is Ft A Sweet Breath isa never failing sign of a health v stom ach When thobreftth is bad the stom ach la out of order There is no remedy in the world equal to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for curing indigestion dyspopsin and all stomach disorders Mrs Mary Crick of White Plains Ky writes I have boon a dyspeptic for years tried all kinds of remedies but continued to grow worse J3y the use of I beimn rn improve at once and after taking a few bottles am fully restored in weight health and strength and can cat what ever I like Kodol digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet Sold by L W McConncll f Mike Walsh DEAlEJt IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block West of Citizens Bank McCook - Nebraska Poultry Co 1st door west Palmer Hotel Buyers and Shippers of Poultry and Eggs For the next 7 days wo will pay cash For Hens 7c lb Spring Chickens 9c lb I Avers Pills Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black Use x v BOX ELDER Mrs John White is on the sick list Another fine shower last Monday night Mrs W B Sexon visited her mother Mrs I II Harrison Wednesday N II Wolfo is threshing His wheat is turning ont two to four Jnishola per acre Millicout Ingles of Goodland Kansas drove through this neighborhood Wed nesday Quito a number of people from this place attended the harvest jubilee at St Ann last Saturday Mrs Fred Lakin departed last Satur day night for Maxwell la to visit her parents Mir and Mrs Isaac Atkinson Mrs George Younger and T M Campbell and family and A W Camp bell visited with Mr and Mrs AT Wil son Sunday CANVAS SHOES End of Bitter Fig ht Two physicians had a long and stub born fight with an abcess on my right lungwrites JFlIughes of DuPontGa and gave me up Everybody thought my time had come As a last resort I tried Dr Kings Now Discovery for Con sumption The benefit 1 striking and J was on my for everybody 3ust the thing for summer From 150 to 75c received was feet in a few days Now Ive entirely regained my health It conquers all coughs colds and throat and lung troubles Guaran teed byLWMcCounell druggist Price 50c and 1 Trial bottles free MARION Mrs Austin of Danbury is staving with Mrs White J S Taylor expects to go to Crete for a visit with friends The creeks are bank full from the heavy rain west of us Myrtle Moss is helping Mrs J C Lafferty with her house work Will White and Elmer Austin have moved their threshing machine to Kan sas W V Miller and crew have built a new bridge east of us and strrightened up the section lino which adds much to the appearance Andrew Smallenberger received a car load of lumber for his new house Henry Goodeuberger will do the carpen ter work Cheap rates to Colorado and Utah points wiirfie in effect from Juno 1st to September 30 Enquire at ticket ofiice Sugar coated easy to take J mild in action They cure constipation biliousness sick headache BUCKINGHAM J C Ayor Co I ljoweii mass Jl THE MODEL SHOE STORE a F PETTY Proorietor McCook Nefcraska AAV mm 1 DYE ran crs of druggists on r p am b co HiSEUa w u Preliminary Annsosioemeol We wish to inform the people of McCook and vicinity that we NOW have on dis play and sale many pretty STREET HATS that cannot fail to suit your fancy Call and see N Our Fall Opening will be held held middle of September and for this event we have already engaged a stylish tasteful and up-to-date trimmer Date announced later ODonnells Golfer NaPsBNSJBVKVaNSSSSKNXNJtfaNnSS3V Low Shoes for men women boys girls children and babies SPORTING FOOTWEAR Shoes for base ball tennis foot racing and gymnasium 1 S RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Engineer II D Bay loss is running on 1G3 iinc 161 Fireman J R Sullivan has been trans ferred to Red Cloud L C Foster is entertaining his mother Mrs Elizabeth Foster Brakeman J J Barry arrived hrmet close of last week and has goneon duty again Engineer and Mrs W C Sthenic are entertaining his parents Mr and Mrs C Schenk this week Conductor L A Ilurlburt nnd family have gone to Grand Junction Colo to spend a ten days lay oil Conductor J F Utter has been en tertaining his sister Mrs Srurdevantof Denver part of the week Conductor C J Snell and family came back first of the week from their visit of a few weeks in the east Expressman C II Stennott and wife of McCook were presented with a fine little son Thursday of last week Conductor If 0 Brown nnd family arrived home early in tho week after an absence of a few weeks on v visit nil jne pay wagon ran special arriving nere ahouc live oclock iMonday after noon DTBeanspaymasterin charge Brakeman F L Travcr Switchman W II Armstong and Brakeman C A Deloy laid off during the log rolling this week Dispatcher J F Forbes arrived home close of past week from Pittsburg Kan where he has been spending a few weeks Conductor J W Line took a short lay off to enjoy the log rolling Con ductor R M Douglass had tho 1112G meanwhile Clerk J R Cooper of tho mechanical department Alliance has resigned his position and returned to his homo in Atwood Kansas The B M extra gang which has been working out of here the past few weeks left for Red Willow yesterday Oxford Standard 12th Practically all the wav cars on the McCook division have been changed to the Q numbers in 14000 class All the cars have been relottered also Rufus Plarp who recently resigned from the companys service will de part Saturday evening for the West to look jup a new location From here ho will go to Jamestown Colo Harry Fackler who has been agent at Brush for three or four years past stop ped off between trains here last Satru day on his way to Brush to make ar rangements to move his wife to McCook where he has a like position Benkel man New Tom Idleman of McCook who has been staying at tho home of Mr Manso on South Fork during the illness of his wife Mrs Lettie Idleman returned to his work in McCook last Monday even ing His wife expects to return as soon as she gets stronger Benkelman News General Supt T E Calvert has been appointed chief engineer of the entire Burlington system with headquarters at Chicago It is stated that Asst General Supt G W Rhodes will suc ceed him It is also stated that there will be two General Supts in Nebraska one in Lincoln and one in McCook or Alliance Chief Dispatcher Weidenhammer of the Burlington has resigned that posi tion and after taking two or three weeks rest will take the place as trick dispatcher in the same office He pre fers the lighter duties The difference in salary is not great enough for the re sponsibility and work some of the dis patchers hold Lincoln Journal Frank M Mullen Burlington dis patcher has returned from a three weeks trip through the east during which he visited in New York citv Montreal Quebec and other places He enjoyed his trip very much but says that after a several days stay in Cana da it was a relief to get back to United States away from the French and their jargon Mr Mullen is now chief dis patcher for a time Lincoln Journal ADDITIONAL PERSONALS sirs Cm Wilson left on No this morning on a visit in Eastern 12 braska Mrs George Willetts and children returned Wednesday morning from Kansas Mrs C H Willard of Concordia Kansas is a guest of her sister Mrs J P Notley Mrs Emma McKean sister of Con gressman Norns departed this morning on i ror unio Mrs J M Trammell will leave early coming week for Baltimore Md on a visit to the old home Congressman and mrs G W Norris arrived home last night on No 5 from their Wisconsin outing J A Harmon was taken quite vio lently ill last Monday night but i9 better at the present writing J G Schobel visited the wife and daughter in Denver Sunday The fam ily made a trip over the famous Moffat line Mrs Joy Zint visited in the city last evening between trains on her wav home to Denver from visiting in drege Mrs F M Kimmell and sister Mrs E K Magee of Fairmont spent Tuesday visiting Indianola friends Mrs Magee will depart for hometomorrow morning S G Goheen sends a postal from Long Beach Washington announcing that he and wife are enjoying a vacation on the Pacific coast are well and send greetings to old friends in Redwillow Made in California 2 lb packages All high class grocery To Everywhere and Back The Bur Unions Lew Summer Rates ThoBurlington offers excursion rates in every direction so low that there is no excuse for staying at homo Below are some of them a St Louis and back Three kinds of daily rates besides the special low rate coach excursion1 each Tuesday and Thursday during August and September Chicago and back Daily low rates either direct or via St Louis with stop overs at St Louis Kansas Citv nnd Omaha v Louisville Ky and back 823 So Au gust 12 to in Boston and back tho only chance of the season for a low rale visit to Now Eugland -1115 August 11 to 13 long limit Worlds Fair stopovers at St Louis on through tickets Colorado and Utah there and back practically half rates all summer To California San Francisco and Los Angeles and back August lf to September 10 only S chance in 1901 to get this low The only rato Portland Puget Sound and back August 15 to 18 one fare for the round trip To Michigan Minnesota Wisconsin and the Great Luke region the ideal summer country daily low rates to take you away from home On the hrst and third Tuesdays of each month very low round trip rates to hundreds of points in tho northwest west and southwest Write or call describe your trip let me advise you the least cost G S Scott Ticket Agent L W Wakeikv G P A Omaha Violent Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and Per haps a Life Saved A shorttimo ago I was taken with a violent attack of diarrhoea and believe I would have died if I had not gotten re lief says John J Patton a leading citizen of Patton Ala A friend r e c o m m e n d e d Chamberlain s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedv I bought a 25o bottle and after taking three doses of it was entirely cured I consider it the best remedy in the world for bowel complaints For sale by all druggists Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in tho county clerks ofiice since last Thursday evening W CLaTourette to John Morris wd lot 1 1 in blcc 27 jfcCool JI00 00 Sam Xewton to C F Lelin wd ne qr -4-20 1200 00 U- S to C Hnuxwoll patent n lif no qr sw qr no qr and nw qr se qr 25-1-9 Lucy Pcako to Havana Telephone Co wd lot 19 in blocks Indianola 75 00 Charles Waterman to W II Brown vd lot Gin block 9 Lebanon COO 00 George Hocknell to V D Burnett wd lot 9 in block 5 1st McCook 125 00 A Barnott to A C Wiebcfwd lots 11 and 12 in block 7 1st McCook COO 00 A Lord to K V K 11 Co qcd part block -14 Indianola H acre 17 00 War Against Consumption All nations are endeavoring to check the ravages of consumption the white plague that claims so many victims each year Foleys lionet and Tar cures coughs and colds perfectly and you are in no danger of consumption Do not risk your health by taking some un known preparation when Foleys Honey and Tar is safe and certain in results Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar and in sist upon having it Sold by A Mc Millen The Death Penalty A little thing sometimes results in death Thus a mere scratch insignifi cant cuts or puny boils have naid the death penalty It is wise to have Buck lens Arnica Salve ever handy Its the best salve on earth and will prevent fatality when burns sores ulcers and piles threaten Only 25c at McConnells drug store California Excursion From August 15 to September 10 the Burlington will have on sale tickets to San Francisco and Los Angeles at great ly reduced rates For a slight additional cost the trip may be extended to take in Portland Oregon Puts An End To It All A grievous wail oftime3 comes as a re sult of unbearable pain from over taxed organs Dizziness backache liver com plaint and constipation But thanks to Dr Kings New Life Pills they put an end to it all They are gentle but thorough Try them Only 25c Guar anteed by L W McConnell druggist Protection is Panic Proof is the title of the recent speech of Sena tor J H Gallinger of New Hampshire The speech has been issued in document form by the American Protective Tariff League One copy will be forwarded to any address upon postal card request addressed to W F Wakeman General Secretary 339 Broadway New York Ask for document No 78 145 to St Louis and Return The Burlington offers the above low rate for tickets good in coaches and chair cars seats free On sale Tues days and Thursdays during August and September See me for full particulars 8 5 8t G S Scott Ticket Agent RAILROAD EMPLOYEES You pay too much I can save you money on Hamilton and Hampden high grade watches Chas B Morgan Holdrege Neb The Lincoln Daily Stars great cam paign offer will enable you to get that paper until November 15th for only 50 cents The Star is the best evening daily in Nebraska Send in your order to The Daily Star Lincoln Neb Special round trip rates now in effect to Grand Junction Colo Walcott and Eawlins Wyo TH IMWIIIIM -- I lMlnillanMBniaaBlBBiiMnBnnMBMsanBanaBBM OUR SUMMER II Clearing Sale IS STILL ON Those Wash Silks are going fast at 39c Their real value is 50c Lawns Ginghams Silk Ginghams Dim ities Bouretts Silk Muslin Shirtwaist Suitings etc have all been reduced in price 10c Good now Jlx 1 5 and 1 Vx Goods now 22 and 25c Goods now 35 and 40c Grades NOW j 50c to 60c Grades NOW Come and See for Yourself I n 1 WFMcFARLAND W 3 WOLFE C H ifiSSSM imsm Full Weight We have four cardinal prh ciples in our business Full weight good goods fair prices cleanliness Maybe the place where you buy isnt as particular on these points as we are Our customers have a peculiar way of sticking by us and you would too if you tried our goods and our ways DAVID HAGNER and gc 17c 3c MriaBiaBaSliUin lni1 MHil 111 ill 1 llJALfcTOiWIlLUIJLJgXg 9 i ft V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier A X ICITIZENS S X OF SB JTA THE MeCOOK NEB X Paid Up Capital 50000 J b a n rzrz DIRECTORS V FRANKLIN ANKI 6 t Surplus 5000 X A C EBERT WILLARD WE To Prevent Hog Cbolera From appearing on your farm Be prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of the losses of previous years Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee Jtafc f XjiH j v -ii - L F KOStU5 S 0- Kiu j m jr ULiiL 0gi r7nr 7 V J TESTIMONIAL Delmont S D- Dc 17 VJSZ I USed L K for lioir rluilpri am if va i all riRht It cared my ho- I had three sicV ones and they all cot well and don I also used it for chicken lice and mit atd it is all you claim for it Iti tue only Medicine forhojf cholera I think GoixrEB Jeekk Harrineton NVh Dpc H JS02 I am using Liquid Koal and air well pleased with it I am sure I avod my hi is- with it last year and am coinc to kep it in tock all Ilia time as it is the best thine I ever had on tho place for everything it i intended for Jtit good for chicken cholera ic on -tock insects of all kinds it will dp tny all kind F V Womas JAHES CAIN Manufactured by the National Medica Com pany Sheldon Iowa l V J