The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 12, 1904, Image 1

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Success is Assured
The various committees having in
charge the M W A log rolling to be
given at McCook August 18 19 and 20
by the Southwest Nebraska Log Rolling
Association have nearly all arrange
ments completed for the grandest cele
bration over hold in Southwest Nebras
ka The committees have provided for
balloon ascensions free street shows pa
rades and every form of amusement
possible to procure
Mindon and McCook ball teams will
play each day at 330 and games are
scheduled between the Imperial team
Stockvillo and Hayes Center for Thurs
day and Friday mornings
McCook people are expecting the larg
est crowd ever brought to the city and
every effort will be made to entertain
the visitors in a royal manner It will
certainly be a great event for Southwes
tern Nebraska
Populists Decline to Fuse
The Populists of Red willow county
hold their county convention in Indian
ola last Saturday at which time they
placed in nomination the following ticket
without the aid or consent of anybody
on earth but themsolves For represen
tative Cecil E Matthews of Bartley
for county attorney Charles UBoyle of
McCook for county commissioner Third
district Wesley M Rozell of McCook
S W Stilgebouer of Danbury one of
the old wheel horses of Populisn in Red
willow county was chairman of the
meeting which was but slimly attended
compared with other conventions of the
party in this county
The Populists decided to go it alone
this year
Rural Free Delivery No l
September 15th 1904 rural free de
livery route No 1 will be established
running out of McCook The route
covers 48 square miles of territory lying
south of McCook and is 30J miles long
It will servo 525 people living in 105
houses along said route Carrier will
leave McCook at 7 in the morning and
arrive on his return at 3 oclock in the
afternoon Salary is 8720 per annum
This will be a great accommodation to
nil living along said route
Look Bonanza Oil Fields
This beats the Rosebud reservation
One half acre of land for SI A small
investment may make you rich Send
us one dollar and we will send you a
quit claim deed to one half acre of land
Wells being drilled and machinery on
the ground for others Dont wait a
minute but send today and get deed
Reference County clerk or recorder
A ddress
C C Ellis Son Basin Wyo
A Terrible Hailstorm
Mr Van Nortwick of Eustis Frontier
county gives some few particulars of a
hailstorm which devastated a part of
Frontier county last week The storm
was in the neighborhood of Curtis and
was many miles in length He states
that one man lost 100 head of hogs and
another 50 head killed by the immense
hailstones which were of most unusual
size and were driven by a strong wind
Closing Out Hammocks
A few hammocks left at very low
prices Call and see them if you need
one A McMillen
Old Wheat Wanted
at McCook mills Will pay from 3 to 5c
above market price for it New wheat
also bought McCook Milling Co
Piano For Sale
or will trade for horses or cattle In
quire at this office 8 5 2t
You will find more clothing in our
store than many clothing stores have
Mens new fall and winter suits at 350
450 So S650S750 S850 810 1250
and 1350 per suit Mens and young
mens overcoats at 5 86 750 and 10
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
The newest things in hand bags with
fiat leather handles braided leather
handles braided silk handles and chain
handles just received in all colors styles
and prices at The Thompson Dry Goods
Rev G Ii Sharp who is a graduate
of the Baptist Theological Seminary of
Louisville Ky will occupy the pulpit
of the Baptist church August 14th mor
ning and evening
We have just received a shipment of
bos papers and haveall the latest styles
in these goods McCoNNELLdruggist
Elegant new styles in belts at 25c 35c
40c 50c 65c and 75c just received at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Greenlands icy mountains but arent
those 33 Concord harnesses at W T
Colemans dandies
There is on foot a movement to organ
ize a company of state militia in Mc
A second hand Birdseli clover huller
for sale cheap W T Coleman
r i
Mrs C I Hall has been visiting in
Mrs G E Denton is visiting her
mother in Boulder Colo
Mns F M Sells of Payne Iowa is a
guest of Mrs E A Bocock
Mrs H H Tartsch arrived home
last Saturday from her visit in Platts
Mrs M H Griggs arrived home
first of week from her visit in Finey
John D Mundis of McConnells drug
store has gone to Washington Kansas
on a visit
Mr VanNortwick was over from
Eustis Frontier county first of weokon
J IT Bennett and family have been
visiting the Millers in Limon Colorado
this week
Miss Pearl Wilkinson of Weeping
Water has been a guest of Mrs W M
Stoner since last week
Mrs H C Clapp and mother Mrs
Born departed on No 12 Wednesday
morning for Michigan on a visit
Mrs M V Sheldon left on No 6
Wednesday night for Gilbert Iowa on
a months visit with her daughter
Mrs A R Clark of the Willow re
ceived a telegram first of week an
nouncing the death of her mother
Rena Harris of Denver has been
visiting McCook friends this week be
ing a guest of Mrs A L Knowland
Mrs L H Blackledge has been up
from Red Cloud for the past week or so
visiting relatives here andatCulbertson
Miss Jones of Minden was the guest
of Miss Minnie Roweil close of last
week on her way to Denver on an out
Rev August Mueller pastor of the
Ash Creek German Lutheran church is
visiting his family in Grand Island since
last week
George Plumleigh of the south side
has renewed his youth about ten years
since the arrival of that daughter on the
Plumleigh farm
Miss Erma Clark of Salem Oregon
is a guest of Miss Vergie Ludwick her
cousin The Clarks will be remembered
as early settlers in McCook
August Droll drove over to Well
fleet first of week on a business trip
Wellfleet is in Lincoln county and about
forty miles north of McCook
Miss Mabel Wilcox left on Thurs
day morning for Boston Mass to be
absent a number of weeks visiting there
and at points in Northern New England
Dr W F Jones inspector for the
governments bureau of animal industry
returned close of past week from his
short stay in Utah and will remain here
some time
Mrs L M Barnes arrived from
Oberlin Kansas Monday and will make
her home with her son MGStephenson
Mrs Stephenson accompanied the
mother over from Oberlin
Mrs H W Cole and younger son
Master Hugh arrived from Geneeo 111
close of last week and have been guests
of McCook friends ths week They
departed for home Thursday
Rev C R Betts and family departed
on 13 Monday for Pueblo Colorado
where they will make their home
while Mr Betts engages in the work of
state missionary for Colorado
H H Tartsch departed Wednesday
morning for Plattsmouth called there
by the serious illness of Frank J M or
gan owner of the clothing store at this
place managed by Mr Tartsch
Rev J W Kimmel is herethis week
having his residence property one block
west of the court house repaired and put
in fine shape for sale or rent Call on
him if you want a good 7 room house
Miss Sadie Coyle arrived home Sun
day night on No 3 from a delightful
visit to St Louis relatives and the
worlds fair She resumed her position
in the postoffice on Tuesday morning
Harry Compton a Methodist mis
sionary who has been in the South
American field for the past twenty
years and is president of The National
Normal School in Quito Ecuador ar
rived in the city on 13 this morning
T H Plumleigh arrived home last
Friday night from a trip on his bicycle
down in Oklahoma Hunnewell was one
of the points visited He also was in
Beloit and Hutchinson Kansas He
covered 114 miles on his wheel last Fri
day He reports wheat yield light and
corn not very promising along the route
over which he traveled through Western
Kansas and down to the territory
Say But These Evenings Are Fine
and it is a real pleasure to take a
drive in one of those fine rubber
tired driving wagons at Colemans
fore he can have full use of the member
it is the pleasure of his friends to know
that his sight has been restored They
were in Omaha for three weeks
The ladies of the Methodist church
will serve dinner and supper during the
log rolling next week in their booth ad-
joining Grannis store
City Council Affairs
The city fathers were in regular ses
sion Monday evening all present
Bills as follows were allowed
CBGray 60 00
John Ekstedt 65 55
Lincoln Land Co 131 25
McCook Electric Light Co 97 60
JHStephens 8 90
John LeHew 4 50
C H Meeker 30 00
CB Gray 1 68
Ordinance No 118 to establish a sys
tem of sewerage passed first reading
Ordinance No 117 leasing present
city hall for three years at 8300 a year
was passed
In the matter of the complaint of
Rev C R Betts against William Lewis
for alleged selling liquors to minors the
city council decided that the city had
no ordinance giving it jurisdiction in the
W R Harvey was granted license to
run card tables in his cigar store
Petition of L M Godfrey and others
to change grade in front of their resi
dence properties in block was 8 granted
Petition of V Franklin and others
that the grade in front of Citizens Bank
Joseph Menards and A C Clydes
properties be raised twelve inches and
that the grado on Dennison street side
of Citizens Bank be raised 4 inches was
granted with modification that the
grade intersect present grade on Denni
son street at middle of alley in rear of
Petition of McCook Poultry Co for
permit to build an iron building 20x20
feet facing on Manchester and Railroad
streets and an addition 12x20 feet on rear
of same lot with wire fencing connect
ing said buildings said buildings to be
removed on or before April 1st 1905was
Ordinance No 119 empowering the
city to borrow money to pay for sewer
age system passed first reading
Adjourned to meet Saturday evening
August 13th
The Recital by Miss Barr
A large and enthusiastic audience
crowded the Baptist church Monday
evening to hear the recital by Miss Barr
who was assisted by Prof Miller of the
McCook Junior Normal The program
given was classic as the appended will
conclusively show Both were well re
ceived and there were a number of re
Rondo Opl I CJ in
Nocturne Op 15 No 2 J l
Miss Barr
Bedouin Love Song Pinsuti
Mr Miller
Sonatine I Op 99 No 1
ErsterSatz Allegro agitato R ff
Zweiter Satz Larghetto llau
Miss Barr
Honor and Arms Handel
Mr Miller
Scherzo Op 135 Rheinberger
Miss Barr
Attend Saturday Nights Meeting
On next Saturday evening the city
council will still further consider the
ordinance of the city providing for a
sewer system The ordinance has al
ready passed its first reading This is
a most important matter and the city
fathers will be more than pleased to see
a large attendence of business men and
property owners of the city You should
be interested and should be there to
learn what the provisions of the ordin
ance are This matter will entail the
expenditure of quite a large sum of
money The voting of bonds etc Do
you want it done This is another reas
on why you should be at the council
meeting tomorrow night
For Sale Cheap
My residence at corner of Madison
and Dolan streets Inquire of P FMc
Kenna McCook Nebraska
James W McKenna
For Sale
One new top buggy one new mowing
machine one good spring wagon for
sale one mile southeast of McCook
Fred Plasmyere
They Have Just Arrived
Largo stock and fine assortment of
harnesses of all kinds single double
for work purposes single drivers car
riages etc W T Coleman
What shall I get the girls to wear to
school is now heard in the land We
offer some very pretty new suitings for
the very purpose at 25c 30c and 35c
Also boys school suits from 84 down to
85c The Thompson Dry Goods Co
We have a few hammocks left which
we want to dispose of and are selling at
greatly reduced prices
McConnell Druggist
Confetti fans rubber balls hornspa
per hats resurrection plants blow outs
squirt pistols Jap lanterns and um
brellas at Cone Bros
Those one horse disc drills will be all
right for putting wheat in the corn
stalks See the supply at Colemans
Log rolling supples at Cone Bros
Took Large Audience By Storm
The Lotus Male Quartette and Minnie
Marshall Smith took a large and unusu
ally enthusiastic audience in the Menard
opera house by storm Wednesday even
ing They won their spurs in a
appearance before the Junior Nor
mal Wednesday afternoon and their
initial appearance brought them face to
face with many admirers and a notably
warm reception This warmth contin
ued throughout the entire program
every number was applauded to the
second and third generations It is safe
to say that no musical organization
large or small has ever given a McCook
audience greater pleasure The selec
tions were new of a high ordor rend
ered with an artistic finish and none
lacked the marked approbation of the
audience They were especially gener
ous in their response to encores thus
extending the regular program to more
than double its usual length Still
when the finale was announced it was
a matter of regret and surprise to all
The work of Minnie Marshall Smith
lacked not a whit of enjoyableness To
hold the average audience in recitation
requires cleverness and more than ordin
ary ability so much has ranting sot
the publics teeth on edge She met
every requirement Two and threo re
calls were the order As one expressed
it she was a whole show in herself
The Tribune feels that McCook is es
pecially fortunate in having the oppor
tunity of hearing the Lotus Quartette
and Minnie Marshall Smith
Entertain Friends At Kensington
Wednesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs Wm Lewis Mrs Anna Colfer
Mrs W F Pate and Mrs Wm Lewis
entertained about one hundred friends
at a Kensington of very pleasant partic
The house porch and lawn were util
ized in entertaining the many guests
Cut flowers in profusion wore the decor
ative feature A two course luncheon
was served in the dining rooms which
were decorated in pink and white pink
and white carnations being lavishly dis
played as center pieces on the tables
wher Mrs W P Bross and Mrs C L
Fahn istock served assisted by Mrs J
G Stokes and Miss ODonnell The
color scheme was cleverly carried
out in the refreshments served Mrs
Adele Phelan served coffee on the
porch after luncheon
It was an elaborate affair and a de
lightful exhibition of McCooks social
Corner Stone Laying August 25
It is expected that the laying of the
cornerstone of the new Methodist
church by the Grand Lodge of Nebraska
Masons will occur on Thursday August
Wheat 104 in Chicago
And the price will be just as high next
year This justifies you in buying one
of those drills at Colemans
Get a good supply of leg rolling novel
ties at Cone Bros
Menswomens and childrens shoes at
reasonable cash prices at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
It pays to put on paint that stays We
sell that kind Costs no more than the
fleeting kind McConnell Druggist
Baby Boyle is now convalescing from
a most serious illness
J C Mitchell arrived home Sunday
night from his visit in Red Cloud
Mrs V II Solliday attended the
funeral of Baby Wallace at Ilolbrook
Mr and Mrs Knud M Stangland
of Los Angeles Calif are the parents
of an eight pound daughter born last
H J Theobald of Wayne Nebr a
graduate of the law department state
university is now in Morlans law office
D M Stern is here from Hastings
attending to business matters connected
with the Stern business building ad
joining The Tribune
Mr and Mrs C B Sawyer Miss
Kate and Mrs Phoebe Pope left on 6
last night for Uuniversity Place where
the family will make its home for a
while to enable Miss Kate to continue
her work in music etc Mr Sawyer
n 4- v - i
will uuiibuiuc in uu puaiLiuu jjvic mean
while A C Weihe and family now oc
cupythe Sawyer home
C F Pade and Miss Bertha arrived
home Saturday night from Omaha
where he was twice operated upon for
removal of a cataract While his eye is
still weak and time will be required be
Next week will close the session
Rev E R Earle spoke Tuesday
Miss Mary Powers of Trenton was a
visitor Thursday
The total enrollment this week is 241
an increase of 16 for the week
G F Downing supt of Furnas coun
ty attended Wednesdays sessions
The special feature next week will be
along the line of institute work and
will bo general in character
The Slaytons next Friday evening
August 19th will conclude the entertain
ments provided for the normal
The Lotus Quartette simply captiv
ated the normalitos Wednesday aftor
noon in a 45 minuto concert in the as
Rev J J Loughran gave an earnest
talk before the assembly last Friday
morningalong lines suggesting to teach
ers things to look for
Ed C Bishop of Lincoln formerly supt
of York county addressed the normal
last Thursday and Friday His topics
Table Rural School Program
Eighth Grade Promotion Exorcises
and Rapid Drills in Arithmetic
The following entertaining program
was given Thursday
Chant School
Song School
Piano Duet Poet and Peasant
Mrs WB Mills and Ruth Wiehe
Song School
Violin Solo Lo Diadom Mr W JMcGillin
Vocal Duot On tho Field or Glory
Mr C II Miller and MrS II Martin
Song School
The following new students have en
rolled since last Friday Birdie Carty
Lottie Kennedy Frances McCarty Mc
Cook Zelma Harry Mrs Mollio Ward
Mrs Frances Kerr Palisade Mayme
Waits Myrtle Waits Orafino Ilah B
Ohlson Cambridge Ruby Weyeneth
Danbury Grace Phillips Indianola
Evelyn BesackStrattonMyrtle Quinby
Benkelman Mary Powers McCook Eva
Frazier Nellie Erickson Ilolbrook
Total enrollment 241
The examinations began this morning
and will conclude tomorrow The pro
gram is as follows
Algebra Primary Methods
Arithmetic Geography
Physics History
Grammar Civics
Geometry Music
Agriculture Drawing
Botany Orthography
School Management Physiology
School House at Auction
On SaturdayAugust 31stat 2 oclock
corner o1 Citizens Bank McCook the
Flitcraft school house together with all
furniture fencing outbuildings pump
etc will be sold to the highest bidder
for cash 8 5 2t
Heifers at Auction
Four two-year-olds and four yearlings
at Wilsons barn Saturday August 13
at 2 oclock Martin Kennedy
Alfalfa Hay for Sale
8500 per ton Phone N235
J W Randal
Time and space prevent The Tribune
giving the full program of the Sunday
school Institute to be held in Methodist
church Sunday afternoon and night
August 14th but suffice it to say that
the time will be fully taken with ad
dresses discussions papers song and
devotional services normal Bible study
etc Rev A P George field worker
for the Methodist Sunday school Union
will be the leading light Attend
Quite a number of business men have
already signified their intention of pre
paring floats and taking part in the par
ade during the log rolling next week
and The Tribune hopes that the move
ment may become general among the
business men thus assuring a fine cred
itable display It is worth the effort
and will add a very attractive feature to
the log rolling Get in line
Miss Barr of the New England Con
servatory of Music will teach a class on
the piano in McCook this winter Those
wishing to take lessons please call at
Mrs A C Weihes SOo Marshall st
A free class in Solfeggio and Technique
one dav each week
The talk of the town those 25c decor
ted tissue paper fans for 15c at Cone
Bros Only a few left
Now is the time to buy your 1905 sun
bonnets 25c ones for 15c at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
The Congregational Social in the
church last evening was quite well pat
Driving team for sale at W T Cole
0 ItT h 11HHI i
Tho Ideal Colored Artists
of America
Unexcolled nnd
Up to Dato
Over 3000 Concerts to Dato
Over 1500 Concerts During
Past 5 Yoars
Greatest of all Colored
Their Equal Does Not Exist
Tickets 35 Cents
Tickets at McConnells Monday
morning 9 oclock
McConnells for drugs
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn 3 40
Wheat -
Oats it
Hogs J 40
iggs n
Good Butter 15
Everything in drugs McConnell
Old nickery wagons and steel truck
at W T Colemans
The damage to tho county jail has
been repaired this week
For Sale Cheap Second hand Mc
Cormick mower at W T Colemans
The Tribune makes a specialty of
office stationery and type writer supplies
See us for browns in tho new fall
dress goods The Thompson Dry Goods
Arejou going to sew winter wheat
If so get a press disc drill at W T
Two furnished rooms for light house
keeping Inquire at Ludwicks furni
ture store
Thirty persons were received into full
membership in the Methodist church
last Sunday
Get you one of those cheap steel wind
mills at W T Colemans They are
tine for the money
McMillens specialties at soda foun
tian Nut sundae chop suey shredded
figs almond merangue
Hot tired and blistered feet are made
cool and comfortable with McConnells
foot powder Costs only 25 cents
Twenty new styles in ladies dress
skirts just received and nearly twenty
more styles expected any day The
latest things at surprisingly low prices
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
When you learn the value of McCon
nells blackberry balsam in giving
prompt relief from stomach and bowel
troubles you will never be without it
Buy a bottle now and have it on hand
when needed
The committee tested one of the
cement blocks to be used in the new
Methodist church at the machine shop
Wednesday It stood a pressure of ten
tons before breaking while four common
bricks broke under one ton pressureand
one Denver pressed brick under three
tons The cement block was but four
teen days old
The early fall visitor to the worlds
fair at St Louis or to our own state
fair will be pleased to know that we
have just received some very desirable
styles of our new fall jackets Havana
browns tans and castors as well as
blacks are prominent Seventy five
pieces of new fall dress goods now show
ing All the new flannelettes and kimo
no stuffs now here We invite your in
spection The Thompson Dry Goods