The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 02, 1904, Image 8
F LEBANON Pearl Russell is in Iadinnolu JW Slutts is visiting in Iowa John Logan and Mr Iindor were in from Tyrone Saturday J L Townley of Indianola had busi ness in town Inst Saturday Quito a number of cliildren arosuffer iny with summer complaint Wo sell what wo can and what we cant we can Tomatoes 2c a pound now FW Pelton is arranging his affairs to talto a trip to Oklahoma to remain in definitely WalteV M Pennington R B Camp bell and family have toturned from their eastern trip Pearl Cartwright lfftfirstof the week for Kansas City to bo operated on for appendicitis Mrs R Emery of Clairmont Colora do was here last week visiting her brothers and sisters and friends George Fitzinger has built a building and expects to lie taking pictures soon W M Ball will help him get started G M Cumniing has rented Ward Mc Vnys farm ntmr Hill City Kansas and will move there this fall or in thospring II E Waugh has purchased the of fice fixtures of the old bank and is using them to improve his hardware building A number of Lebanons best citizens attended the reunion in Cambridge last week They report an extra good time Mr and Mrs William Hiersekorn drove over to McCook Monday lie at tended the Republican county central committee of which he is a member Rev W H Scofield was called to Wil son ville August 24 to conduct thw fu neral of ox Banker C II Pierce who died in Boulder Colorado August 22 EdRedman L and F Porter and Jas Perkins with tboir families Mrs Dick Pough et al returned Saturday from a fishing trip on the Platte They caught cats and cods Robert Jones and wife of Oklahoma are hero on a visit with his brother and her mother Mrs Ira Sargent Mr Jones has been looking around some with a view of purchasing a farm Charles Dibble and wifo of Chicago who have been visiting friends and rela tives here have -returned to Chicago Mr Dibble is making some improve ments on his farm southeast of here- Jacob Ilammer of Menlo Kansas is visiting here the first time in fouryears He claims to be well satisfied with his Kansas home The Hammers are visit ing their daughters Mesdames Burgess and Remington John Jolly was hero last week on bus iness lie stopped threshing a few days on account of rain Ho reports the best dnys run in wheat as 1200 bushels and of oats 2300 bushels They will shed the machine in Kansas this winter The bank people have had a well drilled back of the bank for the use of the Beatrice Creamo Co whohave rented the vacant building on their lot It was hoped to get a well that would be a help in case of fire but the flow is too slow to be of much benefit for that pur pose George Fritzinger and Minnie Widen er were married at the Widener house Tuesday evening at 8 oclock Rev Poguo tvinir the knot The Lebanon cornet band was remembered with invitations along with the relatives of the contract ing partios Ice cream and cake were served It was a very pleasant affair and everything moved off nicely The Stomach is the Kan A weak stomach weakens the manbe cause it cannot transform the food he eats into nourishment Health and strength cannot be restored to any sick man or weak woman without first re storing health and strength to the stom ach A weak stomach cannot digest enough food to feed the tissues and re vive the tired and run down limbs and organs of the body Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat cleanses and strengthens the glands and m e m of the stomach and cures indi gestion dvspepsia and all stomach trou bles Sold by L W McConnell A Cold Settled in His Kidneys AJJennesse9201 Butler St Chicago writes I am a witchman and am out an all kinds of weather I took a cold which settled in my kidneys and I was in bad shape I tried several advertised remedies with no benefit until I was recommended to try Foleys Kidney Cure Two thirds of a bottle cured me Sold by A McMillen oong Every farmer knows that some plants grow better than others Soil may be the same and seed may seem the same hut some plants are weak and others strong - And thats the way with children They are like young plants Same food same home same care but some grow big and strong while others stay small and weak Scotts Emulsion offers an easy way out of the difficulty Child weakness often means starvation not because of lack of food but because the food does not feed Scotts Emulsion really feeds and gives the child growing strength Whatever the cause of weak ness and failure to grow Scotts Emulsion seems to find it and set the matter right Send for free sample Scott Bowne Chemists 409 PearlStrNew York 50c and roo all druggists or any other hour in the morning the best breakfast food is V iv c If 11 MnrArr OiyL fi high grade grocerai 2 lb packages DANBURY Dan Logan returned home Tuesday Born To J C Lafforty and wife a baby boy August 22 A baby boy was born to John Ball and wife August 20th Dan Cashen and wife are attending the state fair this week The infant babyrof Tom Plumbs died Monday with eholora infariturh A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr Paxton and wife Augikt 29 Rev Jacob Hammer of Menlo Kans is visiting friends and relatives here J L Sargent and family were visiting relatives in Indianola first of week Quite a number of people of this vi cinity attended the show in McCook Monday Maude and Nettie Eno Ethel An drews and Rev Pogue left Tuesday night for Lincoln J I Burwell and family left Tuesday night for Naponee where they are en gaged to teach school Quite a number of friends of Rev Pogue and wife spent Monday evening with them at the Evers home Mrs John Rozell of Indianola and Sam Sargent and wife spent Thursday with J L Sargent and family The following are on the sick list this week Arthur Austin has the fever Mrs Joe Dolph is under the doctors care and is much better and George Fischers baby is very lew with cholera infantum Thursday morning James Williams drove Mrs Williams over to McCook where she took the train for Kansas City She will visit in Missouri see the fair at St Loujs after which she will visit her son Frank in Chicago W R Burbridge wife and daughter Leila returned from their visit to Hill City and stopped over and visited the Hoff family at Lenora and met a num ber of old friends and acquaintances at Nbrcatur Crops are badly damaged by the drouth between Danbury and Clay ton but from there on corn looks fine and extra from Lenora to Hill City From 148 to 92 Pounds One of the most remarkable cases of a cold deep seated on the lungs causing pneumonia is that of Mrs Gertrude E Fenner Marion Ind who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure She says The coughing and straining so weakened me tnat 1 ran down in weight from 148 to 92 pounds I tried a numberof remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely of the cough strength ened my lungs and restored me to my normal weierht health and strength Sold by L W McConnell NORTH LEBANON The Ash Creek pastor preached here Sunday at 3 p m Mrs Peters received word from Min den of the birth of a grand child Rev Prodhed is taking a five weeks vacation He will attend the St Louis conference and the Worlds Fair and will also look up a new location Mrs M Kriedt lost a fine mare by lightning a week or so ago This is the third time that lightning did damage on this farm in the past three years once a wheat stack was burned and at another time the granary was struck The three-months-old child of Richard Graerch was buried from the German Lutheran church Sunday August 28 RevMueller of Ash creek conducting the services The mother was buried some time in April Given Up to Die B Spiegel 120i NVirginia StEvans ville Ind writes For over five years I was troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused me much pain and worry I lost flesh and was all run down and a year ago had to abandon work entirely I had three of the best physicians who did me no good and I was practically given up to die Foleys Kidney Cure was recommended and the first bottle gave me great relief and after taking the second bottle I was en tirely cured Sold by A McMillen Westward the orb of glory takes its way Wisconsin is the state you hear every body say Its made itself famous by one greatstride Rocky Mountain Tea has made its name world wide LW McConnell INDIANOLA A light rain visited this section Sun day night Charlie Walls of Oxford was in town first of week Robert and James Lamboru of Wjlcox are here visiting friends - Maude Miller of Culbertson was a visitor here a few days this week Miss Pearl Russell of Lebanon spent Sunday winh her friend Kate Nowlnnd RovCrippen took the presiding elders place at Cambridge acd Arapahoe Sun day Clarence Dolan and Merle Powell re turned Friday from their trip to St Louis Cora McWherlon of Hastings is here visiting her uncle Patrick McNiol and family Miss Pearl Allen went up to McCook Sunday evening for a short visit with relatives Miss Neomi Gilday left for Oklahoma Saturday morning to visit her mother and sister Landlord Cosgro has purchased the Leland hotel which he has been running for some time Rev C Catlett filled the M E pulpit here Sunday in the absence of the min ister E B Crippen Earl Calhoun and wife of McCook spent Saturday and Sunday here with W H Allen and family Mrs Neal returned to her home in Peru last Saturday morning after a short visit with her son the doctor Mr and Mrs Walker drove down from Culbertson Sunday and spent the day wih their daughter Mrs Pete Spohns Ethel Kennedy went to McCook on No 5 Tuesday evening and took No li for Illinois for a shot visit with rela tives Miss Laura Russell returned to her home in Imperial last Sunday evening She was accompanied by her sister Pearl of Lebanon Mrs Tom Duncan and son Clarence returned home Tuesday from Indiana where they have been visiting with rela tives for the past few months Miss Mary Vering entertained about twenty of her friends at her home last Saturday evening from 8 until 12 oclock Games were engaged in during the even ing and at a late hour a lunch of ice cream cake and fruit was served A Boys Wild Ride For Life With family around expecting him to die and a son riding for life 18 milesto j get Dr Kings New Discovery for con sumption coughs aud colds W H Brown of Leesville Ind endured J deaths agonies from asthma but this wonderful medicine crave instant n lief and soon cured him He writes I now j sleep soundly every night Like mar- velous curesof consumption pneumonia bronchitis coughs colds and grip prov its matchless merit for all throat and lung troubles Guaranteed Connell druggist Price 50c and 1 Trial bottles free BANKSVILLE Sunday nights rain was 75 inch and will do much good but too late for lots of the corn j H Relph and B W Benjamin went to Peter Rheinheimers and drove a bunch of cattle back which the latter had purchased About all the people of this vicinity patronized the circus Monday and many of them claim that the pictures were better than the show Mr Gale was up this way and to Traer Kans with a circus inspector concerning the posters if they were placed and kept up until show day Fearful Odds Against Him Bedridden alone and destitute Such in brief was the condition of m oid sol dier by name of J J IIavensVersailles O For years he was troubled with kidney disease and neither doctors nor medicines gavehim relief At length he tried ElectricTBitters It put him on his feet in short order and now he testi fies I am on the road to complete re covery Best on earth for liver and kidney troubles and all forms of stom ach and bowel complaints Only 50c Satisfaction guaranteed by L W Mc Connell druggist If J1 K i - r - r ii ARE YOU A QOMMQ MOTHER 9 ARE YOU EXPECTANT MOTHERS FRIEHB makes childbirth easy by preparing the system for parturition and thus shortening laborl The painful ordeal is robbed of its terrors and the danger lessened to both mother and child the time of confinement is shortened the mother rested and child fully developed strong and healthy Morning sickness or nausea arising from pregnancy is prevented by its use As pregnancy advances the breasts en large become swollen and hard Iong before the child is born they are prepar ing for the secretion of milk It is import ant that they receive early attention Mothers Friend softens the skin and facilitates the secretion of Life Fluid Undeveloped breasts hard caked shortly alter delivery are tne result or non treatment and likely to culminate in Mammary Abscess from which so many suffer excruciating pain and are left with these organs permanently impaired Softness pliability and expansion are given to the muscles and sinews thus bringing comfort and causing an easy issue of the child Try it Of druggists ioo Our book Motherhood free fHE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA GA CASTING LOTS A CariotiM Military CiiKtom That W Once In Vosuc In Kurope In the armies of the seventeenth and tluhtcenth centuries the custom of cast rag lots to decide what soldiers should be punished for the offenses of all was common At Winchester England in 1G45 complaint was made that after the surrender there had befci unfair plundering Six soldiers were tried and found guilty and it was decided by lot which one of the six should be hanged At Tangier in 1GC3 and again in lGGo two soldiers had to cast dice on a drumhead and he who threw the least was executed Thomas Mays translation of Barclays Icon Anl morum gives a curious story of this Bort Speaking of English courage he Bays that during the war in the Nether lands some soldiers of the Spanish party were taken prisoners by the Dutch who decided to make reprisals for the previous cruelty of their en emies Out of four and twenty men eight were to be hanged There were lots therefore thrown into a helmet says May and the prisoners were commanded to draw their fortunes whoever should draw a blank was to escape but whoever should draw a black lot was to be hanged presently They were all says May possess ed with a great apprehension of their present danger especially one Span iard Their pitiful wishes and tears in some of the standers by did move pity in others laughter There was besides In that danger an Englishman a com mon soldier who with a careless coun tenance expressing no fear of death at all came boldly to the helmet and drew his lot Chance favored him it was a safe lot Being free himself from dan ger he came to the Spaniard who was yet timorous and trembling to put his hand into the fatal helmet and receiv ing from him 10 crowns he entreated the judges oh horrid audacity that dismissing the Spaniard they would suffer him again to try his fortune May further relates that the judges consented to the madmans request who valued his life at so low a rate and he again drew a safe lot May seems rather to regret the second es cape of the foolhardy Englishman whom he denounces as a wretch un worthy not only of that double but even of a single preservation who bo basely had undervalued his life WOMAN What is woman Only one of tures agreeable blunders Bulwer A beautiful woman is the only tyrant man is not authorized to resist Victor Hugo Unhappy is the man to whom his own mother has not made all other mothers venerable Kichter 1 The best thing I know of is a fust pate wife and tho next best thing is a second rate one Josh Billings A beautiful woman is a practical poem planting tenderness hope and eloquence in all whom she approaches Emerson They govern the world these sweet voiced women because beauty and harmony are the index of a larger fact than wisdom O W Holmes A goodjjook and a good woman are excellent things for those who know how to appreciate their value There are men however who judge of both by the beauty of the covering Dr Johnson We Mean Well Heaven send that no friend with a pocketful of pebbles be tempted by the shine and glimmer of our glass houses for indeed we meant well Here it is the knowledge in which imagiuation must take root if stone throwing is ever to go outof fashion and the world become a pleasant place to live in namely that most everybody else means well too The creed of the im aginative and kindly heart which will not throw stones is brief There is so much good in the worst of us There is so much bad in the best of us That it ill becomes any one of us To talk about the rest of us unless we can do it with truth and sympathy in other words with imag ination Margaret Deland in Harpers Bazar British Naval Red Tape The British navy can produce fine samples of red tape as well as the ar my ot long since an admiral took the trouble to Avrite a long minute on the back of an ordinary routine paper submitted to him to the effect that the margin on the left hand side was fully one eighth of an inch too narrow We nil know that eenius is an infinite ca pacity for taking pains but I hardly think that the genius of Blake or Nel son is likely to be exemplified in an admiral who goes over his official pa pers with a tape measure in order to eee that the margins are the right width London Truth Too Sng geHtive The health officer advised me to ask every man with whom we had domestic dealings if he was careful to boil the water he used in his business Yes Well I asked the milkman first And what do you think He got mad and wanted to lick me Cleveland Plain Dealer The Knolx Tess What do you think of my new shoes Quite nobby arent they Jess Yes they are rather knobby but I think any first class chiropodist could remove the knobs Philadelphia Press Snnplcious Friend What makes you think Tom has broken his promise to keep straight Fiancee Well he brings me Biore expensive presents than he used to Princeton Tiger Wlf MtfyhlHRifffr NOTICE OF SUIT FruSk King Martha J King and Leo A Kotch dofendaut will takonotico tlmton tho 6th dnjr of August 1004 Williiun Doyfo plaintiff heroin filed his petition in tho district court of Red Willow county Nebraska agalnt said defend ants thu object and prnvor or which are to loro close n certain tax Halo cortiflcnto issued on tho 18th day of June 1MW by tho county treasurer of Red Willow county Nebraska for tho follow ing described roul estate to wit Tho northeast quarter of thnsouthwestquurtorof section four township four north of raugo tweutv niiio west of the Sixth P M in Rod Willow county Ne braska that tho plaintiff paid for said real es tate at said tax sale tho sum of SiiQ and that ho paid other and subsequent taxes upon said real estate under paid tax sale as follows Juno 18th 1808 tho taxes for tho jonr 1807 amounting to tho sum of 1175 May 0th 1890 tho taxo for tho year 1898 amounting to tho sum of 2fl May 21st 1900 tho taxes for tho year 1890 amounting to tho sum of 187 February IGth 1001 tho taxes for tho joar 1900 amouuting to tho sum of November 5th 1902 tho taxes for tho joar 1901 amounting to tho sum of 315 and on November HJth 1901 tho taxes for tho joar 4002 amounting to tho sum of 2 HI that thoroi now duo tho plaintiff for taxes on said premises paid under mi id tax sale including the subsequent taxes tho sum of SW CO with inter est thereon from the 1st day of August lOOlat tho rate of ten Dor cent oer annum for which sum with interest attorneys foes and costs of suit plaintiff pnns for a decree that tho de fendants bo required to pay tho same or that said premise may bo sold to satisfy the amount found due You are required to answer said jxj tition on or lefore Monday tho 10th day of Sep tember 1901 WrLLiAM Dotle Plaintiff By Bolo Eldred Attorneys for Plaintiff Dated this 0th day of August 1904 SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued from tho district court of Redwillow county Nebraska under a deere in an action wherein John Stev ens is plaintiff aud Moritz Mohler ot al are defeudents to me directed and delivered 1 fclmll offer at public sule and soil to tho highest bidder for cash at the front door of tho court honso iu McCook Redwillow county Nebraska on tho 2Gth day of September 19U1 at tho hour of 0110 oclock i 111 the following de cribed real estate towit the west half of tho north west quarter of section number twenty eight aud the east half of tho northeast quarter of section number twenty niuo all iu -township number four North range number twonU nine west of tho sixth principal moridiau in Red willow county Nebraska Dated August 25th 1901 8 2G 5ts A C CuABTiini Sheriff NOTICE Notice is heroby given that by virtue of a chat tel mortgage dated on tliu lst dnj of July 19Ui aud dulv lilpd iu tho oflico of the county clerk of Red Willow count Nebraska 011 the 1Mb lay of August 1905 at 2 o clock p m and exe cuted by F if Bouger 10 J I Case Threshing Machine Company to secure the payment of tho sum of two thousand live hundred and fifty dol lais tho mortgagee under tho terms of said mortgago electing to declare the wholo debt due and on which there is now duo the sum of two thousand 0110 hundred iifty dollars with inter est from Julj Hist 190 at the rate of eight per cent per annum default having been mado in tho pHMiieut of said sum and no suit or other proceedings at law having been instituted to re cover said debt or any part thereof oxcupt a suit iu tho district court of Red Willow coun ty Nebraska commenced on the fourth day of April 1901wherein J ICae Threshing Machine Company a corporation duly incorporated un der the laws of tho state of Wisconsin was plaintiff and llari Meyers and F II Bouger wore defendants winch said proceeding was on tho 0th day of August1001 discontinued there fore said mortgagee will sell tho property therein described towit One Case separator No S99I2 with trucksone 15 horsit Case engine No 12100 with tools belts and appurtenances complete one Case wind stacker No 811 1 ouo Cns o feeder No X708 one No 1 Case weigher no uikm one iiisu mouuuU sieoi laiiK no 42st with pump brake and hose ono 150 foot S inch 4 ply Gaudy bolt at public auction on tho vacant lots next west of W T Colemans hard ware store being lots 10 20 21 and 22 in block 28 original town of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska on the 3d day of September 1001 at one oclock p in of said day Dated August 12th 1904 J T Chsr Threshing Machine Co Mortgagee By C B Tomblin Agent NOTICE OF PKOBATE OF FOREIGN WILLS State of Nebraska County of Red Willow ss To all persons intereed in the estates of AvN C Knibloe or Jorusha Knibloe deceased Whereas John Knibloe of Sharon Connecti cut has filed in my oflice a duly authenticated copy of tho instrument purporting to be tho last will and testament of Avis C Knibloe de ceased aud a duly authenticated copy of an instrument purporting to bo tho last will and testament ot Jerusha Knibloe deceased aud duly authenticated copies of probate of said wills in the district of Sharon Litchfield coun ty State of Connecticut and a jetitioii prajint that a time and place may bo lixcd for hearing the same which wills relate to both real aud personal estate Whereupon I have uDDointed the 10th day of September 1901 at 10 oclock in the forenoouat my office in said county as the time and place of proving said wills at which time and place j ou and all concerned may appear and contest tho probate of tho same Notice of this proceeding is ordered publish ed three weeks succe0sivel previous to the day set for hearing in The McCook Tribune a week ly newt paper in Red Willlow county Nebraska In testimony whereof I havo hereunto set my hand and ollicial seal this Sth day of August AD1I04 SLGaixCouaty Judge State of Nebraska Red Willow count ss At a county court hold at thecountv court room in and for said county August 19 1901 Pres ent S L Green County Judge Iu the mat terof the estate of AngelineTohnsondeceased On reading and tiling tho petition of Rebecca Lytle Matilda Lytic and Isaac S Johnson praiug that administration of said estate may be granted to Charles H Boyle administrator Ordered that September 10 1901 at ten oclock a m is assigned for hearing said peti tion when all persons interested in said matter ma appear at a county court to be held in and for said county and show cause why the prayer of the petitioner should not bo granted and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof bo given to all persons in terested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The McCook Teibunk a weekly newspaper printed iu said county for three successive weeks prior to said day of bearing A true copy S L Grecn County Judge Boyle ifc Eldred Attorneys NOTICE OF PROBATE OF FOREIGN WILL State of Nebraska Red Willow County ss To all person interested in tho estate of George A Koley deceased Whereas Edward F Gillette of Sharon Con necticut baa filed in my otlice a duly authenti cated copy of an instrument purporting to be tho last will and testament of George A Kelsey deceased and of the probate of the same in tho probate court in the district of Sharon in the county of Litchfield state of Connecticut and a petition praying that the same be admiticd to probate in this state and letters testamentary issne thereon and that the time and place may be fixed for hearing tho same Whereupon I have appointed the 10th dav of September 1901 at ten oclock a m at my oflice in McCook Red Willow county Nebraska as the time and place for proving said will at which time and place you and all con cerned may appear and contest tin- It is further ordered that said r titmiKT give notice to all persons interested in snd of the pendency of the petition and the time and place set for hearing by causing a copy of this order to be published in The McCook Tribune a newspaper published in said county and state for three weeks successively previous to the hearing In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and my official seal this22ddayof August 1901 S L Greex County Judge seal LEGAL NOTICE Charles S Squires Barbara H Squires Fred Cyracks Bertha Cyracks and Earl Barger de fendants will take notice that on the 12th day of August A D 1901 George E Waldo plain tiff filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mort gage deed executed June 12th 1891 by the de fendants Charles S Squires and Barbara H Squires to Helen T Campbell and duly as signed to tho plaintiff upon the southwest quarter of section 29 in township 4 north of range 30 west in Red Willow countyNebraska to secure the payment of a note for SbOO dated June 12 191 due June 1st 1699 on which note and mortgage there is now due plaintiff from said defendants Charles S Squires aDd Barbara II Squires on said note and mortgage the sum of 1030 with interest thereon at ten per cent per annum from Juno 1st 1904 and tho further sum of 7H for taxes paid ou said premises by plaintiff to protect his security from tax sale which said sum bears interest at ten per cent per annum from this date Plaintiff prays for a decree that tho defend ants be required to pay saidsuras oc that said premises be sold to satisfy the amount found due Yon are required to answer said petition on or before Monday the 26th day of September A D 1904 Dated August 12 1901 George E Waldo Plaintiff By his attorney J E Kelley i mi i nnT wilfflWfini c afviwrmisvc Modern Dentistry HERBERT J PRATT DDS Oflice over McConnell s drug storo McCOOK NEBRASKA Office Phone 1G0 Phone 131 Registered Graduate Dentist Formerly located in At lanta Georgia All opera tions pertaining to modern dentistry performed accord ing to the latest scientific methods used in the large cities H L PREVOST DBlNTIST Graduate of Kansas City Lental College DR I lid Ji Over Jas McAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska DENTIST phonp 112 OUicoovorGranuis store McCook Neb MIIS L F GRIGG AfiUNT FOB ChasAStevens Bros Ready made Garments and Furnishing Goods Three doors cast of DeGrolTs store E J MITCHELL AUCTIONEER McCook Ntb Terms 1 porcont No date mado for less than 1000 My references aro parties for whom I havo cried sales I Want Your Business DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free DR A P WEJLLES Physician and Surgeon Office over McMillons drug store Residence 702 Main xVveuuo Residence phopo 5J Office phone 28 Calls answered night oc day McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTED McCook Nebraska Agent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Water Works Oilice in Postotlico building C H Boylk C E Eldked Co Attr BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at Law Long Distance Phone 41 Rooms 1 and T second floor Postollico Building iomoer an McCook Neb HOLLISTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medicine for Busy People Brings Golden Health and Eenewed Vigor A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure Blood Bad Breath Sluggish Bowels Headache and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab -let form a cents a box Genuine made by Hollister Drug Company Madison Wis GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE F D BURGESS n r ifeam Filler Iron v ead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trmrriings Agent for Halliday Waupun be pse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA CHICHESTERS ENGUSK PEHHYBOYAL PILL s CO nr send 1c in stamps for Partlcnlani rSti 3 HESTER CO 2100 MaiiLon Square IMIII pa ilenUoa till cDer PUBLIC LAND SALE Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of instructions from the Commissioner of the Gen eral Land Oflice under authority invested in him by section 21jw U S Rev Stat a amend ci uj me actoi congress approved February 26 Ii 2I PJee1 to offer at public sale on the i6th day of September next at one oclock p m at t us otuce the following tract of land trth ve H NTXf Sec- 32 TP 1 N R 31 W bth i M containing fcO acres rtuj anu au persons claiming adversely the above described lands are advised to file their claims in this oflice on or before the dav above designated ror the commencement of said ale otherwise their rights will be forfeited Dated at McCook Nebraska this 17th day of RBC Register CE Eldred CW Baiixes Receiver Attorney for applicant if I4 i I J ri I f b s V h t J r