The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 19, 1904, Image 4

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    Official Paper of Redwillow County
Ilargest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Thoodoro Roosevelt
Elmer J Rtfrkott Lincoln
Jolin II Mickoy Osceola
as E O McGilton Oinnlm
A Gulusha Red Cloud
E M Senrlo Jr 0aloll
Potor Mortensen Ord
Norris Brown Kearney
J L McBrion Gonevn
Q W Norris Red Willow county
Philip Gliom Dnnbury
C E Eldrcd McCook -
James Hatfield McCook
If It Was True When He Said It Is It
True Now
1 shall not misrepresent the situa
tion or appeal for votes for the ticket
upon false grounds A democratic vic
tory will mean very little if any progress
upon economic questions so long as the
party is under the control of the Wall
street element W J Brvan in The
If It Was True When He Said It Is It
True Now
The influences back of the Parker
candidacy are so intimately associated
with trusts and great corporations that
the democratic party could not appeal
to the masses The party cannot afford
to intrust its future to men who were
responsible for the defeat of the party in
1896 and 1900 William Jennings Bryan
It is just as I have been telling the
boys all the time A certain element in
our party is democratic and is using us
to further the ends of the Democracy
With such an element in the party and
with the pie hunters always in the front
row independent and manly action in
convention is impossible There is to
be a Populist party in Nebraska and it
will be a party which the Parker gang
can not break into and destroy Every
particle of energy which I possess will
be devoted to that end T H Tibbies
Populist nominee for vice president
If It Was True When He Said It It Is
True Nov
I can appreciate the feelings which
animated those who assembled in the
Silver convention and turned their back
upon the party with which they had
formerly been associated
More than a year ago when we were
engaged in the struggle to bring the
Democratic party to the endorsement of
free coinage the question was put to
me whether in case of failure I would
support the Democratic nominee if he
were a gold standard advocate running
upon a gold standard platform I never
believed that the Democratic party
would endorse the gold standard but
when those who asked me were not con
tent with probabilities and asked again
I said that under no circumstances
would my vote be given to a man who
would use the influence of the execu
tive to fasten the gold standard upon
the American people I would no
more join the ranks of those who would
propose to fasten it upon the American
people than I would enlist in an army
which was marching to attack and des
troy my family William Jennings
Bryans First Battle page 427
A Perfect Painless Pill
is the ono that will cleanse the system
set the liver to action remove the bile
clear the complexion cure headache and
leave a good taste in the mouth The
famous little pills for doing such work
pleasantly and effectually are DeWitts
Little Early Risers Bob Moore of Lar
fayette Ind says All other pills I
have used gripe and sicken while De
Witts Little Early Risers are simply
perfect Sold by L W McConnell
HllllliiiiHiiinii IWii i n ii i ii iirrnirnrmH
This falling of your hair
Stop it or you will soon be
bald Give your hair some
Ayers Hair Vigor The fall
ing will stop the hair will
w v
rmir v igor
clean and healthy Why be 5
satisfied with poor hair when
you can make it rich
My hair nearly all came out I then tried
Aver8 Hair Vigor anil ouly ono liottle stoppe i
the falling- New hair camo in real thick anil
just a little curly Mns L 31 Smith
Saratoga N Y
ci m i bottle c AYKIt CO
1 All druccists Cy Loe Jto
lMlii1 lOr i ran n i lageca
Thick Hair
F i nm
Fifty Years the Standard
Improves the flavor and adds to
the healthfulness of the food
Advrnt Sabbath school at 2 p m
preaching at 3 Prayer meeting every
Tuesday evening
Eldeij G II Smith Pastor
Pikst Baptist Church Sermons at
11 a m and 745 p m Bible school at
945 am Junior society at 3 p m BY
P U at 745 p in Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening 8 p m
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Methodist Sunday School at 10
Preaching at 11 and 815 Epworth
League at 715 Prayer meeting every
Thursday evening at 815
M B Cakman Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock a in
Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer
and sormon at 8 The third Sunday in
the month Holy Communion at 730 a
m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Congregational Sundav school 1 0
a m Y P S C E at 7 p m Prayer
and conference meeting on Wednesday
evening Sunday morning subject
The Way There will be no Sunday
evening services till the- first Sunday in
George A Conrad Pastor
Elder GHSmith of the Seventh Day
Advent church is buildiner a dwelling
on his corner lot in lot 6 block 7 first
M V Sheldon returned close of the
week from Cedar Rapids this state
where he has been attending conference
and camp meeting of the Advent
Christian church
Rev B S Iiaywood now of River
side Calif but well known to many of
the readers of The Tribune has been
appointed superintendent of Methodist
missions in Porto Rico effective Octo
ber 1st
Dan Patch at the Nebraska State Fair
Dan Patch the worlds premium
pacer who will go against time at the
Nebraska State Fair on Tuesday Au
gust 30th was led into his special car at
Ravage Minnesota on July 30th to be
shipped to Indianapolis where he will
make his first public appearance this
year on August 11th
Cobweb the runner who is to set
the pace for the champion in his record
breaking exhibitions also got aboard the
same car and will accompany Dan on
his long tour
The special car which has just been
fitted up forDan Patchis a handsome
affair and is due to prove quite an at
traction It is painted in immaculate
white has gold and aluminum trim
mings and the furnishings include all
the comforts that can be provided for a
horse On either side of the car are
life size paintings of the champion
These are inside of guilt frames and are
protected from the ravages of the
weather by heavy plate glass Inside
are also sleeping apartments for Care
taker Plummer and his assistants
A Continual Strain
Many men and women are constantly
subjected to what they commonly term
a continual strain because of some
financial or family trouble It wears
and distresses them both mentally and
physically affecting their nerves badly
and bringing on kidney and liver ail
ments with the attendant evils of con
stipation loss of appetite sleeplessness
low vitality and despondency They can
not as a rule get rid of this continu
al strain but they can remedy its health
destroying effects by taking frequent
doses of Greens August Flower It tones
up the liver stimulates the kidneys in
sures healthy bodilv functions gives
vim and spirit to ones whole being and
eventually dispels the physical or men
tal distress caused by that continual
strain Trial bottle of August Flower
25c regular size 75 At all druggists
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by theMcCook postofliceAugust 151904
Broker John
Brown O B
Bristow Howard
Burnett Henry
Campbell B
Craft George
Craig John L
Edwards J F
Gordon Winnie
Griswold A E
Granez Lilla
Henderson C H
Haas E G
Mayer Lester
Moore C C
Rhodes Opal
Smith H
Tlianis M
Wiehmann H
White Grace
Wood Eva
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
Was In Poor Health For Years
Ira W Kelley of MansfieldPa writes
I was in poor health for two years suf
fering from kidney and bladder trouble
and spent considerable money consult
ing physicians without obtaining any
marked benefitbut was cured by Foleys
Kidney Cure and I desire to add my
testimony that it onay be the cause of
restoring the health of others Refuse
substitutes Sold by A McMillen
You need clean healthy bowels just as
much as pure wholesome foodj without
either you cannot keep well Hollisters
Iocky Mountain Tea eliminates all
puntes Tea or tablets do cents
LW McConnell
Four New Engines
Four now Baldwin locomotives wero
received at the Havelock shops Thurs
day evening and will bo set up and
made ready for service on the long pulls
between Lincoln and the west The
machines are of the R 4 or prairio
type with 69 inch drivers and long
straight boilers tfhe latter have flues
19 feet 2 inches long The steam capa
city is 210 pounds at the maximum
The first one was put in trim and
fired up Friday afternoon Itwill be
broken in by the testing engineers on
the local tracks and then sent on its
The engines aro adapted to the long
stretches of track where stations and di
vision points aro comparatively few To
provide fuel and water for the long jour
neys and the increased power required
for drawing the ponderous machines an
unusually largo tank has been provided
with capacity for 8000 gallons of water
and 16 tons of coal The engines aro of
the simple or piston valve type not a
compound machine
Twenty of these engines have been
ordered by tTio Burlington and will all
bo set up at Havelock The others will
come along by twos and threes as fast
as they are turned out by the Baldwins
The four received Thursday are num
bered 1900 1901 1902 and
Taken With Cramps
Wm Kirmse a member of the bridgo
gang working near Littleport was taken
suddenly ill Thursday night with cramps
and a kind of cholera His case was so
severe that ho had to have the members
of the crew wait upon him and Mr
Gilford was called and consulted He
told them ho had a medicine in the form
of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy that he thought
would help him out and accordingly
several doses were administered with the
result that the fellow was able to be
arQiind next day The incident speaks
quite highly of Mr Gilfords medicines
Elkader Iowa Argus
This remedy never fails Keep it in
your home it may save life For sale
by all druggists
Nebraskas Favorite Evening Daily
Through the Campaign for
Only 50 Cents
The great presidential campaign is
now well under way and everyone is in
terested in the events which will occur
during the next three months Now is
the time to subscribe for a daily paper
The Lincoln Daily Star will be sent
until October 15 for only 50 cents The
Daily Star is easily the greatest and
best evening paper in Nebraska It is
thoroughly interesting in every depart
ment The Star publishes all the news
all tho time four editions daily Send
us your name and 50 cents and Do it
Now Address Daily Star Lincoln
Suicide Prevented
The startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been discover
ed will interest many A run down sys
tem or despondency invariably precede
suicide and some has been found thai
will prevent that condition which makes
suicide likely At the first thought of
self destruction take Electric Bitters
It being a great tonic and nervine will
strengthen the nerves and build up the
system Its also a great stomach liver
and kidney regulator Only 50c Satis
faction guaranteed by L W McConnell
Visit theOId Folks
One fare plus 82 for the round trip to
a great many points in Ohio Indiana
and Kentucky Tickets on sale Septem
ber G 13 20 27 and October 11 Good
via St Louis and for stopover at the
great exposition Final limit thirty
days See me for full particulars or
write to LW Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha 8-5-St
G S Scott Ticket Agent
Was Wasting- Away
I had been troubled with kidney dis
ease for the last five years writes Rob
ert R Watts of Salem Mo I lost flesh
and never felt well and doctored with
leading physicians and tried all remedies
suggested without relief Finally I
tried Foleys Kidney Cure and less than
two bottles completely cured me and I
am now sound and well During the
summer kidney irregularities are often
caused by excessive drinking or being
overheated Attend to the kidneys at
once by using Foleys Kidney Cure
Sold by A McMillen
Are always beau-
tiful and always
happy accord-
ing to the society 3
reporters and in
this case the re-
port is mostly true
happy brides in
fiction but there
are few in real life
But how hard it is
to look upon many
of the wives we
know and believe
that they were
once beautiful and happy Pain the
result of womanly disease has marred
beauty and undermined happiness
Backed up by oyer a third of a century
of remarkable and uniform cures a record
such as no other remedy for the diseases
and weaknesses peculiar to women ever
attained the proprietors of Dr Pierces
Favorite Prescription now feel fully war
ranted in offering to pay 500 in legal
money of the United States for any case
of Leucorrhea Female Weakness Prolap
sus or Falling of Womb which they can
not cure All they ask is a fair and reason
able trial of their means of cure
I have thought for some time I would write
you and tell you of the great improvement In
ray health since taking your Favorite Prescrip
tion says Mrs H S Jones of Forest N C
When I began its use I was a physical wreck
and had despaired of ever having any health
again Could not sit up all day and wasso
weak I could not walk one quarter of a mile
I noted a greatj improvement in my health be
fore the first bottle was used Was suffering
with almost every pain that a woman is subject
to had inflammation of ovaries painful and
suppressed periods and other symptoms of
female disease After taking six bottles of
Favorite Prescription I felt like a new per
son Can ride horseback and take all kinds of
exercise and not feel tired
If you are looking for a perfect laxa
tive try Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets
Nancy Stevens Sundayed on tho Wil
Mrs J Fias took suddenly ill Wed
A PBodwell of Lebanon was in town
Adam Grass was on our streets first
of week
N J Uerling and wife started for St
Louis Tuesday
Merle Powell took the train for St
Louis Wednesday
Miss Anderson from Iowa is hero vis
iting McCools folks
Bertha Hodges went to McCook Wed
nesday for a short stay
Mrs Pete Spohn went to Culbertson
Friday to visit her parents
Dr Neols mother is here on a visit
She arrived Tuesday evening
Henry Crabtreo is seriously ill Hopes
aro entertained for his recovery
Clarence Dolan has gone to St Louis
and from there will go to California
David Stonecypher is ablo to bo out
again after his long siege of sickness
Quite a number of the Lebanonites
stayed over for the dance Monday night
Mrs C E McCord went to Bartloy
Wednesday on a visit returning on No
Mrs A Brown of Missouri Ridge is
visiting her daughter Mrs Malnix west
of town
Alice Thomas left Saturday for Mc
Cook where she will remain a few days
visiting friends
Sam Wacker came down from Cul
bertson Tuesday morning to visit with
Pete Spohn s folks
Elmer Thompson is having his house
remodeled on the inside Albert Thomp
son is doing the work
Mr Wacker a merchant o1 Culbertson
is in town negotiating for a carload of
flour from the flour mill
A fine rain fell here Monda evening
commencing early and lasting far into
the night and it was needed too
Rev Crippen and family have gone to
Bloomington to take a part in the camp
meeting which is being held there
Mrs Kate Holmes who has been visit
ing her parents hero went to McUook
Wednesday to visit with Mrs Starr
Stella McCool arrived home Tuesday
from her visit in Iowa where she has
been spending the summer with relatives
The first and second nines crossed
bats in a practice game Tuesday Tho
score was 14 to 15 in favor of the first
The Lebanon and Stockville ball
teams played a very interesting frame
here Monday Lebanon carried off the
honors with a score of 14 to 11
Sick Headache
For several years my wife was trou
bled with what physicians called sick
headache of a very severe character
She doctored with several eminent phy
sicians and at a great expense only to
grow worse until she vas uuablo to do
any kind of work About a year ago
she began taking Chamberiains Stom
ach and Liver Tablets and today weighs
more than she ever did before and is
real well says George Wright of New
London New York For sale by all
Born to Jake Wicks and wife a baby
girl August 11
Mr S II Stilgebouer and family are
visiting in Grove City Kan
J L Sims shipped two car loads of
hogs to Kansas City this week
Mrs Annis returned from her visit to
Wilsonville and Lebanon last Saturday
Miss Bessie Furman visited with
Grandpa Furman of Kansas last week
Mrs W A DeMay and Mrs Charles
DeJiay have gone to tho mountains to
George Welch and wife have returned
from their eastern visit and report crops
down east fine
Albert Roberts has sold his farm to
his brother-in-law Arthur Yates of
Friend Nebraska
George Ray and wife are visiting Will
Minniear and family George is one of
our old time citizens
George Woods of the Dunn Collect
ing Agency Sundayed with his parents
jir and Mrs E M Woods
Mrs Anna Dowler went to Wilsonville
to stay with her daughter Mrs Smith
while Mr Smith is away on business
Mayo Green andfatherHenrjSchrupp
and Rev Miles have gone to the north
ern part of this state to look at some
S W Stilgebouer Jr returned to his
home in Bartley He had been working
for his uncle b Ii btilgebouer of this
Mrs White and Mrs Mount both of
Oberlincame through here on their way
to Friend to see their mother MrsFair
who is quite ill
Mr Hulbert and family came up from
Wilsonville Saturday to visit friends
of this place Mr Hulbert returned
home and Mrs Hulbert remained
Maude and Chauncy Messner and
mother started Tuesday night for a vis
it to Arkansas and the St Louis expo
School will begin the 5th of Septem
ber Prof Fletcher of Beaver City will
be the principal Mrs E B Young will
teach the intermediate room and Miss
Jones of McCook the primary room
Rollo De- 3iay resigned his position
with G B Morgan to take a course in
the Grand Island Business College
Clifford Burbridge is now installed as
head clerk in Jiorgans department
A Summer Cold
A summer cold is not only annoying
but if not relieved pneumonia will be the
probable result by fall One Minute
Cough Cure clears the phlegm draws
out the inflammation healssoothes and
strengthens the lungs and bronchial
tubes One Minute Cough Cure is an
ideal remedy for the children x It is
pleasant to the taste and perfectly harm
less A certain cure for croup cough
and cold Sold by L W McConnell
Wm Relph is mowing and getting his
hay from tho prairio
W II Hartman was looking up
threshers Sunday
August Wesck is threshing thisweok
He hauled his coal from Cedar Bluffs
on Monday
The forerunnors of tho circun and
menagerie which will bo at mcCooJc on
tho 29th were here Thursday posting
bills They were piloted to this place
by Teddv Cain of McCook
Tis said a bottle and n glass
Will make a person mellow
But Rocky Mouutain Teas tho drink
That livens up a fellow
L W McConnell
For Sale By
IB n i ITi
i T
Prof A J Lowry Princ
Endorsed bv FirstNatl
Wiggle Stick around in the water
Bankand business men
SIO000 In Koll Top Desks Bank Fixtures and
50 Typewriters Students can work for hoard
Send for free catalogue bound in alligator
finest ever published by a Business College
Bead It and you will attend the N B C
Real Estate Improved
To own a homo I offer a 4 rooin house with
oak ami maplu Hours lino location near
well kept lawn anil tree nicely started Its a
bargain See L II Limlumann Al
A line largo home witli both electric lights
and ftirnnco beautiful lawn shade trees barn
near school and jw toilice Render it will be a
comfort lo jour onl to own such a home See
L II Lindeinanii A2
Ono of M acres another of 210 acres and still
another well improved of Itel all bottom and
near town See L II Lindemann
A capital investment for your money invested
in property that will bo worth from three to live
times its nre ent value in six or eiht jears
could be put to no better use Do not pa s this
by if jou can spare 1UX0 per month for this tho
safest investment See L II Lindemann A3
For the new and great empire Koutt county
Colorado now beiiiK rapidly populated in ad
vance of tho Moffat line Procrastination in
this case will prove to bo the thief of time See
Li II Lindemann A4
My li t from time to time and do not fail to
carefully consider the fact that the time to buy
city or farm property is when there is a general
feeling of depression L II Liudemnnn Heal
Resources are beond computation in dollars
They comprise gold silver copper lead coal
iron onyx inarb1 building stone timber fire
clay mineral springs and for agriculttirernnd
stock raising ranks first in the state To this
may be added scenic features without equal in
the state eo L H Lindemann
A beautiful 4 room cottage 2 lots 11 ft front
This may be had now forViX See Lindcinau
HIII 11 11 I mi 1 I I
Mi l I
Pres Omaha
l It
- i ae
wrJ W
1 wmhJi
MfagKggrtJg 1
Its Not
Too Late
for spring lamb not
spring variety but the
juicy kind that tastes
iVL i
it -
the car
like head
State of Nebraska County of Rpd Willow
To all persons interested in ihe -tats of
C Kuibloer Jerudha Knitjlof deceased
Whereas John Kniuloe of Sharon Connecti
cut has filed in ny ollice a duly authenticated
copy of the instrument purporting to be the
lat will and testament of Avis Knibloe de
ceased and a duly authenticated copy of an
instrument purporting to be the last will and
testament of Jerusha Knibloe deceased and
duly authenticated copii - of probate of s aid
wills in the district of Sharon Litchfield coun
ty State of Connecticut and a petition praying
that a time and place may be iiied for hearinjr
the same which wills relate to both real and
per onal etate
Whereupon I have appointed the 10th day of
September 1901 at 10 oclock in the forenoonat
my office in said county as the time and place
of provinjr aid wills at which time and place
you and all concerned may appear and contest
the probate of the
Notice of this proceeding is ordered publish
ed three weeks successively previous to the day
set for hearing in The McCook Tribune a week
ly newspaper in Red Willlow county Nebraska
In testimony whereof I have hereunto t mv
I hand and official seal this ISth day of August
AD1901 SLGEEEvCounty Judge
Or maybe you would
A Leg of
Fine year old mutton two weeks
in the ice chest Lamb or mut
ton you get what you ask for
when we get your order
Correct Shoes
hoes for mum
For quick relief from Biliousness
Sick Headache Torpid Liver Jaun
dice Dizziness and all troubles aris
ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver
DeVItts Little Early Risers are un
They act promptly and never gripe
They are so dainty that it is a pleasure
to take them One to two act as a
mild laxative two or four act as a
pleasant and effective cathartic They
are purely vegetable and absolutely
harmless They tonic the liver
E C DeAVitt Co Chicago
For Sale
tfi tit ffil
ill ts tV i
i ifi iii ii
Jx Hi i Hi ifi
m t f m
f Hi iii fa r
ffi ti ffj
tie Hi li
ffl fli ffi
Hi i ti
J itt
55 Hi Ik if
Hi te fie
ri Vi i Hi h
iii ft ii m i
m A sir -a Hi
i 1 iil Hi S
Are You
to the St Louis Exposition
If so you want a
Worlds Fair
Honey Order
First National
drawn on a St Louis bank
and payable without identi
fication These orders ob
viate the necessity of carry
ing large sums of money on
the person If you wish to
know more about them call
at the bank
5- 2
Charle S gquires Barbara II Squire Fnd
Cj racks Berjha Cyracks and Earl Barker de
fendants will take notice that on the 12th day
f rAJFut A D- GeorF E- aldo plain
tiff hied lu5 petition in the district court of
Red Willow county Nebraska the object and
prayer of which are to frecloe a certain mort
ttire deed executed June 12th 1MU by the de
fendants S Squires and Barbara II
Squires to Helen T
Campbell and duly as
signed to the plaintiff upon the southwest
quarter of section 2y in township i north of
ranee CO west in Red Willow conntyNebraska
to secure the payment of a note for feX dated
June 12 1VJ4 due Juno 1st 1YJ9 on which note
and mnrtKage there is now due plaintiff from
said defendants Charles S Squires and Barbara
II Squires on said note and raorttfaee the sum
of 51050 with interest thereon at ten j er cent
per annum from June lt 1HH and the further
sum of iifor tases paid on said premises by
plaintiff to protect Iiis security from tax sale
which caul sum bears interest at ten per cent
Ir annum from this date
Plaintiff prays for a decree that the defend
ants be required to pay said sums or that said
premises be sold to satisfy the amount found
Xr are required to answer said petition on
J f SeIternber A
D Ol
Dated August 12 lH
George E Waldo Plaintiff
By his attorney J E Kelley Wt