The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 02, 1904, Image 1

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A TGatewood the Victim
A few Populists and less Democrats
ict in the city of MeCook Monday af
tteruoon to represent their respective
parties of the Twenty Ninth senatorial
district of Nebraska in convention The
conventions mot jsoparatoly and trans
acted some little routine and unimport
ant business but once the conferenco
committees selected by the separate con
ventions got busy there was no more
ubq for two conventions and a practical
accomplished ATGatewood
of Arapahoe Furnas county was made
lie victim and the work was done and
The Populists mot in the court room
and at about two oclock an hour after
the time of the call finally organized
-with A deAllomand of ArapahoQ as
chairman and A L Taylor of Trenton
as secretary At this time there were
present but nine representatives from
four out of the eight counties Furnas
fced Willow Gosper and Hitchcock
A committee on credentials was ap
At this juncture a conference commit
toe from the Democratic convention ap
peared and announced themselves ready
iioconfer or rather to iuso with the
Populists The Populists took no action
sat this time however not being prepared
hit that time
Report of credentials committee was
accepted McFadden of Furnas mado
-an unsuccessful effort to bo counted on
itbe Furnas delegation
An effort was made at this time to se
cure an adjournment until after the
show but failed
A conference committee was then
consisting of C L Rundstrom
JH II Pickens and Joseph Leopold
Cecil Mathews I M Smith aud Wil
liam Schievelbien were selected as the
-committee on resolutious
A recess was then taken for one hour
After calling the convention to order
again the following resolutions were
t3ubmitted and adopted They iidicate
the weakness of the fusion line of de
fense or attack just as you wish it
We the Peoples Independent electors
of the 29th Senatorial district in con
vention assembled do hereby re affirm
s our allegiance to the National Peoples
I independent party platform of 1904 as
adopted in the national convention at
Springfield Illinois and also the plat
Jbnn of tne Peoples Independent party
as adopted in state convention at Lin
coln August 10 1904
Whereas it has become jin open and
notorious fact that the elevator combine
is using disreputable methods to destroy
legislation favorable to independent
elevator concerns and
Whereas one D S Hastythe present
state senator from this the 29th senator
ial -district has been repudiated by the
elevator trust magnates within his own
party for renomination and a man in
-good standing with those interests sub
stituted instead therefore be it
Resolved That the Peoples Independ
ent party urges the farming interests of
this district irrespective of party to
s ally to the support of the candidate in
ihls convention who is pledged to use
itis utmost efforts to secure favorable
legislation for all co operative interests
hat tho farming industry may require
J3e it further
Resolved That education of the youth
of our country is one of or should be
aur chief aims in life and to that end
nre recognize in the Junior Normals held
throughout the state of Nebraska a
mighty factor for good and we hereby
instruct -the candidate named by this
convention to use his influence to per
manently establish these Junior Normal
schools in this great educational center
of the west Nebraska and that all ap
propriations necessary- for maintenance
of these schools be made by the coming
legislature Cecil Mathews
I M Smith
Wm Schievelbien
jThe conference committee then made
a report practically agreeing to co-operate
with the Democrat in the nomina
tion oka candidate for state senator the
nominee to receive a majority of the
votes of both conventions
The rst informal ballot was then
iaken -
CM Evans 11
S S Bishop J 8
A T Gatewood 6
The first formal ballot stood
r Gatewood 8
At -the close of ibis ballot word came
ifrom the Democratic convention that
they had nominated A T Gatewood
ivhich -decided the result of the next
3iaIlot m the Populist -convention for
Gatewood 19
iEvans 9
iBishop - 5
iMj iwwoiiMiLMiniiiWiwilgggWiWrntMiMwii
k V
a in -
A committee was appointed to escort
Gatewood into the Populist convention
where he made a speech
The Democrats met in tho office of tho
county attorney G V Hunter of Cul
bnrtson as chairman and W A Stewart
of Culbertson as secretary
This convention organized with seven
Democratic representatives present
Their first and practically their only
action other than the nomination of a
candidate for state senator was the
selection of a conference committee J
WJones Jacob Steinmotz and Benedict
were named
Tho convention was then placed at
ease until the Populistsbecame organiz
ed and wore ready for a conference
Coming to order again they made the
temporary organization permanent and
unanimously nominated A T Gatewood
of Arapahooas their candidate for state
senator And tho rest of the convention
is to bo found recorded in the doings of
the Populist convention
Both conventions wore absolutely
without incident or interest much less
numbers and if anything like a fairin
dex of the opposition will mean a walk
away for Albert Wilsey
Americas Dishonor
That that disgrace to America the
divorce mill will grind a generous grist
at the next session of district- court in
Redwillow county is indicated by the
publication of notices in tho couuty pa
pers to that effect
Minnie F Manuel will seek divorce
from James C Manuel on tho stated
grounds of desertion extreme cruelty
and non support
Lucy C Kondricks desires legal separ
ation from William C Hendricks alleg
ing wilful abandonment without good
cause for past two years
Theodore Bryan asks divorcement
from Iva Bryan alleging wilful abandon
ment as the cause
Mary L Swartwood seeks to have her
marriage with William L Swartwood
annulod on the grounds of wilful deser
tion without just causetotal failure and
neglect to supporthabitual drunkenness
and extreme cruelty
Helen K Lackey seeks divorce from
Joseph H Lackey because of wilful
abandonment for past two years without
good cause
Ollio Richardson wants to be released
from her marriage bonds with William
A Richardson alleging failure to sup
port althoughsufficiently able
Just how far this dry rot has eaten in
to the vitals oi our home life in America
is indicated by the fact that in Franklin
county Ohio alone during tho past
year 423 husbands and 998 wives have
filed applications for divorce a total of
1421 for one county
America needs a cleaner sentiment on
the question of divorce
Would Fight for the Fatherland
At least one citizen in Southwestern
Nebraska is anxious to see a change in
tho way the Russo Japanese war is pro
gressing B Renwald of Marengo
Hayes county is the man He has
written the czar offering his services to
assist in redeeming the Russian arms
The latest from tho scene of war indi
cates that the czar could use several
Notice to Pupils
The superintendent will be in his
office at the East Ward building Thurs
day Friday and Saturday September
Sth 9th and 10th to meet and classify
irregular deficient and newly entering
pupils G H Thomas Supt
For Sale
One new top buggy one new mowing
machine one good spring wagon for
sale one mile southeast of MeCook
Fred Plasmyere
If you want a perfectly satisfactory
paint use Sherwin Williams Paint
Made to paint houses barns buggies
wagonsfloors etc A special paint for
every purpose Sold by McConnell
Izzer bed comforts now ready our own
make out of the great Izzer cotton batt
6x7 feet 6 Izzer batts 14 yards of cloth
well tacked and hemmed 185 to 275
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Be prepared for sudden attacks of
cholera morbus and bowel troubles by
having a bottle of McConnells Rasp
berry Balsam in the house Costs 25c a
Those one horse disc drills will be all
right for putting wheat in the corn
stalks See the supply at Colemans
Ladies new fall and winter jackets
from 5 to 1350 now ready at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
A second hand Birdsell clover huller
for salo cheap W T Coleman
Driving team for sale at W T Cole
Everything in drugs McConnell
R D Drulinkk was down from Ben
kelman Monday
Edward Wyant of Danbury was a
city visitor Monday
I5d Euwin was over from Danbury
Monday to see the show
Miss Grace Evans of Konesaw is a
guest of Mrs W S Morlan
Mr and Mrs John W Burtless were
Worlds Fair visitors Inst week
R D Brown of Crete had business in
MeCook opening days of this week
Alfred M Rufinot of Chicago is a
guest of his sister Mrs Joseph Menard
Miss Bertha Graham of Holdrege is
a guest of Mrs C M Bailey this week
Mrs H n Miller has beon down
from Denver this week guest of rela
Mrs E O Scott has been up from
Republican City this week guest of
George Williams of Cambridge
nasby was with us briefly Monday
evening t
Mrs Anthony Clark of Oxford was
a guest of Mrs V HSolliday her sister
Mrs Eph Benjamin has been very ill
the past week but is improving some at
Will S Guyer came down from
Sheridan Wyoming first of week on a
visit to friends
Chester Rodgers arrived nome close
of last week from an enjoyable out at
Lyons Colorado
Miss A lene KiiLinger of Loomis has
been a guest of Mr aud Mrs C n
Stennott this week
Miss Mazie McLaughlin of Malmo
Nebraska is the guest of Miss Florence
Franklin this week
Mrs George Willetts and tho chil
dren went up to Denver Tuesday on a
short visit in Colorado
GuyBattershaxl is here from Ok
arche Oklahoma guest of his sister
Mrs Charles T Watson
C W Meeker postmaster was down
from Imperial Wednesday on business
before the local land officials
Mrs M Plews of Littleton Colo is
visiting her parents Mr and MrsJoseph
Dudek of Red Willow precinct
Mrs William Wood and children of
West MeCook visited hor father J O
Lindley in Red Cloud last week
Miss Addie Doan entertained the
Awl 0sclub Tuesday evening of this
week in her most enjoyable style and
Albert R Greener special inspector
of the department of the interior is
here in the line of his duty as land office
Mrs G W Conner was up from
Lincoln close of last week on a short
visit to McCcok friends They are much
in lovo with their new home
Mrs J G Schobel and Marjorie re
turned home Saturday night from
visiting Denver relatives for a few weeks
I Mr Schobel met them at Arkron
Mrs F D Burgess went over
to Almena Kansas Thursday morning
to see that new grandchild born this
week to Agent and Mrs N B Bush
Mrs E L Hawkins went down to
Holdrege Wednesday morning to ar
range for the shipment of their house
hold goods to MeCook their new home
Rev August Mueller pastor of the
Ash Creek German Lutheran church
arrived home first of week from a long
visit to relatives in Grand Island The
family accompanied him
Miss Alice Murphy formerly a
teacher in our city schools but now of
DeBeque Colorado spent Tuesday in
the city on business and in visiting old
time friends while on her way west
S L Green J A Wilcox and Syl
vester Cordeal the old guard visited
John Roxby Sunday at his farm a few
miles north of Arapahoe The Tribune
is sorry to Jearn that John is very ill
Mrs II J Pratt and Mrs Tom L
Taylor departed Tuesday morning for
St Louis to spend a few days at the
fair From there Mrs Taylor will go to
Nashville Tenn and thence to her
home in Atlanta Georgia
Wilhelmina Berdine gave a very
happy party last Friday to about thir
ty of her young girl friends in honor of
her young friend from Denver Florence
Cox The afternoon was spent in games
of a joyous sort Dainty and toothsome
refreshments were served Miss Florence
left yesterday for her home in Denver
Snv Rut These Fvenlnp s Are Fine W
and it is a real pleasure to take a
drive in one of those fine rubber
tired driving wagons at Colemans
A Damaging Hailstorm
The rain and hailstorm of last Sunday
night develops into ono -of tho most
damaging of the year to date Besides
being sovero in character it was exten
sive in scope So far as wo can learn tho
storm extended from several miles south
and west of MeCook in a south and
easterly direction to tho Beaver In
width a territory several miles wido is
covered While there was considerable
wind the damago seems to have been
caused more by sizo and weight oi hail
than by tho force of tho wind Among
the losers by tho storm are
Ed Jacques whero the damage is said
to have unusually severe
W S Morlan is thought to have been
damaged about 500 worth in fruit
vegetables etc
Captain I H Wasson was quite
severely damaged his fruit melons etc
being involved
Colonel W E Corwin was also heavi
ly damaged Over 100 bushels of toma
toes many large melons fruit etc wero
all practically ruined at Lakewood
ranch The colonel reports Dry creek
nineteen feet high at his ranch when the
storm was at its height
Harry Barbazotts fruit was badly
damaged on the ranch southwest of town
On the Ilolbrook farm the glass on tho
north side of the farm house was all
broken and the paint was pounded off
the exposed weather boards Crops
were badly damaged on this place
The storm in spots partook of the na
ture of a water spout so heavy was the
downpour of hail and water
Hogs chickens prairie chickens jack
rabbits etc were killed by the large hail
stones and the weight of hail
Two animals owned by Marion Plum
mer of Perry station were struck in the
eyes by hail with sufficient force to de
stroy the sight of one eyo in each of the
Window panes on the north and west
of many houses in the line of tho storm
were broken
Annual Election
The regular annual election of librar
ian of the public library will occur at
the meeting of tho library board on
Friday evening Sept 9 Applications
are invited in the handwriting of appli
canfstating age qualifications and sal
ary per month desired Address the
secretary G E Thompson in care of
Mrs F M Rathbun
Plummer Shumaker
Mr Thomas Plummer of Perry pre
cinct and Miss Inez Shumaker of Cul
bertson were united in marriageAugust
22 1904 Rev M B Carman of the
Methodist church of our city officiating
and the happy event transpiring in the
Methodist parsonage of our city Both
of the young people are well known and
highly esteemed
Ypung Men Give a Theatre Party
Monday evening a number of young
men of the city gave a theatre party to
the young ladies of the Awl Os club
and a few invited friends Walter L
Mains show provided the amusement
They Have Just Arrived
Large stock and fine assortment of
harnesses of all kinds single double
for work purposes single drivers car
riages etc W T Coleman
Get you one of those cheap steel wind
mills at W T Colemans They are
fine for the monev
Bos 2 piece and 3 piece suits from
4 down to 85c just received at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
School will commence and we are pre
pared to supply your needs with books
tablets pencils slates crayons etc
McConnell Druggist
Ladies dress skirts in brilliantine in
voile in suitings and cloths from 2 up
to 9 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Alterations made without extra charce
Skirts made to your measure from any
dress goods in our stock
H P Sutton has a force of men at
work adding another story to his place
of business The second story will be
devoted to musical instruments and
goods and to optical goods An inside
stairway and an elevator will lead up
stairs from the first floor
The address by Quincy Lee Morrow in
the Congregational church Wednesday
evening on the subject of Christian
Citizenship drew but a small audience
Mr Morrow deserved better His ad
dress Wl much of merit in it Poorer
efforts have had much better hearings
The lack is properly chargeable to a
very indifferent temperance sentiment in
this city Commercialism has left small
room for the imperishable Messrs Joy
and John Selby provided a short pro
gram of vocal music before the lecture
The meeting was under Prohibition
A Delightful At Home
Tho at homo given by Mrs E M
Bigolow last Friday evening for hor
sister Miss Cross was one of tho clever
est social affairs of a lively season Tho
young ladies of the Awl Os club and
a few invited lady friends wero tho
guests of the occasion
The guests served themselves to punch
from a cleverly arranged nook over a
doorway in the hall On a white back
ground tho words Awl Os was done
in yellow and thero was a border of sun
The dining room was docoratod
in rod and white with added
greon Crope ribbons of red wnro sus
pended from electric light over tho table
to the corners of tho tablo Tho center
piece was a largo bouquet of tho lily
like red gladiolus and white asters bor
dered in ferns A dainty two courso
luncheon was served Tho refreshments
wore carried out in part in tho club
colors Miss Nellie Smith and Miss
Cross assisted in serving
Tho chief item of entertainment was a
trial of skill Pictures of President
Roosevelt adorned tho walls of the par
lor and tho most accomplished copyist
Miss Myrtle Meyer received a handsomo
hand painted rose jar Thirteen of the
young ladies drew cuts for tho booby
which Miss Julia Ryan won a pretty
hand painted tray
A Getacqualnted Social
The Pythian brethren their families
and a few invited friends enjoyed a lawn
social Wednesday evening at the home
of Agent Georgo S Scott Tho chief
purpose of tho social was to bring tho
members and their families together in
an effort to become better acquainted
This was attained Tho malo quartette
added several pleasing numbers to the
evenings entertainment Refreshments
were served It was an evening well
The Usual Opportunity
Mains show provided the usual op
portunity for real sharp suckers to bite
at the sharpers own game The Tri
bune heard of a few cases of individuals
attempting to beat the gamblers in one
of the side shows On ono instance the
local artist was quite content and happy
up to time he had secured 30 of the
gamblers money But when ho was
40 short ho got tho police to make the
showmen cough up
County Central Committee Meets
The Republican county central com
mittee held a meeting in the city Mon
day afternoon arranging for the cam
paign The vacancy in the ticket caused
by tho removal of James Hatfield from
the commissioner district was filled by
the nomination of C H Harmau who
however declined tho honor The next
meeting of the central committee will be
held in three weeks when this vacancy
will be filled
To Make Precinct Nominations
The Republican electors of Driftwood
precinct will meet in the Frederick
school house Saturday evening Sep
tember 3d 1904 for the purpose of
nominating precinct officers
W S Fitch Committeeman
Cattle at Private Sale
Ten yearling steers seven yearling
heifers all sired by registered Short
horn Two 2-year-old steers one heifer
coming two ears old and about four
teen cows 8 19 3
Benjamin Bijos Banksville Neb
Closing Out Hammocks
A few hammocks left at very low
prices Call and see them if you need
one A McMillen
Wheat 104 In Chicago
And the price will be just as high next
year This justifies you in buying one
of those drills at Colemans
Alfalfa Hay for Sale
500 per ton Phone N235
J W Randal
The East MeCook Sunday school in
tended holding a picnic at the water
works yesterday but the weather prov
ing wet and threatening the picnic was
held in the church in East McUook
There were about sixty present and a
very happy time was had notwithstand
ing the disappointment at not being able
to go to the waterworks park
For diarrhoea and stomach troubles
McConnells blackberry balsam reaches
the spot and does the business Price
25 cents a bottle
Lost A childs cloak with Mexican
lace collar Finder will be suitably re
warded by returning to Mrs M La writ
Beautiful floors are easily had if you
i use the Sherwin Williams Floor Finish
ers Sold by McConnell druggist
Misses dress skirts at 2 275 and
375 Alterations without extra charge
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
MeCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friduy inorulutr
Corn c
Wheat sH
2ilU U
yo y
Barley jj
Errs ijj
Good Butter
McConnells for drugs
Old Hickery wagons and steel trucks
nt W T Colemans
For Sale Cheap Second hand Me
Cormick mower at W T Colemans
First closs squaro piano good as now
very cheap If P Sutton
No trespassing or huntiug allowed on
land controlled by S D Bolles
Tho public schools will open for tho
now years workMonday September 12
The Tribune makos a specialty of
oflieo stationery and type writer supplies
Parlez fous Francais No Well
read Prof Morlos advertisement in this
Arojou going to sew wintor wheat
If so get a press disc drill at W T
Lost A brown leathern pockot book
Will tho finder please return to The
Tribune office Reward
Misses and childrens jackots and
long coats just received at Tho Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
Mens now fall and winter suits from
5 to 1350 just received at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
MeCook is somewhat stirred up this
week over an alleged case of bigamy
just recently developed
High grado black Aberdeen cattlo to
trade for horses See or write Perry
Stouo at MeCook Neb
McMillens specialties at soda foun
tian Nut sundae chop suoy shredded
figs almond merangue
150 cash or good security will buy a
practically new Story Clark piano in
good condition Call at this office 2t
A small hospital of modern equipment
and efficient professional corps would
fill as real a need as MeCook now has
Mons and womens fall weight under
wear in union suits and separate gar
mentsat The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
A remonstranco has been filed with
the county clerk against the payment of
the warrant for 26o80 to the Red Wil
low County Agricultural Society
You can buy a hammock now cheaper
than ever before We have just a few
left and the prices arc very low
McConnell Druggist
A T Gatewood tho fusion nominei
for state senator will bo remembered by
old settlers of MeCook as our first den
tist He had an office in Colvins hotel
back in 1S84
The figures are all in on the enroll
ments at the junior normal schools
They are as follows Valentine 107
North Platte 212 Alliance 21 Holdrege
2S1 MeCook 283
The Wilsonville harvest home will be
held on September 14 15 10 this year
and promises to be up to the standard of
past entertainments of the association
with some new features
Izzer Izzer Whos got the Izzer
Wy we have Its our great cotton
batt Weighs 12 ozs Sells 12c each
Unrolls and unfolds and makes up ele
gantly The Thompson Dry Goods Co
When you have a prescription or
household recipe to fill you naturally
wish to have it filled with the purest
and most potent drugs You can be cer
tain it will be right in every particular
if filled here McConnell Druggist
The Triisune was a little premature
last week in announcing the sale of the
Smith boarding house to E LHawkins
The sale has not been consummated
Mr and Mrs Ed RodStrom are still in
charge of the house and conducting the
The new fall dress goods are prettier
than ever before and within easier
reach Browns are especially in de
mand We have them in broadcloths
brilliantines zibelines tricots henriettas
and other kinds The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
The general passenger department
wishes me to call the attention of pros
pective Worlds Fair visitors to the de
sirability of making their visit to St
Louis during September and thus avoid
the great October rush Parties now in
that city write that the weather is de
lightful and the fair in a finished condi
tion Residents of St Louis inform us
that September is one of the pleasantest
months in which to make this trip If
you are not already posted as to rates to
St Louis call on or write the under
signed Geo S Scott Agent