W II Campbell April 5th I860 in Syracuse New York Became a member of the Methodist church in Chicago in 1898 and at tho same time became actively engaged iu tho W CT TJ work in which she was a devoted worker until her final illness Deceased was an active and earnest helper of tho poor and needy of our city during her residence here and was the mother of the curfew ordinance of McCook About two years since she underwent an opera tion in an Omaha hospital Has been confined to her home since last January Died September 5th 1901 at the age of 58 years 10 months 20 days of cancer Her husband parents three sisters two brothers survive her Before her death deceased arranged for her funeral services including pall bearers 0 1 c Funeral services were conducted in the Methodist church Wednesday afternoon at two oclock September 7th by Rev M B Carman burial following in Riverview cemetery CABD OK THANKS We desire to express our deep appre ciation to tho many kind friends who so untiringly assisted us during the illness and death of our boloved wife daugh ter and sister May the blessings of a gracious God rest upon you all W II Campbell Mb and MbsWm Weygint Mbs S A Warner Mrs Matt Stewart v W B Weygint Public School Notice The public schools open for the new years work on next Monday morning With a skilled corps of instructors the promise for satisfactory results is excel lent It is desirable that every boy and girl of school age rested through the long summer vacation will report for duty the first day and in this parents can render a valuable assistance to the teachers by their insistence that their children begin their school work at once Tho city hall school will not bo used this fall and pupils whoattended there last spring will be governed by the fol lowing suggestions All fourth grade pupils will report to Miss Stangland in the east ward building while all third J grade pupils will report to Miss Rowell in the west ward building The city school teachers are to hold their first meeting for the year Saturday afternoon at 3 oclock in the assembly room of the east ward building Is Favorably Mentioned John M Henderson Sr is being fa vorably mentioned for the nomination for county commissioner made vacant by the removal of James Hatfield from the First commissioner district Mr Henderson is an old soldier an old set tler a man of property and affairs and is in position to give this district all the time and attention the position of com missioner requires The Tribune hopes the nomination may fall to him believ ing he will make an honest capable and worthy officer Everything in drugs McConnell CtXS X2X Sav Rut These Evenings Are Fine and it is a real pleasure to take a drive in one of those fine rubber tired driving wagons at Colemans TRY ONE AND SEE Cora L lr - 4 McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning Wheat Oata Hyn Itarloy Hos Kjjrh Good Huttor MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS If so get Colemans fcr4 NUMBER 15 40 a i wi it 11 McConnells Balsam cures coughs Old Hickory wagons and steel trucks at W T Colemans Fob Sale Cheap Second hand Mc Cormick mower nt W T Colemans No trespassing or hunting allowod on land controlled by S D Bolles The Tribune makes a specialty of office stationery and type writer supplies Arejou going to sew winter wheat a press disc drill at T Diamonds clothing storo will be closed Saturday Sept 10th on account of a holiday High grade black Aberdeen cattle to trade for horses See or writo Perry Stono at McCook Neb Those one horse disc drills will bo all right for putting wheat in the corn stalks See tho supply at Colemans Let us supply you with our strictv The pastors subjects at the Methodist church next Sunday will bo Morning Tho Preacher Do We Need Him To day EveningThe Serpent in Drink Rev G A Conrad was in Cambridge Wednesday on association business The next meeting of the Republican Valley Association of Congregational churches will occur September 28th Invitations are out for tho wedding of C A Nelms and Miss Carrie Gherring two estimable young people of the Upper Willow neighborhood Tho marriage will bo celebrated at Quick Frontier county September 20th at one oclocu in the afternoon Mr Nelms is a son of Mr and Mrs J K Nelms of our city Colonel Merwin grew facetious last week and has found it convenient to be in McCook all this week This is why A German entered one of our drug stores the other day His wife had sent him for a box of talcum powder and he made his wants known to the salesman The latter said What kind Men nens The Deutscher replied Nein vimmens Beaver Citv Tribune Tho general passenger department wishes me to call the attention of pros pective Worlds Fair visitors to the de sirability of making their visit to St Louis during September and thus avoid the great October rush Parties now in that city write that the weather is de lightful and the fair in a finished condi tion Residents of St Louis inform us that September is one of the pleasantest months in which to make this trip If you are not already posted as to rates to St Louis call on or write the under signed Geo S Scott Agenr School Supplies School tablets slates pencils pencil boxes note books ink and all school supplies at McMillens drug store Notice to Pupils The superintendent will be in his office at the East Ward building Thurs day Friday and Saturday September 8th 9th and 10th to meet and classify irregular deficient and newly entering pupils G II Thomas Supt Inform Superintendent Thomas Citizens having work for either boys or girls that would engage them but a portion of the day are urged to make their needs known to the superintendent of schools Several young peoplo have already indicated their desire to earn their living in part and at the same time attend school and others are likely to do the same hence the value of hav ing a list of citizens who with satisfac tion to themselves might give such em ployment as doing chores and house work caring for lawns or clerking McConnells liver ills Health Granules cures vv pure spices and extra strong flavoring extracts McConnell Druggist Fronch lesson given by a native and ex French professor P O box -192 or phone 137 J Merle instructor When using paint got tho Lincoln pure mixed paint Fully guaranteed A McMiblen Druggist Picnic in the city park Saturday af ternoon September 10 Old soldiers ladies of the G A R with their fami lies and friends invited Married At the homo of Rev and Mrs J E Tirrill their daughter Viola to Mr Ira Dinnel of Dickens Neb They will make their homo near Diclcens Oy