The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 02, 1904, Image 3
h r W1 1 A TTt r Mi iHK I v w ml Mrs Elizabeth H Thompson of Lillydale NY Grand Worthy Wise Templar and Member of WCTU tells how she recov ered by the use of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Dear Mrs Pinkiiasi I am ono of the many of your gTatcful friends who have been cured through the use of Lydia E Pinkbams Vegetable Compound and who can to day thank you for the fine health I enjoy When I was years old I suffered severe backache and frequent bearing down pains in fact I had womb trouble I was very anxious to pet well and reading of the cures your Compound had made I decided to try it I took only six bottlesbut it built mo up andcurcd me entirely of my troubles My family and relatives were naturally as gratified as X was My niece had heart trouble and nervous prostration and was considered incur able She took your Vegetable Com pound and it cured her in a short time and she became well and strong and her home to her great joy and her hus bands delight was blessed with a baby I know of a number of others who have been cured of different kinds of female trouble and am satisfied that your Compound is the best medicine for tick women Mrs Elizabeth H TnoJirsoi Box 105 Lillydale NY 5000 forfeit if original of abova letter prcenj gtnulnencis carnot be produced From ihe cradlo fo the baby chair HAVE YOU A BABY If so you ought to have a ffi e m mx H JU WALKNfeHM P2 m W f1 ZSk E ists 53 PATENTED AN IDEAL SELF INSTRUCTOR OUR PHOEKLX Walking Chair holds the child securely pro venting those painful falls and bumps which are so frequent when baby learns to walk BETTER THAN A NURSE The chair is provided with a re movable sanitary cloth seat which supports the weight of the child and prevents bow legs and spinal troubles it also has a table attach menfc which enables baby to find amusement in its toys etc with out any attention As indispensable as a cradle It is so constructed that it pre vents soiled clothes sickness from drafts and floor germs and is recommended by physicians and endorsed by bothmother and baby Combines pleasure and utility No baby should be without one Call at your furniture dealer and ask to see one MANUFACTURED ONLY B7 PHOENIX CHAIR CO SHEBOYGAN WIS Can only be had of your furnituro dealer WETVEi NM r ix jm i 1 HBR WISDOM THE ORIGINAL 32 - Jtf - v aVSffBR J SLICKER BLACK OR YELLOW ML KEEP YOU DRY NOTHING ELSE ML TAKEN0 5UD5TITUTe CATALOGUES FREE SKOWINlTfULL LINE OF GARMENTS AND HATS A J TOWER CO BOSTON MASS USA TOWER CANADIAN CO LTD TORONTO CANADA tissSt wcruv KlpansTstinicBiiifc Uiefoest uie pepsla medicine ever made -A 1 hundred miliums of them hare been sold In the United Stated In a slncle year ConstlDaion heart burn elcfc headache dlzzlne bad orecm rcire inroai arm every in i ness arising from a dmordercd stomach are relieved or cured by IUpant Tabules i nn m inMllr iMm rliF Trltliln tirpnfr mfn utes The five cent packasp Is enough tor ordinary occasions All druzrfsts sell them ffany who fonnerly smoted 10Ciars now smote LEWISSIH6LE BIRDER STRAIGHTS0 CBGAffl Tour jobber or direct from Factorr recria 1U HOMESTEADS rfarr0ScZ Montana Send 50c fur map and information tc JT P BLLEY Beal Ertate ency BiUiags ont W N U Omaha No 361904 BEGGS5 BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach twtmmmmnwfVmwmiimm CHAMPION TELLS TWO YARNS And as Fteh Stories They Are Mighty Hard to Beat After supper L joined the caucus out on the gallery of the hotel and there friends citizens and fellow countrymen I met up with the great qranddaddy the genuine original ot all the fish yarners in the world Ho waB a small old man with a white Veard and a serious demeanor and Ve spolco in a low even flute toned voice that never quaveredi I cannot give all the talcs he told out there but I can give a couple of samples Said he Up at my place a short spell ago the boys and me cut down a big tree After it fell we set down a vmite to rest on the trunk and I hear some thing making a noise inside Boys sez I aint this tree hol ler No sez they its sound and solid Then I hear the fuss inside again I grabbed an ax and sez I as I went to choppin Theres something inside this here and Im a goin to know what it is By Ned There was a holler place inside and In there was a nine pound catfish what Id been hearin flappin Howd that fish get in there asked a listener Havent got any idea how he did les n the tree growed around him which I reckon it had some time or other For a second sample the old man furnished the following There was a terrible big fish said he what used to come up the Osage before the war and we got to hearin so much about it that a passel of us fellers set in to catch Jam We gol 200 feet of inch and a half rope had the blacksmith weld us a big hook and we put on a whole dog for bait We set our line and soon sure enough the fish swallered the dog hook and all and the hook hung We couldnt nigh pull him out though there was ten of us so we hitched on two yoke of oxen and after a hard struggle we managed to drag that fish out on the bank He was nine toot between the eyes and his eyes sot closer together than they ought tc set in a fish of that size Kansas City Star German Colonists In Palestine Industrial conditions in Palestine have suffered severely from the loss tc labor by a steady stream of emigra tion of Palestines people to othei parts of the earth An exception tc this rule is presented by the parts ol Palestine in which Europeans have settled In these the land has beer made to yield not only larger but fair 1 profitable harvests To the Germar colonists a great deal of credit is due lor their success in proving that s great future awaits the agriculturist and horticulturist who goes the righi way to work in Palestines fields ant among its vineyards and orchards A German colony that settled on the heights of Haifa thirty four years age has prospered Not one of its ninetj families is poor All are fairly well to do They have raised grapes fron Affentaller and Riesling scions fron which a wine free from alcohol is made This is sold to the natives anc serves as a very refreshing drink Idyl of Idleness When woes unnumbered tear your sou1 to bits And on your brow the blues have jammed their crown When desperation pulls off both its mitts And taps your solar plexus when oure down Buck up to sadness never thus kow tow Sweet Nature smiles enjoy her with o will Employ a sunbeam to massage vour brows Ask nightingales to give the standard trill Call jonquils John and gay carnations Nat Lie down in woods and gentlv swel with glee Climb belvideres as stealthy as a cat Ana sranc me tiimu bits ot scenery Ah live and laugh throughout the idle aay Watch speckled cows for sunsets lie in wait Converse with brooks and hows that does it pay Well I dont know the competitions great Thomas R Ybarra Why They Do Not Speak Good morning Miss Sweetleigh cried Cholly Sparkers to the fair dam sel of his acquaintance whom he hac just met pray what brings you out so early in the day Oh Ive just been to the photog raphers with my pet pug Pansy and we have had our portraits taken to gether havent we dear Beauty and the beast you know she added with a saucy little laugh And what a little beauty he is tc be sure replied Johnson as he ten derly stroked poor Pansys cranium Then he suddenly coughed went red and tried to explain But she turned away leaving him to become bot and cold in turn and thus they parted strangers for evermore A Reminder of His Wild Oats Richard Croker once visited an ancient English castle the owner be ing absent at the time The valet in charge was generous with his informa tion and as a climax to the series of interesting rooms opened a door and disclosed a large number of bot tles placed in perfect symmetry and reaching to the lofty ceiling A pyramid of empty bottles ex claimed the New Yorker What does it mean My master comes in here occa sionally said the guide softly to realize what a gigantic ass he has made of himself Portland Oregon ian Duchess Claim to Fame The dowager duchess of Abercorr has 140 living descendants including seventy one great grandchildren H LIF ILIS a Men as Actresses Japan boasts of several brilliant ac tors but strangely enough she af fords no encouragement to actresses Womens parts are played by men and played excellently well too Jap anese boys who are destined for a stage career are brought up entirely by members of the feminine sex By the time that they are midway In their teens they have acquired all tho usual female characteristics Longevity in Europe Of all European countries Franco I the most favorable to longevity of every 1000 persons forty four reach ihe age of seventy In Norway tho number is forty in Sweden thirty three Italy thirty one Switzerland tcirty England twenty seven Ger many twenty six Spain twenty four Austria twenty three Hungary eight een Cant Interfere Your daughter plays a great deal of classical music in a rather orig inal way remarked the man with gold glasses Yes answered Mr Cumrox regretfully She bought the piano and the music out of her own spending money and I suppose she feels that she has a right to do wht ihe pleases with them Deer Swifter Than Electric Car A deer was found on the car track at Sturbridge the other day which when startled ran swiftly along the ties ahead of the car The motorman opened the controller to the last notch but the animal led the car for a full quarter of a mile and then leaped lightly over the fence and dis appeared Word Weigh Too Much for Him A London juryman fainted the other day while the judge was charging the body The judge was saying You must give the statements of the wit nesses for the defense full weight Ai the words full weight the jury man fainted Later it was found that ho was a coal dealer Kentucky Mans Duty Jamboree Ky August 29 Special After suffering for years with pain in the back Mr J M Coleman a well known citizen of this place has found a complete cure in Dodds Kidney- Pills Knowing how general this dis ease is all over the country Mr Cole man feels it is his duty to make his experience public for the benefit of other sufferers I want to recommend Dodds Kid ney Pills to everybody who has pain in the back Mr Coleman says I suffered for years with my back I used Dodds Kidney Pills and I have not felt a pain since My little girl too complained of her back and she used about half a box of Dodds Kid ney Pills and she is sound and well Backache is Kidney Ache Dodds Kidney Pills are a sure cure for all Kidney Aches including Rheuma tism Not a Lucrative Business Dr Smiles did not leave so much money behind him as did Sir H M Stanley but in his case more than in Stanleys the amount is likely to represent literary earnings At any late 370000 is not considered a bad recompense for self help when ap plied in a calling which apart from the more signal successes of a few novelists and playwrights rarely leads on to such fortunes as are made in soaps or pills Disgrace to Lose Mustaches Two Mohammedan criminals at 01 mutz were in consternation on hear ing that like all other prisoners they would have to have their mustaches shaved off They pleaded that that would be an indelible disgrace and that their wives would leave them They were finally allowed to keep them After It With a Net What on earth are you a doin with that ar crab net asked the farm woman behind the gingham apron Ise just a lookin for people what casts their bread on the water said Itinerant Ike aint you goin to do a little castin this morning mum Keep Valuable Secret in Family When the originator of the genuine eau de cologne died age 80 he gave his secret to his nephew and heir Since 1709 only ten persons seen the recipe which is kept box trebly locked LEARNING THINGS have in a We Are AH in the Apprentice Class When a simple change of diet brings back health and happiness the story is briefly told A lady of Springfield 111 says After being afflicted for years with nervousness and heart trouble I received a shock four years ago that left me in such a condition that my life was despaired of I could get no relief from doctors ror from the numberless heart and ntrve medicines I tried because I didnt know that the coffee was daily putting me back more than the Drs could put me ahead Finally at the request of a friend I left off coffee and began the use of Postum and against my convictions I gradually improved in health until for the past 6 or 8 months I have been entirely free from nervousness and those terrible sinking weakening spells of heart trouble My troubles all came from the use of coffee which I had drunk from childhood and yet they disappeared when I quit coffee and took up the use uf Postum Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich Many people marvel at the effects of leaving off coffee and drinking Postum but there is nothing marvel ous about it only common sense Coffee is a destroyer Postum is a rebuilder Thats the reason Look in each pkg for the famous little book The Road to Wellville COULDNT LIFT TEN POUNDS Doana Kidney Pills Brought Strength and Health to the Sufferer Mak ing Him Feel Twenty Fivo Years Younger J B Corton farmer and lumberman of Deppe N C says I suffer ed for yea j with my back It was so bad that 1 could not walk any dis tance nor even ride In easy J B CUKTON OUgSy uu not believe I could have raised ten pounds of weight from the ground the pain xvzs so severe This was my con dition when 1 began using Doans Kid ney Pills They quickly relieved mo and now I am never troubled as I was My back is strong and I can walk or ride a long distance and feel just as strong as I did twenty live years ago I think so much of Doans Kidney Pills that I have given a sup ply of the remedy to some of my neighbors and they have also found good results If you can sift anything from this rambling note that will he of any service to you or to any ono suffering from kidney trouble you are at liberty to do so A TRIAL FREE Address Foster Mil burn Co Buffalo N Y For sale by all dealers price 50 cts Women show animosity over atten tion given to other women Every housekeeper should know that if they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only time because it never sticks to the iron but because each package contains 16 oz one full pound while all other Cold Water Starches are put up in 4 pound pack ages and the price is the same 10 cents Then again because Defiance Starch is free from all injurious chem icals If your grocer tries to sell you a 12 oz package it is because he has n stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of before he puts in Defiance He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large let ters and figures 16 ozs Demand Defiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the iron fticking Defiance never sticks It is best to settle a quarrel without any outside interference Medical Department Washington University The lirst two years are devoted aiutnly to practical training in laboratories of Anatomy Histology EtnbryolOK v Chemistry Physiology Pathology and Bacteriology by specialists and life worlters in these branches The last two years are given to personal stuciy of diseaso in clinical laboratories hospitals and dispensaries not merely afilliated but under the full control of the Faculty for bed side instruction For particulars and catalogue addresb the Dean 1806 Locust Street St Louis Health may be wealth for some but ilis poverty for the doctor Insist on Getting It Some grocers say they dont keep Defiance Starch This is because they have a stock on hand of other brands containing only 12 07 in a package which they wont be able to sell fiist because Defiance contains 16 oz for the same money Do you want 16 oz instead of 12 oz for same money Then buy Defiance Starch Requires no cooking A man shows God by his dilk his dependence ence for God on 1 More Flexible and Lasting wont shake out or blow out by using Defiance Starch you obtain better re sults than possible with any other brand and one third more for same money Women have an idea all profession al men are very learned You never hear any one complain about Defiance Stu ch There is none to equal it in quality and quantity 16 ounces 10 cents Try it now and save your money When a man is unable to do any thing else he can worry njITQ rcrniarantl cured No fi ts or nerrennes af tc g 1 1 O first aay use of Dr Klines Great Ncrv e Ketor er Send for FIJKE 8300 trial bottle snd treatise De R K Klixe Ltd SSI Arch Street Philadelphia Pa Lucky is he who marries a widow whose first husband was mean to her Defiance Starch is guaranteed big gest and best or money refunded 16 ounces 10 cents Try it now Women fall into the habit of speak ing slightingly of themselves I do not believe Pisos Cure for Consumptcc has an equal for coughs and colds Jony F Boyek Trinity Springs Ind Feb 15 1900 Faith is the only eye with which it is safe to look at the future Hrr WlnsloTrs Soothing Syrnp For children teething ooftas the guras reduces ta CammaUon allays pala cures wind 25c a bottle The man who lives by tricks finds them to be back handed traps Dr David Kennedys Favorite Kerned v tho Great Kldnry nd Liver Cure World Famoux Write Ir KenBedjs Sons Kondout X V for free sample bottle A man gets fame in heaverr by a good deed done in secret The Murine Lye Keuiedy Co Chicago send Uoirie Eye Book free Write them nbout jour eye The cruel are always cowardly BLINDNESS AND DEAFNESS CURED AT HOME If you have weak eyea failing Bizht granulated lids scums over tha eyes or sore eyea of any kind catarrh or deafness write full de scription of j our cape and a trial treatment will be sent you FREE OF CHARGE This trial treatment Is mild and harmless and has cured many severe cases DrModre vas annnlniMt hr two Governors Chief Eyeand Ear Surgeon to the wurioittiv lubuuuuaioriue una ana was also rro fessorof the Eye and Ear in the American Medical Col lege Cross eyes straightened by new painless method Write M DR J TTARV fciY HOOKB Eye and Ear Institute Suite 2B OddPeUowaSld Bt Louis JTjlpjiflilMjywfcTrfl ff jbT JB CU8S WHrJifc AIL ELSE PfilLS Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use in tune bold by arnczists ittMli fell IllltXtlll tlJUlJIIUllIUWhtttUU Ult ulill M itnttn t M VCf4JA i iSSluiMiiMiri WTC WWOTrTririro M mm rrffttisjiWaT ft fi iff f V f if jsnJ I Aft 0J Vk Afcgetable Prcparationfor As similating llicFoodandltegula ling IheStoinacls andBowcls of Promotes ness and Kestconlains neither OmumMorphine norIiiieral Isot NAac OTIC jsxtpsarauisMUZZPaumi fttwfJan Scedf jHxJtnrm jizucStvtl f JifrftiKt - JjtCtavoftayscaa CfatAfd Stogir mnltrtjrtcn flaror Apcrfecl Remedy forConstina Tion Sour Stomach Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions Fcverish ness and Loss of Susep FacSunilc Signature or NEW YORK EXACT COPY OF WRABfiER VSV S UNION i VKS EsSsLS MADE S W JPSJ rfJl S aeaiyrr uosl x szVxtnZ f a 5 V s jfwMK mXJ irW rfB XSWX 3SiSVr c1 ovmi a vN w T rrt J 15TA3USI1e2VA r iL 1076 JlzJ ir For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature A U j For Over 3r4 Dons forget when you order starch to get the best Get DEFIANCE No Thirty Years VH OENTMJII CMKNT NEW TOM CITY L DOUGLAS 5S3S 5SFS 00 and 400 Custom Bench Work in all THE HIGH URADE LEATHERS 250 Police Three Soles 250 and UU WORrUNGMEN5 BEST IN THE WORLD 250 200 and 175 Boys for Dress and School Wear W Xj Doiiglnn mnltea nml sella moro mens S3ftOam 3t Miorstlinit facturcr In tlifT tvorlil Tho ronton they tiro tho crcntest sellers is tliey nre nindo of tlio boat Icatlicra hold tlicir sliineflt bettor wear longer andliivo more itue than any otbr mIioci AVIj Joujra3 eunrantec their value by stamp ing hfa raino ami price on tho bottom Look for it talco no substitute SoM by ulioo dealers everywhere Iast Color Jbytttts wed exclusively AS GOOD AS 700 SHOES Heretofore I have bean wearing 700 shoes I purchased ez pair of TV L Douglua S3 SO shoes which Z have worn every day for four months They arc so satisfactory I do not intend to return to tha more expensive shoes WM GRJJY KNOWLES Jisst City Solicitor Vhila Brockton Leads tha Mens Shoo Fashlcms cf tha World W Ii DoiiKlas uses Corona Colt sit in in I Send for Catalog qivlnrj full In his f0 sho s Corona Colt is ron eilct I stru Uons horn to Odrr by mall to be the finest Patent Leather iudc W L Douglas Brockton mawE more yellow looking clothes no more cracking or breaking It- doesnt stick to the iron It gives satis faction or you get your money back The cost is io cents for 16 ounces of tne best starch made Of other starches you get but 12 ounces Nova dont forget Its OX your grocers MANUFACTURED 8V THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO OAUHA NEB Great Reduction in Rates via WABASH RAILJROAD Home visitors excursions sold every Tuesday in September and October 11th Half fare plus 100 for the round trip to all points in Indiana points in Ohio and Kentucky 850 St Louis and return sold Tuesdays and Thursdays also September 3rd 4th and 11th 1380 St Louis and return sold daily 3125 Baltimore and return sold September Sth and 10th 2715 Buffalo Niagara Falls or Toronto and return sold daily 2150 Detroit and return sold daily 2000 Chicago and return one way via St Louis sold daily Long limit and stop over allowed at St Louis on ALL tickets Schedule o our Fast trains Read down 745 a m630 p m Lv 800 a m645 p m Lv 735 p m 1700 a m Arr 750 p m715 a m Arr Omaha Council Bluffs Worlds Fair Station St Louis Head up Arr 900 p m 1820 a m Arr 845 p m800 a m Lv 915 a m745 p m Lv 900 a m720 p m These trains run daily Compare this time with other lines The Wabash lands all passengers at and checks bassrasre to its own station at main entrance of Worlds fair grounds Think what this means quick time extra car fare saved and a delightful trip and you are not all tired out before entering the Exposition grounds All Agents can route you via the Wabash R R For beautiful Worlds Fair folder and all information address HARRY E MOORES G A P D Wab R R Omaha Neb SOLO BY DRUGGISTS Sample Free ANTISEPTIC PILE CONE CO Crete Neb CURE WHILE YOU SLEEP