The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 26, 1904, Image 1

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Closing Day Was Very Gratifying
The closing diy of the McCook Jun
ior Normal School last Friday was most
satisfactory to all associated with the
school In addition to the usual inci
dents of the last day there was the
presence of both state and deputy su
perintendent and of Assemblyman RW
V Jones of Otoe county Nominee for
Assembly Philip Glieni of Ked willow
county andothers to lend eclat to the
auspicious occasion
There wore two general assemblies or
meetings during the day at both of
which State Supt Fowler spoke At
the morning session he expressed his
evident pleasure and satisfaction at the
work accomplished- styling it above ex
pectations of the educational department
and the were high Ho spoke at some
length in referring to the splendid oppor
tunities thus afforded the country teach
ers by the state and felt that a marked
improvement must accrue to the state in
the quality of the work done by the
teachers of the future
Philip Glietn of Danbury the Repub
Jicau nominee for member of the next
legislature made a hit in a briof but to-the-point
speech Ho pledged himself
io an earnest and enorgotic support of
proper measures for the good of educa
tional matters in Nebrasku and of the
junior normal idea
The afternoon session opened at two
oclock with a delightful concert by the
famous Slay ton Jubilee Singers those
spoil binders of the musical world An
especially interesting address followed
by Hon R WW Jones of Hoe county
Mr Jones had to admit that ho was at
iirst an opponent of the junior normal
plan However he unlike some others
studied up the matter and later became
a hearty supporter and champion after
making a tour of the state and attend
ing each of the junior normals in com
pany with Deputy State Supt McBrien
Mr Jones has been a resident of Nebras
ka for 35 years counting as among his
personal friends and neighbors Hon J
Sterling Morton whose self given pic
ture ho observed ornamented the wall
of the assembly room of the McCook
high school In an tarly day he was a
teacher himself Had always been and
should ever be a genuine and hearty
champion of educations cause in Ne
braska This was his first trip into the
western part of ihestate and it was good
for his soul to admit that ho would go
home minus a large stock of conceit and
blessed with more information and
knowlege of this section than most
Eastern Nebraskans can boast of or
even dreamed of
Deputy State Supt McBrien and
doubtless our next state supt followed
with a short address in which he dwelt
upon the value of the school just closed
to the state in the better qualification of
its teachers and of the inspiration they
would carry to their pupils in the ses
sions of public schools soon to open over
Nebraska v
Supt Fowler again spoke with some
feeling and in a valedictory strain it be
ing the last time he will visit this part
of the state in the capacity of chief of
the states educational department
which he has served so efficiently for the
past four years
Principal Thomas Profs Miller Mar
tin and Misses Caldwell and OSullivan
each followed in brief words of farewell
all of which were received with a hearti
ness of applause which can easily be
construed as expressing the appreciation
of their labors felt by the members of
the McCook Junior Normal
The following resolutions were then
adopted and the normal adjourned we
hope to meet with us next year in a
more permanent form
Whereas the second and last session of the
McCook Junior State Normal School provided
for by the Nebraska State Legislature of 1903
has reached its close and
Whereas we the teachers in attendance have
been benefitted beyond measure by our
study in the school and by contact with the in
structors and with one another and
Whereastho numbor benefitted by the schools
has been so much greater than the most sangu
ine expectations of those who instituted the
plan had expected it would be and
Whereas so many teachers are of necessity
employed in the schools from September to June
with only the summer months for the much
needed professional training bo it
Resolved That wo adopt the following resolu
First That we carry the inspiration and help
received in the McCook Junior State Normal
into the schools of the various counties here
represented and that so far as we are able we
advocate the permanent establishment of the
Nebraska Junior Normal Schools
Second That we commend roost heartily
State Supt Win K Fowler and Deputy Supt J
Jj McBrien for their influence in establishing
the Junior State Normal Schools thereby
bringing instruction along professional dines
within the possible reach of every teacher in the
state that we express our appreciation of the
successful and untiring efforts of Supt G H
Thomas and of the able corps of instructors
who have assisted him that wo thank the citi
zens of McCook most heartily for their hospi
tality and for their interest in behalf of the
school also that we extend sincere thanks to
the lecturers entertainers and all who have
contributed to the success of the McCook Junior
Third That we as teachers in behalf of the
schools of the state of Nebraska desire and
urce that the legislators of the state of Ne
braska do at the next session of the legislature
in January 1905 provide for the permanent
establishment of the Nebraska Junior State
Normal Schools
Fioka B Quick Eedwillow county
Feed E Eggert Chase county
C Estella Goodwin Dundy county
Fkask S eates Hayes county
Mabel CUkse Hitchcock county
Hazel Jowjjet Furnas county
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Maet Kovotnt Frontier county
ring was unaniiuousij ouuiiu u
f the resolutions
vote of thanks to the Hon K
through his interest and support
f education in the last session of
j has been a prominent factor in
unior isormai scuuuia 1
evening at the opera house be-
rowded audience the biayton
Singers gave a mil iwo uuuio
program such as only those delightful
entertainers of tho vocal world can pro
duce This also was a befitting close to
a fine series of entertainments secured
by the junior normal management
Made a Haul Just the Same
Sheriff Crabtree was called down to
Republican City Tuesday night on No
14 by tho information that they had one
of the jail breakers in custody there He
went but found the authorities were in
error However tho fellow in custody
proved to be the party who had stolen
various and sundry articles from Police
Judge Berrys office Monday night and
he wjis brought to McCook on No 13
Wednesday Considerable propertywas
found on the young fellows person Ho
also admitted where he had secured the
goods Ho gives the name of William
N Ido and claims to have recently come
from the east whero ho formerly served
as janitor in a largo building The fel
low worked for the ladies of the Metho
dist church during log rolling last week
and Mr Berry permitted him to sleep in
his office to help him along He is evi
dently a pretty clover crook
A Public Drinking Fountain
For something that has long been
needed it is surprising that no one has
sooner urged the necessity of a drinking
fountain for the public to be established
by tho city authorities somewhere in a
most accessible locality on Main avenue
Now that the matter is being urged upon
the city council we hope tho people of
the city and its businessmen particular
ly will support the request most urgent
ly A public drinking place for horses
and dogs has forv years been a public
establishment One or more for human
beings is none the less urgent The
water company will doubtless bo philan
thropically inclined enough to give the
water free for such an enterprise en
joying as they already do a very liberal
income from the city Push the drinking
Republican County Central Committee
There will be a meeting of the Re
publican County Central Committee
held in McCook pn next Monday August
29th at one oclock for the purpose of
transacting all business that may prop
erly come before the committee A full
attendance of members is urged
Lon Cone C B Gray
Chairman Secretary
Little Torment
Opera house four nightscommencing
Monday August 29th the famous Ar
ingtons Comedians All new
specialties and special scenery
Opening play in four acts Little Tor
ment Seats now on sale at the usual
K of P Lawn Social
The Knights of Pythias will hold a
social on the lawn at George S Scotts
residence next Wednesday evening to
which all Knights and their families are
They Have Just Arrived
Large stock and fine assortment of
harnesses of all kinds single double
for work purposes single drivers car
riages etc W T Coleman
Closing Out Hammocks
A few hammocks left at very low
prices Call and see them if you need
one A McMillen
Alfalfa Hay for Sale
S500 per ton Phone N235
J W Randal
Cards are out announcing the ap
proaching wedding of Miss Ada Belle
Sircoloumb of Sheridan Wyoming and
Mr Ora Allen Gilkey of Buffalo Wyom
ing This event will take place in Sher
idan on August 31st They will be at
home after October 1st in Buffalo
Ladies dress skirts in brilliantine in
voile in suitings and cloths from 82 up
to 89 at The Thompson Dry -Goods Cos
Alterations made without extra charge
Skirts made to your measure from any
dress goods in our stock
If you want a perfectly satisfactory
paint use Sherwin Williams Paint
Made to paint houses barqs buggies
wagons floors etc A special paint for
every purpose Sold by McConnell
The new bridge over the Beaver Creek
between Lebanon and Wilsonville was
washed away by a tremendous flood of
water which fell north of Lebanon Mon
day of last week
School will commence and we are pre
pared to supply your needs with books
tablets pencils slates crayons etc
McConnell Druggist
You can buy a hammock now cheaper
than ever before We have just a few
left and the prices are very low
McConnell Druggist
They have a petition before tho post
office department for a rural free deliv
ery route running west from Danbury
Misses dress skirts at 82 8275 and
8375 Alterations without extra charge
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Boys 2 piece and 3 piece suits from
S4 down to S5c just received at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
High grade black Aberdeen cattle to
trade for horses See or write Perry
Stone at McCook Neb
Greenlands icy mountains but arent
those 833 Concord harnesses at W T
Colemans dandies
Get you one of those cheap steel wind
mills at W T Colemans They are
fine for the money
Wanted A girl to do general house
work Mrs R B Archibald
A second hand Birdsell clover liuller
for sale cheap W T Coleman
Everything in drugs McConnell
Miss Lizzie Pauler of Chicago is a
guest of F J Colling
J E Kelley is entertaining his sister
Mrs Norris of Hastings this week
Mrs Cadman and family have gone to
McCook to live Red Cloud Argus
Mrs J F Kenyon is entertaining her
niece Miss Celia Simons from Iowa
Harlow W Keyes was up from In
dianola Tuesday on legal business
Mr and Mrs J GStokes left on 14
Sunday for Colorado on a short outing
James GWard of Cedar Bluffs Kan
sas was among the log rollers last Fri
Mrs Ellen Morgan of Holdrege has
been a guest in tho home of CWSten
Mrs W S Perry and Emma loft
Monday for Lyons Colorado on a short
Miss Pearl Zint returned Tuesday
from a months visit with relatives in
George Patton of Ashland Neb
was in this city n few days this week on
Mr and Mrs Albert Barnett drove
over to Danbury Sunday returning
homo on Monday
Fowler S Wilcox was in Neosho
Missouri close of last and first of this
week on business N
Mrs A dele Phelan departed on No
3 Monday night for Lyons Colorado
on a visit to the Gages
John Mundis is back from his visit in
Kansas and occupying his old place in
McConnolls drug store
Misses Florella and Joy Cook are
McCook visitors going up on No 13
yesterday Oxford Standard
Chester Rodgers and Galen Perry
have been enjoying some Colorado life
in Lyons the past week or so
Mrs Jos Plamondon and Miss Jessie
Plamondon of Elkhorn Wisconsin are
guests of Mr and Mrs C O Hale
Mrs O C Teel and Mrs Cadman
left for McCookThursday for an ex
tended visit Red Cloud Advertiser
E L Hawkins a recent arrival from
Holdregehas purchased the G HSmith
boarding house on Manchester street
Mrs Rose Clark arrived home Mon
day from spending a week or two at
tending a camp meeting down in Kansas
Mrs Will Turley joined her hus
band first of the week at Oxford where
he is now regularly located in the train
Mrs F A Pennell Mrs A EPetty
and Mrs T J Smith arrived home
Monday morning from their sojourn in
Denver s
J E Moore of Blue Hill was up dur
ing the log rolling visiting relatives in
the Box Elder neighborhood close of
last week
Mrs W P Redifer departed Wed
nesday evening for Kansas City Mo
being summoned there by the illness of
her father
Miss Ida McCarl departed on 3 Sun
day night via Brush for Sheridan Wy
oming to be absent several weeks visit
ing friends
Hilen Trowbridge a former resident
of this city but now of Lincoln visited
EarlLudwick this week He is inthe
railway postal service
Mrs H L Kennedy who has been
the guest of Mrs Albert Barnett for the
past three weeks returned to her home
in Cambridge last Saturday
Mr and Mrs T B Campbell and
Mr and Mrs A R Mehaffey departed
Monday for the west on a trip in Colo
rado and New Mexico to be absent sev
eral weeks
Mrs Mary Hileman and Miss Iva
Stone left on Monday night for their
home in LeClaire Iowa after a visit of
several weeks here guests of Mr and
Mrs L R Hileman
Mr and Mrs W H Starks departed
Tuesday night on No 3 for their new
home in Steamboat Springs Routt
county Colorado May they find pros
perity and contentment
Frank Dean and Editor Page of the
Holdrege Progress took advantage of the
presence of the multitude in our city
last Friday and spent the afternoon and
evening with us advertising their coming
Harvest Jubilee
O N Rector took a couple loads of
his belongings up to the farm near Mc
Cook yesterday and stopped off to take
in the M W A log rolling while up
there After his sale he will take up
his residence southwest of McCook
Oxford Standard
Mr and Mrs U J Warren came
down from Fort Morgan Colorado last
Friday morning He returned home on
Saturday nights train but MrsWarren
will remain and visit her parents Mr
and Mrs C B Rowell for two weeks
Ruth accompanied them
Oliver B Thorgrimson arrived in
the city last Friday evening on No 5
from Seattle Washington where he has
been located for a few years in the prac
tice of the law He came via Omaha
and will visit here a few weeks It will
be pleasant news to his many friends
here to learn that he is gradually laying
well the foundation for a permanent and
profitable success in his profession up in
that splendid city of the northwest
W Cr D Thau Ttrnlnrrc Ars Cine
Oil J uui iuut iTvuiuj aiv AXUW
and it is a real pleasure to take a
drive in one of those fine rubber-
i J J 1 1
urea uriviug wuguus ui vuieiuuu a m
xxv J vji tm atu sdxuxj
Concluded With a Mask Carnival
The Tribune of last week carried tho
reader in the progress of the log rolling
up to noon of last Friday Tho program
up to the close of the first annual Sat
urday night was practically as follows
A concert by the Havelock band was
the first attraction after dinner This
was given in the city park and was fol
lowed by an address by F O Van Gil
dor editor of tho Modern Woodman
who delivered an address of merit set
ting forth the facts which make frater
nal insuranco now an absolute necessity
and a great blessing
The Slay ton Jubilee Singors hen fa
vored the large company assembled in
the city with a free concert which was
greatly enjoyed and thoroughly appre
One of tho attractive features of the
afternoon was the address by Congress
man GW Norris who spoke in eloquent
terms of the order and its work He
held the close attention of a largo con
course of people
The ball game by tho McCook Minden
teams this afternoon resulted in anoth
er victory for the home team
The balloon ascension and parachute
drop had to be declared off on account
of the failure of the individual who con
tracted to be present to appear This
was greatly regretted by the committeo
which was in no measure responsible for
the failure
After supper a band concert the Slay
tons and a grand exemplification of the
order work in the court house closed the
The closing day of the event attracted
the largest crowd of the meeting per
haps 2000 people being added to the
local population
A concert by the Havolock band open
ed the bay and this was followed by the
final shooting tournament which came
off in the morning just northwest of the
city and resulted as follows
The blue rock shoot resulted as follows
lOBRocks 15BR 25BR
G G Meyer 8 13 15
S Pickard 9 11 16
Edwards 6 11 16
HStewart 5 10 14
CFritsch 6 14 18
F Eritsch 8 9 18
In the 10 bluerock shoot the first
prize went to Sam Pickard the second
was divided by G G Meyer and F
Fritscb the third tied by Edwards and
C Fritsch The 15 bluerocks shoot went
to C Fritsch for first prize second to G
G Meyer while the third was divided
by Sam Pickard and Edwards In the
25 bluerocks contest C and G Fritsch
divided first money Sam Pickard and
Edwards divided second and G G Mey
er won third
In place of district drill team contest
a log rolling contest for a S1000 silver
cup was substituted This is an asso
ciation cup and is to be contested for
each year It was won by Palisade
camp No 3740 The judges were George
Krieger H A Shipman and B J Dor
en all of Havelock Time Palisade 32
seconds McCook 34 seconds This will
be the event of every recurring log roll
ing to capture the association cup
The ball game following between Im
perial and McCook came to the home
The drill team contest was won by
Havelock who took Sip of the purse
the McCook Juniors won second and 810
After dinner there was a repetition of
Thursday mornings industrial parade
to the city park where there was music
by the bands followed by addresses by
Hon G W Berge the Fusion nominee
for governor and by Hon G W Norris
Republican nominee for congressman
Both spoke in laudation of the order and
its great work
The exhibition drills by the winning
teams ended the exercises in the park
Another ball game meanwhile had
been progressing at the ball park and
resulted in another victory for McCook
thus giving the locals an unbroken rec
ord during the series
The log rolling contest was won by
McCook camp which got 815 of the
purse Hayes Center was second getting
10 Danbury won third and 85 Time
McCook 58 seconds Hayes Center 1
minuteDanbury 1 minute and 3 seconds
State Deputy Kester exemplified the
grand work
After supper the Havelock and Booes
girl band gave concerts on the street
drawing a large audience
And then followed the mask carnival
and The Tribune does not propose to
attempt a pen picture of it Thf re was
a lot of fun which for the most part
was enjoyed by participants and those
looking on There was an immense
gathering on the streets and the hot
time continued for several hours
One of the features of the after supper
entertainment was the high dive made
by Robert Gunn from the top of the 100
foot high stand pipe It was a thrilling
sight made all the more inspiring by
Bobbies pink tights and Johnny Morris
seys super eminent management
At a meeting of the camps Saturday
night it was decided to make these an
nual log rollings a permanent affair and
to strengthen the association by every
available means for the future
The annual meeting of the association
will be held in April at which time it
will be decided where to hold the next
log rolling
The drill work of the Havelock tpam
was a feature of the event And their
band was a most welcome addition to
the amusement and entertainment pro
gram Heres to the Havelock boys
The ladies of the Methodist church
cleared about 8160 in their eating stand
Everything considered it was a success
But we can do better another year
The shirn waist dance in the opera
house in the evening was a conspicuous
success also
There is some difference of opinion as
to whether Bobbie Gunn and Johnnie
Morrissey shall be canonized or canned
for their part in the high dive
Driving team for sale at W T Cole
New M E Church Cornerstone Laying
Thursday afternoon markod another
epoch in tho history of tho Methodist
church of this city We refer to tho
laying of the cornerstone of their new
structure on Main avenue by the grand
lodge of the state of Nobraska A F
A M one of the most impressive nnd
boautiful ceremonials over witnessed in
this city
Grand Master Charles E Burnhnm
Grand Custodian Robert- E French to
gether with the following other errand
officers conducted tho ancient services of
the great order Jacob Fisher grand son
ior warden O J King grand junior
warden W A DeBord grand treasurer
F E White grand secretary Rev GA
Beecher grand chaplain
At the hour fixed tho procession was
formed in the Masonic hall and proceed
ed to the church at the corner of Main
avenue and Dearborn street tho mem
bers of the blue lodge heading the pro
cession followed by tho official members
of the church building committee etc
and a body of young flower girls then
came the detachment of Knights Tem
plar in full uniform which formed tho
escort for the members of the grand
lodge of the state of Nebraska
At the building site a large company
had assembled about the platform upon
which the services were held nnd in
their presence tho grand officers per
formed the ancient ceremonial with much
dignity and impressiveness the members
of the blue lodge and commandery be
ing drawn up in order upon tho south
and west sides of tho platform
In the cornerstone were placed in a
metal box the usual memorials of the
auspicious event many of them being
taken from tho cornerstone of the old
Methodist church erected in 1885
A large choir assisted in tho services
After the formal laying of the corner
stone Dr P C Johnson of Tecumseh
Nebraska well known to Western Ne
braskansdelivered a rather informal nnd
reminiscent address which concluded in
the inevitable collection in which he
was successful at raising quite a neat
sum for the building projected Dr
Johnson was presiding elder of this dis
trict in the early days and delivered the
address at the laying of the cornerstone
of the old church in 1885
This concluded the services at the
church and the Masonic bodies repaired
in order to their hall
In the evening the local Masonic
brethren gave a reception to the mem
bers of the grand lodge and visiting
brethren in their hall It has boon
placed in the social calendar of the or
der as one of the most enjoyable social
events in the history of the order JF
Forbes was toastmaster and in his hap
piest strain introduced and elicited re
sponses from all the members of the
grand lodge from visiting or sojourning
Masons etc Grand Master Burnham
Grand Custodian French Dr Johnson
and many others grew eloquent and in
spiring in their short addresses all of
them being of a most felicitous nature
under the impulse of the event just com
memorated and the compelling force df
brotherhood and fraternity
The lodge room was decorated in pa
triotic colors Old Glory being in evi
dence at each station and other vantage
points in the lodge room besides palms
ferns cut flowers in plentitude added
a tasteful touch of beauty
The members of the grand lodge and
visiting brethren departed on No G same
night for the east
Among the visiting Masons were W
E Elmer C B Iloag Mr Reynoldsand
Dr W D Mackechnie of Indianola
Mrs Mackechnie accompanied the doc
Agent Tomhnson and Mr Cole of Ox
ford were among the visiting brethren
Among the items contained in tho
box placed in the cornerstone was a
copy of The McCook Tribune of the
date of May 1885 same being taken
from the cornerstone of the old church
where it had been placed almost 20
years ago
Cattle at Private Sale
Ten yearling steers seven yearling
heifers all sired by registered Short
horn Two 2-year-old steers one fer
coming two years old and about four
teen cows 8 19 3
Benjamin Bros Banksville Neb
Christian Citizenship
Quincy Lee Morrow will deliver a lec
ture in the Congregational church on
next Wednesday evening August 31st
onChristian Citizenship Mr Morrow
appears under auspices of the Prohibition-state
For Sale
One new top buggy one new mowing
machine one good spring wagon for
sale one mile southeast of McCook
Fred Plasmyere
Wheat 104 in Chicago
And the price will be just as high next
year This justifies you in buying one
of those drills at Colemans
Izzer bed comforts now ready our own
make out of the great Izzer cotton batt
6x7 feet 6 Izzer batts 14 yards of cloth
well tacked and hemmed 81 85 to 8275
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Be prepared for sudden attacks of
cholera morbus and bowel troubles by
having a bottle of McGneHs Rasp
berry Balsam in the hou Costs 25c a
bottle J
For diarrhoea and stomach troubles
McConn ells blackberry balsam reaches
the spot and does the business Price
25 cents a bottle
Those one horse disc drills will be all
right for putting wheat in the corn
stalks See the supply at Colemans
Beautiful floors are easily had if you
use the Sherwin Williams Floor Finish
ers Sold by McConnell druggist
Ladies new fall and winter jackets
from 85 to 31350 now ready at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Com t 42
Wheat J
Ryo r
rlo VVVV a
8 4 m
ij Ill
Good Butter ji
McConnolls for drugs
Old Hickory wagons nnd steel trucks
at W T Colemans
For Sale Cheap Second hand Mc
Cormick mower nt W T Coleman a
First class squaro piano good as now
very cheap H P Sutton
For Sale Estato Oak heater in good
condition Mrs R B Archimald
No trespassing or hunting nllowed on
land controlled by S D Bolles
The Tribune makes a spocialty of
office stationery and typo writersupplies
Arejou going to sow winter wheat
If so get a press disc drill at W T
Misses and childrens jackets and
long coats just received at Tho Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
Mens new fall and winter suits from
S5 to 81350 just received at Tho Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
McMillans specialties at soda foun
tian Nut sundae chop suey shrodded
figs almond merangue
Tho ladies of tho M E church will
servo dinnor and supper next Monday
in the dining hall north of Grannis storo
8150 cash or good security will buy a
practically new Story Clark piano in
good condition Call at this office 2t
Mens and womens fall weight under
wear in uniqn suits and separate gar
ments at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Tho F C Kellogg elevator at Traer
Kansas has been purchased by Frank
Real of our city who will manage the
same from this place lie has a local
manager in charge of the plant
There will not bo any services in St
Albans church next Sunday evening
August 28th Rev Earle will bo absent
attending convocation which meets in
North Platte August 27282030 and 31
Izzer Izzer Whos got the Izzer
Wy we have Its our great cotton
batt Weighs 12 ozs Sells 12Jc each
Unrolls and unfolds and makes up ele
gantly The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Tho children of the Congregational
Sunday school and their parents enjoyed
an ice cream and cake social on tho par
sonage lawn Tuesday evening A short
music program preceded the refresh
J II Phelps of Wilsonvillo has pur
chased the retail lumber and coal yards
of the Whitebreast company 27th and
E streets Lincoln The new company
will be known as the Phelps Burrus
Lumber and Coal Co
When you have a prescription or
household recipe to fill you naturally
wish to have it filled with tho purest
and most potent drugs You can be cer
tain it will be right in every particular
if filled here McConnell Druggist
George D Burgess has a brown sack
coat he would be pleased to return to
its owner At the same time he would
like to secure his black sack coat in its
stead The trade was made after the
dance in the opera house last Saturday
The new fall dress goods are prettier
than ever before and within easier
reach Browns are especially in de
mand We have them in broadcloths
brilliantines zibelines tricots henriettas
and other kinds The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
The total cost of the sidewalk im
provements now under construction and
proposed may be better understood when
it is known that one property owner on
Main avenue has contracted for 81400
worth of Colorado red stone side walk
The aggregate n Main avenue alone
will be several thousands and over tho
entire city man hundreds more
We have called attention to the open
ing of the fall term Sept 1st of the
Omaha Commercial College Many
have written Rohrbough Brothers for
advertising literature and have decided
to attend this institution to prepare for
mercantile life No better selection
could possibly be made We advise
others to send at once for free catalogue
Address Rohrbough Bros Omaha Neb
One feature that has made the Lincoln
Daily Star deservedly popular is the
great Saturday Star prepared especially
for Sunday reading It contains from
12 to 24 pages The great campaign
serial story The Grafters has just
commenced You can have The Daily
Star sent you until November 15 which
includes the big Saturday paper for
only 50 cents Send in your order to
day Ajldres3 Daily StarLincolnNeb
No matter how greai a crowd attend
the Walter L Main circus there should
be no trouble in ones purchasing tick
ets The show provides- two ticket
wagons on the grounds open at 1 and 7
p m also has seats on sale down town
from9am day of exhibition bothgeneral
admission and reserved Frequently
those attending a circus especially
where they have ladie3 in company ex
perience many difficulties in securing
tickets owing to the usual crowd and
jam around the ticket wagon Mains
is the first of the big shows providing-
solution of this difficulty and It isn
innovation which all other tented
amusements will do well to emulate S-