The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 02, 1904, Image 7

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SrarS Jfcj js - rr
rg Copywght 1902 nr All rights
fsi Frvdxbick UrnAM Adams reserved
Author of Tfee Kidnapped Millionaires Colonel Monroe3 Doctrine etc
XjttTVtiVt CrrJCJpfSK XtT
When I made my start tradln
liosscs I was tickled to death if I sold
a boss an made twenty dollars profit
That ten thousand dollars meant the
sellln of more than Ave hundred
Losses an all I had to do was to reach
out an take It An I gazed at that
money an thought how it would look
in my bank book an I said to him
Air Morris says I Im your man
-An then seeln how easy it was to
make money here In this city coun
cil I made a deal with him by which
I was to buy up six other aldermen an
turn em over to him same as If they
were a lot of hosses or bags of pota
toes Then we drew up an agreement
Jo vote for the ordinances an gave it
to Mr Morris Here Mr Chairman
is the duly certified copy of that con
tract Part of the money was in cash
- ar the rest In a certified check an 1
1 ave brought it here for your inspec
tion You will note that it is signed by
Mr Arthur Morris and drawn on his
Now Mr Chairman an members
of this honorable body said Sam
turning and facing his astonished list
eners I want to say to you that I
have changed my mind about voting
for these ordinances My lawyer tells
me I dont have to keep this agree
ment with Mr Morris an Im goin
to sacrifice that ten thousand dollars
an the ten thousand more which
would have been mine when these or
dinances pass Acting on the advice
of my lawyer I therefore turns this
money over to you with the certified
check an the agreement we signed
Tliankin you for your kind attention
to this explanation I votes no
A scene of wildest confusion fol
lowed Half of the members were on
their feet demanding recognition The
chairman pounded his gavel into
slivers in a vain attempt to restore
order The storm gradually subsided
and Alderman Hendricks secured rec
ognition from the chair
In view of the remarkable state-
into pieces He knew the purport of
the message which had caused the
precipitate departure of Arthur Morris
but he did not disclose it
Some Important Wall street matter
I suppose he ventured In answer to
the questioning surprise of Jessie and
His expression positively fright
ened me said Edith Did you no
tice how white he turned when he
read that note It must have been
scmething awful Perhaps his father
is dead
The Impending overthrow of Morris
fed the flames of James Blakes im
patience According to the falsehood
ho had told John Burtj Jessie was due
to arrive in New York in a few days
Ho saw a thousand chances for the
exposure of his duplicity to one for its
success only In Jessie s presence did
his hopes surmount his fears He In
vented innumerable scliemes and dis
missed them one by one Qne chance
remained an immediate proposal its
urhesitating acceptance and a hasty
irarriage He would carry the citadel
of her heart by storm and bear her
away in the confusion and turmoil of
the coming battle
Women have been won in a day
he mused and by knights less well
armed than myself Ill propose to
morrow night She must accept me
she will acept me Then an imme
diate marriage and a trip to Europe
Yvhy should that not win Its got to
win Ill make it win
Thus argued James Blake during a
lull in the conversation This was
worthy of his reckless nature He
cculd not turn back The smoke of
burning bridges was behind him the
spoils of conquered love awaited his
onward march
It seems impossible that I have
knownyou only a week he said rais
ing his eyes and looking tenderly into
Jessies face I feel as if Id been
acquainted with you for years and not
for a few brief days
nrmi mwwJvrMM mi ni v
MiWmWmMl v
rtents made by my colleague he said
I move a postponement of the vote
and the appointment1 of a committee
to investigate these curious charges
There were vigorous protests and
the chair ruled that the vote must
proceed Each of the six aldermen as
sociated with Sam Rounds substantiat
ed the charges made and deposited
the bribery money with the chairman
Realizing that defeat was inevitable
all of the ringsters excepting Alder
man Hendricks recorded their votes
against the ordinances A motion to
adjourn was declared passed and the
excited mob poured into the corridors
The Love of a Man for a Woman
It was not the fault of the chef or
Df the service that Arthur Morris did
ot enjoy his dinner Jessies beauty
vhich once charmed him now inspired
bJm with jealous rage For Blake he
felt unalloyed hatred and for Gen
Carden a contempt which he did not
ry to conceal He impatiently await
ed the morrow when he hoped to
rush James Blake to to extinguish the
general He prayed the news of the
councils decision might be brought to
him at dinner
As he brooded a messenger boy ap
proached and handed Morris an en
Ah I presume this is it he ex
claimed He adjusted his monocle
with elaborate care broke the envel
ope and read
My Dear Morris The Cosmopoli
tan franchises were defeated by a
nractically unanimous vote Rounds
and six others charge you with bribery
Rounds exhibited your certified check
Am on my way to the Hoffman House
Meet me there at once Destroy this
1 X H
The note fellron the speculators
hand and flutf id to the floor He
stared wildly Jround but no words
came to his lips
Any answer boss The piping
voice of the messenger boy as he
stood cap in hand recalled him to
No he said pushing his chair from
the table and rising unsteadily to his
feet Vm going Good night
Forty five cents boss demanded
the messenger
Get out of the way damn you
Pay this boy Blake and he rushed
for the dressing room
Blakfi Kicked up the note and tore it
NO flE S42DJ365WG
Millions of lovers have voiced the
same discovery and millions more will
do it again
You are singularly forgettul
laughed Jessie of our early acquaint
ance in Rocky Woods That was not
weeks but years ago
I must give Mr Morris credit for
that bit of imagination said Blake
It has become a reality to me and I
can see you as you were back in those
years and picture you among the
rocks and fields we knew so well Do
you go there this season Miss Car
We leave on the Thursday evening
boat was the reply Nothing could
have suited Blake better He would
tell John Burt that Jessie had post
poned her departure from France He
then would plead ill health and join
Jessie in Hingham and their marriage
and wedding trip should follow The
first cards had fallen in his favor and
be determined to press his advantage
May I call to morrow evening and
not plead business with the general
as a pretext he asked boldly I
may not get another chance to see you
before you leave You see Im already
presuming on these years of friend
Gen Carden attends a banquet to
morrow evening but Edith and I will
be at home and well be delighted if
j oull drop in to relieve the monot
ony replied Jessie Uncle Tom
plays a splendid hand at whist and you
can take papas place
Blakes spirits mounted high as hope
fed the springs of his longing The
hour was late when he bade his fellow
guests good night at the carriage door
nd his being thrilled with the touch
of her hand and the light of her smile
at parting
Blake strolled slowly up the ave
nue in the direction of his apartments
He had cot gone two squares when he
met John Burt In all the years in
San Francisco and New York this was
the first time they had met in a public
thoroughfare One of the horses haul
ing a wagon laden with stage settings
hadfallen and blocked the street
Blake concealed his confusion by
looking up and down the street for a
carriage He finally hailed a driver
ard they were rapidly driven to his
We must perfect our plans for to
morrow said John The city coun
cil defeated the Cosmopolitan fran
chises to night and I shall move
against L O to morrow morning
The voice was calm but it held a
note of triumph and of quiet confi
dence It hinted at no suspicion and
Blake drew a long breath of relief a3
he thought of his third escape
He shuddered to think of what
would have happened had Gen Carden
postponed his departure from the din
ing room by a JVw minutes He pic
tured John Buri entering the room
his steady gaze fixed first on hlmsef
and then on Jessie Carden So vivid
was the Imaginary picture that he felf
all the horror of the situation
This Is my last speculative cam
paign said John For years I have
been a gold grubbing and
Ing machine and I hope my better in
stincts have survived the strain Wo
shall triumph to morrow and when it
is ended you shall be In fact as well
as in name the head of the firm ol
James Blake Company I can retire
from active participation in its affairs
s quietly as I entered and you have
fairly won whatever of prestige at
laches to the name
Before Blake could find words to re
ply the carriage stopped in front oi
his apartment They entered and
fcund Hawkins awaiting them
Im making myself at home Blake
he said Ive kept your man busy get
ting cigars and refreshments Let
get down to business gentlemen Its
past midnight and well need all the
sleep we can get
For nearly two hours they worked
at the plans for the battle which was
to come At times Blake was ab
porbed in the discussion again hifc
mind wandered to the woman he
would buy at the price of his honor
Then he thought of John Burts
princely pledge and like a flash ther6
came to him an impulse which thrilled
his very soul with a happiness in
which were throbs of poignant pain
Not many blocks away another con
ference was in progress Staid bank
diiectors and financiers associated
with Arthur Morris had been aroused
from their slumbers and were qssem
bled in his rooms Bewildered for the
moment by the unexpected blow Mor
lis took measures for defense with a
vigor which was keyed by a sense ol
Imminent danger His suspicion thai
James Blake was the cause of his
cefeat became a certainty when a re
porter informed him that Blake and
Samuel L Rounds were boyhood com
pnuions and that the latter had been
seen in Blakes offices
The east was crimsoned with sun
light before the conference ended
The weary men of money left Morris
rooms and sought a few hours of rest
before facing the ordeal of the day
For mutual protection they had formed
a pool had pledged themselves to sup
port the market against the expected
onslaught of Blakes millions
Why were these masked millions
drawn up in battle array Why did
men of vast affairs wait with drawn
faces and bated wreaths the hour
when the clash of opposing fortunes
should sound the signal for merciless
Because of a woman a woman pure
as an opening bud and gentle as the
dew which kisses it
Why had James Blake proved false
to the man who unselfishly befriended
him Why had he sought to repay loy
alty with perfidy
Because of a woman a woman
whose loving heart was incapable ol
To be continued
Red Hairs Triumph
Fashion changes even in the color
of a womans hair Twenty years ago
hair with a reddish tinge was called
carrots nowtitian colorcd locks are
reckoned a definite beauty and are
possessed by several of the most pop
ular women in London
In an old book written by the late
Mrs Haweis entitled- The Art of
Beauty there is a clever chapter on
Visible and Invisible Girls in which
the first word was said in favor of
the long neglected red haired sister
hood And they were seriously advised
to dress in the pre Raphaelite style
Now how strange it all seems
Time changes all things At last
weeks private view of Mr Reginald
Pannetts Sketches of the Women
of To day a charming lady of much
Parisian chic was cleverly pictured
with red hair attired in a rose red
gown and the effect was perfect The
bright haired beauty has come to her
own M A P
Landsmen Best Naval Gunners
Three of the best marksmen in the
United States navy curiously enough
hail from far inland Oklahoma One
is C W Johnson who made the
worlds record with the huge lG inch
gun recently installed at Fort Wright
on Fishers Island New York harbor
J W Creitz of the new battlesnip
Maine made eight shots in a minute
with a 6 inch gun and hit the target
eight times at 1G00 yards the ship
meantime going twelve knots an hour
Eart Barnes a son of ex Gov Barnes
of Oklahoma is now a first lieutenant
in the navy but previous to his pro
motion he made an excellent record
at the target He is now on duty at
A Family Fire Drill
A family fire drill occasionally
where there are little children is an
excellent plan Provide them with a
wool dressing gown and slippers to
keep near the bed and teach them at
the first alarm of fire to slip them on
throw a blanket or rug over head and
shoulders and if possible tie a wet
handkerchief preferably silk over
their mouths and then take the most
direct way out
Teach them how to put out a small
fire with rugs or blankets stopping
direct draughts by closing doors or
windows and above all to keep cool
and collected
Parlor Magic
To fill with smoke two apparently
empty bottles Rinse out one bottle
with hartshorn and another bottle
with spirits of salts next bring the
bottles together mouth to mouth
both will at once be filled with white
vapors The vapors in question are
composed of sal ammoniac a solid
body generated by the union of two
Invisible gases
To obtain fire from water Throw a
small quantity of potassium on the
surface of a little water in a basin
Immediately a rose colored flame will
be produced Any chemist will supply
the quantity for several of these ex
periments for a very small sum
To give a party a ghostly appear
ance Take half a pint of spirits and
having warmed it put a handful of
salt with it into a basin then set it
on fire and it will have the effect of
making every person look hideous
This feat must be performed in a
To make a card jump out of the
pack Take a pack of cards and let
any one draw any card that he may
choose and afterward put it in the
pack but so that you may know where
to find it at pleasure then take a
piece of wax and put it under the
thumb nail of your hand and fasten a
hair to your thumb and the other end
of the hair to the card then spread
the pack of cards upon on the table
and say Come forth and the card
will jump out of the pack
Magic breath Half fill a glass tum
bler with lime water breathe into it
frequently at the same time stirring
it with a piece of glass The fluid
which before was perfectly transpa
rent will presently become quite
white and if allowed to remain at
rest real chalk will be deposited
To produce instantaneous light up
on ice Throw upon ice a small piece
of potassium and it will burst into a
bright flame
To light a lamp with a piece of ice
Attach a piece of potassium of the
size of a small shot to the wick of a
lamp have also ready a piece of ice
with which when you touch the po
tassium the lamp will blaze immedi
ately To perform the experiment
place the lamp upon the table before
the audience Question the ladies as
to what means they generally employ
to light their lamps If they answer
in the usual way you may respond
that ou know a much better plan
Raise the lamp that they may per
ceive that it is not lighted then take
the ice and touch the potassium
which will blaze instantaneously Ad
vise the ladies to try the experiment
at home when they wish to light their
lamps Diamond
A Pin and Coin Trick
Here is a very simple little trick
which looks not at all easy and quite
as if the performer must be very
skillful indeed Take a silver coin
a quarter or a half dollar and pick it
up by placing the points of two pins
How to Hold the Coins
one on either side of the coins edge
You may hold the coin securely in
this position if you press firmly with
both pins
Now blow smartly against the up
per edge of the coin and it will fly
around and around revolving with
great rapidity between the pins
Pretty Parlor Game
From red or pink tissue paper cut
large medium and small rose leaves
until you have enough to make an im
mense full blown rose that will fit in
a large salad bowl Arrange these to
make the flower a3 perfect as possible
To as many of the leaves as there are
guests tie green baby ribbon which
must hang over the outside of the
bowl At the bottom of each leaf thus
prepared fasten a slip of paper on
which is written a prophecy of some
kind For instance on one write You
will have a long happy life on an
other You will soon go on a journey
across water
A pretty fancy is to have a ring
fastened to one of them which will fall
to the one who receives the slip of
paper on which is written All things
that are good fall to you
When these are all arranged each
K - - - iKLVirr5c5h Bb
Wee tow headed baby
Like a butter ball
Halt inclined to laughter
unit inclined to squall
Dimples In your elbows
Dimple In your chin
Looks like God had made you
To put dimples In
Looks like God had made you
Roly poly boy
With your mouth a pucker
Eyes a dance with joy
Just to carry dimples
What have you a pain
Dear such twisty faces
Are a sign of rain
Half a lauh half crying -
Dont know what to do
Gulping sobbing sighing
Tell you baby You
Stick like that to mother
Always when in doubt
All the years of all your life
And you cant lose out
guest takes one of the tiny ribbons
hanging at the side of the bowl and
they give a quick pull all together
which scatters the leaves in all direc
tions leaving them dangling In the
hands of those who hold the ribbon at
the other end
The mottoes may be comic or senti
mental In either case they afford
plenty of fun as they must be read
Making a Cork Walk
Lots and lots of boys and girls
rave seen a match box a horse fly a
stone fence and even a board walk
but we are pretty sure that very few
ot you have ever seen a cork wKc
Still under certain circumstances a
Cork Walking Down the Board
cork can walk and this is the way
to bring about that unusual spectacle
Get as large a cork as you can find
and stick side by side in one erici a
pair of flat headed nails Then get
two forks and insert them one in
each side near the other end of the
cork as shown in the picture
Now get a strip of wood four or
five feet long and about two inches
viae and make an inclined plane of
it by piling books or boxes under one
end Place the cork on this standing
ir on its nail legs with one fork hang
ing down on either side of the strip
of wood Start the fork swinging
from side to side and you will see
the cork walk jerkily down the board
taking ridiculous stiff legged little
steps on its nail legs
Can You Spin the Egg Shell
Here is a trick which will surprise
the whole family
The next time you eat a boiled egg
moisten the rim not merely the edge
but all the raised part of your plate
and place the empty egg shell on the
wet surface
The shell should be broken off
evenly all the way around so as to
form a little cup
Now if you hold the plate up and
tip It slightly the egg will not mere
ly slide but spin along the rim and
ty continually altering the inclination
angle of the plate you can make the
shell spin all the way around it I do
not mean that it will spin rapidly
like a top but that as it goes around
the plate it also revolves slowly about
its own axis in the same direction
Now this you know is just Avhat
be earth does in traveling around the
sun so here you have an easy and
pretty lesson in astronomy at the
breakfast table
It is not exactly nice to muss with
ones food but in this case it may be
allowable to make a daub of egg yolk
ir the center of the plate with rays
streaming out all around to repre
sent the sun
A Cat Angler
Cats can be trained as easily as
dogs and form the same habit of fol
lowing one about says a writer My
big black Tom has gone everywhere
with me since his kitten days Jong
tramps in the woods coaching tours
picnics no journey proves too hard
for him Once when we were start
ing on a fishing trip I locked him up
quite securely as I thought suppos
ing of course that he would not en
joy the uncertain motion of the boat
or the inevitable wetness of the sur
roundings But at the last moment
he came bounding down the wharf
and serenely established himself on
the cushions in the stern evidently
prepared to take fishermans luck
with the rest of us He showed no
sign of fear as long as we were
around He enjoyed the minnows
that fell to his share and since then
The collection of rods and tackle is a
sign for him TO trot off happily to
where the boats are moored
He has now become quite an experi
enced sport watching the water keen
ly for the ripples that tell of a bite
and cocking his shiny black head ex-
itedly on this side and that as the
line grows taut and the rod curves in
i he struggle His joy knows no
bounds when the victim is landed at
last and he runs from one end to an
other purring and rubbing his back
against any projecting hand or foot
apparently in an ecstasy of congratu
lation Some one frivolously sug
gested that in my black beauty re
lied the soul of a complete angler
and sice then he has been Ike to
his numerous friends and acquaint
A Bird Tragedy
vas sitting on the back veranda
seeing one bright morning last
f week said a lady living In a second-
story flat when something flew
s wlftly past mo almost within reach
Startled I glanced up just in tlmo
to see a beautiful robin alight under
ihe eaves of the house opposite A
long straw In his mouth showed me
he was busily at work building a nest
As I sat watching his mato hopped
in sight from under the hidden roof
and seemed most interested in the
building process to which In the
mean time the builder had added bits
of wool and straw Much pleased
with his progress my little friend
hopped upon a branch of a maple
tree close by and poured forth a short
Suddenly a small boy strolled
along and espying the bird stepped
into the road and gathered a few peb
bles Advancing stealthily he crept
closer to the llttlo songster and in
breathless anxiety I watched him
fling the stone O happy chance A
breath of air at that moment lifted
the branch and the stone went wide
oi its mark The little nest builder
startled by the missile flew off intc
the distance but after sailing In
mid air for a moment or two he ro
turned and lit upon a neighboring
Again the boy took aim and again
I awaited in breathless suspense but
this time the aim proved too true
There was a fluttering of little wings
and all was still
Alas thought I for the snug little
half built nest under the eaves whlcr
was never to be completed and alas
for the mother bird that would wail
In vain for her mates return
An Autograph Calendar
The home made calendar is jus
now one of the holiday gifts which I
in course of manufacture and cer
tainly there is no gift which is war
ranted to keep new all the year in
the same way that the hand inscribed
calendar is To make this calendar
it is first essential that 365 no 36C
for 1904 is leap year slips of pa
per be cut of a uniform size three
inches wide by four inches long is a
fair measurement and then after
having an inked line drawn across
one inch from the top edge they are
ready to inscribe A line in red Ink
is suggested The space above the
line is reservedfor the date and may
be added last just before the slips
are mounted into a block and cement
ed at both sides so that the owner
may not anticipate the contents ol
the various leaves
The leaves are now sent about tc
the various friends of the one for
whom the calendar is intended and
each is invited to inscribe a leaf with
an appropriate sentiment either orig
inal or quoted but in the persons
own handwriting As may be seen
there are daily surprises all during
the year for the recipient
One of these autograph calendars is
now in process of construction for o
young fellow at college and it is be
ing made by the young girls of his
social set at home On some of the
slips he will find a tiny photograph
of the sender On another a sketch
ot some significant subject on an
other an allusion to some event in
the past a reminder of an occasior
to cause him amusement There is
fine opportunity here for the displaj
ot originality and by the time each
girl has done her best the calendar
is sure to be filled
This same calendar idea works ur
beautifully for a birthday gift when
it may begin with the birthday nc
matter when it comes and extend
through the following year to the next
birthday If it is preferred the slip3
of paper instead of being mounted
on a block and cemented may be per
forated with two round holes at the
lop and then mounted on the wooden
back with wire hooks the same that
finds favor on many desks enabling
the owner to examine all at any time
A Tripod on a Tea Table
Some time when tea is late and the
family is all about the table waiting
The Tripod Complete
vou may surprise all by a very clever
and at the same time simple and easy
Take a napkin ring and through it
pass three forks with the points up
ward and rest their handles on the
table Spread the tops of the forks
apart and inside them place a plate
or any round dish which will fit with
ir the space they afford This will
surely lock the whole thing and a
heavy dish may be placed upon the
plate without fear of its being broken
Champion Stalk of Rye
There is on exhibition in Beverly
Mass a stalk of rye measuring over
seven feet from the roots to the tip
The rye was grown at Prides Cross
ing by Louis Larson